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Sudden cardiac death

as allergic reaction

Memories of mother, and many others,

victims from sudden intimate death.

But V. I.
(E- mail:
Physiological department I. P. Pavlov IEM Russian Academy of Medical Science

Prijma N. F.
Faculty of hospital pediatrics SPMA

Importance of a problem of sudden cardiac death (SCD) is difficult for overestimating -

from it dies up to 20% of the population. By the way, on some given by an allergy suffers also
about 20 % of the population.
The question about origins SCD till now is debatable. The age, an arterial hypertension,
alcohol, smoking, an allergy, emotional factors, genetic predisposition [10, 14, 19, etc.] are
considered as risk factors. Presence of the accompanying phenomena complicates to doctors
allocation of a principal cause for preventive maintenance SCD.
We have tried to compare own supervision and the various published works, assuming, that
a part from risk factors are the accompanying diseases, strengthening a principal cause of an
intimate attack.
It is known, that if the pathologist does not see causal morphological changes for SCD but
there is an atherosclerosis of vessels of heart and or other seen changes quite often he concludes
an atherosclerosis, ischemic illness, a thrombosis, a heart attack, as to the reason of death. It is
fixed in the medical report.
However it not so.
The interesting conclusion is made by authors [3] in work « Histology a myocardium in case
of sudden death ». They have revealed fresh infarction of a myocardium only in 13 % of cases, a
fresh thrombosis of coronary arteries only in 18 % of cases, attributes of an ischemia of a
myocardium only in 24 % of cases. In 29 % of cases on opening it is not found neither a fresh
heart attack, nor sites of an ischemia, a atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. Authors write that
the death came from fibrillation heart « not connected with an ischemia of a myocardium ».
Thus, neither infarction , nor a thrombosis of coronary arteries, an ischemia of a myocardium is
not the causal factor for SCD. The ьan can to exist at presence of an absolute ischemia of a
myocardium [8].
Allergic damages of a myocardium represent various phases death muscular cells. An
arrangement of the centers of damage to various departments of a myocardium at absence of
obliterating arteries specify the major role mechanisms in their development [5].
L.M. Nepomnjashchih writes: « the direct reason of death of the animals who have
fibrillation of heart and patients , suddenly death at SCD– occurrence of the plural widespread
damages of the cardiac muscles. Thus in a myocardium arise subsegmental contraction of the
muscles cells»[11]. The similar phenomena were observed and at allergic reaction on the part of
heart in experiment [4].
Why there is a fibrillation heart at SCD?
Patients in heart attack connect this in half of cases to reception of food [10]. The rest of 50
% do not connect heart attack to reception of food, partly because display of allergic reaction on
food develops during 4 days. Partly because connect heart attack to other stresses (emotional,
physical, temperature).
S. H. Felten writes that alcohol and chocolate, tomatoes, citron can cause allergic reaction
on the heart [13]. The died from SCD after reception of alcohol appeared, that the death can
come, as at the first o'clock after reception of alcohol, and later 1-2 days when concentration of
alcohol in blood has obviously gone down. However the slowed allergic reaction was expressed
in fibrillation and cardiac arrest.
It is interesting, that at Holter monitoring authors have involved special attention to
reception of allergic food and the medical products causing an allergy [9] (fig. 1). We also have
observe at Holter monitoring reaction of the heart to reception of allergenic food (fig. 2).
The question on the central mechanisms allergic and pseudo-allergic (18) reaction also
sharply as it stood in days of I. M. Setchenov. Where the fatigue of muscles – in the nervous
centers or in a muscle in the beginning develops?
In our opinion, in the beginning on histamine react the nervous centers [2]. For the benefit
of this conclusion often absence of the expressed changes in a cardiac muscle testifies at sudden
death [3,14, etc.], a convertible short-term attack allergic Makarov’s tachycardias (fig. 1), fast
approach of sudden death at emotional stresses, an exhaustion textures at sudden death [3, etc.].
It is known, that the centers sympathetic and parasympathetic influence electric stability
myocardium. It has been earlier shown, that irritation nerves vagus and cholinomimetics agent
reduce propensity of a myocardium to fibrillation. Sympathetic agents stimulate occurrence of
fibrillation heart [7]. In result among heart muscles the sharp exhaustion catecholamine without a
degeneration adrenosympasethic textures is observed [3].
The role of an allergy in change of activity of vegetative nervous system does not cause
doubts. Histamine changes the central regulation of internal bodies [2] (fig. 3). Allergic reaction
as a spasm of bronchial muscles is possible at a bronchial asthma. The similar mechanism is
possible and at night sudden death at natives of Southeast Asia [18]. The similar mechanism is
possible at Brugada syndrome with night attacks of an asthma and increase a parasympathetic
tone [9].
The allergy is responsible in development of atherosclerosis defeat of coronary arteries
Thus, the following picture pathologies heart attack and SCD is drawn: allergic or other
stress, allocation histamine from food [18] or a complex a antigene-antibody, its influence on the
centers of vegetative nervous system [2], a tachycardia and extrasystole [4,9], fibrillation of
heart, an exhaustion adrenosympasethic textures among muscles cells [3], infringement of a
metabolism in a heart muscles, stanning, a spasm muscles cells, pains in the field of heart, and a
result – sudden heart death.

1. Literary and own supervision allow to draw a conclusion on a significant role of an
allergy and a pseudo-allergy in development of sudden heart death by change of the
central regulation of functions of the heart with the subsequent fibrillation heart
muscles and sudden heart death.
2. In a basis of night attacks of a bronchial asthma, an allergic spasm muscles of
bronchi, an allergic attack of Makarov’s tachycardia, nights attacks of stenocardia,
emotional attacks of a stenocardia put volleys of activity in the centers of nervous
system regulating a tone of muscles.

The literature

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Fig. 1. A volley tachycardias at the girl of 14 years, arisen after lunch reception of food (9).

Fig. 2. Electrocardiograms of the patient X. after reception of allergenic food: а) before

reception of food, б) after reception of food, a tachycardia
Fig. 3 Influence histamine on activity neurons the centers of a vagus nerve

a-background; in 3 minutes after introduction of atropine; е-after 10 minutes; г-after 20 minutes.

From top to down: an electrocardiogram, ENG, breath.

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