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a) b) Act CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT STANDARD 1, OBJECTIVE 1.1 PuRPOsE The ongoing role of Contractors in our Industry has meant that the task of managing Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) at our operations/Offices has become more complex. This standard defines the requirements for Contractor Safely Management (CSM) which each ACC Ltd (ACC) site must apply when ‘out sourcing services to contractors. This standard outlines the requirements for ensuring that adequate processes are developed and implemented to control or minimize the risks associated with contracted activities. 41.2 Scope This standard must be applied when an ACC site, out-sources any project or service to a contractor both inside and/or outside its Operations. The requirement of this standard addresses each phase within the life cycle of services being contracted. This standard does not apply to supply contracts. 1.3 DEFINITIONS Contractor — Is deemed as a Company or an individual who is not a Company ‘employee but has been directly engaged by ACC to carry out work at an ACC facility. This means the work must be in relation to activities over which ACC has control or would have had control as it is deemed necessary for ACC to fulfill ts business activities by: The service being contracted is performed within the geographic/ lease boundaries of an ACC operation/ facilty/ site; The location or areas in which the service is to be performed has been determined by ACC; and The contracted work is solely for ACC and not part of free trade arrangement Categories of Contracted Services - For the purpose of this Standard, Contracts being issued will form one of the following four categories. Categories of Contractors Common Potential Risk ‘AGC Gontactor Safety Standard Page 10f27 ACE Examples Exposure Category 4 - Individuals engaged | Office cleaners Low to Moderate ‘on temporary contracts to work ‘Administration Staff within existing operations. These individuals are directly super at all times by ACC. The work being performed is neither hazardous nor performed within hazardous location. These personnel are generally defined as subcontractors as defined in the HARP manual. Technical Consultants Category 2 - Companies or Individuals engaged to work within existing operations, where the work is neither hazardous nor in a hazardous area. These personnel can be either subcontractors or third party service providers (third-party contractors), as defined in the HARP manual. Office equipment repairs Catering Services Gardening Services Low to Moderate ‘Category 3 - Companies or individuals engaged to undertake work within existing operations, where the work is hazardous or conducted in a hazardous area. These personnel can be either subcontractors or third party service providers (third-party contractors), as defined in the HARP manual. This category is further subdivided into (details available in Construction Safely Manual Part tI) (a) Small Contractors (b) Medium contractors Construction Projects Quarry & Haulage Mechanical/ Electrical maintainers AFR Handling! processing Moderate to High Category 4 - Companies or individuals engaged to undertake work in areas separate from the existing operation or outside the geographic boundaries of the ACC, ‘company’s leases or permit areas. These personnel are generally dofined as third party service providers (third-party contractors) as defined in the HARP manual. Road Transport services Product Distribution Transport by rail or vessel Moderate to High “ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 2of 27 Act Contract - is a formal obligation between parties, regardless of payment type (ie. lump sum, unit price, time and materials or cost plus) that is enforceable by law; an agreement between parties to furnish goods and/or services in return for compensation. Hazardous Work — is work performed which requires adherence (o the use of safety equipment and/or safe work methods to protect the person from hazard/s which has potential to result in significant adverse effects on the safety or health of the person (fatality, permanent disability, lost time injury). These work acl are generally governed by the requirements of the Fatality Prevention Elements. Hazardous Location ~ is an area of an operation’ facility where either or both fixed and mobile plant or machinery operates in which the person/s primary method of protection from exposure to the hazards is by means of physical safeguards and procedural requirements. These hazards are generally governed by the requirements of the Fatality Prevention Elements. Group Company ~ Means any consolidated Company, in which ACC has an interest of more than one half of the voting rights or otherwise has the power to exercise control over the operations. OH&S Management Plan - |s a document which describes in detail, for the service being outsourced, the means by which each hazard that may arise during the service will be managed to avoid or minimize the risk of injury or illness, Operation — Is referred to as a geographically defined work environment that may contain more than one identifiable work area or business operation. An operation may also be referred to as a facility, plant or site. For the purposes of this standard, the term “operation” and “facility” are used interchangeably, OH&S Variance ~ Is a Contract administration risk management process by which a contractor that does not meet established OH&S requirements is approved to perform a service for ACC, provided additional risk management controls are established, ACC Contactor Safety Standard "Page 3 of 27 Act 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 MANAGING DIRECTOR The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for ensuring that adequate resources (money, men, man-hours, materials and machines) are provided for the implementation and ongoing management of this standard. As a minimum this requires that person(s) are formally appointed to each function to be performed under this standard. 2.2 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION REPRESENTATIVE. Contract Administration Representative is the Management Representative who is responsible for the implementation and on going management of the Contract Safety Management Directive during the contract process. In addition, he is responsible for the function of ensuring the procurement systems are applied to enable the following phases of the contract to be performed: Contract and Award Phase Pre Commencement Phase Contract Execution and Control Phase Handover and Acceptance Phase Contract Closeout and Review Phase He is also responsible for maintaining all relevant documents and records which are relevant to the agreements between ACC and the Contractor. 2.3 CONTRACT CUSTODIAN Is a representative of Contract Administration Representative, who serves as the person primarily responsible for ensuring that the Contractor complies with all OH&S obligations which have been agreed in, the Contract. In addition the contractor custodian is responsible for ensuring the following: All necessary information and instruction relevant to the Company's Occupational Health & Safely requirements have been provided to the ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 4 0f 27 Act Contractor prior to the commencement of the contract and throughout the life of the contract as required. All equipment and materials to be used are inspected prior to mobilization or entry into the operation. The contractor establishes and maintains appropriate technical competence to perform the service required. Assignment of adequate resources to regularly monitor and evaluate the Contractors OH&S performance. 2.4 CoNnTRACT SUPERVISOR Is an ACC representative, who has been assigned by the Contract Custodian for coordinating the work activities to be performed by the Contractor for the entire life cycle of the contract. This person will be responsible for the following: Ensuring that all hazards and their associated risk are identified and the risk controls are defined prior to the commencement of each task. Organizing all necessary OH&S training, licenses, permits and procedures Which are to be issued by ACC to the contractor for fulfilling the contract. Ensuring that all equipment and materials to be used by the contractor have been inspected prior to the commencement of the work. Conducting regular inspections and assessments of the contractor’s compliance with OH&S requirements during the life of the contract, Informing the Contractor of all changes to the Company's OH&S requirements as and when they arise. INTRODUCTION ACC approach to contractor safely management consists of two distinct elements, Management of Contractors & Contract Management, which aims to address the mechanisms which are consistently applied to the management of all contractors as well as detail specific requirements which need to be addressed in each specific contract. Therefore, this standard is structured to address the following: ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 5 of 27 Act Management of Contractors This section defines the common arrangements which are needed to enable ACC to collectively manage its OH&S obligations between the company and its contractors. This section aims to address the following: Frame work for the prequalification and approval of contractors based on the type of work to be outsourced. Methods to maintain communication and consultation on matters relating to OHBS. Provisions for consultation with, instructing and training contractors in both general and specific OH&S requirements of ACC. Regular Audits and review programs of each contractor's OH&S performance to ensure ongoing compliance and improvements in OH&S. Contract Management This section describes the specific OH&S requirements which need to be addressed with each contracted service being outsourced. The section aims to address the following: Preparation of a clear scope of work for each individual contract identifying the hazards, controls and Company's OH&S requirements relevant to the service being outsourced, Assignment of adequate resources by both parties to ensure that OH&S obligations are being implemented and maintained by both parties. The establishment, application and maintenance of processes to ensure that appropriate instruction, training and information on OH&S are maintained throughout the life of the contract. Regular inspection and acceptance of works undertaken by the contractor to ensure that the OH&S aspects of the work are compliant and that any new hazards created as a result of the work are appropriately controlled. ‘The establishment, application and maintenance of standardized methods for evaluating each contractor's OH&S performance to determine if the contractor will be used in the future. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 6 of 27 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS: This section details the requirements which need to be implemented to enable the Company to demonstrate that it has established appropriate methods to coordinate and control the range of services which it will outsource including the inherent risks involved with those services. 4.1 PRE-QUALIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACTOR The pre-qualification and approval of a contractor is based on the format which is enclosed as Annexure 1: Prequalification Questionnaire. All the required details in the format are filled by the contractors. This data is analyzed for qualifying or disqualifying the contractor based on the prefixed controlling points and related marks. Contractors who adequately demonstrate that they can comply with the relevant Statutory Acts & Rules and Company's OH&S requirements will be recorded as an "Approved Contractor” and be qualified to tender for services within their approved type of works. The prequalification of each contractor will be valid for the following period from the date of approval: Approved Contractors in Category 1 and 2 must re-qualify every 3 years. Approved Contractors in Category 3 and 4 must re-qualify every 12 months. Note: In the event a contractor does not adequately satisfy the prequalification requirements, ACC can issue an OH&S variance in which ACC accepts the OHS obligations of the contractor and defines how OH&S will be managed by ACC on behalf of the contractor. ‘The Contract Custodian must maintain a register of all approved contractors. The register will record the following information as a minimum: Contracting Company name Type of work approvel Category of Contractors required Name of the Contractor custodian and Contract supervisor where relevant. Name, address and contact number of the contracting company. Reference number of all active contracts. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 7 of 27 ACE 4.2 TRAINING & COMMUNICATION To enable Pre-qualified contractors to fully appreciate the OH&S expectations of ACC, the following method is to be followed to provide OH&S information and specific OH&S instructions. Contract Supervisor has to conduct safety meetings with all contraictors of their respective active contracts once every 3 months to discuss and inform about the safety expectations of the Company and new developments in OH&S, if any. Contract Custodian may be called for this meeting as observer. The attendance and minutes of the meeting is to be recorded and records maintained. The Contractor is to establish and maintain a list of each of its employees, who will provide contracted service, including basic personal details, qualifications and competencies. The data is to be updated whenever a new contract employee commences work. Contract Supervisor is to monitor the data, Contract Supervisor needs to identify the different types of works being performed in their scope of work (2.g. welding, cleaning, housekeeping, work at height, cooking etc) and organize training programs at least twice in a year regarding company's practices and procedures relevant to the specific work which shall be performed and records to be maintained regarding attendees and training programs. Contract Supervisor to provideforganize OH&S induction for each contractor employee before the employee starts working and maintains record of the ‘same. Contract Supervisor is to advise the contractors to prepare and get approval from the Company for all their foreseeable Emergency Response Plans. A copy of the same shall be available with the Contract Supervisor. Emergency mock drills are to be conducted once in every 6 months and recorded These requirements will apply to all contracts which have been awarded by Acc. 4.3 Aupitinc & IMPROVEMENT To reduce the level of risk associated with the work activities being performed to an_acceptable level, the following auditing program is to be implemented to ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 6 of 27 Act ensure that each contractor complies with the OH&S obligations detailed in the contract. Initial OH&S Audit of contractor within 3 months of award of the contract. Approved contractors in Category 1 and 2 are to be audited every 2 years. Approved contractors in Categories 3 & 4 are to be audited annually. The Contract Custodian is to schedule and inform Corporate OH&S to organize specialized man power either from ACC or external specialized agency! consultants for the audit. Audit Reports are to be maintained by the Contract Custodian and Contract Supervisor. Where the audit finds deficiencies in the management of OH&S by the contractor, an OH&S improvement plan must be developed and implemented by the contractor. This OH&S improvement plan must be reviewed and approved by the Contractor Custodian. 5. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT This section outlines the requirements, which need to be implemented to ensure a systematic approach is maintained throughout the life cycle of each service being outsourced to a contractor. 5.1 CONTRACT DEFINITION AND AWARD PHASE. Preparation and planning is an integral part of managing risks associated with services being outsourced to contractors. This enables Company to accept or reject contractors on their ability to perform the work safely and initiate the first phase in creating a common understanding of the OH&S obligations between Company and its contractor. General Requirements A process must be defined, documented and implemented to ensure contractors have the capability and capacity to perform the services being outsourced. Therefore, the Company shall establish and implement a means to address the following: A formal process must be established for each service being outsourced which requires that a formal analysis be conducted and documented on the type of ‘(ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 9 of 27 ACC work to be performed and the potential risks associated with that work, prior to tendering. This process must identify and record the following: (a) Define the scope of work (range of activities, area/s of operation and equipment involved). (b) Expected duration of the contract (c) Risk assessment to be conducted on all activities associated with the scope of work. (4) The range of technical skills and equipment required (e) Category of Contractor required () The name and position of the Contract Custodian who will be assigned to the contract. A contract tender package must be developed as directed by the Contract Custodian (and as per ACC Construction Safety Manual, if applicable) and communicated to each contractor who has been invited to tender for the service being outsourced. As a minimum, the contract package must address the following OH&S requirements: {a) Only Approved Contractors can bid for a contract. In the absence of suitably approved contractors, a pre qualification assessment must be performed prior to the acceptance of the contractor bid to tender, as per the format given in Annexure 1 (b) Detailed description of the scope of work and the site conditions in which the work will be performed. (c) Applicable OH&S laws and ACC OHS requirements that the contractor will be required to adhere to throughout the life of the contract. (d) A copy of the risk assessment and specific OH&S requirements which will need to be applied to manage each identified risk. (e) The range of skills, licenses, certification, expertise which will be required. (A) Specific requirements for the provision of equipment and materials with respect to OH&S. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 10 of 27 Ace {g) Outline requirements, to appoint adequate resources, to ensure OH&S obligations are fulfilled. (h) Define the specific OH&S documentation and information which must be supplied prior to the commencement of the contract. (i) Provisions for contract termination for failure to comply with OH&S requirements Not demonstrate that they have the capability to comply with the OH&S In the event, the contractors tendering for the service do not adequately requirements in the contract then an OHS variance can be issued. This variance will define that ACC accepts the OH&S obligations of the contractor and describe how OH&S will be managed by ACC on behalf of the contractor. This, variance must be approved in writing by the Contract Custodian. . The Contract Administration Representative Is to develop a process for the final approval and awarding of contracts. This process will as a minimum address the following: (a) Review of the risk assessment and clarification on OH&S expectations: 4. Define and document general OH&S requirements based on the guide lines given in ACC Construction Safety Manual Part | & Il. 2. Define and document specific OH&S requirements associated with the scope of works. (b) Detail dates for the submission of all OH&S documentation and information to the Contract Custodian prior to the commencement of the contract. (c) Completion and signing of acceptance of OH&S requirements. (d) Designation of ACC Contract Custodian Specific Requirements In addition to the requirements outlined above, contracts with a duration greater than 14 days and for work in category 3 and 4 must have the following included in the contract award process: . The contractor is to prepare and submit an OH&S Management Plan in line with the ACC Construction Safety Manual Part |, which is provided as part of tender document, for approval by the Contract Custodian along with the tender ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 11 of 27 (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) 0) (9) (hy (i) @ (k) Act document. The OH&S Management Plan will stipulate how aspects of OH&S will be managed by the contractor. The OH&S Management Plan as a minimum must address the following: Roles and responsibilities related to OH&S for key personnel. Standard practices which will be applied for major hazards (aligned with the fatality prevention elements) Methods on how risks will be identified and managed in an on-going basis. Structure and frequency of OH&S communication forums. Type of OH&S training and instruction to be provided. Training, skills and licenses required for specific occupations Safeguards which will be installed on equipment and material to be used. Process for identifying, investigating and reporting accidents. Emergency preparedness Frequency for conducting inspections and audits. Means for undertaking improvements and corrective actions The contractor OH&S Management Plan shall include the CVs of proposed safely officers for the contract. The safety officers are to be qualified as per The Factories Act, 1948 and well experienced on the type of contract. The safety officers are to be interviewed and approved by ACC before commencing the contract. However the required number of safety officers for a contract will be decided and communicated to the contractor by ACC, which is to be fulfilled by the contractor. The ACC approved Contractor Safety officers are not to be changed or transferred or removed or replaced without prior approval of ACC. 5.2 PRE COMMENCEMENT PHASE The pre commencement of service phase is designed to enable the contractors to integrate into ACC site culture. This phase ensures the contractor company and its employees have both the capabilities and capacity to adequately satisfy the OH&S obligations from the commencement of the contract and measures are implemented to develop and build an ongoing relationship with ACC on matters relating to OH&S. ‘ACG Contactor Safety Standard Page 12 of 27 (a) (b) (0) (a) (e) () Act General Requirements Prior to the commencement of any contract, the Contract Supervisor will ensure that the appropriate arrangements are established to ensure that the contractor is fully prepared in complying with the ACC OH&S requirements stipulated in the contract, As a minimum these arrangements must address the following: A pre-commencement met Is to be organized! arranged in which Contract Custodian explains in detail the OH&S requirements for mobilization and contract commencement, This meeting will also explain the OH&S obligations in the event an OH&S variance has been issued. Communication of the responsibilities and obligations of the Contract Custodian and those of the contracting company’s management and supervision. These responsibilities will include: Reporting requirements as per ACC Construction Safety Manual Means by which matters relating to OH&S will be resolved between ACC and the contractor as per ACC Construction Safety Manual and other applicable Acts and Rules. Clarify any problems or concems which may be anticipated during the life of the contract. Authority to stop work based on breaches of OH&S requirements Allocation or provision of adequate sanitary and hygiene facilities Confirming the contractor has assigned adequate resources to coordinate and supervise al activities within the scope of work. Verification of all relevant licenses and qualifications to be held by the Contractor's employees, Ensuring all contractor employees are inducted on the ACC OH&S requirements. Specific instruction provided to the relevant contractor employees on the major hazards associated with the scope of work. Established inspection and testing processes (as per ACC Construction Safety Manual and applicable Acts and rules) to ensure that all equipment, tools ‘(ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 13 of 27 Act and materials being used for the contract meet the ACC OH&S requirements and records of these inspections retained. This includes the provision of copies of all equipment which may need to be certified under the Central/ State laws. Issuance of authority by the Contract Custodian for the contractor to commence work. Specific Requirements Contracts which have been awarded to contractors in category 3 and 4 for a contract duration exceeding 14 days will require the contractor to submit their OH&S management plan and the plan has to be approved by the Contract Custodian prior to the commencement of the contract. The Contract Administration Representative will be responsible for retaining copies of the contract and for ensuring all relevant requirements for OH&S contained within the contract have been issued to the Contract Custodian and the contractor. Where the company designates its own contractor supervisor(s), the supervisor must be informed in writing of the expected time they are required to dedicate in overseeing the contractors’ activities (i.e. full timo, part time — number of days or hours per week) and his role and responsibilities including his authority in relation to matters involving OH&S. 5.3 CONTRACT EXECUTION AND CONTROL PHASE To ensure OH&S obligations are being fulfilled and risks associated with the type of work being done are effectively managed, both the Company and Contractor will need to establish suitable processes to identify, monitor and assess the practices being applied during this phase. General Requirements Contract Custodian shall ensure adequate measures are implemented to monitor the OH&S performance of each contracted service. As a minimum this will require the following issues to be managed between the Company and the contractor. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 14 of 27 (a) (b) Att Ensuring that appropriate supervision is available for the types of tasks being performed and the assigned supervisor possesses adequate knowledge and understanding of the hazards involved with the task, Establishing the means for informing contractor employees of the hazards, their risks and methods to control those risks prior to the commencement of a task. This may include one or a combination of the following: Project Risk Assessment (PRA) - This is to be conducted by Contractor before the start of the Project which is to be verified, approved by ACC and communicated to all concerned before the start of Project. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) - Job Safety Analysis is to be conducted by the contractor for all new jobs/activities in the day to day work of the contract, which is to be approved by ACC. This is to be discussed with all the concerned Contractor Supervisors, Contractor Project Manager and in the presence of ACC Contract Supervisor and to be recorded. (c) Hazardous Work permits (Confined space, hot work, digging and excavation etc.,) (d) = Contractor shall be directed by ACC Contract Supervisor regarding Work Permits requirement for a particular work or Contract. Safe Working Procedure — As directed by ACC Contract Supervisor (and ACC Construction Safety Manual if applied). (e) Technical references (company, industry or international) ~ As directed by ACC. Contract Supervisor. Regular safety observations and inspections are to be organized by ACC Contract Supervisor to evaluate the operating conditions and work practices being applied by the contractor. Measures for ensuring equipment, tools and materials are being maintained in a safe and serviceable condition and where found defective are removed from service until the defect is rectified. Ensuring appropriate personal protective equipment is avallable and used with respect to the type of work to be performed. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 15 of 27 Ace equipment for conducting hazardous tasks; this includes the application of the requirements set out in the Provision of additional resources or speci permit to work system. The reporting of hazards and incidents as and when they arise during the work. Regular communication and reporting on OH&S performance by the Contractor to ACC. The reporting needs to include both incident statistics and activities undertaken to manage safely — format and frequency of reporting shall be as directed by the Contractor Supervisor. Coordination of activities in which the contracted service requires the work to interface with or disrupt normal operations. Changes to the agreed scope of work or the work method are subject to a risk assessment and approval by ACC Contract Custodian prior to those changes being implemented. Specific Requirements Where the duration of the contracted work exceeds 3 months for categories 3 & 4 then ACC must conduct a formal review and evaluation of the contractor's OHBS performance. The review will record the extent to which the contactor has complied with their OH&S obligations for the preceding 3 months and detail any improvement actions required to be undertaken by the contractor. This OH&S performance review shall be organized by ACC Contract Supervisor and a copy of report is to be submitted to Corporate OH&S. In respect to managing work area, the contractors in category 3 must ensure their work area is clearly demarcated to limit inadvertent entry by personnel not involved in the work being undertaken, 5.4 HANDOVER AND ACCEPTANCE PHASE The handover and acceptance phase aims to ensure that as a contract comes to its closure there are no additional hazards being introduced as a result of the service which has been performed. This phase also enables ACC to confirm all aspects in relation to the scope of work which has been completed to the ‘expected level of quality ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 16 of 27 (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (®) (o) General Requirements. A formal process needs to be established for ensuring each contracted service is completed to the expected level of quality and where the service is performed within an operation or facility, the working area has been made safe. As a minimum this process will need to address the following: ACC Contract Supervisor has to organize inspections of the work area to ensure all redundant material and equipment has been removed and the area is safe for use. This includes: Physical inspections are performed on all plant and equipment to ensure all ‘safeguards are operational prior to the plant and equipment being returned / put to service. Safety barriers and general housekeeping has been restored to an acceptable condition. Safely provisions are available and functioning as designed. Assessment to determine if new hazards have been introduced into the work area. ACC Contract Supervisor is to ensure that all relevant documentation, records and information relating to OH&S have been received by ACC. This i cludes but is not limited to the following: Provision of relevant operational or safe work procedures. Provision of design drawings or schematics. Provision of certification or records required by the country’s laws. The Contract Custodian and the contractor must sign and record an acceptance, they are satisfied that the area is safe including equipment and materials and they approve the closure of the contract to commence. 5.5 CONTRACT CLOSE OUT AND REVIEW PHASE The Contract closeout and review phase aims to establish a consistent process by which contractors are evaluated on their OH&S performance to determine if the contractor should be retained as an Approved Contractor. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 17 of 27, General Requirements Formal review must be undertaken by ACC Contract Supervisor at the completion of each contract. These reviews must evaluate the overall OH&S performance of the contractor and must address the following: Injury/ ilness experience OHS incidents Audit observations and corrective actions Overall commit ent to OH&S obligations Quality and experience of the contractor's supervision Compliance of the contractor's equipment, tools and materials with the Company's OH&S requirements. Situations, which required the work to be stopped based on OH&S concerns. Based on the review of the above information, the evaluation needs to record the following: Determine if the contractor is to be retained as an ACC contractor and if * any actions are required to retain this approval. Note: Annexure 1 Specific comments related to the overall performance of the contractors OHS performance. In situations where the contractor will not be retained as an ACC Approved Contractor, the ACC Contract Custodian must be informed and contractor removed from the company register. The Contractor must be informed that they will need to be subjected to a prequalification assessment before being considered for reinstatement as an Approved Contractor. 6. Attachments Pre qualification Questionnaire ‘AGC Contactor Safety Standard Page 16 of 27 Ace This page intentionally left blank ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 19 of 27 Ace ANNEXURE 1 Contractor Pre Qual 4.Scope This assessment is used by ACC to assess the extent its contractor's development and commitment to OH&S. The questionnaire considers a wide range of issues pertinent to OH&S, based on the response ACC will determine if the contractor will qualify and be registered as an “Approved Contractor’ 2. Contractor Details Name of Company Postal address Street address Contact person (a) Name (b) Title (c) Mobile No. Phone Fax Project or Type of Work Previous ACC Contracts 3. Contractors/Company Profile Contractors Type of Work (Description of Service) ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 20 of 27 ACC 3.1 ORGANIZATION DETAILS (Please provide copy of the Organization Chart) Key Roles: Number Managers Frontline Managers/Supervisors Employees ‘Sub Contractors Injuries/llInesses 12 No. OH&S Month History Recognition Details. Fatalities ‘Achievements Lost Time Injuries (LTI) Certified (OHSAS. 18000, 4801 etc.,) Lost Time Injuries ‘Awards Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Medical Treatment ‘Any other please Injuries mention ‘Number of Sites/Projects Employee hours worked for 12 months Disabling injuries Near miss/near hit incidents, Incidents causing property damage during a | contract lliness caused by | workplace factors Total no. of accidents Provide evidence by supplying copies of relevant documents DESCRIPTION YES NO. General OH&S Systems Policies Does your organization have a written health and safety policy? ‘Does your organization have a written training policy? Does your organization have a written drug and alcohol policy? Does your organization have a written Environmental policy? mol ofa] >lalals Are these policies included in an employee induction document? ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 21 of 27 Act DESCRIPTION YES NO Provide evidence by supplying copies of relevant documents Responsibilities Have contractors and their staff been informed to understand the legal responsibilities they hold on behalf of their organization for OH&S Training? Management Supervisors Employees Subcontractor Employees Provide evidence of supplying copies of relevant documents Induction and training Does your organization have a formal employee | induction program that includes OH&S training? | Does your organization have written safety induction program for newly hired employees? Does your organization have a process to maintain records of employee induction? Does your organization have a process to record specific health, safety, environmental and training for employees? __| equipmentictothing?_ Does the training include safe working practices and correct use of appropriate protective Does the written OH&S induction program include instruction on the following: _ _Allelements of your written safely plan/program . Methods of safely supervision Tool box meetings Emergency procedures >. First Aid facilities 3. Accident investigation Job hazard analysis techniques elslslalslelyia| 3. Fire prevention/protection 9. New worker orientation 10. Resolution of safety issues 11. Responsibilities Provide evidence by supplying copies of relevant documents Selection of sub-contractors Does your organization have a process to determine the OH&S training capacity of sub-contractors? Is the performance of sub-contractors monitored as work is being undertaken? Provide evidence by showing your process to engage subcontractors and monitor them during their work. ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 22 of 27 Act DESCRIPTION YES. NO Health Monitoring Does your organization have a system in place to monitor the health of employees with regard to any hazards they may be exposed to? If'yes’, what is the frequency of your health-monitoring program? (Please circle relevant frequency rate given below) 1 2 3 4 5 years Provide evidence by showing a copy of your Health monitoring reports. | Insurance ‘Do you have public liability insurance? Do you have professional indemnity insurance? Do you have product liability insurance? Do you have motor vehicle insurance? clojojel>]s) Do you have employers’ liability insurance? Provide evidence by showing a copy of your insurance policies. >| q| Plant and equipment ase When using plant and equipment either owned by you, provided to you by ACC, or from any other party (leased, hired, borrowed etc) do you have systems in place to ensure that: 1. All plant is fitted with safely equipment as presoribed by legislation i.e. machine guards 2. Plant and equipment is fit to be used for the purpose you intend? 3. Your employees who are to operate the plant and equipment are trained in its safe use? 4, Your employees have the correct licenses and/or cerlificates to operate the plant and equipment? Does your Organization have in operation a method or system for recording regular inspections and maintenance of hand tools, machinery (cranes, vehicles, boom lifts, hoists/ifting tools, etc) and electrically operated equipment? If so describe (attach details if additional space is required) Provide evidence of training records and Ucenses/certificates Accident / Incident Management ident Does your organization have an accident reporting system? Does your organization have an accidentincident investigation process? ‘ACC Contactor Safty Standard Page 23 of 27 Ace # DESCRIPTION Yes [NO C__ | Does your organization have a system to report incidents/accidents to the principal they are working for? D | Has your organization been prosecuted for an OH8S breach? Provide copies of your Accidentincident management system 9 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Has your organization assessed the jobs/tasks that require PPE? Does your organization provide/supply PPE to all employees as required? Doss the PPE provided comply with all Legal _| requirements? Beceeeeeate ce i Have your employees been trained in its correct use, maintenance & storage? oo] of >> Provide a copy of your PPE requirements A | Does your organization have and follow safe work procedures for the following: . Fall protection ._ Scaffolding/working platform ._ Floor/wall/roof openings guards . Mobile equipment safety ._Fire protection Injury treatment procedure 3. Rescue/evacuation procedures 1 2. 3 4 5. Housekeeping 6 7 8 9 ). Hazard recognition 10.Toxic substanc 41, Trenching/excavation 12.Signs, barricades, flagging 13. Electrical safel 14. Rigging/crane safety 18. Confined Space entry and working 16. Welding/burning permit procedures 17. Synthetic fiber handling procedures 18. Lockout/tagout procedures 49. Manual handling 20. Compressed gases/gas cylinders 21. Eye protection PPE 22. Hearing protection PPE 23. Foot protection PPE 24, Respiratory protection PPE 25. Chemical protective clothing 26. Anti fall protection PPE 27. Hand protection PPE ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 24 of 27 ACE # DESCRIPTION YES NO. 28. Other — Please explain B_ | When working on the following services does your organization have and follow safe work procedures: 1. Gas 2. Electricity 3. Water |. Telephones 5. Any other please inform Provide evidence by showing copies of safe work procedures 410 | Hazard Management ‘A | Does your organization have written ‘Safety Management Plan’? B | Does your organization have process to systematically identify and control significant hazards in the place of work? [Does your organization have a system to record, review hazards and controls? D | Does your organization have a system to advise ACC of any hazards you will bring to or create in the place of work? E | Does your organization have a system to ensure the OHS of anyone lawlully in or in the vicinity of the workplace? Provide evidence by showing your Hazard Management System and Safety Management Plan 4.11 | Emergency preparedness and response ‘A [Does your organizalion have emergency response procedures to deal with work-site emergencies? B | Wil your organization have cerlified first-aiders on site who can respond in the event of an emergency? Number of first-aiders : Provide evidence by showing a copy of your emergency plan 5. Other Relevant Information If there is any other information we should have to assist us in the assessment of your capabillies (0 work effectively on OH&S and technical training; please include it here. ‘ACC Contactor Safely Standard Page 25 of 27 ACt 6. Conditions All Contractors, sub-contractors and their employees are expected to comply with ACC Occupational Health & Safety Policy. Signed for and on behalf of the contractor by: Full name of representative Signature Date ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard Page 26 of 27 ACE 7. AGC Evaluation This section is to be completed by the ACC Representative to determine if the contractor should be accepted as an “Approved Contractor” 7A Approval Request This assessment of the Contractor is a Prequalificatior Re-qualification.. 7.2 Recommendations Recommended as an “ACC Lid., Approved Contractor” Yess or-~—- No Contractor Category 1 2 3 4 Type of work Approval 7.3 Authorization Having reviewed the information provided above and assessed the follow-up reports | acknowledge the Contractor's suitability as an “Approved Contractor”: Signed for and on behalf of ACC Ltd.,: - Contractor Custodian Full name of Contractor Custodian = Signature: Date: ‘ACC Contactor Safety Standard 7 Page 27 of 27

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