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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering

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The Effect of Carbon Fiber Content on the Mechanical

and Tribological Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced
PTFE Composites
J. Li
School of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University ,
Shanghai, P.R. China
Published online: 22 Mar 2010.

To cite this article: J. Li (2010) The Effect of Carbon Fiber Content on the Mechanical and Tribological Properties
of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced PTFE Composites, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 49:4, 332-336, DOI:

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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 49: 332–336, 2010
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-2559 print=1525-6111 online
DOI: 10.1080/03602550903413995

The Effect of Carbon Fiber Content on the Mechanical

and Tribological Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced
PTFE Composites
J. Li
School of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University,
Shanghai, P.R. China
Downloaded by [University of Chicago Library] at 16:33 20 November 2014

are combined to form a multiphase material, it is expected

Blending polytetrafluorothylene (PTFE) to carbon fiber at that the overall performance will be a function of the
different compositions was produced in a corotating twin screw respective contribution of each phase[6–9]. Nevertheless,
extruder where PTFE acts as the polymer matrix and carbon fiber the influence of the structure of composites on abrasive
as the dispersed phase. The effects of carbon fiber content on wear is a complex function of the properties and inter-
mechanical and tribological properties of the composites were inves-
tigated. The worn surface morphologies of neat PTFE and its actions of the matrix, the reinforcing constituent, and the
composites were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) interface between them, and experimentally it is found that
and the wear mechanisms were discussed. The presence of carbon fillers can either enhance or degrade the wear resistance of
fiber dispersed in the PTFE continuous phase exhibited superior polymeric composites[10–12].
tribological characteristics to unfilled PTFE. The optimum wear In this study, we aimed to prepare carbon fiber-
reduction was obtained when the content of carbon fiber is 30 vol%.
reinforced PTFE composite with different content of
carbon fiber by twin-screw extrusion. The purpose of the
Keywords Composition; Tribological properties; Worn
present paper is to clarify the tribological behavior of
carbon fiber reinforced PTFE composites sliding against
INTRODUCTION CGr15 ball under dry sliding condition, so as to provide
Fillers, in the form of particulates and fibers, are often some practical guidance for the use of these kinds of
added to polymeric materials to improve their stiffness composites under dry sliding condition. The effects of filler
and strength. This second phase filler material will influence content on the mechanical and tribological properties were
the mechanical properties and tribological properties of the also comparatively discussed and the wear mechanisms of
composite material[1]. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) pos- the composites were discussed based on the SEM examin-
sesses some extraordinary characteristics such as very low ation of the worn surfaces.
friction coefficient, good high temperature stability and
chemical stability[2]. However, its application has been EXPERIMENTAL
greatly limited for its poor mechanical properties and low Materials and Specimens
resistance to creep. In order to obtain better friction and The reinforcements used in the present study were
wear properties, PTFE is usually reinforced and modified Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based unmodified and unsized
by other reinforcements[3,4]. Carbon fiber reinforcement high strength (HS) carbon fibers (supplied by Shanghai
dominates in high-performance applications due to its out- sxcarbon Technology Co., Ltd., China) with the following
standing mechanical properties combined with low weight. specified properties: tensile strength, 2500 MPa; elastic
Strong interfacial adhesion strength must be achieved to modulus, 200 GPa; density, 1760 Kg=m3; diameter, 7 mm;
improve the mechanical properties of composites as it length 75 mm. PTFE powder supplied by xstar company
determines the mechanical properties of composites.[5] with a grit size about 30.0 mm was used as matrix resin of
Under controlled testing a given phase shows a specific the composites.
wear mode and wear rate, which is determined by its
individual properties. Consequently, when various phases
Preparation Process
The 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 vol% carbon fiber-containing
Address correspondence to J. Li, School of Mechanical &
Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, composites were prepared by the twin-screw extruder. The
Shanghai 201209, P.R. China. E-mail: lijian2002.student@ extrudate was chopped into small pellets. The produced CF=PTFE pellets were vacuum-dried again at 80 C for


12 hr. The twin-screw extruder was operated at the same tensile properties of pure PTFE were inferior to CF=PTFE.
processing conditions used during the blend preparation. After adding CF, the mechanical properties were greatly
The specimens for the mechanical characterization experi- improved. With the increase of the content of CF, the
ments were molded by using an injection- molding machine tensile properties of CF=PTFE blends increased. When
at a barrel temperature of 230 C and mold temperature the composition ratio of CF is larger than 40 vol%, the
of 80 C. tensile bending strength decreased greatly. So there is an
optimum CF content for well compatibilization effect in
Tensile Tests this experiment, when the composition ratio of CF=PTFE
The CF=PTFE composite were cut into narrow-waisted blend is 30 vol%, the blend has the optimal tensile
dumbbell-shaped specimens in accordance with the properties.
Chinese standard GB=T1040–1992. The Erichsen tests were
carried out on a computer-controlled Universal Testing
Friction and Wear Properties
Machine (made in China) at room temperature. The beam
rate was 5 mm=min. For a more accurate determination of The variations of friction coefficient of neat PTFE and
the material parameters and consideration of the possible CF=PTFE composite are shown in Figures 2 and 3. It is
Downloaded by [University of Chicago Library] at 16:33 20 November 2014

scatter in the experimental data, the measurements were seen in Figure 2 that friction coefficients of all filled PTFE
made at five constant loads for five specimens in tension. composites and neat PTFE increase as the load increases
The obtained quantities were then averaged. Fractured sur- from 6N to 15N under the same reciprocating sliding fre-
faces were coated with gold to provide conductive surfaces. quency 4 HZ. The friction coefficient decreases as the reci-
procating sliding frequency increases from 1 HZ to 12 HZ
Friction and Wear Tests under the same load 9N (Fig. 3).
The composite exhibits better friction behavior since the
Friction and wear tests were done using a ball-on-block
reinforcing CF can reduce effectively the adhesion force
reciprocating UMT-2MT tribometer at room temperature
and the plough. Moreover, 30 vol% CF=PTFE composite
with a relative humidity of 30–45%. The specimens were
exhibits the lowest friction coefficient. The addition of
polished using a fine grade SiC emery paper and cleaned
the CF strengthened the combination of the interface
ultrasonically with acetone and dried before testing. The
between the reinforcements and the PTFE matrix and
reciprocating friction stroke was 5 mm and tests were
increased the elastic modulus of the PTFE composites.
conducted at a normal spring-driven load. Five tests were
As a hard phase in the soft polymer matrix, CF can reduce
conducted under each test condition and the average values
the true contact area with the counterbody under certain
of measured friction coefficient, and wear volume were
load. As a result, it exhibits an important influence on
used for further analysis.
reducing the plough and the adhesion between the relative
sliding parts.
Tensile Properties
The tensile properties of CF=PTFE blend with different
contents are detailed as Figure 1. It is obvious that the

FIG. 2. Variations of friction coefficient with load (reciprocating sliding

FIG. 1. The tensile properties of CF=PTFE composites. frequency: 4 Hz).
334 J. LI

all filled PTFE composites increased with increasing

applied load, but they exhibit different relationships
between volumetric wear and load. It can be seen from
Figure 4 that the addition of CF can improve the wear
resistance of the PTFE composites and 30 vol% CF rein-
forced PTFE composite exhibits the lowest volumetric
wear. The unfilled PTFE composite showed, in general,
the highest volumetric wear of all the specimens tested
under the same sliding condition. Additionally, the high
percentage (40 vol%) of fillers in composite degraded the
wear resistance of the CF=PTFE because the fillers them-
selves caused stress concentrations in the matrix.

SEM Studies on Worn Surfaces

Downloaded by [University of Chicago Library] at 16:33 20 November 2014

The worn surfaces of the neat PTFE and CF=PTFE

composite under the same load and reciprocating sliding
FIG. 3. Variations of friction coefficient with reciprocating sliding
frequency are shown in Figure 5. In the case of unfilled
frequency (Load: 9N). PTFE (Fig. 5(a)), the peeling of PTFE was observed. The
matrix material exhibited very poor wear resistance in wear
tests as it was removed. Large sections of removal as seen
Filled with a lower content of CF, the composite here was not observed in the case of CF=PTFE composite,
exhibits higher friction coefficient compared with pure as seen in Fig. 5(b)–(e).
PTFE. So the higher friction coefficients in these cases As the likelihood of abrasion in this case decreased
appear to be derived from the activation of fracture in markedly, wear was also reduced compared to that of the
the interface of reinforcing CF and PTFE matrix as inter- unfilled PTFE. The worn surface of the 10 vol % CF=PTFE
facial energy dissipation mechanism during the sliding sample is shown in Fig. 5(b). Microcracks were observed at
process. For PTFE composite filled with higher CF the surface either at the reinforcement-matrix boundary or
content, the lower coefficients of the friction compared at weak spots in the matrix and eventually led to delamina-
with pure PTFE may result from the smooth role CF tation of the matrix material. Low content of CF can not
played. support the load from the counter body sufficiently. That
Figure 4 shows the volumetric wear of unfilled PTFE, means that the matrix far away from the CF has the same
and of the CF=PTFE composite as a function of the load wear mechanism with neat PTFE.
applied. In general, the volumetric wear for unfilled and Figure 5(e) shows some cracks in the matrix, normal to
the sliding direction, which formed after neighbouring fil-
lers had been detached. This would give rise to a high vol-
ume loss of matrix. Microcracking and subsequent spalling
of material is an important wear mode for high content
filled polymeric materials. Probably, a crack follows the
reinforcement–matrix interface and passes between the
reinforcements at their closest distance. The crack propa-
gates under the original surface matrix layer and causes
fragments of the matrix to be broken off. The driving force
for the crack comes from the friction forces being applied
on the matrix surface. Figure 5(d) also shows that reinfor-
cements were fractured into fragments and many small
filler particles were detached from the matrix material leav-
ing cavities in the matrix. These cavities were themselves
stress concentrations and resulted in more cracks in the
matrix and a higher volumetric wear.
While for the 30 vol% CF=PTFE composite (Fig. 5(d)),
the worn surface is relatively smooth and the peeling
FIG. 4. Variations of volumetric wear with load (reciprocating sliding of matrix and PA6 are constrained due to that the CF
frequency: 4HZ). effectively support the load from the counterface.
Downloaded by [University of Chicago Library] at 16:33 20 November 2014

FIG. 5. SEM morphologies of the worn surface of neat PTFE and CF=PTFE composites at a load of 9N and a reciprocating sliding frequency of 4 HZ.

were improved with the addition of CF reinforcement.
1. The incorporation of CF into PTFE can obviously The optimum CF content was obtained at 30 vol%.
increased the tensile properties of CF=PTFE blends. 2. The friction coefficient of neat PTFE and CF=PTFE
And the friction and wear properties of the materials composites increased with the increase of the load
336 J. LI

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