MGN572 Individual Dynamics and Leadership: Long Hours, Hundreds of E-Mail, and No Sleep

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Course Code: MGN572

Course Title: Individual Dynamics and Leadership
Section No: Q1946
Course. Instructor: Tanya Nagpal
Academic Task No: CA 2 Date of Academic Task Title: Assignment
Allotment: 31-08-2020 Student’s Date of Submission: 11-09-2020
Roll No: RQ1946A17 Student’s Registration No: 11910349
Evaluation Parameters:
Learning Outcomes: To develop an understanding of how Job Satisfaction is derived in the organization and
what all sum up as the factors influencing the same by analyzing the situations of four individuals.

I declare that this assignment is my work. I have not copied it from any other student ’s
work or any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor
has any part been written for me by any other person.

Student’s Signature: Aaditya Mudgal

Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement The best part of the assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Max. Marks: ______________

Marks Obtained: _______________
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Identification of the main issues:

• Is it only certain individuals who are attracted to these types of

jobs, or is it the characteristics of the jobs themselves that are

• Characteristics of these jobs that contribute to increased levels

of job satisfaction.

• Relationship of job satisfaction concerning job performance,

citizenship behavior, and turnover.
• How Clark’s perception that he has a job many others desire to
contribute to his job satisfaction.

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Analysis of the issues:

• In the 1970s, futurists were predicting that increases in technology would dramatically

shorten the workweek for most people but advancement in technology leads to never
getting away from the work.

• Gian Paolo Lombardo’s work involvement negatively impacted his wife during the time

of their vacation as he wasn’t getting away from his Blackberry during the whole

• Irene Tse heads the government bond-trading division at Goldman Sachs, her

involvement with her work impacted her sleep cycle and there was a time when she

didn’t get to sleep and if she gets the sleep she often wakes up and checks global
fluctuations in the market. She didn’t take any leaves during her work.

• Tony Kurz is a managing director at Capital Alliance Partners, and His girlfriend, Avery

Baker is the senior vice president of marketing for Tommy Hilfiger, they got to travel for

their companies and the traveling schedule is pretty hectic and coping up with their sleep,
jet lag and relationship was getting difficult day by day.

• David Clark is the vice president of global marketing for MTV. His job often consists of

traveling around the globe to promote the channel as well as to keep up with the global

music scene. He is traveling the world for his work and his schedule is very hectic, if he

isn’t traveling then he wakes up early and responds to numerous texts and calls and then

go to the office. This workaholic life impacted his personal life, he rarely got some time
to spend with his family.

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Solutions of the issues:

1. These jobs are highly time-consuming, often very stressful and these sorts of jobs keep
the employees away from their families.
Thus, only certain individuals are attracted to these types of jobs. These employees hold
certain characteristics like:
• They are workaholic
• Mostly they give higher priority to professionalism than their personal life.
• Those individuals also find certain characteristics of these jobs attracting and
appealing to them.
• The job offers a higher status in society.
• They find their jobs challenging.

2. High profile people like to be dominant and control the situation rather than being
controlled by the situation and always remain in high energy. Job satisfaction can be
achieved by being independent, remain positive, being significant, challenge oriented,
skilled, and being responsible. From the given case study following characteristics have
been analyzed.
• John bishop- development scope, high pay salary, and being independent.
• Irene- independent, serious, and inspiring characteristics.
• Tiny Kruz- high profile, high salary and travels to exotic locations.
• David Clark- traveling experience (finds it interesting), promoting a channel and
big salary.

Job Performance: Good performance gives job satisfaction where employees can serve
better and convince their customers and it eventually increases loyalty and retention.
Individuals do their best to show their hard work and sincerity to their respective
Citizenship Behavior: Being flexible in citizenship behavior provides good job
John Bishop and Irene Tse willingly provide job performance better than before and
provide positive exposure to their work.
Tony Krutz and David Clark offer excellent job performance keeping neutral views about
citizenship behavior. They don't seem to be performing better, neither they offer any
volunteering attitude or exposure to the rest.
Turnover: These individuals give negative turnover for job satisfaction.
John Bishop and Irene have high motivations for their work and serve beyond the
expectations of an organization.
Whereas Krutz and Baker are satisfied due to the traveling opportunities they get in their
job. Besides a tough routine and tight schedule which makes their personal life a bit
difficult they maintain the job requirements and won’t quit the job.

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