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1. Explain Floating-out type launching with neat sketch.

Ans: Those ships which are built in dry-docks, are launched with floating-out technique.
Under this technique, the ships are launched by filling the dock with water. It is not only
simple, but safe and effective as well. It is the most widely used technique. First the ship is
moored safely to the dock. Then with huge pumps the dock is flooded with sea water, when
the sea level and the water in the dock level is same, the gates of the dock is opened. Then
with tugs the ship is towed back from the dock. If the ship must be launched from floating
dock, the floating dock is ballasted and the ship is lowered back to the water.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stern launching.

Ans: Advantages:
 Provisions and equipment used to hold the vessel in slipway is simple as compared to
other methods.
 Ships with less transverse stability can be launched in this method.
 Less splashing of water in this method thus post launching movement of ship is
 As all ships have greater longitudinal stability, minimal errors and problems in this
 Large quantity of grease and lubricants are required which must pollute the
 This method cannot be used when the backwater is limited, as it is launched
longitudinally the shore line bust be deep and long enough.
 The ship must be more longitudinally stronger
 As the stern enters first, it acquires buoyancy first, thus the ship pivots at its forward
end. Thus, the ship’s forward part is under huge pressure it must be strong enough.

3. What are the various forces on the ships during launching?

Ans: Vessels Weight: The static forces are due to the difference in the weight and buoyancy,
which occur throughout the ship. The ship structure has its own weight and through its centre
of gravity these forces act downward. When the vessel is placed in cradle, it exerts force on
the cradle. When it is launched it exerts the same load to the water, and the water due to
displacement it exerts an upward force as buoyancy.
These forces create:
• Longitudinal stress
• Transverse stress
• Local stress
The greatest stress set in the ship as wholes are due to the distribution of load along the ship,
causing longitudinal bending.
Longitudinal Stress: The forces are two in number, the weight of the ship and all that it
carries acting downwards and the vertical component of the hydrostatic pressure. Depending
upon the direction in which the bending moment acts the ship will Hog or Sag.
Hogging: If the buoyancy amidships exceeds the weight due to loading or when the wave
crest is amidships, the ship will Hog, as a beam supported at mid length and loaded at the
Sagging: If the weight amidships exceeds the buoyancy or when the wave trough amidships
the ship will sag, as a beam supported at an end and loaded at mid length.
Transverse Stress: A transverse section of amidships is subjected to static pressure due to the
surrounding water as well as internal loading due to the weight of the structure, cargo, etc.
Hydrostatic forces: A ship floating at rest in calm water is acted upon by two forces, weight
and buoyancy. Weight is the downward force on the ship. The total weight force (W) acts on
the ship as if it were concentrated at the balancing point or the centre of gravity (G).
Buoyancy is the upward force of all the hydrostatic pressures on the hull. The horizontal
components of the water pressures on unit areas of the ship’s sides and bottom, increasing
with depth, act in opposite directions and cancel each other. The vertical components of the
water pressures on unit areas combine to form an upward force (B) equal to the weight of the
water displaced by the underwater hull volume. This weight varies slightly with the specific
gravity of the water. The centre of buoyancy (B) lies at the geometric centre of the immersed
Dynamic loads: When ship is launched, after launching due to waves dynamic loads act on
the vessel. Low-frequency dynamic loads are loads that vary in time with periods ranging
from a few seconds to several minutes, and therefore occur at frequencies that are sufficiently
low compared to the frequencies of vibratory response of the hull

4. Explain about launching calculation.

 At the point at which the moment of buoyancy about the fore poppet equals the
moment of weight about the fore poppet, the stern lifts.
 The difference between the weight and buoyancy curves at the position of stern lift is
the maximum force on the fore poppet.
 The curve of the moment of buoyancy about the aft end of the ways must lie wholly
above the curve of the moment of weight; the least distance between the two curves of
the moment about the aft end of ways; gives the least moment against tipping about
the end of ways.
 Crossing of the weight and buoyancy curves before the after end of ways, indicates
that the fore poppet will not drop off the end of the ways
In order to ensure a safe launch, calculations are carried out to confirm that:
 The vessel will not tip bow up about the after end of the ways. This requires that, once
G has passed the way end, the moment of buoyancy about the way end always
exceeds the moment of weight about the way end.
 The maximum loads on the fore poppet (cradle) are sustainable both by the poppet
structure and by the hull. If necessary internal shoring/temporary structure may be
used to strengthen the hull locally. Max poppet load occurs at the point of stern lift
where the moment of buoyancy about the fore poppet has risen to equal the moment
of weight about the fore poppet
 The fore poppet load drops to zero before the fore poppet passes the way end. This is
to ensure that the bow does not forcibly drop off the way end, possibly resulting in the
bow pitching down onto the river bed with consequent structural damage. The fore
poppet load F=W−BF=W−B.
 The vessel must remain statically stable, despite the load on the fore poppet, for the
whole travel after the point at which the stern lifts. The least stable position is at the
point of stern lift.
 The pressures between the sliding and ground ways should be sustainable by the
lubricating grease
 This implies limitations on both the average pressure over the whole of the contact
area and on the peak pressure (occurring at one end of the contact area).
 The speed achieved during the launch must be controlled, and drag chains must be
chosen to stop the vessel within the limits of safe travel defined usually by the width
of the river.
5. Explain about model and large-scale experiments of launching.
Ans: Model test is a test done on a small-scale model of ship in exact condition of launching
to see how the ship is performing during launching. This test can be done for both end-
launched & side launched vessel by launching properly ballasted model into water filled
launching basin.
Model and large-scale test data are required on which to base calculations for future and
completed launching. From model tests the motions of both end launching and side launching
vessels can be determined by launching a properly ballasted model into a water filled model
launching basin.
Full scale test includes the following:
Launch Grease temperature and pressure resistance: This can best be observed at an actual
launching. For pre-launching evaluation of observed of different makes of grease, or
evaluation of the effect of different pressures and temperatures, a section of ground way can
be greased and loaded by means of a sliding way section placed on the grease and ballasted to
give the desired unit pressure on the grease. Test should be performed in an enclosure where
temperature can be controlled.
Launch Grease Coefficients of Starting and Sliding Friction: Coefficients can best be
determined by analysis of launching data or by reference to reported data.
Burn-off Release Strength: The resultant force down the way can be determined if the
number of broken segment and the ultimate strength of one segment are known. A test
specimen representing a segment of burn off plate, the segment being bound on either side by
drilled hole, can be tested in a tensile testing machine.
Drag Resistance: Chain or other drags can be pulled over broken up ground, or other surface,
by a crane or locomotive, the resistance being measured by a dynamometer.
Wood Crushing Resistance: Resistance of fore poppet or other crushing packing can be
measured in a testing machine. Test specimen widths and thicknesses should be to scale.
Current Velocity: Launching should be at slack water, if such exists, to avoid slewing on the
ways of end launching vessels and to facilitate the post launch handling of end, side and
platform launched vessels. Launching basin, water movement can be averaged by means of a
buoyed line of length equal to maximum draft of the vessel to be launched, the line having a
weight at its lower end and baffles along its length. Repeated observations of the buoy will
indicate the interval between slack water and high water or other reference event. Wind, river
stage, and point on tidal cycle should be considered.
Tidal Height: Actual tide height and time before launching should be observed or recorded by
a recording gage for comparison with predicted heights and times based on tide tables.
Water Depths: Availability of sufficient water depth to avoid the possibility of vessel or its
cradle touching the ground should be verified sufficiently far in advance of the launching to
permit any necessary dredging.

1. Explain about the various shops in outfitting department.
Ans: Pipe Shop Various shops in outfitting department are:
1. Machine shop
2. Electrical shop
3. Pipe Shop
4. Woodwork shop
5. Hull shop
6. Instrumentation Shop
Machine shop: The shop where all machineries which is used for fabricating outfitting items
it is considered one of a main shop because this will have all operational machines without
the outfitting of a ship can be done.
Electrical shop: where all electrical related items are fabricated like cable trays, supports, etc.
Even some of the panel foundation are to be fabricated here.
Pipe shops: shipyard pipe shops are totally automated, although most shipyards seem to keep
some manual work, to take care of large, unique or difficult pipe pieces. Robot pipe cutting,
flanging, pultrusioning and bending is all required to achieve competitive productivity in
moderate to high volume pipe fabrication.
Woodwork shops: All wood works are done here equipped with wood cutter and shaper.
Hull shop:
All hull steel related work carried out here which includes:
 laser cutting and marking
 both wet and dry plasma cutting and marking of plate parts,
 automatic cartridge stowage systems for structural profiles,
 robot profile line one sided welding,
 laser welding,
 panel cutting (perimeter) and marking,
 large and small panel lines with robot stiffener welding, robot welding for web
 pin jigs on movable platform to provide limited panel line flow to curved block
 grand block construction.
Instrumentation shops: where are typical instruments like navigational and radio related
instruments to be calibrated as per the requirement.

2. What are the merits & demerits of advanced outfitting

Ans: The merits of advanced outfitting are:
 Levelling of work load
 Shorter overall building time
 Savings in staging costs
 Better access/work conditions
 Better workmanship
The possible restrictions and requirements for implementation are:
 Number of berths or dock time may be limited (economic problem as to whether hull
erection sequence modified or launch date delayed to facilitate outfitting).
 A limited launch weight or overall distribution of weights (e.g. main engines,
accommodation block, etc).
 Limited crane capacity (e.g. in the case of heavy machinery or complete deck house).
 Sub-contractor’s items required at much earlier stage.
 Large storage areas may be required to complete outfitting and painting prior to
 Dependent on early and efficient planning and a good liaison between hull steel and
outfit departments in order to integrate the two functions.

3. How the hull blocks are made? Explain in detail with the flow chart.
Ans: Once all the design process is over the production of hull starts. Nowadays the whole
hull is not built as a single piece. But today by construction the hull is divided longitudinally
into blocks, and each block is again divided into assemblies and sub-assemblies.
After plates and sections are machined, they are ready to be welded into two dimensional
structures called sub-assemblies. This is carried out in the Prefabrication Shops. A sub
assembly would consist of a plate (Straight of curved), and its corresponding strengthening
stiffeners welded to it. For example, for a particular block, a panel of outer bottom shell and
outer bottom longitudinal would form a sub assembly. Assemblies may be prepared by
manual welding or automatic welding,
depending on the complexity of the
job and the efficiency of the shipyard.
Often, flat panels are manufactured by
automatic welding, where the
stiffeners are marked on the panel, and
welded by robotically controlled
welding torches.
Adjacent sub-assemblies are
welded together to form three
dimensional structures called block
assemblies. The size of assemblies is
decided in the designing stages, considering the carnage capacities and special layout of the
shipyard. It is ensured by all shipyards that all joining processes are carried out mostly by
down hand welding. In case of blocks towards the aft of the ship where equipment and
pipework are a major part of the blocks, first the assembly is upturned to fir the piping on the
underside, and overturned again by cranes for fitting of the equipment. For example, the
double bottom is used to house pipes, and most of the equipment are housed on foundations
over the double bottom plating. In order to manufacture such an assembly with a pipe and
associated pipework, first the assembly is turned so that the pipework can be installed on the
underside of the double bottom. The assembly is them overturned by cranes for the pump to
be erected on the double bottom plating.
The assemblies are erected and welded to their adjacent structures in the above
sequence. The sequence is pre-decided in the design and modelling stage using CAD/CAM
optimisation techniques, so that minimum shifting of assemblies is required, and proper use
of carnage facilities is ensured. Once all blocks are erected based on their welding sequences,
they are now ready to be joined.

4. What are the considerations to be taken care while Marking?

Ans: The ship’s hull is always built in blocks which are single units which combine to form
full ship in the end during construction of the block there are many processes takes place
which in shipyard carried out by different shops from where the output get a assembled as a
unit or block the different processes which takes place while the block is being constructed
 Plate cutting
 Prefabrication
 Panel fabrication
 Deck laying
 Deck marking
 Assembly of stiffeners or secondary strengthening member
 Erection of pre-fabricated longitudinal gridders
 Erection of pre-fabricated transverse gridders
 Erection of bulkheads
 Erection of shell assembly
 Inspection
 Major assembly
When the structural members are ready after cutting phase the deck plate have to be
laid on the skid which In other words called as jigs and pins after complete assembly of deck
plate as per the detailed drawing all the markings are to be marked on top of the deck plate
using chalk powder and thread and to be metal punched to show the accurate positions of
primary and secondary members when the plate is cut in major yards they mark the member
with the expected assembly line on it but after assembly this marking to be made again to
ensure the machine marking can be having change due to deformation. The importance of
this marking is to ensure exact position of the structural member on deck and to avoid faulty
fit up of the same and it give a fair idea to the onsite person where to put what without seeing
the diagram often which will reduce the time of production and increase the accuracy in
fabrication and this marking gives an accurate idea to everyone on the assembly site and give
an overall picture of the block.

5. Give a neat sketch of accommodation layout in ships.

Ans: The part of the ship which is used for cabins, dining areas and other crew facilities.
SOLAS defines accommodation spaces as spaces used for public spaces, corridors, lavatories,
cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, games and hobby rooms, barber shops, pantries containing
no cooking appliances and similar spaces.

1. Explain Gap & Sag Method & Optical Sighting methods shaft alignment is done in
Ans: The gap and sag method use precalculated flange measurements to establish the
alignment, to be carried out whilst the flange couplings are disconnected. The advantages of
this method include the simplicity of the measuring equipment and the ease of control in both
the horizontal and vertical directions. The disadvantages are limited accuracy and the lack of
applicability in the service condition. The latter is significant, as it is advisable to check the
alignment of the shafting system whilst the machinery is hot.
The optical sighting or laser sighting method is more accurate than the gap and sag method. It
uses high-quality sighting equipment and is generally used before the shafts are installed and
coupled up. Optical sighting is often used to establish the reference line and the position of
the engine supports and for determining how to bore the stern tube. Alignment and
verification follow by means of the gap and sag method and final alignment control by the
jacking and strain gauge method.

2. Explain the procedure to install the main engine in ship

Ans: The enormous structure of the main engine consists of several moving parts (both
rotating and reciprocating) which transmits the engine mechanical power to the propeller for
moving the ship further. As all the components of the main engine are under different forces,
the engine must be secured to the ship firmly to avoid any damage due to excessive
While installing the engine, first the whole engine-its crankshaft, intermediate shaft and
propeller shaft along with propeller are aligned in a straight line. This is done by following a
brief procedure:
 Clear the area where chocks and holding down bolts are to be fitted.
 Prepare the chock well before time by mixing hardener and resin as required by the
weight or volume ratio.
 All holes for bolts must be kept pre-drilled and bolts available but not be inserted.
 Prepare foam dam for chock’s installation.
 Ensure there is no hot work going on nearby the operating place.
 The pouring temperature must be more than 25 °C. If less, heat the solution while
 Fit a holding bolt in the hole drilled and spray releasing agent chemical on them
 Pour resin mixture around the inserted bolt

3. Draw a typical engine room layout in ship.

4. Discuss the scope of advanced outfitting in Indian shipbuilding industry.
Ans: The infrastructure available in our shipyards is ancient and not suited to modern
shipbuilding at optimum cost, quality and time frames. Nevertheless, we have built warships
at defence shipyards. However, we are not happy because the manhours taken by our
shipyards to build a frigate / destroyer is more than 10 times that taken by modern shipyards
abroad. Also, the calendar months taken by our shipyards to build a frigate /destroyer have
been three times those taken by foreign / modern shipyards. The excess calendar months
canto some extent be attributed to delays in decision-making, indigenisation and delays in the
availability of payload and other nominated equipment, which are beyond the shipyard’s
control. However, the very manhours taken do account for the lack of productivity, which can
be attributed to not so modern facilities available in our shipyards and also to room for
improvement in ship production, management, and working environment of Indian worker
and lack of multi skilled work force concept.
In spite of this not so encouraging scenario, we still produce warships that are cheaper
than those manufactured anywhere else in the world. This is because of the relatively lower
labour rates and also due to prices of equipment purchased from the former Soviet Union and
Russia have been highly competitive and economical to us. On an average, the shipyard effort
in a shipbuilding programme is about 40 percent of the total cost. If this 40 per cent
component (having taken 10 times more man-hours) is still cheaper in India, we can foresee
the enormous advantage in improving productivity to match the man-hours to international
standards. We can then produce warships at costs that are most economical and even foreign
shipyards will not be able to compete. This is possible because the shipbuilding labour rates
in India are about one fifteenth of those in Europe, one tenth of those in Japan / USA and one
fifth of those in Korea

5.Explain the piping system installation in ships.

Ans: No matter which installation method is used; the main steps of installation are as
Cleaning the pipes and fittings: Before being installed, all pipes and fittings should be
cleaned ensuring that there is no dirty oil and sediments exist, especially inside the pipes. At
present, in some cases this step is skipped due to the tight production schedule. This should
be discouraged.
Installing support: It is important from an economical point of view to install supports and
hangers that form part of piping system earlier so the necessity to install temporary supports
will not arise. Supports are used to secure pipes on the hull structures or other objects.
Connecting pipes: Large piping, hangers and supports require lifting equipment for the
operation for which sufficient clear space must be available. After pipe spools have been
lifted and are aligned, preferably starting from a fixed position such as a pump outlet or
vessel nozzle, necessary connections between various pipe spools, valves, and vessels or
pumps can be accomplished. When flanged joints are involved, the necessary gaskets are
inserted and the bolts will be lightly tightened. Final tightening of bolts in flanged joints
should only proceed when a piping system is completely installed between two fixed-end
positions. If a pipe passes through bulkhead, deck or hull structure, a hole should be made. If.
the structure part is watertight, penetration piece should be used and welding is necessary to
maintain the watertight.
Testing: After a piping system is completely installed and required inspection of its
component parts (i.e. X-ray of butt welds) has been satisfactorily completed, a hydrostatic
test can be performed. A system does test should then be described on a data sheet, indicating
the exact boundaries of the tested area. Such a data sheet will then represent a record that
gives all available data, including testing media and applied pressure.
Flushing: Flushing should be carried out for specified pipes according to the procedure,
stipulated in the specification. Usually, the following piping systems should be flushed, using
the mentioned method:
 Fuel oil - To be circulated by flushing oil.
 Lubrication oil - To be circulated by flushing oil or system oil.
 Compressed air - To be blown out by compressed air.
 Hydraulic oil - To be circulated by flushing oil or system oil.
Insulation: Insulation is normally applied to piping systems to prevent any heat exchange to
take place between the fluid carried in the pipe and the exterior surroundings. It is thus
applicable- to prevent heat loss from a pipe carrying a warm or hot fluid. Alternately,
insulation may be designed to keep a low-temperature fluid from increasing its temperature.
Painting: Painting should be done after the installation to rectify damaged surfaces. Painting
with different colours should be used for distinguishing different piping systems

1. Describe how Steering / Rudder trials conducted in harbour Condition?
Ans: Steering / Rudder trials were conducted in harbour condition is to know the vessel
handling capacity. Steering system is in constant use when the ship is underway, and any
failure or malfunction may result in disaster. The steering system usually consists of: a
steering gear, a control equipment, a rudder carrier, a rudder and a rudder horn. The steering
gear provides a movement of the rudder in response to a signal from the bridge. The control
equipment conveys a signal of ordered rudder angle from the bridge and activates the steering
gear to move the rudder to the desired angle. The three basic requirements of steering gear
 To be continuously available, move the rudder rapidly to any position of degrees in
response to the order from the bridge during manoeuvring and hold it in the required
 Have arrangements for relieving abnormal stress and returning it to its required
 Maintain the ship on course regardless of wind and waves.
The regulations SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 26 and 33 CFR Chapter 1 164.25
“Tests before entering or getting underway” have to be complied with. During stays in port
between voyages or passages a test is to be carried out within 12 hours of the estimated time
of "stand by departure". Normal acceptable practice is one hour before departure, with all the
generator/alternator engines required for standby on line, and bridge and engine room watch
keeping officers on duty.
During this operation, the remote rudder angle indicators are to be checked for
accuracy with the master indicator affixed to the steering gear. The ammeter readings from
both motors are to be recorded in the engine room log. The time taken for the rudder to move
from hard over (35 degrees) from one side to the other is to be recorded for both motors
singly and then both together. These are to be compared with the manufacturer’s specified
Trials are carried out to demonstrate the timing of steering gear operation from 35
deg. On one side to 30 deg on the other side and vice versa with single pump (one pump after
another) is demonstrated, the requirement being 28 secs., with ship at full ahead rpm at the
start of each trial. The operation with both pumps in operation is also demonstrated though it
is not mandatory as per IMO guidelines this trial is also carried out at half power of the main
engine. Similar tests are carried out at 50% of power.

2. Briefly explain how Anchor trials conducted in harbour Condition?

Ans: The anchor trials conducted in harbour condition is to prove the performance of the
anchor handling equipment’s, which includes windlass, anchor chains, chain stopper and
other related auxiliary machineries. The ABS, Lloyd’s, and all have specific requirements for
the testing of anchor windlasses.
ABS require each anchor windlass is to be tested under normal working conditions to
demonstrate satisfactory operation. Each unit is to be tested for braking, clutch functioning,
power lowering, hoisting, and proper riding of the chain through hawsepipe, over the wildcat,
through the chain pipe, and stowing in the chain locker. Also, it must be demonstrated that
the windlass is capable of lifting each anchor with 82.5 m (fathoms) length of chain
submerged and hanging free, where the available water depth is insufficient, a proposed test
method will be considered.
Lloyd’s requires the anchor windlass to be able to lift the anchor from a depth of 82.5 m to a
depth of 27.5 m at a mean speed of 9m/min during trials Lloyd’s makes exception to this
requirement where the water depth in the trial zone is inadequate, suitable equivalent
simulating conditions will be considered as an alternative. Test for shafting, gearing, brakes,
and clutches are to be accomplished in the shop, or by type testing.
The JIS requires a no-load test, a load test, a brake test, and a performance test. The
text does not specify if the required testing is to be done by the manufacturer as a shop test, or
by the shipyard as onboard test. The no-load test states that the windlass shall be run once in
the normal and once in the reverse direction for a sum of 30 minutes at the rated speed. The
method of load testing is not specified, however the agreed upon method shall verify that the
working load, rated speed, and overload pull are attainable. The working load is based on the
type of chain selected, and the windlass should be able to continuously pull the working load
for 30 minutes.
The overload pull is 150% of the working load, and the windlass should be able to
operate under the overload pull for 2 minutes at reduced speed. The rated hoisting speed shall
be .15 m/sec (9m/min) or more. The brake test shall confirm the holding power of the brake,
either by test or calculation. The holding load is 130% of the working load. The brake shall
also be tested onboard with the anchor dropping controlling the holding load by applying the
brake at each half chain length. Performance testing shall include confirmation of remote-
control operation, automatic control brake system, and the clutch and slipping clutch.
The proper performance of vessel’s anchoring equipment is demonstrated. The depth
of water for carrying out the trials is specified by the classification rules. The anchors are
lowered, during the trials to water level and then the anchors are allowed to drop freely
(without gear control or brake control). The brake function is checked at intervals before the
required length of chain is lowered and brake holding is demonstrated. The anchor is then
hauled up on gear, to demonstrated that the anchor can be hauled up at the required speed
(min speed required is 9m/min).

3. Write in detail how Engines tested in harbour Condition?

Ans: main engines are tested at the manufacturers’ works for its rated capacity before the
despatch of the main engines for installation on board the ship. Though the engines,
especially for the merchant marine operations, are all designed to operate with bunker oils the
shop trials are normally carried out using diesel oil only. The shop trials of main engines are
very important, since the data recorded during the shop trials form the basic reference
parameters for the subsequent performance evaluation of engine during the service, since the
engine is loaded gradually from low load to full load- in steps, and is operated with steady
load condition, for continuously for the specified period, with a water brake as the load. The
curves of performance are drawn for
 Power vs RPM
 Power vs SFOC
 Power vs T/C Inlet Temp
 Power vs T/C outlet Temp
 Power vs P comp
 Power vs P max
 Power vs P scav.
 Power vs MEP
The crank-web deflection readings are taken before the start of test and at the end of test (hot
condition) which form the reference values for further alignment condition check after
installation on board the ship.
The trials include recordings recording:
 Ambient temperature and pressure,
 Cooling water inlet temperature and outlet
 temperature for turbochargers and jacket
 cooling water (outlet of each cylinder),
 Turbine rpm
 Lube oil inlet and outlet temperatures for main bearings,
 Charge air temperature,
 Exhaust temperatures for each cylinder,
 Fuel oil consumption
 Power on water brake
Generally, after the shop trials the engine parts such as one main bearing, piston and
one liner are examined by the trials team for any damages. Magnetic particle test is carried
out for the sump oil to check for any metallic particles. Since load conditions are not steady
over the a given period of trial and measurement cannot be accurate in sea conditions, the
Fuel consumption guarantee for the main engine is always given on the basis of measurement
taken at shop trials only. The fuel consumption measured at sea trials is for verification only.

4. Explain how Generators tested in harbour Condition?

Ans: Procedure:
1. Align the diesel generator electrical power plant as necessary to perform the following
test requirements. It should be noted that the system, which includes the diesel
generators with local control panels, operating panels located in ECR, control sections
located on the high voltage switch boards, and the high voltage switch boards, will not
necessarily be in a normal operating condition during these tests.
2. Operational Tests of Auxiliary Equipment Demonstrate proper operation of the
following auxiliary equipment: Main Diesel Engine Fuel Booster pumps, Turning
Gears, Pre-Lube Oil pumps and Generator Pre- Lube Oil pumps. During operation of
each system, record all pump/motor operating data, as listed, on data sheet provided.
Design data not shown on the data sheet shall be obtained from subject equipment
nameplate data, and entered on the data sheet.
3. Operational Test - Prove proper operation of local and manual controls associated
with the main diesel generator’s safety and alarm systems IAW references 2.9 through
2.10. Record all data, as listed, on data sheets provided.
4. Operational Test- Demonstrate proper operation of oil mist detectors and generator
heaters. Record all data, as listed, on data sheets provided.
5. Load Test – Prior to load test, perform cold megger readings before start-up of diesel.
Align each main diesel generator electrical system and perform four-hour load test.
Immediately upon completion of load test remove load as quickly and safely as
possible, shutdown diesel generator and perform hot megger readings. Record all
data, as listed, on data sheets provided.
6. Transient Load Test - Demonstrate proper response of each main diesel generator’s
governor with respect to momentary speed variations. This will be proven by using a
load bank or equivalent. As per manufacturer requirements and classification
approval, a maximum of 35% load will be applied at one time. A shipyard provided
chart recorder will be used to record line voltage, current and frequency. Record al
data, as listed, on data sheet provided.
7. Reverse Power Relays Test - Prove proper operation of main diesel generator reverse
power relays. Demonstrate the ability of each reverse power relay to trip their
respective generator breaker utilizing all possible combinations of diesel generators.
Record all data, as listed, on data sheet provided

5. Briefly explain how Provision cranes & Lifting Davits?

Ans: Procedure:
1. Proof Load Test - The proof load testing of the provision cranes will be carried out
using known moveable weights. The proof is equal to the SWL plus 25%, for these
cranes the proof load is 6.25 metric tons. Demonstrate the cranes ability to handle the
proof load through all conditions representing intended service. Verify hoisting,
luffing, slewing, and lowering throughout the entire range of travel. Observe for any
signs of permanent damage or deformation. Record all operating data, as listed, on
data sheets.
2. Brakes and Fail-safe Devices - Demonstrate the operation of the provision crane brake
under simulated loss of power conditions. Prove proper operation of the emergency
manual stop. Verify the proper operation of safeties and fail-safe devices IAW
reference 2.6. Record all in a data sheet.
3. Demonstrate proper fit-up of provision crane boom and hook in the stowage
arrangement Record results on data sheets.
4. Verify proper fit-up of the portable davits in each socket, demonstrate that davits can
be rotated without using excessive force. Verify proper fit-up of davit boom in each
5. Davit Operational Test - The proof load testing of the davits will be carried out using
known moveable weights. The proof is equal to the SWL plus 25%, for these davits
the proof load is 1.25 metric tons. Demonstrate each davits ability to handle the proof
load through all conditions representing intended service. Observe for any signs of
permanent damage or deformation.
6. Demonstrate operation of air powered winch for fixed davit.

1. Explain how Turning Circle trial
Ans: Turning circles should be performed to both
right and left with 35 degrees rudder angle or the
maximum design rudder angle permissible at the
test speed. The essential information to be
obtained from this maneuver consists of tactical
diameter, advance, and transfer. Also, of interest
are the final ship speed and yaw rate in the
"steady state" of the turning circle. A turning
circle of at least 540 degrees should be completed
to determine the main parameters of the maneuver
and allow correction for any drift caused by a
steady current or wind. With the ship in the trial
condition and proceeding ahead at the maximum trial shaft RPM, with either steering power
unit, move the rudder at maximum rate and perform the following maneuvers:
1. Move rudder to Hard over Right and hold until ship's heading has changed 540 degrees.
2. Resume a straight course and restore speed.
3. Move Rudder to Hard over Left and hold until ship's heading has changed 540 degrees.
4. Resume a straight course.
The following data should be recorded or derived and presented as table format:
a) Time of test, and base course.
b) Rudder angle.
c) Compass reading to nearest degree every 10 seconds that ship is in the turning maneuver.
d) Time elapsed and advance from start of rudder movement and clearing base course using
GNSS data.
e) Ship's position at suitable intervals from GNSS equipment. If GNSS equipment is not
installed, ship's track should be obtained by radar, shore station tracking, or visual
observation of the wake. Observation intervals should coincide with heading data intervals.
f) Shaft RPM at beginning and end of each circle.
g) Depth of water and sea condition. h) Wind direction and velocity. i) Trial draft fore and

2. Explain how Spiral maneuvering trial conducted?

Ans: Where any question about stability exists, a spiral test will be required. Ship's speeds
most un favourable to directional stability at trial draft should be estimated and specified for
the test. Since this test may be adversely affected by the elements, it should be conducted
only in relatively calm seas, i.e., sea state 3 or less, and winds of less than 10 knots. With the
ship in the specified trial condition and
proceeding ahead at the designated speed and
on a steady course, using either steering
power unit, conduct the maneuver as follows:
1. Turn the rudder 20 degrees to right and
hold until the turning rate becomes steady.
2. Move the rudder to the following settings
and hold at each until the turning rate in
degrees per second becomes steady: 20oR,
15oR, 10oR, 5oR, 3oR, 1oR, 0o , 1oL, 3oL, 5oL,
10oL, 15oL, 20oL, 15oL, 10oL, 5oL, 3oL,
1oL,0o , 1oR, 3oR, 5oR, 10oR, 15oR, 20oR.
A steady turning rate is the difference
between successive ship headings and should
be noted as the test progresses. When these differences are reasonably constant for at least six
consecutive readings, data is recorded and the rudder is ordered to the next setting. The
following data should be recorded.
(a) Before starting the test:
1) Time of test and base course.
2) Ship speed and corresponding RPM.
3) Wind velocity and direction.
4) Depth of water and sea condition.
5) Trial draft.
(b) During the test:
1) Rudder angle.
2) Gyro compass reading every 10 seconds to the smallest fraction of degree readable. Rate
of change of headings should be plotted for each rudder position.
3. Briefly explain how Zig-Zag Manoeuvring trial conducted?
Ans: Procedure: With the ship in
trial condition and proceeding ahead
into the wind at the maximum trial
shaft RPM, with either steering
power unit, move the rudder at
maximum rate and perform the
following maneuvers:
1. Move the rudder from centre to
10 degrees right - hold until ship's
heading is 10 degrees to the right of
the original course.
2. Move the rudder from 10 degrees
right to 10 degrees left hold until
ship's heading is 10 degrees to the
left of the original course.
3. Move the rudder from 10 degrees left to 10 degrees right hold until the ship's heading is 10
degrees to the right of the original course.
4. Move the rudder from 10 degrees right to centre hold until original heading is restored.
Steady on original course.
At least one standard type "Z" Maneuver should be performed at the test speed. The
10° /10° test is preferred as it provides better discrimination between ship characteristics. The
20°/20° test should also be included to provide a comparison with data available from earlier
tests. The 20°/10° tests are frequently performed in long towing basins, in narrow waters, and
for reasons of special analysis the following data should be recorded or derived:
a) Time of test and base course.
b) Time rudder is held at each position.
c) Shaft RPM at beginning and end of test.
d) Depth of water and sea condition.
4. Briefly explain how Anchor trials conducted in Sea trial?
Ans: Procedure:
 Lower the port side anchor to water level by controlling the windlass drive.
 Let go by free-fall three (3) shots of port anchor chain to water. During this operation,
test the windlass brake by holding it every half (1/2) shot.
 Check whether there are three (3) shots anchor chain between chain compressor and
 Hoist the port side anchor until the anchor is stowed at its home position.
 During this process measure the time and calculate the average speed in meters per
minute. Normal windlass is designed for 9 m/min.
 Also, during this process measure the amperage, voltage drop in case of electric drive
and engine power otherwise. Apart from this check the oil pressure.
 Repeat the above steps for starboard windlass.
Check Points:
 Ensure that the sea conditions are satisfactory
 Confirm if the hauling speed is above 9 m/min
 Verify that the anchor chain water wash in the hawse pipe is functioning correctly and
that the nozzles are directed for effective chain wash.
 Check if the tongue of the chain stopper can be put in place and secured
 Ensure that the chain cover can be closed and bolted in place (ILLC requirement)
 Confirm if the anchor windlass is aligned with chain stopper and hawsepipe. Once can
check the rubbing of the chain to verify this.
 Verify if the white paint on the chain at every shot (shackle) denoting the shackle
(shot) number is not erased

5. Explain how Engines tested in sea trial

Ans: The driving and prime component of a ship on failure can make even the most
experienced sailors and engineers worried and hence almost 9 measurements are taken while
testing the main engine during sea trials. The primary purpose of Economy Trials is to
determine fuel consumption. An ancillary purpose is to establish an RPM/SHP relationship
under trial conditions.
Operating Conditions: Uniform operating conditions should be maintained throughout each
trial run. To establish steady operating conditions for economy measurements, a period of
warming up or adjustments should be allowed prior to trial runs. Steady-state conditions
should be proven prior to starting economy trials.
Helm changes should be held to a minimum and course changes should be made with
no more than 5 degrees rudder. The test director must be informed when ship navigation
necessitates the change in ship’s speed or the use of more than 5 degrees rudder. An
announcement should be made to suspend and/or resume affected measurements when under
these conditions.
Measurements and Instrumentation:
(a) General trial observations should include all pertinent time intervals, pressures,
temperatures, flow rates, levels, revolutions, combustion conditions, and other characteristics
of operation, as may be required to satisfy the trial objectives.
(b) Power method of determining shaft power should be as agreed before trials. Suitable
measuring apparatus, methods of measuring, and methods of computing shaft power but it is
not intended to limit or restrict the use of the measuring equipment to types described therein.
(c) Revolutions accurate and reliable trial shaft counters suitably interfaced with the trial
signal system or data reduction system should be installed and checked out prior to the start
of the sea trials.
(d) Fuel Measurements. Measurements of fuel quantity should be made by flow rate meters,
which should be calibrated before and after trials and the calibration correction applied to the
observed trial data.
(e) Other Measurements. Measurements of pressure and temperature which materially affect
trial results should be obtained from calibrated test gages and thermometers installed for the
trial. Data from ship's gages, thermometers and instruments may be used for trial purposes
provided these instruments have been calibrated and set to read correctly in the operating
Measurements of water flow, when required, should be made with calibrated water
meters installed for this purpose. Ship's installed meters may be used if calibrated. Modern
engine electronic control systems are another resource of performance data onboard.
Information from these systems can be useful during trials if high accuracy under trial
conditions is known. Data points from sea trials can be used to verify the accuracy of these
systems to assist the operator in optimizing performance.

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