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Course Code: EM 615


Submitted by: JESSICA A. ISLETA

1. A Tendency to avoid problems. This talks about the fact that when a leader attempts to introduce a
plan, he usually encounters problems such as individual differences and beliefs which may pertain to
culture and tradition. A leader may get away from giving or sending his authority to his members for
some ideas are unacceptable to others. It limits him to continue his goals. In order to avoid problems,
a leader may just ignore opinions of others and even became indecisive of his plans which make all
processes unsuccessful to be performed.

2. Leaders attempting to introduce strategic or quality initiatives usually encounters difficulties linked
especially to cultures with a heavy collegial; when a quality or positive declaration started as a formal
process, there will be external condition or responsibility or financial crisis to be experienced.
Traditions of low management will create problem and will also lead to unfriendly agreement of what
is legal.

3. According to Tabatoni Public Universities which are tied to state higher education bureaucracies
could also lead to widespread of its rules and maintenance-oriented procedures. This usually
happens because of limited planning horizons or a separation between planning and evaluative
processes-these do not help in holding or maintaining prime action.

4. Delays on feedbacks are one of the common problems experienced by a leader in decision
making. It is really difficult to make other members unite in making decisions and opinions. Commonly
misunderstanding leads to the failure of the common goal of the group. This common barrier that
leads to the attainment of organizational goal also affects the performance of each member of the

5. It is said that there is a problem arising between academic and administrative staff and this is not
classified according to various criteria into successive level but this shows essential differences in
values and operating styles. These two groups have its own contradicting opinions. They have two
different standpoints when it comes to quality and evaluation issues. Both leaders and staffs argue
about common issues on the society but give their ideas and point of views differently.

6. Statement number 6 explains that individuals with different way of discipline-have its own way of
taking power over their responsibility, belief and behaviour. People or commonly leaders act
differently in every situation that they do encounter. Every plan, decision and even action they do
depend on their personality.
7. Problems of external adaptation and survival have to do with how the organization will find a way or
cope with its constantly changing environment. Problems of the changing world are evitable. One of
these changes is the organizational change and it was said that this greatly affects the organization in
implementing or achieving quality strategy. A leader and the group must work together to reinforce or
develop what we call traditional yet effective management.

Every new or old condition of organization experience drastic change but it should not be a reason for
the leaders to ignore the existing culture and supports some of those ideas especially if it does help in
reaching its goal.

Course Code: EM 615

Submitted by: JESSICA A. ISLETA


1. Universities are faced with many challenges, from better financial management to streamlining
operations to staying competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining both staff and students. A
school should modernize its performance appraisal process and quickly saw a major improvement in
many of the performance-related decisions being made. A learning organization should be well
informed in solving problems that may arise. It should have the data to create talent pools and plan
for the future of the organization.  Universities need to be ready for the onslaught that may arise in the
coming years, and should have a long term solution for it. A University or any learning organization
should offer its employees the opportunity to improve and drive a competitive advantage.

2. Transformation is important in order to increase competitiveness and differentiation. It may help in

achieving success in planning. It inspires people to look beyond their own interests and focus on the
interests and needs of the team. Transformation is needed not only in leadership but also in implying
transparency, openness and frankness in an institution to stimulate work and takes the time to
recognize good work and good people. This also serves as a preparation for future setback that may
arise. One advantage of the transformation is that it may retain employees and customers. The
transformational leader fully engages with people and seeks to satisfy their needs right along with the
organization's needs.

3. A University should use creativity or look for alternative solution to problem systematically.
Good governance in a university should determine clear objectives and goals in facing short and
long-term strategic plans for the learning institution.

4. Flexibility or the ability of a leader to undergo and experience change. A leader with this
exceptional people skill brings an advantage to any endeavour she undertakes. He responds to the
ever-changing needs of both the organization and the team. Leaders listen and empower employees
to makes changes in themselves and realize their full potential.

5. Collective Intelligence usually help an organization but it also creates problems. It is critical to find
powerful ways to collectively address important challenges especially when ideas come from different
people with different IQ level.

6. With the fast and changing world; education also changes. Basic academic units are the key to
cultural transformation. The work of each learning institution should be guided by ambitious design
thinking and grounded in the particular needs of each client who are the students even if the goal
increases in size and scope. Together, an institution should move people – to explore, to wonder, to
succeed. The aim of an organization should be uniform and intact.

7. Example of said changes mentioned in statement in number 7 is when Universities and colleges
simply cannot afford to lag behind in their talent practices and then expect to recruit and retain the
workers required to drive the organization’s success. Putting in place a talent management strategy
which focuses on creating a culture based on performance helps drive efficiency, reduces turnover
costs, fosters employee development and assures a high level of services are delivered to students.
Course Code: EM 607
Submitted by: JESSICA A. ISLETA

TASK: From the given elements of the social structure, define each of them and mention as
many types as you can.

 Statuses means the relative social, professional, or other standing of someone or something

Example: Doctor, Teacher, Nurse, Lawyer, Housewife, beggar and etc.

 Social roles are the part people play as members of a social group. With each social role you
adopt, your behaviour changes to fit the expectations both you and others have of that role.

Example: Mother, Father, Friend, Sister, addict, caregiver, etc.

 Group means a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered
or classed together.

Example: family, friends, lovers, soldiers and etc.

 Social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or
organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. The social
network perspective provides a set of methods for analysing the structure of whole social
entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. A
social network is comprised by various nodes and the ties that connect them.

Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tagged and Yahoo.

 Social institutions are established sets of norms and subsystems that support each society's
survival. Each sector carries out certain tasks and has different responsibilities that contribute
to the overall functioning and stability of a society.

Examples: economy, government and family, educational and religious institutions.

Why would you agree that the college is a social institution?

Answer: College is a social institution because it establishes sets of norms and carries different
responsibilities that contribute to the overall functioning and stability of a society. It is an institution
because it is important and essential in the development and maintenance of orders of the society.

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