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Quiz 1

ECE-202, Section 1

Name: ___________________________________________ January 14, 09

Student ID Number: __________________________________

Find the one-sided Laplace transform of f (t) = sin(2π t − θ )δ (t + 2T ) − cos(2π t + θ )δ (t − 2T ) for T > 0.

SOLUTION: From the definition of the Laplace Transform, whose lower limit is 0 − , and the sifting
property of the delta function, the answer is

∫ [sin(2π t − θ )δ (t + 2T ) − cos(2π t + θ )δ (t − 2T )]e
F(s) = dt


= − ∫ cos(2π t + θ )δ (t − 2T )e−st dt
= − cos(4π T + θ )e−2Ts
Quiz 1
ECE-202, Section 2

Name: ___________________________________________ January 14, 09

Student ID Number: __________________________________

Find the one-sided Laplace transform of f (t) = cos(2π t − θ )δ (t + 2T ) − sin(2π t + θ )δ (2t − T ) for T > 0.
Use the SIFTING property of the delta function and the DEFINITION of the Laplace Transform.

SOLUTION: From the definition of the Laplace Transform, whose lower limit is 0 − , and the sifting
property of the delta function, the answer is

∫ [cos(2π t − θ )δ (t + 2T ) − sin(2π t + θ )δ (2t − T )]e
F(s) = dt


= − ∫ sin(2π t + θ )δ (2t − T )e−st dt
= − sin(π T + θ )e−0.5Ts

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