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Physical Education
Interview Questions

You are in the first few days of a __________ grade _________________________unit.

Describe from start to finish how you would use the __________ minute period.

Look For:
• Description  of  Student  Learning  Outcome  (SLO)  for  the  period  (what  students  will  
know/be  able  to  do  at  the  end  of  class)  that  is  tied  to  content  standards  specific  for  
that  grade  level.  
• Criteria  so  students  will  know  if  they  have  achieved  SLO  
• Warm-­‐up  that  is  appropriate  for  SLO  
• Clear  instruction  
• Deep  student  engagement  with  content    
• Lots  of  opportunity  for  students  to  participate  (small  sided  games,  lots  of  
equipment,  etc)  
• ALL  students  engaged  in  Moderate  to  Vigorous  Physical  Activity  (MVPA)  at  least  
50%  of  class  time  
• Opportunity  for  students  to  receive  feedback  
• Includes  formative  assessment  
• Closure  opportunity  for  students  to  reflect  on  work,  and  use  criteria  to  determine  
whether  or  not  they  met  SLO  for  day  
• Describes  strategies  to  differentiate  instruction  (English  Learners,  Special  Ed,  skill  
levels,  learning  styles,  etc)  
• Effective  use  of  class  time  (changing  activities  efficiently  to  keep  students  engaged)  
Watch Out For:
• No  articulation  of  SLO  for  the  day  
• “Run  a  lap”  warm-­‐ups  and  stretching  that  is  not  necessary  for  day’s  activities  
• Too  much  time  focused  teaching  rules  (these  are  not  in  standards!)  
• Large  group  games  
• Students  standing,  sitting,  waiting  and/or  not  engaged  
• Teacher  talking  more  than  students  

Describe how you would assess learning at the end of a unit. Include details about how you
prepared students for the summative evaluation throughout the unit.

Look For:
• Describes  a  performance-­‐based  assessment  related  to  California  Physical  Education  
Model  Content  Standards  for  that  grade  level  
• Clear  criteria  to  define  the  evidence  students  will  need  to  provide  re:  what  they  
know/are  able  to  do  on  assessment  and  this  criteria  is  communicated  to  students  
• Instructional  sequence  supports  student  performance  on  assessment  

Physical Education
Interview Questions

Numerous  formative  assessments  used  to  inform  instruction  and  to  provide  

feedback  to  students  throughout  instructional  sequencing  
• Opportunity  for  students  to  excel  beyond  intended  learning  outcome  
Watch Out For:
• Compliance  based  assessment  (effort,  dressing  out,  attitude,  punctuality,  etc)  
• Does  not  relate  back  to  California  State  Standard  for  grade  level    
• Lack  of  clear,  objective  evidence  of  student  learning  

What strategies do you use to create a positive class climate/culture?

Look For:
• Implementing  team  building  strategies  
• Clear  and  consistent  expectations    
• Strategically  use  innovative  and  fun  activities  that  gain  student  interest  
• Focus  on  Elem/MS  Standard  5  or  HS  Standard  3  
• Creating  rapport  with  students  (especially  tough  students)  
• Collaborative  opportunities  for  students  w/clear  responsibilities  
Watch Out For:
• Punitive  punishment  systems  (exercise  as  punishment  is  NOT  OK!)  
• “Sitting  out”  problem  students  
• Use  of  any  activity  that  would  demean  a  student  (picking  teams,  human  targets,  etc)  

Hypothetical situation: The district has just mandated that students receive instruction
and assessment on a topic that you do not have a lot of experience with. How might you
approach this new challenge?

Look For:
• Researching  new  curriculum  in  means  that  is  meaningful/relevant  for  students  
• Engage  students  w/  informational  text  (written,  video  etc)  
• Student  centered  learning  opportunities  (Project  Based  Learning,  Inquiry  Based  
Learning,  jigsaw,  etc)  
• Collaboration  w/peers  and/or  specialists  
• Maintaining  high  expectations  for  students  
Watch Out For:
• Expectations  below  grade  level  
• Avoiding/shortening  of  units/lessons  
• Passing  off  to  peers  

Physical Education
Interview Questions

Describe how you have (or would) incorporate Common Core State Standards and 21st
Century Learning Strategies in your pedagogy.

Look For:
• Physical  education  is  a  “Technical  Subject”  
• Focus  on  physical  and  health  literacy  
• Student  opportunities  to  read,  write,  speak/listen  re:  physical  education  content  
• Students  engage  with  informational  text  (text,  diagrams,  videos,  performances,  etc)  
• Students  use  academic  language    (biomechanics,  physics,  Framework  glossary,  etc)  
• Student  centered  learning  opportunities  
• 4  Cs  of  21st  Century  Learning  (Communication,  Collaboration,  Creativity  and  
Innovation,  Critical  Thinking)  
• Use  of  technology  
Watch Out For:
• Lack  of  understanding  or  willingness  to  utilize  CCSS  in  physical  education  

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