What Is Physical Fitness and Stress ?

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What is physical fitness and stress ?

First I’ll talk about physical fitness, keeping up a decent degree of physical fitness is something that we should all try to
do but in reality not everyone can easily do it, due to the fact that it requires self-discipline, proper diet and exercise to
maintain an ideal weight to become physically fit. According to my research from link springer , Physical fitness is one’s
ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and strength with the management of disease,
fatigue, and stress and reduced sedentary behavior. Physical fitness has various segments and is conceptualized as
either performance or health related. The preciseness of execution related to wellness with respect to one's athletic
ability best identifies with a person's athletic abilities. On the other hand, health related wellness is summed up to
fitness status and is influenced decidedly or contrarily by one's constant physical movement. There’s a lot of advantages
when it comes to physical fitness but before mentioning that I would like to talk about stress.

Stress is something that all of us experience in , it is something that we can all relate to especially when we are placed
under unpleasant circumstances. There are different sources of stress, it could be stress about school, work, finance,
relationship, or family problems. According to American Psychological Association (APA), there are 3 different types
stress , acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. The 3 types of stress each have their own characteristics,
symptoms, duration, and treatment approaches. According from SpaciousTherapy, Stress is the body’s natural defense
against real or imagined danger. It flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger.
Since there are different types of stress, for sure they require various degrees of treatment intercessions, management ,
and mental treatment modalities because of the idea of the individual's condition, way of life, formative history,
adapting capability, and character. There may be different types of stress however one thing’s for sure it’s that it could
affect our mental, emotional, and physical health that’s why as much as possible we must find ways to cope up with our
stress so that our well-being wouldn’t be damaged.

What is the importance of physical fitness? I believe that physical fitness is very important especially in this day and
age where we experience a global phenomenon in the face of a pandemic. We all know that Covid-19 attacks our
respiratory system and in severe cases the immune system is also affected. That’s why it is important for us to be
physically fit so that our body could fight and be less susceptible to communicable diseases like Covid-19. Physical fitness
helps us to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that our body is properly nourished and well taken care of. For some people
doing exercise to be physically fit is also a way for them to release stress or uplift their mood. According to some
researches being physically fit contributes to having a longer life , it says that those who are physically fit tend to live 6-8
years longer than the people who aren’t really active in physical fitness. Being physically fit also decreases the risk of
having heart diseases and maintains your blood pressure at a normal level. One of most the important reasons why
physical fitness is essential because it can boost a person’s confidence and self- esteem to present themselves to other
people. It can also benefit us in other ways that we didn’t imagine . One benefit is that it could also improve our thinking
capability, we could think clearly than sluggish and also think faster especially when we solve problems.

Seeing the importance and benefits of physical fitness makes us think that not only does it improve the physique of a
person but it also helps the way we shape our mind and thoughts and keeps our emotion at a balance mode. We could
co-relate this in helping to ease our stress level by working out and it also keeps us energetic to get through the tasks
that we need to do within a day. However, we must keep in mind that nothing great comes easy. Physical fitness
requires the will, perseverance, and self- discipline to achieve the ideal body type that we need to be physically fit, it
doesn’t just form overnight. That’s why it is needed for us to take care of our own physical wellness to make us strong
and healthy individuals. I would want to leave a quote from Siddhartha Gautama “ To keep the body in good health is a
duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. “
Stress is something that all of us experience in , it is something that we can all relate to especially when we are placed
under unpleasant circumstances. There are different sources of stress, it could be stress about school, work, finance,
relationship, or family problems. According to American Psychological Association (APA), there are 3 different types
stress , acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. The 3 types of stress each have their own characteristics,
symptoms, duration, and treatment approaches. According from SpaciousTherapy, Stress is the body’s natural defense
against real or imagined danger. It flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger.
Since there are different types of stress, for sure they require various degrees of treatment intercessions, management ,
and mental treatment modalities because of the idea of the individual's condition, way of life, formative history,
adapting capability, and character. Here are the meanings of the different types of stress according to SpaciousTherapy;
Acute stress is usually brief. It is the most common and frequent presentation. Acute stress is most often caused by
reactive thinking. Next is Episodic Acute Stress .People who frequently experience acute stress, or whose lives present
with frequent triggers of stress, have episodic acute stress. The individuals who frequently suffer acute stress often live a
life of chaos and crisis. They are always in a rush or feel pressured. They take on many responsibilities, and usually can
not stay organized with so many time demands.Lastly, Chronic stress is the most harmful type of stress. If chronic stress
is left untreated over a long period of time, it can significantly and often irreversibly damage your physical health and
deteriorate your mental health. There may be different types of stress however one thing’s for sure it’s that it could
affect our mental, emotional, and physical health that’s why as much as possible we must find ways to cope up with our
stress so that our well-being wouldn’t be damaged.

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