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Books Review writing:

A book review writing is a description and critical evaluation of
a book. It gives a summary of the content and assesses the
value of the book focusing on the book’s purpose, contents and
the authority.
Books review are common ways for academics to evaluate each
other’s contribution to the field of research, espically in the arts
and social sciences where publishing a book is more usual than
publishing in a journal. A good review is more than a just a
summary of the content. All book reviews share common
universal elements. These include
 A concise plot summary of the book.
 An evaluation of the work.
 A recommendation of the audience.
If these are the basic ingredients that make up a nook review,
it the tone and style with which the book reviewer writes that
bring the extra confidence of style and manner. This will
different from platform to platform. A book review on good
reader for instance, will be much more informal and personal
than a book review on kirkus reviews, as it is showing to a
different audience. However, at the end of the (story) day the
goal of all book reviews is to give the audience the tools to
determine whether or not the would like to read the book pr
the story themselves.
Story: is the king in the world of fiction, it probably would not
come as any surprise to learn that a book review for a novel
will concentrate on how well the story was told. That said,
book review in all the genres follow the same basic set of rules
or the formula.
Steps for writing the review
To write a good review the following six steps are taken.
 Pick out the most important aspects of the book.
 Include brief quotes and example.
 Write conclusion that summarises every thing.
 Find similar books.
 Give it a star rating.
Writing about fiction
Plot {character
Plot: is the series of related events that make up a story or
drama. Plot is the structure of the action of a story.
In conventional stories, plot has three main parts’s rising action,
climar and action leading to a resolution.
Parts of plot
The start of the story, In short it is the situation before the
action starts.
Rising action is a plot is a series of relevant incidents that
create suspense, interest and tension in a narrative.
Climax: the turning point of a story.
Falling action: is an action which follows the climax.
Resolution: it is the conclusion of a story,
A plot is mainly the inter link between the events of a story. It is
the most important part. A plot has its stricture which contains
flash back, time and pacing, flash forward conflict and
Flashback: flashback can provide background information and
streng then our understanding of a character.
Time and pacing: most stories are told in chorinological order.
The order in which events unfold in real time
Flash forward: a scene that interrupts the present action of the
plot to shift into the future. Flash farward can create dramatic
irony. The readers know what will happen in the future but the
character don’t
Foreshadowing: is a literary device in which a writer gives an
advance hint of what is to come later in the story
Conflict: a conflict is the struggle or clash between opposing
character or forces.
Conflict may be two types
 External conflict
 Internal conflict
Types of plot
There are some kinds of plot such as
 Linear plot
 Episodic plot
 Cumulative plot
 Circular plot
To sum up plot is the inter link or interrelation between the
events e.g; the king died in the grief of king. Have we find that
the inter link between the death of queen and king. After
reading a story, the question arises in our mind that “why” this
event happened
Characters are the real a fictious persons that thick act or are
acted upon in a narrative OR A character is a person, animal
being creature, or thing in a story. Writer use action to perform
the actions and speck dialogue, moving the story along a plot
line not all the characters are people characters can be any
psychological presence or personality. E.g; animal, robot and
even object.
Types of characters
Dynamic character:
In a story a dynamic character is someone who undergoes an
important internal change because of the action in the plot of a
Static character:
A static character is someone whose personality does not
change significantly throughout the events in the stories plot.
Internally, this character is basically the same as he/she was at
the story’s beginning.
Round characters:
Round characters are fully figures in the story. They are more
realistic and complex and shoe a true dept of personality. They
require more attention by the reader, they can make surprise
decisions or puzzling ones.
Flat characters:
These are the characters whose action do not affected the plot.
They may be mentioned by name, but their personalities are
not fully developed.
A protagonist is a main character who generates the action of a
story and engages the readers the protagonist is often the hero
or heroine.
The opposite of protagonist is the antagonist.
Foil character:
A character that is use to enhance another character through
Stock character:
A stock character is a representation of some sort of sterotype
stock characters are usually predictable and exist to serve a
specific purpose
To sum up, characters are the most imported part of any story.
These are the physical creature who make a story and without
them no story will be completed.
Foreshadowing in short story:
Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an
advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story or a
character and help the reader to develop expectations about
the coming events in a story. There are various ways create
foreshadowing. A writer may use character dialogues to hint at
what may occur in future. In the addition, and event or action
in the story may throw a hint to the readers about feature
events or actions. Even a title of a work or a chapter title can
act as a clue that suggests what going to happen.
Foreshadowing in fiction creates an atmosphere of suspense in
a story, so that the readers are interested to know more.
Elements to write foreshadowing
Technique in the story writing:
 Only foreshadow the important stuff.
 Foreshadowing creates a sense of fare boding.
 Finding your theme will help you.
 Use your big surprise.
 It’s about the feelings.
 Remember that this is second draft stuff.
 Highlight example of foreshowing as you real novel.
 Through this technique readers are able to draw
hypothesis both negatively and positively about the
leading figure.
 In enhance the skills of the readers as their ability to think
critically assume what is the purpose of foreshadowing
technique and why the writer used this technique.
 The develop the interest of the readers to study therw and
with full attention.
 Foreshowing technique is used by the readers for creating
suspense and tension.
 It enhance the skill of the readers to think critically and
 Reader has the ability to drawl create assumptions about
what should be happened next.
Generally the function of foreshadowing is to build anticipation
in the minds of readers about what might, happen next, thus
adding dramatic tension to a story; it is deliberately employed
to create suspense in stories novels usually by giving false clue
to distract readers.

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