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9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

FEA_ Prerequisites Total points 15/15

Unit III - Finite Element Analysis

To solve FEM problems,it subdivides a large problem into small,simpler 1/1

parts that are called *

infinite elements

finite elements

static elements

dynamic elements

Which of the following is true? * 1/1

Principal stresses and von Mises stress are same.

The shear stress on principal plane is zero.

Principal stresses are always positive.

Principal stress is dependent on choice of coordinate system.

The bar elements * 1/1

can take only axial and shear loads

can take only axial loads

can take only moment loads

any take all types of loads… 1/6
9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

Shape functions are applicable to * 1/1

only linear elements.

only higher order (order more than one) elements.

only quad elements.

elements of all types and dimensions.

Which of the following is not true. * 1/1

Only stress is a tensor!

Any scalar is a tensor of rank 0.

Stress is a tensor of rank 2.

Vectors are tensor of rank 1.

The boundary conditions appropriate for a cantilever joints is * 1/1

u = 0, v = 0 , w = 0.

du/dx =0, dv/dy = 0, dw/dz = 0.

Both of the above.

d^2u/dx^2 =0, d^2v/dy^2 = 0, d^2w/dz^2 = 0.… 2/6
9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

Convergence of a finite element solution refers to * 1/1

accuracy of the finite element result.

how fast a result is obtained!

convergence to the exact solution of the mathematical model.

rate of change of calculated displacement.

Which of the following is NOT an example of non-linear FE analysis? * 1/1


Plastic deformation

Thermal stress within elastic region

All of the above.

Which of the following elements can be used in isoparametric FE 1/1

formulation? *




All of the above… 3/6
9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

Following stress-strain curve refers to * 1/1

Linear Elastic - Perfectly Plastic

Linear Elastic - Rigid

Rigid - Plastic

None of the above.

Tresca criteria * 1/1

correlates tensile stress to shear stress in tri-axial stress conditions.

correlates tensile stress to shear stress in bi-axial stress conditions.

states that yield strength in shear is 0.577 times the yield strength in tension.

states that yield strength in shear is half of yield strength in tension.… 4/6
9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

Following stress-strain curve refers to * 1/1

Elastic - Plastic

Rigid - Elastic

Rigid - Elastic with Strain Hardening

Rigid - Plastic with Strain Hardening

A car crashes head-on into a heavier truck. Which of the following 1/1
statements is true as a result of the collision? *

The car will experience a greater impulse than the truck.

The car will experience a greater change in momentum than the truck.

Magnitude of acceleration experienced by the car will be > that experienced by

the truck.

Magnitude of acceleration experienced by the truck will be > that experienced by the
truck.… 5/6
9/8/2020 FEA_ Prerequisites

In a typical Finite Element analysis * 1/1

Reactions are calculated first and then stresses followed by displacements

Displacements are calculated first followed by stresses

All calculations are done simulataneously during matrix inversion

None of the above

If you had one aluminium(A) and one copper(C) cylinder of equal cross- 1/1
sectional areas (2 sq-m) and both cylinders are loaded with a force of
200 N, which cylinder will have the higher stress? *


can't say

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 Forms… 6/6

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