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Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering

NAOE 2205: Heat Transfer

3.00 Credit, 3 hrs. /wk.
The objectives of this subject are to develop the fundamental principles and laws of heat transfer
and to explore the implications of these principles for system behavior; and to develop the
problem-solving skills essential to good engineering practice of heat transfer in real-world ship
design applications.

Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:
 understand and describe the fundamental concepts of various heat transfer methods
 build the necessary theoretical background to understand the heat transfer cases in ship

Conduction: Steady and unsteady state conduction in one dimension, cases of single and
composite walls, cylinders and spheres, fins of uniform cross section; Transient heat transfer:
system with negligible internal resistance; Hiesler charts; Introduction to two and three
dimensional heat conduction.
Convection: Forced and natural, basic mechanism, methods of evaluation, non-dimensional
parameters, empirical and semi-empirical methods.
Radiation: Fundamental laws, black and gray bodies, form factors, evaluation of form factors.
Heat exchangers: Parallel flow and counter flow. LMTD relationship; Heat transfer cases in ship
design: insulation in bulkheads, refrigerated spaces, fish holds in trawlers.

Grading System:

Letter grades and corresponding grade points will be awarded in accordance with the provisions
(unified UGC grading system) shown below:

Letter Grade Grade points Numerical Markings

A+ 4 80% and above

A 3.75 75% to below 80%
A- 3.5 70% to below 75%
B+ 3.25 65% to below 70%
B 3 60% to below 65%
B- 2.75 55% to below 60%
C+ 2.5 50% to below 55%
C 2.25 45% to below 50%
D 2 40% to below 45%
F 0 below 40%
X Thesis/Project continuation -
Performance Evaluations for Theory Courses:

Forty percent (40%) marks of theoretical course will be allotted for continuous assessment, i.e.
quizzes, class tests, assignments, class evaluation, class participation, mid-term exam etc. Term
Final Examination is conducted centrally by BSMRMU. Term Final Examination will be normally
of 3-hour duration and comprise of 60% marks. Distribution of marks for a given course is as

a. Class Attendance : 05%

b. Class Participation/Observation : 05%

c. Term Paper/Assignment : 05%

d. Class Tests/Quiz : 10%

e. Mid Term Examination (01 Exam) : 15%

f. Term Final Examination : 60%

The number of quizzes/class tests of a theory course will be n+1, where n is the number of credit
hours of the course. Evaluation of performance in quizzes/class tests will be on the basis of the
best n quizzes. The scheme of continuous assessment that a particular teacher wishes to follow for
a course will be announced as course outline on the first day of the term. The performance of a
student will be evaluated in terms of two indices, viz. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), and
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

Textbook/ References:

1. Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Applications, 5th Edition- Yunus A. Çengel, Afshin
J. Ghajar
2. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Edition – Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S.
Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt
3. Heat Transfer, 10th Edition - J.P. Holman
4. Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach- M. Necati Ozisik
5. Principles of Heat Transfer, 7th Edition- Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn
6. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Revised 3rd Edition- C.P. Kothandaraman

Course Coordinator:

Mehran Islam
MSc in TPFE (University of Manchester), BSc in Mech. Engg. (BUET),
Department of NAOE, BSMRMU.
Contact: +8801921034289

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