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Name: Tapanan, Enrique C.

Myers- Briggs Type Indicator Test

MBTI is raising your awareness of the information that is and was

already there. It also about increasing ones choice. Opportunity to choose
how to respond to the people and the world around you can make you an
effective person.

As I start my journey for this year, I realize that there are many
processes in order to deepen our understanding of our inner self. One of it
is the MBTI. This is not a test but indicator to oneself

We should know our personality type so that we knowledge and become

aware of it. Thus, understand different perspective of each individual.

I realize that I am not fully aware of my personality. But it is already there

and I distinguish through Myers- Briggs Type Indicator Test. And that
makes me aware in my own person. Everyone has a different capability
and we can’t say that we are the same. An example is writing your name in
a paper used by your preferred hand so both were not applicable.

I am an extravert person, meaning my energy is coming from the outside.

But sometimes there is a mood that likes an introvert. Sensing is a kind of
perceiving that when I gathered data I may use sensing that aim detailed
information. Thus when I decide I used more my feelings in considering the
values. I am more on perceiving thus wanting to explore and enjoy.

This feature of MBTI is really trim to me. Before, I can’t understand why I
am easily affected and worried about being talkative especially to close
group. Now, I gradually understand to aware of my dynamics in the group.
And I am looking forward to develop more.

I learned also the obstacles and tend to meet the introvert and extrovert
and also the stressors and how to cope up that situation.

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