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Langganan Perkhidmatan Pemantauan Media Antarabangsa Online

Tajuk Templat: Mengenai Malaysia untuk Sumber Rujukan Liputan Media Kementerian
Luar Negeri dan Perwakilan Malaysia di Seberang Laut.
Jenis Item: Perkhidmatan
Jenis Barangan: Impot

Kekerapan Bil. Bil. Unit

/ Unit
UOM Kuantiti
Item Unit Ukuran Ukuran
Ukuran Sehari Sebulan
A. Mandatory Services 1. Media Months 1 1
Monitoring Tool a. Propose an
d. The selection of media content shall be
unified media monitoring tool
determined using keywords provided by the Ministry
through a secure online site and be
and adjusted from time to time. Provider should
password protected. Ministry’s
advise their process in keywords management and
staff shall be able to access the categorisation on keywords based on topic. e. Each
secure site and view all media online article must contain the article heading and
content, including global news short summary, publication name, date of publication
content and public’s opinion on and its social media proliferation (how much social
social media, using pre-existing engagement garnered by each mainstream media
search criteria. b. Tool shall be able article). f. Media alerts and daily updates should be
to automatically track unlimited easily setup and configured within tool. Alerts to
keywords on more than 200,000 deliver ‘breaking news’ to staff on issues nominated
global websites on daily basis by the Ministry. This service should be customisable
(Monday to Sunday, including for particular emerging issues and different delivery
Public Holidays). Staff should be frequencies to email addresses.
able to read, export and distribute
content anytime without having to g. Ability for the Ministry to generate unlimited
contact the provider. c. Media ad-hoc reports and graphs, using different search
monitoring tool has a searchable parameters (e.g. online or print, keyword based,
location, sources). h. Provider should also address
historical content for global news
how they could help the Ministry to maximise media
of up to 5 years. Public’s opinion
consumption and regular updates through mobile
on social media should be
application for Ministry’s staff, who are
accessible for up to 13 months
on-the-ground and/or on overseas posts with limited
(social media archival database
access to their computers.
that allows doing retrospective
searching). 2. Media Analysis a. Access to analytics through
which Ministry’s staff can monitor media activity
around selected subject areas and create analytics
reports. b. Provider is required to provide unlimited
dashboard reports with summary of information
analysis. This must be available via a web-based
service. c. Dashboards should be instantaneous and
updated live. Schedule for automated report delivery
(daily, weekly and monthly) for internal users as well
as non-platform users.

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d. Analysis of media coverage may be required to
include volume, sentiment (for example, positive,
positive/neutral, negative or neutral), media type,
reach impressions and solicited media. Analysis
reports may include: i. Public opinion related
coverage by volume, sentiment and value ii. Key
message coverage by volume, sentiment and value
iii. Share of voice comparison by media type iv.
Triggering point of coverage and its evolution over
time v. Analysis of media prominence (for example
was an agency generally praised or criticised, was
the coverage neutral or was the agency simply
mentioned) vi. number of public impressions by: 1.
media type 2. media outlet, and vii. keywords: 1. by
group, or 2. specific keywords
3. Output a. Media alerts can be distributed to users
via email, RSS and mobile application. b. Platform
dashboard reports can be distributed via email in
PDF and HTML format. c. Mobile application should
also include the following capabilities: i. Create
ad-hoc searches on keyword ii. Push notification iii.
Sharing of news and social content with peers
through email or messengers iv. Tagging of content
v. Dashboard viewing vi. Compatible with Android
and iOS. d. Provider is able to provide API service
for content push and archiving purpose for the
Ministry. The Ministry should be allowed to share
archived media content within its agencies or across
other ministries and government bodies without
additional cost.
4. Method of Service Provision a. Provide training,
training documentation and 24/7 technical support
for the media monitoring tool. b. The Respondent will
provide a high level operational model in the form of
an organization chart for delivery and ongoing
customer support of the service. The chart will show
leadership and operational levels, roles, dedicated
and non-dedicated positions and reporting
relationships. c. Provide a highly responsive
customer service team, with clear communication
matrix, who are able to assist during and outside of
business hours, including an out-of-hours
emergency contact. d. Provide the ability to assist
with ongoing refinements and enhancements to the
Ministry’s media monitoring services including, but
not limited to, keyword brief updates, technical
support, assistance with the online service, ability to
help with urgent requests, such as media coverage
reports and finding particular alerts.
e. Crisis support during business hours may include,
but not limited to, online consultation on monitoring
service, sending regular media updates and
distribute media coverage report. Support outside of

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business hours should be available to the Ministry
with at least 24 hours’ advance notice. f. Provider to
state availability to provide local country support,
with access to at least an account manager, during
Ministers’ diplomatic meetings abroad.
5. Technology Roadmap and Innovation a. How will
the provider identify opportunities for innovation,
apply continuous improvement methodologies and
work collaboratively with Ministry and its agencies to
improve processes and ways of working? b. The
provider will address: i. The approach to innovation
used across their own organization ii. Current
innovation pipeline and visibility to Ministry of
updates or changes iii. Collaborative approach with
Ministry to leverage future technology, in order to
maintain efficiency and service delivery
performance. iv. Approach to incorporate
improvement opportunities into online services
based on insight from staff’s feedback. c. In addition,
provide to showcase their technological capability
and methodology to deliver emotional analysis in an
article based on entity, agency or spokesperson.
6. Reporting Services a. Daily automated report
which include headline of article, hyperlink to access
original article and summary in English.
Auto-translation feature shall be available in the
report if original content is not in English. Report
template is configurable to include branded logo and
theme specified by the Ministry. Content in report
shall include. b. Manually curated global newsletter
through selecting key relevant articles for the
Ministry and its agencies for the past 7 days.
Consolidated summaries in English should capture
the nuance in articles and their relevance to the
Ministry, as well as, mention of relevant
spokesperson; non-English articles shall be
analysed and summarised in English.
c. Quantitative and qualitative monthly media report
to capture media consumption and correlation
between mainstream and social media. Report
should at least capture key messages, topic and
sentiment analysis on both mainstream and social
media. In-depth analysis on Ministry’s global media
presence to gauge on foreign media perceptions and
call for action.
7. Contact Management Journalist Database a. Tool
has the capability to distribute news release,
including access to an up to date global journalist
database. Ability to produce custom journalist lists
and automated distribution of media releases to
media outlets. Provide tracking of email open rates

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to measure the success rate of distribution. b.
Custom filter journalist database based on topic of
interest, location, source, language, etc.

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