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Muscle Viruses

Muscle Viruses are imbalances that we may have developed over the course of
our lives. They
come from repeated actions like sitting, driving or any other highly repetitive
motion associated
with our work or lifestyle. They can also be a result of compensatory efforts
brought on by injury.
Muscle viruses can be viewed as one of the “costs” of modern living. Outside a
response to
injury, they most often occur as a result of the luxuries of our soft living. Chairs,
cars, desks,
computers, all of the myriad things modern living has brought to make life
easier slowly rob us
of our natural mobility and flexibility. The body was meant to move and our
modern lifestyles
have created all kinds of ways to keep us still.
Here's what happens. Muscles that are held in flexed or shortened positions
naturally become
shortened, muscles held in stretched or elongated positions naturally become
longer. When
looking at a joint, say your elbow, as the joint flexes the muscles on one side
(biceps femoris)
gets shorter and the muscles on the other (triceps) must elongate. If this doesn't
happen motion
in the joint can't occur and if the force is great enough a tear can happen on
whichever is the
weaker side.

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