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One of the greatest contributors of the stabilization of our economy is when businesses

are doing well and good. Continuous evolution of technology took part as well as everything
were becoming dependent on automation and digital transformation. So true with businesses and
establishments today, everything circulates and depends on what technology can offer. In the
business world, everything needs to be carefully studied, analysed and implemented. Simple and
minute mistake may lead to serious problem and deterioration of the whole business. On the
contrary, if properly done, profitability is surely expected. This is where Digital Prototyping will
play a big role in every business transformation from profitable to more profitable and stable.

My research says, Digital Prototyping gives conceptual design, engineering,

manufacturing and sales and marketing departments the ability to virtually explore a complete
product before it is built. In more simple words, it goes beyond simply creating product designs
in 3D. It gives product development teams a way to assess the operation of moving parts, to
determine whether or not the product will fail, and see how the various product components
interact with subsystems, either pneumatic or electric. By simulating and validating the real-
world performance of a product design digitally, manufacturers often can reduce the number of
physical prototypes they need to create before a product can be manufactured, reducing the cost
and time needed for physical prototyping. Most of the companies are using digital prototyping in
place of, or as complement to physical prototyping.

Nobody wanted to make their businesses failure and non-profitable, that is why owners
give their best effort not to let this happen and they start everything with the best product to
offer. Business products are the things companies sell to make money whether tangible or non-
tangible like services. Connecting to digital prototyping, the journey of building a product
involves various steps to reach the level where it can be pushed to production for the mass
audience. Each product has a certain target audience and solves their pain points in some way.
To evaluate, whether the product really solves its users problems, an almost working model
called a prototype is created and tested with the prospective users and stakeholders. So, for
understanding the exact needs and expectations of your target audience you first need to create a
mock up, get it approved from stakeholders, collect feedback, consult your collaborators, male
changes and then iterate the process until you have clear visualisation of what you need to build
as a final product. It is easier to collect feedback and make changes to your product at an early
stage than when the product is near ready. Thus, it saves effort, cost and helps you steer the
product in the right direction. Doing so, it is but essential that a business or a company knows
what to do, especially, the management must know to connect digital era to its business, or else it
will be left behind. To better understand, first is the need to identify what exactly is a prototype.
A prototype is an early sample or mock up of the product we wish to build. A prototype is a
quick model explaining the actual plans for the final product. It could be something as simple as
hand-drawn sketches, integrated together (lo-fi prototype) to demonstrate the product to a fully
functional product (hi- prototype), which the stakeholders and users can fell and use. In a
nutshell prototype is an early iteration of the product, demonstrating its core functionality.
We frequently come across different types of prototype and their applications but do not
clearly understand the real purpose or necessity of the application of the prototype. The main
reason for prototyping is to validate the idea and this is the step in converting an idea to a real
product. A prototype could be a working model, representational (non-working) model,
miniature or a scale model, video or a photo demonstration based on the factors like a problem to
be solved, the mandate of the end costumer, investor/ industry requirements or prototype that
best satisfies the purpose. Ideally, the first type should be a working model which is actually
functional, so people can get their hands on it and try it out. Also, it good to get the wrinkles
ironed out before presenting the prototype to industry, as not very often a second meeting is
given in case prototype fizzles at a meeting. But sometimes it isn’t possible to have a working
model, in such cases another kind of prototypes is used is used which best suits the situation.

There are many types of the prototype here is ten of those types which are the most
common and most useful; a film (movie)prototype, Feasibility Prototype, Horizontal Prototype,
Rapid Prototype, Simulation Prototype, Storyboard, Vertical Prototype, Wireframe, Animations
and Mock-up. We need to understand as well the pros and cons of indulging the business to the
digital era. When it’s true that technology helps a lot in making a company profitable in a faster
pace, there are also disadvantages of using such. Advantages includes reduced time and costs,
improved and increased user involvement and reduced time and costs. Whereas disadvantages of
Prototyping are insufficient analysis, user confusion, developer misunderstanding of user
objectives and excessive development time.

Overall for projects that require revision and end user feedback and recommendation
implementation, prototyping is a must. Prototyping directly determines the direction of the entire
projects and its eventual success. For successful prototyping identifies and corrects problems
long before they can negatively impact and irreparably harm the final finished project.

A prototype is a useful, often essential, tool and can be the foundation of a successful
web or mobile app or other digital product. Low-cost in terms of time and money, prototypes are
a key part of the design process and offer quick, low-risk input from users, investors and other
stakeholders which can validate your initial business ide (or not). Put simply, prototyping
enables you to understand your own proposed product designs better. However, ultimately the
usefulness of your prototype app will depend on the quality, skills and experience of the team
chosen to create it.

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