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Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology Lecture

I. Course Code: CFORCHEM

II. Course Name: Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology Lecture
III. Course Description: This course provides an overview of the major disciplines of forensic chemistry and forensic toxicology, with examples to
demonstrate their specific contributions to identification, collection, preservation, investigation, presentation, and biological and chemical analyses of
physical evidence for the effective dispensation of justice.
IV. Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO1: Conduct Criminological research on importance and application of forensic chemistry and toxicology in investigation and detection crimes and
criminal justice.
CLO2: Demonstrate procedures in forensic chemistry and toxicology to be applied in crime detection and investigation.
CLO3: Apply the principles of jurisprudence procedure in presenting forensic chemistry and toxicology evidence in court proceeding.
CLO4: Collaborate the forensic chemistry and toxicology effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
CLO5: Engage in lifelong learning and understanding on the development of forensic chemistry and toxicology as a field in criminology.
CLO6: Apply professional, social, and ethical standards in the practice of forensic chemistry and toxicology in the investigation and detection of crime
V. No. of Units:2
VII. Co-Requisite: CFORCHEML
VIII. No. of Units: Lec: 2 Lab: 0
IX. No. of Hours Per Week: 2
X. Course Outline:
 Basic concepts of forensic chemistry and toxicology
 Principles of forensic chemistry and toxicology
 Instrumentation in Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
 Documentation for case report Legal aspect of Forensic Chemistry
XI. References:
 Francisco, Felicisima Manabat (2018)Handbook/manual in forensic chemistry rev ed, Wiseman's Books Trading, Quezon City
 Lawless, Christopher (2016)Forensic science : a sociological introduction, Routledge, London
 Ellison, D. Hank (2016)Emergency action for chemical and biological warfare agents 2nd ed, CRC Press, Boca Raton
 Klaassen, Curtis D.(2015)Casarett & Doull's essentials toxicology 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, New York
 Houck, Max M. (2015)Forensic chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam
XII. Requirements: Comply and pass all academic requirements
XIII. Computation of Grades: The passing score is 50% of the total items in the examinations, while the passing grade for the semester is 75% or 3.00. The
basis for the computation of the semester grade is as follows:
Midterm grade: 70% Class standing and 30% midterm examination
Final Grade: 70% Class standing and 30% final examination
Semester grade: 50% midterm grade and 50% final grade

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