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Favorite food place

Most preferred food place of North South University students in Bashundhara


Shafiqul Islam
ID- 163 1848 030
Eng105, Sec-21
Ms. Musharrat Hossain
December 22, 2018

Favorite food place

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Literature Review .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Presentation and Analysis .................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 15

Favorite food place


This study reports an investigation into the preference of food place of North South University

students in Bashundhara area. The paper examines the most favorite place for having food of NSU

students. It talks about how and on what basis they basically prefer a place for eating. The findings

of this research are based on the responses obtained from the current students of NSU. A total of

30 students were the participants in this study. Data was collected through an online questionnaire

using google forms. The statistical presentation and analysis are provided in figure 1-6

respectively. The result shows that, Bashundhara gate is the most favorite place for NSU students

to have food which is due to their convenience.

Keyword: preference, food place, students.

Favorite food place


University students most likely spend their most of the time in campus. They have classes,

mid-term exam, quiz, presentation, debate and what not. They always go through such tough

schedule. Therefore, they need to take meals in the campus or outside the campus. Since NSU

canteen is not that reasonable in terms of price, many students go for outside food store to have

their meals.

In the past, food store was considered only a place for having food but it is now considered

as a place for hanging out with family and friends. Food store is a place where students go for

relaxation. It is a place students raise their arguments and share their thoughts. Students prefer

their food store not only on the basis of food quality but also on the basis of environment of the

food store and the service they provide.

The focus of the research will be on the most favorite place for NSU students to have food

in Bashundhara area. Bangladesh is a densely populated country. People of Bangladesh hardly find

a place for recreation. So food store are being interchanged by people for their amusement and

refreshments. Bashundhara area has so many food stores in Bashundhara gate, Ghatpar, metro

kitchen, Apollo gate and Rajbari food court. Therefore, students of NSU have many options to go

for having meals and then there comes a matter of preference. This research would like to know

what NSU students think about a food store; what is their expectation from a food store; which is

their most favorite place among these and why. It is expected that from this research all these

answer to such questions will come out.

Favorite food place

This research plans to investigate the factors on which students make their preferences of

going any particular food place. The research will address the following research question:

 What is a food store to them?

 How often they usually go for outside food?

 What is the most preferred food place to them in Bashundhara area?

 What is the reasons of choosing that particular place?

 What is the preferred place for having meals with family members to them in

Bashundhara area?

 How much time they usually spend?

 Do they think food place might have any impact over them?

 What would be their suggestions if they are asked to make one?

Through this research, it might be found that Metro Kitchen is the most favorite place

for NSU students to have food because it is quite reasonable in price, friendly environment and

food quality is also good. There might be other minor reasons for this preference like students are

allowed to smoke in that place. They can stay there for a longer time period since the place is pretty

large. Students can have group study as well since there are less gatherings and less outside noise.

Furthermore, this place has many small container food stores as well which are quite family


Favorite food place

Literature Review

Eating outside the home became a new trend now days in Dhaka city of Bangladesh and

that has an impact of the restaurant industry of Dhaka. This is due to the increase in income and

the changes in tastes and preference of the city dwellers (Islam, Mustafi, Ahmed, Rashid, Kabir &

Nazrul, 2018, pp1). Families and students are provoked to hang out with friends, families and

collogues in the restaurant like developed societies (Islam ET all, 2018, pp3). According to Islam

et all, the selection of restaurant is, sometimes, influenced by age, gender difference and income

of the customers (pp.3-5). Study on young customer shows that affordable price of the menu,

service quality and restaurant ambience are important factors. Eating out has emerged a trend in

10 million households in India whose household income is on average Rs.46000 per month and

about 40% of these opt to eat out at least in a month (Upadhyay, 2017).

University students are tend to take more outside foods. Young adolescents love to explore

new places and new dishes. According to Bipasha and Goon (2014), “Consumption of takeaway

and fast food by young adolescents is no longer confined to the developed countries; it has spread

to the developing countries as well. The culture of fast food consumption has replaced the

traditional meal among university students” (p.61). As society develops, the economic activities

also expand. Therefore, people become busy and that discourages them to prepare food at their

home. As such, the only alternative is to consume food that is prepared by others and preferably

light in nature (Nazrul and Shafayet, July 2010, p.132). On the other hand, restaurant owners

maintain many things to continue possession of their existing customers. Service quality has been

regarded an antecedent of customer satisfaction which in turn results in customer retention ((Kim,

Hertzman, & Hwanng, 2015, p.129).

Favorite food place

This research is concentrated on the preference of food store in Bashundhara area of the

students enrolled in North South University. As most of the students of NSU stay all day long in

campus, they need to take meal within the campus or outside the campus. Since Bashundhara area

has so many food stores in its place, students are therefore no longer confined to NSU canteen.

Students may go different places based on their different preferences. This research deals with the

preferences of the NSU students and also looks at what are the factors which lead them to prefer.

Favorite food place

Data Presentation and Analysis

A total of 30 students of North South University were respondent to the survey. It was an

online survey done with using the google forms and all the questions except one were mandatory

to answer. The survey began with general demographic questions and gradually questions were

ask regarding the topic.

Figure-1: Gender, age and departments of the participants.

Favorite food place

From figure 1, we can clearly see that, out of 30 respondents 18 are males and 12 are

females which covers 60% and 40% respectively. They are given with the four different categories

of age box but all the respondent are between 19 to 24 years old. The highest number of participants

are 22-24 years old and rest are covered with 19-21 years old which covers 66.7% and 33.3%

respectively. So no respondent is below 19 and over 25. Majority of the respondents are coming

from BBA department which covers almost 83% and rest are coming from other department.

Figure-2: What is a food store to them?

From figure 2 it can be seen that, they were given four options. Highest number of

respondent ticked that Food store is a place for hanging out with family and friends which covers

70%. While lowest number of respondent ticked option C & D which cover 3.3% each. This

indicates that food store is not for snapping pictures and having group study to them. Rest 23.3%

said that food store is a place for only to have food. Overall it can be said that, NSU students

basically go to restaurant for hanging out with friends and family.

The next question were asked what is the most preferred food place to them in the Bashundhara

area, their response were:

Favorite food place

Figure-3: most preferred food place of NSU students in Bashundhara area.

The above pie chart from figure 3 represents the most preferred place of NSU students in

Bashundhara area. The pie chart divided into four parts. Blue portion refers to the Bashundhara

gate, red portion represents the Metro kitchen, Yellow portion refers to Ghatpar and Green portion

refers to Rajbari Food court. According to the survey results, it shows that majority of the students

prefer Bashundhara gate which is 46.7% while Metro kitchen and Rajbari Food Court were the

least preferred place for having food which is 16.7% each. The reason might be the distance. These

two places are not that close to NSU. Students meeting up their hunger in closest place which is

Ghatpar and Bashundhara gate. Ghatpar is the 2nd best option but still it is only 20%. The reason

might be food quality and overall environment of the place which is not up to the mark.

In reply to the following question asked; what were the reasons for choosing that particular place.

The respondents replied:

Figure-4: The reasons of choosing that particular place.

Favorite food place

From the given bar chart, horizontal axis shows the number of response and the vertical

axis shows the parameter of preferences. The above bar chart shows that, 56.7% of the respondent

went for option D which includes all-environment, quality and price. While 13.3% said that they

picked that place for food quality which is the lowest. Other chosen environment and food price

for their background reason which are 20% and 23.3% accordingly. This result indicates that,

majority of the students want that three different factors which are price, quality and environment

in one particular place.

In addition to their previous question, the next question were asked what if they are going to have

food with their family, which places they would prefer go to. The respondents said:

Figure-5: most preferred food place of NSU students in Bashundhara area with family members.

The above pie chart represents the preferences of NSU students about food store going

with family members in Bashundhara area. Blue portion refers to the Bashundhara gate, Green

portion refers to the Rajbari Food Court and the Red portion indicates to the Metro kitchen. The

highest percentage are coming from blue portion which is 36.7% while no one has preferred

Ghatpar for going with family. Other two has quite similar percentages which are 33.3% for

Rajbari Food Court and 30% for Metro kitchen. Ghatpar is the zero preferred place for going with

family members. The reasons are quite known. Environment of Ghatpar is not family oriented.
Favorite food place

The next question were asked whether a food place had an impact over them or not. The respondent


Figure-6: A food place has an impact over students.

The above pie chart shows the level of agreement about the given statements. The Blue

portion refers to strongly agree, Red portion stands for agree, yellow portion is for neutral and

Green portion is for disagree. The highest number of participants agreed with the statement which

is 46.7% and the lowest number in percentage comes from strongly disagreement which is 0%. So

no one has strongly disagreed that a food place has an impact over students. 30% of the respondent

strongly believed that the impact is there over students. 16.7% participant went neutral about the

statement. Majority of the students agreed with statements, the reason might be the trend.

Nowadays taking outside food became a trend in young generation.

Favorite food place


The respondents –students of North South University- were asked to provide a brief

description and give their opinion regarding the fact that if they were an owner of any food store

in Bashundhara area, which addition or changes they would bring. The respondents said; they

would decrease the price of food and would maintain hygiene of the food. Some were suggesting

that they would reduce the price for students. They also suggest that they would create such places

for students where they can have meal and can have study as well. Furthermore, they said that they

would separate smoking and non-smoking zone so that non-smokers will have a better place to

dine in. They would also add a better parking space in the place. Some were saying that they would

improve the quality of food and the environment of the place. Moreover, they would get feedback

from the customer so that they can come up with the satisfactory changes. One of the respondent

said that he would add a garden with the store where people can sit, take pictures and eat.

As the hypothesis of this research was that Metro Kitchen is the most preferred food place

in Bashundhara area for NSU students because it is quite reasonable in price, it has friendly

environment and quality of food is also good. The other minor reasons could be smoking is allowed

there, it has a parking space, students can spend more time since the place is pretty large and one

can have study as well since there are less gathering and less outside noise. But results of this

survey proved it wrong. Bashundhara gate is found out the most preferred food place in

Bashundhara area for NSU students. Even Bashundhara gate is came out the best place for having

food with family members as well. The reasons might be there are number of store in Bashundhara

gate for having food, some of them are pretty nice. It is convenient for many students because it is

Favorite food place

within their route. The environment of some of the store is also very good and they offer variety

of dishes from which students can find out their desired one.

However, there are certain limitations to this research. First of all, there was no funding

available for this research. Secondly, the sample size is 30 which is pretty small in number. Thirdly,

limitation of time. If the research is made through longer period of time, the result could have been

more effective. And the last factor was lack of recourse. If there were sufficient recourse available

for the research, the result could have been more accurate and significant. Nevertheless, this

research can be taken further by researchers to look at the bigger pictures. This research can be

used as a useful resource for future researcher and the research topic could be a good field to make

the further study. This research can even help researcher in coming future to conduct a broader

scale related to the field like, what is the most preferred food place in Dhaka City for university

students in general.

Favorite food place


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Islam, Dr. Nazrul. (2018, March). Factors Influencing the Selection of Restaurant for Dining in

Dhaka City of Bangladesh [Abstract].

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