Petition: Who Do You Serve?

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To All Concerned, Who Do You Serve?

When doing your jobs, wielding your position and making decisions, it is incumbent on
you to ask "Who do I serve?" When you make decisions that obscure transparency, yet
fail to disclose the truth in this supposed "age of information," who does that serve? Do
you honor truth over power?

When you look the other way or pretend not to know the injustice of someone's home
being foreclosed on through no fault of their own, but rather through the corrupt and
intentionally criminal MERS, Federal Reserve banking system, and courts, who are you
serving? With the spectre of losing one's home, one's job, a way to feed oneself , were it
you and your loved ones, then who would you serve? ls it the same (self-serving)
person? When families are stressed to the max and on the street, who do you serve?

When you make decisions based on the credibility or monied influence of an organized
group, authority position or credential, eg. UN, DHS, FDA, USDA, FCC, CDC, WHO,
AMA, ADA, EPA, DEQ, BAR, FBl, ClA, military industrial complex, TSA, The Fed,
Congress, Commissioners, Legislators, Judicial members, Educators, rather than
listening to the ones who are most greatly atfected -- the public -- who do you serve?

When financial suppofi or position are offered, regardless of the source -- be it Federal,
corporate, lobbyists, the State or a moneyed individual -- when you "bite," who do you

We are two populations: the haves and the have-nots, but not as traditionally viewed.
This is simple. Computer keystrokes as wealth, is brilliant, abundantly endless and
creative. Labor and the ability to create something real from tangible resources is
equally creative. We have a corrupt money system that is an increasing example of
"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" because it is purported that
money is tight (for the manyi, but not for the few (on digital money & investments).
When you "cave" to that, and fail to represent the many in the rule of law, and the
greatest human potential, who do you serve?

Rather than relying on native intelligence and wisdom of natural immunities and our
God-given resources, when you give more power to controlling entities credentialed by
corporate educational institutions (eg. Rockefeller, CFR, etc.), the people are
subjugated by the "health" industry, ie. pharmaceutical companies, insurance
companies, WHO, NHl, FDA, FCC, AMA, ADA, CDC, et al., who are little more than
intellectual slaves of the corporatocracy.
Who paid you for your decision or vote to support?
Were you marketed to?
Who do you serve?

Eugenics (chemtrails, Codex Alimentarius [with its harmonization], pharmaceuticals in

lieu of supplementation, pesticides and poisons in our food in lieu of organics and
natural cycles, genetically modified foods and animals that require more pesticides and
create ill health, mystery foods without proper labels, fluoride and chlorine - both
neurotoxins in our food & water that cause cellular darnage, organ failure & death) and
antimicrobial chemothsapeutics (vaccinations in lieu of homeopathics & building
natural immunities; pasteurizing, homogenizinE and irradiating) and war. When these
are the color of the day -- as they are -- we are lefi with a sickness in the land and a
threatened populace that has little but stress, listlessness, fear and hopelessness.

So this is not a game. This is not a place to cheer "Go Green." The word "sustainability"
with its UN Agenda 2'l contains the word "stain," just as Pharmaceuticals contains the
word "harm." Global Warming is now Climate Change. How about investing in WTPK*
instead of Shame Commodities? When you consider the direction we are being taken,
consider this. We ARE being taken! And when you realize this, then who do you
serve? Or is it the WHO you serve?

No time to jump on a bandwaEon bent for hell on eafth.

We need your awareness, your Truth, your integrity now more than ever. Because the
FCC power-grabbing influence over the internet (not their purviewl) and as evidenced
just yesterday with Comcast "eating" NBC (paid purview) the information age just took
another dive, further limiting truth and free expression. Please see whai is at stake here,
what is really going on.

Globalism equals Gobbleism.

*What The People Know

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