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Darren Proctor

Basic Frame Drum Sounds

Doum (D)- pronounced Doom, Doum is the low stroke on the frame drum. This stroke is created by
striking the drum a quarter of the way into the drum, allowing the finger to bounce off. Different
fingers/combinations of fingers will create different timbres within the broader definition of doum.

Tek/Tak (T) etc.- with many different pronunciations, Tek refers to the high-pitched sound of the frame
drum. This stroke is created by striking the drum on its edge with the first knuckle of the finger. The
finger can either bounce off or stay on the head to change the sound of the stroke. Try playing tek with
each finger to build a consistent sound regardless of which finger is playing.

Pa (P)- Pa can refer to many different sounds on the frame drum. Typically, Pa is denoted as the dry
sound of the frame drum. This sound is created by striking the drum in the center (or as close to the
center as possible) with the fingertips leaving them on the head.
Darren Proctor

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