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3 Fertilisation in Humans
Activity Support (B)

Name …………………………………………………..………….. Class …………………..

Sperm and egg

The aims of this practical are:
 to explain how sex cells are adapted to their jobs
 to follow instructions carefully to produce accurate scale models.


Fusion 1 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2008 1 B2 Reproduction

B2.3 Fertilisation in Humans
Activity Support (B)
 Plasticine  Card
 Thread  Compasses
 Scissors  Ruler

Fusion 1 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2008 2 B2 Reproduction

B2.3 Fertilisation in Humans
Activity Support (B)

Take care when using scissors and compasses.

Here is a diagram of an egg cell and a sperm cell.

In real life, the egg cell is about 30 times bigger than the sperm cell. You are going to
make models to show this.
We can make a scale model of a sperm cell that is 1000  bigger than the actual cell.
1 Take a small piece of plasticine and make it into an oval shape 5 mm long and 3 mm wide.
This is the head of your model sperm.
2 Cut a piece of thread 50 mm long and attach it to the head. This is the tail.
We can also make a scale model of an egg cell that is 1000  bigger than the actual
1 Take a piece of card and draw a circle on it with a 146 mm diameter. (You can do this by
setting a pair of compasses to 73 mm.)
2 Cut out your circle and draw a spot in the middle of it to represent the nucleus of the egg

1. How is the sperm cell adapted to swim to the egg and fertilise it?


2. How is the egg cell adapted and why?


Fusion 1 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2008 3 B2 Fertilisation in Humans

B2.3 Fertilisation in Humans
Activity Support (B)

3. How are sperm and egg cells similar?


4. How are sperm and egg cells different?


Fusion 1 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2008 4 B2 Fertilisation in Humans

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