Business Anger As Cameron Delays Decision On Airports: Trump's Gettysburg Ageing 2.0 Coast To Coast

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FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER 2015 WORLD BUSINESS NEWSPAPER UK £2.70 Channel Islands £3.00; Republic of Ireland €3.


Trump’s Gettysburg Coast to coast Ageing 2.0

Great speeches re-imagined Why the start-up trend is shifting east The ‘senior’ economy is too big to

Business anger Rand rout Turmoil as Zuma replaces

finance minister with party insider
i Cameron admits defeat on benefits curb

as Cameron South African rand

Against the dollar (rand per $)
The prime minister has admitted defeat in his effort
to stop migrant workers from claiming British
in-work benefits for four years during his Warsaw
trip to lobby the Polish government. Officials said
he made only a weak effort to sell his idea.— PAGE 2

delays decision
i City high-flyers jailed in film tax case
Three traders have been jailed for four and a half
years each after being convicted of conspiring to
13 cheat the tax authorities by investing in a film

on airports 14
finance scheme centring on Starsuckers.— PAGE 4

i Female terrorism-related arrests double

Security services arrested 315 people for terrorism-
related offences in the year to September, a third up
on a year earlier, charging 39 per cent. Arrests of
women more than doubled to 50.— PAGE 2
3 PM reneges over London runway 15
i Kim says North Korea has built H-bomb
3 ‘Gutless’ bid to dodge mayoral polls North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has
claimed that Pyongyang has
JIM PICKARD, TANYA POWLEY The Davies Commission announced developed a hydrogen bomb, to the
in the summer that a third runway at 16 scepticism of defence experts. Such
David Cameron prompted a business Heathrow was its preferred decision for Jun 2015 Dec devices have far greater power than
backlash last night after delaying until increasing aviation capacity in south- an atomic bomb.— PAGE 6
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
at least next summer any decision on east England, a verdict widely endorsed
expanding London’s airports, as he by business groups. i Glencore steps up deleveraging push
sought to keep the issue out of next Patrick McLoughlin, transport secre- The indebted trading and mining group hit hard by
May’s mayoral elections. tary, announced the delay after a meet- the collapse in commodity prices has stepped up its
Weeks after George Osborne declared ing of the government’s aviation sub- deleveraging plan and flagged a possible flotation of
that this government would be “the committee at which key ministers were its agricultural business.— PAGE 19; LEX, PAGE 18
builders”, Mr Cameron reneged on his not even present: business secretary
promise to decide before Christmas Sajid Javid and climate change secretary i Khomeini grandson enters political field
whether to authorise a new runway at Amber Rudd were out of the country. Hassan Khomeini, the moderate, football-loving
Heathrow or Gatwick. In a statement mentioning neither grandson of the founder of Iran’s 1979 Islamic
The reaction from business was with- Heathrow nor Gatwick, the government Revolution, is already touted as a possible leader
ering. John Longworth, director-general said the final location was subject to fur- despite fears over hardliner reaction.— PAGE 12
Photo: Getty
of the British Chambers of Commerce, ther consideration on environmental
said companies would see it as a “gut- impacts. It said that the commission’s Currency concern: the sacking of Nhlanhla Nene by President Jacob Zuma, above, hit the rand i Trade deficit highlights uneven recovery
less” move. shortlist of options were all “viable”. The gap between imports and exports came in at a
The Institute of Directors said busi- “The government will undertake a worse than expected £4.1bn in October, showing
ness leaders were “tearing their hair package of further work and we antici- ANDREW ENGLAND broadly pursued an orthodox 140 basis points to a seven-year how reliant the recovery remains on domestic
out” at the further delay, while the EEF pate that it will conclude over the sum- and market-friendly macro- high of 10.23 per cent. spending. Service exports performed well.— PAGE 4
manufacturers’ group said industry was mer,” it said. South African president Jacob economic policy even as it has The new finance minister is
“fed up and dismayed by the continued The new study will examine the com- Zuma faced a backlash from followed a more radical David van Rooyen, an ANC Datawatch
excuses and political dilly-dallying”. mission’s air quality analysis against the financial markets yesterday as approach in other areas. But member of parliament, who
But Mr Cameron’s decision to pursue “latest projected future concentrations his abrupt decision to sack his under Mr Zuma investors have served as the whip of the parlia-
further environmental studies achieved of nitrogen dioxide”, it said. finance minister sent the rand become increasingly sceptical mentary finance committee. Eurozone crisis-hit The experience of
one of its political objectives, helping to Mr Cameron, who had previously to record lows against the of this juggling act. Peter Attard Montalto, an countries the big countries
Cumulative change in GDP (%) involved in the
defuse a looming row with the Tory Lon- opposed Heathrow’s expansion, faced dollar and the pound. South Africa’s rand weak- analyst at Nomura, said the Q1 2008 to Q4 2009 eurozone debt
don mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith. further Tory opposition from London ened against the dollar by 5 per decision was a “serious erosion Q4 2009 to Q3 2015 crisis has
Mr Goldsmith, an anti-Heathrow mayor Boris Johnson and leading cabi- Economists warned that the cent and by 4.4 per cent against of the institution of the -20 -15-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 diverged. Ireland
campaigner, welcomed the decision to net ministers Philip Hammond, replacement of Nhlanhla Nene, sterling. The rand has regularly National Treasury that acceler- Portugal fared worst during
have further studies on air quality and Theresa May and Justine Greening. a respected technocrat, with a hit record lows against both this ates the credit and ratings nega- the 2008-09
removed his threat to quit immediately In recent years, however, Mr Cameron little-known party insider year. Since the start of 2015, the tive story” for South Africa. Spain
period but has
as MP for Richmond Park in protest. has been forced to reconsider the raised serious concerns about rand has fallen by 24 per cent Fitch last week downgraded Greece recovered best,
“We have a massive opportunity now to scheme amid pressure from business the running of Africa’s most against the dollar and 22 per South Africa’s credit rating to Italy with output now
remove the threat of Heathrow expan- and especially from chancellor George advanced economy. cent against the pound. triple B minus, one level above almost 10 per cent
sion once and for all, and to press for an Osborne. The Treasury has long advo- Since taking power in 1994, South African bonds were subinvestment grade. above the level of
intelligent approach to London’s con- cated the expansion of Heathrow. ending white minority rule, the also battered; the yields on Long arm of Zuma page 6 Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream early 2008
nectivity,” he said. Airports decision page 3 African National Congress has 10-year paper soared nearly Editorial Comment page 14

Brussels wants own frontier force and

coastguard to police borders of EU
DUNCAN ROBINSON AND ALEX BARKER of common border policing repeatedly of the regulation would hand the com-
demanded by Paris and Berlin. mission the power to authorise a
Brussels is to propose the creation of a European leaders have discussed a deployment to a frontier, on the recom-
standing European border force that common border force for more than 15 mendation of the management board of
can take control of the bloc’s external years but always struggled to overcome the newly formed European border and
borders — even if a government objects deep-seated objections to yielding coastguard. This would also apply to
Scientists head in search — in a move that would arguably mean national powers to monitor or enforce non-EU members of Schengen, such as
of responsible robots the biggest transfer of sovereignty since borders, one of the core functions of a Norway. Member states would be con-
the creation of the single currency. sovereign state. Greece, for instance, sulted but they would not have powers
A group of scientists, engineers and only recently agreed to accept EU offers to veto a deployment unilaterally.
ethicists is to set up a new body to Against the backdrop of a migration cri- to send border teams, after months of Dimitris Avramopoulos, who is resp-
study the impact of robots on society. sis that has brought 1.2m refugees to wrangling over their remit. onsible for EU migration policy, told the
The Foundation of Responsible Europe this year, the European Com- Systemic weaknesses in Schengen Financial Times: “The refugee crisis has
Robotics was prompted by concern mission will unveil plans next week to were laid bare by this year’s mass influx shown the limitations of the current EU
over the rapid advance of robots ‘to replace the Frontex border agency with of migrants, many of them unregis- border agency, Frontex.” The European
automate all aspects of our lives’, the a permanent force and coastguard, tered, into the EU through Greece and border and coastguard would be a way
group’s founders said. The foundation deployed with the final say of the com- Italy. Concerns came to a head after last to “protect and strengthen Schengen”.
intends to encourage governments mission, according to EU officials and month’s terrorist attacks in Paris, when Frontex was hamstrung by a mandate
and industry to ‘think hard before documents seen by the Financial Times. it transpired that at least some of the that allowed it only to “co-ordinate” the
technology sneaks up and bites us’. The blueprint represents a last-ditch assailants had come to Europe from protection of borders, rather than
Rise of robots i PAGE 4 attempt to save the Schengen passport- Syria via Greece. enforce them itself.
free travel zone, by introducing the kind One of the most contentious elements Milestone to integration page 6

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


EU reform Security

Cameron admits welfare defeat, say Poles Terror arrests

see rise in
PM says failure to strike The prime minister has made curbing
migrant benefits the centrepiece of his
prime minister said in his speech, he is
open to different ways of dealing with
further discussed to try to solve them
together in consensus,” Ms Szydlo said
deemed to have overwhelmed public
services, potentially offering Mr Cam-
deal on migration curbs
could lead to Brexit
effort to renegotiate Britain’s relation-
ship with the EU, but eastern member
this issue but we do need to secure
arrangements that deliver on our objec-
after a series of meetings with Mr Cam-
eron. “Free movement of people is a
eron an alternative to his demands to
deny benefits to migrant workers.
states have strongly rejected any meas- tives.” fundamental thing . . . we will be con- “We fully accept the right of Great
HENRY FOY — WARSAW ures that may discriminate against their British officials confirmed that Mr vincing our partners to keep this in Britain to take sovereign decisions with
GEORGE PARKER — LONDON citizens living in the UK. Cameron had warned his Polish hosts of place.” regards to welfare policy,” Ms Szydlo GONZALO VIÑA
Polish officials say a “deeply worried” the dangers of a Brexit if he failed to get a Poland and other eastern states have said. “There is a common direction and
David Cameron has admitted defeat in Mr Cameron made only a weak effort good deal on migration. led widespread opposition in the EU to the future discussions in January will Terrorism-related arrests increased by
his bid to stop migrant workers claiming to sell his idea to restrict in-work bene- The prime minister pointed out that Mr Cameron’s proposal to restrict bene- only take us closer to a solution.” a third in the year to September, with
British in-work benefits for four years fits for migrants for four years to Ms unless Poland and other eastern Euro- fits to migrants coming to the UK. More than 850,000 Poles are living in twice as many women being detained
during a visit to Warsaw, according to Szydlo. pean countries gave some ground — and The curbs are the key aspect of his Britain, the largest foreign population, and a third more held on international
Polish officials. “He made a halfhearted attempt,” if Britain voted to leave the EU — hun- plan to reach an agreement with Brus- making Poland an essential part of his terror charges compared with the pre-
But Mr Cameron told his Polish coun- said one official briefed on the talks. dreds of thousands of their citizens sels that he can sell to the British public negotiation. Warsaw is also keen to keep vious year.
terpart Beata Szydlo that unless an “But he knew [that the four-year curb] would lose the right to work in the UK at a planned referendum on member- Britain inside the EU, and agrees with
alternative deal to curb migration was was off the table”. under the bloc’s freedom of movement ship of the bloc. Mr Cameron on his other demands such With Britain on its second-highest alert
agreed Britain could vote to leave the EU Asked about the Polish comments, rules. Brussels is looking at options for Brit- as making the bloc more competitive level, meaning a militant attack is
and end the automatic right of Poles to Downing Street said: “The proposal on “There are issues on which we do not ain to restrict EU immigration through a and giving more power to national gov- highly likely, security officials have
work in the UK. the table is the four-year one. As the see eye to eye . . . these issues will be so-called emergency brake if it is ernments. stepped up arrests in order to disrupt
potential attackers.
Of the 315 suspects arrested by secu-
rity services, 39 per cent were charged,
22 per cent released on bail and 37 per
FT Seasonal Appeal. Human trafficking cent released without charge, Home
Office figures show. Arrests of females

Home secretary urges crackdown on ‘hidden crime’ more than doubled to 50, while the
under-18snumberrosefromeight to15.
Theresa May, home secretary, last
month said that police and security
Illustration: Michelle Thompson
forces were conducting 600
separate investigations and that
May calls for greater police “over 750 people are thought to
focus and has high hopes for have travelled to Syria and Iraq, and
approximately half of those have
the Modern Slavery Act returned”.
Mark Rowley, assistant commissioner
at the Metropolitan Police, told MPs in
July that about a third of arrests, often
Police and prosecutors have failed to on separate criminal charges, were in
focus enough on human trafficking, order to disrupt.
with too few prosecutions, Theresa May, The increase in arrests is also believed
the home secretary, has told the Finan- to have been linked to new powers avail-
cial Times. able to law enforcement officers after
In an interview, she said it was impor- the introduction of the Counter-Terror-
tant to raise awareness of the hidden ism and Security Act in February.
crime — which official indicators sug- John Hayes, a Home Office minister,
gest may have risen rapidly — following said: “At a time of very significant
this year’s passage of anti-trafficking threat, it is vital that they [police and
legislation that Ms May hails as the first security services] have the powers they
national law of its kind in the world. need to protect the British public.
“I do not think this is an area of activ- “The Counter-Terrorism and Security
ity that they [the police] have focused Act has enhanced our powers to disrupt
on and been sufficiently aware of,” she the ability of people to travel abroad to
said. fight, reduce the risks they pose on their
“A small number of prosecutions has return and combat the underlying ide-
been an issue, which is why we have ology that feeds, supports and sanctions
streamlined the legislation, bringing terrorism.”
various pieces of legislation together in The rise in arrests follows the attacks
the Modern Slavery Act, giving them in Tunisia that claimed the lives of 30
some extra powers, strengthening the British holidaymakers, but come before
sentencing provisions, so to put a the assault in Paris in which 130 were
greater focus on this,” she added. killed. Police vigilance and arrests may
For this year’s seasonal appeal, the FT continue to rise following a vote last
is working in partnership with Stop the week in the House of Commons to
Traffik, an organisation that raises had taken more than a year to charge ‘Unless we But Ms May emphasised the contribu- extend air strikes against Isis targets in
awareness of human trafficking. Case workers who care for victims of about eight people for a number of know where tion made by the new legislation, which Syria. On Saturday a man attacked
In one of the latest cases involving the Private human trafficking say the greatest offences before realising they were all establishes the post of anti-slavery com- passengers at an underground station,
crime, a British couple were jailed this sector challenge is helping people to find work interlinked. people are missioner and requires all businesses reportedly screaming “this is for
week for six years for keeping a Nigerian so as to keep a roof over their heads “When they actually uncovered the who are being operating in Britain with turnover Syria”, before police used a stun gun to
immigrant as a domestic slave for more once government support has expired. slave gang, they discovered, of course, exploited greater than £36m to publish a state- detain him.
than two decades. Finding The private sector’s role in such that in some cases these people had ment on their website detailing the steps The figures show that of the 111
The most common form of trafficking efforts, although largely informal, is been doing this because of their condi- then it is not they have taken to eradicate slavery in charged with terrorism-related offences,
in the country is sexual exploitation, fol-
work seen becoming increasingly important. tions in slavery,” she said. possible to their supply chain. 35 were convicted, one was acquitted
lowed by labour exploitation. Overall, as key for Some critics say the authorities are “I am hoping that the Modern Slavery and74wereawaitingprosecution.
In Liverpool, the Co-operative Group provide the
2,340 people were officially reported as is piloting a programme to accept two not doing as much as they can to help Act will raise awareness so that people The data also showed a 41 per cent rise
potential victims of the crime in 2014, a victims from a safe house. The people people suffering abuse. support that start asking these extra questions,” she in the number of people who considered
34 per cent increase on the previous selected will receive in-store training Official figures show a big contrast they need’ said. themselves Asian, and there was a 25 per
year. and work experience, with the possi- between the treatment of potential traf- This week she also announced a UK cent increase in those describing them-
Part of the increase can be attributed bility of a job. Aisha Aswani, the Co-op’s ficking victims from EU states — who Theresa May modern slavery helpline, with initial selves as white. Almost four out of five
to heightened awareness but also to a ethical trading manager, said the group are consistently the most likely to be $1m funding from Google. were British nationals or had dual
greater willingness to come forward, Ms had been working with City Hearts, a deemed victims of trafficking with an Kevin Hyland, the former police nationality,thefiguresshowed.
May said. charity that operates safe houses, for associated right of shelter — and the officer who has become the country’s Last month David Cameron
“Unless we know where people are the past six months to “support handling of non-EU nationals. Although first anti-slavery commissioner, agreed announced plans to recruit 1,900 intelli-
who are being exploited then it is not survivors of slavery in our communities the most common countries of origin of that the police needed to become more gence and security staff, aimed at coun-
possible to provide the support that on their journey into employment”. potential trafficking victims are Alba- In-depth aware of the issue. tering the threat of Isis attacks on Brit-
they need and, of course, to find the evi- There are similar programmes nia, Nigeria and Vietnam, their citizens The extent of “My team was out talking to police ain’s streets and on flights operating out
dence to catch the perpetrators, which is internationally. A victim of domestic are often those still waiting for an offi- modern-day recently, and some of the officers hadn’t of UK airports. The Investigatory Pow-
slavery and how
important,” she added. “Since it is such servitude at Baker & McKenzie’s office cial decision on their status. trafficking spans even heard of the Modern Slavery Act, ers Bill will codify the authority of MI5,
a hidden crime, it is very difficult to get a in Washington has helped persuade the Victims are often hesitant to contact the world and that was in London,” he said. MI6, GCHQ and police forces to access
handle on exactly how much has taken law firm to provide training and support the authorities, out of fear of deporta-
records of every UK citizen’s internet
place.” for 12 survivors of modern slavery at its tion or ending up in a worse situation seasonalappeal To find out more about the FT’s Seasonal use without the need for judicial
She said on one occasion the police US and UK offices. Lindsay Fortado with no job or home at all. Appeal partner, visit Stop the authorisation.

US tycoon
A private bank unlike
any other. Trump blasts Scotland for stripping him of ambassador status
JOHN MCDERMOTT Links course near Aberdeen and his The presidential candidate was number of statements that are wholly
£200m investment in the Trump Turn- appointed as a GlobalScot ambassador incompatible with the ethos and values
Donald Trump has accused Nicola berry resort on the Ayrshire coast. The in 2006 by then first minister Jack of the university. The university has
Sturgeon of failing to appreciate his billionaire’s investment in Aberdeen- McConnell. At the time, Mr Trump, therefore decided to revoke its award of
greatness, after the Scottish govern- shire has so far been much less substan- whose mother hailed from the Isle of the honorary degree.”
30 global locations •
ment dropped the US presidential can- tial than originally billed. He has repeat- Lewis, said “part of my achievement can This is not the first time in recent his-
didate as a business ambassador on the edly declined to say when he might start be attributed to my Scottish roots”. tory that Mr Trump has run into trouble
EFGslogan - 112x50mm - Generic ad - Q - Publication : Financial Times advert 2014 (20.08.2014)
grounds that he is a bigot. construction of a planned second Mr Trump attended several “Dressed with Scottish authorities. In October he
FINANCIAL TIMES newspaper in any manner is not permitted without course, hotel expansion and more than to Kilt” events in New York City from took his fight against a wind farm near
Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL the publisher’s prior consent.
‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are registered trade marks The mogul yesterday hit back at his 2,000 holiday and residential homes. 2006 to 2013 to promote the Scottish the Links course to the UK Supreme
Published by: The Financial Times Limited, of The Financial Times Limited. mother’s homeland after Ms Sturgeon, But after suggesting he would not fashion industry but Scottish Enter- Court, the latest stage in Mr Trump’s
Number One Southwark Bridge, The Financial Times adheres to a self-regulation first minister, stripped Mr Trump of his invest any more in Scotland, Mr Trump campaign to keep turbines out of view of
London SE1 9 HL, United Kingdom. regime under the FT Editorial Code of Practice:
Tel: 020 7873 3000; Fax: 020 7407 5700
“GlobalScot” ambassador status and in 2014 bought the historic Turnberry his Aberdeenshire golf course.
Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University golf course and has already given its ‘The UK politicians An Edinburgh appeal court in June
Editor: Lionel Barber
should be thanking
Reprints revoked an honorary degree. clubhouse an expensive refurbishment. me instead of dismissed Mr Trump’s request for a
Subscriptions and Customer service: Are available of any FT article with your company “The UK politicians should be thank- “If they — Nicola Sturgeon and RGU — review of what he says was the Scottish
Tel 0800 028 1407;; logo or contact details inserted if required (minimum pandering to poli- order 100 copies). ing me instead of pandering to political were going to do this, they should have tical correctness,’ government’s unfair approval for the
One-off copyright licences for reproduction of FT correctness,” Mr Trump said, adding: “I informed me prior to my major invest- says Donald Trump project, with judges concluding his law-
Advertising: articles are also available. have done so much for Scotland.” ment in this £200m development, yers had not come “anywhere near”
Tel: 020 7873 4000; For both services phone 020 7873 4816, or
Letters to the editor: alternatively, email
Mr Trump this week called for Mus- which will totally revitalise that vast prise, the country’s trade promotion substantiating his suspicions.
Fax: 020 7873 5938; lims to be banned from entering the US, region of Scotland,” he said. body, said it could not immediately pro- Mr Trump has been a vociferous
Executive appointments: FT Cityline provoking global outrage — a UK peti- Mr Trump added that in calling for “a vide full details of what Mr Trump did as opponent of the planned £230m Euro-
Tel: 020 7873 4909; For real time share prices call 0905 817 1690 or go to Calls
tion calling for him to be banned from total and complete shutdown” of the US part of his ambassadorial role. pean Offshore Wind Deployment Cen-
Printed by: cost 75p/min. the country had more than 440,000 sig- to the world’s estimated 1.6bn Muslims, Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University tre, an 11-turbine project 3.5km offshore
St Clements Press (1988) Ltd, London, Newsprinters natures by yesterday afternoon. That he “only said what needed to be said”, said Mr Trump was awarded the Doctor from his development at the Menie
(Knowsley) Limited, Merseyside, Newsprinters Newspapers support recycling made it the most popular petition ever adding that many of his friends are Mus- of Business Administration degree in Estate, north of Aberdeen. He has said
(Eurocentral) Glasgow, and Smurfit Kappa News The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in
Press Ld, Kells, Ireland 2014 was 78.5% on the government’s website. lim. Mr Trump’s “recent remarks have 2010 due to “his achievements as an the centre threatens “the destruction of
Writing in the Press & Journal news- shown he is no longer fit to be a business entrepreneur and businessman”. Aberdeen and Scotland itself”.
©Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2015. All paper, Mr Trump cited his Scottish golf ambassador for Scotland”, according to “In the course of the current US elec- Notebook page 14
rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this
interests: the Trump International Golf Scottish government spokesperson. tion campaign, Mr Trump has made a Philip Stephens page 15
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


South-east hubs prepare to mop up capacity

As the government considers whether to back a third runway at Heathrow, smaller London operators are beefing up handling facilities
TANYA POWLEY issues before a final decision by the gov-
TRANSPORT CORRESPONDENT Expansion plans ernment on where to put an additional
As a final decision on a new runway at runway in the south-east of England.
Heathrow remains elusive, London’s Passengers per year Passengers per year Flybe has called on Number 10 to
smaller airports are getting on with rais- open up RAF Northolt, the 100-year-old
ing capacity as they look to soak up the Luton £110m revamp Stansted £260m on military airport in west London, for
additional demand in the short term. to increase capacity; improvements; intends domestic flights. The carrier proposes to
hoping to introduce
Luton airport, whose owners have
described it as the “Cinderella” of Lon- long-haul flights 10.5m Luton Stansted 22.0m to seek permission for
capacity increase
set up a fast bus link to Heathrow, which
is 10 miles away, for connecting passen-
don’s airports, has begun a £110m gers.
revamp to increase capacity from 12m It is not the first time Northolt has
to 18m passengers a year and improve
services. It is also looking at speeding up
1m been suggested as a short-term answer
to London’s capacity issues. In a submis-
transport to the terminal as a first step Heathrow Northolt LONDON Southend sion to the Airports Commission, Roth-
towards serving long-haul flights, which £11bn over London well Aviation proposed that £3bn
it believes will help boost the airport’s past 10 years, City should be spent extending Northolt’s
appeal to business travellers. including 73.4m runway so short-haul aircraft could use
To the north-east of the capital, Stan- construction of
Terminals 2
3.65m City plans for a £200m
it from 2018, leaving Heathrow to sup-
sted is spending £260m improving the port long-range passenger jets.
airport and will soon seek permission to and 5 development blocked Alistair Watson, head of planning at
increase its current planning cap of 35m by Boris Johnson, Taylor Wessing, the law firm, said over
passengers a year to let the airport grow Gatwick London mayor the next six months the government
to its full potential of 45m. Gatwick £1bn to redevelop
London City wants to expand, but a
£200m development that would
the North Terminal, which
40.0m Northolt Flybe has ‘If they [government]
will see the creation of the
increase the number of passengers it world's largest self-service n.a. called for military
airport to be opened up
don’t do something for the
handles to 6m by 2023 has been stalled
after planning permission was blocked
bag drop zone to civilian flights short to medium term . . .
by Boris Johnson, London mayor, over
FT graphic
airlines will go elsewhere’
noise concerns.
While these airports quietly get on would have to analyse and review capac-
with their plans, aviation experts have ity across the south-east, to understand
criticised the government for becoming Commission recommends Cublington, commissions another study on airport 2008 Heathrow’s Terminal 5 opens. where short and medium-term capacity
fixated with where to put an extra run- Timeline Oxfordshire. capacity in the south-east. The study London mayor, Boris Johnson, raises the increases should be made. “There is
way in 20 years’ time, and ignoring how backs the expansion of Heathrow. option of a Thames estuary airport. capacity across the south-east . . . to soak
tomeet demandbetweennow and then. 1971 The government selects Maplin 1991 New terminal at Stansted opens. 2009 The Labour government backs a up demand,” said Mr Watson.
Charlie Cornish, chief executive of Sands, Foulness, as the site of London’s third runway at Heathrow. According to Mr Cornish, there is
Manchester Airports Group, which How aviation policy turned new hub airport. 2003 The Future of Air Transport white about seven to eight runways’ worth of
owns Stansted, said the government paper supports a third runway at 2010 The Tory-Liberal Dem coalition capacity available round the UK. How-
needed to have a wider debate on UK
into political football 1974 Paris opens the new four-runway Heathrow as well as a second runway at reverses Labour’s decision and rules out ever, he said the government needed to
aviation policy and look at the require- Charles de Gaulle airport. Maplin Sands Stansted. In the meantime, Amsterdam’s new runways at Gatwick or Stansted. look at improving rail links to tap into
ments for the next 15 to 20 years. proposal is abandoned by the new Schiphol opens its fifth runway. this capacity.
“Airports like Stansted, Birmingham 1946 Heathrow opens its first full-length Labour government. 2011 Heathrow reaches 99.2 per cent of A surprise option by the government
and Manchester have a huge opportu- runway. its capacity. Frankfurt opens its fourth could see it decide against a runway at
nity to contribute to the capacity con- 1978 The government’s aviation white runway. either Heathrow and Gatwick, and
strain over the course of the next 15 1958 The new Gatwick airport is paper identifies Heathrow capacity as instead go for “management of capac-
years because there will be no new run- officially opened by the Queen. It is the “restricted”. A year later, the new 2012 The government establishes the ity” across the south-east airport net-
way until then,” he said. world’s first airport with a direct railway government amends that to say that Airports Commission, which rules out an work. But some are sceptical at whether
“The dilemma the government has link. “Heathrow capacity is virtually estuary airport. these smaller, farther away London air-
got if they don’t do something for the exhausted”. ports are the answer. John Strickland, an
short to medium term . . . the airlines 1965 Stansted airport is developed. 1984 Frankfurt opens a third runway. 2015 The Airports Commission backs a aviation analyst at JLS Consulting, said
will probably deploy the planes else- new runway at Heathrow, with a ban on this would be a “cobbled-together” solu-
where.” 1968 The government sets up the Roskill 1986 Heathrow opens Terminal 4. night flights, as the best way to boost tion. “Yes, there is capacity available.
Some airlines are even coming up Commission to look at the need for a Heathrow in 1955. It had opened its the economy and secure the UK’s future Some airlines would accept to go there,
with quirkier ideas to help ease capacity third London airport. In 1970, the Roskill 1990 The Conservative government first full-length runway in 1946 as a global aviation competitor. but others would simply not.”

Industry response

Despair at delays to runway expansion

JIM PICKARD AND TANYA POWLEY sion than a means of finally moving needs, environmental concerns and the
ahead with airport expansion; the com- impact on local residents,” he said.
Industry was relieved when the Davies
mission was told to take its time and “What was the point of the commission
Commission was set up three years ago
report after the 2015 general election. if the Government still fails to act?”
to decide on expanding airport capac-
Carolyn Fairbairn, director-general of Campaigners for the third runway
ity in south-east England; it hoped the
the CBI, described the fresh delay as argue that it could generate up to
commission would finally secure a con-
“deeply disappointing”. £211bn in gross domestic product by
sensus for action.
“We urgently need to increase our 2050 and up to 180,000 jobs.
That relief turned to anger on Thursday runway capacity to spur trade growth, Mark Littlewood, director-general at
evening when the government said, the Institute of Economic Affairs, said
after considering the Davies report for London was already lagging behind
several months, that it would not make
‘It defies belief . . . this other European cities.
a final decision until next summer. sends another very “The UK has not extended airport
“It defies belief that, having set a tar- capacity since the end of the second
get to double our exports, the govern-
damaging signal to world war and with demand now pric-
ment is refusing to approve the extra air inward investors’ ing people out of the aviation market,
capacity to help it,” said Terry Scuoler, it’s crucial politicians stop hampering
chief of the EEF manufacturers group. investment and job creation,” she said. market processes,” he said.
“This sends another very damaging Failing to build a new runway would Willie Walsh, chief executive officer of
signal to inward investors”. have a “dramatic” effect on exports and IAG, the parent group of British Air-
Only a few weeks ago George Osborne cost up to £5.3bn a year in lost trade. ways, said on Thursday that a decision
boasted about the government’s Simon Walker, director-general of the to undertake further consultations
attempts to build new infrastructure in Institute of Directors, said on Thursday underlined “that there is no political
a keynote speech. “Where would Britain night business leaders would be “tearing will to build a new runway”.
be if we had never built railways or run- their hair out” at the news. John Holland-Kaye, chief executive of
ways... ” he asked. “Of course this is difficult choice, Heathrow, had pleaded in vain earlier
From the outset, there was a suspicion which is the reason the government set for the government to proceed straight
that the Davies Commission was more a up the Airports Commission to make a away. “Expand Heathrow and unlock
device to delay a difficult political deci- recommendation balancing economic growth across the country,” he said.

Background. Westminster

Politicians stuck in holding pattern

Cameron wants to wait for the date, this week said that if Mr Cameron stance in 2009 by coming out for a new
went back on his “no ifs, not buts” runway at Heathrow, but faced a great
London mayoral poll but promise not to expand Heathrow, it deal of environmental criticism.
would be seen as “an enormous Geoff Hoon, Labour’s transport secre-
prevarication is nothing new betrayal”. Mr Goldsmith, an anti-Heath- tary, said they intended the new Heath-
row campaigner, has warned he would row slots to be “green slots” used by only
GEORGE PARKER resign as Tory MP for Richmond Park if the cleanest aircraft.
Mr Cameron unequivocally backed In a reminder of the shifting Tory
David Cameron’s prevarication over expanding the airport in west London. position, Theresa Villiers, as shadow
London airport policy is hardly new: That would trigger an awkward par- transport secretary in 2009, was not
broken promises and political flip-flops liamentary by-election in a seat that impressed by the environmental case
are even more plentiful than the numer- until 2010 was held by the Liberal Dem- for Heathrow. She said the runway
ous discarded schemes to build a new ocrats, who would undoubtedly turn the would “inflict devastating damage”.
airport in the Thames Estuary. contest into a referendum on Heathrow. Tory ministers say the new Heathrow
Ever since plans for an airport at Map- Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayoral can- proposal differs from the 2009 version.
lin Sands — complete with high-speed didate, has taken the opposite political When Mr Cameron became prime
rail link, new town and container port — journey to the prime minister. Mr Khan minister, the case for expanding Lon-
were abandoned in 1974, politicians once supported Heathrow’s expansion don’s airport capacity might have been
have tried to dodge a decision on run- but is now opposed, favouring Gatwick. compelling from a business perspective
way capacity in the south-east. “We need to get on with this,” Mr but it was far too hot for his coalition. He
The prime minister’s deferral of a Khan said. “A delay for political reasons and Nick Clegg, his Lib Dem deputy, set
final decision on whether to expand is hurting London and hurting business. up the Davies Commission to review the
Heathrow is part of a rich pattern of The government should go for Gatwick.” issue with a mandate to report after the
delay: in this case he wants to wait until Mr Cameron’s wariness is hardly sur- 2015 general election. The prime minis-
after next May’s London mayoral poll. prising. Gordon Brown flaunted his ter is finding the passage of time does
Zac Goldsmith, Tory mayoral candi- Labour government’s pro-business not make a decision any easier.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Investment schemes Drag on recovery

City traders jailed over film tax scam Trade deficit

widens as
Revenue casts net more The two trials come as HMRC cracks 2009-10. During their trial they had of conspiring to cheat the Revenue. He co-based former tax partner at Ernst &
widely in effort to crack
down on film investment schemes after
it came under pressure to launch more
denied wrongdoing and claimed they
were unaware of “active member” sta-
had also been convicted by the jury in
the earlier trial.
Young who helped set up the film
scheme, had sent them the records,
down on avoidance criminal prosecutions. tus and that they had to spend 10 hours HMRC had alleged in the trial that the which they forwarded on to HMRC, but
It has become common practice for a week working on the films in order to RBS bankers submitted fake diaries they had often been too busy to check
JANE CROFT wealthy UK taxpayers to invest in a film qualify for the tax rebates. detailing false activities so they could what was being sent on their behalf. EMILY CADMAN
production and then write down the In the latest trial, which has say they were “active partners” and had Their families hugged and cheered in
Britain’s trade deficit widened further
Three high-flying City traders have investment’s value to claim tax relief on just ended, three former RBS bankers worked 10 hours a week on the film — a court after the final acquittals were
in October as exports stagnated and
been jailed for four and a half years each the loss. Vincent Walsh, 53, Jason Edinburgh, necessary legal requirement to reclaim delivered by the jury yesterday.
imports surged, underlining how reli-
after being convicted of conspiring to The three Jefferies International trad- 48, and Assad Amin, 43, ex-RBS global the tax rebates. HMRC has initiated more than 2,600
ant the recovery remains on domestic
cheat the tax authorities by investing in ers were convicted by a jury at South- head of listed execution, plus Michael Prosecutor Shane Collery alleged that prosecutions since 2010 but it remains
a film finance scheme. wark Crown Court in September after Elsom, a senior broker at Marex Spec- the bankers submitted “hundreds of highly unusual to prosecute investors in
Details of the case can now be claiming to be “active members” of a tron, were all cleared by a jury of one pages” of false diaries detailing the tax avoidance schemes. The gap between imports and exports
reported for the first time after a second film finance partnership that invested charge of conspiracy to cheat the Reve- hours they supposedly worked on a film Signs that the net was being cast more grew from a revised £3.1bn in Septem-
interlinked trial ended yesterday with in the film Starsuckers — about the cult of nue through investing in a film finance called Mercedes the Movie in order to widely emerged in 2013 when the ber to a worse than expected £4.1bn in
acquittals for three former RBS bankers celebrity. scheme. They had denied any wrongdo- claim thousands of pounds of so-called Crown Prosecution Service reported “an October, the Office for National Statis-
and a financial broker. The defendants James Hyde, 43, Hamish Maclellan, ing. sideways tax relief from their tax bills. important breakthrough”, which tics said yesterday.
were cleared by a jury at Southwark 43, and Phillip Jenkins, 50, all worked Their co-defendant Neil Williams- The film was never made. extended the reach of criminal law after Paul Hollingsworth, UK economist at
Crown Court of one count of conspiring for US investment bank Bear Stearns, Denton, a financial adviser who intro- The RBS traders all denied wrongdo- a successful prosecution of individuals consultancy Capital Economics, said the
to cheat HM Revenue & Customs by before moving to Jefferies, where each duced them to the scheme, was found ing and conspiring to cheat the Reve- who devised and operated sophisticated data were “dismal” and provided “fur-
investing in a film scheme. earned more than £1m a year in guilty by the jury yesterday of one count nue. They said Terence Potter, a Mona- tax avoidance schemes. ther signs that the economic recovery
has remained worryingly unbalanced”.
Reflecting the continued struggles of
manufacturers against subdued
demand and the strength of sterling, the
Automation. Social impact deficit on the trade of goods with the rest
of Europe reached £8.1bn, a new record.

Rise of robots prompts ethics warning from scientists Service exports by contrast continue
to perform well, remaining in surplus by
£7.7bn in October.
Trade data are notoriously erratic and
were stripped of their Kitemark
national statistics badge of quality last
New body to weigh potential year after a series of errors, meaning
effects such as joblessness economists typically do not place much
emphasis on individual months.
and human rights violations But even accounting for volatility, the
extent of the shortfall means trade is
likely to act as a drag on the overall eco-
nomic recovery.
The rapid movement of robots “out of Over the past three months, the trade
factories to automate all aspects of our deficit has widened by £2.4bn, mainly
lives” has prompted an international due to a fall in the export of fuel and a
group of scientists, engineers and ethi- rise in imports of machinery and trans-
cists to set up a Foundation for Respon- port equipment.
sible Robotics. Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight
The body, launched in London, will said the “highly unappetising” figures
encourage governments and industry to were disappointing and represented a
consider the impact of robotics on soci- significant risk to forecast overall
ety, ranging from the potential for mass growth of 0.6 per cent in the fourth
unemployment to human rights viola- quarter of the year.
tions. Researchers and policymakers Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at
have so far ignored the field, say the Pantheon, said recent survey data sug-
group’s founders. gested that export orders remained
“We are rushing headlong into the weak and net trade was “likely to slow
robotics revolution without considera- the economic recovery further over the
tion for the many unforeseen problems coming quarters”.
lying around the corner,” said Noel Whereas net trade added 1.4 percent-
Sharkey, a robotics professor at Shef- age points to growth in the second quar-
field University and chair of the founda- ter of the year, it knocked a record 1.5
tion. “It is time now to step back and points off in the third quarter, highlight-
think hard about the future of the tech- ing the volatility of the data so far this
nology before it sneaks up and bites us”. year.
Although industrial robots working in Despite numerous efforts from suc-
factories have dominated robotics, the cessive governments to boost exports,
balance is changing fast as service sec- the UK has not run a trade surplus since
tors automate. The world has 12m serv- the late 1990s.
ice robots, compared with 1.5m indus- On Wednesday, the British Chambers
trial robots, Prof Sharkey said. The Food for other human beings. “Soldiers are pre- of Sheffield University’s computer sci- ‘Robots She accused the UK and other govern- of Commerce downgraded its forecast
International Federation for Robotics thought: robots pared to risk their lives to protect a ences department. ments of promoting robotics for the for overall gross domestic product
predicts the number of service robots serve customers robot,” she said. “Robots cannot provide meaningful cannot sake of its economic benefits, “with no growth from 2.6 to 2.4 per cent for 2015,
will rise to 31m by 2018. at a restaurant Robotic animals such as Paro, the Jap- contact. We don’t want families to say: provide mention of any joined-up thinking on its largely due to weaker than expected
Robots are beginning to entertain and in Suzhou, anese baby seal, are rapidly being ‘Don’t worry about granny, the robot is meaningful societal impact or its potential dangers trade and manufacturing figures.
care for children and old people, they China. Paro the adopted in care homes to provide com- looking after her.’” for the fundamental rights of citizens”.
are preparing food and cooking in res- therapeutic seal pany for people with dementia. “While There are similar concerns about the contact. We The Foundation for Responsible
don’t want UK trade balance
taurants, cleaning homes, milking cows robot, below this may have beneficial effects, at least impact of robotic companions at the Robotics is being supported initially by Rolling 12-month sum to October (£bn)
and killing in armed conflict — defence Koichi Kamoshida/ in the short term, we have to be con- other end of life: how will they affect the families to the 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technol-
is the biggest non-industrial user of Getty Images
cerned about the deception and loss of ability of young children to interact and ogy in the Netherlands, while it seeks
robots. dignity involved,” said Amanda Sharkey make friends with real people? say: “Don’t longer-term funding from the EU’s
Professor Johanna Seibt of Aarhus The problem with answering such worry about Horizon 2020 research programme and 2012 2015
University in Denmark, a co-founder of questions was the absence of research granny, the other sources. It will also recruit individ-
the foundation, said social robots were into the longer-term effects of exposure ual members who work in robotics and
more than tools. “They change how we to social robots, said Prof Seibt. “There
robot is related fields.
are as human beings.” have been very short-term studies last- looking after “We still have a chance to shape the
The nature of the human brain ing a few weeks, but we need studies of her”’ way things go, to promote responsibility
means that we cannot help treating at least two years to see what it is doing for the robots embedded in our society,”
robots as other people — or at least as to our children.” said the foundation’s president, Aimee -100
living animals — to which we quickly All the founders insisted that, far van Wynsberghe of Twente University
grow attached, said Prof Seibt. That from being Luddites, they were enthusi- and 3TU. “We must ensure that the -150
Services Goods Goods
“anthropomorphism” makes people astic about robots. “The challenge is to future practice of robotics is for the ben- and Services
protect their favourite robots if they use the positive aspects of robotics and efit of mankind, rather than for short-
are threatened, even at the expense of avoid the downside,” said Mrs Sharkey. term gains.” Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream

Resolution Foundation 4G mobile network

Call for more productivity to counter wealth shift Emergency services set for high-speed links
VANESSA HOULDER ers down to their children and grand- 2006-08, households aged 16-44 held DANIEL THOMAS to deliver a critical communications The group said its network would
children, for instance, by helping them 22 per cent of property wealth in the UK, network. improve the efficiency of the emergency
The share of wealth of the recently
to get on the property ladder. But this dropping to 17 per cent in 2010-12. This Police forces and other emergency Police forces have worried that the services by giving them access to mobile
retired has overtaken that of those
pattern had serious implications for compares with the recently retired, a services will be able to use smart- change to 4G could become a problem if data and applications on the move.
aged under 45, according to research
social mobility, particularly if the state considerably smaller group, which held phones and tablets linked to a national they operate in areas where there is The government claims the shift to
that underlined a growing divide
was transferring wealth in the opposite 17 per cent of UK property wealth in high-speed 4G mobile network after a patchy coverage from mobile opera- the more modern network will save tax-
between the generations.
direction, he said. 2006-08, rising to 20 per cent in £1bn communications contract was tors. payers £1m a day.
Analysis by the Resolution Foundation, He said: “To ensure that younger 2010-12. This in part reflects falling awarded to EE, the British telecoms There are concerns about the hardest- In future, for example, ambulance
a think-tank, showed that households households enjoy the same wealth in home ownership rates for younger group. to-reach areas of Wales, as well as crews could send patient data to the hos-
headed by a 65 to 74-year-old held older age as recently retired households, households, the report said. whether the London Underground can pital before arrival, while a policeman
about 19 per cent of the country’s The analysis, based on official figures The tender for the emergency services be included, while there are also worries could record an arrest on a live-stream-
wealth, compared with 16 per cent for from the Office for National Statistics, contract was thrown into disarray after about how the network would cope in a ing body camera.
the under-45s — despite there being 19% 16% said one reason that those born in the the Financial Times revealed that the crisis should mobile users overload the Fire and rescue crews could find dig-
two-and-a-half times as many of them. Share of wealth in Share of wealth in baby boom of 1945-65 were relatively only other bidder, O2, had withdrawn system with calls and videos. ital blueprints to help navigate a burn-
The shift was attributed to the households with households with wealthy was that inflation came at the from the process in the summer. EE has promised to improve its cover- ing building or use live helicopter cam-
younger generation being hit by a pay 65 to 74-year-old head aged right time to wipe out their debts. Further problems were raised after age and reliability by the time services era footage.
squeeze and being less likely to own a head under 45 together with improved life expectancy Airwave, the existing provider of emer- are needed next year. Olaf Swantee, chief executive of EE,
home. Older people were less affected at the right time too, it said. gency services communications using said: “We have worked closely with the
by the UK’s pay squeeze and had bene- we need to see a relentless focus on pro- It added that the defined benefit pen- its national radio network, threatened police and ambulance crews to show the
fited from the recovery of house prices. ductivity to get wages growing at a sion scheme deficits of yesterday’s legal action over the tender. power of 4G in helping save time and
Lord Willetts, executive chair of the healthier rate.” workers were weighing on the wages of The two-way radio services provided save lives.
Resolution Foundation, and a former The report said the generational today’s. by Airwave will gradually be replaced “We will now work tirelessly to
Conservative minister, said: “There has wealth divide had grown since the finan- But some older households are still by a national 4G network provided by deliver a highly resilient, truly nation-
been a long-term shift in the share of cial crash, as a result of the recently likely to face problems in retirement, EE for 300,000 emergency services wide 4G network.”
household wealth across the UK, which retired being relatively protected in a with one in seven having less than personnel including police, fire and res- EE has committed £1.5bn to improve
has been accelerated by the recent downturn where house prices had a £50,000 in household wealth. This cue and ambulance from summer next its network up to 2017, and will increase
financial crash and downturn.” swift recovery, while real wages took six showed that older households are not year. that investment to build the emergency
He said there had been considerable years to start increasing again. universally doing better than younger EE has promised to build more than Fire crews could use digital plans to services network, including satellite
transfer of wealth from recent pension- Approaching the recession in ones, the report said. 500 additional 4G sites and new systems help navigate a burning building services for areas with bad coverage.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


South Africa Nuclear fears

Treasury fails to escape long arm of Zuma North Korea

has made
Department’s reputation, Nene’s dismissal] would actually hap-
pen,” said Kevin Lings, chief economist
South Africa slid closer to junk status
when it was downgraded and put on
Nene’s resistance to the presidency’s
plans for a new nuclear plant, a project
built up over 21 years of
ANC rule, is under threat
at Stanlib, an asset manager, describing
the move as “extremely” damaging.
New minister
‘No experience in
the area of finance’
negative outlook by Fitch and Standard
& Poor’s respectively.
many say South Africa can ill-afford as it
struggles with wide fiscal and current
Mr Lings said the Treasury and cen-
tral bank had been viewed as independ-
ent of the “politicking that normally When David Van Rooyen stood
While the overwhelming reaction to
Mr Nene’s ousting was shock, others see
it as just the latest example of Mr Zuma’s
account deficits and anaemic growth.
The second has been the Treasury’s
attempts to prevent lossmaking SAA
claims Kim
By sacking his finance minister, South goes on”. But “this appointment would before television cameras to be much-criticised style of government, from rearranging a deal with Airbus
African president Jacob Zuma has in a suggest that one has to be more mindful sworn in as finance minister with many claiming that patronage, cro- over new aircraft. The chairwoman of SIMON MUNDY — SEOUL
stroke undermined the country’s hard- of political interference in the function- yesterday, it was the first time the nyism and ANC internal politics hold SAA, Dudu Myeni, who sought to
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has
won reputation for sound economic ing of the Treasury”. majority of South Africans and sway. This has fuelled a sense of policy restructure the deal, is close to Mr
claimed for the first time that
management. “The lines start to blur between what investors had set eyes on him. uncertainty and drift, while state insti- Zuma.
Pyongyang has developed a hydrogen
Since he took office six years ago, Mr is sound economic policy for the coun- Analysts and bankers share a tutions — ranging from SABC, the state Mcebisi Ndletyana, an associate pro-
bomb, drawing a sceptical response
Zuma’s presidency has lurched from try and what are appointments to mutual ignorance of a man who has broadcaster, to Eskom, the utility, and fessor the University of Johannesburg,
from analysts.
one scandal or crisis to another. But achieve political objectives,” Mr Lings risen from the backbenches of South African Airways, the national car- said Mr Zuma was a “president who has
there was always the perception that said. parliament to head the Treasury in rier — are deemed to have been weak- shown he doesn’t really care for public With international talks on its weapons
two bodies were far too important to be The decision to replace Mr Nene was one of the most heavily traded ened and tarnished by meddling. opinion and will act based on his per- programmes stalled since 2012, North
dragged into the morass: the Treasury announced with in a brief statement emerging markets. “This writing has been on the wall for sonal interest”. Korea has been pushing ahead with
and the South African Reserve Bank. released late on Wednesday night. “The replacement has no a long time and everybody has ignored “He has no sense of the implications nuclear development in defiance of UN
Both are seen as highly credible and There has been no further explanation experience in the area of finance, it. It’s just another step in the process,” that his decisions have and he doesn’t sanctions, while drawing foreign atten-
well-run. from the presidency even as the rand economics and global financial said a senior South African executive seem to have any sense of foresight — he tion with increasingly bold claims about
The shock timing of Nhlanhla Nene’s fell by more 5 per cent to historic lows. dynamics,” was the blunt who did not want to me named. thinks only of the immediate,” he said. its capabilities.
dismissal, however, and the appoint- Even the Congress of South African assessment of Cas Coovadia, “The fact of the matter is that it’s a There are implications for the coun- The latest of these came yesterday,
ment of David Van Rooyen, a little- Trade Unions, the powerful ally of the managing director at the Banking confirmation; it’s not as though we sud- try and the ANC. South Africa sells when the official Korea Central News
known MP with no previous experience ruling ANC, said it was “shocked and Association of South Africa. denly hit an iceberg and we didn’t know about R4bn in bonds each week and Agency reported remarks by Mr Kim
of national government, threatens the disconcerted” by Mr Nene’s dismissal, Mr Van Rooyen told reporters: the icebergs were there.” relies heavily on non-resident portfolio during a visit to an arms factory the pre-
Treasury’s reputation, which it has built saying the decision was “ill-timed”. In “Mine is a colossal assignment.” But Analysts have linked the decision to inflows to finance its current account vious day.
up in the 21 years of African National an usually subdued statement, the ANC he took no questions and gave no replace Mr Nene to two episodes that deficit which hit 4.1 per cent of gross “Today our nation has succeeded in
Congress rule. said it “notes and respects” Mr Van hint of how he will tackle the task. put him on a collision course with Mr domestic product in the third quarter. becoming a mighty nuclear state, which
“We didn’t think that sort of thing [Mr Rooyen’s appointment. Last week, Zuma and his allies. The first was Mr Editorial Comment page 14 can resound with the roar of nuclear and
hydrogen bombs that can strongly
guard the nation’s sovereignty and the
people’s dignity,” he was reported as
Presidential inauguration saying.
It is the first time that Pyongyang has

Macri starts new era with pledge to unite Argentines claimed to have built a hydrogen bomb,
or thermonuclear weapon, though
observers including the South Korean
military have raised concerns that it
could try to do so.
BENEDICT MANDER — BUENOS AIRES Such weapons involve a fission reac-
tion that triggers a fusion reaction, with
Mauricio Macri promised to end pov-
a much greater explosive impact than
erty, fight drug-trafficking and unite
those using only fission, such as the
Argentines as he was sworn in as the
bombs dropped on Japan in 1945.
new president of South America’s sec-
Hydrogen bombs make up the bulk of
ond-largest economy yesterday.
nuclear weapons held by the main
But before the new era could begin, nuclear powers. But analysts presume
there was an almost farcical squabble that North Korea’s three nuclear weap-
over protocol that recalled the country’s ons tests to date have involved pure fis-
divisive politics: the presidential sash sion devices, in light of the tests’ rela-
was placed on Mr Macri by the leader of tively low explosive yields and the much
his centre-right party’s congressional more advanced technology needed to
block in Congress because outgoing develop thermonuclear weapons.
president Cristina Fernández refused to South Korea’s official Yonhap news
assist his inauguration. agency quoted an unnamed intelligence
“A new era is coming: an era of dia- official as saying that Seoul believes
logue, respect and team work,” the North Korea lacks the technology to
former mayor of the city of Buenos Aires build hydrogen bombs.
said during the ceremony, attended by Chang Yong-seok, a researcher at
most South American presidents, Seoul National University’s Institute for
including the leaders of Brazil, Chile, Peace and Unification Studies, endorsed
Uruguay and Paraguay. this assessment, calling Mr Kim’s claim
Mr Macri’s election victory, which saw “preposterous”.
the narrow defeat of the leftist Ms Fern- “We shouldn’t take it seri-
ández’s chosen successor in a run-off ously . . . Kim wants to bring the US
vote last month, comes as other leftwing back to the negotiating table,” he said.
governments in the resource-rich Talks between the two countries have
region suffer steep declines in popular- been stalled since 2012. Washington
ity, notably in Brazil and Venezuela, as wants North Korea to make steps
the commodity boom comes to an end. towards denuclearisation before the
The former president of Boca Juniors, resumption of negotiations, which
one of the country’s best-loved football Pyongyang says must happen without
clubs, said that Argentines were “tired preconditions.
of useless confrontation”, referring to In 2013, South Korea’s chairman of
Ms Fernández’s combative style that has Victory dance: presidential palace, the Pink House, cessor’s inauguration, her absence investment to kick-start the flagging the joint chiefs of staff told parliament
polarised society and soured relations Argentina’s accompanied by cavalry and waving at marked the end of a messy transition of economy. But the economic challenges that the military could not rule out the
with countries such as the UK and US President supporters brandishing the light blue power in which she announced a flurry facing him are great, since he will inherit possibility of North Korea testing a
during her eight-year presidency. Mauricio Macri and white national flag. of extrabudgetary spending decrees and a widening fiscal deficit, an overvalued hydrogen bomb. Three years before
Mr Macri pledged to be “implacable” and First Lady “Yes, we can!” they yelled, as Mr Macri last-minutehirings. currency and one of the highest rates of that, Pyongyang’s Rodong Sinmun
against corruption among government Juliana Awada thanked the crowd from the historic bal- Even so, Alejandro Vanoli, the pro- Macri inflation in the world. newspaper announced that its scientists
officials and to provide his “complete yesterday in cony of the presidential palace beside government central bank governor, “The required macro adjustment pos- had carried out a fusion reaction.
support” for an independent judiciary, Buenos Aires the vice-president, Gabriela Michetti, resigned on Wednesday after pressure vowed to be es risks to Macri’s political capital and Yesterday’s announcement came
addressing two of the strongest criti- Victor Caivano/AP
who sang from her wheelchair as Mr to step down from the opposition, which ‘implacable’ could erode governability if expectat- hours after the publication of satellite
cisms made against the outgoing admin- Macribegandancingincelebration. has fiercely criticised his management ions are not co-ordinated properly,” Seb- photography analysis suggesting that an
istration. He said his government would In the same square, the Plaza de Mayo, of foreign exchange reserves that they against astian Rondeau, an economist at Bank of upgrade of North Korea’s Sohae satellite
stop “lying and deceiving with false Ms Fernandez had addressed supporters say are now dangerously low. corruption AmericaMerrillLynch, saidyesterday. launch site is nearing completion.
information” and prioritise transpar- the night before, joking that she would Markets have high expectations for The only regional leader absent from Satellite photography analysis pub-
ency, in a nod to his promise to overhaul turn into a pumpkin at midnight when Mr Macri, their preferred candidate in among the proceedings was Venezuela’s Nicolás lished on the site last week suggested
the discreditedstatestatistics agency. her presidency officially ended. The first the elections, and are hoping for a new government Maduro, after Mr Macri said he would that North Korea was building a nuclear
Beside his wife, Juliana Awada, Mr time since the return of democracy in era of pro-growth structural reforms request its suspension from the regional warhead test tunnel at another site.
Macri then drove from Congress to the 1983 that a president has missed the suc- that will clear the way for much-needed officials trade bloc, Mercosur. Additional reporting by Kang Buseong

Migration crisis

Accord on European border force would be a milestone in the history of integration

ALEX BARKER AND DUNCAN ROBINSON It sets the stage for an epic political national governments. Guards would be ades. But they have always foundered Is there any chance it will be based agency is limited to “co-ordinat-
fight over the price in sovereignty that authorised to use force to protect the on the objections of EU member states, adopted? ing” border protection efforts between
From the convulsions of Europe’s must be paid to keep the Schengen area borders of a nation that outright rejects which have jealously guarded their sov- The proposal is for a regulation that member states. This means it is unable
migration crisis a plan is emerging for a alive. their presence on its frontier. It cuts to ereign right to command how their bor- would become part of the Schengen rule to hire its own border guards or even
standing European border force which, What has prompted this? the core of a state’s sovereignty. And ders are monitored and policed. book. It requires the support of the qual- buy its own equipment. Instead it has
if adopted, would be a milestone in the The great benefit of the Schengen area while it may be unrealistic to imagine an In designing these proposals, Jean- ified majority of member states and the relied on begging member states for
history of European integration. is that it allows citizens to travel across invasion of EU border guards, the politi- Claude Juncker, the commission presi- European Parliament. But the two insti- both personnel and the stuff they
the continent unhindered by border cal debate over whether such powers dent, is responding to calls from France tutions have rather different views on needed to do its job. The equipment and
The 1m-plus asylum seekers who have controls and passport checks. But secu- should be ceded could force countries to and Germany, which have made clear European integration. people pledged by national capitals,
crossed the EU’s external borders this rity experts have long warned that the rethink whether they are willing to be that Schengen’s survival rests on the While the parliament is often however, has often failed to turn up.
year have put the passport-free Schen- system relies on a durable frontier. If part of Schengen. creation of a common force to secure a staunchly in favour of deeper integra- While Frontex has requested 700 bor-
gen travel area under strain, exposing not, a criminal or terrorist who slips Is it legal? leaky external border. tion, the national governments that der guards to assist Greece, for example,
lax border control, uneven enforcement across a weak border in Greece is able to Similar ideas have been touted by fed- Yet it is still likely to trigger a barrage comprise the Council are reluctant to member states have so far put forward
of rules and weak institutions. “What make it to France or elsewhere undetec- eralists in Brussels for almost two dec- of complaints from frontier states like see power transferred to Brussels. The only 450. By contrast, the European
we are in is the no man’s land of an ted, as happened in the recent Paris ter- Greece, which are more sensitive about exception has been extreme circum- Border and Coast Guard will be a bona
incomplete system,” said Liz Collett of ror attacks. border matters and have long inter- stances, such as the eurozone crisis. fide border guard, able to hire its own
the Migration Policy Institute. The numbers of migrants flooding preted the EU treaties as not allowing The parliament has already backed a staff, buy its own equipment and march
EU officials hope the turmoil has also into Europe from Africa and the Middle such a dramatic intrusion. call to set up a proper European border into countries if domestic guards are
brought recognition in European capi- East — many making their way to Ger- Philippe de Bruycker of the Université force and is likely to fall in line behind deemed to be failing.
tals that decades of resistance to ceding many and Sweden — have exposed the Libre de Bruxelles notes that the this proposal. The proposed agency will closely
border control powers to Brussels has weaknesses of frontiers in Greece and “ambiguous wording” of the EU treaty Getting this through the council may monitor countries in the Schengen
hobbled the bloc’s ability to cope with Italy and deepened the sense that — permitting “the gradual introduction be trickier. But the commission does zone, with the ability to send in liaison
the current emergency. Europe has lost control of its borders. of an integrated management system have one advantage: both Paris and Ber- officers to collect data on those arriving.
According to officials familiar with How controversial is the plan? for external borders” — was a compro- lin have repeatedly made clear that they If the border control is not up to scratch,
the new European Commission plan, it Consider that the proposals would mise that allowed both federalists and wanted a proposal similar to what the the agency can send its own people.
would create a European border and empower the commission, at the antifederalists to believe it represented commission is set to table. Frontex also lacked a “search and res-
coastguard agency — a standing force of request of the border agency, to order a their views. Is the EU up to the job? cue” mandate, which became a major
thousands of guards who could be deployment of guards to Greece, Nor- “Can you go that far under the current At the moment, the closest thing the embarrassment earlier this year as the
deployed to weak spots on Schengen’s way, Italy, Poland or Spain — even A Frontex member holds a child legal framework? That is a difficult dis- EU has to a common “border guard” is death toll in the central Mediterranean
frontiers at the commission’s behest. against the explicit objections of their after a rescue near Lesbos island cussion,” he said. an agency called Frontex. The Warsaw- mounted.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Older citizens play growing role in US economy

Affluent baby boomers have spending power but some companies are struggling to address the demographic change
much larger companies. People over 65
’S Distribution of age groups by income
ER ICA (%) are emerging as enthusiastic buyers of
AM SUVs, for example, buying at a faster
LASS A rising proportion of the young are poor and more of the old are well off ...
pace than the overall population,
M I D D 18 to 29 65 and older according to IHS Automotive data, with
D OW 100 100 companies such as Ford touting the pop-
L T ularityofitsvehicleswithbabyboomers.
ME Upper income Upper income
L’Oréal, the French cosmetics com-
80 80
pany, has tapped into the desire of
Middle income Middle income women aged 50-70 to look glamorous,
LINDSAY WHIPP — CHICAGO 60 60 using actors like Dame Helen Mirren, 70,
Asked when she plans to retire, Chris- andDianeKeaton,69,tosell products.
tine Acosta’s answer is emphatic. Never. 40 40 “People are just starting to wake up —
The Florida resident restarted her both small and large companies,” said
career in her fifties after getting a bach- 20 20 Katy Fike, a venture capitalist and
elors degree, setting up a business called Lower income
founder of a network for start-ups
Lower income
Pedal Power Promoters that advocates 0 0 focused on senior citizens called Aging
for cyclists and provides valet parking 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2.0. “It’s too big to ignore.”
for bikes at big events. Jerry Storch, chief executive of the
Her determination to keep working ... while the 'squeezed middle' pattern is apparent among the groups of prime working age Hudson’s Bay Company, which owns
comes as older Americans become an and runs the Saks Fifth Avenue and
increasingly important force in the 30 to 44 45 to 64 Lord & Taylor department stores, said
economy, with many resisting retire- 100 100 that while HBC was focused on enticing
ment to earn — and spend — well into millennials, “we have a very heavy pen-
their golden years. Upper income etration of baby boomer customers”.
80 80 Upper income
“Retirement is beginning to look for a Offering an attentive service was key
lot of people like me like too much idle to attracting this demographic, he said,
time,” she said, standing next to a water- 60 60 as older customers were more likely to
way in Tampa, Florida. Millennials — Middle income Middle income visit stores rather than shop online.
people aged 18-35 — were getting all the 40 40 Older Americans are also playing a
attention, she added, whereas “it is a more important role in the workforce,
missed opportunity if businesses don’t 20 20 amid lengthening lifespans and thread-
tap into the boomer set”. Lower income bare retirement packages. New projec-
Lower income
The US middle class is already being 0 0 tions from the labour statistics office
reshaped by its ageing population, and 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 show that the participation rate of the
older citizens are set to play a swelling 65s and older will rise from 18.6 per cent
role in the economy as their weight in FT graphic Alan Smith, Graham Parrish Source: Pew Research Center in 2014 to 21.7 per cent in 2024.
the middle and upper income brackets The phenomenon was seized upon
mounts. Data from the Pew Research year show the ageing population’s dra- surprised she had not heard corporate spending growth in the categories of this year by Hollywood film The Intern,
Center show that households aged 65 matic impact on future US spending leaders express more interest in them. personal care, housing, food and enter- which depicts Robert De Niro as a 70-
and over have been the biggest eco- patterns. Americans aged 60 and over Significant parts of that extra spend- tainment will be driven by households year-old widower who takes up a post in
nomic gainers this century, as well as are forecast to drive half of all US spend- ing will be on healthcare as the ageing headed by someone aged at least 60 an online fashion company.
since the beginning of the 1970s. ing growth between 2015 and 2030. population puts mounting demands on between now and 2030, McKinsey says. Robert Schwartz, 75, president of New
The group has seen the largest move Spending by those aged 60-74 will rise the medical sector. Healthcare support Start-ups are making some of the York shoemaker and retailer Eneslow,
up the income ladder of any major by 3.2 per cent a year in real terms over occupations are set to see the fastest most aggressive efforts to target Amer- In-depth said nine of his company’s 32 staff were
demographic over the period, with the that period, while consumption by peo- employment growth of 22 big occupa- ica’s ageing population. Contenders For other over 60. “I would always take on older
share of people aged 65 and over in the ple aged 75 and older will increase 5.1 tion groups between 2014 and 2024, range from Active Protective, a com- instalments in workers; they have more experience,
the series, video
upper income brackets more than dou- per cent, well above the 2.4 per cent according to the Bureau of Labor Statis- pany providing micro-airbags inside and the Pew skills, and they come to work on time.”
bling since 1971 to 17 per cent. That still growth rate predicted for the popula- tics this week. Medical services will clothing that soften the impact of falls, Center’s Peter Hubbell, founder of Boomagers,
leaves people in that age group more tion as a whole, the estimates show. account for 18 per cent of overall con- to Gociety, which creates senior- interactive a consultancy and marketing firm for US
likely to be lower income than the other Jaana Remes, a partner at the McKin- sumption by 2024, compared with 16.7 friendly smartphone interfaces, and calculator companies keen to attract mature con-
demographics tracked by Pew. sey institute, said older customers would per cent in 2014. Narrative Apparel, which will sell sumers, argued that many were still
Separate projections by the McKinsey be an “interesting engine of consump- But wider parts of the corporate world clothes targeted at older shoppers. middleclass ignoringthemarketpotential.
Global Institute to be released early next tion growth in the US” and that she was will need to respond. Close to half of The market also holds potential for Gillian Tett page 15

Urban renewal. Investment challenge

Detroit shows signs of rebirth

despite staggering scale of blight
pied homes and the occasional commer- from that house, as he warns against
Much has been achieved since cial strip. There is much to do to revive a coming to the area at night. He has
emergence from bankruptcy city that spent decades slowly dying. noticed that there are more police these
The barely started work is in the outly- days and more functioning street lights,
but the task remains daunting ing neighbourhoods, many of which but does not feel like very much has
need similar investment to be rescued changed over the past year.
from the blight and crime that has para- A lack of access to credit is a big
lysed them for decades, keeping the obstacle to development. One estimate
David Alade and Andrew Colom moved city’s poverty rate at nearly 40 per cent. suggests that there were fewer than
to Detroit from their respective homes The population has halved to around 500 mortgages approved last year in the
of New York and Mississippi this year to 680,000 over the past half-century. city. Houses have lost so much value
take a risk on its uncertain future. They While the falls are slowing, they have that getting a loan to cover the renova-
buy, renovate and let houses in a historic yet to stop. Detroit has the same number tions is almost impossible. Kresge is
neighbourhood close to the site of the of residents as Washington DC but they planning to set up “soft loans” to allevi-
1967 race riots, and where both Henry live in the space of San Francisco, Bos- ate the problem.
Ford and Motown Records label founder ton and Manhattan combined. The future of these areas over the next
Berry Gordy Jr owned mansions. The scale of blight is staggering, decades will be critical in defining
Sellers had the option of buying a despite the demolition of more than whether Detroit’s rebirth is a success.
stake in the property fund set up by Mr 7,400 of the estimated 40,000 aban- Vacant land will need to be reused and
Alade and Mr Colom. This way, they concerns remain about communities
argue, the local community can be a either being split or left further behind.
part of the neighbourhood’s revival.
‘Everyone is watching, and Rip Rapson, president of the $3.5bn
“Everyone is watching Detroit, and there is an opportunity Kresge Foundation, says: “Some of
there is an opportunity to do something those big land plays will be definitional
really special in a different way,” says Mr
to do something really for the city, as no other city in America
Alade, a former Wall Street banker. special in a different way’ of this importance has that kind of land
Mr Alade, Mr Colom and architect mass available to it. If you can do it in a
Steve Harris, who grew up in the area, doned buildings. Expediting the task way that is humancentric so you’re not
are the kind of investors the city needs has helped push up the cost of demoli- forcing people out, but do it in a way that
to bring money and jobs. tion, and Detroit is running out of the is genuinely inclusive . . . then it
A year since Detroit emerged from $120m in Federal funds designated for becomes a place to watch. Can an Amer-
bankruptcy, statistics show what has the work. It will take another seven to ican city recover in an inclusive, equita-
been achieved so far. Tax revenues are eight years to remove the rest. ble way? And that is the challenge and
ahead of schedule and the city will post a The city is selling another 40,000 the huge promise of Detroit.”
budget surplus this year. Unemploy- buildings that are salvageable via auc- Lack of access to credit is curtailing
ment — registered at least — has fallen to tion and repair. One property in Osborn, new businesses. Non-profits have pro-
6.3 per cent. House prices are rising a poor area that has an active commu- vided some assistance by extending
from dark depths, and central Detroit is nity and has received help from a local loans and training to help more small
a hive of construction activity, including non-profit organisation, recently sold businesses get on their feet. The JPMor-
for a new light rail system and the Red for $5,600, far below the average cost of gan Chase Foundation has teamed up
Wings hockey stadium. The local econ- around $13,000 it costs to demolish a with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and
omy is growing. building. Detroit Development Fund to provide
The hundreds of millions of dollars Barber Damon Hill recalls a murder funding for “Entrepreneurs of Color” as
that have been invested to create urban just around the corner from the petrol part of a $100m investment in the city.
density have been anchored in part by station where he is getting fuel, not far Peter Scher, head of corporate respon-
local billionaire Dan Gilbert’s acquisi- sibility at JPMorgan, says: “The most
tions of a reported 78 buildings in the impactful things we can do are support-
city centre and the decision to shift his ing local small businesses and commer-
Quicken Loans’ staff downtown. Philan- cial lending, because they’re hiring peo-
thropic groups such as the Kresge Foun- ple. Those people are going to want to
dation have provided grants for devel- buy homes, fix up the homes. Invest-
opments including the Riverfront and ment spurs more investment if they can
the M1 transit system. It is the only pre- see something already happening across
dominantly philanthropic and privately the street.”
funded rail system in the US, and is cru- There is a long way to go before these
cial for securing federal funds for a lifelines are extended to the disadvan-
broader transport network. taged neighbourhoods across Detroit’s
But it only takes a short drive before 132 square miles. It could take just as
the noise of construction in downtown long for the city to regain its mojo as it
and Midtown, the bustle of Eastern took to lose it.
Market, and the coffee shops of Cork- Mr Hill has not given up hope. He
town give way to vacant lots and aban- Of 40,000 abandoned buildings, says: “I have a genuine love for Detroit
doned houses, interspersed with occu- about 7,400 have been demolished and know it will work in a certain way.”
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015

Air quality

China accepts loan to battle pollution Tom

Asian Development Bank Some 110m people live in Beijing, the complexity of the country’s environ- Ma Jun, a Beijing-based environmen-
Tianjin and the surrounding Hebei mental challenges has underscored the tal activist, said: “You need to know
offers $300m to cut coal
use around the capital
province, accounting for 10 per cent of
China’s economic output.
The ADB loan will support policies
need to tap external expertise.
“It is less common to do a policy loan
for an upper-middle-income country
what your neighbour is doing before you
can work together.”
At a briefing yesterday, China officials
‘Environmental spring’
aimed at reducing annual coal con-
sumption in Hebei by more than 12m
like China,” Hamid Sharif, ADB’s China
country director, said.
emphasised the importance of a co-or-
dinated regional response.
turns into winter of
The Asian Development Bank yesterday
approved a $300m loan to help clean
tonnes. Seven of China’s 10 most pol-
luted cities are in Hebei.
“Although they are making a lot of
“But as China faces complex issues
like air pollution, it is open to policy dia-
logue and inputs.”
“Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei need to
increase co-operation,” Yin Hailin, dep-
uty mayor of Tianjin, said. “The first
smog-choked cynicism
Beijing’s polluted air as it pledged to effort, the pollution is still there,” Provincial boundary lines are one of thing is to act together.”
support China’s efforts to cut coal use in Satoshi Ishii, an ADB development spe- the hurdles to cleaning up China’s air as In the first 10 months of this year, Bei-
and around the capital. cialist, said. competing bureaucratic fiefs, concern jing closed or moved 315 businesses eijing springs”, or periods of relative politi-
Beijing officials this week issued their
first red alert after particulate readings
rose to hazardous levels, forcing closure
of factories and many schools.
The loan will be used to cut coal use in
Hebei province, which contributes
“The fundamental issue is Hebei’s
coal-based economy and industrial
The package is the first “policy loan”
made by the ADB in China. The govern-
ment has traditionally been reluctant to
for local jobs and economic growth get
in the way of a regionwide response on
the smog-filled North China plain.
Rules coming into effect next year will
force emissions disclosure by thousands
of factories, mills and power plants. Cur-
Follow the
Live news and
analysis from
the Paris
climate talks
deemed overly polluting, and demol-
ished 1.7m sq m of buildings.
Li Shixiang, Beijing’s deputy mayor,
said: “On this problem we share
a common fate, and must manage it
together. Everybody must have
“B cal liberalisation in China, always end badly.
The most famous, in April 1989, culminated
More than a quarter of a century after
that tragedy, China’s capital has been flirting with an “envi-
ronmental spring” of sorts. During a glorious run of clear
much of the pollution that blights Bei- involve overseas lending agencies in rent rules only require public disclosure
patience and faith.” blue skies earlier this year, even Greenpeace reported that
jing and Tianjin. policy decisions on critical issues, but by 3,000 of China’s biggest polluters. Additional reporting by Luna Lin the city’s notorious air pollution had taken a turn for the
But like so many political springs before it, Beijing’s
environmental spring suddenly seems to be fading.
As President Xi Jinping arrived in Paris last week for cli-
Amazon. Deforestation mate talks, Beijing’s “airpocalypse” returned. The PM2.5
count, which measures the density of dangerous particles

Badlands threaten Brazil climate pledge in the air, is considered “unhealthy” at 150, “very
unhealthy” at 200 and “hazardous” at 300. It rose through
these readings and went off scale, topping 500 as China’s
president fiddled in Paris.
Despite the very clear and present danger to public
health, Mr Xi’s officials did not trigger what would have
Region’s violent lawlessness been the city’s first ever red alert, a measure that mandates
hampers country’s ability factory closures, construction stoppages and vehicle
to make good on promises Public cynicism surged. Were officials worried about
embarrassing Mr Xi while he negotiated carbon reduction
targets with his peers in Paris? Or did they fear the very
real economic consequences of a red alert at a time when
The body of a security guard lies spread- they are struggling to prop up growth. Or both?
eagled on a bridge in the Amazonian Whatever the reason for their initial reticence, they soon
badlands as his father gulps back got the message. On
the tears. December 7, days after
Five hours have passed since Wislen Mr Xi returned to Beijing,
Chinese officials’
Gonçalves Barbosa, who was 23, was the municipal govern- commitment to
ambushed by unidentified gunmen in ment declared a red alert
Anapu municipality in the Brazilian even though the condi-
state of Pará. A bullet is lodged in his tions were not as bad as measures will be
helmet, which has rolled nearby. they had been a week ear-
The police have yet to arrive, much lier, with the PM2.5 count
tested soon enough
less to begin a search for the killers. hovering in the hazard-
It is one more sign of the lawlessness ous 300s rather than the airpocalyptic 500s. Strong winds
and violence afflicting much of the Bra- finally helped blow the skies blue yesterday.
zilian Amazon, problems that have a The growing sense that the wind has more bearing on the
direct bearing on climate talks nearing cleanliness of Beijing’s air than the government’s environ-
their denouement in Paris this week. mental policies is embarrassing, especially in light of Pre-
As part of those negotiations, Brazil mier Li Keqiang’s declaration of a “war on pollution” last
has promised to bring illegal deforesta- The body of Wislen year.
tion — a leading source of carbon emis- Gonçalves Barbosa, shot The last thing Mr Li needs is a credibility gap on another
sions — to an end by 2030. But in Anapu, and killed on his way to important policy front, especially after a botched stock
the constraints on the country’s ability Esperança sustainable market rescue and “one-off” devaluation of the renminbi
to make good on its pledge are all too development project, this summer raised questions about the government’s
clear: competing property claims, a where he worked as a handling of the economy. But that may be exactly what he
sometimes shaky rule of law and widely guard — Lalo de Almeida is confronting.
shared hunger for land. A few years ago, Beijing residents would occasionally
“We managed to greatly reduce defor- criticise foreigners who wore smog masks, saying they
estation by large crop farmers and 5,545sq km Spain and Portugal combined, deforest- ranchers have murdered eight people in Father Amaro sees the series of mur- were embarrassing their fair city. Today it is common to
ranchers, but we still have smaller areas Annual average ation is particularly common in areas recent months: arriving at their victims’ ders, including that of Gonçalves Bar- see Chinese mothers cajoling their young children to don
being cut by small and medium produc- deforestation where property claims are contested. remote homes in a convoy of pickups, bosa, as part of a campaign by ranchers the hated filters, displaying a lack of confidence that can
ers and by criminal gangs,” said Daniel after crackdown The disputes often fuel violence, as ille- setting fire to their huts, and then gun- to intimidate smallholders, grab land only worry the ruling party.
Azeredo, public prosecutor in Belém, — a fifth of the gal ranchers and landless poor assert ning them down later. and clear it for cattle and soya cultiva- There is no evidence that public frustration with pollu-
2004 peak
capital of Pará. “Stopping these people is their claims. One of the victims’ relatives recalls: tion. But the police deny the murders tion is about to boil over, challenging one-party rule. Even
now the challenge.” Taking the side of the dispossessed, “When we said we were awaiting are related to land disputes. “All lies,” if it did, the party-state’s capacity for repression remains
Gonçalves worked at the PDS Esper- 56 Sister Stang championed the creation of a decision by the courts [on a property said an officer in Anapu police station. formidable. As of yesterday, also international Human
ança, a jungle reserve set aside for sus- Years a study two large “sustainable development dispute], one of them opened the Many ranchers depict themselves as Rights Day, some 25 Chinese rights lawyers picked up by
tainable agriculture by small farmers. It says it will take projects” on government land that door of his pick-up truck and displayed the victims of criminal gangs invading police this summer remain in detention.
was here 10 years ago that crooked cat- the state to settle ranchers had partly occupied: Esper- a collection of arms.” The relative their land. This week’s unprecedented red alert turned what would
confusion over
tle ranchers ordered what became one land ownership ança, where Gonçalves Barbosa was recalls what the rancher said next: “This “The property is ours, we bought it,” have been just another bad air week in Beijing into an
of the Amazon’s most notorious assassi- killed, and Virola-Jatobá. is our justice.” said Silvério Albano Fernandes, of the international media story. Many have interpreted that as a
nations — the killing of Dorothy Stang, a Sister Stang’s idea was to allow the Anapu rural producers union, who promising sign that Mr Xi and Mr Li are determined to
US nun and environmental activist. landless poor to settle in the sustainable stresses farmers’ desire to end the con- tackle China’s environmental crisis, no matter the reputa-
Since then, deforestation has fallen projects in return for preserving most of Deforestation fusion over land titles. tional or economic costs involved.
to about a fifth of its 2004 peak. It aver- the forest. A group of ranchers, led by in Anapu The government is working on the But similar things were said in March when Under the
ages 5,545 square kilometres a year after Regivaldo Pereira Galvão, known as Big 50km problem of property disputes. But Dome, a documentary about pollution, went viral and
a crackdown on big ranchers, soya farm- Sleaze, ordered her murder to stop the according to a study by Imazon, a cam- invited flattering comparisons to Silent Spring, the 1962
ers and their customers, such as large projects going ahead. Mr Galvão was B RAZ IL paigning group focusing on the Amazon, book by Rachel Carson credited with transforming envi-
meatpackers. convicted of the crime but remains free Area with PARÁ at its current pace it will take 56 years to ronmental consciousness in the US. It did not take long
But most of that decline was some following an appeal. defined title resolve the issue. before the government started removing the film from
time ago: the rate of deforestation José Amaro Lopes da Silva, a priest Area without Such a timeline is barely reconcilable websites and censoring references to it.
has remained roughly constant this with the Pastoral Land Commission, a defined title with commitments coming out of Paris Chinese officials’ commitment to tough environmental
decade. Brazil still destroys more Catholic rights group, claims that the Deforested area talks. Instead, it suggests the near-cer- measures will be tested soon enough. A popular pollution
forests per year than almost any other same “consortium” of ranchers who as of 2014 tainty of more disputes and more vio- prediction app, Ai Huxi or Love to Breathe, is forecasting
country, with only Indonesia doing killed Sister Stang continue to operate in ANAPU lence, and almost insurmountable another bout of unhealthy air in Beijing by the weekend.
comparable damage. the region and have a hit list of 30 people obstacles for the push to stop deforesta-
In Pará, a state the size of France, including himself. He adds that the Source: Imazon tion in the lawless lands of the Amazon.

Paris summit

Global warming talks hit deadlock over push to review emissions targets every five years
PILITA CLARK AND MICHAEL STOTHARD each country to regularly check them to this goal was not “something that is real- disheartening, said climate activists. to the critical stage”. “We need to work “climate neutrality” to be included in
see if they could be strengthened. istic”. “They have not delivered on any of the on language, and that’s what most of the new accord. Saudi Arabia’s delega-
Talks on a new global climate accord But Gao Feng, special representative And he said he did not agree with crunch issues. They are what we have today and tonight will be,” he said. tion said in a statement sent to some
entered a tense stalemate yesterday as for climate change negotiations in attempts by developed countries to been rehashing for the last three to four Concern was growing in the business news outlets that “a strong agreement
China dug in its heels on a string of China’s foreign ministry, said Beijing include measures in the agreement that years. It is quite concerning,” said Alix community yesterday that the parts of would need to consider all greenhouse
measures the US and other countries would not be able to change its climate would broaden the base of nations deliv- Mazounie at Climate Action Network the text encouraging carbon pricing gas emissions and not just CO2” and
insist must be part of the agreement plans for at least another 15 years. ering money to help poorer countries France. were likely to be cut out of the final draft emission reduction policies should not
due to be struck in Paris today. That is because Beijing’s plans to limit combat climate change. John Kerry, US secretary of state, said amid ideological opposition to market- focus “exclusively on energy”.
its carbon emissions cover the 10 years “The current text is not satisfactory. the talks were “obviously getting down based solutions for tackling global The delegation also explained why it
One of the most contentious stand-offs from 2020 to 2030, he said. “I can’t say They are saying every country has to warming. did not support the 1.5C temperature
to emerge in the fraught last hours of the that in the middle, 2025, we would be in mobilise [funds]. Countries like “We do not think it is politically feasi- target being included in the new agree-
talks is a push to require countries to a position to change it,” he said on the Rwanda, they’ve got to mobilise?” ble to get that [carbon pricing] now,” ment, saying the most up to date reports
revisit every five years the voluntary cli- sidelines of the talks. In fact, developed countries have said Edward Cameron from We Mean from the Intergovernmental Panel on
mate pledges that more than 180 Dozens of other countries, including made it clear they only expect countries Business, a coalition of corporations Climate Change scientists did not pro-
nations have made for the new accord, the EU, also have climate plans lasting “in a position to do so” to join them in whose members include Google, Micro- vide enough “robust information” on
starting as soon as 2020. up to 2030 but are willing to review the future to provide climate finance. soft and General Electric. the practical means needed to meet
“Without the five-year cycles, the them every five years. But Mr Gao’s comments underline the The extent to which the agreement such a goal.
agreement is meaningless,” said Miguel But Mr Gao said the agreement should tense state of negotiations that ran will include a requirement for emissions “It will take time for science to mature
Arias Cañete, the EU’s climate mean that “each country can do it at any through Wednesday night until 5am from fossil fuels, a leading source of car- and implications to become better
commissioner. time” as they saw fit. yesterday without making serious head- bon pollution, to be phased out over the understood to guide practical action for
This is because the current batch of He also dismissed efforts by the US, way on a 29-page draft of what is sup- course of this century is still to be set- such an ambition,” the delegation said.
pledges do not add up to enough action the EU and dozens of developing coun- posed to be the first new global climate tled. “Moreover, what we want to avoid is a
to stop temperatures rising above an tries to ensure the agreement acknowl- accord in 18 years. China, India, Saudi Arabia and many target that puts developing countries at
internationally agreed 2C from pre-in- edged the need to keep global tempera- The stalemate over issues that have A woman covers her face to protect other countries are resisting options in a disadvantage by placing an extra bur-
dustrial times, he said, so it was vital for ture rises to an even lower 1.5C, saying plagued years of UN climate talks were against pollution in Beijing this week the draft text for “decarbonisation” or den on their economies.”
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


France. Regional elections Presidential race

Trump puts off trip to Israel

National Front surge ties after rebuff from Netanyahu

Donald Trump, the billionaire leading

the Republican presidential race, has
guarantees the rights of its citizens.”
The furore over Mr Trump’s remarks
came just days after he was booed at a
presidential campaign forum sponsored
postponed a trip to Israel after his
by a Republican Jewish group. In addi-
remarks about banning Muslims from
tion to making several comments about
entering the US were rejected by
Jewish people that parroted racial stere-
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime
otypes, he took flak for refusing to say
that Jerusalem should be the undivided
“I have decided to postpone my trip to capital of Israel. He told a sceptical audi-
Israel and to schedule my meeting with ence that he did not want to reveal his
@Netanyahu at a later date after I position on the issue until after he had
become president of the US,” the tycoon met Mr Netanyahu in Israel.
tweeted yesterday. Mr Trump has dominated polls of
Mr Trump has sparked a cascade of likely Republican voters since launch-
criticism from across the US and around ing his unorthodox presidential cam-
the world since proposing on Monday paign in June. While he has spent most
that the US should prohibit Muslims of the past six months talking about his
from entering the country in the wake of argument for deporting the 11m —
the terror attacks in Paris and after the mostly Hispanic — illegal immigrants in
Isis-inspired fatal shooting of 14 people the US, he has switched focus to Mus-
in California. lims following recent terrorist massa-
“Until we are able to determine and cres in Paris and California.
understand this problem and the dan- Mainstream Republicans were ini-
gerous threat it poses, our country can- tially highly sceptical that Mr Trump
not be the victims of horrendous attacks would remain high in the polls, and his
by people that believe only in jihad, and ability to lead the field for more than six
have no sense of reason or respect for months has sent shockwaves through
human life,” Mr Trump said on Monday. the party.
Mr Netanyahu, who had agreed to Even those Republicans who believe
meet Mr Trump, on Wednesday dis- that he will fade are concerned that his
tanced himself from the tycoon. divisive rhetoric will drive Hispanics
“Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects and US Muslims away from the party,
Donald Trump’s recent remarks about which has been trying to improve its
Muslims,” his office said. “The state of image with minority groups.
Israel respects all religions and strictly Notebook page 14

Monetary policy

Ready: Marion Maréchal-Le Pen delivers a speech during a National Front campaign meeting in Marseille on Wednesday — Boris Horvat/AFP/Getty Images
Swiss central bank keeps its
powder dry on rates decision
tory on Sunday. A month after the Paris “Now, there’s a desire for order, owed our former colonies, we were
Political contortions on show terror attacks that shocked the nation, authority coming from a feeling that indebted to the blacks and the Arabs.
across nation as efforts grow the far-right and anti-immigration society has gone too far to the side of Traditional values, patriotism and RALPH ATKINS — BERN saw the currency rise almost 40 per cent
party is leading in six of 13 districts. It is individualism and liberalism.” parental authority have gone down the against the euro and dollar in one day.
Switzerland’s central bank has decided
to prevent shock on Sunday within reach of claiming its first regional The FN captured southern towns in drain. Now we realise that people of
against pushing interest rates even
The franc has since given up its gains
councils, which oversee local trains, last year’s municipal elections that were immigrant origins who benefited from against the dollar but remains more
deeper into negative territory after
schools, cultural and economic subsi- previously centre-right strongholds. In the French education system are mur- than 10 per cent higher against the euro.
ANNE-SYLVAINE CHASSANY — NICE monetary policy action last week by
dies. The polls are also the last test of the Fréjus, now run by 28-year-old FN dering people in our streets.” This month threatened more turmoil
the European Central Bank proved less
Christian Estrosi opposed the same-sex country’s mood before presidential mayor David Rachline, the party But the FN’s appeal also extends to the for the SNB, with the ECB apparently
aggressive than it feared.
marriage law when France’s socialist elections in 2017. secured more than half of the votes last young: a third of those aged 18 to 24 say intent on further weakening the euro. In
government passed it in 2013. But the “Tonight the old system has died, and Sunday. Philippe Lottiaux, Mr Rach- they will vote for the party, according to The country has been hit this year by the event, the steps announced last
mayor of Nice and centre-right MP in with it, its representatives from the left line’s chief of staff, joined the FN in 2013 an Ipsos survey published this month. the Swiss franc’s sharp appreciation Thursday by Mario Draghi, ECB presi-
the southern region of Provence has and the right,” Ms Maréchal-Le Pen, 26, from the centre-right party run by That is higher than the party’s national against the euro, which has damped
undergone a swift conversion to the said on Sunday. Educated in a private former president Nicolas Sarkozy. tally of 28 per cent last Sunday. tourist numbers and demand for Swiss
cause of gay rights. Catholic school by nuns, the mother of “By doing the splits, Mr Estrosi risks a In the former coal mining Nord–Pas- exports. Switzerland also remains The appreciation
of the Swiss franc
On Tuesday, he boasted that Nice had one is ideologically closer to her grand- muscular injury,” sneers Mr Lottiaux, a de-Calais region, where Marine Le Pen is gripped by deflation fears, with con- has hurt the
the second-most gay marriages in all of father and FN founder, Jean-Marie, than graduate of ENA, the French elite school leading with 41 per cent of the vote, the sumer prices falling at an annual rate of country’s tourism
France as he warned of the intolerance the aunt who has sought to soften the FN is targeting the blue-collar workers 1.4 per cent in October. sector and
of the far-right National Front (FN) party’s sharp edges. She was elected as who once supported the left. But after a meeting in Bern yesterday, exporters
party and its local candidate, Marion an MP at 22 by portraying herself as a
‘There’s . . . a feeling that “The sociology is different and there’s the Swiss National Bank maintained
Maréchal-Le Pen. staunch defender of traditional mar- society has gone too far to a subtle strategy to adapt the message,” official borrowing costs at the lowest in dent, were less than markets expected,
“Ms Maréchal-Le Pen wants to stop riage, family and religion. “We are not a Prof Dupoirier says, noting the contrast the world, with an interest rate of minus and the franc fell against the euro. As a
funding organisations that she consid- land of Islam, and if French citizens can
the side of individualism between Ms Le Pen’s social platform in 0.75 per cent on banks’ sight deposits. result, the SNB has kept its powder dry.
ers inappropriate,” Mr Estrosi declared, be Muslims, it’s on the condition to sub- and liberalism’ the north and her niece’s pro-business Nevertheless, the SNB said it would Although Mr Jordan said the Swiss
standing beside gay and women’s rights mit to habits and ways of life that the stance in the south. “The only ones the continue to intervene in markets to franc was “still significantly overval-
activists. “The FN voted against the Greek, Roman influence and 16 centu- that grooms top civil servants. Winning FN hasn’t yet appealed to are the weaken the currency “as necessary”. ued”, the SNB remains worried about an
right to have an abortion, against gender ries of Christianity have shaped,” she towns, he says, has helped the FN build wealthy with high education, who have Thomas Jordan, SNB chairman, said overheating housing market and fears
equality. Ms Marechal Le Pen is an told FN sympathisers this month. credibility: When they came to power in less to be anxious about.” policy divergences between Europe and that negative interest rates are creating
enemy of women.” In the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Fréjus, for example, the city was mired At Le Maya café in Nice, a few streets the US created “huge challenges” for distortions in the domestic financial
More than anything, Ms Maréchal-Le district, that pitch has appealed to a key indebt. Thathasbeencutby€13m. from Mr Estrosi’s press conference, small, open economies. Switzerland’s system.
Pen, the niece of FN leader Marine Le part of Mr Estrosi’s base: middle-class Sipping a soft drink on a sunny, sea- Oceane, 20, with purple hair, stretched economy “is going through a difficult Analysts warned the SNB’s efforts to
Pen, appears to have inspired Mr households and small business owners facing terrace in Fréjus, Paul Muller, 68, ear lobes and tattooed forearms, huffs phase”. China’s slowdown and the weaken the franc remained imperilled
Estrosi’s shift. Two days earlier, she who traditionally voted for the right. says he is moving here because he has when she hears about the rapproche- impact of terrorism fears on European by other countries’ monetary authori-
trounced the 60-year-old in the first This chimes with a broader rightward had enough of Paris, which “thinks it’s ment between the mayor and gay com- economies were also risks. ties. Erik Nielsen, chief economist at
round of regional elections by 14 per- shift in French society, according to Elis- the centre of the world, half Bohemian- munity. “We’ll have seen it all,” she says. In January the SNB shocked financial UniCredit, said: “No central bank wants
centage points. Mr Estrosi is hoping to abeth Dupoirier, a Sciences Po profes- bourgeois, half ethnic”. A lesbian with a longing to move to markets by announcing that it would no to see its currency appreciate, and some
fend off an FN victory in Sunday’s sec- sor, who traces it to the aftermath of The retired aerospace executive will London and develop a career in tattoo- longer seek to cap the currency value at want it weaker. How’s the maths going
ond-round vote by appealing to socialist former socialist president François Mit- vote for the FN on Sunday, as he has for ing, she would seem to fit a stereotype of SFr1.20 to the euro. The Frankenschock to work in this world?”
voters, whose candidates have stepped terrand’s two terms and economic woes. the past 20 years after growing disen- the French left. But Oceane says she is
aside after coming third. Recent terror attacks may amplify it. chanted with the mainstream right. tempted to vote for Ms Maréchal-Le
Such political contortions are unfold- “From the late 1990s on, govern- “We were fine until Mitterrand,” he Pen, just the same. “When it is not work-
ing across France as the mainstream ments have been unable to hide the says. “He did nothing economically, but ing, we have to try something different.” Public coffers
parties seek to prevent a historic FN vic- effects of the crisis,” she says. changed the lifestyle. All of sudden, we Philip Stephens page 15

Financial crisis sparked wide

Reformist circles range of fiscal cures, says study
Khomeini grandson to enter Iran political fray for moderates VANESSA HOULDER — LONDON while the reverse is true in Ireland and
the UK.
Applying different fiscal “cures” to the
NAJMEH BOZORGMEHR — TEHRAN dicted. Reformists say hardliners side- Moderate forces are hoping for a Khomeini enters into the Experts Labour markets also showed
wounds inflicted by the financial crisis
lined by Khomeini, who died in 1989, strong victory in February’s 290-seat Assembly as part of a minority, he may marked differences. The devaluation of
Hassan Khomeini, the moderate made France and Italy higher-tax econ-
have since hijacked his legacy and parliamentary race to ensure imple- not be able to exert a lot of influence. But sterling sharply reduced UK labour
grandson of the founder of the 1979 omies, while Ireland, Spain and the UK
derailed the revolution. mentation of the nuclear accord and if he is part of a package of moderate costs when measured in euros between
Islamic Revolution, has decided to have become lower-tax countries than
Saeed Laylaz, a reformist analyst, improve the chances of Mr Rouhani’s re- forces such as [Mr] Rafsanjani who is 2007 and 2009.
enter politics — a potential game- they were previously, according to
said: “[His grandson’s] candidacy is election in 2017. also expected to run, then he can be of Labour costs also fell in Ireland and to
changer in the already volatile power research.
another move to push for a return to the But the composition of the next bigger influence.” a lesser extent in Spain but held up in
struggle to shape the future of Iran.
principles of the revolution which are Experts Assembly may prove more vital Mr Khomeini’s candidacy will be A comparison of the effects of the Italy thanks to a government scheme to
Mr Khomeini, who is popular with the rule of law and preventing Iran from for Iran’s future. The 86 senior clerics in watched closely. His lineage makes it crisis on public finances, published in supplement wages.
young people, will next February run for falling into the hands of military-finan- the assembly could name the successor difficult to disqualify him but hardliners the journal of the Institute for Fiscal In all four countries, the rise in unem-
the Experts Assembly, the body likely to cial oligarchy [the elite Revolutionary to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the 76-year- could try to weaken him by barring Studies think-tank, noted that ployment has been larger among those
determine who the next supreme leader Guards].” old supreme leader and ultimate deci- many moderate allies, analysts say. France and Italy relied heavily on tax aged 16-29 than across the adult popula-
will be. He will be the first member of The announcement comes at a time sion maker, if he passes away during Many Iranians remember photo- rises to reduce borrowings, while Ire- tion as a whole.
the family of the late Ayatollah Ruhol- when hardliners have tightened their their eight-year tenure. graphs of him as a child — unusually land, Spain and the UK mostly slashed By contrast, the employment rate
lah Khomeini to be involved directly in grip following the landmark nuclear Mohammad-Sadegh Javadi-Hesar, a blond as for an Iranian — standing next spending instead. among older people aged 55-74 contin-
politics since the 1979 uprising. agreement in July. Hardliners say they reformist politician, said: “If Mr to his grandfather. It also said it was “notable” that coun- ued to grow throughout the crisis and its
He has decided to run “following mas- will resist “infiltration” by western gov- Mr Khomeini, who went to the Qom tries, such as France and Italy, which did aftermath — possibly reflecting policy
sive calls by various [political] groups ernments bent on undermining the seminary when he was 17, has presented not suffer big declines in tax revenues changes, such as increases in pension
and after consultations with the [politi- regime through pro-reform forces. They himself as a big fan of football, the most during the crisis also relied most on eligibility ages, as well as rigidities in
cal] seniors and intellectuals”, local are expected to disqualify many reform- popular sport in Iran. Until now, his extra taxation in the years that followed labour markets.
media quoted Ali Khomeini, his ist candidates for parliament and the public profile has been largely limited to to repair their public finances. The researchers also analysed Ger-
brother, as saying late on Wednesday. assembly when registration for both annual speeches on the anniversary of The researchers also uncovered dif- many, which they described as an “out-
The 43-year-old cleric is already being polls begins on December 19. the death of his grandfather. In recent ferent patterns of cuts to public services lier”, saying it had experienced no
touted in reformist circles as a potential There is widespread speculation that years, his speeches have been disrupted since the recession. change in labour costs between 2000
leader of Iran. It is not clear yet how Mr Khomeini has been encouraged by by hardliners. France, Ireland and the UK chose and 2007 and virtually no rise in unem-
Iran’s hardliners will react to Mr Kho- two former presidents, Mohammad Whatever else, reformists hope Mr to protect spending on health and ployment during the recession.
meini’s candidacy because his lineage Khatami, a reformist, and Akbar Khomeini’s participation in the election schools from cuts, while Italy and They said its downturn was little dif-
discourages direct criticism. Hashemi Rafsanjani, a centrist, to run will encourage turnout. Low numbers Spain cut spending on these services rel- ferent from a textbook recession: tem-
“Iran’s political atmosphere will be for the poll. The same alliance led to the could favour hardliners. atively deeply. porary economic weakness resulting in
further radicalised with this candidacy surprise victory of Hassan Rouhani in Mr Javadi-Hesar said: “His involve- In Italy, households with children temporarily high borrowing, disappear-
and crackdown on reformists will the 2013 presidential election and paved Cleric Hassan Khomeini, who loves ment in politics revives hopes that a have lost less from tax and benefit ing as the economy recovers without
worsen,” one pro-reform analyst pre- the way for the nuclear agreement. football, is popular with the young charismatic character may emerge.” reforms than pensioner households, policy action.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13


The latest violence in the Holy Land seems to reflect a loss of hope that the conflict will end, and some
believe that an unstable ‘one-state reality’ is already in place. Can politicians find a peaceful way out?
By John Reed

nondescript suburban traf-
fic island, south of Jerusa-
lem in the occupied West
Bank, has become one of
the most dangerous places
in the Holy Land. In recent weeks, Pales-
tinians have used knives, guns and even
their own cars as weapons to attack
Israelis no fewer than 10 times. Most of
the assailants were shot on the spot or
“neutralised” as Israeli police and some
media prefer to describe the Palestinian
suspects who were injured or killed.
Such violent attacks and reprisals
have left at least 128 people dead — vic-
tims, attackers and bystanders — over
the past three months and provide a
bleak snapshot of Israeli-Palestinian
The junction, at Gush Etzion, a cluster
of Jewish settlements, is now manned by
Israeli special forces troops, their faces
concealed with black balaclavas. They
brandish automatic weapons as they
stand behind concrete barriers,
designed to shield them from vehicles
that may try to run them down.
A cairn of rocks marks the place
where Hadar Buchris, a 21-year-old
Israeli woman, was stabbed and killed
by a Palestinian man as she waited at a
hitchhiking stop last month.
“A lot of people call them animals,”
Danny Eisenstock, an Orthodox Jew,
says of the Palestinians, “but I don’t
want to go that way. A human being
came over and slashed a girl’s throat,
and her blood was spilt here.”
Along the road, at the al-Aroub Pales-
tinian refugee camp, one resident pins
the blame for the violence on Israel’s
government, whose ranks include sev-
eral hardline officials and the pro-set-
tler, far-right Jewish Home party.
“If people had one per cent of hope
[that] there would be any peace from
the Israelis, they [have] lost it,” says
Ahmad Abu Khilan, an activist affiliated
with the West Bank’s ruling Fatah party.
US warning dismantle the Palestinian Authority and A junction near Barack Obama’s presidency, which has

Gush Etzion is a magnet for violence. allow Israel to take over. A slowing econ- the Gush Etzion only a year to run.
Along with Jerusalem and the West omy, deteriorating public services and settlements “The Americans seem to have lost
Bank city of Hebron, it is one of the few political feuding over Mr Abbas’s suc- between Hebron interest,” says Gideon Levy, a leftwing
places where Israelis and Palestinians — cessor have sapped the PA’s legitimacy. and Jerusalem. commentator with the Israeli newspa-
elsewhere separated by fences and walls “There is a general sense that we are Once an area per Haaretz. “They are out of the game,

to peace
— come into daily contact. Palestinians approaching the end of an era in Pales- where Israelis they have lost hope.”
from nearby villages use the junction on tinian politics,” says Nathan Thrall, a and Palestinians
their travels. Jewish settlers come to senior analyst with the International mingled freely, Loss of faith
hitch rides, repair cars or shop at a Rami Crisis Group. “When you have the the area is now a With the Oslo blueprint in tatters, talk
Levy supermarket, part of a chain with authority that brought Oslo into being fortified camp of the one-state solution — equal demo-
branches in settlements that some threatening to undo it, this heightens following recent cratic rights for Palestinians and Israelis
Israelis see as a model of coexistence the sense among Palestinians that they attacks on shared land in a single state or con-
because both they and Palestinians are approaching something new.” Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty
federation — is gaining traction. In the
work and shop there. Polls show that faith in the two-state PCPSR poll, 30 per cent said they sup-
Since the spate of violence began in solution is lessening among both peo- ported it, with that figure higher among
October, however, fencing has been put Benjamin Netanyahu, the rightwing The violence has touched all of the ples. A recent survey by the Palestinian young Palestinians.
up at the roadside to prevent people Israeli leader, has said he has no inten- region’s patchwork of geographies, Center for Policy and Survey Research “The disappointment with govern-
from moving towards cars, and Pales- tion of ruling a binational state, and con- stretching from the prosperous coastal shows backing for the idea had slipped ance and service delivery is pushing
tinians have been prohibited from walk- tinues to voice support for a two-state heartland to the West Bank, Jerusalem to 48 per cent, the lowest level in 22 young people to focus on civil and politi-
ing there. The attacks — ad hoc in nature solution. However, after this year’s elec- and the Gaza Strip. years. cal rights,” says Khalil Shikaki, the cen-
tion campaign in which he ruled out The Arab minority in northern Gali- The picture is no more positive on the tre’s director. “A one-state solution is
Israeli prime minister agreeing to a Palestinian state in the
foreseeable future, many in the interna-
lee have been stirred to mass protests —
and in a few cases violent attacks —
Israeli side, with many supporting peace
talks but 62 per cent, according to a sur-
viewed by many among the youth as
[something] that would help in getting
Benjamin Netanyahu has tional community doubt his word. underscoring the increasing irrelevance vey by the Israel Democracy Institute, rid of a nationalist old-guard elite that is
Some Palestinians and leftwing Israe- of the “Green Line” marking the inter- believing that there was not a “genuine corrupt and divided.”
framed the violence in the lis are comparing the frozen conflict to nationally recognised Israeli border, commitment” to peace on Mr Netan- Among Israelis, support for a single
context of Islamist terror the final years of South African apart-
heid, when clashes between the black
and the notional outline of a future Pal-
estinian state.
yahu’s part.
The Israeli prime minister has previ-
state is smaller and confined mostly to
those on the left. On the far right, Naftali
in Paris and elsewhere and white communities amounted to a Mr Netanyahu has sought to frame ously said he would meet Mr Abbas for Bennett’s Jewish Home party supports
low-level civil war. the violence in the context of the Islam- peace negotiations without precondi- annexing “Area C”, the part of the West
“The peace process after 20 years has ist terror attacks in Paris and the atroci- Bank surrounding settlements, and giv-
and at very close quarters — have unset-
tled both communities. Some settlers
only led to more settlements, more
oppression and more racism,” says Mus-
ties of Isis. He said recently that it was
being driven by “opposition to the exist-
‘Lone wolf ’ attacks and ing Palestinians in PA-controlled land
have called for Palestinian vehicles to be tafa Barghouti, an MP in the suspended ence of the state of Israel as the national reprisals have left at However, most mainstream Israelis
rerouted. Palestinian parliament and leader of the state of the Jewish people, within any view the prospect of a single state with
“They should not allow them to drive Palestinian National Initiative, a politi- borders”. least 128 Palestinians dread, believing it would erode their
or move around places where they are
attacking us,” says Shirley Nissan, a
cal party. “Palestinians [have] finally
realised there is no peace camp in
The Israeli government has blamed
incitement on social and conventional
and Israelis dead in the country’s Jewish majority.
“The one-state solution is not a solu-
woman packing groceries into her car. Israel.” media for triggering the lone-wolf past three months tion,” says Shlomo Brom, an analyst
While the US and EU cling to hopes of Uri Savir, an Israeli peace activist who attacks, many carried out by Palestini- with the Institute for National Security
reviving a two-decade-old peace proc- served as his country’s chief negotiator ans, including teenagers, with no crimi- Studies. “It’s another name for the con-
ess that was supposed to deliver an inde- for the Oslo Accords in 1993-96, wrote nal record. tion. But in the most recent round of tinuation of war between two nations.”
pendent Palestinian state by 1999, Gush last month that “a binational state is talks he added a condition: recognition Notwithstanding the current vio-
Etzion offers an unsettling vision of a now here, or rather one state in which Poor prospects of Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinians lence, Mr Brom says the Oslo process
near future where the two peoples con- two nationalities clash”. Israeli security officials mostly endorse say this neglects their history and could be nudged back to life with the
tinue living unhappily, often violently, this view but also point to the assailants’ Israel’s own 20 per cent strong Palestin- help of unilateral steps by the Israelis to
together. Palestinians, leftwing Israelis
and some foreign observers are calling
Mustafa Barghouti, social and economic motivations: poor
personal prospects in a weak economy;
ian minority, dismissing the demand as
restrict settlement growth, or open
more land in Area C to Palestinian eco-
this a “one-state reality”: a stalemate in leader of the Palestinian a loss of faith in the future, and disen- The Palestinian leadership voices nomic projects. Mr Netanyahu’s govern-
which Israel rules undemocratically chantment with an aged, drifting and support for the two-state solution but is ment has mooted doing the latter, but is
over the Palestinians without the bene- National Initiative, divided Palestinian leadership, headed also impatient with US-led diplomacy. withholding concessions while the vio-
fit of recognised borders or a political
claims there is no ‘peace by 80-year-old President Mahmoud
As a result it is pursuing international
recognition for the state outside a final-
lence lasts.
“I am 100 per cent convinced there
Gush Etzion is what the Israelis call a camp’ in Israel “The motivation for action is based on status agreement with Israel. They wel- will be a two-state solution, after
“settlement bloc” — territory that Israel feelings of national, economic and per- comed a move last year by Sweden to exhausting all mistakes and paying the
is certain it would retain as part of a land sonal discrimination,” the Shin Bet recognise Palestine, a move that price,” says Mr Savir. “The issue is how
swap under any final peace agreement, “A borderless state from the sea to the security service wrote in an analysis in incensed Israel. much blood gets spilled until then.”
but which it is occupying illegally on an Jordan river is a ‘former Yugoslavia’ sit- November. “For some of the assailants The White House admits that a two-
open-ended basis, without recognition uation,” Mr Savir says, referring to the an attack provides an escape from a des- state solution will not be achieved under
from the international community, bloody Balkan wars that tore apart the perate reality.”
much less the Palestinians. Communist republic’s successor states Palestinians place the violence in the
John Kerry, the US secretary of state in 1991-1995. “I believe we are at the context of their decades-old struggle West
who sponsored the round of peace talks beginning of this turmoil.” against Israel’s occupation. They have
that failed in May 2014, last week issued Israeli officials and media call the vio- been appalled by hate crimes on people Bank

a warning to both Israel’s government lence the “wave of terror”, a phrase that and property by extremist Jews, includ- Flashpoint fear In Gush Etzion, metal
and leaders of the tottering Palestinian suggests an episodic security event. ing an arson attack in August that killed Ramallah fences line roads; Palestinians have
Authority. He said they were heading However, others, including some a couple and their infant son. Palestini- been barred from walking there
towards a “one-state solution” with members of Israel’s security establish- ans have been angered by derogatory Jerusalem
Israel responsible for governing the ment, see the unrest as longer lasting. A comments made by some Israeli politi- ISRAEL ‘Settlement bloc’ Israel occupies Gush
West Bank. senior Israel Defence Forces com- cians about the two-state solution and Gush Etzion illegally but is certain it would
“The one-state solution is no solution mander, briefing Israeli media last their religious sites, which they say Etzion Al-Aroub keep it as part of a final peace deal
at all for a secure, Jewish, democratic month, called the violence a “limited amount to incitement. junction refugee
Israel living in peace; it is simply not a uprising”, saying it could go on for The Oslo process has also been dis- Hebron camp Dead How many states? Support for
viable option,” Mr Kerry told the Brook- months and possibly become a wider credited by their leaders, who amid Sea a binational state among Israelis is
20 km
ings Institution’s annual Saban forum. insurrection. heightened tensions, have threatened to confined mostly to a leftist fringe
14 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015

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Chinese authorities are responding to air pollution problem

Sir, John Gapper asserts that “Beijing’s Second, compared with previous industry growth strongly capped. inefficient state-owned enterprises,
smog is a symptom of corruption” years, China’s air pollution situation Hebei’s economy has suffered, missing particularly the energy sector, is
(December 10). This is correct, but this year has actually improved, its growth target last year, but that is a moving at a glacial pace. And a
here is a more balanced assessment of according to Greenpeace research. price the authorities appear willing to growing utility bubble is emerging
the situation. Average PM2.5 levels through pay in the short term. Regarding the as power companies add thermal
First, the red alert did not indicate November this year are down 15 per latter, China’s slowing economy and generation capacity, while electricity
the worst air pollution event in cent year-on-year across China, and the diversifying energy sources have led to demand growth slows. Some believe
FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER 2015 Beijing’s history. That dubious honour fall is larger for SO2, indicating reduced coal consumption falling in 2014 for the red alert itself was mishandled,
goes to January 12 2013. Instead, this coal-burning emissions. Favourable the first time in history. Through the as co-ordination between city,
was the first time officials winds patterns, a factor in clearing the first nine months of 2015, coal environmental and traffic authorities
acknowledged a red-alert level air sky, are not significantly different consumption is down 3-5 per cent year- was problematic. But China’s air
pollution event, and that is a sure sign compared with previous years. Instead, on-year. Together, these two factors quality has improved, and the

Zuma’s shock reshuffle of progress. Only a week before, Beijing

was hit by an even more severe
“airpocalypse”, and authorities only
two factors explain the improvement:
government action on air pollution
sources, and structural changes in
suggest things are changing in China,
with clearer skies the positive end
authorities appear more willing
to respond to the reality that
confronts them.

will hurt South Africa raised an orange alert, drawing public

scorn. Licking their wounds, the
authorities appear this time to be less
China’s energy mix.
Regarding the former, Beijing’s
heavily polluted neighbouring
China still faces many significant
challenges. Corruption remains an
issue. Application of rule of law is
Calvin Quek
Head of Sustainable Finance Program,
Greenpeace East Asia,
coy about sounding the alarm. province, Hebei, has seen heavy not uniform. Reform of China’s Beijing, China
The sacking of the finance minister is a signal of trouble ahead
Jacob Zuma, South Africa’s president, Amid an increasingly public battle Great companies hold by international standards, pretty Still using the skills learnt
could scarcely have provided a clearer within the government, the fiscal pic- good. It comes with the bonus of
signal of trouble to come than he did on ture had been darkening, thanks in out against the short-term delivering fluency in what Lucy as an undergraduate
Wednesday when he sacked his part to declining demand for basic and the fashionable Kellaway describes this week as “the Sir, Lisa Pollack (Notebook, December
respected finance minister, Nhlanhla resources from China, South Africa’s only language you need to know: 9) contends: “When it comes to
Nene. No less troubling was Mr Zuma’s largest trading partner. Sir, One often encounters investment English” (Dear Lucy, European anything except vocational subjects
choice of successor, David van Rooyen, The rating agencies had already managers who value companies in Business Schools, December 9). All in such as law, engineering and medicine,
an obscure backbencher from the rul- taken note, with Fitch warning five which a family holds a major stake. I all, a strong incentive for EU migrants little to none of what is learnt at
ing African National Congress whose days ago that it could cut the value of think they like the long-term view to bring their dependants with them. university will be useful in the
sole experience of government to date South Africa’s debt to junk. Standard & such families engender, with regard to But in many parts of the country, workplace.” Perhaps I have an overly
is at municipal level. Poor’s has also cautioned that it may both capital growth and sustainable education authorities already struggle rosy memory of my studies. Perhaps I
Not only was the timing of the move follow suit. dividends. The near death of Anglo to meet demand for places, and class just have an odd job. But I use the tools
terrible, rattling markets at a moment These warnings do not appear to American brings this into very sizes in state schools are large. That of research, analysis and writing that I
when the news for South Africa’s econ- have persuaded Mr Zuma to cherish stark relief. sounds like an argument for the UK to learnt as an undergraduate nigh every
omy was already grim. It was also whatever market credibility his As a family-controlled company for conclude that it is squarely in our day, not to mention an understanding
opaque. In the terse announcement, administration still enjoyed. His cabi- eight decades plus, it took the long- interest for child benefit to be payable of the intersection of politics,
the president gave no credible justifica- net reshuffle prompted the rand to hit a term view. That has changed, and whether or not an EU citizen’s child has economics, religion and culture, and
tion for changing the minister in charge new low against the US dollar. Bond chief executive Mark Cutifani’s taken up his or her right to be educated the habits of hard work and early rising
at the Treasury, which together with yields also spiked. presentation to shareholders does here at public expense (I have not — the my studies encouraged. If little to
the central bank, has maintained a rep- If the rout persists it could have a sig- not seem to have convinced them ‘Lots of people are asking for yet — heard anyone suggest that right none of what you learn at university
utation for excellence, resisting a gen- nificant impact on the country’s that there is a long term. something called Brexit’ should be taken away). will be useful in the workplace, let me
eralised trend towards institutional already elevated cost of borrowing. The What changed 10 years ago is that In fact, perhaps we could consider suggest that you find a better
decay. national debt has risen sharply in management, without a family showing our gratitude by paying a little university!
During a difficult period of economic recent years to fractionally under 50 influence, became a slave to fashion. Most of Morocco’s funds more to those who, by leaving their ARB Linderman
stagnation, declining world prices for per cent of gross domestic product They were criticised for not being fully children to be educated at home, do Charlottesville, VA, US
South Africa’s commodity exports and now. Under the tight rein of Mr Nene it exposed to the commodities boom. came from Europe not add to the burden of an education
successive scandals, Mr Nene acted as a was already costing more than the edu- Anglo was asked why it held Mondi, Sir, Your report on Morocco’s system they are funding with the taxes Electric cars spell the
bulwark against the increasingly popu- cation budget to service. The choices the paper company it had spawned, renewable energy development (“The they pay here.
list inclinations of Mr Zuma and the facing the new finance minister will and Tarmac, the building materials letter from the king that boosted drive David London end of our front gardens
ANC. In doing so he took on the distin- almost certainly be starker still. business it bought and grew. The for greener energy”, November 24) Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK Sir, Did Vladimir Gorelov (Letters,
guished mantle of Trevor Manuel and Even the stars of recent South Afri- reason was that they were less cyclical gives a somewhat misleading view of December 8) pave over his front
Pravin Gordhan, the two former can governments struggled to initiate and volatile than the rest of their the sources of international funding for S Africa’s investors will garden and have a pavement kerb drop
finance ministers who painstakingly structural reforms that might have natural resources portfolio. They the kingdom’s remarkable solar energy built so he can charge his electric car
established South Africa’s record made inroads into chronic unemploy- might prosper outside the boom programme. In fact, the majority of the react to shock sacking overnight from his domestic electricity
among global investors for prudent ment and the apartheid legacy of racial times and give a balance their financial support for the three phases Sir, Emerging market countries have a supply? If he did, he is intensifying
macroeconomic management in the and income inequality. competitors lacked. of Noor complex at Ouarzazate — sovereign right to basically do flood risk, urban heating and urban
post-apartheid years. The times are much leaner now and Great companies hold on against the including loans from the European whatever they want, presidents have stress, and reducing biodiversity,
By replacing him with a relative nov- the clamour for more even distribution pressure of fashionistas. But, a new Investment Bank, France’s constitutional prerogatives to appoint carbon absorption, road space for
ice, Mr Zuma left the pundits to sur- of wealth much greater. This is trum- slave to fashion, Anglo distributed its development agency AFD and who they see fit to whichever post. This parking and civic amenity. And if the
mise the worst: that Mr Nene had peted in ever more insistent fashion by holding in Mondi to shareholders. Germany’s KfW, as well as grants from is the way it should be. It is not the job millions of people he predicts will
resisted powerful allies of the president Mr Zuma’s most effective opponent, Those who held on will take comfort the European Union — has come from of investors to “tell” anyone what to do, switch to electric vehicles all do the
once too often. In recent months the the populist firebrand, Julius Malema. that one of the then eight Anglo Europe. European funding, accounting but to assess the risks and invest or not same, there will be no front gardens
Treasury intervened to prevent South The temptation for the government divisions now has a capitalisation in for roughly €1.6bn, represents about at any given market rate of return. left at all, and suburbs throughout in
African Airways, the lossmaking will be to lurch in his direction, and excess of Anglo’s. Anglo dismembered 60 per cent of the total cost and is by However, recently there has been a the country will turn into gigantic car
national airline, from rearranging an unravel in the process South Africa’s Tarmac, a second of the eight divisions, far the biggest financing contribution marked shift in sentiment in South parks. There has to be a better way to
aircraft leasing deal. As part of broader hard-won reputation for fiscal pru- seemingly so that shareholder value to this undertaking. Africa — that investors (and rating charge electric vehicles.
efforts to check public spending, he dence. The only alternative, however (rather more than half than that of Maja Kocijančič agencies) can be ignored in favour of Christine Eborall
also sought to stymie Mr Zuma’s plans unpalatable to Mr Zuma, could soon be Anglo today), would disappear. So the Spokesman, European Commission domestic political and rent-extraction Ealing’s LA21 Front Gardens Project,
to build a nuclear power plant. the International Monetary Fund. short-term view, not uninfluenced forces, despite the country running a London W13, UK
perhaps by management’s interest in EU workers’ benefits take large and increasing current account
its short-term wealth, prevailed.
pressure off UK schools deficit that needs to be financed by Toughness is so tiring
Quality assets were sold at the bottom; foreigners, and some 35 per cent of local
fashionable assets were bought at the Sir, Those calling for changes to in- currency debt being held by foreigners. Sir, You must be exhausted having to
top. Gearing, which management work benefits for EU migrants inveigh, The regrettable sacking of well denounce in your editorials, two days

Renzi’s muddled stance found fashionable to increase, got out

of control, to the extent that
management lost control. What a
among other things, against EU
workers who claim UK child benefit for
children who remain in their home
respected, reform-minded finance
minister Nhlanhla Nene is the policy
choice that has been made. However,
in a row, two potential presidential
candidates (“The presidential threat
posed by Le Pen in France”, December

on Italian tax evasion shambles.

There will surely be a wolf about, to
give some small change to long-
country (“Cameron’s demand to
restrict migration clouds Warsaw trip”,
December 10). This exemplifies the
South Africa must understand that
investors (not only foreign but local
ones as well) will react to such a
8 and “Trump’s offensive assault on
American values”, December 9).
What worries me is that the likes of
suffering investors, but what a glass-half-empty thinking that has profoundly negative shock and that the Dick Cheney are on your side. Perhaps
Allowing higher cash transactions can only boost its shadow economy shame that, absent the long-term already given us bogeymen like job- country will have to live with the we should hold off on shooting the
controlling shareholder, common stealing Polish plumbers, Romanian consequences. messengers and think about ways to
The size of Italy’s shadow economy has nue from the tax authorities. Since sense has proved so uncommon fruit-pickers and other products of the Peter Attard Montalto address the concerns of the followers of
long been one of the biggest obstacles then, the government has gone in the and fashion so prevalent. lump of labour fallacy. South Africa Economist, these candidates.
to the country’s modernisation. The opposite direction. Robbie Robertson We might try to look at it another Nomura International, R Vijayaraghavan
unofficial sector still accounts for The prime minister this year raised Reading, Berks, UK way. Education in the UK is free and, London EC4, UK San Jose, CA, US
around one-fifth of gross domestic the amount of tax that can be evaded
product. It ought to be the aim of every without any criminal sanctions from
Italian prime minister to combat this €50,000 to €150,000. The move to tre-
problem, reducing the amount of eco-
nomic activity that goes untaxed and
ble unofficial cash transactions consol-
idates this trend. History of The As Donald Trump seeks to become the
presidential candidate of the party of
about hallowed ground, those boys
would not get past the doorman —
data has been verified by the highly
respected Centre for Populist
unrecorded. Strangely, Matteo Renzi’s
government is taking a step in the
Italy can ill-afford such a muddled
approach on tax evasion. It raises Donald as seen Lincoln, the FT has found transcripts of
the great speeches and text from US
although I want to say that I’ve
always had a great relationship
Histrionics) that all men are created
equal. But look at me and look at you.
opposite direction.
The move in question is a new regula-
tion that Mr Renzi is introducing on the
doubts about Mr Renzi’s willingness to
stand up to vested interests and deal
with Italy’s longstanding governance
in the great history as delivered by The Donald. with the blacks.
But anyway, I don’t want to talk
about that although I know you guys
Does it look like we are created equal?
Do all men have Trump International
hotels in Vegas and New York, or in
amount of cash that can legally be used
for any single purchase. Until now, the
problems. It also calls into question
how far the government can go in
American texts The Gettysburg Address
Fourscore and seven years ago our
fathers brought forth, upon this
in the media would love me to. You
know those guys in the media, they
foreign states like Panama and
Hawaii? They are not even created
government has set a limit of €1,000 reducing the county’s sovereign debt, continent, a new nation, dedicated to can’t stand that I’m still here. It equal in Mexico because they send us
that can be paid in notes and coins for expected to reach 133 per cent of GDP the proposition that all men are doesn’t matter what the media all the bad ones. But don’t worry
any single transaction. His administra- this year. It will be hard to tackle this created equal. But let me tell you. write as long as you’ve got a young, because we are going to build a wall.
tion is now raising this to €3,000. problem while more than a quarter of They were not all created equal. Some beautiful piece of ass by your side.
Mr Renzi has justified the move by the country’s tax revenue continues to of them were created Muslim and And talking of ass, I’m standing here The Statue of Liberty
saying it will give customers, in particu- be lost to the shadow economy. others were created disabled going freezing mine off — global warming, I Spare me your tired, your poor,
lar tourists, more choice in how to pay Mr Renzi’s latest move may be “wa, wa, wa”; and some of them tell you we could use some — on this your huddled masses yearning to
for purchases. He says this will help driven by political necessity. The prime weren’t even created men at all. They hallowed ground. The brave men, breathe free.
spur consumption and boost Italy’s minister is implementing a tough were created women with blood living and dead, who struggled here, There’s no room left on our teeming
slowly recovering economy. He also reform programme, most notably lib- coming out of their noses. Though have hallowed it even though they shore,
argues that raising the legal limit brings eralising Italy’s labour laws, which has some of them, like my daughter, are were sold out by our weak, cowardly, So send these homeless, tempest-
Italy into line with European neigh-
bours, even though France this year
led to an ugly clash with the trade
unions. Meanwhile, Italian economic Notebook really hot. I mean seriously, if she
weren’t my daughter . . .
African president; a man not rich
enough to be honest.
tost somewhere else,
We’ve put out the light on our
reduced its ceiling to €1,000. growth remains sluggish. As a result, We are engaged in a great civil war, But I don’t want to get into that golden door.
In every other respect, however, the Mr Renzi’s Democratic Party is cur-
by Robert Shrimsley a war of culture, a war you are not because I am not here to talk about
move makes no sense. Cash transac- rently polling at its lowest level since he hearing about from the mainstream Donald J Trump. I am here to talk The Kennedy inaugural address
tions are much more difficult to track became its leader in December 2013. media. And today we are met on a about the honoured dead and the Let every person know, whether they
than those made via credit cards or The move on cash transactions, great battlefield of war to dedicate a cause for which they here gave their wish us well or ill, that we will build
bank transfers. Mr Renzi is therefore together with a fiscally expansive 2016 portion of this prime real estate as a last full measure of devotion. And I any wall, proscribe any faith, bomb
providing greater scope for individuals budget, may be an attempt to win back final resting place for those who died want to tell you that these dead losers any opponent, abandon any friend
and organisations who are bent on support before national elections due here, fighting so the nation may live. shall not have died in vain, and that and smear any foe to assure the
dodging taxes. His action also gives in 2018. These men who died here were government of decent Americans, by survival of this campaign.
small businesses more leeway to avoid Mr Renzi can be forgiven for trying to heroes, though they were not my decent Americans, for decent And so my fellow Americans, ask
declaring their turnover. create some favourable political winds kind of heroes because they died Americans (and you all know which not what your country can do for you;
When it comes to encouraging tax for himself and his party. Italy’s prime fighting for a bunch of loser slaves, decent Americans I am talking about ask what you can do to save your
compliance, the centre-left govern- minister remains an impressive guys who will never know what it is here — no hablar espanol, amigo) country by getting a great American
ment’s record has been mixed. At first, reformer who is tackling some of the like to have a hot wife and a billion shall not perish from the earth. into the White House.
it looked like it was going to stamp biggest obstacles to economic growth. dollars. Personally I would have cut
down on the shadow economy, intro- But Italy’s immense black economy those slave guys loose, most of them The Declaration of Independence Preamble to the US Constitution
ducing a law that required vendors to remains one of the country’s heaviest don’t even pay their taxes and I tell We hold these truths to be self-evident Me the People . . .
accept credit card payments even for burdens. Nothing good can come from you we would not let one of them into (because that way we don’t have to
small transactions. This move made it a measure that serves only to deepen my many casinos. You want to talk worry about proof although all the
more difficult for them to conceal reve- the problem.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 15


New York steals Silicon Valley’s crown Give Mayer

a chance
con Valley or Mr Zuckerberg. The big-
gest hotbed of urban entrepreneurship,
the series started in 1997. Start-up activ-
ity among the younger cohort is also
the pattern of older entrepreneurs also
reflects the changing profile of work.
taxes for big corporations (which is
where the debate is focused in Washing- to make
as measured by the number of small
companies per head, is now New York,
not the West Coast, according to
falling, as it increases among the middle
aged. Meanwhile, the educational quali-
fications of entrepreneurs is rising: a
Digitisation is wiping out swaths of
once-secure middle-class corporate
jobs, tossing out middle-aged employ-
ton), there should be more effort made
to streamline America’s nightmarishly
complex small business tax code.
Yahoo work
research by the Kauffman Foundation, majority now hold a graduate degree. ees; indeed, the Oxford Martin school of Healthcare provision should also be
a think-tank. Boston sits in second place And immigrants now own 20 per cent of business forecasts that half of all US jobs simplified. Small business also requires
in terms of “entrepreneurship”, fol- all small businesses, twice the level in will be replaced by robots in the next a wider range of financing channels,
lowed by Providence, Rhode Island. 1997. two decades. Americans are living particularly since one very unfortunate OPINION

f you want to break the ice at a cor- Meanwhile, San Francisco is fourth, just What accounts for these trends? Data longer and their pension provision is consequence of the post-2008 financial
porate seasonal party in America ahead of Miami in Florida and Portland shrinking. Some of this middle-aged reforms is that banks are now very Philip Delves
these days, try popping this reveal- in Oregon. Main Street is giving the Val- entrepreneurial activity, in other words, unwilling to provide funding for smaller Broughton
ing question: which part of the US ley more than a run for its money. Not all successful is probably sparked by necessity as companies.
has the highest proportion of entre- Geography is not the only surprise. much as by active choice — a conse- There also needs to be a cultural
entrepreneurs today

preneurship? The word “start-up” tends to conjure up quence of economic insecurity as well as change. Most notably American policy- n her three years as head of Yahoo,
“Silicon Valley” would be a predicta- images of baby-faced, hoody-wearing wear hoodies or soak up economic freedom. makers (and voters) need to recognise Marissa Mayer has made a lot of
ble, and understandable, answer. After youngsters such as Mr Zuckerberg. But That, in turn, may have bigger policy that not all successful entrepreneurs people extremely rich. Start with
all, in recent years, the San Francisco the Kauffman data suggest that the the California sun implications, particularly given the today wear hoodies, or get to soak up the Dan Loeb, the hedge fund manager
region has been an epicentre of US inno- average age of entrepreneurs and small rising level of income inequality. One California sun. On the contrary, most do who spied an opportunity in the
vation. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder business owners is far higher — and ris- on small business activity in general — encouraging piece of news in the data is not. And finding ways to champion and lumbering tech giant and began buying
of Facebook, seems to epitomise the ing. People aged 45-54 now own 32 per and entrepreneurship in particular — that overall entrepreneurship rose last support that older cohort of entrepre- its shares and agitating for change in
entrepreneurial dream; particularly cent of small businesses, the engines of are notoriously patchy. However, Kauff- year, after declining during the neurs will be a crucial step for dealing 2011. He led a campaign to force out
since his recent announcement that he economic activity and job creation. man suggests that the heavy burden of Great Financial Crisis. But it remains with the disappearance of traditional Scott Thompson, then chief executive,
plans to donate most of his largesse to These middle-aged entrepreneurs are student debt may be deterring young below the levels seen a couple of decades corporate jobs; or the curse of the shat- and brought in Ms Mayer, one of Silicon
social causes. the biggest single cohort among busi- people from becoming entrepreneurs. ago. There is a great deal that Amer- tered middle class. And that would Valley’s hottest executives. By 2013,
But here is a curious little detail of ness owners. Those following on behind, The broader ageing of the American ican policymakers could do now, how- make for a healthier economy and jol- when Mr Loeb’s Third Point sold its
America’s economy today: if you want the 20-34 year olds — Mr Zuckerberg’s population is also affecting the ever, to raise those entrepreneurship lier seasonal festivities. position, the fund had netted $1bn.
to understand the real nature of entre- cohort — own just 16 per cent of small statistics. levels. Then there is David Karp, who sold his
preneurial activity, do not look to Sili- businesses, down from 28 per cent when The more intriguing issue is whether Instead of just talking about lowering blogging platform, Tumblr, to Yahoo in
2013 for $1.1bn. Mr Karp, who was 27 at
the time, owned 25 per cent of the com-
pany, so made a cool $275m. Nick
D’Aloisio was just 17 when Yahoo bought

Le Pen not
his news-reading app, Summly, for
$30m. He recently left the company to
focus on his degree at Oxford.
Shareholders who bought Yahoo the
day before Ms Mayer became chief exec-
utive and held on to it have seen the

Trump is the
value of their shares more than double,
despite a recent fall. If you had held the
S&P 500, you would have earned a mere
55 per cent return over the same period.
If you had owned Apple, you would have

bigger danger
a made a comparably measly 35 per cent
Any other chief executive might be
celebrated for that kind of performance.
Not Ms Mayer. Early on it was all Vogue
photo shoots and praise for one of the
few women to scale the peaks of the tech
industry. Then she was attacked for
lary Clinton seems assured of a smooth insisting employees no longer work
GLOBAL POLITICS path to the White House. from home. Now she is under attack for
Mr Trump shouts; Ms Le Pen has all the confusion surrounding Yahoo’s
Philip prospered by whispering. Jean-Marie Le
Stephens Pen, her father, founded the National
Front on a platform of unapologetic
anti-semitism. He describes the Holo-
The company is a blur of
caust as a mere “detail” of history. His assets of wildly different
daughter has expelled him from the value. It is hard to get a

onald Trump is disgraceful; party. She has replaced overt racism
Marine Le Pen is dangerous. with insidious innuendo. A thin veneer handle on just what it has
The frontrunner for the of respectability, she hopes, will be her
Republican presidential route to the Elysée Palace in the 2017 After years of high unemployment, been the elites. Euroscepticism, once fracturing of the euro presented the strategy — primarily its plans to spin off
nomination has a flair for presidential election. Her targets are stagnant living standards and rising the eccentric preserve of British Con- greatest threat to a liberal, outward- its stake in Alibaba, the Chinese ecom-
the outrageous. The Grand Old Party of Muslims rather than Jews. And it is all immigration, globalisation has become servatives, has become a convenient looking Europe. The big danger now is merce start-up — and her own pay.
Abraham Lincoln could well find itself wrapped up in pseudo patriotism. the midwife to aggressive nationalism. vessel for hostility at once to immi- from the rise of identity politics. She walked into the job from Google,
eaten by its own grotesque creation. The fear generated by the terrorist Ms Le Pen’s currencies are fear and grants and multinational corporations. Ms Le Pen is not yet the frontrunner having amassed an estimated $300m in
American democracy will endure. The attacks in Paris probably contributed to prejudice. The enemies are “outsiders” The ugly nationalism of Viktor Orban, for the Elysée. But the fact she has her brief career. In 2013 her Yahoo pay
leader of France’s National Front could her party’s first place in the regional — in this case Muslims and international Hungary’s prime minister, a self-con- become an entirely plausible contender including stock awards and options was
upturn the politics of a continent. elections. Ms Le Pen has exploited the capitalism. Her answer is to close the fessed admirer of Russia’s president should be warning enough. The $24.9m, and in 2014 it reached $42m,
This week, Mr Trump’s call for a bar outrage in much the same way as Mr borders and reclaim national control Vladimir Putin, merges seamlessly into National Front leader is not just another mostly thanks to Yahoo’s then rising
on the entry of Muslims to the US stole Trump has traded off the Isis-inspired over the economy. Politics, she says, has the unvarnished anti-semitism of his unpleasant populist. She promises a share price. All quite normal for compa-
the headlines from Ms Le Pen’s triumph shooting in San Bernardino, California. become a fight between “nationalists country’s Jobbik party. In language rem- return to a past Europe thought it had nies of Yahoo’s size.
in the first round of the French regional And the flight to Europe of refugees and globalists”. The message is crafted iniscent of the 1930s, Jaroslaw Kaczyn- left behind forever. The question is what exactly she did
elections. Rivals in the US Republican from the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghan- to appeal as much to disenchanted vot- ski, the far-right leader of Poland’s rul- In 1940, George Orwell reviewed to earn it. For all of her dizzying plate-
race disowned the latest outburst from a istan has been a gift to a party that elides ers on the left as to nativists on the right. ing Law and Justice party, claims the ref- Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Prescient as spinning, buying, selling and hiring, it is
candidate whose campaign has peddled Islam with terror. She is on to something. Cast an eye ugees arriving in Europe from the Syr- ever, the great English writer alighted on not clear that Ms Mayer has done much
unabashed xenophobia. Politicians She has been blessed by her oppo- across the continent and extremists of ian civil war will spread “parasites and the Nazi leader’s emotional connection to improve Yahoo. It remains tucked in
across the globe joined the general con- nents. President François Hollande’s every shade blame globalisation for the disease”. Elsewhere, the electoral gains to the German people. Hitler under- behind Google, Facebook and YouTube
demnation. Even against his own ratings are up since the Paris attacks, insecurities of the age. The mainstream of such populists are pulling main- stood that, sometimes, people looked as one of the most visited websites in the
debauched standards, Mr Trump had but the Socialists wear the ankle chains parties are accused of colluding in a stream parties to the nationalist right. beyond materialism for “struggle and world. But rather like AOL, it is consid-
gone too far. of economic failure. Nicolas Sarkozy, project in which the only winners have Germany has largely escaped a tide of self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, ered a service stuck in internet dark
The opinion polls will tell us soon the former president who leads the cen- xenophobia lapping over much of east- flags and loyalty parades”. ages. It is what grandma uses to look up
enough whether the Republican base tre-right Republicans, is loathed by a ern and central Europe, but the influx of Modern-day national socialists such the weather. It is not for Snapchatting
shares such disgust. Past outpourings of
unvarnished nativism have done Mr
significant slice of the electorate.
To see the success of the National
The National Front leader Syrian refugees has left Chancellor
Angela Merkel vulnerable to those in
as Ms Le Pen are tugging at the same vis-
ceral emotions — the need to “restore”
teenagers. And it is not what investors
crave most of all: the prospect of growth.
Trump no harm among GOP activists. Front as a cyclical phenomenon, how- promises a return to a her own Christian Democrat party who the nation against the enemies within Fortunately, Yahoo has been the ben-
Yet it is still hard to find a serious
Republican who believes he will secure
ever, is to miss the way populists of the
far right and hard left across Europe
past that Europe thought fear being outflanked on the right by the
new Alternative für Deutschland. Not so
and without. This really is dangerous. eficiary of an extraordinary investment
made by Jerry Yang, founder and
the nomination. If they are wrong, Hil- have tapped into deeper discontents. it had left behind forever long ago received wisdom had it that a former chief executive. In 2005 he
bought a $1bn stake in Alibaba — a stake
now worth $31bn. But now Yahoo and
its investors are like a family bickering
over the corpse of a wealthy relative.

A more radical solution for England’s housing crisis What to do with this windfall? The US
tax authorities are refusing to make it
simple; so, instead of trying to enhance
Yahoo’s products to catch up with Face-
book and Google, Ms Mayer is spending
138,000 were started. While this was Buy Shared Ownership homes” and Conservative election manifesto. occupation and penalise the rental sec- her time figuring out what kind of legal
ECONOMICS much more than the 88,000 started in 10,000 “rent-to-buy homes”. This, it What then is there to object to in all tor, including by taxing buy-to-let land- and corporate contortions will realise
2008-09, it is still extremely low. claims, is the “biggest affordable house this feverish activity? lords more heavily. the best return for the Alibaba stake and
Martin Second, house prices have soared. building programme” since the 1970s. The first objection is that it is too little. Owner-occupiers, it thinks, have a clear the air around the core business.
Wolf according to LSL property services,
average real house prices in England
In addition, it plans to release enough
public sector land for 160,000 homes.
Informed sympathisers suggest that
merely to keep up with a growing popu-
bigger stake in the country. Owner-
occupiers, it also thinks, are more likely
For engineers such as Ms Mayer, sim-
plicity is highly coveted. And Yahoo is
and Wales doubled between January Beyond this, the government lation and changing demographics, Eng- to vote Conservative. Yet owner- anything but simple. It remains a blur of
2000 and October 2015. In London, real proposes further liberalisation of the land needs 240,000 homes a year, occupation is an aspiration — and eco- services and assets of wildly different
house prices rose 150 per cent over this planning system. One idea is to support 100,000 more than are now being built. nomic benefit — now denied to most value. It is hard to get a handle on

ackling England’s housing period and are now 29 per cent above “the regeneration of previously devel- To make dwellings somewhat more young people, particularly in London. exactly what it has. Those 1bn monthly
crisis is among the foremost the pre-crisis peak. affordable than today, the requirement Against this, the government is going active users — are they right ones? That
challenges facing policy- Finally, there has been a big fall in the might be 300,000 a year. The outcome to be doling out extremely scarce public $5bn of revenue — is it growing? For the
makers. It also cannot be
left to the market. Govern-
proportion of dwellings in owner-occu-
pation. Between 2007-08 and 2012-13,
The government must slay of current plans will not come close to
that. Instead, the shortfall in housing
resources to those who are far from the
bottom of the income distribution. It is
right management team, there is plenty
of cash to acquire and invest.
ments decide the supply of land and the proportion of dwellings in owner- the sacred cows — the supply is sure to grow. hard to see the ethical (as opposed to We need to get over Ms Mayer’s pay
necessary infrastructure. Governments
set the taxes and offer the subsidies that
occupation fell by 4 percentage points,
to 60 per cent of the total in Great Brit-
greenbelts around cities The second is that it is too late. The
housing budget is only to be doubled by
political) justification for that.
The overwhelming challenge is, in
cheque. She has been paid for taking the
job in the first place. Those options
affect housing. Governments also influ- ain. In London, the rate of owner- being the holiest of all 2018-19. Moreover, the 400,000 new any case, not to tinker with the distribu- grants were the Smarties required to
ence access to finance. So how well have occupation fell to its lowest level since homes will only have been started by tion of tenure, as the government is hire her. Mr Loeb and Yahoo’s other
they been playing these roles? If the aim 1981, at just a little over 40 per cent. oped brownfield sites in the greenbelt”. 2020-21. The UK fought the second doing, but to expand supply of housing. investors have been more than hand-
has been to make housing as expensive The government’s response, elabo- Another is to extend the “Help to Buy world war in that span of time. To achieve that it must slay the sacred somely rewarded by her decision to join
as possible, the answer must be: very rated in the Autumn Statement and equity loan scheme” to 2021 and to The third is that it is all too political. cows, the greenbelts around cities being the company and fire up the stock.
well. On any other criteria, the results spending review, has been twofold: create a London Help to Buy The government is concentrating its the holiest of all. Local governments What she now deserves is a chance to
have been dire. promote home building and subsidise scheme that will offer 40 per cent equity subsidies on increasing home owner- must be hugely rewarded for promoting operate its core internet businesses, and
Here are three relevant facts about owner-occupation. But the former is loans, “in recognition of the higher ship. In this, it is, of course, following the development. To its credit, the govern- the sooner the better. Only then can we
UK housing. First, in the financial years inadequate and the latter misguided. housing costs in the capital”. It will precedent of US policymaking, which ment has made tentative steps in the hope to tell whether she is worth it.
from April 1969 to April 1974, an annual The government promises to deliver also extend its right-to-buy scheme to delivered disastrous results. right direction. It must now go further.
average of 286,000 dwellings was 400,000 new homes, including 200,000 tenants of housing associations, as It is easy to understand why the gov- The writer is the author of ‘What They
started in England. In 2014-15, a mere “starter homes”, 135,000 “Help to promised (controversially) in the ernment would want to support owner- Teach You at Harvard Business School’
16 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Personal technology

Sonos v Chromecast Audio

Sound investments as Google
takes on home music maestro

Delivery drivers
become the new
face of online For a decade, Sonos has radio, or even your own

owned the wireless music digital music collection. All
system market. No one else the services must be
has come close to its accessed through Sonos’s
seamless streaming, smartphone app, which feels
high-fidelity sound and clunky compared with Apple
handsome speakers. or Spotify’s own interfaces.

Many have tried and failed Casting around

to recreate Sonos’s ability to Google’s Chromecast Audio,
play the same music however, acts as a plug-in to
simultaneously across a many existing apps on both
network of speakers, with no Android and iOS, including
noticeable lag to muddy the Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn and
sound. But finally, Sonos has my favourite podcast app,
serious competition: not Pocket Casts (but, not yet,
from Apple, perhaps the Apple Music). That means
most likely candidate, but you can use those services
from Google. as their developers
Its new Chromecast Audio intended, through their own
shift, he would return their undelivered relationships as micromanagement dongle attaches to existing apps. It does also mean
WORKING LIVES parcels to the depot. increases. Drivers feel there is no slack speakers to enable new “casting” the sound takes a
Ultimately he quit. Yet two and a half in the system and that they are con- streaming capabilities, few more taps on your
Emma years ago, he decided to have another go stantly surveilled. Mr Rix agrees. “All including — with a software smartphone or tablet than
Jacobs and returned to driving, this time
employed by DPD, a carrier owned by
these managers care about is getting
parcels out and reaching their efficiency
update this week — multi-
room synchronisation that is
the instant-on Sonos.
Google launched the
French state-backed La Poste. The 33- targets.” just as flawless as Sonos’s. Chromecast Audio as an
year-old says the “technology” era sees This is a vision of the job that Dwain For those who already addition to the video-
the job transformed. A message, by McDonald, chief executive of DPD, own decent (offline) streaming version that plugs
Amid a fierce squeeze on email or text, is sent to the customer the fiercely disputes. Training and career speakers, Chromecast’s price in to a TV set. The software
night before delivery giving them development, he says, are important. tag of $35 (£30 in the UK) update that enables multi-
the logistics industry and options for if they will be out: to leave It is also a hot topic for retailers, who looks seriously appealing room sync is out this week
changes ushered in by the parcel with a neighbour, at a DPD see their drivers as the new face of the next to Sonos, whose all-in- but after testing a pre-
pick-up parcel shop or to rearrange store in the place of sales assistants: one devices range from $199 release version on Android,
new technology, drivers delivery. politeness, customer service and neat to $699 (£429). Either will let I can attest to its reliability.
are having to adapt In the morning, the parcels’ bar codes uniforms are important when drivers you make the most of cloud- Powered by a strong WiFi
are scanned and a route for the day is them to have control over their working James Valentine deliver groceries or furniture. Although based music services such router (and with each
automatically devised. Customers day. When City Link, the parcel delivery says technology some parcel delivery companies, such as Spotify and Pandora. Chromecast needing its own

hristmas shopping no longer receive a message with a one-hour time- company went into administration on has transformed as DPD, stress the value of their drivers electricity socket), I could
means beating through red- frame when the parcel will arrive. There Christmas Eve last year, it shone a light the job as representatives of the brand too. Streaming with Sonos stream for hours across
Christopher Ison;
faced throngs in department are regular customers proffering tea and on the working lives of many drivers as illustration by Brian Saffer
Will Sargent, client services director For several weeks, I have three speakers, a few dozen
stores, high streets or super- home-made biscuits on his country well as the competitive environment. at NKD, which provided training for been testing Sonos’s $199 feet apart, without skipping
markets. We prefer conven- route around south-west England. Effi- The Coventry-based company, owned drivers employed by Tesco, the super- Play:1 and its updated Play:5 a beat. Even in spoken-word
ience: mouse clicks and surfing. ciency has improved the job, he notes, by investment firm Better Capital, market chain, says that a key compo- ($499). Both provided an broadcasts, where lag is
Yet beyond the computer screen lies a meaning happier customers. Even the called in administrators after substan- nent is empathy. “It’s getting people to uninterrupted stream of more noticeable, I could not
complex web of logistics: vast ware- footwear has got better: his clunky steel- tial losses. see a customer instead of a delivery high-quality sound in discern any latency.
houses, heavy goods vehicles and data. cap boots have been replaced with train- Today, Jon Moulton, founder of Better address.” This might involve role-play- elegant hardware. The two companies use
At the sharp end are the delivery drivers. ers reinforced with toe protectors. Capital, reflects that flexibility was ing serving an elderly customer. The Play:5 was clearer slightly different technology
The expansion and evolution of online Yet not all delivery drivers are con- important. (The workforce was a mix of The Prior family — David, the father and deeper than my living to achieve a similar effect.
shopping has changed their working tent. Mick Rix, national officer with the employees and contractors paid per and his two sons, Mervyn and Barry — room’s Yamaha soundbar Each Sonos speaker
lives as technology tracks their move- GMB Union, overseeing transport and parcel.) He does not see driving — with work as drivers for John Lewis in Read- and subwoofer. Even connects to the system’s
ments and increases efficiency. Some logistics, observes there has been a the aid of a satnav — as skilled work. “An ing, south-west England. Their role has without the separate sub, I own wireless network, which
feel they are paying the cost of retailers’ “massive squeeze on costs” for delivery employee can be instantly profitable, no evolved alongside customer expecta- could feel the Play:5’s bass does not interfere with WiFi,
offers of free delivery, which have companies, amid fierce competition. different to someone trained for tion. David has worked at the company rumble. Its combination of helping to create a large
helped drive down margins for delivery For many drivers this has created pre- months.” When challenged, he admits for more than 31 years. “It used to be just three mid-woofers and three range. Chromecast Audio
companies as they compete for work. carity: “There has been a drive to get rid there is some skill: “A basic level of cour- delivery with a smile.” Now he installs tweeters handled piano uses regular WiFi, which
Others take pride in being the new face of permanent employment, outsourced tesy and common sense is needed.” white goods and flatpacks. solos just as well as increases the risk of network
of shopping, the only human visible in workers providing their own insurance John Russo, visiting scholar at the There is disruption in the delivery pounding hip-hop. congestion, but Google says
this impersonal online transaction. and vehicles. People can’t make money Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and sector too. The likes of Sidecar and Uber The Play:1 made for a big 10 or more speakers can run
James Valentine has experienced to live on.” Geoff Martin, of the RMT the Working Poor at Georgetown Uni- offer on-demand deliveries alongside upgrade compared to my together if you have a
these changes first hand. When he left union, sees it as a race to the bottom. versity, says the technology can deskill driving passengers. Some established kitchen’s Jambox Mini, a robust wireless signal.
school he became a delivery driver. That “Everyone likes free delivery but at the work. “It’s become a kind of piece- delivery companies use “at-home couri- Bluetooth-based portable
was in 2002, an era he calls “pre-tech- what cost? What next? Crawling on their work as the work intensifies.” ers” who deliver packages locally in speaker that retails for Verdict
nology”. He sums up his working life knees with a parcel on their back?” The dual tyranny of targets and tech- their car. Deliveries are made to lockers around $130. If you have close to $1,000
then as “frustrated”. He would spend However, some drivers view self- nology can create pressure. John Aiello, in fixed locations rather than to homes. An added bonus is the to spend on a sound system
time in the depot in the dark hours of employment as liberating, enabling professor of psychology at Rutgers uni- Martin Ford, author of The Rise of the new Trueplay technology, upgrade, I would not
the early morning figuring out his versity, says: “People do get used to Robots, notes that it will be a long time which adjusts the speakers’ hesitate to recommend
schedule. “I would look at street maps,
circle the address and think about the
‘Stress can be a major technology. Although, stress can be a
major factor. The pressure to meet tar-
Drone to home
How technology
before a robot can replace the driver. In
many cases, “the solution will be to push
output to the room,
improving the sound
buying two Sonos Play:1s
and a Play:5. For a seamless
best route.” Once on the road, he might
have angry customers. Some had waited
factor. Pressure to meet gets means that [some] drivers find
ways of cheating.” This might include
will transform
the industry
more of the work on to the customer,
just as with self-checkout aisles”.
noticeably if the device is
under a chair or stuck in an
experience of high-quality
multi-room audio, that still
in all day for their delivery and had no targets means that dropping parcels outside homes with-
odd corner of the kitchen. seems a bargain.
way of knowing when it might arrive. If out bothering to ring the doorbell. It can If you have not already If you already have decent
indeed it did. Often at the end of his some workers cheat’ also create thorny employee-manager
Twitter: @emmavj experienced it, walking speakers or are on a tighter
through your home and budget, Google has
having the music follow you accomplished a remarkable
from room to room is feat with its Chromecasts in
luxurious. Not so long ago, matching many of Sonos’s

Champagne inspires a revival of Japanese towel-making this cost a lot more and
required specialist wiring.
Sonos sells more than just
The best part? A bit of
competition will only push
the speakers. Because its Sonos to get even better.
hardware and software are
The industry is a bright The approach to Mr Sato in 2006 was
born of desperation. Attempts to secure
the 1920s as the “Manchester of Japan”.
In its heyday, it was producing more
over provincial Japan, the plight of
regional economies became a major
integrated, using them is
straightforward and
spot in a picture of decline, import restrictions had failed and than half of all the towels sold in the social and political issue. reliable, whether you
writes Michiyo Nakamoto industry leaders decided that the only
solution was to compete on the basis of
domestic market, developing tech-
niques that combined high quality with
“People were beginning to realise that
unless the regions could be revitalised,
are listening to
Spotify or (soon)
quality. low chemical content. Japan itself would not be revived,” says Apple Music, TuneIn
Less than a decade ago, the secluded They wanted Mr Sato to build a high- Mr Sato started trumpeting these dif- Mr Kondo. Mistrust of imports — partly and Pandora internet
port of Imabari, on Shikoku, the small- end Imabari brand to present an aura ferentiating factors, setting strict pro- fuelled by a poisoning scandal involving
est of Japan’s four main islands, was similar to that of Champagne for its duction standards to ensure consist- Chinese dumplings — provided extra
facing the near-annihilation of one of its sparkling wine. The budget was less ency. He also deployed rows and rows of momentum, especially as towels are
key industries. than the sums to which his company white towels as an eye-catching visual often bought as gifts.
Planet of the apps
Imabari had long been a centre of Samurai — whose clients include Seven- motif. The strategy Mr Sato devised has
towel manufacturing, but the industry Eleven and Uniqlo — was accustomed. One of the more unusual (and wine- helped to lift towel production in Ima- Apple Music has been
had come under severe pressure from “I wasn’t sure this would work,” says Mr influenced) elements of the shoestring bari from a low of 9,381 tonnes in 2009 criticised for its confusing
cheap imports and seemed to be on a Sato. He came to think otherwise. Made in the marketing strategy involved the ap- to 11,298 tonnes last year. This is still interface. YouTube Music is
path of irreversible decline. With a temperate climate suited to ‘Manchester pointment of almost 2,000 “towel som- well below the 50,000-tonne peak in Google’s latest attempt to
Production plunged and hundreds of growing cotton, Imabari was known in of Japan’ meliers” trained to advise customers on 1991, but makers can now see a future crack the market. It includes
towel makers shut up shop. “People on their purchases. for the industry. 30m licensed tracks to
the factory floors thought the industry Japanese consumers are used to the Elsewhere it is different. For many What it is choose individually or
would disappear,” says Seiji Kondo, term “sommelier” being stretched to Japanese regions, where traditional YouTube Music (free, iOS streamed as endless,
director-general of the Shikoku Towel other products, such as tea or vegeta- skills are being lost as young people and Android) personalised radio.
Industrial Association. bles. Honorary “towel sommeliers” move to the cities and older workers This being YouTube, there
However, in a rare case among Japan’s include Akiko Fukushima, a female retire, the decline may not be halted. Why you should try it are videos of live concerts
struggling regional industries, the towel professional golfer. “If we had been five years later in Making a good music and with karaoke lyrics. It is
makers fought back successfully with a To attract media attention, Mr Sato building our branding strategy, it would streaming app is a tough all free, if you put up with
novel strategy that has become a model also framed the story of Imabari’s antic- have been too late,” says Mr Kondo. business. Spotify is losing the ads, or you can pay $10 a
for regional revitalisation. ipated rise from the ashes as a case of Imabari’s production expertise could so money despite being hugely month to YouTube Red (US
They bet on a branding and market- regional revitalisation. easily have been lost. popular, geek favourite Rdio only) to avoid interruptions
ing plan devised by Kashiwa Sato, one As TV cameras beamed the sight of “We managed to recover just in the is shutting down, while and save videos offline.
of Japan’s leading creative directors. shuttered shops and deserted streets all nick of time.”
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


A study of gorgeous, sun-dazzled misery

crackpot pastiches of silent cinema and
FILM early talkies, jape-ish spins on B-mov-
ies. There is melodrama onboard
Danny stranded submarines, a fairytale woods-
man and voodoo shenanigans, all of it
Leigh executed with fierce conviction. Among
the “boggling puzzlements”, the most
appealing are musical: the reliably game
Udo Kier pops up in a cabaret number

o not be deceived. A first about sexual deviance and brain sur-
glance at Angelina Jolie in gery. When it works, the film has the
By the Sea, the new film of woozy quality of slipping in and out of a
which she is both star and dream, although at more than two
director, would suggest a hours, less has been forbidden than you
woman having a good time. Under a might wish.
wide-brimmed leopard skin hat, she Man Ray never lost his Brooklyn
basks in the passenger seat of a silver accent, although he came from Philadel-
convertible, hurtling along the French phia; Samuel Beckett only broke off
Riviera. But no, in fact, this slyly witty, from four days of sex in a hotel to
epically stylised movie is a study of grab the sandwiches from room service.
misery: gorgeous, sun-dazzled misery. Such tittle-tattle gleams from Peggy
It is the early 1970s and Jolie is Guggenheim: Art Addict, a spry docu-
Vanessa, an American actress. The mentary about the late art collector
driver is her failing novelist husband directed by Lisa Immordino Vreeland.
Roland; he, teasingly, is played by her Famous for roles in the careers of Pol-
actual husband Brad Pitt. Arriving at lock and Rothko that if short of outright
the blissful nook on the Med where the discovery were certainly vital, Guggen-
pair are to stay, we glimpse the shape of heim has a family history that is
her in the opening line: “I smell fish.” baroque enough to leave you wanting
The tone, often bordering on parody, is more: relatives include an aunt who per-
that of the grand old European art Teasing: Brad Pitt and As a director, Jolie is now on to her comparison like a cudgel. “You’re a foot- open the door for Tina Fey, Amy Poehler manently sang rather than spoke, her
movie: languorous, chic, stuffed with Angelina Jolie in ‘By the third film. Her most recent, Unbroken, note,” she sneers, a kiss-off brutal and the rest of today’s big-screen funny husband not unexpectedly drowning
tortured ennui. Sea’. Below right: Lily the biopic of second world war hero enough to remind us never to get women. (With her dollop of Harpo himself in the New York City reservoir.
We can only gawp at the couple’s Tomlin in ‘Grandma’ Louis Zamperini, was so respectful it dumped by a poet. Marx curls, Garner is a great foil.) Then, as an independent young
immaculate period costume, their barely moved. Here though, there’s a Tomlin’s wire wool one-liners enliven Throughout the film, skeletons rattle in woman, Peggy took wing to Paris in the
lighters and sunglasses; design fetishists knowing glee in casting Pitt and inviting a movie whose style is off-the-shelf cupboards, and insight peppers a story 1920s to mingle with the Dadaists and
may find themselves short of breath just the world to compare the terrible mar- American indie: lower case title cards not above the comic possibilities of begin a life-long appreciation of art and
watching them unpack. A typewriter riage on screen with their own. Her (“endings”, “kids”), antic scenes in striking an errant male between the legs sex (cue Beckett). With a deft mix of
appears, Campari red, at which Roland script is just as self-aware — “I suppose depopulated coffee shops. The lack of a with a hockey stick. archive footage and audio tapes of
stares while his wife glumly reads it’s best we don’t say a word,” her hus- ukulele on the soundtrack can only be Though the film is matter-of-factly Guggenheim herself, the film hums
Vogue. Soon, the days find him pickling By the Sea (15) band says — although it does come with down to an administrative error. pro-choice, the sad gravity of the with soapy subplots: particularly juicy
himself at the local bar, while Vanessa Angelina Jolie one awful clunk of exposition. Still, her That the film cost less than $600,000 premise is not underplayed: “This is is the rivalry with Hilla Rebay,
haunts the hotel room in a range of neg- AAAEE success here is as a recorder of beauty: is obvious. Money looms large too in the something you will probably think of artistic adviser to Peggy’s uncle,
ligees. At one point, a single tear runs the clothes, the knick-knacks, the view plot: shortly after that scorched-earth at some moments,” Elle tells Sage as Solomon Guggenheim, founder of
down that movie star cheek. Grandma (15) from the hotel, herself and her husband. break-up, Elle answers the door to her they leave for the abortion clinic, the museum.
Much of this is fantastically dull, and Paul Weitz Mostly herself, actually, draped over the 18-year-old granddaughter Sage (Julia letting the sentence hang with perfect, But the focus is Peggy’s pioneering
that may be the point. After the torment AAAAE furniture, mascara flawlessly smudged. Garner). Good advice would be too late: casual timing, “every day of the rest of spirit, and the psychology behind
comes a bracing dose of voyeurism. The But then, such is tradition: the director Sage is already pregnant and, too terri- your life.” it. Literally the poor relation of
targets are a young neighbouring couple The Forbidden Room besotted with their leading lady. fied to tell her workaholic mother, has Spare yourself the migraine that the family, nervously disposed,
on their honeymoon, whom Vanessa (12A) As the song has it, breaking up is hard come in search of the $630 she needs for will come trying to decode the with a botched nose job and
takes to spying on through a hole in the Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson to do — all the same, some people have a an abortion. Elle, broke as poets are, plot of The Forbidden Room, what one talking head calls “no
wall. For one of the world’s most lusted AAAEE knack for it. In director Paul Weitz’s duly sets herself to raising the cash from co-directed by Guy Maddin (My innate taste or flair”, she is
after women to play peeper not comedy Grandma we meet scabrous old friends and older foes, pinballing Winnipeg, Brand upon the applauded by the film not just
peeped-at is a neat touch: the role Peggy Guggenheim: LA poet Elle (Lily Tomlin) in the middle between potential scores: the tattoo par- Brain!) and Evan Johnson. The as a champion of modern art
reversal extends into the room next Art Addict (15) of dispatching her younger girlfriend lour, the lesbian bookstore, and so on. film is by design a string of unre- but for stubbornly carving her-
door, the female half of the other couple Lisa Immordino Vreeland Olivia (Judy Greer). Before Olivia, All in black and a fug of cigarette lated vignettes; their tenor will be self a place in the world. She was,
taking photos of her new husband, ask- AAAAE there was Vi, her late and beloved smoke, Tomlin is a joy: you remember familiar to anyone who has come it is said, that most interesting of
ing: “Is this turning you on?” partner of 38 years; now Elle wields the how in the distant 1980s she helped across Maddin’s films before, pieces: “a self-made person”.

When small is powerful and poignant

THEATRE Jennifer
Hudson, far
The Color Purple left, and
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre, New York Cynthia Erivo
aaaae in ‘The Color
Brendan Lemon Matthew Murphy

Many of my friends find me hard to

please. To them, I report that when Cyn-
thia Erivo, who plays Celie in The Color
Purple, finished her Act Two number,
“I’m Here”, I shed my normal reserve
and joined in the ovation. Small in stat-
ure, and possessing a secure but not siz-
able voice, Erivo gathered the threads of Doyle’s staging streamlines the story, a whip favoured by some productions.
her performance and turned them into which follows the poor, black Celie in the Erivo gives Celie a more believable
something shimmering. John Doyle’s American south over 40 years. As a core than did the galvanic interpretation
production, which slims down the musi- young teenager, she is raped and of Fantasia in the previous Broadway
cal that premiered on Broadway a dec- impregnated by her supposed father, outing. And Danielle Brooks locates all
ade ago, also makes an overwhelming married off to the cruel Mister, and the notes of humour in Sofia, the big-gal
virtue of the small-scale. wrenchingly separated from her character who is Celie’s stepdaughter
Though I found this staging cumula- beloved sister, Nettie. Encouraged by and whose refusal to be bullied by men
tively poignant, I will not pretend that Shug, Celie affirms her self-worth, establishes the evening’s theme of
The Color Purple — with a book by Mar- opens a successful clothing shop, and is female empowerment.
sha Norman and music and lyrics by reunited with her children and with Net- Each time Sofia went near a chair —
Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen tie, who have been living in Africa. chairs are essentially the only furniture
Bray — belongs in the pantheon. When If Doyle’s production still takes the in the Doyle-designed, wood-plank set
Doyle’s production bowed in London, in story too fervently to church, it also — I worried that it would become a
2013, some critics complained that the allows a place for subtlety. For example, weapon to be wielded against her hap-
show sanitised Celie’s sensual relation- he has encouraged Hudson, who has a less man, Harpo. Not only Harpo, played
ship with the singer Shug Avery, played tendency to over-act, to find quiet ways by Kyle Scatliffe, but the entire ensem-
this time with silky elegance by Jennifer to express Shug’s affection for Celie. And ble bring precision to the songs’ mixture
Hudson. Such criticisms also dogged the threats of male violence towards of blues, gospel and pop uplift.
Steven Spielberg’s 1985 movie adapta- Celie are indicated by the raising of
tion of Alice Walker’s 1982 novel. a hand, not the frequent cracking of Booking to March 27,


TELEVISION wonder what perfect storm enabled

It’s like deadpan satire: the newly these masters of the maladroit to ride
discovered group who, once in the high, even in the tasteless 1970s.
studio, revealed “they could barely tune
their guitars”; their insistence on actually FILM
playing and writing their own songs Hitchcock returned to London for
when, as one insider carefully puts it, Frenzy (BBC2 11.30pm) and turned his
“they weren’t good musicians.” Among homeland into a killing ground. The
their screaming American fans, a rock terrified praying of a dying murder
journalist rhapsodises that they were victim is one of the nastiest things Hitch
“smaller, scrawnier, paler” than ever filmed.
Americans; “almost unhealthy — which I
loved”. They were The Bay City Rollers, RADIO
Edinburgh artisans fleetingly bigger Ray Connolly’s affectionate drama Sorry,
than The Beatles, who brawled on stage, Boys, You Failed the Audition (Radio 4
were swindled, and remain unspoilt 2.15pm) dramatises The Beatles’ last
middle-aged Caledonians. The greatest attempt, rejected by every other
mystery, apart from their success, is that company, to impress one George Martin,
Rollermania (BBC4 10pm) leaves you persuaded by loyal Freda Kelly, running
unable to recall a note of music. Add Perfect storm: Les McKeown of The their fan club from her mum’s house.
grotesque shin-length trousers and you Bay City Rollers in ‘Rollermania’ Martin Hoyle
18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015

Whatever it takes
Glencore’s net debt ballooned in the wake of its takeover of Xstrata in
2013 and now accounts for almost three-quarters of its enterprise value.
Aggressive plans to cut net debt have helped stabilise the share price
$bn Aug 20, 2013: Feb 11, 2015: Sept 7, 2015:
Twitter: @FTLex Email: Net debt* $7.7bn writedown Distribution of Debt reduction
of mining assets 24% of Lonmin plan announced
Total enterprise May 2, 2013: announced
80 value Xstrata takeover
Sports Direct: owned by Sports Direct founder Mike Mergers:
Ashley). It is more a Chelsea or a 70
selling cheaper Manchester United. It is still a major 60
Jul 19, 2011:
Copper price peak
hot fuzz
player, but the aura of invincibility has $9,840/metric tonne
Successful sports teams thrive on an gone — and there are real questions 50 “Wave of M&A means companies could
“aura of invincibility”. The team’s own about whether it will return. add nearly $2tn of value, if they
weaknesses seem not to matter while 40 capture all the announced synergies”.
opponents cower, believing they do not The headline of the recent Deloitte
have a chance. Under Sir Alex EDF: 30 report is enough to make you hug an
Ferguson, Manchester United enjoyed M&A banker. What a lot of wealth they
such a reputation. So too, for many socket to ’em 20 create. Sort of. The difference between
years, did Sports Direct, a UK sports 10 gross and net, and between plans and
shop. Its shares rose by over 200 per EDF has had a shocking year. Its shares execution, should be kept in mind.
cent between 2012 and 2014 as the have fallen 40 per cent and were 0 Deloitte’s $2tn number is derived as
company’s pile ’em high, sell ’em cheap booted out of the CAC 40 index this 2011 12 13 14 2015 follows. Mergers done worldwide since
approach to trainers and tracksuits week; MSCI’s European Electricity the start of 2014 have a total value of
swept competitors aside. Utilities index is flat. All European * Excluding readily marketable inventories FT graphic Sources: S&P Capital IQ; FT research $4.9tn. The estimated savings from
Amid that kind of performance, the generators have suffered from falling those deals amounts to a bit over 3 per
other paraphernalia that surrounded power prices, but that has been offset cent of the total: $161bn annually.
the company — from controversial pay by the fall in fossil fuel input costs. EDF Two months ago, Glencore’s shares up to $13bn from a previous target of going to be in a position to buy assets Assume that the average tax rate of
plans to concerns about how it treats has not: 80 per cent of its fleet is fell 30 per cent in a day after analysts $10.2bn. The extra is coming from at the bottom of the cycle. the acquiring companies is 20 per cent,
staff to its tendency to buy small stakes nuclear. at Investec suggested the company’s lower capital expenditure, more Conversely, lower input costs are and the savings comes down to $129bn
in other listed companies — was easy to So this week the company decided to equity could shrink dramatically if forward sales of output and higher reducing capital and operating costs. a year. What is the present value of all
ignore. A PE ratio of 27, achieved in cut €700m a year of costs. For good weak spot prices for the commodities proceeds from disposals. As a result, The strong dollar is a boon for a the future savings? Put a price/earnings
2014, suggested investors were not too measure, it revised up guidance for it produces persisted. The reasoning net debt will drop to $18bn-$19bn by company, and margins in the trading ratio of 17 on them (a middling
concerned. The business performed on earnings before interest, tax, was that almost all of the company’s the end of 2016 (including “readily business are proving more resilient multiple for a publicly traded company
the field, and that was that. depreciation and amortisation in 2015. operating earnings would be eaten up marketable inventories” of around than expected. these days), take out $200bn for deal
But Sports Direct is starting to lose its Its share price jumped as much as by the costs of servicing its debt. $14bn); 2016 earnings before interest, It is not just about the earnings, costs, and voila: $2tn.
aura. The shares dropped by a tenth 11 per cent yesterday. Applying a price/earnings multiple of tax, depreciation and amortisation will though. Six months or so ago, There is, however, the little issue of
yesterday as first-half profits fell short That looks like exuberance. This 15 to whatever was left after taxes be about $7.7bn, above the market investors thought Glencore managers how much was paid for the savings.
of forecasts. Perhaps more concerning earnings revision has come courtesy of implied a market capitalisation of consensus of $6bn. had their heads in the sand. Since Deloitte thinks the average takeover
was the growth (or lack of it). EDF’s Italian subsidiary Edison, which $6bn. Spot prices have worsened Plenty could still go wrong. The then, they have cut its dividend, premium was 26 per cent. That is to
Revenues were flat, despite the accounts for a tenth of ebitda. The real since — copper, for instance, is down company can expect little help from tapped shareholders for cash and say, all those savings were bought for
addition of a net 15 stores in the UK. problems start next year, when France another 15 per cent. Yet Glencore’s commodity prices. Divestments are in followed up with a “whatever it $1.3tn, so the net amount of value
Citi thinks like-for-like sales in the core starts to liberalise a relatively equity value is more than $18bn. train but not yet completed. An takes” message. The shares are still created is something under $900m.
sports retail business fell 2.5 per cent. protected tariff scheme for business The company has intensified unforeseen event — think of the well below the 125p at which the A large number, with two equally
That weakness was offset by better customers. Cost cuts should make good its efforts to cut costs and debt. tailings dam burst at BHP’s Brazilian group recently raised equity — but large caveats. Note that Deloitte’s
margins as it persuaded its customers most of the power price drop of the Yesterday, it said that “capital iron ore mine — could easily blow the they are no longer just options on the headline — quite intentionally — has an
to trade up, especially on brands that it past year but not necessarily the preservation” measures would add finances off course. And Glencore is not company’s survival. “if” in it. The cost savings have to be
owns such as Karrimor and Slazenger. pressures ahead from deregulation. achieved. Whether they are will be
Still, underlying profits rose just 4 per EDF must also deal with its cash and hard to assess. Deal announcements
cent — not bad, but well short of the balance sheet issues. It has not almost always present savings targets
17 per cent growth in the same period delivered free cash flow since 2009. To buzz in EDF’s share price to last until it index is down nearly 3 per cent. The tightening set to begin and no end in that are impossible to monitor from
two years ago. do so by 2018, it has promised to sell can show how it plans to cover its first explanation for the disconnect is sight to the commodity glut, the outside. The standard model is a dollar
That slowdown has been reflected in assets. That will bring in cash but significant spending needs. the composition of the broad indices. outlook for marginal issuers is not savings target together with an evasive
the share price, which has gone curtail operating cash flow in future About a tenth of the S&P 500 is bright. Defaults have also begun to description of the cost base the savings
sideways since mid-2014. On 14 times years. Big investment projects, such as comprised of energy companies. spike; again, the distressed companies are to come out of.
forecast earnings, they have lost the Hinkley Point in the UK, will not yield US high yield: However, the explosion in US oil and are dominated by commodities firms. And then there is that p/e multiple.
go-go valuation they once enjoyed. profits for a decade or more. How EDF gas production has been led by The Fitch default rate excluding energy Should savings, which do not grow, get
Suddenly Sports Direct is no longer pays for this project, plus any pick your poison exploration companies that have companies is less than 1 per cent, the same rating as companies that
the last word in retail growth and necessary upgrades to its ageing French feasted on cheap debt. Rating agency against nearly three per cent when often do?
investors may pause for thought on nuclear reactors, is not clear. Doing A conundrum: how is it that equities Fitch calculates that through October, energy is included. And company multiples in the US are
some of its other attributes. Yesterday, both will require well over €100bn. have outperformed high yield bonds? 18 per cent of the 1.4tn in junk bonds Economic growth in the US is still high by historic standards. Put a
shareholder Royal London took a Its balance sheet may not look overly Shareholders’ returns are residual: outstanding were issued by energy expected to be about 2 per cent in multiple of 10 on the savings, and 98
potshot at Sports Direct’s governance. stretched on 2.5 times net debt to dividends and buybacks are to be companies (with another 5 per cent in 2016. The unemployment rate has per cent of the net value created
Its working conditions are also ebitda. But that calculation does not paid with discretionary cash flows the equally beleaguered metals and fallen to 5 per cent, and inflation is disappears. Whether mergers, in the
attracting attention. And questions include €12bn of hybrid debt after obligations such as interest mining space). tame. So most bonds should do fine. aggregate, create value remains an
about its strategy — why does it need to (convertible into equity) nor any payments are made. First losses should With the WTI oil price slipping to $37 But the QE era, where one could buy open question.
own stakes in Findel, Debenhams and measure of its significant pension be felt by equity holders. A sharp sell- a barrel, the pain in high yield has any high yielding asset and watch the
JD Sports? — will not go away. liabilities. Their net present value off among high yield indices has become acute in recent weeks. The S&P returns roll in, is over. As the energy
Sports Direct is not suddenly a could be another €24bn, thinks upended that relationship. The S&P LCD high yield index has fallen to a price collapse shows, selection matters Lex on the web
For notes on today’s breaking
washed-out has-been. It is not a faded Deutsche Bank — lifting the net debt 500’s total return this year is 2 per cent level not seen since 2009, implying a now. Hedge funds, 2016 is a year to stories go to
giant such as Newcastle United (also multiple to 4.5 times. Do not expect the while the Merrill Lynch junk bond hefty yield of 10 per cent. With Fed earn your fees.

LOW 990 Forecasts by

1010 4 3
6 30
1030 Luxembourg Rain 8 46
33 1020 Lyon Fair 10 50
7 Madrid Cloudy 14 57
7 1 7
5 2 Manchester Shower 8 46
10 Miami Cloudy 27 81
8 27 6 Milan Fog 6 43
8 18 Montreal Shower 10 50
1030 12 HI H
7 7 Moscow Fair 3 37
9 9 5 Mumbai Sun 31 88
9 2 Munich Fair 8 46
10 7
1 New York Fair 16 61
Nice Sun 15 59
11 7 14 4 Paris Cloudy 12 54
1030 20 Prague Fair 6 43
23 1020 Reykjavik Fair -4 25
Rio Thunder 29 84
Wind speed in MPH at 12 GMT 8 Rome Sun 15 59
Temperatures max for day˚C Wind speeds in PH 18 San Francisco Shower 14 57
Stockholm Cloudy 5 41
Today’s temperatures Strasbourg Cloudy 10 50
Abu Dhabi Sun 26 79 Belgrade Cloudy 6 43 Copenhagen Shower 7 45 Hamburg Shower 8 46 Sydney Fair 34 93
Amsterdam Shower 10 50 Berlin Rain 7 45 Delhi Sun 24 75 Helsinki Fair 5 41 Tokyo Thunder 22 72
Athens Cloudy 12 54 Brussels Rain 10 50 Dubai Sun 25 77 Hong Kong Fair 20 68 Toronto Fair 12 54
B’ham Shower 9 48 Budapest Cloudy 8 46 Dublin Fair 7 45 Istanbul Cloudy 10 50 Vancouver Fair 10 50
Bangkok Sun 34 93 Buenos Aires Sun 36 97 Edinburgh Shower 6 43 Jersey Drizzle 12 54 Vienna Sun 4 39
Barcelona Fair 16 61 Cardiff Rain 10 50 Frankfurt Rain 9 48 Lisbon Sun 17 63 Warsaw Fair 5 41
Beijing Sun 6 43 Chicago Fair 11 52 Geneva Fair 9 48 London Rain 10 50 Washington Fair 18 64
Belfast Shower 6 43 Cologne Rain 9 48 Glasgow Hail 7 45 Los Angeles Shower 19 66 Zurich Fair 7 45

1 Rogue can’t hope for monument
4 Sodium and carbon in long boat
No. 15,111 Set by CINCINNUS (8) 6 On holiday I’m unable to ring
        5 What woodman did is recorded (6) current service provider (9)
9 Conclusion of theorem a 7 In Prague new editor gets set
mathematician is developing (8) (6,2)
10 Business not bad after a false 8 Small creature finding somewhere
start (6) to sleep by river (8)
 12 Introduction of crutches in 11 Film part for retainer (4)
European hospital? Everyone 15 Cider drunk with meal may be
  hops here (5,4) taken back (9)
13 Clubs overhaul declaration of faith 17 One who won’t accept goal starts
(5) to offend referee (8)
14 Fish back from the front (4) 18 Terribly plain suit one rejected for
16 Offering no resistance, US parent wedding (8)
  worked for a pittance (7) 20 Travel announcement in capital
19 Black cat right behind doorman (4)
(7) 21 Vessel caught by a composer (7)
21 Mention spot on the radio (4) 22 Casually read lines in vacated
24 Bonus required by forex traders bookstore (6)
   (5) 23 Secure gold carriage (6)
25 Temporary halts for speaker in 26 This is dropped with peculiar
westbound train (9) monotonous sound (5)
27 Half of us in vehicle getting a
shock (6)
28 Intimidated old girl got hitched Solution 15,110
  & + ( $ 3 6 + 2 7 3 $ & ( '
29 What remains when university’s 5 5 ( 2 ( ( $ 5
abandoned lodge? (6) $ 1 $ * 5


No. 14,845 Set by NEO

1 Important Viking one among best
friends (5,4)
6 Socialite with appeal makes left-
side entry (5)
9 Brazilian city as far as we’re
concerned ungovernable (7)
10 Obscure English knight against
European rebuffed (7)
11 Poor nation’s little island in hot
current (5)
12 Caught flamboyant cardinal in
Seventh Heaven? (5,4)
14 Notice flock encircles houses (3)
15 Alarmist financier reversed into
second vehicle bearing right (11)
17 German poet’s the writer
embracing pub vocalist (11)
19 Moggy fur with hole concealed? (3
20 Earl, King and Queen on
Hampshire river’s banks (9)
22 Ambassador in temple finds grain
24 Ardent Green must change leader
26 As one’s despicably mean, small
tips for servants materialise (2,5)
27 Sauce unfortunately knocked over
contains sulphur (5)
28 Related martial artist stops at
Bedouin residence (9)
Solution to Saturday’s prize pu
Solution to yesterday’s prize pu
Winners’ names will be printed

$ 0 $ 1 7 ( 1 1 $
30 Complaint about beam thrown by 7 6 6 2 $ ' *
( 4 8 , 3 6 & + , / / , 1 *
a torch (8)
3 , (
( 3
5 , 0 $ 1
( '
1 Arrive on time without a lot of $ ( , 5 ' 2
& + 5 , 6 7 ( 1 ' 2 0 * , 1
laughs? (6) ( 8 1 5 , 2
2 Observing nowt after losing heart 0 $ 1 * 2 8 6 7 ( 6 , 1 , &
(6) $ ' 1 6 6 ' 8
. 1 2 : , 1 * 6 3 , 7 2 8 7
3 Flag on English or Scottish island ( : & $ ( 2 / ,
(5) 5 , 1 6 ( 3 $ 5 ( 1 7 $ * (
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ 19

Panasonic Glencore Tui Walmart Euro / dollar Brent oil 10-year US Nikkei 225
City Insider Who next to carry Treasury
the torch for women on boards? 1.81% 7.01% 4.64% 0.73% 0.83% 0.95% 1bp 1.32%
Y1,276 88.9p £11.73 $59.56 $1.0933 $39.73 2.22% 19,046

Glencore to take knife to net debt Short

3 Group aims to reduce level to $18bn by end of 2016 3 Plan to float agricultural business
traders of his generation. “We are going Under pressure from shareholders, the update was Glencore’s guidance for
‘We are going
there and hopefully lower.” Glencore in September unveiled plans
to deleverage
2016, including its industrial or mining Mackintosh
Glencore, the indebted trading and min- The world’s biggest miners are scram- to reduce net debt to the “low $20bns”. arm, which was bulked up by the 2013
ing group hit hard by the collapse in bling to restructure their operations as But since then the price of commodities this balance acquisition of Xstrata. The company
commodity prices, has stepped up its they battle the biggest commodities have taken a further dip lower. sheet. We are expects total earnings before interest, Every investor should keep a diary. Articulating reasons
deleveraging plan and flagged a possible downturn in years. Those which loaded Glencore has already locked in $8.7bn tax, depreciation and amortisation of for each trade, even to oneself, helps highlight sloppy
stock market flotation of its agricultural up on debt to fund ambitious acquisi- of debt reduction through a share offer- going there $7.7bn even if commodity prices do not thinking. More importantly, it is hard to learn from mis-
business. tions and new mining projects during a ing, dividend cut and the sale of future and hopefully recover — significantly higher than ana- takes without a contemporary record. Glorious successes
The Swiss-based company told inves- decade of China-fuelled commodity silver production. Yesterday’s measures lower’ lysts’ consensus estimate of $6.5bn. stick in the mind, while errors are quickly forgotten.
tors it would reduce net debt to growth have been punished. represent another step towards insulat- A key part of the debt reduction plan Short View is daily exposed to the merciless FT reader-
$18bn-$19bn or lower by the end of 2016 Shares in Glencore had been the worst ing it against a prolonged period of is the sale of up to 30 per cent of its agri- ship, but memories are short. This columnist is leaving, a
— down from $30bn in June — by taking performer in the FTSE 100 this year depressed commodity prices. cultural business. The group revealed it good time to look for lessons in the mistakes, and occa-
a knife to investments and putting more until it was overtaken by rival miner “Overall, the company is ahead of was also considering floating the busi- sional successes, of almost six years of market comment.
assets up for sale. Anglo American this week. They rallied schedule,” analysts at Credit Suisse said. ness if it could not agree the right price Investors spent almost all the time obsessed by central
“We are going to deleverage this bal- 7 per cent to 88.90p as investors wel- “[But] in the current price environment or structure for a deal. Analysts said the banks. Even in the odd months when they looked else-
ance sheet,” said Ivan Glasenberg, chief comed the new targets, but remain the company will need to show contin- business was worth about $10bn. where, governments dominated markets: the near-default
executive, who is fighting to salvage his down 69 per cent this year and less than ual delivery.” Lex page 18 of the US in 2011, or China’s response to its equity bust.
reputation as one of the top commodity a fifth of the 2011 flotation price of 530p. Traders said the biggest surprise in Lombard page 24 The US Federal Reserve had QE2 in 2010, Operation
Twist in 2011, QE3 in 2012, and the taper tantrum in 2013.
The Bank of Japan’s decision to give it the Full Zimbabwe
filled the gap before the European Central Bank finally got
serious with proper quantitative easing this year.
Where Short View succeeded it was not due to greater
Hitting the target insight into the minds of central bankers, but to a love of
sentiment analysis. Selling after the herd rushed into
FC Barcelona sets shares, bonds or the dollar, and buying when the last of the
bulls had slunk out, made sense and mostly made money.
out to score a billion A contrarian streak is essential to successful investing,
but sometimes the crowd is right. Short View dropped US
shares too soon, part of a focus on value that also saw too
The three biggest stars at FC Barcelona, early an exit from China’s bubble and India’s Modi rally.
from left, Luis Suárez, Neymar and In the long run, cheap value shares beat expensive
Lionel Messi, celebrate a goal against “growth” stocks. But not for the past six years, when
Atlético Madrid earlier this year during a growth beat value each year in the US.
Spanish first division match at the club’s The Fed finally appears poised to raise rates next week,
Camp Nou stadium. for the first time in almost a decade. As Alain Bokobza at
The “trident” of Uruguayan, Brazilian Société Générale points out, this might help value if it leads
and Argentine players helped the team to higher bond yields: for the past 12 years cheap shares
win the Spanish league title, the Spanish outperformed when 10-year Treasuries rose (see chart).
cup and the Uefa Champions League last Catty markets have been showing cupboard love for
season, cementing Barcelona’s central banks, miaowing until they are fed by the Fed.
supremacy in Europe. But the club’s new Investor diaries will be full of views on Yellen, Draghi and
president has further ambitions to Carney for years, but hopefully a recovering economy will
extend its run of success. see the end of experimental monetary policies and mean
In an interview with the Financial fundamental analysis once again starts to matter.
Times, Josep Maria Bartomeu said he
was setting Barcelona the target of
becoming the first football club to earn Bonding with value
€1bn in annual revenues by 2021 — up MSCI USA Value/ US 10-year
from €600m now. Growth (rebased) yield (%)
Increasing earnings is important if the 120 5
club is to match the financial firepower 110
of the English Premier League, which, 4
with television income of £5bn over 3
three years, easily outguns the Spanish 90 For the past
league in the transfer market. Mr 80 2 12 years
Bartomeu is confident he can hold on to 70 1 cheap shares
his “trident” but he is concerned at the 2003 05 10 15 outperformed
ability of English clubs to attract the when 10-year
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
next generation of young stars. Treasuries rose
Interview page 23
Albert Gea/Reuters

Volkswagen admits a rule-breaking

‘mindset’ led to emissions cheating
RICHARD MILNE — WOLFSBURG But he did not indicate who was fines, lawsuits and other expenses. Jones
responsible, nor how high up the com- Day, the US law firm investigating the
Volkswagen has admitted to “a mind-
pany knowledge of the matter went, affair for VW, is not expected to com-
set” in areas of the German carmaker
saying only that a “comparatively small plete its work until well into next year.
that tolerated rule breaking, and a
number of employees were involved”. Mr Pötsch, VW’s finance director
“chain of errors” behind its emissions
There was no indication that members until October this year, expressed deep
cheating, as it unveiled preliminary
of VW’s supervisory or management regret for the scandal. “We have lost the
results of the company’s investigation
Europe woes drive Google boards knew anything about the decep- trust of our customers, investors, politi-
into the scandal.
to pursue global venture tion, added Mr Pötsch. cians. Our most important task is to win
VW said an illegal defeat device that US environmental regulators said on back that trust,” he said.
Only 14 months after launching a enabled cheating during emissions tests September 18 they had found software- Mr Pötsch said VW was changing
high-profile $125m European venture was installed in diesel vehicles because based defeat devices in VW diesel cars many of its processes, including how it
fund, Google has abandoned the it was not possible to comply with nitro- that understated NOx emissions in offi- tests cars and approves software for its
project amid tensions over investment gen oxides standards in the US “within cial tests, plunging the carmaker into engine control devices. All emissions
strategies, and now plans to pool all of the required timeframe and budget”. the worst scandal in its history. tests in the future will be evaluated
its assets into a single global vehicle, “We are talking here not about a one- VW subsequently said up to 11m dies- externally and independently and the
renamed GV. off mistake but a chain of errors,” said el vehicles were affected. Analysts have company will introduce random real-
Analysis i PAGE 20 Hans Dieter Pötsch, chairman of VW’s estimated the scandal could cost the life tests on the road for certain models.
supervisory board. company tens of billions of euros in Analysis page 21

Companies / Sectors / People

Companies Dentsu Aegis..............................................21 Intertek..........................................................33 Pfizer..............................................................20 Sectors Ells, Steve....................................................33
Airwave...........................................................4 Deutsche Bank.........................................24 Investec.........................................................33 Publicis...........................................................21 Airlines.............................................................3 Esteves, André.........................................24
Alphabet.......................................................22 Dropbox.......................................................20 JD Sports......................................................18 Renault..........................................................25 Automobiles....................................19,21,25 Glasenberg, Ivan......................................19
Amazon.........................................................22 EDF..................................................................18 JPMorgan................................................8,24 Royal Dutch Shell......................20,23,33 Banks...............................................8,10,12,24 Jager, Rob...................................................23
Anglo American.................................19,34 EE.......................................................................4 Jaguar Land Rover................................25 Samsung.......................................................21 Construction..............................................22 Jianshe, Cai.................................................22
Apple........................................................21,22 Eni....................................................................20 Jos A Bank..................................................33 Seadrill...........................................................33 Financials.....................................................34 Jilin, Cai.........................................................22
AstraZeneca..............................................20 FC Barcelona.............................................23 Joyou AG.....................................................22 Secret Escapes.........................................20 Industrials....................................................10 Joussen, Friedrich...................................23
Atlassian.......................................................33 Facebook..........................................15,20,23 KPN.................................................................22 Sidecar .........................................................16 Media......................................10,15,20,22,23 Kaplowitz, Marla.......................................21
Audi.................................................................25 Fannie Mae.................................................32 Kinder Morgan.........................................20 Sony...........................................................21,22 Mining.................................................18,19,34 Karp McHugh, Nadine..........................21
BMW...............................................................25 Findel..............................................................18 Lixil..................................................................22 Sports Direct.................................18,24,33 Oil & Gas...................................20,23,32,33 Kerry, John...................................................13
BP....................................................................20 First Solar....................................................33 Lloyds Banking Group..................24,25 Spotify...........................................................22 Retail & Consumer...............18,21,24,33 Kondo, Seiji.................................................16
BTG.................................................................24 Flybe..................................................................3 Men’s Wearhouse....................................33 Square............................................................23
Support Services.....................................16 Lance, Ryan...............................................20
Baker & McKenzie....................................2 Ford...................................................................8 Mercedes-Benz.........................................25 Tata Motors................................................25
Technology.....................................10,23,24 Li, Charles...................................................34
Barclays........................................................24 Freddie Mac...............................................32 Microsoft .....................................................10 Tui....................................................................23
Telecoms..................................................4,22 Long, Peter.................................................23
British American Tobacco.................33 Freeport-McMoRan...............................34 Mulberry.......................................................24 Twitter...........................................................20
Transport........................................................3 Maria Bartomeu, Josep.......................23
Cerberus.......................................................32 General Electric........................................10 Nasdaq..........................................................32 Uber.................................................................16
Travel & Leisure..................................3,23 Morzaria, Tushar.....................................24
Chevron........................................................20 Glencore................................18,19,24,33,34 National Australia Bank......................25 UniCredit.......................................................12
Chipotle.........................................................33 Google..................................................2,10,20 Netflix............................................................23 Vale.................................................................34 People Ogawa, Michiko........................................22
ConocoPhillips..........................................20 Google Ventures.....................................20 Northern Rock..........................................32 Vodafone......................................................22 Ashe, Neil.....................................................21 Sato, Kashiwa.............................................16
Co-operative Group.................................2 Havas..............................................................21 Old Mutual..................................................33 Volkswagen............................................19,21 Colao, Vittorio...........................................22 Schmidt, Eric.............................................20
Credit Suisse.............................................24 IEX....................................................................32 PSA..................................................................25 Walmart.........................................................21 Cooper, Stephen......................................22 Shuter, Rob.................................................22
Debenhams ...............................................18 Imperial Tobacco.....................................33 Panasonic.....................................................22 Warner Music Group.............................22 Dorsey, Jack...............................................20 Soriot, Pascal.............................................20
Deezer ..........................................................22 Interpublic....................................................21 Pandora.........................................................22 Yahoo.............................................................20 Duffy, David...............................................25 Tabb, Larry.................................................32

© The Financial Times Limited 2015 Week 50

20 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015

Oil & gas

Conoco slashes capital spending by 25% Richard

US energy group reduces into balance. Conoco’s move echoes the been in the current low price cycle for a the end of 2014. Output from Conoco’s
announcement from Chevron, the sec- relatively short period of time.” shale oil and gas operations in the US is
investment to protect
dividend amid crude glut
ond-largest US oil group by market capi-
talisation, which said on Wednesday
that it would cut capital spending by 24
Mr Lance said that the company had
the flexibility to ramp up spending
again should prices improve, although it
expected to show a “modest” decline
over the medium term, the company
The odds of following
ED CROOKS — NEW YORK per cent next year.
Conoco said yesterday that it
would be “disciplined” in increasing
investment in the event of an upturn,
Chevron also stressed that dividend
payments were its “top priority” in
success with a second
ConocoPhillips, one of the largest oil
and gas producers in the US, has
announced another sharp cut in its capi-
expected oil and gas production growth
of 1-3 per cent next year and did not give
any projections for output beyond that,
and would also strengthen its balance
The US operations outside Alaska,
Number of rigs
making its capital expenditure reduc-
The approach contrasts with that of
breakout hit are small
tal spending as it seeks to protect its div- saying it would depend on what hap- which includes shale oil and gas, will Conoco is planning other energy companies, including
idend, pointing to weaker output in the pened to prices. take some of the biggest reductions in to run in US outside Kinder Morgan, which is the largest
Alaska next year,

future. In the spring of 2014, before oil and capital spending, Conoco said. pipelines operator in North America, hy is it so hard to reboot a consumer inter-
compared with 32
It has set a capital budget for 2016 of gas prices slumped, it was projecting In part that reflects falling costs — in 2014 and Eni, the Italian oil and gas group. net company? Yahoo has hogged the head-
$7.7bn, down 25 per cent from this year production growth of 3-5 per cent per rates for onshore rigs used to drill shale Both groups have cut their dividends lines this week, but it is far from alone in
and less than half the amount it spent in year. wells have fallen by 32 per cent, for this year. its failure to breathe new life into a service
2014. Ryan Lance, chief executive, told ana- example — but Conoco has also been $7.7bn There has been speculation that Royal that once defined an entire online cate-
Its move is the latest sign of how weak lysts on a call: “Despite the tough mar- scaling back its activity. The company’s Dutch Shell and BP, the largest Euro- gory. It has been the paradox of the consumer internet: the
oil and gas prices are forcing companies ket, our dividend remains the highest It is planning to operate 13 rigs in the capital expenditure pean oil companies, might also be rewards for pioneering a new form of online behaviour are
budget for 2016 —
to cut their investment, reducing future priority use of our cash.” US outside Alaska next year, the same less than half
forced into dividend cuts, although both high, but the odds of following that success with a second
crude supplies and contributing to He added: “We view the dividend number that it has at the moment, but the sum it spent have insisted that they will maintain breakout hit turn out to be small. User attention eventu-
bringing the oversupplied market back level as a long-term decision and we’ve fewer than half the 32 that it was using at in 2014 their payouts. ally shifts elsewhere.
Companies like Dropbox and Twitter are facing much
the same conundrum, but far earlier in their existence.
Each is closely identified with a particular online activity —
respectively, storing and syncing files between devices,
Technology. Start-up investments and short message broadcasting. Both have struggled to
expand their services beyond their first breakthroughs.

Google abandons European venture fund This week, Dropbox regrouped to have another go.
Building its own picture sharing and email apps once
seemed the best way to cement users to its storage service,
but simply creating “me-too” products wasn’t enough and
both apps have been closed. Now it has turned to collabo-
ration tools for users to share and work together on files
London partners struggled stored on its servers, but that area is already fiercely com-
to persuade California-based petitive.
As Dropbox is finding, there is no formula for catching
boss to sign off on investments lightning in a bottle twice. Persuading a user base of hun-
dreds of millions of people to adopt related services is not
MURAD AHMED — EUROPEAN as easy as it might sound, even if they are free. The break-
TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT out collaboration hit of the moment, Slack, emerged as a
side-project in a failed games company, not from an estab-
Google reversed course and abandoned lished internet company.
its high-profile separate European ven- For its part, Yahoo has never succeeded in redefining the
ture fund after tension developed role of an internet portal — its original business — as suc-
between its continental and US teams cessive waves of innovation have washed over its industry,
on investment strategy and frustration from internet search to social networking and mobile app
grew over stalled deals. stores. This week’s decision
People familiar with the matter say to reverse course on spinning
the London partners of Google Ventures off its holding in Chinese
There is no
Europe had trouble persuading Bill internet company Alibaba formula for
Maris, their California-based boss, to highlights the extent to
sign off on investments. which Yahoo’s main business
“Six to nine months in, the team got has become, for its share- lightning in a
frustrated,” said one person close to the holders, just an after-
London partners. “They were seeing a thought. It makes perfect
bottle twice
lot of companies and ended up taking a financial sense to shed the
lot of people quite close to the finish line, operating businesses rather than risk a huge tax bill from
but ultimately they couldn’t get over it.” disposing of Yahoo’s most valuable asset, the Alibaba
When Google launched a $125m fund stake. But it also serves to underline the extent of the fail-
designed to invest in the region’s nas- ure, with the Yahoo internet business effectively being
cent start-ups in 2014, it was seen as a dumped for financial expediency.
major endorsement of the local tech And while Yahoo has been adamant that it wants to shed
scene. the operation as a freestanding company, it now faces a
But this week the company aban- year or more of uncertainty. Buyers may well circle to pick
pieces off and Yahoo’s best employees will contemplate
their futures — hardly a conducive environment to con-
‘I try to give as much tinue what has so far been a stumbling turnround.
latitude as possible, but Cases like this make it tempting to conclude that the task
of staying relevant in the fast-moving internet world is too
the buck stops with me’ hard, and that it makes better financial sense to set more
Bill Maris, Google Ventures modest goals that revolve mainly around sustaining an
existing business as long as possible. But that would
require writing off the value of a brand and massive online
doned the idea and said it planned to The decision to view process: he would make the final don, Paris and Berlin. He had not met lyse potential deals — though this Some companies have succeeded in building the inter-
pool all of its investments into a single abandon Google call on every investment decision. many of the companies he rejected. should have been well-known to the nal processes needed to adapt and extend their core serv-
global vehicle, renamed GV. The com- Ventures Europe “It was never on the table to have an GV said many other partners had London partners before they started. ices — starting with the ones that dominate two of the main
pany says the move will reduce costs comes just 14 autonomous geographic fund,” said Mr made trips to Europe in recent months, “You’re going to go work for the algo!” online activities, search and social networking.
and provide more flexibility when months after Maris. “I try to give as much latitude as and US design, engineering and market- an investor told a European executive An effective acquisition strategy has played a big part: if
deciding where to invest. The European the fund was possible for people to make decisions, ing executives had also travelled to before joining GV. it is so hard to invent the next hit service, buy it before
investments and partners are “coequal” launched but ultimately the buck stops with me.” advise European portfolio companies. GV’s dependence on machine-based someone else does. Google’s purchase of YouTube and
to the US and will strengthen the global Jason Alden/Bloomberg
But people close to partners, investors The disagreements on strategy led to algorithms, which had less access to Facebook’s Instagram deal looked expensive at the time,
effort, Google adds. who have worked with the group and the departure of one partner, Peter data on European companies than US but in hindsight they are the steals of the past decade.
The reversal comes only 14 months others close to the situation told the Read, the British angel investor. Mr peers, caused problems for the London Unfortunately for companies like Yahoo, picking up the
after the fund launched at a time when it Financial Times that the strict centrali- Read declined to comment. Another team because it repeatedly rejected Next Big Thing on the cheap no longer looks possible. But
was coming under huge political pres- sation came as a surprise to some in the partner, MG Siegler, formerly a tech their proposed deals. One of the few that lesser deals have been equally significant. Both Google
sure in Europe. The fund was seen as team. blogger, had relocated to London for a survived was an investment in Secret Maps and Android trace their origins to small purchases.
part of a concerted campaign to woo They had wrongly assumed that their temporary period, but returned to the Escapes, the holiday deals website. Yahoo’s acquisitions, like its internal development, have
British politicians, and came after David geographic distance from Google’s Cali- US earlier than planned. Google’s European team secured failed to come up with hits like this. Since Marissa Mayer
Cameron, UK prime minister, called on fornian headquarters would enable Three other partners remain: Eze fewer deals than initially hoped. Since took over as CEO in 2012, some $2.4bn has been spent on
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt to do more autonomy than their US peers to Vidra, a longstanding executive who set GV’s creation six years ago, it has backed established services like Tumblr and a spate of “acqui-
more to invest in the country’s tech write the cheques to close deals. up Google’s “Campus” workspace for around 300 companies. Since the Euro- hires” made to recharge Yahoo’s engineering ranks.
industry. GV’s commitment to European tech, start-ups in London; Tom Hulme, a pean fund’s creation 18 months ago, it With Yahoo still struggling for a revival, money like this
To launch the fund, five London- traditionally a backwater for American serial entrepreneur, and Avid Larizadeh has announced just six investments, is starting to look wasted. But if that turns out to be the
based partners were hired following investment, was also questioned by the Duggan, the co-founder of with “two more in the pipeline”. case, it should be seen as the failure of a sequence of man-
extensive headhunting and interviews European team and other local inves- Google declined to make any of these Mr Maris says the venture is a success. agers, reaching back well before Ms Mayer, to capitalise on
over Hangout — Google’s video-chat fea- tors. People close to the situation said partners available for interview. “By all the metrics I have, the European the company’s first flush of success — not as some historic
ture. On the first week on the job, Mr Mr Maris spent three days in Europe Two people familiar with the matter team were ahead of what my expecta- inevitability.
Maris, the chief executive of GV, during the first year that the European said another point of tension was GV’s tions would be and are doing really
repeated what he had said in the inter- arm was launched — a day each in Lon- reliance on a secretive algorithm to ana- great,” he said.

Pharmaceuticals Media

AstraZeneca and Wallenbergs in new venture Twitter ads to target users who never log in
ANDREW WARD top universities and the Wallenberg The focus will be on an emerging area HANNAH KUCHLER “total Twitter audience”, which is larger chief executive Jack Dorsey, the co-
Foundation, the charitable arm of the of research called the secretome, which than the 320m monthly logged-in users founder who took over the top job
Twitter is to give companies the ability
AstraZeneca has teamed up with the powerful Swedish business family involves the study of proteins secreted that Wall Street has focused on. permanently in October.
to advertise to the 500m people who
Swedish government and the Wallen- which is one of AstraZeneca’s biggest by cells. These proteins can provide tell- Twitter will start testing the new pro- Mr Dorsey has said he will revamp the
visit the messaging site to read tweets
berg family to invest $100m in a new shareholders with 4.1 per cent. tale signs of certain diseases and play a moted tweets with selected advertisers product to make it more accessible for
every month, but never log in.
research venture that will reinforce the Opposition from the Wallenbergs role in the spread of malignant cells in in the US, UK, Japan and Australia, new and inexperienced users. He has
company’s ties to Sweden. helped galvanise AstraZeneca’s success- conditions such as cancer. The San Francisco-based technology before expanding into other countries. already launched Moments, which
ful resistance last year against a $100bn Pascal Soriot, AstraZeneca chief exec- group announced yesterday that it was It will begin with the desktop Twitter shows short stories made of tweets
The partnership, focused on developing takeover by Pfizer. utive, said that the secretome offered testing a way of showing promoted website, rather than its mobile site, and rather than the chronological timeline
new technologies for discovering and The company is also investing in the “an unprecedented way . . . to identify tweets, paid for by advertisers, to users focus on advertising campaigns to drive that Twitter is known for.
manufacturing biological drugs, follows UK, where it is building a £330m head- new biomarkers, drug targets and who click on links to tweets in Google clicks, conversions and video views. For some time, the messaging site has
AstraZeneca’s decision in May to build a quarters and research centre in Cam- ultimately develop next-generation search results, or view Twitter mem- Shares in Twitter jumped 6.6 per cent been trying to persuade advertisers that
$285m production facility in Sweden. bridge. A near-daily flight between biological treatments”. bers’ profile pages. in early-morning trading in New York to it reaches many more users than its
Together, the investments signal a Cambridge and Gothenburg, where The centre will receive a $37m grant Twitter’s new initiative comes as it $25.91 after the announcement of the active userbase implies.
renewal of its commitment to the AstraZeneca has its research and devel- from the Wallenberg Foundation and tries to expand the reach of its advertis- new product and news that its Periscope In August, it launched the Twitter
Scandinavian country 16 years after the opment facility, was launched in March. $18m from Sweden’s KTH Royal Insti- ing amid concerns that its user growth is live video streaming app, acquired and audience platform, which it said reaches
merger of Sweden’s Astra with Zeneca of The Wallenberg Centre for Protein tute of Technology, Chalmers University slowing, making it harder to compete launched earlier this year, had been more than 700m people on and off
the UK. Research will work with AstraZeneca to of Technology and Uppsala University with much larger social networks such named Apple’s “App of the Year”. Twitter. When advertisers use the plat-
The collaboration, announced today, identify proteins that could be used as over the next eight years. AstraZeneca as Facebook. Twitter’s attempt to expand market- form, their promoted tweets on Twitter
involves a new centre for protein targets for new drugs, and on develop- will invest almost $3.5m over the next Deepak Rao, revenue product man- ing beyond the core userbase is part of a can become native ads on other sites
research backed by several of Sweden’s ing new ways of producing them. three years. ager, said marketers could now tap the broader transformation promised by and apps, video ads or banner ads.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21


VW tries to get a grip after emissions scandal

Some investors left unimpressed by a perceived lack of contrition as chief executive focuses on strategy
The image was striking. Asked how he
Body language
Courage urged
would behave on his first trip to the US Pointed message on
— the epicentr11e of Volkswagen’s emis-
sions scandal — new chief executive honesty for rivals
Matthias Müller replied: “I don’t think I
will get down on my knees; I will be self-
confident. Of course, I will apologise for Volkswagen’s press conference had
things that have occurred.” one pointed message for the
It might have been a response to a pro- German carmaker’s rivals. “We need
vocative question from a journalist but the courage to be more honest,”
this summed up the whole demeanour said Hans Dieter Pötsch, chairman
of Mr Müller at yesterday’s first big of VW’s supervisory board. “The
press conference from VW since the growing industry-wide
scandal broke on September 18. discrepancies between official
Anybody expecting a defensive or emissions data and real-life levels
purely contrite manager would have are no longer acceptable. We need
been confounded. Instead, Mr Müller to break new ground here.”
sought to give the impression of a com- This statement attempted to
pany grappling with a crisis but also try- pitch VW as a surprise leader for
ing to return to normality as quickly as transparency around vehicles’
possible. He joked with journalists, emissions tests. In a proposal
playfully answering some of the ques- similar to one PSA Peugeot Citroën
tions and at times appearing almost made in October, VW pledged
cocky. “The future at VW belongs to the yesterday to start road testing all
brave,” he said. its vehicles’ emissions, with the
For some investors, it raises long-held results to be verified by an
questions about how VW is handling the independent third party.
scandal. But Mr Pötsch’s statement also
“You would expect a different tone, a sent a reminder to onlookers that,
different body language from them,” although the emissions scandal
said Hans Hirt, a director at activist started with VW, it has implications
investor Hermes Investment Manage- for the entire car industry.
ment, a VW shareholder. Pal Pillai/AFP/Getty Images
“My first reaction was this is
He added that VW had not addressed crisis PR 101 — make it an industry
any of his big concerns about its corpo-
Matthias Müller Hans Dieter Pötsch Volkswagen share price Top carmakers in US issue rather than a VW issue,” said
rate governance, management, or need Rebased one executive at a rival carmaker.
Chief executive Supervisory chairman Market share, 2015 (%)
for a “systematic culture review”. He When the scandal broke, the
concluded: “It did not convince us that car industry entered an uneasy
they take this as seriously as they ‘I don’t ‘We are 140
GM stand-off with regulators and
should.” think I will talking here Dax 30 index 120
environmental groups.
Another VW investor, speaking Campaigners have repeatedly
before the press conference, expressed a get down not about a 100
Honda highlighted the gap between
similar sentiment: “I think there are on my one-off Nissan laboratory tests for petrol and
many in Wolfsburg [VW’s headquarters Hyundai diesel vehicle emissions and their
in Germany] that hope this will just knees, I mistake but 80
Kia levels of real-world pollution.
blow over and they can get back to busi- will be self-confident. a chain of errors . . . We VW
Subaru As yet, no other manufacturer
ness as usual soon.” VW* has been found to have behaved
VW confirmed the scandal had its Of course, I will need to make sure BMW illegally in the way VW did in the
roots in the US, where the company has apologise for things that something like this never 0 5 10 15 20 US, despite several regulators
for years been trying to improve its testing many vehicles.
small market share. Illegal defeat have occurred’ happens again’ Jan 2015 Dec
Andy Sharman
Sources: Thomson Reuters Datastream; *VW includes Audi brand
devices were installed in VW diesel
vehicles so as to understate emissions of
harmful nitrogen oxides in official tests.
But the scandal goes far beyond the knowing anything about the emissions For some analysts, this shows Mr are signed off or close to approval and a understood the US, and I worry that
US, with up to 11m diesel cars affected cheating, he declined to speculate on Müller is serious about changing the purported separate scandal involving they could get it wrong there again,” said
globally, and VW used yesterday’s press who exactly was responsible until VW’s authoritarian culture that developed in carbon dioxide emissions has proved to the VW investor.
conference to try to convince investors investigation is finished next year. the 20 years VW was run by Ferdinand be largely unfounded. Mr Müller was keen to show that VW
and the public that it had a grip on the Mr Hirt was unimpressed. “I don’t Piëch, its former chief executive and But the carmaker’s big problems all lie was not obsessed by the scandal and was
scandal. It sent out the two top men of think they were strong on even starting chairman. in the US. Because of the stricter nitro- aiming to provide a new strategy next
the company: Mr Müller and Hans to explain what went wrong,” he said. “Cutting corporate jets and fancy car gen oxides standards in the US, fixes for year for the period up until 2025. He
Dieter Pötsch, supervisory board chair- Mr Müller’s focus was different to Mr show galas might not sound like much to the 500,000 cars affected there will be said the strategy would focus above all
man. Pötsch: he presented VW’s broader the outside world, but it means a lot in trickier, conceded Mr Müller. on three elements: digitalisation, sus-
Mr Pötsch focused mostly on the strategy, including its proposed reor- terms of attitude and culture,” said He expressed “hope that things would tainability and integrity. By the end of
emissions scandal, taking the sober tone ganisation. VW plans to give its 12 Arndt Ellinghorst, an analyst at Ever- go quickly” with obtaining US regula- the decade, VW will present 20 new
typical of the former VW finance direc- brands more autonomy and responsi- core ISI. “It seems to me they under- tory approval for the fixes. electric or plug-in hybrid models.
tor. “We need to make sure something bility by, for instance, ending the prac- stand that VW needs a fundamentally Some investors fret that VW could be Referencing the previous strategy’s
like this never happens again,” he said. tice of having group heads for research new culture and that the era of misreading the mood in the US. The aim to make VW the world’s biggest car-
Processes will be overhauled for test- 11m 500,000 and development, and sales. Piech . . . has contributed to today’s press conference took place in Wolfs- maker by sales by 2018 — something
ing and the approval of engine control VW diesel cars Number of Mr Müller also took an axe to some problems.” burg and in German and Mr Müller has some blamed for its suspect culture —
software. But while Mr Pötsch said there affected globally those vehicles symbolic elements of luxury: he will sell VW also outlined some progress on still not been to the US, although he Mr Müller said: “We have not given up
was no indication of anybody in senior by the emissions affected in the VW’s Airbus jet and tone down its previ- technical fixes to diesel cars caught up in plans to go to next month’s Detroit our claim to leadership in this industry.
management or the supervisory board scandal US ously lavish spending at motor shows. the scandal. Fixes for 8m cars in Europe motor show. “VW has never really But we have given it a new definition.”

Retail & consumer Media Positions Available

Walmart seeks footing Publicis loses its L’Oréal

in mobile payments US account to rival WPP FT APPOINTMENTS
Classified Appointments Advertising
UK: +44 20 7873 4909
US: +1 212 641 4909
ASIA: +852 2905 5528
LINDSAY WHIPP — CHICAGO retailers are competing to develop the ADAM THOMSON account is understood to be worth
most effective tool for in-store mobile $40m — and its loss comes on top of the Contracts & Tenders
Walmart will launch a mobile payment Publicis has lost L’Oréal as a client in
payments. Apple Pay is the best-known $50m-$100m hit to revenues that Publi-
app as the world’s largest retailer seeks North America to its arch-rival WPP,
and while it will by next year be used in cis is likely to suffer after failing to retain
to trump Apple Pay and other ventures adding to the French advertising
1.5m stores across America, including P&G’s business.
competing to secure a foothold in the group’s woes as it embarks on a deep
Starbucks and Yum Brands’ KFC, ana- This double loss comes as leading glo-
nascent mobile payment market. managerial reorganisation.
lysts have said its adoption is not as bal brands such as Volkswagen and
The company said the introduction of strong as sales of Apple’s iPhone 6 and 6s L’Oréal — whose brands include Sony undertake sweeping reviews of
Walmart Pay would make it the first models that use the technology would Lancôme, Maybelline and Garnier — is their media agencies this year, putting
retailer in the US to offer a mobile pay- suggest. one of the world’s biggest advertisers, contracts worth $30bn annually up for
ment system that would work across Walmart’s move marks a departure and the loss of its media account to grabs. Analysts say that, typically,
both iOS and Android systems, as well as from its strategy to date which has been MEC, of the WPP group, represents a $20bn out of a total of $340bn in world-
the majority of credit and debit cards. It to work with rivals, including Best Buy, further blow to Paris-based Publicis. wide media agency billings come up for
began testing in its home town of Ben- via the Merchant Customer Exchange to It comes less than a week after Procter review each year.
tonville, Arkansas, yesterday, with a full create a mobile payments system to & Gamble, the world’s largest advertiser, This year’s increased scrutiny of
rollout expected in the first half of 2016. rival Apple Pay. This system remains in shifted almost all of its North American advertising contracts has been attrib-
The system uses proprietary tech- the testing stage, Walmart said. uted to companies’ desire to cut costs —
nology that Walmart said it had spent Walmart does not use Apple Pay at its and concerns over how their budgets are
“several months” developing. It will stores, but said that should customers $20 bn $100 m being spent by the big six global agen-
enable the company’s 22m app users to start demanding it, the Walmart Pay Amount out of Hit to revenues cies: WPP, Omnicom, Publicis, Inter-
scan a QR code appearing on their technology has the architecture to ena- $340bn in billings that Publicis is public, Dentsu Aegis and Havas.
smartphones after logging into the app. ble its incorporation into the app. that comes up for likely to suffer Publicis’s Starcom MediaVest Group
This connects their The retailer said it had decided to review each year after losing P&G had been handling the L’Oréal North
account — and with it their preferred develop its own payment system America media account, which will now
payment method — to the in-store cash because existing ones either did not media planning and buying business pass to MEC, part of UK-based WPP, the
register where they are making their work across all mobile platforms — such from Publicis to Omnicom, the French world’s largest advertising agency.
purchases. as Apple’s or Samsung’s payment tech- group’s US rival. Publicis’s SMG also lost the P&G
The retailer declined to disclose tar- nology — or accepted only certain types Nadine Karp McHugh, senior vice- account, which will now shift to Omni-
gets for the app’s usage. of credit or debit cards. president, Omnimedia, strategic invest- com Media Group with support from
The move comes as Walmart is invest- The holiday season has highlighted ments and creative solutions, at L’Oréal Dentsu Aegis’s Carat, which has been
ing billions of dollars to blend its online customers’ increasing use of mobile USA, said: “L’Oréal USA has selected handling P&G’s Canadian business.
and physical stores as consumers devices to make online orders as well as MEC as its agency of record for inte- Marla Kaplowitz, chief executive of
increasingly switch between the two to rising use of smartphones in-store. grated media planning and buying of MEC North America, said: “It was
research and shop, and as it addresses Mr Ashe said that of those customers TV, print and digital after an extensive apparent from the onset that our two
criticism that it has been on the back who had ordered online, nearly half eight-month agency review process.” companies share many of the same val-
foot with its ecommerce strategy. came from Walmart’s mobile app — She explained that MEC brought “a ues and ambitions for growth.”
“Ecommerce brought the store to the double the rate of the year before and shared vision for the future”, and said Losing the L’Oréal account comes at a
web, and now mobile is bringing the web higher than the industry average. He “we believe that we’ve found the perfect tricky time for Publicis, which last week
to the store,” said Neil Ashe, head of added that they were using the app partner to help us co-create the future of unveiled a management reorganisation
ecommerce at Walmart. twice as much in-store as in the last holi- beauty along with our media partners”. to prepare for chief executive Maurice
Technology companies, banks and day shopping period. L’Oréal’s North America media Lévy’s eventual retirement.
22 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Media Telecoms

Warner Music streaming hits higher note Vodafone

accuses rival
Segment’s revenues for its fiscal year ended September 30 and
surged 47 per cent in the fourth quarter.
payments last year. But that success has
not translated into profitability for
Apple Music launched in June with
free trials, which did not convert into
Warner Music digital revenue rose
10.6 per cent, or 19.8 per cent on a con-
KPN of stalling
year overtake downloads
for first time at a big label
The label had reported in May that
streaming revenue exceeded digital
streaming services such as Spotify,
Deezer and Pandora, which are now fac-
paying subscriptions until the end of
Warner’s fiscal year, so the impact of the
stant currency basis, to $1.24bn in the
fiscal year, accounting for 44.4 per cent
its Dutch
downloads in a quarter for the first time.
“2015 was our first fiscal year in which
our recorded music streaming revenue
ing a further challenge in the form of
deep-pocketed tech groups including
Apple, Alphabet’s Google and Amazon.
new service was not reflected in the
results. Mr Cooper told a call with inves-
tors yesterday that “early signs [from
of total revenue.
In the US, digital revenue made up
58.8 per cent of total sales. The company
service launch
Streaming music revenue has passed exceeded download revenue, and it did the launch] are encouraging”. said digital growth was driven by
annual sales of digital downloads at a so by a significant amount,” said Warner estimates that around the streaming.
major music label for the first time this Stephen Cooper, Warner Music chief
‘Streaming continues on a world, streaming services count for Digital downloads declined but
year, underlining a seismic shift in the executive. “Streaming continues on a trajectory to become our between 40m and 50m paying subscrip- Mr Cooper said that the decrease was Vodafone has sued Dutch rival KPN
music industry fuelled by the rise of trajectory to become our largest reve- tions. “When you look at that as a below 10 per cent in the fourth quarter.
services such as Spotify. nue source.”
largest revenue source’ percentage of the global population of Net losses in the fiscal year narrowed
alleging anti-competitive behaviour in
the Netherlands in a further sign of its
Warner Music Group, the world’s The growth of streaming has been big Stephen Cooper, chief executive 7.5bn people plus or minus, it looks to from $303m to $88m, while total reve- increasing unhappiness with moves
third-largest music company, said business for record companies, which me as if we have barely scratched the nue fell 2 per cent to $2.97bn from made by former telecoms monopolies
streaming revenue grew 34 per cent in earned a combined $2.2bn in streaming surface,” Mr Cooper said. $3.03bn. across Europe.
Vittorio Colao, Vodafone chief execu-
tive, has already lambasted other Euro-
pean telecoms incumbents such as BT
Electronics. High-end audio and Deutsche Telekom for seeking to
“remonopolise” their home markets.

Panasonic hopes Technics turntables will spin success Vodafone, which relies on nationwide
fixed-line networks owned by the
former monopolies to provide its own
broadband and TV services, claims
these companies do not offer access to
networks on fair terms.
Group turns to sole female Mr Colao has also expressed concerns
executive to pump up the sales that the groups are strengthening their
businesses through acquisition, such as
volumes of the reborn brand the purchase of EE by BT.
Vodafone has complained to the
European and national regulators about
the deals, but its rivals reject the allega-
Half a century after its birth, Panasonic tions.
is looking to fortify an audio brand once Now Vodafone has turned to legal
favoured by hip-hop pioneer Kool Herc. action in the Netherlands, filing a
But while the 1965 launch of the Tech- €115m civil claim for damages at the
nics brand symbolised the rise of Japan’s court of justice in The Hague. It has
consumer electronics industry, Pana- launched similar legal claims in Ireland,
sonic’s latest flirtation with high-end Italy and the Czech Republic.
audio products illustrates the challenge Vodafone argues that KPN, which
of trying to retain its consumer roots controls the fixed line network in the
while bolstering a line-up of more lucra- Netherlands, unlawfully delayed the
tive products such as car batteries. nationwide launch of Vodafone’s TV,
In a notable break with the past, the broadband and telephone service by
executive charged with rebuilding the three years by failing to deliver the tech-
fortunes of its turntables and other nology needed.
music systems is not a male engineer The UK telecoms group said that
but Michiko Ogawa, Panasonic’s sole KPN’s refusal to supply the technology
female executive officer and a jazz pian- qualified as abuse of a dominant market
ist herself. position.
The relaunch of the brand, which was The Dutch group said that it did “not
discontinued in 2010 as the company recognise the picture outlined by Voda-
was reeling from losses, took place amid fone”.
surging sales of vinyl albums in the UK Vodafone said the delay allowed KPN
and US and rising demand for premium to launch a rival service, which “pre-
headphones. vented Vodafone Netherlands from
Annual sales of vinyl albums topped gaining a significant market share in a
1m in the UK last year for the first time crucial period when more than 100,000
in nearly two decades, according to the households per quarter chose to move”
British Phonographic Industry. to such packages.
In the US, sales of vinyl albums in The lawsuit claims Vodafone Nether-
2014 also rose to 9.2m units, growing for lands suffered an estimated €115m in
a ninth straight year, according to losses as a result.
Nielsen, the music industry data pro- Rob Shuter, chief executive of Voda-
vider. Technics Europe in December 2014, followed by ments in car and housing businesses Securities, says Panasonic should be fone Netherlands, said: “Our challenge
“Since last year’s revival of Technics, turntables were Japan and North America. Prices are not while reducing exposure to television able to limit vulnerability to price is that Vodafone relies on its biggest
the response from our consumers shows widely popular cheap, with a pair of speaker systems and mobile phones. declines by focusing its Technics line-up competitor — the incumbent operator —
that there is an unchanging desire for in nightclubs costing between £1,199 and £18,599. “Some of the Technics technologies on high-end products instead of target- as a supplier in order to provide Dutch
good quality sound,” Ms Ogawa says. and among DJs In a sign of nostalgia for the Technics for components can be utilised in B2B ing the mass market. “Whether it be consumers with a competitive choice.
Panasonic’s rivals, such as Sony, are worldwide brand, a DJ from Israel last year started businesses, which is the growth strategy audio visual products or appliances, KPN has repeatedly failed to deliver on
also betting on a widening group of con- Jim Dyson/Getty Images
an online petition calling for the revival for Panasonic as a whole,” Ms Ozawa Panasonic is now clearly selecting terri- its commitments and has instead seri-
sumers beyond audiophiles who want of the SL-1200 turntable — a Technics explains, pointing to the potential use of tories where it can compete,” he adds. ously abused its dominant position.”
both convenience and sound quality, product from 1979 that was widely pop- Technics technologies in car audio and For Ms Ogawa, her career at Pana- Vodafone has previously sought simi-
instead of having to sacrifice quality by ular in nightclubs and among DJs world- other non-consumer segments. sonic has come full circle with the Tech- lar action in other countries in Europe.
listening to compressed digital music wide. And even with a strong fan base, Tech- nics relaunch. Having started off at an Vodafone Italy launched civil actions
downloads. Partly in response to the more than nics is likely to remain a niche product, audio laboratory, the 53-year-old execu- following a national competition
Sony’s Walkman, for example, is 27,000 signatures garnered by the as is the case with vinyl, which accounts tive moved from audio products to authority ruling against Telecom Italia
enjoying a mini-comeback in Japan as online petition, Ms Ogawa recently for just 2 per cent of the UK’s recorded £18,599 DVDs and internet network businesses for abuse of its dominant position.
bigger storage memory chips and announced that Panasonic aims to music market in spite of its resurgence. as the company shifted its focus to TVs. Vodafone Czech Republic made a
Top-end price of
speedier internet connections allow relaunch the Technics turntable series Panasonic’s goals for Technics are also a pair of Technics Even as her career drifted farther from €14m legal claim against O2 Czech
gadgets to play and store what the in the 2016-17 financial year. modest, with the company aiming for speaker systems. audio as she took a role in corporate Republic for abuse of dominant position
industry calls “high-resolution audio” Still, some analysts question the need sales of Y10bn ($82m) in the 2018-19 They start at £1,199 social responsibility, Ms Ogawa contin- earlier this year.
files without compromising too much for a focus on audio products at a time fiscal year, far below annual sales of 1m ued her piano concerts, resulting in the In December 2015, Vodafone Ireland,
sound data from original recordings. when the company is shifting away from Y50bn the Technics series brought in release of 14 CDs. with Sky, BT and Magnet, complained to
Vinyl album sales
New Technics products, including consumer electronics. during the peak years of the 1990s. in the UK last year, “After the revival of Technics, I felt the regulator over repair times on the
speaker systems, amplifiers and net- Under chief executive Kazuhiro But in an improvement from the their highest in everything came together and I could broadband and fixed-line telephone
work audio players, were rolled out in Tsuga, Panasonic has stepped up invest- 1990s, Junya Ayada, an analyst at Daiwa nearly two decades utilise all my experiences,” she says. network carried out by Eircom.
Financials Construction

KKR expands Europe lending Watchdog probes ex-Lixil unit
Classified Property Advertising
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JOSEPH COTTERILL these funds in Europe has increased by JAMES SHOTTER — FRANKFURT legal action “against all companies that
ASIA: +852 2905 5554 two-thirds this year to $61bn, according should be held accountable”. The Cai
KKR has made more than half a billion
to the data provider Preqin. German regulators are investigating family declined to comment when con-
dollars in loans to companies in Europe
Legal Notices Long-term institutional investors are possible insider trading and market tacted by the Financial Times.
this year as the US private equity group
putting money into the funds for higher manipulation in shares of Joyou AG, the Japanese bathroom fittings group
joined a boom in alternative lending
returns than on bonds, earning a pre- Frankfurt-listed Chinese business that Lixil acquired Joyou as part of its
aimed at replacing banks, which are
mium as private debt cannot be traded. went bankrupt soon after Japan’s Lixil $3.05bn purchase of Grohe from private
retreating in the region.
The size of the loans being extended bought its parent company. equity group TPG. The German entity’s
The UK’s Casual Dining Group, owner of by KKR — up to $150m — reflects more main asset is Hong Kong-registered
the Las Iguanas and Café Rouge chains, willingness this year by private equity News of the investigation by BaFin, the Zhongyu Sanitary Technology, which
became KKR’s latest borrower this week owners of companies to turn to direct German financial watchdog, comes as owns the eight Joyou businesses in
in addition to Sarquavitae, a Spanish lending, in some cases for nearly all the Chinese founders of Joyou are once China. Lixil in July 2015 split off Joyou,
elderly-care provider. The two trans- their financing needs. again at the helm of the group’s factories which is now in the hands of the German
actions have taken KKR’s total direct “Does that mean the banks aren’t in China — despite bankruptcy proceed- bankruptcy administrator.
lending in Europe for the year to more keen to lend to the mid-market? Not at ings in Germany. Competing claims in German and Chi-
than $500m across eight deals. all,” Mr Ciancimino said. “But what we BaFin declined to say what period its nese courts and the local Chinese gov-
“This is the first year it’s achieved find is that sponsors are increasingly probe was covering or what had trig- ernment’s apparent support for the fac-
critical mass in Europe,” said Mark keen to look at other options. gered its investigation. tories’ operation could turn the Joyou
Ciancimino, KKR’s head of European “They want a bit more leverage or Lixil said: “While such proceedings case into a battleground between Chi-
private credit. “You can expect much flexibility than a bank may provide, or are a standard routine in such situa- nese and international law. Creditors of
more of this from us in the next three to the story of the credit is more compli- tions, we are not aware of an insider Chinese companies listed overseas have
four years.” cated, or there are moments of volatility investigation regarding Joyou. In partic- rarely successfully liquidated or gained
The amount means KKR has risen where public markets are less support- ular, nobody at Lixil has been contacted control of disputed assets in China.
quickly up the ranks of European direct ive or banks become nervous.” by the authorities.” The elder Mr Cai is now being sued by
lenders, in the same year it launched a Private debt investors have navigated Lixil has blamed the Chinese com- China Development Bank and at least
platform to acquire and turn round ructions in public credit markets ahead pany’s founder Cai Jianshe and his son two Chinese individuals in Chinese
soured corporate loans on Italian banks’ of an increase in US interest rates and Cai Jilin for accounting irregularities courts over disputed loans. Two Singa-
books. signs of a rise in corporate defaults. dating back to 2008 and off-the-books porean banks and three other Chinese
Banks have pulled back from capital- “The first half of the year was pretty loans that cost Lixil up to Y66.2bn lenders have begun legal procedures
intensive lending to smaller or buyout- aggressive,” Mr Ciancimino said. But ($539m) and marred its acquisition of against Joyou companies in China seek-
backed firms, creating a market for pri- since August, “the whole tone of the Grohe, the German bathroom fixtures ing to claim assets.
vate debt funds. The capital available to environment has changed”. maker. Lixil has said it is considering Additional reporting by Luna Lin
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 23


Banks Travel & leisure

Lenders win Basel U-turn on assessing risk Tui shrugs

off security
Committee drops plan to place, so the global change of heart
could make it harder to compare the
tion used to calculate banks’ all-impor-
tant capital ratios.
The committee originally wanted
banks to improve their own assess-
ferences in outcomes between such
approaches.” The regulatory body has
concerns with
ban use of rating agencies
in portfolio calculations
riskiness of American banks with that of
their rivals elsewhere in the world. The
The overhaul, which is an attempt to
make it easier to compare banks’ bal-
ments of the risks of loans going bad
when calculating capital requirements.
also done away with proposals that
would force banks to consider borrow-
rise in holiday
U-turn comes after intense lobbying
from banks and the rating agencies
themselves, which argued that forcing
ance sheets, is part of a wave of reforms
that the industry has dubbed “Basel IV”;
a new layer of regulation on top of the
The aim was to cut out external rating
agencies, which were criticised in the
crisis for alleged conflicts of interest and
ers’ ability to pay when setting risk
weights for real estate loans. Banks will
be allowed to largely rely on the size of a
them out of calculations would mean a Basel III capital rules that come fully overly generous ratings of products and loan relative to the value of the underly-
The banking lobby has beaten back a cruder measure of credit riskiness — into force in 2019. companies. US banks are already heav- ing property for risk weightings. ALIYA RAM
global reform plan that it claimed would and one that would drive up the amount Policymakers and regulators argue ily restricted in their ability to rely on This method has proved problematic,
The world’s largest tour operator Tui
result in a “substantial” increase in of capital banks must hold. the new measures are simply the imple- rating agencies under the Dodd Frank as property values can fall sharply, and
has said UK demand is up and it is on
capital. The Basel Committee, which sets glo- mentation and finalisation of long- package of regulatory reforms. banks in some jurisdictions have prob-
track to increase profits despite fears
The Basel Committee on Banking bal minimum standards for banks, is flagged reforms put in place during the “The Committee recognises that there lems seizing properties and realising
that security concerns would deter
Supervision said yesterday it had working on a new a package of measures financial crisis. Mark Carney, governor could be a lack of comparability value from them when loans go bad. But
tourist travel.
dropped a plan to ban banks from rely- aimed at preventing lenders from gam- of the Bank of England, who also chairs between jurisdictions that use ratings Basel said it proved too challenging to
ing on rating agencies when they calcu- ing the system by using their own mod- the Basel-based Financial Stability for regulatory purposes and those that find a global measure of ability to pay. Shares in the group rose almost 6 per
late risks in their portfolio. els to calculate risk-weighted assets. Board, reiterated comments last week do not,” the Basel Committee said. “The Additional reporting by Laura Noonan in cent yesterday after it reported underly-
The US already has such a rule in RWAs form the denominator in the frac- that “there is no Basel IV.” Committee’s objective is to limit the dif- New York ing earnings before interest, tax and
amortisation were up 15.4 per cent for
the year, to €1bn on a constant currency
basis. The figures, which discount cur-
rency fluctuations and exclude discon-
Interview. Josep Maria Bartomeu tinued operations at booking website
LateRooms, were slightly ahead of

Barça president takes a shot at €1bn goal forecasts.

Tui said it had benefited from “a par-
ticularly good performance” in the UK
and northern Europe, and at its hotel
Bookings for the winter season were
Catalan club plans to embark at 60 per cent of capacity, it added,
on a commercial strategy to despite a terrorist attack at a resort in
Tunisia in which 33 of its customers
rival the Premier League were killed and the suspension of trips
to Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt after the
bombing of a Russian passenger jet.
The group said UK trading continued
FC Barcelona aims to become the first to be strong for the summer 2016 sea-
football club in the world with €1bn in son, with bookings 11 per cent higher
revenues, as part of a six-year business year on year.
plan that will see the Catalan side Co-chief executives Friedrich Joussen
expand both its famous Camp Nou sta- and Peter Long said in a joint statement:
dium and its commercial presence “Taking into account the continued ces-
around the world. ‘The famous formula
Details of the strategy will be formally
unveiled to club staff today. But in an
that has made clubs Group has benefited from
interview with the Financial Times grow in the past was ‘a particularly good
ahead of the presentation, club presi-
dent Josep Maria Bartomeu makes clear this: sporting success performance’ in the UK
the scale of Barcelona’s ambition. and northern Europe
“There are no other clubs in the leads to social success
world, whether in football or in other
sports, that think ahead more than one
which in turn leads to sation of flights in and out of Sharm el-
or two seasons. But here at Barça we do,”
he says. “We want to be the first club to
economic success. But Sheikh by several countries, current
trading for winter 2015/16 and summer
reach €1bn in revenues.” we want to develop in a 2016 is in line with our expectations.”
Mr Bartomeu was elected president of Tui said the attack in Tunisia in June
FC Barcelona in July, after a tumultuous way so that not had cost it €52m, more than its previous
season that saw the club win a rare tre- guidance of €35m-€40m, though the
ble — the Spanish league title, the Span- everything hangs on events at Sharm el-Sheikh fell outside
ish cup and the Uefa Champions League.
But it was also marked by deep internal
victories or defeats’ the reporting period.
There remain concerns that events
strife, such as the contentious battle for in Egypt and the attacks in Paris last
the presidency and probes against play- month, in which 130 people were killed,
ers and executives, including Mr Bar- could reduce demand for overseas
tomeu himself, over allegations of tax Josep Maria Bartomeu says that, unlike other football clubs, Barcelona thinks ahead more than one or two seasons — Albert Gea/Reuters travel.
fraud. He denies any wrongdoing. Greg Johnson, leisure analyst at Shore
His desire to lift revenues from Capital, said that while “we can’t be
€600m now to more than €1bn by 2021 miership teams before they have the success. “The famous formula that has Mr Bartomeu’s plan foresees new the number of lucrative VIP lounge sure of the impact [of terrorism] senti-
also reflects the need to counter the chance to grow into Barcelona’s first made clubs grow in the past was this: projects, including the creation of a fee- seats will increase from 1,800 to 10,000. ment-wise”, bookings had remained
growing financial clout of the English team: “The 16-year olds constantly sporting success leads to social success generating FC Barcelona University and The area around the stadium is also ear- robust.
Premier League. Following the Premier- receive offers from the Premier League which in turn leads to economic suc- a push into women’s sports. In financial marked for redevelopment. Tui said it would redirect resources
ship’s lucrative £5bn three-year deal, that are very tempting. Every year there cess,” he says. “But we want to develop terms, however, the most relevant Mr Bartomeu says he is in talks with from Sharm el-Sheikh to resorts in the
teams such as Manchester United and are some who go.” in a way so that not everything hangs on actions will be the expansion of the Qatar Airways to renew the company’s Canary Islands and Cape Verde, though
Chelsea earn far more from television With a six-year mandate ahead of victories or defeats. We want to make club’s presence abroad and the €600m shirt sponsorship deal, which is due to analysts at Morgan Stanley said there
rights than even the most successful him, Mr Bartomeu says he is deter- sure that the club remains a reference overhaul of the Camp Nou stadium. expire at the end of this season. was overcapacity in the Canary Islands.
clubs on the continent. mined to translate the club’s recent around the world even when there is a “Barça is a global club . . . but the The club, which is owned by its Turnover in the year to September 30
According to Deloitte Football Money sporting triumphs into lasting economic failure.” world is a big place and right now we are 145,000 members, earns increased 8 per cent to €20bn and prof-
League, however, only Manchester occupying very little space,” Mr Bar- €33.5m a year from the shirt its in the cruise business rose to €81m
United is among the top five clubs by tomeu says, pointing out that the club endorsement — a figure that from €10m last year. The travel group
revenue, ranking number two based on Top 10 clubs by revenue has an estimated 450m fans around the again lags far behind the said the “likely sale” of Hotelbeds, its
figures for the 2013-14 season. Barça For season 2013/14 (€m) world, and more than 200m social sums paid to teams such as online hotel booking business, would be
was ranked fourth with revenues of media followers. FC Barcelona has Manchester United and agreed by the end of this year or early
about €485m. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 only one commercial office abroad (in Chelsea. next.
“Our rival is the Premier League. It is Real Madrid Hong Kong) but is planning to open Whatever the result of those Tui’s shares were 5 per cent higher in
not a specific club, it is the strength of Manchester United three more by 2017 — in New York, talks, Mr Bartomeu is ada- afternoon London trading at £11.77.
the Premier League itself,” Mr Bar- Bayern Munich São Paulo and Shanghai. “Those are mant that the days when The figures were the group’s first
tomeu says. He insists that — contrary to FC Barcelona the markets where Barça is push- Barça distinguished itself annual results as a merged entity after
recent speculation in the British press — Paris Saint-Germain ing for growth,” he says. from other teams by refus- the combination of London-listed Tui
FC Barcelona will always have the Manchester City The club’s iconic Camp Nou ing to carry a sponsor’s logo, Travel and German majority owner Tui
resources to fend off English bids for its Chelsea stadium, meanwhile, is or giving the space to Unicef as AG in December last year.
main stars, including the famous “tri- Arsenal being readied for a major a gift, will never return. “Today Mr Long is due to leave the merged
dent” of Leo Messi, Neymar and Luis Liverpool transformation. Already we compete with clubs that are business to take a role on the supervi-
Suárez. Juventus the largest stadium in owned by great corporations or by sory board where he says he will “ask
The real danger for the club, he adds, Europe, its capacity is due multimillionaires with huge questions instead of being the one with
is that teenage players from its La Masia to rise from 97,000 to 105,000. resources. So it would be utopian all the answers”. He also joined Royal
Source: Deloitte Football Money League 2015
academy are being snapped up by Pre- It will also be covered with a roof, and to want to go back to Unicef.” Mail as chairman in June this year.

Technology Oil & gas

Australia’s Atlassian lifts New York IPO gloom Shell eyes exit from New Zealand as crude slides
NICOLE BULLOCK — NEW YORK potential ripple effects of a slowdown can go public in any market,” Mr JAMIE SMYTH AND tures its global business to focus on venture partner and operator in the
across the globe. Kennedy said. “The combination of deepwater oil and integrated gas export Pohokura field, which now meets 40 per
Australian software company Atlas-
Most companies have instead had to growth and profitability make it a stan- Royal Dutch Shell is considering an exit projects. cent of New Zealand’s gas requirements.
sian soared on its debut yesterday,
offer discounts to lure investors wary of dout IPO.” from New Zealand as it continues its Analysts estimate the operations Shell is in the process of selling its
emerging as a bright spot in an other-
declines in the after-market. On aver- Atlassian contrasts with other tech drive to shed US$30bn in assets glo- under review could raise more than stake in the Maui gas pipeline, which
wise gloomy market for initial public
age, investors have lost 3.6 per cent buy- companies, such as Square, the pay- bally and simplify operations as oil US$1bn, although finding buyers with could fetch NZ$300m (US$203m).
offerings this year.
ing US IPOs in 2015 and 1.4 per cent buy- ments start-up led by Jack Dorsey that prices plunge. oil prices so low could prove challeng- Analysts said Shell’s deepwater oil
The company’s stock rose as much as a ing into tech companies. went public this year. ing. “This is part of a broader picture of and gas exploration interests off the
third to $28, giving it a market capitali- Atlassian, which counts Facebook, Square had earned a high valuation in Shell’s review of its entire business, after oil majors reviewing assets in a low oil coast of New Zealand may fit with its
sation of nearly $6bn at the high end of Nasa and Netflix among its customers, its last fundraising round as a private a century of operations in the coun- price environment,” said Matthew How- new vision, whereas its domestic pro-
the early trading range. priced 22m shares at $21 a piece late on company, and attracted a negative reac- try, marks a blow to New Zealand’s ell, analyst at Wood Mackenzie. “It duction is now considered non-core.
The first-day rally came even after Wednesday, raising $462m. tion when it was forced to price its stock ambitions of becoming a world leader in won’t be an easy process to find buyers.” Shell’s potential exit from New Zea-
Atlassian priced its shares above That was above the indicated range of at a substantial discount and issue more oil and gas exploration. US oil and gas group Chevron on land would be a setback to the govern-
expectations. $19 to $20, which the company had shares to compensate its private Rob Jager, chairman of Shell New Zea- Wednesday outlined deep cuts in spend- ment’s vision of ramping up oil and gas
The offering follows what has been a already lifted this week from a range of investors. land, said the review was in keeping ing on production and exploration as exploration as a means of diversifying
tough year for US-listed IPOs, including $16.50 to $18.50. It also boosted the Atlassian, by comparison, has never with the company’s strategy to become part of efforts to reduce capital expendi- an economy focused on agricultural and
technology share issues, as market vola- number of shares on sale by 10 per cent. raised money from outside equity inves- a simpler, more profitable and resilient ture in 2016 by a quarter. Shell-owned services exports. Shell shelved 2016
tility stymied investors and hot tech Matthew Kennedy, an analyst at Ren- tors. Its venture capital backers bought company. “The options will range any- ventures account for around half of New plans to drill a well in the Great South-
start-ups were drawn to lofty valuations aissance Capital, attributed Atlassian’s shares from employees. The company where from business as usual and, as we Zealand’s total natural gas production ern Basin while the review is completed.
on offer in private funding transactions. success to the particular strengths of the also has an extended history of profits are operating today, to potentially a full and a significant proportion of its con- “It would be a blow for New Zealand.
Atlassian was the first US tech IPO to company, which sells enterprise soft- from its business of selling collaboration country exit and any alternative in densate, or light oil, production. Shell has been in the country for more
price above the range since July, accord- ware including a messaging service, tools, with software developers as a core between,” he said in a conference call. The company is the majority equity than a century and there are few compa-
ing to Renaissance Capital, before global project management tools and a docu- market. The Anglo-Dutch energy group has holder of the Maui gasfield with 83.75 nies with enough scale to buy out its pro-
stock markets fell amid concerns about ment sharing service. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley flagged US$30bn worth of asset sales per cent. It owns 50 per cent of the duction operations in their entirety,”
the health of China’s economy and the “It is the type of tech company that were lead underwriters. over the next three years as it restruc- Kapuni gasfield and it is the largest joint said Mr Howell.
24 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015



No more Mr Micawber as Ivan stops waiting for price rises to turn up

Edited by
Harriet Agnew

to cut its dividend and mothball or sell nub of Glencore’s problem. The gap Regulation Authority provided just commemorate Fergus and Judith Lord Davies
all mines unable to hit cash flow break- between current debts of more than such a trigger in 2014. Wilson, Britain’s biggest buy-to-let
even. Investors fear commodities $20bn and a target below that should Consumer champions are crying foul landlords. The maths teachers are
Marathon relay
groups will run out of cash to service be bridged comfortably. What matters and demanding better protection, as finally selling their 1,000-dwelling Kent It’s baton-passing time in the long-
their debts, let alone meet dividends. is Mr Glasenberg’s credibility gap. He they are wont to. It is true that the property empire. There will be fewer of distance race to boost the position
These are seen as threatened at BHP created this by failing to read markets trigger clause was sloppily drafted. But their individualistic ilk in years to of women in business. City Insider
Billiton and Rio Tinto. where Glencore is meant to be a native. there is little doubt that its central come. It is not just that Mr Wilson hears the government will shortly
Glencore has already suspended A 7 per cent leap in the shares shows requirement was met. doubles as the author of children’s decide who should pick up where
Hoping for the best, preparing for the payouts. Mr Glasenberg once talked the new targets will help. But Glencore No one forced retail investors to books — Larry the Liger — and says he Lord (Mervyn) Davies has left off.
worst. Glencore has been driven by airily of his business being well needs to remain in tune with markets swap holdings of perpetual bonds for came to the buy-to-let market by A few years ago the Davies
events since the summer. There was a positioned to benefit from a and investors’ expectations for years to the high-yield alternatives at the time accident. The Wilsons had no capital commission set a target to double
quiet riot of shareholders over skimpy bounceback in commodity prices. come to regain its lost lustre. of the financial crisis. and expanded using debt. The era of women’s representation on boards
debt reduction, then a flash crash in Hoping for something to turn up, like Personal finance media and cause- easy money is long gone and now the to 25 per cent by 2015: a threshold
the shares. Now the commodities Mr Micawber did, hardly qualifies as a seeking MPs will doubtless bewail the government is doubling stamp duty on that has duly been met. City tittle-
group is aiming to get back on the front business strategy. Mr Glasenberg has Red in tooth and clause Appeal Court verdict. But the corollary buy-to-let properties, or at least the tattle has it that some in Whitehall
foot with plans to cut debts more learnt his lesson from one day in of fat returns from the notes was houses bought by individuals. wanted Baroness (Karen) Brady
heavily than expected to $18bn-$19bn. September when shares slumped There is rich weirdness to legal terms potential early redemption. Those who That will squeeze out would-be (she of West Ham FC and The
More importantly for investor 30 per cent in response to a theory that that define bond issues, such as “force failed to read the term sheet, or read it Wilsons who don’t have corporate bank Apprentice fame) to take on the
confidence, the company, led by hard- they might expire worthless. majeure” and “pari passu”. It is easy to and failed to clarify clauses they did accounts. This may please those who
nosed South African Ivan Glasenberg, Now Mr Glasenberg is preparing for a ignore them unless there is a dispute of not understand, have little room for vilify buy-to-let landlords and rail
says it can generate $2bn a year in free world where Asian demand remains the kind Lloyds has just ironed out in complaint. against the Wilsons after they threw
cash flow at spot prices. It claims it will muted and commodity prices stay the Appeal Court. The bank wants to out 200 tenants on housing benefits
remain cash flow positive even if the permanently low. He hopes to bolster redeem £700m in convertible bonds. and zero-hours contracts last year in
value of assets such as copper and coal the belief that combining trading and Investors, who were enjoying interest A rentier’s swansong favour of eastern Europeans.
falls more heavily. Glencore believes it mining in a single business generates as high as 16 per cent, resisted. But it is a blow for
can break even on copper at just over value. This has been challenged by The crucial clause gave Lloyds the “We all live in a Robbie Fowler home,” entrepreneurialism, albeit of a kind role, though the idea was quickly
$1.42 per lb, compared with a spot poor results from the trading arm. right to pay off principal if regulators chanted the Liverpool footballer’s fans that divides opinion. rejected. Other mooted names
price of around $2. A new forecast of group earnings decided the bonds were not needed as a to the tune of “Yellow Submarine”, include Lord (Gus) O’Donnell, the
Context is provided by Anglo before nasties of $7.7bn for 2016 looks buffer during stress testing of the writes Kate Burgess. former head of the civil service, and
American’s decision earlier this week toppy to some analysts. And there’s the bank’s capital. The Prudential A song in a minor key would better Buy-to-let: Baroness (Alison) Carnwath, Land
Securities chairman. (If you’re not a
lord or lady, forget it.) Meanwhile,
on the streets of the City, the
Retail 30 Per Cent Club is gearing up for
a similar push. New chairman and

Sports Direct
ANZ banker Brenda Trenowden is
apparently lining up Kingfisher HR
boss Emily Lawson as her deputy
as they prepare to set a 30 per cent

earnings miss
goal not just for women on boards
but for senior executive roles too.
At this rate, they’ll be outdoing
their own brand. The 50 Per Cent
Club has a certain ring to it.

expectations Tushar Morzaria

Swiss hard cheese
As Credit Suisse counts the $6.3bn
in equity it has just raised, spare a
Sales in fashion division Peel Hunt, said Sports Direct had “lost thought for Barclays. The British
touch with its customers”. bank put in long hours earlier this
fall 12% after closure of “There’s too much own-label product year working on a potential CS
some USC branded stores [especially clothing] in core stores, and capital raise. But any chance of a
a lack of ranging finesse in Europe,” he slice of the lucrative fees from the
ANDREA FELSTED AND PETER CAMPBELL said. rights issue was scuppered in June,
Mr Forsey also defended the group’s when Barclays axed CS as its
Shares in Sports Direct fell 10 per cent as working practices, saying that it was broker. The news was met with
a slowdown in growth caused profits to addressing problems that led to staff dismay by Barclays’ investment
miss expectations at the retailer con- being detained by searches at the end of bankers. They had fruitlessly
trolled by Mike Ashley. the day. “Let’s make it very very clear, impressed upon Barclays’ CFO
Sports retail sales were flat at £1.23bn that process has been improved,” he Tushar Morzaria (in charge of the
in the six months to October 25, while said, adding that staff were employed by broker review) the importance of
sales in its “premium lifestyle fashion” an external agency. the broader relationship with CS.
division fell 12 per cent following the “We take our responsibilities very CS’s replacement was JPMorgan,
closure of some lossmaking USC seriously. We will look at these issues the US powerhouse (where
branded stores. and we will [resolve them] if anything Morzaria used to work) which is
Underlying profit rose from £160.6m needs to be resolved,” he said. rather less likely to be offering
to £166.4m, which was below the con- Mr Forsey faces criminal charges over lucrative rights issue work
sensus of analysts’ forecasts of £180m. the administration of USC. He is imminently. One silver lining for
Statutory pre-tax profits climbed from accused of failing to give the authorities Barclays: its other broker is
£149.7m to £187.3m but these were sufficient notice about large-scale job Deutsche Bank — a lender still
boosted by more than £50m from the losses, but he denies the charges. A pre- grappling with a weak capital base.
sale of 5m shares in rival JD Sports in liminary hearing is scheduled for
The company also took a £32.5m
impairment, primarily relating to a
March, and a date for the trial has not
yet been set.
Sports Direct has also come under
In the bag Mulberry is looking to new creative
director Johnny Coca to consolidate the
handbag maker’s modest return to
Thierry Andretta, chief executive,
said he was “looking forward” to the
collection, which would “emphasise
Crossrail 2
Chelsea bunfight
writedown on its Austrian business that
is trading below expectations. Shares
scrutiny for its corporate governance
arrangements, particularly its owner- Mulberry profitability.
Results for the six months to
our Britishness and heritage in
leather, whilst delivering great
Chelsea’s bankers, hedge fund
managers and oligarchs are up in
were down 68p at 598p by mid-after-
noon yesterday.
The disappointing earnings come a
ship structure and remuneration policy.
Ashley Hamilton Claxton, corporate
governance manager at Royal London
returns September saw a small profit of
£100,000, against a loss of £1.1m for
the same period last year.
quality within our targeted price
First-half sales rose 5 per cent to
arms. The sacred kingdom of SW3
is under threat. Transport for
London has announced plans to
day after the Guardian newspaper
accused Sports Direct of paying staff
Asset Management, said: “Until the
company improves both its governance to profit The group said its Asian distributors
were awaiting the new collection before
£67.8m, helped by a 20 per cent
increase in the online retail
build a very large Crossrail 2 station
at the Chelsea Farmers Market on
below the minimum wage in “gulag” and its relationships with employees, committing to fresh orders. operation, which now makes up 12 Sydney Street. It has put out a
conditions. shareholders face substantial risks. Mr Coca joined from Céline, the per cent of total sales. consultation process that runs until
Dave Forsey, Sports Direct chief exec- “We maintain that companies, such as French fashion house, in July as However, wholesale sales declined January 8. If all goes to plan,
utive, defended the company’s perform- Sports Direct, need strong governance Mulberry switched tack, abandoning 11 per cent, “reflecting conservative construction will start from 2020
ance, saying the retailer was still grow- in place to protect the interests of attempts to take its product upmarket ordering by our Asian partners”. and last until at least 2030. (That’s
ing faster than many rivals and was on minority shareholders, employees and after a series of profit warnings and The company expects the a good decade of drilling.)
track to meet its lowered target of other stakeholders. Ignoring such issues losing a chief executive. wholesale trend to “continue for the Campaigners are trying to harness
£420m of earnings before interest, tax, is short-sighted and runs the risk of He is due to unveil his first collection short term as our partners await the public opposition. Buses will be
depreciation and amortisation this year. eroding shareholder value.” at London Fashion Week in February. arrival of the new collections”. rerouted, they warn. Buildings will
But Jonathan Pritchard, analyst at See Lex be demolished. The Kings Road will
Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
become one long construction
zone. To say nothing of what it will
do to the area’s property prices.
Lucas van Praag
Easily suffers cyber attack Small and harmless
Brazilian investment bank BTG
(“Better than Goldman”) Pactual
PETER CAMPBELL “There is no evidence that any has found itself under attack since
account details, passwords or personal its leader André Esteves was, one of the UK’s largest
information which could identify indi- arrested in connection with the
website hosting companies, has
vidual customers was accessed,” it said. Petrobras corruption scandal a few
become the latest group to suffer a
Recent high-profile cyber attacks on weeks ago. Who better to call in as
major cyber attack.
TalkTalk and JD Wetherspoon have crisis management PR than Lucas
The company, which hosts 100,000 highlighted the risks businesses face van Praag, the old communications
websites, 65,000 of them in the UK, from hackers. chief of . . . Goldman Sachs. (He
said yesterday it had been hacked. Both saw customer details stolen fol- won’t say if it’s really better at the
“A forensic investigation by inde- lowing cyber attacks. Brazilian bank.) One of his sharpest
pendent experts has confirmed that Names, email addresses and dates of put-downs while at Goldman came
unauthorised access was gained to our birth of more than 650,000 Wether- after Rolling Stone magazine
internal systems and a list of domain spoon customers were taken, with some labelled the bank a “vampire squid
names registered on behalf of our cli- put up for sale on the “dark web.” wrapped around the face of
ents was accessed,” said NetNames, In its statement, NetNames, which is humanity”. Said van Praag at the
which owns the Easily website. owned by HG Capital, added: “As a pre- time: “Vampire squid are very small
The private equity-owned company caution, we are contacting all of our cus- and harmless to humans.” Given
said that no details other than domain tomers to recommend that they change BTG’s rapid shrinkage plan, it may
names were taken. It declined to say the password which they use to log into end up with a similar fate.
how many customers were affected. our portals.”
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 25


Banks. IPO

Questions over Clydesdale as float looms

would be areas of focus to help improve
Previous poor performance shareholder value.
and regulatory woes raise The bank has about 275 retail
branches and 40 business and private
doubts over investor interest banking centres.
Buy-to-let has spurred Clydesdale’s
mortgage growth substantially in recent
years. About 42 per cent of the bank’s
For the first time in almost 100 years, gross new lending in 2015 has come
Clydesdale and Yorkshire is on the cusp from buy-to-let loans, compared with 17
of becoming an independent bank. per cent in 2012.
The lender, owned by National Aus- But government measures to cool the
tralia Bank, is due to float in London in market, including a 3 percentage point
February, making it the latest in a series increase in stamp duty rates for buy-to-
of “challengers” to launch initial public
offerings in the past year.
But after years of poor performance
‘The test will be how
from the UK division — which has been well new management
embroiled in mis-selling, hit with regu-
latory fines and exposed to bad prop-
execute on the
erty loans — analysts are questioning turnround strategy’
whether Clydesdale will appeal to
The flotation of Clydesdale, formed in
1838 in Scotland, is the culmination of let properties, could stymie Clydesdale
NAB’s strategy to leave the UK. and Yorkshire’s future growth.
NAB’s other British subsidiary, York- As one of the biggest challengers com-
shire Bank, operates as a division of ing to market, analysts say there are
positives for prospective investors,
including its heritage and scale. In its
‘The interesting thing investor presentation ahead of the IPO,
will be how they can the bank says it has “175 years of
regional presence — two trusted brands,
differentiate themselves recognised service quality, leading
and compete’ regional market shares”.
It notes that Clydesdale is the “largest
of the midsized banks”, with 2.8m cus-
tomers and £29bn loans.
Clydesdale under its licence, and is part Clydesdale and tices. David Ellis, an analyst at Morning- against Clydesdale in the future. This management execute on the turnround £2.1bn Nonetheless, some investors remain
of the sale. The Australian group aims to Yorkshire is set star, says: “In the past, the Clydesdale forms part of a total £2.1bn pot ear- strategy and whether the UK economic Pot of money sceptical of buying the shares when
float 25 per cent of the UK business and to become and Yorkshire banks suffered badly marked to deal with misconduct issues recovery continues to gain momen- earmarked to deal the bank floats. Jan Luthman, a fund
demerge the remaining 75 per cent to independent as from commercial real estate loans that — including mis-selling of interest rate tum.” with misconduct manager at Liontrust Asset Manage-
existing NAB shareholders. part of National went bad and massive losses on mis-sell- hedging instruments to businesses. David Duffy, who is credited with issues at Clydesdale ment, says there could be an attractive
“The interesting thing will be how Australia Bank’s ing and conduct issues.” Bad commercial real estate loans, turning round the ailing Irish bank AIB, buying opportunity at a later date if
they can differentiate themselves and plans to leave Conduct problems cost the bank stretching back to before the financial took over as chief executive of Clydes- NAB shareholders sell their shares in
compete,” says Jonathan Goslin, an ana- the UK £1.51bn between March 2013 and the crisis, have hit performance in the UK dale and Yorkshire in June. He is target- 42% the UK business.
lyst at Numis. “Size will be beneficial.” Simon Dawson/Bloomberg end of September 2015. The lender was division, and ultimately NAB. ing a double-digit return on equity dur- Percentage of NAB investors receive one Clydesdale
He adds that “there’s still demand among the banks that mis-sold payment The UK bank has offloaded £5.6bn of ing the next five years, up from about 5 Clydesdale’s gross share for every four NAB shares held
there for challengers, with TSB being protection insurance — a form of cover commercial real estate loans, account- per cent. new lending that under the terms of the proposed
has come from
taken out” following its acquisition by to protect credit repayments. It was ing for the bulk of its exposure, to NAB, Analysts at Deutsche Bank say the key buy-to-let loans
demerger, which is still subject to a
Spanish bank Sabadell. fined £21m this year for poor PPI com- in order to focus on retail and small to hitting this target is a reduction in the shareholder vote at the start of next
Clydesdale and Yorkshire is position- plaints handling. business lending. bank’s cost-to-income ratio to 60 per year.
ing itself as a turnround story, pointing As part of NAB’s sale, the UK’s finan- Mr Ellis says: “National Australia cent, down from 75 per cent. “We probably will go back and have a
to efforts to draw a line under former cial watchdog instructed it to set aside Bank presents a rosy future for Clydes- Mr Duffy recently told the FT that dig- look, but with a view to what price we’d
misdemeanours and poor lending prac- £1.7bn to cover potential redress claims dale, but the test will be how well new ital services and branch enhancements like to see post-IPO,” Mr Luthman says.


Investors hit by Lloyds bonds ruling

EMMA DUNKLEY Investors argued Lloyds’ request to call regulatory guidelines that rendered the
in the £700m of bonds contradicted ECNs an obsolete form of capital, as the
Thousands of investors could be forced
wording in the bank’s prospectus. point at which they switched to equity
to sacrifice income from special bonds
Lloyds said in a statement yesterday was too low to meet the watchdog’s
in Lloyds Banking Group after losing a
that the court found “unanimously” in requirements.
landmark court case against the state-
its favour that a “capital disqualification Buying back the bonds enables Lloyds
backed lender.
event” had occurred, giving the bank to borrow at a cheaper rate elsewhere.
Lloyds announced yesterday it had won the right to call in the bonds at par value. Investors argued the notes traded
its appeal against an attempt by inves- The judge said the prospectus “ade- above face value and have attractive
tors to block its plans to redeem so- interest rates, meaning that calling in
called “enhanced capital notes” at face the bonds would leave them with a raw
value. These investments — many of Enhanced capital deal. This year, a high court ruled in
notes: Lloyds
which are held by pensioners — paid issued £8.3bn- favour of the bondholders.
interest as high as 16 per cent. worth and will now Mr Taber said: “There should be rules
Lloyds issued about £8.3bn of these redeem £700m of in place to protect consumers who
types of bonds to retail and institutional them at face value should not have to mount hugely expen-
investors in 2009. It decided last year to sive and time consuming campaigns to
redeem about £700m of the bonds at quately set out and explained” the cir- protect themselves from banks acting in
face value after passing the regulator’s cumstances in which redemption would this way.”
stress test on its capital buffers. occur. The decision came as a “big Lloyds said in a statement that it
Lloyds said these bonds no longer shock” to Mark Taber, who led the “remains our intention to call in those
counted towards its capital buffer, giv- investors’ claim. He said the outcome ECNs” as announced last year.
ing it the right to redeem them. In total, “raises serious consumer protection The trustee said after the judgement
£3.3bn of similar bonds are outstanding and market integrity issues” for the reg- that it does not propose to take any fur-
— all of which the bank could call in. ulators. The decision follows a shift in ther action.


Jaguar Land Rover on Formula E starting grid

ANDY SHARMAN expected to announce next week that it Motorsport is typically seen as a test
will enter a team in the electric vehicle bed for the technologies that end up in
Jaguar Land Rover is set to make a championship under the Jaguar brand, passenger cars, from push-button igni-
return to motorsport by signing up for according to people familiar with the tions and paddle-shift gear changers to
the all-electric Formula E series, a matter. the humble seatbelt.
move that will burnish the company’s JLR would work alongside British Entry into the Formula E racing series
credentials as a maker of zero- automotive company Williams and join would give JLR the impetus to step up its
emission cars. several established car industry names efforts in electric and hybrid vehicle
in the fledgling racing championship, technologies. Despite success in recent
The UK-based manufacturer has been including Renault and Audi. PSA years under the ownership of India’s
absent from elite motor racing since Peugeot Citroën has also signalled its Tata Motors, JLR has been slow to
2004, when the Jaguar Formula One intention to sign up. JLR declined to present a compelling electric car
team was sold to Red Bull. But JLR is comment. strategy.
It has the highest average carbon
dioxide emissions of any leading car-
maker, according to analysts, and relies
on diesel for about 70 per cent of its
European sales. Carmakers’ emissions
are under close scrutiny in the wake of
the Volkswagen test-rigging scandal.
JLR’s rivals — the big three German
carmakers of Audi, BMW and Mer-
cedes-Benz — have made several
pledges to deliver more plug-in vehicles
in the coming years. Even Volvo, JLR’s
former stable mate when the companies
were owned by Ford, has promised to
deliver a battery electric car by 2019.
People close to JLR are confident that
the UK brand will enter the market
before then.
26 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-0.63% -0.18% -1.32% -0.45% -0.09% -0.182% -0.132% -0.459% -0.139% -1.34% -0.93%
0.35% 0.41% 0.47%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World Nov 11 - Dec 10 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul

2,081.72 13,341.93 6,275.28 19,671.26 1,997.27

2,054.79 10,907.87
12,999.42 6,126.68 19,046.55 1,952.07
Day 0.35% Month -1.15% Year -0.25% Day 0.48% Month -3.10% Year -6.18% Day -0.63% Month -2.87% Year -6.23% Day 0.06% Month -1.76% Year NaN% Day -1.32% Month -3.04% Year 6.92% Day 0.20% Month -3.63% Year -0.96%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
44,359.89 1,494.18 10,377.20 2,981.59
5,083.24 5,043.50 22,352.17
42,369.14 1,428.08 21,704.61
9,778.70 2,848.46
Day 0.41% Month -1.01% Year 5.82% Day -0.07% Month -4.49% Year 2.40% Day -0.18% Month -3.67% Year 5.37% Day -0.58% Month -5.29% Year -6.53% Day -0.45% Month -4.50% Year -7.58% Day -0.44% Month -4.98% Year 11.76%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
4,952.51 22,385.11 3,650.25 26,121.40
17,758.21 46,517.04
17,574.85 45,454.77
4,635.06 21,409.63 3,455.50 25,252.32
Day 0.47% Month -0.88% Year -1.28% Day -1.42% Month -1.63% Year -8.26% Day -0.05% Month -5.62% Year 8.70% Day -0.42% Month -4.61% Year 11.41% Day -0.49% Month -5.25% Year 20.98% Day 0.86% Month -3.33% Year -9.15%

Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous
Argentina Merval 13073.44 13302.89 Cyprus CSE M&P Gen 66.90 65.86 Italy FTSE Italia All-Share 23157.14 23263.30 Philippines Manila Comp 6820.60 6848.25 Taiwan Weighted Pr 8216.17 8229.62 Cross-Border DJ Global Titans ($) 235.28 234.55
Australia All Ordinaries 5087.50 5129.90 Czech Republic
PX 931.45 931.41 FTSE Italia Mid Cap 34090.46 34319.62 Poland Wig 45150.18 44670.09 Thailand Bangkok SET 1297.82 1306.98 Euro Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3274.13 3277.21
S&P/ASX 200 5037.70 5080.50 Denmark OMXC Copenahgen 20 991.39 999.03 FTSE MIB 21409.63 21500.88 Portugal PSI 20 5172.14 5168.31 Turkey BIST 100 74583.74 73908.89 Euronext 100 ID 902.67 905.29
S&P/ASX 200 Res 2307.20 2292.70 Egypt EGX 30 6629.32 6608.01 Japan 2nd Section 4719.27 4772.13 PSI General 2417.75 2421.01 UAE Abu Dhabi General Index 4086.33 4083.86 FTSE 4Good Global ($) 5428.52 5427.32
Austria ATX 2387.75 2373.40 Estonia OMX Tallinn 900.23 901.53 Nikkei 225 19046.55 19301.07 Romania BET Index 7028.44 7035.95 UK FT 30 2806.70 2828.50 FTSE All World 263.63 263.87
Belgium BEL 20 3577.98 3585.39 Finland OMX Helsinki General 8560.03 8439.72 S&P Topix 150 1275.86 1286.90 Russia Micex Index 1732.89 1733.09 FTSE 100 6088.05 6126.68 FTSE E300 1428.08 1430.60
BEL Mid 5848.59 5860.52 France CAC 40 4635.06 4637.45 Topix 1540.35 1555.58 RTX 792.78 792.41 FTSE 4Good UK 5557.84 5593.32 FTSE Eurotop 100 2833.00 2835.93
Brazil Bovespa 45454.77 46108.03 SBF 120 3656.85 3664.41 Jordan Amman SE 2059.79 2047.02 Saudi-Arabia TADAWUL All Share Index 6949.00 7000.72 FTSE All Share 3362.26 3381.57 FTSE Global 100 ($) 1315.27 1314.48
Canada S&P/TSX 60 766.15 762.80 Germany M-DAX 20669.81 20709.14 Kenya NSE 20 4002.63 4002.63 Singapore FTSE Straits Times 2848.46 2861.19 FTSE techMARK 100 3943.19 3935.63 FTSE Gold Min ($) 905.97 890.82
S&P/TSX Comp 12999.42 12937.59 TecDAX 1799.64 1831.69 Kuwait KSX Market Index 5686.15 5729.52 Slovakia SAX 295.10 298.18 USA DJ Composite 6006.19 5990.40 FTSE Latibex Top (Eur) 2402.40 2438.50
S&P/TSX Met & Min 333.85 330.69 XETRA Dax 10598.93 10592.49 Latvia OMX Riga 592.35 591.88 Slovenia SBI TOP 689.55 693.30 DJ Industrial 17574.85 17492.30 FTSE Multinationals ($) 1493.09 1497.86
Chile IGPA Gen 17638.61 17601.99 Greece Athens Gen 576.51 559.79 Lithuania OMX Vilnius 483.82 484.51 South Africa FTSE/JSE All Share 48984.53 49523.56 DJ Transport 7676.67 7627.91 FTSE World ($) 467.93 468.34
China FTSE A200 9237.51 9269.55 FTSE/ASE 20 170.10 165.13 Luxembourg LuxX 1368.71 1397.22 FTSE/JSE Res 20 25183.40 24395.33 DJ Utilities 555.09 561.65 FTSEurofirst 100 (Eur) 4021.78 4028.91
FTSE B35 11082.19 11049.84 Hong Kong Hang Seng 21704.61 21803.76 Malaysia FTSE Bursa KLCI 1648.65 1659.36 FTSE/JSE Top 40 44250.70 44545.49 Nasdaq 100 4643.77 4622.14 FTSEurofirst 80 (Eur) 4398.03 4406.01
Shanghai A 3617.69 3635.55 HS China Enterprise 9450.49 9558.76 Mexico IPC 42369.14 42398.06 South Korea Kospi 1952.07 1948.24 Nasdaq Cmp 5043.50 5022.87 MSCI ACWI Fr ($) 399.76 401.14
Shanghai B 389.63 388.20 HSCC Red Chip 4024.74 4083.81 Morocco MASI 9108.93 9122.70 Kospi 200 240.60 239.40 NYSE Comp 10187.87 10162.37 MSCI All World ($) 1664.37 1670.68
Shanghai Comp 3455.50 3472.44 Hungary Bux 23477.19 23431.58 Netherlands AEX 437.84 440.85 Spain IBEX 35 9778.70 9835.50 S&P 500 2054.79 2047.62 MSCI Europe (Eur) 1398.78 1406.12
Shenzhen A 2313.86 2316.32 India BSE Sensex 25252.32 25036.05 AEX All Share 673.46 677.47 Sri Lanka CSE All Share 6823.91 6841.55 Wilshire 5000 21274.79 21208.78 MSCI Pacific ($) 2278.74 2283.30
Shenzhen B 1269.59 1269.69 S&P CNX 500 6484.25 6425.35 New Zealand NZX 50 6040.56 6053.55 Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 1439.36 1440.94 Venezuela IBC 14654.84 13117.29 S&P Euro (Eur) 1460.63 1463.46
Colombia COLCAP 1062.02 1051.25 Indonesia Jakarta Comp 4466.21 4464.18 Nigeria SE All Share 27004.50 27533.03 OMX Stockholm AS 499.93 501.49 Vietnam VNI 561.04 565.20 S&P Europe 350 (Eur) 1464.45 1467.53
Croatia CROBEX 1679.34 1682.51 Ireland ISEQ Overall 6684.81 6713.96 Norway Oslo All Share 642.62 650.31 Switzerland SMI Index 8632.63 8624.95 S&P Global 1200 ($) 1838.56 1839.47
Israel Tel Aviv 100 13.28 13.29 Pakistan KSE 100 33211.92 33211.92 Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3090.24 3090.18
(c) Closed. (u) Unavaliable. † Correction. ♥ Subject to official recalculation. For more index coverage please see A fuller version of this table is available on the research data archive.


AMERICA LONDON EURO MARKETS TOKYO Dec 10 %Chg %Chg Dec 10 %Chg %Chg Dec 10 %Chg %Chg Dec 10 %Chg %Chg
ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's FTSE 100 price(p) week ytd FTSE 250 price(p) week ytd FTSE SmallCap price(p) week ytd Industry Sectors price(p) week ytd
traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change Winners Winners Winners Winners
Apple 16.3 115.96 0.34 Sabmiller 140.7 4035.00 -11.82 Novartis N 512.6 77.30 0.00 Toyota Motor 646.8 7601.00 -53.00 Berkeley Holdings (the) 3557.00 6.1 43.4 Micro Focus Int 1516.00 16.0 40.4 Stock Spirits 124.00 15.6 -45.6 Software & Computer Services 1651.31 2.5 32.4
Hospira 11.8 89.95 -0.01 Glencore 133.3 88.90 6.43 Volkswagen Ag Vzo O.n. 388.0 131.75 0.00 Mitsubishi Ufj Fin,. 379.5 779.50 -6.90 Ashtead 1101.00 5.4 -3.9 Digital Entertainment 113.00 7.4 -4.1 Sanne 385.00 8.5 - Automobiles & Parts 6897.29 0.9 -14.3
Chipotle Mexican Grill 10.0 576.28 28.27 Barclays 129.3 218.00 -1.30 Santander 344.5 4.70 -0.03 Sumitomo Mitsui Fin,. 338.1 4673.00 -32.00 Tui Ag 1173.00 4.5 10.3 Jd Sports Fashion 1029.00 6.7 111.9 Petropavlovsk 6.45 7.5 -56.3 Electronic & Electrical Equip. 4179.24 0.6 3.6
Facebook Class A 8.5 105.85 1.25 Vodafone 127.2 212.65 -1.20 Nestle N 341.5 68.15 0.00 Softbank . 323.0 6226.00 -24.00 Easyjet 1699.00 4.3 1.7 Allied Minds 460.00 5.9 24.1 888 Holdings 181.00 6.9 30.7 Household Goods 16003.74 0.1 25.2 8.2 663.80 -0.99 Royal Dutch Shell 117.7 1522.00 -19.00 Total 329.5 43.08 0.25 Fast Retailing Co., 255.7 45440.00 -1170.00 Merlin Entertainments 433.40 2.3 8.7 Croda Int 2983.00 4.3 12.1 Xchanging 190.75 5.7 22.3 Personal Goods 24832.59 -0.3 1.0
Netflix 7.3 122.53 -1.67 British American Tobacco 115.1 3694.00 -44.00 Roche Gs 325.9 248.27 0.00 Fanuc 234.2 21130.00 -550.00 Sage 592.00 1.8 27.1 Virgin Money Holdings (uk) 400.00 3.9 38.9 Majedie Investments 270.00 5.4 13.4 Real Estate & Investment Servic 3046.78 -0.4 14.0
Dow Chemical 7.1 55.01 -1.96 Rio Tinto 112.6 1971.00 14.60 Sanofi 315.9 76.76 -0.51 Mizuho Fin,. 227.4 242.80 -0.60 Dixons Carphone 476.60 1.3 4.6 Computacenter 830.00 3.4 25.7 Jpmorgan Euro Small Co. Trust 275.50 4.9 35.5 Gas Water & Multiutilities 5787.73 -0.5 -5.6
Kinder Morgan 6.3 17.00 0.19 Lloyds Banking 108.3 72.04 1.37 Bbva 269.1 7.17 0.00 Sony 214.4 3005.00 -22.00 Gkn 295.00 1.0 -14.2 Just Retirement 164.00 3.2 10.8 Oxford Instruments 673.50 4.0 -27.4 Electricity 8332.76 -0.6 -15.1
Exxon Mobil 5.9 76.40 0.77 Hsbc Holdings 107.9 510.80 0.66 Bayer Ag Na 253.9 113.60 0.00 Mitsubishi 183.3 1994.50 -8.50 Persimmon 1938.00 0.6 22.8 Clarkson 2400.00 2.7 26.6 Helical Bar 466.25 3.9 21.8 Food Producers 8892.05 -1.0 9.3
General Electric 5.8 30.73 0.26 Bp 105.1 350.95 -1.00 Telefonica 247.4 10.72 -0.15 Honda Motor Co., 179.0 3889.00 -91.00 National Grid 911.00 0.6 -0.8 Foxtons 180.00 2.6 12.3 Energy Assets 504.00 3.8 12.0 Equity Investment Instruments 7299.89 -1.1 0.8
Sse 1450.00 0.2 -10.6 Rexam 597.00 2.5 30.5 Utv Media 177.50 3.3 1.5 Chemicals 10632.62 -1.2 -5.9
BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's
Unilever 2792.00 0.0 6.1 Spire Healthcare 321.10 2.5 -18.2 Topps Tiles 155.75 3.1 37.2 Construction & Materials 5037.66 -1.2 22.1
price change chng% price change chng% price change chng% price change chng%
Ups Ups Ups Ups Losers Losers Losers Losers
Consol Energy 7.51 0.61 8.77 Micro Focus Int 1516.00 185.00 13.90 Edf 13.39 0.77 6.14 Mitsui Mining And Smelting , 227.00 6.00 2.71 Anglo American 318.65 -18.5 -73.7 Entertainment One 169.40 -19.8 -47.5 Lonmin 0.00 -96.4 - Forestry & Paper 14175.11 -14.5 25.4
Chipotle Mexican Grill 576.28 28.27 5.16 Glencore 88.90 6.43 7.74 Arcelormittal 3.84 0.09 2.45 Thb Kansai Electric Power ,orporated 1399.00 24.00 1.75 Sports Direct Int 592.50 -15.0 -16.7 Stagecoach 298.00 -17.0 -19.1 Findel 195.00 -13.4 -13.0 Mining 7242.02 -6.0 -49.2
Fossil 38.52 1.33 3.58 Tui Ag 1173.00 58.93 5.26 Engie 16.03 0.27 1.68 Tokuyama 265.00 3.00 1.15 Mondi 1316.00 -14.6 25.3 Jimmy Choo 106.00 -15.5 -39.4 Dialight 442.25 -13.3 -45.4 Food & Drug Retailers 2471.02 -5.9 -12.6
Ball 71.29 2.45 3.56 Spectris 1746.00 56.00 3.31 Bouygues 35.66 0.46 1.29 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., 1385.00 15.50 1.13 Old Mutual 174.20 -11.0 -99.1 Vedanta Resources 311.30 -15.4 -45.8 Ferrexpo 22.00 -12.9 -58.5 Oil & Gas Producers 5626.32 -5.5 -21.0
Freeport-mcmoran 7.23 0.24 3.36 Entertainment One 169.40 5.30 3.23 Airbus 64.18 0.69 1.09 Maruha Nichiro 1935.00 21.00 1.10 Antofagasta 446.00 -10.7 -40.6 Investec 469.90 -14.6 -13.2 Liontrust Asset Management 270.25 -9.2 -0.6 Industrial Metals 713.54 -4.6 -53.1
Tesco 150.55 -8.1 -20.3 Premier Oil 57.15 -12.7 -65.8 Raven Russia Ltd 37.75 -9.0 -20.5 General Retailers 3001.99 -4.4 1.0
Downs Downs Downs Downs
Pearson 737.00 -7.6 -37.8 Serco 101.10 -12.6 -37.1 Lonmin 1.03 -8.8 -99.4 Tobacco 44798.63 -3.2 10.3
First Solar 52.86 -6.00 -10.19 Investec 469.90 -58.60 -11.09 Altice 11.09 -0.62 -5.34 Thb Yokohama Rubber , 1983.00 -161.00 -7.51
Whitbread 4466.00 -7.3 -8.5 Pz Cussons 280.40 -11.5 -8.4 Lamprell 99.25 -8.3 -18.0 Banks 3683.50 -3.0 -15.7
Wynn Resorts Ltd 66.99 -2.92 -4.18 Sports Direct Int 592.50 -73.00 -10.97 Altice B 11.33 -0.60 -4.99 Sumco 1146.00 -45.00 -3.78
G4s 216.00 -7.0 -22.3 Tullow Oil 177.10 -11.0 -57.2 Kenmare Resources 0.45 -8.2 -86.1 Technology Hardware & Equip. 1332.57 -3.0 11.9
Dow Chemical 55.01 -1.96 -3.44 Old Mutual 174.20 -16.67 -8.53 Ses 24.79 -0.92 -3.56 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings 1691.00 -65.00 -3.70
Bhp Billiton 733.20 -6.7 -47.1 Ocado 335.80 -9.5 -14.6 Mothercare 227.00 -7.9 29.7 Aerospace & Defense 4132.66 -2.9 -13.1
Yum! Brands 71.47 -2.33 -3.16 Pz Cussons 280.40 -25.40 -8.31 Natixis 5.09 -0.12 -2.34 Ntn 551.00 -21.00 -3.67
Royal Dutch Shell 1522.00 -6.3 -29.3 Int Personal Finance 322.50 -9.3 -27.6 Gem Diamonds 96.00 -7.7 -45.1 General Financial 9203.20 -2.8 8.0
Entergy 66.28 -1.76 -2.59 Brown (n) 325.00 -19.00 -5.52 Grifols 41.92 -0.80 -1.86 Casio Computer Co., 2672.00 -100.00 -3.61
Rio Tinto 1971.00 -6.3 -34.0 Lancashire Holdings 606.50 -8.9 8.3 Consort Medical 971.00 -7.3 12.3 Life Insurance 7626.11 -2.6 1.1
Based on the constituents of the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100 index Based on the constituents of the FTSE 350 index Based on the constituents of the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone index Based on the constituents of the Nikkei 225 index
Based on last week's performance. †Price at suspension.

Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's
Dec 10 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 10 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 10 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 10 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Argentina Argentine Peso 9.7472 0.0126 10.6605 -0.0110 14.7801 0.0071 Indonesia Indonesian Rupiah 13935.0000 62.5000 15240.6731 32.9123 21130.3021 77.5376 Poland Polish Zloty 3.9745 0.0149 4.3470 0.0062 6.0268 0.0177 ..Three Month 0.6595 0.0005 0.7211 -0.0011 - -
Australia Australian Dollar 1.3704 -0.0138 1.4988 -0.0187 2.0780 -0.0227 Israel Israeli Shekel 3.8673 0.0012 4.2297 -0.0086 5.8642 -0.0030 Romania Romanian Leu 4.1303 0.0301 4.5172 0.0224 6.2629 0.0405 ..One Year 0.6597 0.0005 0.7205 -0.0011 - -
Bahrain Bahrainin Dinar 0.3773 0.0001 0.4126 -0.0009 0.5720 -0.0003 Japan Japanese Yen 121.5300 -0.5600 132.9170 -0.9243 184.2816 -1.0009 Russia Russian Ruble 68.8175 -0.1225 75.2655 -0.3100 104.3512 -0.2714 United States United States Dollar - - 1.0937 -0.0026 1.5163 -0.0012
Bolivia Bolivian Boliviano 6.9100 0.0100 7.5574 -0.0067 10.4780 0.0066 ..One Month 121.5299 -0.5603 132.9170 -0.9243 184.2814 -1.0012 Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 3.7520 0.0000 4.1036 -0.0095 5.6893 -0.0046 ..One Month - - 1.0936 -0.4239 1.5164 -0.0012
Brazil Brazilian Real 3.7720 0.0358 4.1254 0.0296 5.7196 0.0496 ..Three Month 121.5297 -0.5606 132.9170 -0.9242 184.2811 -1.0017 Singapore Singapore Dollar 1.4020 -0.0021 1.5333 -0.0059 2.1258 -0.0049 ..Three Month - - 1.0934 -0.4239 1.5164 -0.0012
Canada Canadian Dollar 1.3591 0.0036 1.4864 0.0004 2.0608 0.0037 ..One Year 121.5285 -0.5631 132.9170 -0.9244 184.2814 -1.0032 South Africa South African Rand 15.2033 0.6460 16.6277 0.6694 23.0534 0.9615 ..One Year - - 1.0923 -0.4239 1.5165 -0.0012
Chile Chilean Peso 703.4750 1.0900 769.3886 -0.6016 1066.7117 0.7800 Kenya Kenyan Shilling 101.8500 0.0500 111.3930 -0.2053 154.4399 -0.0507 South Korea South Korean Won 1181.5500 2.1500 1292.2578 -0.6605 1791.6392 1.7948 Venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte 6.3055 0.0205 6.8963 0.0064 9.5613 0.0233
China Chinese Yuan 6.4378 0.0098 7.0410 -0.0057 9.7619 0.0069 Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3034 0.0001 0.3318 -0.0007 0.4600 -0.0002 Sweden Swedish Krona 8.5047 0.0651 9.3016 0.0497 12.8961 0.0883 Vietnam Vietnamese Dong 22480.0000 - 24586.3349 -57.4393 34087.5778 -27.9099
Colombia Colombian Peso 3262.5500 -26.0850 3568.2414 -36.9277 4947.1569 -43.6400 Malaysia Malaysian Ringgit 4.2625 -0.0080 4.6619 -0.0197 6.4634 -0.0174 Switzerland Swiss Franc 0.9888 0.0008 1.0815 -0.0016 1.4994 0.0001 European Union Euro 0.9143 0.0021 - - 1.3864 0.0021
Costa Rica Costa Rican Colon 532.5000 1.2200 582.3937 -0.0225 807.4544 1.1898 Mexico Mexican Peson 17.0725 0.0725 18.6721 0.0359 25.8878 0.0888 Taiwan New Taiwan Dollar 32.8325 0.0120 35.9088 -0.0707 49.7854 -0.0226 ..One Month 0.9142 0.0021 - - 1.3864 0.0021
Czech Republic Czech Koruna 24.7056 0.0524 27.0204 -0.0056 37.4622 0.0489 New Zealand New Zealand Dollar 1.4804 -0.0277 1.6191 -0.0341 2.2448 -0.0439 Thailand Thai Baht 35.9900 - 39.3622 -0.0919 54.5733 -0.0447 ..Three Month 0.9141 0.0021 - - 1.3863 0.0021
Denmark Danish Krone 6.8218 0.0158 7.4610 -0.0001 10.3442 0.0155 Nigeria Nigerian Naira 199.2000 -0.0200 217.8644 -0.5306 302.0562 -0.2779 Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 2.0180 0.0041 2.2070 -0.0007 3.0599 0.0036 ..One Year 0.9130 0.0021 - - 1.3856 0.0021
Egypt Egyptian Pound 7.8345 0.0261 8.5685 0.0085 11.8797 0.0298 Norway Norwegian Krone 8.6329 -0.0440 9.4417 -0.0703 13.0904 -0.0775 Turkey Turkish Lira 2.9186 0.0049 3.1921 -0.0021 4.4256 0.0037
Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar 7.7504 -0.0001 8.4766 -0.0198 11.7523 -0.0097 Pakistan Pakistani Rupee 103.9500 0.0500 113.6898 -0.2107 157.6242 -0.0533 United Arab Emirates UAE Dirham 3.6729 -0.0002 4.0170 -0.0096 5.5694 -0.0049
Hungary Hungarian Forint 290.2579 1.9249 317.4541 1.3689 440.1314 2.5605 Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.3745 0.0030 3.6907 -0.0053 5.1169 0.0004 United Kingdom Pound Sterling 0.6595 0.0005 0.7213 -0.0011 - -
India Indian Rupee 66.7850 -0.1275 73.0426 -0.3103 101.2692 -0.2765 Philippines Philippine Peso 47.1900 0.0300 51.6116 -0.0876 71.5564 -0.0131 ..One Month 0.6595 0.0005 0.7212 -0.0011 - -
Rates are derived from WM Reuters Spot Rates and MorningStar (latest rates at time of production). Some values are rounded. Currency redenominated by 1000. The exchange rates printed in this table are also available at
Produced in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Dec 10 Dec 09 Dec 08 Dec 07 Dec 04 Yr Ago High Low Year to date percentage changes Closing Day's Closing Day's
£ Strlg Day's Euro £ Strlg £ Strlg Year Div P/E X/D Total FT 30 2806.70 2828.50 2836.50 2874.50 2869.90 0.00 3110.40 2575.90 Forestry & Paper 41.90 Real Est Invest & Tr 9.14 NON FINANCIALS Index -2.93 FTSE 100 Price Change FTSE 100 Price Change
Dec 10 chge% Index Dec 09 Dec 08 ago yield% Cover ratio adj Return FT 30 Div Yield 1.76 1.75 1.74 1.72 1.73 0.00 3.93 2.74 Software & Comp Serv 34.46 FTSE 250 Index 7.97 FTSE 100 Index -4.99 3I Group PLC 476.00 -11.20 Kingfisher PLC 330.00 -4.70
FTSE 100 (100) 6088.05 -0.63 6584.93 6126.68 6135.22 6461.70 4.10 1.44 16.88 246.09 4767.88 P/E Ratio net 25.38 25.55 25.70 26.01 25.84 0.00 19.44 14.26 Nonlife Insurance 27.39 Consumer Services 7.39 Industrial Transport -5.06 Aberdeen Asset Management PLC 292.90 -5.30 Land Securities Group PLC 1186 -12.00
FTSE 250 (250) 17080.25 -0.35 18474.28 17139.85 17191.90 15663.52 2.53 2.10 18.79 436.62 11881.59 FT 30 since compilation: 4198.4 high: 19/07/1999; low49.4 26/06/1940Base Date: 1/7/35 Household Goods & Ho 26.40 Support Services 6.84 Chemicals -5.07 Admiral Group PLC 1608 -11.00 Legal & General Group PLC 263.20 -0.40
FTSE 250 ex Inv Co (211) 18579.68 -0.33 20096.09 18640.38 18701.99 16867.72 2.55 2.22 17.65 478.25 13178.83 FT 30 hourly changes Construct & Material 23.73 General Retailers 6.58 Gas Water & Multi -5.74 Anglo American PLC 318.65 -1.05 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 72.04 1.37
FTSE 350 (350) 3411.04 -0.58 3689.44 3430.94 3436.73 3532.21 3.82 1.52 17.19 128.82 5384.31 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 High Low Technology 21.06 Telecommunications 6.35 Food & Drug Retailer -7.74 Antofagasta PLC 446.00 -0.60 London Stock Exchange Group PLC 2574 -7.00
FTSE 350 ex Investment Trusts (311) 3387.06 -0.58 3663.50 3406.88 3412.67 3511.62 3.85 1.53 17.00 128.96 2752.85 2828.5 2815.5 2816.4 2818.5 2812.6 2816.1 2811.9 2809.3 2814.1 2828.5 2803.4 Fixed Line Telecomms 18.43 FTSE SmallCap Index 4.73 Utilities -7.84 Arm Holdings PLC 1087 -7.00 Marks And Spencer Group PLC 474.80 -7.70
FTSE 350 Higher Yield (107) 3072.34 -0.68 3323.09 3093.50 3089.68 3450.05 5.66 1.28 13.79 171.99 4974.78 FT30 constituents and recent additions/deletions can be found at Real Est Invest & Se 14.77 Life Insurance 3.71 Aerospace & Defense -10.77 Ashtead Group PLC 1101 -19.00 Meggitt PLC 362.60 -3.50
FTSE 350 Lower Yield (243) 3431.13 -0.48 3711.17 3447.55 3463.44 3269.31 1.98 2.21 22.82 70.78 3629.34 Tobacco 13.10 Electronic & Elec Eq 3.42 Banks -13.44 Associated British Foods PLC 3436 -78.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 433.40 2.90
FTSE SmallCap (288) 4532.85 -0.33 4902.80 4547.78 4544.33 4294.37 2.95 1.47 23.03 123.82 6207.23 Leisure Goods 12.74 Industrials 2.39 Automobiles & Parts -13.87
FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co (152) 4095.14 -0.34 4429.37 4108.92 4106.08 3720.05 2.87 2.06 16.88 110.11 5889.97 FX: EFFECTIVE INDICES Tech Hardware & Eq 12.41 Personal Goods 1.50 Electricity -15.17
Astrazeneca PLC 4379.5 -24.50 Mondi PLC 1316 -28.00
Aviva PLC 497.20 -3.80 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets PLC 140.90 -2.10
FTSE All-Share (638) 3362.26 -0.57 3636.68 3381.57 3386.98 3470.90 3.79 1.52 17.35 125.70 5368.73
Dec 09 Dec 08 Mnth Ago Dec 10 Dec 09 Mnth Ago Consumer Goods 12.37 Equity Invest Instr 1.29 Industrial Eng -16.74 Babcock International Group PLC 1000.00 -9.00 National Grid PLC 911.00 -2.40
FTSE All-Share ex Inv Co (463) 3323.66 -0.58 3594.93 3342.95 3348.47 3437.18 3.83 1.53 16.99 125.79 2746.02 Media 11.29 Health Care Eq & Srv 0.94 Oil & Gas Producers -18.17 Bae Systems PLC 498.70 -3.30 Next PLC 7500 -230.00
FTSE All-Share ex Multinationals (573) 1170.37 -0.56 1049.19 1177.00 1182.16 1114.62 2.86 1.59 22.01 32.77 1993.06 Australia 91.69 92.20 90.17 Sweden 79.58 79.37 77.99 Financial Services 11.16 Mobile Telecomms -0.83 Oil & Gas -18.29 Barclays PLC 218.00 -3.95 Old Mutual PLC 174.20 -21.20
FTSE Fledgling (100) 7707.91 -0.15 8337.00 7719.77 7723.52 6768.01 2.56 1.16 33.77 174.55 13884.43 Canada 86.77 86.90 88.71 Switzerland 159.41 159.69 159.37 Food Producers 10.57 Financials -1.85 Oil Equipment & Serv -21.58 Barratt Developments PLC 599.00 -6.00 Pearson PLC 737.00 -6.50
FTSE Fledgling ex Inv Co (50) 10536.06 -0.02 11395.97 10538.08 10550.25 8419.72 2.81 1.37 25.89 237.62 18470.07 Denmark 105.79 105.81 105.50 UK 92.42 91.67 92.67 Beverages 9.44 Health Care -2.25 Basic Materials -40.07 Berkeley Group Holdings (The) PLC 3557 1.00 Persimmon PLC 1938 -5.00
FTSE All-Small (388) 3145.61 -0.32 3402.34 3155.69 3153.50 2969.47 2.93 1.46 23.40 85.21 5531.06 Japan 125.77 125.38 125.59 USA 105.44 106.09 106.05 Travel & Leisure 9.33 Pharmace & Biotech -2.59 Mining -46.54 Bg Group PLC 975.60 -9.60 Prudential PLC 1488 -30.00
FTSE All-Small ex Inv Co Index (202) 3057.98 -0.32 3307.56 3067.89 3065.99 2761.80 2.87 2.03 17.11 81.56 5572.90 New Zealand 112.85 113.57 112.16 Euro 86.11 86.01 85.10 FTSE All{HY-}Share Index -2.66 Industrial Metals & -50.47 Bhp Billiton PLC 733.20 -16.20 Randgold Resources LD 4162 20.00
FTSE AIM All-Share Index (820) 731.52 -0.41 791.22 734.56 736.40 698.05 1.44 0.83 83.97 9.14 786.78 Norway 83.98 83.68 85.63
BP PLC 350.95 0.50 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 6189 22.00
FTSE Sector Indices Source: Bank of England. New Sterling ERI base Jan 2005 = 100. Other indices base average 1990 = 100. British American Tobacco PLC 3694 -44.00 RELX PLC 1157 -13.00
Oil & Gas (18) 5945.60 -0.60 6430.86 5981.77 5893.77 7219.01 6.33 0.20 78.79 371.71 4979.82 Index rebased 1/2/95. for further information about ERIs see British Land Company PLC 796.50 -2.50 Rio Tinto PLC 1971 4.50
Oil & Gas Producers (11) 5658.12 -0.69 6119.92 5697.52 5614.49 6859.66 6.35 0.16 96.90 354.65 4900.24 Bt Group PLC 469.15 1.95 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 567.00 -11.50
Oil Equipment Services & Distribution (7)13211.12 1.97 14289.37 12955.49 12711.46 16713.68 5.77 1.41 12.30 761.22 9716.23 FTSE GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX SERIES Bunzl PLC 1860 -12.00 Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC 292.60 2.30
Basic Materials (29) 2703.02 0.30 2923.63 2695.02 2637.10 4562.09 7.55 1.88 7.04 198.46 2650.39 Burberry Group PLC 1174 -7.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1533.5 -18.00
Chemicals (7) 11380.88 -0.80 12309.74 11472.24 11542.14 11693.82 2.44 2.28 17.94 237.16 9784.44 Dec 10 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total
YTD Gr Div Dec 10 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total YTD Gr Div Capita PLC 1183 5.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1522 -19.00
Forestry & Paper (1) 15467.65 -2.08 16730.06 15796.74 16172.86 12541.02 2.33 3.37 12.71 360.52 16067.37 Regions & countries stocks indices % % % retn
% Yield Sectors stocks indices % % % retn % Yield Carnival PLC 3477 26.00 Royal Mail PLC 452.40 -7.40
Industrial Metals & Mining (2) 725.51 -1.34 784.73 735.33 767.98 1381.42 1.59 -18.64 -3.38 11.18 633.15 FTSE Global All Cap 7748 451.19 -0.4 -2.0-1.8 -4.0 616.54
2.5 Oil & Gas 165 310.58 1.5 1.5 -22.0 473.97 -19.3 4.3 Centrica PLC 211.50 5.40 Rsa Insurance Group PLC 426.00 -3.20
Mining (19) 6943.35 0.71 7510.05 6894.36 6681.00 13144.27 8.99 1.85 6.01 616.70 3564.83 FTSE Global All Cap 7118 463.83 -0.4 -2.1-2.0 -4.2 622.67
2.5 Oil & Gas Producers 117 289.41 1.1 1.1 -20.1 449.42 -17.2 4.2 Coca-Cola Hbc AG 1470 -18.00 Sabmiller PLC 4035 -7.50
FTSE Global Large Cap 1420 398.81 -0.3 -2.1-2.0 -4.3 557.46
2.7 Oil Equipment & Services 39 289.29 3.4 3.4 -30.2 403.01 -27.9 4.6 Compass Group PLC 1125 -9.00 Sage Group PLC 592.00 -11.50
Industrials (117) 4318.86 -0.49 4671.35 4340.15 4346.27 4167.30 2.60 1.20 32.05 111.53 4288.74
Construction & Materials (13) 5231.33 -0.81 5658.29 5273.86 5278.14 4131.85 2.29 -0.83 -52.95 121.45 5345.63 FTSE Global Mid Cap 1646 602.96 -0.3 -1.4-0.5 -2.3 786.59
2.1 Basic Materials 262 353.46 1.4 1.4 -18.8 517.25 -16.6 3.4 Crh PLC 1918 -23.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 241.50 -4.00
Aerospace & Defense (9) 4296.56 -0.93 4647.24 4336.94 4362.39 4730.62 2.66 0.96 39.20 113.27 4441.77 FTSE Global Small Cap 4682 627.03 -0.6 -2.2-2.2 -3.9 794.18
2.0 Chemicals 123 599.73 1.5 1.5 -3.8 880.23 -1.7 2.5 Diageo PLC 1832 -20.00 Schroders PLC 2802 -27.00
General Industrials (6) 3488.72 -0.17 3773.46 3494.64 3486.62 3108.39 3.30 1.68 18.06 112.80 3794.74 FTSE All-World 3066 263.87 -0.3 -2.0-1.7 -4.0 380.42
2.6 Forestry & Paper 16 198.75 -0.6 -0.6 -4.6 319.15 -1.7 3.5 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 405.00 -0.50 Severn Trent PLC 2128 -26.00
Electronic & Electrical Equipment (11) 5299.05 0.71 5731.54 5261.77 5273.68 4855.48 2.21 2.04 22.20 110.13 4681.73 FTSE World 2551 468.34 -0.3 -1.8-1.3 -3.6 906.56
2.6 Industrial Metals & Mining 67 251.44 0.5 0.5 -39.0 368.57 -37.5 3.8 Dixons Carphone PLC 476.60 -9.60 Shire PLC 4327 -57.00
Industrial Engineering (14) 7601.85 0.15 8222.29 7590.82 7555.54 8852.22 3.21 1.52 20.42 243.31 8900.14 FTSE Global All Cap ex UNITED KINGDOM In 7421 463.40 -0.5 -2.0-1.6 -3.7 624.41
2.4 Mining 56 321.88 2.1 2.1 -43.5 471.60 -41.0 6.8 Easyjet PLC 1699 14.00 Sky PLC 1076 -6.00
Industrial Transportation (8) 3879.60 -0.68 4196.24 3906.27 3886.82 3952.85 3.91 0.94 27.25 168.06 3263.79 FTSE Global All Cap ex USA 5739 416.73 0.1 -2.2-4.3 -6.8 604.01
3.0 Industrials 537 300.73 -0.2 -0.2 -4.4 417.42 -2.5 2.3 Experian PLC 1174 -4.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1088 -3.00
Support Services (56) 6616.32 -0.49 7156.32 6648.82 6659.95 6189.66 2.39 1.54 27.27 156.78 6632.94 FTSE Global All Cap ex JAPAN 6487 459.60 -0.4 -2.1-2.8 -5.0 633.55
2.6 Construction & Materials 109 417.68 -0.4 -0.4 -3.2 607.13 -1.2 2.2 Fresnillo PLC 673.00 10.50 Smiths Group PLC 950.00 -36.50
FTSE Developed 2116 426.94 -0.4 -1.6-0.3 -2.6 587.77
2.5 Aerospace & Defense 28 508.74 -0.5 -0.5 2.4 700.45 4.4 2.1 G4S PLC 216.00 -2.00 Sports Direct International PLC 592.50 -73.00
Consumer Goods (40) 17874.77 -0.76 19333.65 18011.83 18162.81 16105.01 3.07 1.72 18.91 539.35 12602.98
FTSE Developed All Cap 5739 447.62 -0.4 -1.7-0.4 -2.6 609.58
2.4 General Industrials 56 216.82 0.2 0.2 -0.3 322.81 2.1 2.6 Gkn PLC 295.00 -0.30 Sse PLC 1450 8.00
Automobiles & Parts (1) 6932.64 -0.10 7498.46 6939.69 6866.84 7889.11 2.88 1.53 22.67 199.75 6375.53
FTSE Developed Large Cap 923 394.92 -0.4 -1.7-0.6 -2.9 551.07
2.6 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 69 321.53 -0.3 -0.3 -1.2 411.90 0.6 1.9 Glaxosmithkline PLC 1314 -2.00 St. James's Place PLC 971.50 -11.50
Beverages (6) 15251.74 -0.69 16496.53 15357.13 15415.47 14333.58 2.51 1.65 24.23 382.69 10388.32
FTSE Developed Europe Large Cap 218 331.89 0.4 -1.8-3.0 -6.1 522.65
3.6 Industrial Engineering 105 544.81 -0.1 -0.1 -11.9 743.73 -10.0 2.6 Glencore PLC 88.90 5.82 Standard Chartered PLC 509.20 -6.50
Food Producers (10) 8934.24 -1.68 9663.42 9087.33 9115.59 8141.09 1.83 1.40 39.07 163.26 7476.07
FTSE Developed Europe Mid Cap 302 514.97 0.5 0.8 5.4 2.9 737.03
2.6 Industrial Transportation 97 496.22 0.3 0.3 -16.9 687.17 -15.2 2.4 Hammerson PLC 594.50 -3.50 Standard Life PLC 388.90 -2.50
Household Goods & Home Construction (13)13384.98 0.03 14477.41 13381.16 13522.30 10351.08 2.16 2.56 18.12 265.76 9089.39
FTSE Dev Europe Small Cap 715 732.49 0.5 1.4 8.8 6.4 1021.24
2.3 Support Services 73 276.76 -0.7 -0.7 1.5 369.57 3.5 1.9 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1445 1.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 196.40 1.10
Leisure Goods (2) 5514.42 -2.53 5964.49 5657.82 5551.06 4996.20 4.34 1.32 17.44 238.83 4670.37
FTSE North America Large Cap 323 437.38 -0.7 -1.7 0.4 -1.7 575.10
2.2 Consumer Goods 424 416.19 -0.4 -0.4 2.8 590.69 5.1 2.4 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2088 -10.00 Tesco PLC 150.55 -2.45
Personal Goods (6) 21620.65 -0.89 23385.25 21814.10 21924.74 21531.95 3.01 3.02 11.00 629.27 13934.07
FTSE North America Mid Cap 399 643.27 -0.8 -2.3-3.7 -5.2 793.14
1.8 Automobiles & Parts 101 382.48 0.5 0.5 -1.9 521.41 0.3 2.5 HSBC Holdings PLC 510.80 -0.80 Travis Perkins PLC 1991 -17.00
Tobacco (2) 44798.71 -1.17 48455.02 45328.09 45975.20 40534.08 4.45 1.16 19.38 1994.40 27301.34
FTSE North America Small Cap 1516 644.76 -1.0 -3.5-5.0 -6.4 773.25
1.8 Beverages 48 575.47 -0.4 -0.4 7.0 829.68 9.7 2.5 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 3442 -40.00 Tui AG 1173 52.00
Health Care (19) 8953.25 -0.43 9683.99 8991.97 9044.78 9363.33 3.90 3.53 7.26 348.00 6528.19
FTSE North America 722 292.13 -0.7 -1.8-0.3 -2.3 393.65
2.2 Food Producers 107 555.30 -0.4 -0.4 0.6 811.61 2.7 2.2 Inmarsat PLC 1112 -5.00 Unilever PLC 2792 -22.00
Health Care Equipment & Services (7) 6786.87 0.02 7340.79 6785.30 6846.26 6189.53 1.67 2.14 27.90 104.41 5754.34
FTSE Developed ex North America 1394 226.20 0.2 -1.4-0.4 -3.1 351.72
3.0 Household Goods & Home Construction 48 397.89 -0.5 -0.5 0.4 562.24 2.7 2.3 Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC 2520 31.00 United Utilities Group PLC 936.00 -8.50
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (12)12108.09 -0.47 13096.31 12165.47 12233.49 12826.65 4.11 3.58 6.80 498.46 7842.08
FTSE Japan Large Cap 177 324.96 -0.1 -2.0 8.5 6.5 405.99
1.9 Leisure Goods 28 131.88 -1.0 -1.0 4.7 168.63 5.7 1.4 International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. 573.00 -2.50 Vodafone Group PLC 212.65 -3.15
Consumer Services (97) 4772.22 -0.64 5161.71 4802.76 4848.52 4413.12 2.36 1.64 25.90 113.20 4305.52 FTSE Japan Mid Cap 303 488.17 -0.2 0.8
16.6 14.8 589.16
1.5 Personal Goods 80 598.90 -0.8 -0.8 2.7 811.13 4.6 2.0
Food & Drug Retailers (7) 2577.22 -1.54 2787.56 2617.65 2659.09 2700.60 2.07 -1.50 -32.05 53.33 2947.06 Intertek Group PLC 2708 -54.00 Whitbread PLC 4466 -13.00
FTSE Global wi JAPAN Small Cap 781 518.74 -0.5 1.3
12.5 10.6 646.08
1.7 Tobacco 12 1211.13 -0.8 -0.8 12.8 2348.74 16.8 4.0 Intu Properties PLC 308.30 -2.00 Wolseley PLC 3815 -34.00
General Retailers (33) 2940.25 -1.77 3180.22 2993.29 3011.97 2782.06 2.39 2.24 18.72 71.50 3219.99
FTSE Japan 480 135.23 -0.1 -1.4
10.1 1.8 Health Care
8.2 189.85 172 448.60 -0.7 -0.7 3.3 624.34 5.1 1.9 Itv PLC 264.20 0.70 Wpp PLC 1501 5.00
Media (22) 7236.79 -0.27 7827.43 7256.34 7325.27 6516.01 2.82 1.62 21.80 208.30 4272.20
FTSE Asia Pacific Large Cap ex Japan 531 530.17 -0.6 -3.5
-11.3 -13.9 791.15
3.4 Health Care Equipment & Services 61 635.17 -0.5 -0.5 7.5 727.70 8.5 1.0 Johnson Matthey PLC 2608 -54.00
Travel & Leisure (35) 8467.67 0.00 9158.78 8467.34 8551.18 7639.35 2.03 2.07 23.85 168.22 7711.77
FTSE Asia Pacific Mid Cap ex Japan 434 725.72 -0.7 -3.7-7.7 -10.0 1044.48
3.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 111 340.65 -0.8 -0.8 2.0 492.60 4.1 2.1
Telecommunications (7) 3903.18 -0.70 4221.74 3930.88 3958.72 3759.23 4.15 0.19 130.25 148.84 4075.41 FTSE Asia Pacific Small Cap ex Japan 1430 487.46 -1.0 -2.3-6.5 -8.8 692.32
2.8 Consumer Services 390 390.61 -0.8 -0.8 4.4 507.05 6.1 1.7
Fixed Line Telecommunications (5) 5377.05 0.26 5815.91 5363.14 5423.84 4735.21 2.78 1.80 19.95 106.86 4623.18
Mobile Telecommunications (2) 4913.75 -1.38 5314.79 4982.43 5002.97 5017.43 5.12 -0.44 -44.46 251.48 4595.68
FTSE Asia Pacific Ex Japan
FTSE Emerging All Cap
-13.4 666.68
3.3 Food & Drug Retailers
-17.2 813.14
3.3 General Retailers
54 295.87
121 536.12
-1.6 399.64
12.1 679.39
Utilities (8) 8137.09 0.15 8801.21 8125.30 8069.54 8686.55 4.99 1.36 14.74 396.42 8655.75 FTSE Emerging Large Cap 497 539.23 0.0 -5.6
-15.2 -17.5 772.96
3.3 Media 91 295.09 -0.8 -0.8 -1.9 383.59 -0.3 1.8 Dec 10 Dec 09 Dec 08 Dec 07 Dec 04 Yr Ago
Electricity (3) 8315.02 0.41 8993.66 8280.88 8178.08 9995.29 6.11 1.33 12.32 504.89 11061.36 FTSE Emerging Mid Cap 453 708.61 -0.1 -5.2
-15.6 -17.7 1004.79
3.0 Travel & Leisure 124 375.62 -0.4 -0.4 4.3 492.41 6.0 1.7 SEAQ Bargains 4971.00 5776.00 5457.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Gas Water & Multiutilities (5) 7649.07 0.08 8273.36 7643.20 7601.61 7901.65 4.70 1.37 15.52 348.95 8166.40 FTSE Emerging Small Cap 1059 606.87 -1.0 -2.7
-11.8 -14.2 833.95
3.1 Telecommunication 91 156.56 -0.3 -0.3 -6.3 275.13 -2.5 4.3 Order Book Turnover (m) 28.13 36.41 61.34 54.20 54.20 54.20
Financials (283) 4455.13 -0.74 4818.74 4488.48 4498.95 4611.92 3.68 1.87 14.48 163.46 3890.55 FTSE Emerging Europe 99 272.88 0.9 -8.5-9.1 -12.5 399.37
4.5 Fixed Line Telecommuniations 44 131.33 -0.5 -0.5 -4.1 252.36 0.2 4.7 Order Book Bargains 800728.00 884291.00 693319.00 852786.00 852786.00 852786.00
Banks (9) 3637.08 -0.04 3933.93 3638.47 3648.12 4329.31 4.54 1.37 16.12 170.78 2507.15 FTSE Latin America All Cap 240 632.51 2.6 -3.3
-28.0 -29.8 930.92
3.6 Mobile Telecommunications 47 164.57 0.0 0.0 -9.0 262.31 -6.0 3.6 Order Book Shares Traded (m) 1435.00 1738.00 1800.00 1918.00 1918.00 1918.00
Nonlife Insurance (10) 2798.17 -0.21 3026.54 2803.94 2805.68 2139.17 2.71 2.06 17.88 75.75 4702.62 FTSE Middle East and Africa All Cap 220 635.58 1.2 -6.1
-15.1 3.0 Utilities
-17.4 947.04 163 233.26 0.6 0.6 -12.7 426.64 -9.5 4.1 Total Equity Turnover (£m) 2349.75 0.10 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.01
Life Insurance/Assurance (11) 7736.05 -2.10 8367.44 7901.81 7923.53 7656.01 3.92 1.59 16.07 293.04 7101.77 FTSE Global wi UNITED KINGDOM All Cap In 327 332.49 1.1 -1.8-4.1 3.9 Electricity
-7.4 525.12 112 253.95 0.5 0.5 -10.4 459.52 -7.4 3.9 Total Mkt Bargains 909091.00 10.00 3.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
Index- Real Estate Investment & Services (21) 3057.18 -0.07 3306.69 3059.29 3066.06 2613.28 2.07 5.70 8.48 59.82 7854.66 FTSE Global wi USA All Cap 2009 502.25 -0.8 -1.8 0.5 2.1 Gas Water & Multiutilities
-1.3 642.92 51 248.63 0.7 0.7 -16.4 466.40 -13.1 4.5 Total Shares Traded (m) 3878.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Real Estate Investment Trusts (25) 2946.26 -0.82 3186.73 2970.65 2985.54 2710.49 2.98 6.00 5.59 87.57 3481.13 FTSE Europe All Cap 1394 383.38 0.5 -1.3-0.8 3.3 Financials
-3.7 585.40 676 200.90 -0.4 -0.4 -6.9 311.69 -4.3 3.0 † Excluding intra-market and overseas turnover. *UK only total at 6pm. ‡ UK plus intra-market turnover. (u) Unavaliable.
General Financial (32) 7872.18 -1.69 8514.68 8007.21 8021.17 7064.02 2.94 2.22 15.33 217.93 8544.15 FTSE Eurobloc All Cap 630 361.18 0.2 -1.0 0.8 3.0 Banks
-2.0 557.73 243 178.33 -0.1 -0.1 -11.3 294.86 -8.5 3.5 (c) Market closed.
Equity Investment Instruments (175) 7550.31 -0.42 8166.54 7582.23 7584.66 7451.05 2.67 1.05 35.78 195.18 3967.43 FTSE RAFI All World 3000 3013 5439.77 0.0 -2.7-5.1 3.2 Nonlife Insurance
-7.6 6842.53 71 214.38 -0.6 -0.6 0.1 298.18 2.3 2.3
Non Financials (355) 3890.95 -0.51 4208.52 3910.86 3916.09 4012.48 3.83 1.40 18.68 146.45 5445.52 FTSE RAFI US 1000 1004 8846.22 -0.5 -2.3-2.6 2.6 Life Insurance
-4.8 11168.09 51 201.95 -0.4 -0.4 -4.3 306.29 -1.8 2.9
Technology (20) 1472.11 0.13 1592.26 1470.19 1473.24 1195.75 1.31 2.15 35.53 18.79 1839.65 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient All-World 3066 314.88 -0.4 -1.2 0.5 2.3 Financial Services
-1.5 422.61 140 224.21 -1.1 -1.1 -3.2 298.22 -1.4 1.9 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed
Software & Computer Services (13) 1835.40 0.82 1985.20 1820.54 1823.90 1326.81 1.78 1.74 32.14 32.44 2402.81 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Developed Europe 520 280.31 0.3 0.3 3.2 2.7 Technology
0.6 408.87 186 176.53 -1.3 -1.3 2.6 210.46 4.3 1.7 accurate at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
Technology Hardware & Equipment (7) 1664.39 -0.45 1800.23 1671.98 1675.78 1471.03 0.90 2.84 39.09 14.34 1910.56 Software & Computer Services 85 308.98 -1.2 -1.2 13.8 354.54 15.1 1.1 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be
Technology Hardware & Equipment 101 130.35 -1.4 -1.4 -6.9 159.79 -4.9 2.4 liable for any loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information.
Hourly movements 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 High/day Low/day The FTSE Global Equity Series, launched in 2003, contains the FTSE Global Small Cap Indices and broader FTSE Global All Cap Indices (large/mid/small cap) as well as the enhanced FTSE All-World index Series (large/ For all queries e-mail
FTSE 100 6099.38 6105.32 6104.70 6111.87 6098.36 6109.05 6093.19 6092.64 6106.62 6126.37 6080.10 mid cap) - please see The trade names Fundamental Index® and RAFI® are registered trademarks and the patented and patent-pending proprietary intellectual property of Research Affiliates, LLC
FTSE 250 17099.99 17102.54 17082.69 17100.11 17078.85 17093.67 17071.25 17079.83 17102.09 17125.12 17052.28 (US Patent Nos. 7,620,577; 7,747,502; 7,778,905; 7,792,719; Patent Pending Publ. Nos. US-2006-0149645-A1, US-2007-0055598-A1, US-2008-0288416-A1, US-2010- 0063942-A1, WO 2005/076812, WO 2007/078399 A2,
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FTSE SmallCap 4544.76 4548.05 4546.96 4547.38 4546.14 4543.05 4538.86 4536.22 4537.36 4549.20 4532.85
FTSE All-Share 3368.20 3370.97 3370.00 3373.73 3367.00 3372.17 3364.36 3364.34 3371.24 3380.78 3358.45 For constituent changes and other information about FTSE, please see © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange
Time of FTSE 100 Day's high:08:20:45 Day's Low15:13:00 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 7103.98(27/04/2015) Low: 5898.87(24/08/2015) Group companies and is used by FTSE International Limited under licence.
Time of FTSE All-Share Day's high:08:21:00 Day's Low15:13:00 FTSE 100 2010/11 High: 3834.45(27/04/2015) Low: 3245.99(24/08/2015)
Further information is available on © FTSE International Limited. 2013. All Rights reserved. ”FTSE®” is a trade mark of the
London Stock Exchange Group companies and is used by FTSE International Limited under licence. † Sector P/E ratios greater than 80 are not shown.
For changes to FTSE Fledgling Index constituents please refer to ‡ Values are negative.


Amount Latest Company Turnover Pre-tax EPS(p) Div(p) Pay day Total Issue Issue Stock Close Mkt
Issue paid renun. closing Darty Int 1664.5 1644.4 9.2 7 0.01 0.001 0.875 0.875 Mar 30 3.5 3.5 date price(p) Sector code Stock price(p) +/- High Low Cap (£m)
price up date High Low Stock Price p +or- Imaginatik Int 1.96 1.472 0.572L 0.818L 0.51L 1.24L - - - - - 11/17 260.00 AIM FARN Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy 260.00 -17.50 295.00 265.00 6009.0
1p Nil 10-12-15 1.04 0.99 Lonmin PLC 1.01 -0.03 Lakehouse Pre 340.198 302.488 3.202 0.104 1.9 0.24L 1.9 - Feb 8 1.9 - 11/17 10.00 SCGL Sealand Capital Galaxy Ltd 12.50 - 13.90 13.90 0.0
465p Nil 10-12-15 521.90 505.00 Standard Chartered PLC 515.70 -3.90 Micro Focus International Int 604.523 208.319 98.835 57.133 0.402 0.362 17.295 15.788 Jan 22 50 64.3 11/13 240.00 SCT Softcat PLC 299.00 6.70 307.00 240.00 58836.1
Mulberry Group Int 67.768 64.7 0.06 1.11L 0.2 0.7L - - - - - 11/10 5.00 SEN Senterra Energy PLC 4.38 0.00 5.59 4.06 118.1
Photo-Me International Int 92.762 96.36 25.82 28.793 5.03 5.51 2.575 2.34 May 12 5.115 4.29 11/09 195.00 GYM Gym Group (The) PLC 200.00 -1.50 216.75 195.00 25621.1
Sports Direct International Int 1433.668 1432.898 187.252 149.732 24.5 19.4 - - - - - 11/06 180.00 MCS McCarthy & Stone PLC 233.50 3.25 240.75 180.00 125462.8
Titon Holdings Pre 22.258 19.256 1.869 1.333 12.6 8.52 1.75 1.5 Feb 19 3 2.5 11/06 100.00 RGL Regional REIT Ltd 100.00 0.15 104.00 98.25 27421.7
Versarien Int 2.362 2.479 0.839L 0.296L 0.75L 0.28L - - - - -
Zibao Metals Recycling Holdings Int 160.989 208.28 0.189 5.354 0.002 0.049 - 2.396 - - 2.4

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. §Placing price. *Intoduction. ‡When issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 27



52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week
Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m
Australia (A$) Finland (€) Japan (¥) Sweden (SKr) AT&T 33.87 0.30 36.45 30.97 5.56 35.67 208368.24 Lockheed♦ 218.44 0.90 227.91 181.91 2.75 19.37 67125.66
ANZ♦ 26.19 -0.24 37.25 25.01 9.51 10.57 55559.97 Nokia 6.44 -0.03 7.87 4.91 2.22 -43.36 25910.18 AstellasPh 1660 -14.00 2047 1514.5 1.96 21.20 30348.28 AtlasCpcoB 203.70 2.40 270.00 173.70 1.49 17.45 9346.26 AutomData♦ 85.96 1.01 90.67 64.29 2.28 28.58 39994.9 Lowes 76.35 0.23 78.13 64.07 1.31 24.55 69868.24
BHPBilltn 17.48 0.32 34.29 16.71 13.37 20.26 40965.51 SampoA 46.42 0.10 49.40 37.01 4.29 15.09 28369.95 Bridgestne 4257 -76.00 5182 3753.5 2.86 12.15 28481.67 Ericsson 78.10 -3.50 120.00 77.45 4.30 25.18 30350.15 Avago Tech 147.18 1.53 150.50 95.18 0.96 40.16 40620.81 Lyondell 87.51 -1.33 107.32 70.06 3.39 9.38 39328.58
CmwBkAu 78.90 -1.39 96.69 70.15 7.61 14.69 98308.76 France (€) Canon 3668 -14.00 4539 3402 4.43 18.00 40255.45 H&M 303.00 -7.70 368.50 295.20 3.18 23.50 58965.5 BakerHu♦ 52.08 -0.96 70.45 44.11 1.31 -83.41 22709.21 Marathon Ptl 52.45 0.47 60.38 37.62 2.04 8.29 27954.49
CSL 99.20 0.17 102.43 81.48 1.43 25.67 33649 Airbus Grpe 64.18 0.69 68.50 39.64 1.91 17.35 55319.15 CntJpRwy 20975 -120.00 24800 16565 0.58 13.88 35553.77 Investor 313.60 -12.30 363.40 265.10 2.91 15.00 28091.71 BankAm♦ 17.22 0.12 18.48 14.60 1.16 12.89 179303.94 Marsh&M 55.69 0.14 59.99 50.90 2.62 20.27 29050.59
NatAusBk♦ 28.43 -0.53 39.71 27.51 9.52 12.08 54479.2 AirLiquide 104.40 -0.35 123.95 93.01 2.40 20.82 39287.53 Denso 5692 -73.00 6548 4945 2.20 17.23 41406.39 Nordea Bk 91.50 -2.40 115.50 85.15 6.44 10.49 43572.18 Baxter♦ 37.39 0.62 43.44 32.18 4.48 11.19 20452.99 MasterCard 98.11 0.29 101.76 74.61 0.65 30.15 107938.52
Telstra 5.25 -0.06 6.74 5.06 8.29 15.07 46835.39 AXA 25.24 -0.03 26.02 17.56 3.70 12.31 68029.03 EastJpRwy 11345 -90.00 12815 8553 1.12 20.70 36640.44 SEB 86.95 -1.05 111.50 85.60 5.55 10.68 22185.63 BB & T 37.67 0.43 41.90 34.24 2.71 13.94 29388.26 McDonald's♦ 116.69 0.11 117.50 87.50 2.92 25.25 107145.94
Wesfarmers 37.72 -0.27 46.95 36.65 8.89 17.22 30995.87 BNP Parib 52.27 0.09 61.00 43.14 2.93 8.87 71241.4 Fanuc 21130 -550.00 28575 17930 3.72 19.84 35806.46 SvnskaHn 111.80 -3.50 426.00 110.20 3.78 14.36 24605.82 BectonDick♦ 153.79 0.92 155.53 128.87 1.56 45.86 32200.79 McGraw Hill 95.13 0.68 109.13 84.64 1.36-258.87 25713.64
Westpc♦ 31.41 -0.64 40.07 29.10 8.05 13.48 76160.38 ChristianDior 163.95 -1.75 195.35 127.90 2.03 11.72 32585.77 FastRetail 45440-1170.00 61970 40610 0.76 42.58 39660.88 Swedbank 183.50 1.10 223.90 179.10 6.28 12.82 24424.36 BerkshHat 198038.13 378.13 229300 190007 - 14.28 160634.47 McKesson♦ 187.40 0.34 243.61 160.10 0.53 21.05 43121.29
Woolworths 23.37 -0.23 34.71 23.05 7.38 13.51 21673.34 Cred Agr 10.44 -0.14 14.49 9.82 3.43 21.83 30136.36 Fuji Hvy Ind 4946 -83.00 5223 3669 2.24 11.11 31860.9 TeliaSonera 40.89 0.17 55.85 39.89 7.45 12.03 20818.61 Biogen 289.09 4.48 480.18 254.00 - 18.86 64439.06 Medtronic 77.43 -0.13 79.50 55.54 1.74 45.14 109456.32
Belgium (€) Danone 62.37 -0.55 67.74 51.50 2.36 41.92 44676.76 Hitachi 711.70 -11.40 929.10 585.70 1.49 12.87 28305.58 Volvo 80.20 -0.35 120.50 76.35 3.80 16.87 15304.34 BkNYMeln 42.53 0.13 45.45 35.63 1.60 18.38 46483.27 Merck 53.09 0.27 63.62 45.69 3.39 14.06 148295.24
AnBshInBv 116.05 -0.30 124.20 85.63 2.63 22.80 204123.79 EDF♦ 13.39 0.78 24.89 12.40 9.17 7.17 27239.08 HondaMtr 3889 -91.00 4499 3382.5 2.30 12.59 57966.31 Switzerland (SFr) BlackRock♦ 345.89 1.32 382.84 275.00 2.45 17.76 56723.38 Metlife♦ 49.28 0.69 58.23 44.49 2.95 9.54 54780.95
KBC Grp 54.05 -0.66 66.00 42.77 3.78 8.73 24696.82 Engie SA 16.03 0.27 20.08 13.80 6.13 43.79 42682 JapanTob 4345 -7.00 4848 3101 2.38 18.59 71504.98 ABB 17.95 -0.19 22.16 16.49 - 16.80 42018.15 Boeing 146.15 1.91 158.83 115.14 2.37 18.35 97918.11 Microsoft 55.41 0.43 56.23 39.72 2.24 36.90 442610.27
Esslr Intl 115.45 -0.75 125.15 82.75 0.87 41.04 27294.05 KDDI 2934 -31.50 8550 2519 2.08 15.12 64964 CredSuisse 21.07 -0.11 28.94 18.57 3.31 9.77 41707.01 BrisMySq 68.78 0.22 70.54 51.82 2.15 64.90 114736.39 Mnstr Bvrg 152.05 0.05 160.50 104.48 - 52.65 30823.95
Brazil (R$)
Hermes Intl 323.40 -3.75 365.55 267.40 0.90 37.23 37340.07 Keyence 64260 -710.00 70100 50700 0.32 31.10 32149.52 Nestle 73.75 0.05 77.00 64.55 3.04 16.02 237795.91 Broadcom♦ 57.90 0.42 58.14 40.21 0.93 25.14 32481.9 MondelezInt 43.95 0.30 48.58 33.97 1.41 8.57 69843.91
Ambev 18.19 -0.29 20.46 15.00 8.60 23.74 75797.26
LOreal 156.40 -1.05 181.30 127.70 1.70 30.35 95741.58 MitsbCp 1994.5 -8.50 2837 1887.5 2.80 10.56 26095.69 Novartis 84.30 0.70 103.20 82.25 3.20 24.37 228215.1 CapOne 76.08 0.66 92.10 67.73 1.84 10.69 40478 Monsanto 96.32 -0.29 126.00 81.22 2.01 20.57 42365.12
Bradesco 23.98 -0.66 32.40 22.84 3.88 8.80 16048.52
LVMH 148.00 -0.85 176.60 123.50 2.12 13.30 82256.94 MitsubEst 2516.5 -32.50 2975 2321 0.61 45.13 28790.7 Richemont 72.30 -0.50 91.75 66.40 2.24 23.03 38166.15 CardinalHlth 87.45 -0.06 91.91 74.76 1.67 21.87 28769.4 MorganStly 33.66 0.29 41.04 30.15 1.49 20.68 65173.3
Cielo 36.19 -1.31 46.27 30.48 1.80 18.17 18101.74
Nmrcble-SFR 35.50 -1.10 60.01 33.74 - -42.73 17015.42 MitsubishiEle 1306.5 -17.50 1718 1063 2.10 12.02 23083.34 Roche 269.20 0.70 292.90 238.80 3.03 25.42 191262.45 Carnival♦ 51.02 0.71 54.59 42.51 2.03 28.76 30107.44 MylanNV 51.66 0.96 76.69 37.59 - 28.80 25403.65
ItauHldFin 25.93 -0.18 32.66 23.81 1.88 6.09 20946.66
Orange 15.12 -0.04 16.98 12.21 3.90 40.51 43803.82 MitsuiFud 3067 -36.00 3879 2951 0.93 24.81 25020.16 Swiss Re 96.70 -0.75 99.75 74.95 4.63 38.07 36251.56 Caterpillar 66.62 0.71 95.02 62.99 4.31 13.74 38788.42 Netflix 122.53 -1.67 133.27 45.08 - 327.00 52367.89
Petrobras 9.16 -0.30 16.26 7.66 - -3.62 18073.63
PernodRic 102.95 0.45 117.75 87.90 1.56 32.35 29885.44 MitUFJFin 779.50 -6.90 936.80 604.00 2.35 6.98 90879.74 Swisscom 483.20 -5.20 580.50 474.40 4.61 17.49 25312.94 CBS♦ 48.59 0.23 63.95 38.51 1.24 15.67 21073.62 NextEraE♦ 98.00 -0.76 112.64 93.74 3.10 14.04 45132.52
Vale 12.57 0.49 27.89 11.25 18.45 -5.55 10721.25
Renault 92.74 0.71 100.25 55.68 2.01 10.20 29994.95 Mizuho Fin 242.80 -0.60 280.40 191.00 3.24 7.41 49690.4 Syngent 378.80 12.70 435.20 280.00 2.94 25.24 35604.81 Celgene 111.93 0.99 140.72 92.98 - 56.04 88485.16 Nike♦ 129.01 0.17 135.30 90.69 0.86 33.08 87047.68
Canada (C$) Murata Mfg 18970 -40.00 22220 12430 1.07 18.43 35162.1 CharlesSch 33.37 0.40 35.72 25.43 0.72 33.58 43932.38 NorfolkS 87.76 0.21 112.22 72.10 2.67 15.85 26202.48
Safran 63.17 0.50 72.45 47.75 1.87 -19.52 28812.09 UBS 18.73 -0.05 22.57 13.58 4.06 11.43 72913.86
BCE 55.28 -0.37 60.20 50.92 4.71 17.88 34568.34 NipponTT 4584 -13.00 5066 3011 2.11 15.93 79074.07 ChevrnTx 89.69 2.09 114.45 69.58 4.78 19.45 168799.87 Northrop♦ 187.38 0.83 193.99 140.52 1.60 18.06 34174.93
Sanofi 76.76 -0.51 101.10 69.77 3.65 21.34 109594.77 Zurich Fin 254.20 -1.60 334.60 232.60 - 12.53 38663.62
BkMontrl 78.22 0.79 82.91 64.01 4.22 11.67 36983.83 Nissan Mt 1246.5 -14.00 1350 963.10 3.06 9.42 46367.75 Cigna 137.69 0.57 170.68 99.88 0.03 16.85 35472.79 NXP 88.66 2.42 114.00 70.35 - 30.59 22320.19
Sant Gbn 38.72 -0.12 44.84 31.83 1.57 26.44 23750.56 Taiwan (NT$)
BkNvaS 57.26 -0.26 67.72 52.60 4.81 10.03 50682.6 Nomura 713.70 -10.10 909.20 609.30 3.27 9.87 22448.46 Cisco 26.77 0.04 30.31 23.03 3.01 14.61 136183.08 Occid Pet♦ 68.42 0.47 83.74 63.60 4.30 -8.64 52254.81
Schneider 55.00 0.20 75.29 48.57 3.43 19.37 35346.1 Chunghwa Telecom 98.50 0.10 101.00 91.20 4.92 19.29 23272.96
Brookfield♦ 44.21 0.19 48.64 36.34 1.42 11.61 31913.78 Nppn Stl 2374.5 -32.50 3505 2122.5 2.78 9.60 18567.75 Citigroup 52.87 0.06 60.95 46.60 0.23 11.90 157499.23 Oracle 38.44 -0.14 46.71 35.14 1.39 18.34 163932.31
SocGen 41.69 -0.11 48.77 31.85 2.94 11.23 36760.09 HonHaiPrc 82.90 -0.40 99.70 77.90 4.58 8.66 39485.74
CanadPcR 171.58 -3.38 245.05 168.50 0.83 18.83 19297.19 NTTDCMo 2352.5 -9.50 2873.5 1731 3.02 19.34 79089.76 CME Grp♦ 95.85 1.80 100.87 83.43 2.06 25.61 32419.66 Pepsico♦ 98.90 -0.23 103.44 76.48 2.75 29.30 144082.54
Total 43.08 0.26 50.30 36.92 5.89 115.58 114897.67 TaiwanSem 141.00 0.50 155.00 112.50 3.19 12.04 111358.8
CanImp 93.52 -1.29 102.90 83.10 4.69 10.33 27338.25 Panasonic 1276.5 -23.50 1853.5 1177.5 1.30 88.87 25765.84 Coca-Cola♦ 42.77 0.11 43.85 36.56 3.03 27.41 185984.35 Perrigo♦ 148.18 0.02 215.73 140.40 0.32 146.62 21694.19
UnibailR 230.15 -1.30 262.00 193.05 4.16 13.30 24829.51
CanNatRs♦ 29.52 0.58 42.46 25.01 3.15 73.95 23772.47 Seven & I 5376 -51.00 5998 4117.5 1.38 27.69 39212.64 Thailand (THB) Cognizant 60.55 0.22 69.80 50.17 - 23.73 36907 Pfizer 32.39 0.10 36.46 28.47 3.40 24.31 199446.93
Vinci 58.60 -0.81 62.60 39.65 2.97 17.02 38442.45
CanNatRy♦ 73.48 -0.29 88.89 69.90 1.64 17.05 42857.65 ShnEtsuCh 6741 -21.00 8320 5801 1.58 20.53 23968 PTT Explor 232.00 -9.00 382.00 231.00 4.71 -70.12 18412.39 ColgtPlm 66.25 0.17 71.56 50.84 2.24 24.49 59421.09 Phillips66 86.64 0.55 94.12 57.33 2.45 10.11 46217.27
Vivendi 19.21 -0.06 24.83 19.05 10.64-218.25 28728.09
Enbridge 43.45 0.32 66.14 41.41 4.08-110.42 27611.81 Softbank 6226 -24.00 7827 5370 0.65 13.05 61510.01 United Arab Emirates (Dhs) Comcast 59.74 1.15 64.99 50.01 1.63 18.70 125125.98 PhilMorris 87.68 -0.34 90.08 75.27 4.59 18.83 135838.37
GtWesLif♦ 34.91 0.13 37.70 30.42 3.74 12.56 25510.08 Germany (€)
Sony 3005 -22.00 3970 2315 0.76 35.63 31210.21 Emirtestele 16.05 0.05 16.50 9.41 4.01 17.36 34548.57 ConocPhil 49.66 1.19 71.37 41.10 5.91 -60.53 61306.27 PNCFin 94.69 1.13 100.52 81.84 2.09 12.73 49041.88
ImpOil 41.01 0.28 55.37 39.86 1.18 20.33 25576.72 Allianz 161.95 0.60 170.15 129.35 4.32 11.22 80945.77
SumitomoF 4673 -32.00 5770 3902 3.37 12.04 54372.43 United Kingdom (p) Corning♦ 17.71 -0.04 25.16 15.42 2.60 11.56 20950.66 PPG Inds♦ 100.83 -0.72 118.95 82.93 1.38 23.56 27150.41
Manulife 21.02 0.06 24.20 18.91 3.14 16.39 30489.54 BASF 70.50 -0.22 97.22 63.00 3.90 13.53 70819.89
Takeda Ph 5749 -76.00 6657 4821 3.18 -29.07 37380.17 AscBrFd♦ 3436 -78.00 3606 2705.75 0.99 48.15 41247.54 Costco 162.41 2.69 169.73 117.03 0.92 30.68 71374.99 Praxair♦ 106.94 -0.12 132.95 98.55 2.62 21.77 30460.3
Potash 24.81 0.46 47.10 24.23 8.01 10.34 15244.16 Bayer 114.70 1.10 146.45 106.80 2.00 24.93 103738.16
TokioMarine 4609 33.00 5504 3703 2.37 18.08 28728.95 AstraZen 4379.5 -24.50 4931.68 3746 4.24 49.47 83932.47 CrownCstl 85.38 -0.03 89.44 74.45 3.85 55.62 28495.73 Prec Cast♦ 232.12 0.02 242.96 186.17 0.05 24.36 31935.34
RylBkC 74.34 -0.21 81.53 68.05 4.23 10.85 81231.75 BMW 97.27 0.13 123.75 72.05 3.05 11.11 64042.6
Toyota 7601 -53.00 8783 6650 3.01 10.26 208772.48 Aviva 497.20 -3.80 578.68 428.40 3.64 13.01 30503.36 CSX♦ 24.84 -0.18 37.67 24.47 2.74 12.33 24212.75 Priceline 1297.25 2.26 1476.52 990.69 - 27.07 64582.14
Suncor En♦ 35.66 0.28 40.93 30.89 2.39 529.99 37929.41 Continental 221.70 -0.65 234.25 161.20 1.50 16.31 48495.98
Mexico (Mex$) Barclays♦ 218.00 -3.95 289.90 215.40 2.98 0.73 55526.07 CVS 95.07 0.09 113.65 81.37 1.40 21.34 105267.1 ProctGmbl 78.01 0.31 93.89 65.02 3.35 26.04 212218.28
ThmReut♦ 52.70 0.03 55.92 44.37 3.45 15.39 29778.71 Daimler 77.24 0.15 96.07 62.06 3.24 10.47 90376.83
AmerMvl 12.70 0.06 17.37 12.57 1.98 23.00 31623.19 BG 975.60 -9.60 1301.62 780.55 1.96 -18.84 50562.24 Danaher 95.02 0.55 97.62 81.25 0.53 26.37 65115.81 Prudntl♦ 84.47 0.39 92.60 73.19 2.75 11.01 37927.03
TntoDom 54.07 0.29 56.48 47.75 3.77 12.58 73848.84 Deut Bank 22.23 -0.11 33.42 22.00 3.45 -7.13 33526.57
FEMSA UBD 159.02 0.24 169.74 119.19 0.70 30.74 33328.99 BP♦ 350.95 0.50 499.25 252.55 7.67 -12.82 97473.89 Deere 78.63 -0.61 98.23 71.85 2.97 12.42 25803.71 PublStor 241.67 -1.09 246.82 178.42 2.57 40.48 41783.75
TrnCan 44.73 0.93 59.50 40.58 4.63 18.69 23335.22 Deut Tlkm 16.24 -0.04 17.63 12.40 3.15 32.79 81796.49
WalMrtMex 42.20 0.10 47.00 28.26 1.29 32.04 43225.81 BrAmTob 3694 -44.00 3931.5 3231.5 4.01 17.15 104422.03 Delphi 84.83 0.43 90.57 66.10 1.18 17.85 23758.48 Qualcomm♦ 48.92 0.33 75.72 47.52 3.68 15.18 73531.21
ValeantPh 129.65 1.50 347.84 92.65 - 54.47 32548.77 DeutsPost 25.02 0.13 31.19 22.93 - 20.48 33143.1
BSkyB 1076 -6.00 1180 857.50 3.00 13.76 28047.3 Delta 50.90 1.39 52.00 34.61 0.80 14.65 40031.51 Raytheon 127.16 1.01 128.94 95.32 2.06 18.76 38286.57
E.ON 8.49 -0.08 14.94 7.08 1.68 -1.79 18578.06 Netherlands (€)
China (HK$) BT 469.15 1.95 502.60 385.60 2.43 17.68 59513.9 DirectTV 93.55 1.36 95.51 82.04 - 16.82 47176.52 Regen Pharm 544.59 -2.80 605.93 383.87 - 107.54 55404.82
Fresenius Med 76.50 0.54 83.17 57.70 1.02 24.29 26029.41 Altice 11.09 -0.63 47.73 10.97 - 194.29 9960.54
AgricBkCh 2.90 -0.02 4.55 2.87 7.78 4.32 11501.55 Compass 1125 -9.00 1223.36 963.00 2.40 21.84 28060.7 DiscFinServ 54.58 0.50 66.73 50.20 1.91 11.25 23332.07 ReynoldsAm♦ 44.80 -0.26 49.56 31.35 3.05 16.86 64023.89
Fresenius SE 64.32 0.12 70.00 40.85 0.70 27.43 38334.75 ASML Hld 81.39 -1.01 104.85 70.25 0.88 24.71 38573.52
Bk China 3.33 -0.03 5.68 3.25 7.07 4.87 35929.15 Diageo 1832 -20.00 2055 1592.5 2.92 19.37 69875.98 Disney♦ 110.70 -0.06 122.08 90.00 1.64 22.55 183006.79 Salesforce 79.44 -0.27 82.90 53.75 - -603.21 52748.16
HenkelKgaA 87.25 0.42 99.44 75.76 1.51 20.92 24791.04 Heineken 80.47 -0.14 85.90 56.14 1.34 23.25 50693.87
BkofComm 5.36 -0.02 8.61 5.17 6.24 4.88 24213.5 GlaxoSmh♦ 1314 -2.00 1645 1227.5 6.09 6.51 96973.8 DominRes♦ 65.59 -0.60 80.89 65.04 3.88 21.70 39047.93 Schlmbrg♦ 72.19 0.07 95.13 66.57 2.63 27.25 91039.08
Linde 134.05 0.90 195.55 132.15 2.40 21.38 27230.36 ING 12.21 -0.13 16.00 9.68 - 26.38 51655.6
BOE Tech 2.36 - 4.78 1.17 1.63 33.14 60.58 Glencore 88.90 5.82 318.46 66.67 12.87-206.74 19404.54 DowChem 55.01 -1.96 57.10 35.11 3.06 14.81 63707.19 Shrwin-Will 267.25 -0.47 294.35 218.27 0.96 25.58 24880.65
MuenchRkv 185.20 0.05 206.50 154.20 4.28 9.76 33794.69 Unilever 39.52 -0.19 42.84 30.28 2.88 23.75 74106.14
Ch Coms Cons 8.16 -0.34 17.00 7.73 2.94 7.31 4661.49 HSBC 510.80 -0.80 674.57 478.35 6.56 10.07 152447.17 DukeEner♦ 67.82 -0.79 89.97 65.50 4.74 19.68 46682.57 SimonProp 186.36 -0.90 208.14 170.99 3.09 34.81 57661.61
SAP 71.86 0.15 75.75 53.01 1.56 27.25 96551.92 Norway (Kr)
Ch Evrbrght 3.49 -0.01 5.65 3.22 6.61 4.54 3092.99 ImpTob 3442 -40.00 3665 2680 3.72 17.23 50037.65 DuPont♦ 72.96 -1.53 76.61 47.11 2.48 20.93 63942.65 SouthCpr 25.41 0.20 33.31 23.41 1.65 19.92 19956.41
Siemens 89.61 -0.85 106.35 77.91 3.62 13.18 86343.45 DNB 108.80 -0.70 143.00 100.90 3.70 7.57 20527.78
Ch Rail Cons 10.18 -0.18 17.70 8.10 1.83 8.78 2727.17 LlydsBkg 72.04 1.37 89.35 70.25 2.08 42.96 78055.64 Eaton 52.51 -0.16 73.82 49.21 4.08 12.14 24301.58 Starbucks 61.58 0.40 64.00 39.22 1.04 33.76 91433.98
Volkswgn 139.60 -0.80 254.50 95.00 3.51 10.85 45054.34 Statoil 123.00 -3.10 161.70 113.90 5.93 -10.38 45431.53
Ch Rail Gp 5.99 -0.33 12.30 5.50 1.61 9.93 3251.72 Natl Grid♦ 911.00 -2.40 954.00 806.40 4.71 15.88 51715.89 eBay 28.81 0.47 29.83 22.11 - 11.63 34590.84 StateSt 69.50 0.67 81.26 63.97 1.84 16.25 28042.28
ChConstBk 5.20 -0.01 7.98 5.02 7.17 4.63 161303.19 Hong Kong (HK$) Telenor 147.70 -1.50 186.10 143.70 2.61 35.65 25688.55 Ecolab 115.84 -1.11 122.48 97.78 1.14 31.02 34208.7 Stryker 92.95 0.63 105.34 89.81 1.49 30.14 34903.82
Prudential 1488 -30.00 1761.5 1045.99 2.48 15.15 58024.31
China Vanke RMB 19.54 -0.01 21.36 10.93 2.59 13.25 29499.92 AIA 47.65 -0.50 58.20 38.85 0.91 22.10 74074.09 Qatar (QR) EMC 26.12 0.12 30.92 22.66 1.76 21.87 50637.58 Sychrony Fin 31.14 0.53 36.40 27.92 - 11.83 25965.34
RBS 292.60 2.30 414.00 287.60 - -13.12 51364.05
ChinaCitic 4.81 -0.06 7.40 4.36 - 4.48 9236.02 BOC Hold 23.50 -0.20 33.70 22.30 4.59 9.96 32057.73 QatarNtBk 163.00 - 216.00 158.20 4.61 10.20 31322.42 Emerson 47.17 0.03 63.50 42.21 3.99 11.76 30875.46 Target 72.63 0.62 85.81 68.15 2.87 16.56 44743.83
ReckittB 6189 22.00 6450 4895 2.25 26.30 66441.91
ChinaLife 25.05 -0.10 41.00 23.40 1.95 14.99 24050.55 Ch OSLnd&Inv 26.05 -1.00 34.05 20.70 2.04 7.45 33142.6 EOG Res 79.47 1.09 101.36 68.15 0.84 -11.40 43682.48 TE Connect♦ 64.02 -0.25 73.73 54.32 1.94 21.25 24730.34
Russia (RUB) RELX 1157 -13.00 1232 988.50 2.25 26.57 36009.26
ChinaMBank 17.52 -0.20 26.85 16.40 4.74 6.19 10377.87 ChngKng 51.60 0.05 77.55 50.10 - 11.27 25696.66 EquityResTP 77.31 -0.26 82.53 61.90 2.79 33.49 28161.08 Telsa Mtrs 227.11 2.59 286.65 181.40 - -42.56 29740.88
Gzprm neft 135.60 -0.21 166.94 113.73 6.32 6.81 46647 RioTinto 1971 4.50 3280 1872 6.92 19.61 41149.96
ChinaMob 89.85 0.30 118.00 85.00 3.12 14.02 237371.25 Citic Ltd 13.74 -0.06 16.40 11.64 1.51 6.73 51571.51 Exelon 26.43 -0.14 38.93 26.22 4.70 11.73 24304.09 TexasInstr 57.02 0.26 59.99 43.49 2.39 20.16 57841.78
Lukoil 2445 59.90 3297.7 2053.6 7.47 20.61 30219.45 RollsRoyce 567.00 -11.50 1061 504.50 4.07 -41.70 15808.31
ChinaPcIns 30.40 -0.20 47.10 24.80 1.98 14.75 10885.78 Citic Secs 17.36 - 40.50 12.82 2.01 7.70 5103.18 ExpScripts 86.06 0.75 94.61 68.06 - 26.69 58203.49 TheTrvelers♦ 111.06 0.02 116.48 95.21 2.09 9.86 33786.54
MmcNrlskNckl 8925 -10.00 12247 7962 15.80 10.54 20522.99 RylDShlA♦ 1522 -19.00 2239.5 1486.5 8.25 92.00 90973.84
ChMinsheng 7.29 -0.08 11.88 6.70 3.14 4.66 6521.72 CK Hutchison 101.20 -0.60 174.90 97.50 3.48 4.14 50397.33 ExxonMb 76.40 0.77 95.18 66.55 3.72 16.11 318027.69 ThrmoFshr 134.52 0.13 141.25 117.10 0.45 27.33 53686.62
Novatek 582.20 -6.90 646.30 398.50 10.57 50.53 25687.33 SABMill 4035 -7.50 4090 2773 1.84 33.43 99109.53
ChMrchSecs RMB 20.96 0.23 40.00 13.85 2.02 11.87 15637.79 CNOOC 8.17 -0.25 13.78 7.41 6.70 7.33 47064.67 Facebook 105.85 1.25 110.65 72.00 - 106.75 239188.14 TimeWrnr♦ 68.21 -0.09 91.34 65.25 2.01 15.65 55630.81
Rosneft 249.00 1.30 294.20 183.95 3.46 6.39 38347.07 Shire 4327 -57.00 5870 4305 0.35 12.77 38868.83
Chna Utd Coms RMB 6.06 -0.06 10.74 4.27 1.13 40.63 19952.78 HangSeng 143.70 0.40 162.10 125.00 3.76 10.67 35447.44 Fedex♦ 148.44 1.64 185.19 130.01 0.56 39.61 41916.4 TimeWrnrC 183.47 -0.45 194.22 134.21 2.05 27.36 51958.25
Sberbank 100.13 -0.53 110.70 47.21 - 6.68 31409.23 StandCh 509.20 -6.50 1166 505.00 10.07 11.90 19685.43
ChShenEgy 11.84 -0.10 24.40 11.30 7.63 8.13 5191.88 HK Exc&Clr 198.60 0.30 311.40 168.10 1.93 35.29 30968.11 FordMtr 14.01 0.12 16.74 10.44 4.11 11.74 54607.87 TJX Cos 71.73 0.92 76.93 63.53 1.05 22.26 48025.32
Surgutneftegas 34.30 -0.01 39.80 21.82 - 1.24 17804.05 Tesco 150.55 -2.45 252.52 149.85 0.77 -2.17 18584.88
ChShpbldng RMB 9.47 -0.28 20.19 7.73 0.41-570.64 26416.01 MTR 36.30 0.05 40.00 30.75 2.79 13.83 27432.55 Franklin 38.71 0.20 57.95 36.10 1.55 11.75 23280.65 T-MobileUS♦ 36.41 0.34 43.43 24.26 - 60.21 29707.84
Saudi Arabia (SR) Vodafone♦ 212.65 -3.15 258.00 201.25 5.28 -39.82 85624.9
ChStConEng RMB 6.29 -0.10 12.52 4.88 2.77 7.95 29213.23 SandsCh 26.25 0.10 41.30 22.85 7.31 14.83 27329.73 GenDyn 140.22 0.05 153.76 130.91 2.36 15.78 44327.49 UnionPac♦ 77.58 0.04 124.52 74.78 2.77 13.39 66262.68
AlRajhiBnk 48.30 -0.02 69.00 47.70 3.87 12.22 20918.84 WPP 1501 5.00 1616 1271 2.54 15.51 29467.96
ChUncHK 9.08 -0.08 16.00 9.03 2.73 19.14 28055.2 SHK Props 94.50 -0.10 137.60 93.25 2.45 8.93 35278.67 GenElectric 30.73 0.26 30.99 19.37 3.00 59.51 310606.37 UPS B 100.75 0.29 114.40 93.64 2.84 23.11 70136.37
Tencent 150.40 -0.30 171.00 104.50 0.23 41.63 182470.46 Natnlcombnk 51.50 -0.24 72.75 48.80 - 11.66 27378.36 United States of America ($)
CNNC Intl RMB 9.50 0.02 14.38 4.07 - 26.36 5741.79 GenMills 58.78 0.20 59.87 47.43 2.85 28.16 35129.08 USBancorp 43.36 0.35 46.26 38.81 2.31 13.72 75835.57
SaudiBasic 87.45 0.56 110.50 70.25 5.88 11.09 69922.71 21stC Fox A 28.20 0.06 39.27 22.81 1.06 7.33 33015.2
CSR♦ 9.80 -0.28 20.70 7.80 - 21.62 5526.99 India (Rs) GenMotors 35.73 0.28 39.00 24.62 3.70 13.10 55602.2 UtdHlthcre♦ 116.38 1.33 126.21 95.00 1.51 18.45 110922.76
SaudiTelec 67.23 -0.17 73.25 52.75 5.96 13.73 35836.88 3M♦ 157.57 1.52 170.50 134.00 2.50 20.37 97017.89
Daqin RMB 8.74 -0.18 15.15 7.88 5.57 9.07 20183.3 Bhartiartl 312.65 1.80 452.45 308.10 0.72 21.27 18713.59 GileadSci 102.09 0.14 123.37 85.95 0.84 9.37 147130.09 UtdTech 93.81 -0.35 124.45 85.50 2.68 14.72 83211.43
Singapore (S$) AbbottLb 45.35 0.39 51.74 39.00 2.07 26.92 67649.5
Gree Elec Apl 0.25 -0.01 0.45 0.13 - -2.74 385.76 HDFC Bk 1060.6 13.15 1128 916.00 0.77 23.97 40067.18 GoldmSchs♦ 182.17 1.46 218.77 167.49 1.37 11.95 77700.09 ValeroEngy♦ 71.07 1.19 73.88 43.45 2.08 7.89 34220.45
DBS 16.46 -0.05 21.50 16.00 3.60 12.63 29378.75 Abbvie 56.05 0.02 71.60 45.45 3.45 32.39 91627.56
GuosenSec RMB 18.73 0.08 34.94 7.00 1.08 11.20 23856.92 Hind Unilevr 815.90 -4.25 981.00 744.50 1.80 37.13 26435.62 Halliburton♦ 38.29 -0.01 50.20 30.93 1.88 124.28 32769.09 Verizon 45.37 0.01 50.86 38.06 4.89 18.17 184604.77
JardnMt US$ 48.61 -0.79 67.88 45.02 2.88 11.73 34141.45 Accenture 107.66 0.37 109.86 81.66 1.87 24.27 86798
HaitongSecs 12.66 -0.12 27.90 10.00 2.45 7.75 5569.39 HsngDevFin 1182.3 29.05 1402.3 1060.1 1.29 20.24 27937.79 HCA Hold 68.82 1.44 95.49 43.91 - 14.38 28055.69 VertexPharm 121.75 1.12 143.45 97.45 - -44.33 29916.08
JardnStr US$ 27.18 -0.02 36.93 26.11 0.96 9.99 30279.84 Ace 114.69 -0.20 117.98 96.00 2.30 14.00 37180.37
Hngzh HikVDT RMB 33.55 -0.09 56.48 21.53 1.21 23.54 16445.69 ICICI Bk 258.95 -0.50 393.40 247.70 1.95 11.84 22534.94 Hew-Pack♦ 12.24 0.13 18.66 11.03 5.21 5.13 22010.27 VF Cp♦ 63.05 0.30 77.83 61.17 2.03 26.24 26878.79
OCBC 8.64 -0.04 10.92 8.62 4.11 9.72 25361.67 Adobe 89.14 -0.42 92.88 68.98 - 92.68 44462.97
Hunng Pwr 6.68 -0.13 11.90 6.65 7.01 6.26 4051.21 Infosys 1047.35 19.15 2336 932.65 3.60 18.60 35844.02 HiltonWwde♦ 22.00 0.26 31.60 20.93 0.32 29.04 21723.94 Viacom 44.30 0.33 77.89 36.32 3.30 9.36 15378.61
SingTel 3.85 0.04 4.57 3.43 4.49 16.05 43783.77 AEP 55.09 -1.16 65.38 52.29 3.85 15.27 27039.13
IM Baotou Stl RMB 3.60 -0.07 7.50 3.16 - -45.42 8802.94 ITC 321.25 3.85 409.95 294.00 2.04 24.56 38637.77 HomeDep♦ 133.16 1.26 135.47 92.17 1.65 25.42 168834.24 Visa Inc 78.36 0.48 81.01 60.00 0.61 30.39 152523.23
UOB■ 19.25 -0.13 25.05 18.20 4.36 9.88 21993.92 Aetna 104.45 0.58 134.40 85.62 0.93 16.00 36421.72
In&CmBkCh 4.54 -0.01 7.10 4.30 6.98 4.82 50842.22 L&T 1310.95 10.25 1893.8 1298.4 1.18 23.44 18279.2 Honywell 101.68 -0.21 107.41 87.00 2.04 17.80 78363.9 Walgreen♦ 83.23 -0.11 97.30 68.09 1.63 21.08 90620.29
Aflac 61.32 0.06 66.53 51.41 2.55 10.72 26167.53
IndstrlBk RMB 16.09 -0.11 21.42 11.90 3.59 6.06 40437.72 OilNatGas 219.80 2.70 373.80 212.90 4.59 9.41 28157.49 South Africa (R) HumanaInc 171.73 1.00 219.79 137.45 0.66 19.74 25454.49 WalMartSto♦ 59.65 0.52 90.97 56.30 3.21 13.02 190992.93
AirProd 133.20 -0.65 158.20 123.66 2.40 22.63 28694.82
Kweichow RMB 212.96 -1.51 290.00 166.20 2.08 16.41 41554.55 RelianceIn 950.35 34.45 1067.85 796.45 1.07 11.19 46093.94 Firstrand 38.79 -6.76 58.47 38.71 5.92 8.12 14312.22 IBM 136.59 -0.02 176.30 131.65 3.52 9.35 132507.34 WellsFargo 54.45 0.33 58.77 47.75 2.67 13.15 279511.41
Alexion 187.01 3.85 208.88 142.02 - 169.21 42137.9
Midea 2.00 - 2.68 1.65 4.82 13.05 55.49 SBI NewA 231.95 -2.45 336.00 220.15 1.54 9.41 26960.82 MTN Grp 134.05 -3.19 250.00 131.43 11.22 6.66 16272.06 IllinoisTool 93.70 1.31 100.14 78.79 2.14 18.43 34059.18 Williams Cos♦ 29.16 0.22 61.38 25.52 8.17 65.04 21859.39
Allegran 307.20 0.79 340.34 237.50 - -41.65 121075.06
New Ch Life Ins 32.40 -0.80 56.55 27.05 0.79 8.93 4323.01 SunPhrmInds 756.80 -2.35 1200.8 704.00 - 62.62 27271.4 Naspers N 2041.97 46.97 2270 1283 0.25 58.30 56364.6 Illumina 182.24 3.39 242.37 130.00 - 53.15 26679.94 Yahoo 34.16 -0.24 51.68 27.20 - 133.61 32259.17
Allstate♦ 62.73 -0.17 72.87 54.12 1.88 10.92 24295.72
PetroChina 5.17 -0.06 11.04 5.10 3.77 17.98 14074.23 Tata Cons 2384.55 16.90 2812.1 2315.25 1.69 22.08 70353.87 South Korea (KRW) Intcntl Exch 254.06 1.78 266.74 202.24 0.85 24.01 27881.37 Yum!Brnds 71.47 -2.33 95.90 66.35 2.30 34.13 30820.84
Alphabet 762.44 -0.11 793.05 490.91 - 35.14 222119.95
PingAnIns 42.25 -0.45 62.90 35.00 1.98 11.11 40599.2 Indonesia (Rp) HyundMobis 234500 3500 271500 185500 1.28 11.86 19319.65 Intel 34.84 0.03 37.74 24.87 2.72 14.90 164409.96 Venezuela ()
Altria 57.12 -0.21 61.74 47.31 3.72 21.47 111994.01
PngAnBnk RMB 11.96 -0.03 17.50 9.30 1.47 7.50 21929.34 Bk Cent Asia 13500 475.00 15600 11000 1.04 19.79 23885.28 KoreaElePwr 48650-1000.00 54000 38750 1.05 6.72 26432.7 Intuit 97.73 0.01 109.21 79.63 1.05 60.73 25801.14 Bco de Vnzla 95.00 -10.00 143.95 27.00 - - 25665.03
Amazon 663.80 -0.99 684.82 285.25 - 956.76 311164.59
Pwr Cons Corp RMB 7.96 -0.05 20.00 5.10 1.27 15.45 4080.29 SK Hynix 30300 50.00 51700 30050 0.99 4.79 18669.08 John&John 102.21 0.06 107.96 81.79 2.84 19.59 282795.47 Bco Provncl 4200 700.00 4400 850.00 0.83 56.80 33546.33
Israel (ILS) AmerAir 43.99 0.34 56.20 34.10 0.91 6.31 27728.02
SaicMtr RMB 20.64 -0.34 29.18 14.00 6.38 7.79 35348.63 SmsungEl 1283000 20000 1510000 1033000 1.59 9.42 140415.67 JohnsonCn♦ 40.99 0.28 54.52 38.48 2.54 18.78 26548.27 Mrcntl Srvcs 5050 300.00 5900 1310 0.16 37.28 22220.5
TevaPha 256.00 1.30 275.90 213.20 1.99 32.03 67224.45 AmerExpr 70.14 0.28 94.89 69.31 1.57 12.47 69035.01
ShenwanHong 0.17 -0.01 0.41 0.17 - -2.52 53.49 Spain (€) JPMrgnCh 65.93 0.47 70.61 50.07 2.55 11.22 242696.89
Italy (€) AmerIntGrp♦ 61.25 -0.93 64.93 48.68 1.07 17.74 75767.02
ShgPdgBk RMB 19.27 0.04 20.12 11.91 3.98 7.18 55834.69 Kimb-Clark♦ 120.39 0.11 122.97 103.04 2.89 72.41 43700.9 Closing prices and highs & lows are in traded currency (with variations for that
Enel 3.97 -0.05 4.50 3.36 3.60 64.83 40870.28 BBVA 7.17 0.00 9.77 7.03 2.28 17.83 49898.41 AmerTower 95.42 -0.13 104.12 86.83 1.78 71.16 40414.95
Sinopec Corp 4.46 -0.10 7.79 4.44 5.52 20.73 14681.71 KinderM 17.00 0.19 44.71 15.06 10.96 31.64 37927.27 country indicated by stock), market capitalisation is in USD. Highs & lows are
ENI 14.00 0.01 17.66 12.98 7.01 -17.98 55645.77 BcoSantdr 4.70 -0.03 7.19 4.55 10.78 8.85 74246.12 Amgen 159.27 1.38 181.81 130.09 1.87 19.01 120139.91
Sinopec Oil RMB 8.25 -0.03 14.23 4.33 - -234.76 576.67 Kraft 88.19 -0.11 91.32 53.33 1.93 -56.14 52233.16 based on intraday trading over a rolling 52 week period.
Generali 17.15 -0.10 19.21 15.16 3.57 13.57 29202.12 CaixaBnk 3.45 -0.04 4.57 3.32 2.37 28.45 21943.57 Anadarko♦ 51.59 0.76 95.94 49.89 2.10 -4.49 26215.08
Denmark (kr) Iberdrola 6.58 0.00 6.71 5.31 2.41 16.52 45617.29 Kroger 41.17 -0.08 41.68 27.32 0.85 21.61 40076.29 ♦ ex-dividend
IntSPaolo 3.06 -0.03 3.65 2.22 2.33 17.26 53146.87 Anthem♦ 134.15 1.69 173.59 121.22 1.73 12.83 35010.95
DanskeBk 181.20 -2.90 218.00 155.50 3.10 26.21 26790.86 Inditex 32.11 -0.44 35.38 21.56 1.23 37.18 109435.44 L Brands 98.68 1.04 101.11 75.11 1.83 25.28 28561.39 ■ ex-capital redistribution
Luxottica 61.00 0.10 67.80 42.22 1.21 36.26 32263.21 Aon Cp 93.95 -0.28 107.08 86.38 1.17 21.44 25734.49
MollerMrsk 9515 -115.00 16450 9430 3.12 8.54 14844.62 Repsol 10.99 0.07 18.75 9.90 8.89 31.51 16831.96 LasVegasSd 42.65 -1.05 61.59 36.53 5.75 15.32 34011.29 # price at time of suspension
Unicred 5.12 -0.06 6.61 4.82 2.39 15.68 33414.58 Apple 115.96 0.34 134.54 92.00 1.71 12.57 646515.38
NovoB 388.70 -0.90 415.00 256.00 1.31 29.76 117523.04 Telefonica 10.73 -0.15 14.31 10.38 3.81 17.67 57058.24 LibertyGbl 41.45 0.16 58.66 40.85 - -26.72 10476.74
ArcherDan 35.33 -0.08 53.69 34.88 3.06 12.19 21082.82
Lilly (E) 84.85 0.99 92.85 68.31 2.35 38.35 94020.3

Close Prev Day Week Month Close Prev Day Week Month Day's Mth's Spread Day's Mth's Spread
price price change change % change change % change % price price change change % change change % change % Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs
Alexion 187.01 183.16 3.85 2.10 18.22 10.8 8.60 DirectTV 93.55 92.19 1.36 1.48 - - 0.42 Dec 10 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US Dec 10 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US
DuPont 72.96 74.49 -1.53 -2.05 6.73 10.2 10.02 Firstrand 38.79 45.55 -6.76 -14.84 -7.68 -16.5 -22.90 High Yield US$ US$
China Vanke 19.54 19.55 -0.01 -0.05 1.30 7.1 35.69 Altice 11.09 11.72 -0.63 -5.34 -1.74 -13.5 -30.47 Windstream Services, LLC 11/17 7.88 B+ B2 BB 104.21 5.56 0.00 0.86 4.62 Burlington Resources, Inc. 02/26 6.88 A A2 A 119.00 4.57 0.00 0.05 2.35
BOE Tech 2.36 2.36 0.00 0.00 0.14 6.3 25.53 Williams Cos 29.16 28.94 0.22 0.74 -4.11 -12.3 -21.05 High Yield Euro Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 09/26 6.22 BBB+ Baa3 A- 114.16 4.59 0.00 -0.11 2.37
DowChem 55.01 56.97 -1.96 -3.44 3.15 6.1 6.42 KinderM 17.00 16.81 0.19 1.11 -2.26 -11.8 -33.30 Kazkommerts Intl BV 02/17 6.88 B Caa1 B 97.50 - 0.00 0.00 - Cummins Inc. 02/27 6.75 A+ A2 A 119.20 4.59 0.00 -0.57 -
Delta 50.90 49.51 1.39 2.81 2.68 5.6 1.35 Ch Coms Cons 8.16 8.50 -0.34 -4.00 -1.04 -11.3 -23.02 Korea Electric Power Corporation 08/27 6.75 AA- Aa3 AA- 98.97 7.00 0.00 -0.09 -
T-MobileUS 36.41 36.07 0.34 0.93 1.85 5.3 -1.80 Anadarko 51.59 50.83 0.76 1.50 -6.55 -11.3 -18.73 Emerging US$ FleetBoston Financial Corp. 01/28 6.88 BBB+ Baa3 A- 118.60 4.88 0.00 -0.08 -
TrnCan 43.80 43.80 0.00 0.00 2.18 5.2 4.73 Ch Rail Gp 5.99 6.32 -0.33 -5.22 -0.68 -10.2 -16.34 Peru 05/16 8.38 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 121.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.29 SunTrust Banks, Inc. 01/28 6.00 BBB+ Baa1 A- 109.27 5.03 0.00 -0.06 -
Celgene 111.93 110.94 0.99 0.89 5.38 5.0 -1.58 Panasonic 1276.50 1300.00 -23.50 -1.81 -131.00 -9.3 -10.66 Mexico 09/16 11.40 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 107.49 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.50
Brazil 01/18 8.00 BB+ Baa3 BBB- 105.04 5.40 0.00 0.00 4.46 Euro
Biogen 289.09 284.61 4.48 1.57 13.65 5.0 -2.73 PetroChina 5.17 5.23 -0.06 -1.15 -0.53 -9.3 -13.26 Credit Agricole S.A. 03/27 2.63 BBB Baa3 A- 96.29 3.02 0.00 -0.16 -
Illumina 182.24 178.85 3.39 1.90 8.10 4.7 19.01 Volvo 80.55 80.55 0.00 0.00 -8.00 -9.0 -12.21 Russia 07/18 11.00 BB+ Ba1 BBB- 119.34 3.23 0.00 -0.01 2.29
Peru 03/19 7.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 114.69 2.47 0.00 0.02 0.82 BHP Billiton Fin Ltd 09/27 3.25 A+ A1 A+ 109.50 2.32 0.00 0.21 -
Anthem 134.15 132.46 1.69 1.28 4.72 3.6 -0.81 ChinaPcIns 30.40 30.60 -0.20 -0.65 -3.00 -9.0 -7.88 TeliaSonera 09/27 3.00 A- A3 A- 108.78 2.15 0.00 -0.01 -
Raytheon 127.16 126.15 1.01 0.80 4.35 3.5 7.77 Sinopec Corp 4.46 4.56 -0.10 -2.19 -0.44 -9.0 -18.17 Brazil 01/21 7.88 BB+ Baa3 BBB- 96.03 5.87 0.00 0.50 4.21
Turkey 03/21 5.63 - Baa3 BBB- 105.87 4.42 0.00 0.13 2.76 B.A.T. Netherlands Fin B.V. (Re - British American Tobacco) 03/29 3.13 A- A3 A- 108.94 2.33 0.00 0.14 -
BrisMySq 68.78 68.56 0.22 0.31 2.33 3.5 5.72 HaitongSecs 12.66 12.78 -0.12 -0.94 -1.18 -8.5 -15.71
Poland 04/21 5.13 A- A2 A- 111.62 2.79 0.00 -0.05 1.13 Yen
Carnival 51.02 50.31 0.71 1.41 1.71 3.5 -3.91 Nokia 6.47 6.47 0.00 0.00 -0.60 -8.5 -4.73
Colombia 07/21 4.38 BBB Baa2 BBB 101.24 4.17 0.00 0.13 2.51 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 07/15 0.94 NR WR NR 100.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
SunPhrmInds 756.80 759.15 -2.35 -0.31 25.00 3.4 -0.02 ChShpbldng 9.47 9.75 -0.28 -2.87 -0.87 -8.4 -18.78
Starbucks 61.58 61.18 0.40 0.65 2.03 3.4 -0.90 CSX 24.84 25.01 -0.18 -0.70 -2.27 -8.4 -11.16 Turkey 04/26 4.25 - Baa3 BBB- 93.83 5.08 0.00 0.10 2.86 £ Sterling
AXA 25.24 25.27 -0.03 -0.12 0.78 3.2 2.62 Tesco 150.55 153.00 -2.45 -1.60 -13.35 -8.1 -14.09 Emerging Euro IPIC GMTN Limited 03/26 6.88 AA Aa2 AA 123.52 4.03 -0.03 0.00 1.80
Kroger 41.17 41.25 -0.08 -0.19 1.26 3.2 10.46 ITC 321.25 317.40 3.85 1.21 -28.15 -8.1 -6.35 Brazil 02/15 7.38 BBB- Baa2 BBB 111.75 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.09 B.A.T. Intl Fin plc (Re - British American Tobacco) 09/26 4.00 A- A3 A- 106.39 3.28 -0.01 -0.14 1.06
MondelezInt 43.95 43.65 0.30 0.69 1.34 3.1 -1.45 Lyondell 87.51 88.83 -1.33 -1.49 -7.67 -8.1 -6.42 Mexico 07/17 4.25 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 111.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.56 Data provided by SIX Financial Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M -
Mexico 02/20 5.50 BBB+ - BBB+ 109.83 2.96 0.00 -0.03 1.30 Moody’s, F - Fitch.
Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency
Bulgaria 09/25 5.75 BB+ - BBB- 114.93 3.94 0.00 -0.09 1.71
Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other
London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.

Dec 10 Rate Current Since Last Mnth Ago Year Ago Day's Month's Year Return Return Dec 10 Day Chng Prev 52 wk high 52 wk low Red Change in Yield 52 Week Amnt
US Fed Funds 0.00-0.25 16-12-2008 1.00 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Index change change change 1 month 1 year VIX 19.27 -0.34 19.61 53.29 10.88 Dec 10 Price £ Yield Day Week Month Year High Low £m
US Prime 3.25 16-12-2008 3.25 3.25 3.25 Markit IBoxx VXD 18.31 -0.19 18.50 56.32 7.04 Tr 2pc '16 100.18 0.42 -8.70 0.00 -8.70 -10.64 101.73 100.18 0.32
US Discount 0.75 18-02-2010 0.75 0.75 0.75 ABF Pan-Asia unhedged 172.97 0.11 -0.22 -2.98 0.47 -2.69 VXN 20.20 -0.25 20.45 46.72 11.15 Tr 1.75pc '17 101.45 0.44 -4.35 -12.00 -21.43 -29.03 102.68 101.38 0.29
Euro Repo 0.05 10-09-2014 0.05 0.05 0.25 Corporates( £) 297.63 -0.45 -0.18 1.40 2.13 2.51 VDAX 22.39 0.14 22.25 29.94 - Tr 5pc '18 109.79 0.59 -3.28 -7.81 -15.71 -36.56 113.54 109.70 0.35
UK Repo 0.50 05-03-2009 0.50 0.50 0.50 Corporates($) 250.90 -0.21 -0.19 0.17 -0.19 0.17 † CBOE. VIX: S&P 500 index Options Volatility, VXD: DJIA Index Options Volatility, VXN: NASDAQ Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.5pc '19 111.66 0.84 -2.33 -4.55 -13.40 -28.21 115.07 111.42 0.36
Japan O'night Call 0.00-0.03 05-10-2010 0.03 0.00-0.10 0.00-0.10 Corporates(€) 211.72 -0.13 -0.65 -0.46 0.24 -0.07 ‡ Deutsche Borse. VDAX: DAX Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.75pc '20 115.27 1.06 -0.93 -3.64 -13.11 -22.63 119.04 114.67 0.33
Switzerland Libor Target 0.00-0.25 15-01-2015 0.00-0.75 -1.25--0.25 0-0.25 Eurozone Sov(€) 226.12 -0.17 -0.67 2.01 1.12 2.92 Tr 1.5pc '21 100.77 1.34 -1.47 -2.90 -9.46 -11.26 142.92 99.91 0.12
Gilts( £) 289.78 -0.60 -0.14 1.45 2.10 2.93 BONDS: BENCHMARK GOVERNMENT Tr 4pc '22 115.65 1.37 -2.14 -2.84 -11.61 -14.91 119.85 113.65 0.38
INTEREST RATES: MARKET Global Inflation-Lkd 242.87 -0.14 0.06 -3.18 1.66 -3.63 Red Bid Bid Day chg Wk chg Month Year Tr 5pc '25 127.76 1.73 -1.70 -1.14 -9.42 -8.95 134.70 124.47 0.35
Over Change One Three Six One Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts 297.20 -0.43 -0.15 1.26 1.93 2.35 Date Coupon Price Yield yield yield chg yld chg yld Tr 4.25pc '27 124.10 1.98 -1.49 -1.00 -7.48 -6.60 131.90 119.79 0.31
Dec 10 (Libor: Dec 09) night Day Week Month month month month year Overall ($) 225.76 -0.12 -0.06 0.71 -0.06 0.71 Australia 10/18 3.25 102.91 2.19 0.06 0.01 0.06 -0.10 Tr 4.25pc '32 127.07 2.27 -0.87 -1.73 -6.97 -4.62 136.85 121.93 0.35
US$ Libor 0.12950 0.000 -0.001 0.007 0.30050 0.49200 0.72965 1.05245 Overall( £) 289.30 -0.55 -0.14 1.40 2.04 2.76 04/26 4.25 111.79 2.92 0.02 -0.09 -0.08 -0.08 Tr 4.25pc '36 128.84 2.44 -0.81 -1.61 -6.51 -3.17 140.37 123.52 0.28
Euro Libor -0.27357 -0.084 -0.086 -0.004 -0.19071 -0.11429 -0.03214 0.06286 Overall(€) 221.40 -0.15 -0.62 1.33 0.78 2.05 Austria 10/18 1.15 103.64 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.5pc '42 138.96 2.51 -0.40 -1.18 -5.99 -3.83 153.16 132.20 0.26
£ Libor 0.48063 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.50288 0.57775 0.74138 1.04650 Treasuries ($) 217.26 -0.08 0.04 1.02 0.04 1.02 10/25 1.20 103.34 0.84 0.00 -0.13 -0.04 0.00 Tr 3.75pc '52 132.06 2.42 -0.82 -1.63 -7.28 -7.98 145.21 121.95 0.22
Swiss Fr Libor 0.002 -0.83900 -0.82300 -0.77260 -0.68360 FTSE Belgium 06/18 0.75 101.88 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4pc '60 144.22 2.38 -0.42 -0.83 -7.03 -8.46 159.23 131.72 0.21
Yen Libor -0.003 0.03857 0.07929 0.11714 0.22286 Sterling Corporate (£) 111.05 0.06 - - 1.69 -2.03 06/25 0.80 99.27 0.88 -0.01 -0.08 -0.01 0.00 xd Ex dividend. Closing mid-prices are shown in pounds per £ 100 nominal of stock. Red yield: Gross redemption yield.
Euro Euribor -0.003 -0.18100 -0.11900 -0.03400 0.06600 Euro Corporate (€) 106.00 0.01 - - -0.05 -3.29 Canada 11/17 0.25 99.40 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 This table shows the gilts benchmarks & the non-rump undated stocks.
Sterling CDs 0.000 0.51000 0.60000 0.78500 Euro Emerging Mkts (€) 873.01 -17.64 - - -7.83 -8.66 06/26 1.50 98.84 1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Euro CDs
Eurozone Govt Bond 114.01 -0.11 - - 0.62 0.28 Denmark 11/18 0.25 101.48 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GILTS: UK FTSE ACTUARIES INDICES
CREDIT INDICES Day's Week's Month's Series Series 11/25 1.75 108.83 0.82 -0.03 -0.04 -0.07 -0.14
Price Indices Day's Total Return Return
Short 7 Days One Three Six One Index change change change high low Finland 05/18 1.00 99.34 1.28 0.00 -0.01 0.03 0.00
Fixed Coupon Dec 10 chg % Return 1 month 1 year Yield
Dec 10 term notice month month month year Markit iTraxx 09/25 0.88 100.27 0.85 -0.01 -0.07 -0.01 0.00
1 Up to 5 Years 98.53 0.04 2368.93 0.40 1.51 0.93
Euro -0.35 -0.25 -0.35 -0.25 -0.30 -0.15 -0.24 -0.09 -0.15 0.00 -0.04 0.11 Crossover 5Y 318.99 7.65 18.71 16.28 389.82 280.05 France 05/18 1.00 103.00 -0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 - 10 Years 179.47 0.16 3247.82 1.25 2.90 1.58
Sterling 0.40 0.55 0.40 0.55 0.46 0.56 0.55 0.65 0.71 0.86 1.01 1.16 Europe 5Y 76.89 1.64 3.94 4.56 95.40 68.39 11/20 0.25 100.91 0.07 -0.01 -0.08 -0.02 0.00
3 10 - 15 Years 204.76 0.26 3813.69 1.74 3.44 2.07
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - - - - Japan 5Y 74.57 -0.19 1.51 6.37 83.13 65.01 11/25 1.00 100.88 0.91 -0.01 -0.08 -0.02 0.00
4 5 - 15 Years 185.42 0.19 3384.25 1.34 3.03 1.78
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - - - - Senior Financials 5Y 73.37 1.12 2.41 1.47 99.56 65.28 05/45 3.25 130.55 1.89 -0.02 -0.12 -0.05 -0.12
5 Over 15 Years 298.95 0.36 4340.15 3.29 5.12 2.44
US Dollar 0.12 0.22 0.26 0.36 0.32 0.42 0.45 0.55 0.75 0.85 1.05 1.15 Germany 04/18 0.25 101.33 -0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Markit CDX 7 All stocks 172.65 0.21 3236.94 1.84 3.24 2.18
Japanese Yen -0.03 0.07 -0.25 -0.05 -0.40 -0.10 -0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.10 0.20 10/20 0.25 101.55 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Emerging Markets 5Y 343.96 -3.23 17.82 25.63 347.19 299.17 08/25 1.00 103.81 0.59 -0.01 -0.08 -0.02 0.00
Libor rates come from ICE (see and are fixed at 11am UK time. Other data sources: US $, Euro & CDs: Day's Month Year's Total Return Return
Nth Amer High Yld 5Y 465.71 3.14 27.84 21.06 509.34 416.39 08/46 2.50 127.32 1.40 0.00 -0.09 -0.06 -0.13
Tullett Prebon; SDR, US Discount: IMF; EONIA: ECB; Swiss Libor: SNB; EURONIA, RONIA & SONIA: WMBA. Index Linked Dec 10 chg % chg % chg % Return 1 month 1 year
Nth Amer Inv Grade 5Y 85.92 0.02 3.72 4.84 94.63 75.52 Greece 07/17 3.38 93.00 8.23 0.03 0.82 1.68 -1.07
Nth AmerHiVol 5Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 228.00 100.00 1 Up to 5 Years 308.61 -0.01 -0.19 -2.46 2357.78 -0.05 -0.86
02/26 3.00 67.82 8.39 0.07 0.61 1.17 -0.68 2 Over 5 years 568.69 -0.06 1.00 0.46 4197.43 1.16 1.21
Websites:, All indices shown are unhedged. Currencies are shown in brackets after the index names. Ireland 10/17 5.50 110.48 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 5-15 years 428.20 0.02 0.15 -2.25 3254.02 0.39 -1.13
03/25 5.40 137.31 1.13 0.00 -0.06 -0.02 -0.34 4 Over 15 years 700.86 -0.10 1.36 1.79 5077.45 1.48 2.39
COMMODITIES BONDS: INDEX-LINKED Italy 10/18 0.30 100.37 0.17 -0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 5 All stocks 526.75 -0.05 0.82 0.26 3937.84 0.98 1.12
11/20 0.65 100.33 0.58 -0.02 -0.07 0.02 0.00
Energy Price* Change Agricultural & Cattle Futures Price* Change Price Yield Month Value No of
12/25 2.00 104.19 1.55 -0.03 -0.06 -0.06 0.00 Yield Indices Dec 10 Dec 09 Yr ago Dec 10 Dec 09 Yr ago
Crude Oil† Dec 36.73 -0.50 Corn♦ Mar 374.50 0.50 Sep 12 Sep 12 Prev return stock Market stocks
09/46 3.25 113.99 2.60 -0.03 -0.11 -0.16 0.00 5 Yrs 1.19 1.21 1.31 20 Yrs 2.47 2.49 2.52
Brent Crude Oil‡ 39.68 -0.65 Wheat♦ Mar 487.00 -3.25 Can 4.25%' 21 127.61 -0.322 -0.317 0.43 5.18 69473.33 7
Japan 11/17 0.10 100.26 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 Yrs 1.89 1.91 1.95 45 Yrs 2.39 2.41 2.63
RBOB Gasoline† Dec 1.27 0.03 Soybeans♦ Jan 877.00 -0.50 Fr 2.25%' 20 115.02 -0.916 -0.880 -0.81 20.31 215636.57 14
12/20 0.05 99.93 0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 15 Yrs 2.29 2.32 2.32
Heating Oil† Dec 1.24 -0.02 Soybeans Meal♦ Jan 277.50 -0.10 Swe 0.25%' 22 108.27 -0.840 -0.845 -1.10 32.00 224892.22 7
09/25 0.40 101.06 0.29 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 0.00
Natural Gas† Dec 2.06 -0.01 Cocoa (ICE Liffe)X Mar 2279.00 -14.00 UK 2.5%' 16 - - - - - - -
09/45 1.40 100.78 1.36 0.00 -0.04 -0.03 0.00 inflation 0% inflation 5%
Ethanol♦ - - Cocoa (ICE US)♥ Mar 3361.00 -12.00 UK 2.5%' 24 336.54 -0.719 -0.739 -1.00 6.82 481257.81 25
Netherlands 04/17 0.50 101.09 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Real yield Dec 10 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago Dec 10 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago
Uranium Dec 36.75 0.00 Coffee(Robusta)X Jan 1522.00 -4.00 UK 2%' 35 230.11 -0.741 -0.788 -0.80 9.08 481257.81 25
07/25 0.25 95.46 0.74 -0.01 -0.08 -0.03 0.00 Up to 5 yrs -0.79 2.41 -0.79 -1.07 -1.52 2.44 -1.53 -1.62
Carbon Emissions - - Coffee (Arabica)♥ Dec 124.60 0.00 US 0.625%' 21 101.16 0.416 0.420 -0.37 35.84 1106525.45 36
Diesel Dec - - White SugarX 397.80 -11.10 New Zealand - - - - - - - Over 5 yrs -0.78 23.51 -0.79 -0.72 -0.81 23.59 -0.81 -0.75
US 3.625%' 28 132.31 0.861 0.420 -0.33 16.78 1106525.45 36
Unleaded (95R) - - Sugar 11♥ 14.86 -0.24 12/17 6.00 106.65 2.57 0.05 -0.02 -0.08 -0.98 5-15 yrs -0.69 9.64 -0.69 -0.81 -0.79 9.65 -0.79 -0.93
Representative stocks from each major market Source: Merill Lynch Global Bond Indices † Local currencies. ‡ Total market
Norway 05/17 4.25 105.17 0.60 0.05 -0.02 -0.05 -0.56 Over 15 yrs -0.80 29.16 -0.80 -0.70 -0.81 29.20 -0.81 -0.72
Base Metals (♠ LME 3 Months) Cotton♥ Mar 64.65 -0.20 value. In line with market convention, for UK Gilts inflation factor is applied to price, for other markets it is applied to par
03/25 1.75 101.96 1.52 0.02 -0.02 -0.11 0.00 All stocks -0.78 20.42 -0.79 -0.72 -0.82 20.56 -0.82 -0.76
Aluminium 1479.00 -9.00 Orange Juice♥ Jan 153.15 0.05 amount.
Aluminium Alloy 1600.00 -10.00 Palm Oil♣ Jan 562.00 5.75 Portugal 06/18 4.45 110.45 0.25 -0.02 -0.04 -0.26 -1.09 See the FTSE website for more details:
Copper 4585.00 -10.00 Live Cattle♣ Dec 119.25 0.00 BONDS: TEN YEAR GOVT SPREADS 10/25 2.88 103.83 2.43 -0.02 -0.05 -0.34 0.00
Lead 1685.00 -22.50 Spain 04/18 0.25 100.20 0.16 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 0.00 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed accurate
Feeder Cattle♣ Jan 149.35 -3.00
Nickel 8570.00 -105.00 Lean Hogs♣ Feb 58.90 -0.25 Spread Spread Spread Spread 10/25 2.15 104.93 1.61 -0.03 -0.10 -0.23 0.00 at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor guarantee
Tin 14555.00 15.00 Bid vs vs Bid vs vs Sweden 01/18 0.88 99.34 1.20 0.00 -0.01 0.02 0.00 that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any
Zinc 1525.00 -5.00 % Chg % Chg Yield Bund T-Bonds Yield Bund T-Bonds 05/25 2.50 114.54 0.88 -0.02 0.00 -0.04 -0.13 loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information. For all queries e-mail
Precious Metals (PM London Fix) Dec 09 Month Year Australia 2.92 2.33 0.69 Italy 1.55 0.96 -0.68 Switzerland 01/18 3.00 108.43 -1.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gold 1071.00 -10.00 S&P GSCI Spt 318.95 -9.15 -31.84 Austria 0.84 0.25 -1.38 Japan 0.29 -0.31 -1.94 05/26 1.25 114.67 -0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Silver (US cents) 1417.00 -10.00 DJ UBS Spot 79.08 -6.13 -29.40 Belgium 0.88 0.29 -1.35 Netherlands 0.74 0.15 -1.48 United Kingdom 07/18 1.25 101.18 0.79 -0.02 -0.07 -0.10 -0.30 Data provided by Morningstar |
Platinum 857.00 2.00 R/J CRB TR 177.37 -6.54 -29.54 Canada 1.62 1.03 -0.60 Norway 1.52 0.93 -0.71 01/21 1.50 100.77 1.34 -0.01 -0.06 -0.13 0.00
Palladium 556.00 2.00 Rogers RICIX TR 2067.99 - - Denmark 0.82 0.23 -1.41 Portugal 2.43 1.84 0.21 09/25 2.00 101.26 1.86 -0.02 -0.03 -0.16 0.00
Bulk Commodities M Lynch MLCX Ex. Rtn 231.14 -9.84 -33.05 Finland 0.85 0.26 -1.38 Spain 1.61 1.01 -0.62 01/45 3.50 119.97 2.53 -0.01 -0.05 -0.16 -0.12
Iron Ore (Platts) 38.60 -0.60 UBS Bberg CMCI TR 12.22 -6.43 -30.14 France 0.91 0.31 -1.32 Switzerland -0.14 -0.74 -2.37 United States 11/17 0.88 99.88 0.94 0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.00
Iron Ore (The Steel Index) 37.50 -0.80 LEBA EUA Carbon 8.37 -1.76 24.93 Germany 0.59 0.00 -1.63 United Kingdom 1.86 1.26 -0.37 11/20 1.63 99.84 1.66 0.01 -0.07 0.00 0.00
GlobalCOAL RB Index 49.50 -1.50 LEBA CER Carbon 0.58 -9.38 1833.33 Greece 8.39 7.79 6.16 United States 2.23 1.63 0.00 11/25 2.25 100.21 2.23 0.01 -0.07 -0.09 0.00
Baltic Dry Index 534.00 -12.00 LEBA UK Power 1050.00 69.35 -45.26 Ireland 1.13 0.53 -1.10 11/45 3.00 100.53 2.97 0.00 -0.07 0.00 0.00
Sources: † NYMEX, ‡ ECX/ICE, ♦ CBOT, X ICE Liffe, ♥ ICE Futures, ♣ CME, ♠ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information
unless otherwise stated.
28 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Main Market
52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence HBM Hlth SFr 96.40 -1.35 113.50 87.00 - 21.44 12.6 Rotork 180.50 0.90 267.20 162.60 2.78 15.73 1788.9 AquarsPl 10.75 -0.25 15.75 5.53 - -2.57 184.2 Shaftbry 906.00 -7.50 975.50 737.50 1.45 5.03 361.5 MngCnslt♦ 14.75 0.13 19.00 13.25 5.59 -71.95 137.0
AvonRub 1074 -11.00 1180 687.39 0.57 19.67 15.4 HenderGp 294.70 -0.80 314.30 197.20 3.05 20.56 1973.1 Severfd 68.50 -1.00 75.00 57.00 0.73 149.24 146.1 Barrick C$♦ 10.59 0.10 16.54 7.89 1.28 -2.96 1718.4 Town Ctr♦ 323.50 0.75 336.25 260.00 3.23 7.16 4.0 MearsGp 438.00 1.25 475.00 354.75 2.28 16.93 5.8
BAE Sys 498.70 -3.30 549.00 419.30 4.11 22.53 6784.7 ICAP 492.70 -4.80 573.00 407.50 4.47 24.47 614.9 SKF SKr 144.90 -2.60 231.70 139.40 3.85 14.97 2823.7 BHP Bltn 733.20 -16.20 1670.5 713.10 10.86 17.66 13462.2 Wkspace 948.50 -12.00 988.00 690.00 1.27 4.40 67.8 MenziesJ 382.50 -3.25 525.00 330.00 4.24 34.01 23.5
Chemring 178.00 -2.00 242.00 131.00 2.30 -20.36 913.6 Indvardn SKr 148.70 0.30 183.50 129.30 4.27 13.38 367.0 Spirax-S 3109 12.00 3767.56 2738 2.15 23.86 97.2 BisichMg 79.50 5.00 94.75 60.15 5.03 6.12 1.0 Real Estate Inv & Services MichaelPge 491.90 1.70 568.00 384.00 2.24 23.80 185.7
Cobham 295.60 - 349.10 250.50 3.60 -171.66 1553.1 ICG♦ 598.00 -6.00 712.83 485.70 4.29 9.37 479.8 Tex 106.50 - 130.00 86.30 5.63 7.57 0.4 EVRAZ 72.45 -0.70 209.90 60.30 - -1.40 2041.6 Cap&Count 434.00 5.30 475.10 341.10 0.35 6.38 1247.2 MITIE 301.10 -0.30 341.00 263.90 3.89 15.06 495.2
Meggitt 362.60 -3.50 593.50 337.60 3.79 15.09 2677.6 IPF 322.50 -15.80 512.00 321.20 3.72 9.38 1359.6 Trifast 115.00 0.50 134.00 93.50 1.83 13.76 106.9 Fresnillo 673.00 10.50 939.50 569.63 0.29 142.28 1005.2 CLS 1830 -18.00 2037 195.00 - 3.90 4.3 PayPoint♦ 957.50 4.00 1112.15 779.82 4.02 32.47 27.7
RollsRoyceX 567.00 -11.50 1061 504.50 4.07 -41.70 11109.1 Investec♦ 469.90 -58.60 649.50 467.80 4.26 13.41 3297.7 Vitec 605.00 3.50 670.85 587.00 3.97 23.95 8.8 GemDmnd 96.00 - 189.13 94.75 3.31 7.87 102.7 Daejan 6065 -260.00 6614.2 5270 1.35 6.24 2.3 PremFarn 99.25 1.00 204.60 96.25 10.48 8.35 716.9
Senior 233.10 -1.20 361.70 215.60 2.42 15.68 310.8 Jupiter 452.70 -5.90 481.30 338.79 2.92 13.54 393.3 Weir 1043 -6.00 2045 990.50 4.22 - 971.7 Harmony R 13.71 2.33 38.50 7.92 - -1.09 5974.6 Grainger 240.00 -0.70 256.00 180.00 1.05 23.35 182.4 Rentokil 155.50 -0.50 162.50 112.90 1.67 21.78 1579.8
UltraElc 1985 -5.00 2044 1627 2.23 -174.14 150.3 Liontrust♦ 270.25 -13.25 393.50 260.82 2.96 20.04 8.3 Hochschild 48.50 - 134.25 48.50 - -3.38 325.4 HelclBar♦ 466.25 2.75 469.50 350.00 1.55 4.95 33.4 Ricardo 883.50 5.50 967.50 605.50 1.76 25.13 9.5
Man 159.60 -3.70 217.80 138.60 3.99 10.81 5077.0
Industrial General Kenmr 0.45 -0.06 4.92 0.40 - -0.20 26817.2 RbrtWlts 366.75 0.63 478.00 295.00 1.64 21.38 10.5
HK Land $ 6.93 -0.10 8.80 6.40 2.64 13.24 2523.5
Automobiles & Parts NB GFRIF 92.10 -0.50 99.75 91.90 4.03 23.57 2216.9 BritPoly 700.00 - 755.00 610.50 2.29 11.25 2.6 Lonmin 1.03 0.02 189.70 0.99 - -0.14 36160.1 Lon&Assc 26.50 -0.50 42.52 26.00 0.59 -3.74 32.3 RPS 229.00 1.75 271.37 181.50 3.70 16.20 124.8
FordMtr $X 14.05 0.16 16.74 10.44 4.10 11.77 10937.3 Paragon 373.60 -5.70 461.50 360.00 2.41 11.50 1110.1 Coats Group 25.75 -0.50 30.90 19.00 - -384.33 241.0 Petra 65.55 1.50 205.10 52.77 - 11.22 1610.5 Shanks♦ 97.00 -1.00 113.50 88.00 3.56 -50.81 63.2
JardnMt $X 48.61 -0.79 67.88 45.02 2.88 11.73 162.0 MacauPrp 155.38 2.00 239.50 152.00 - -3.67 13.2
GKN 295.00 -0.30 389.00 248.56 2.85 32.83 4179.5 Providnt 3361 -136.00 3654 2290 2.92 25.08 595.7 Petropvlsk 6.45 0.05 18.89 4.21 - -0.94 4872.3 Mntview 12100 -150.50 12900 9502 2.27 13.17 0.4 SIG 135.00 -1.90 212.20 117.00 3.26 24.18 932.2
RathbnBr 2199 -24.00 2348 1905 2.36 28.33 7.0 Jard Str $X 27.18 -0.02 36.93 26.11 0.96 9.99 158.7 PolymtIntl■ 531.50 4.50 634.00 424.20 2.55 -16.39 365.2 SpeedyHr 34.75 -0.50 80.50 27.94 2.01 -12.64 277.5
Banks Macfrlne 51.00 - 53.00 35.00 3.24 12.37 21.1 Q'tainEst 141.25 -1.25 147.75 79.48 - 19.62 1.0
Record♦ 28.25 0.25 41.00 27.50 5.84 10.18 7.9 RndgldRs 4162 20.00 5752.1 3546 0.93 30.24 442.0 RavenRuss 37.75 -2.25 58.56 37.25 - -2.67 297.1 St Ives♦ 212.75 -2.25 225.00 156.68 3.36 61.08 491.4
ANZ A$X♦ 26.19 -0.24 37.25 25.01 9.51 10.57 9307.8 REXAM 597.00 14.00 600.59 424.60 2.96 21.12 4201.7
S&U 2377 2.50 2595 1936 2.78 14.14 5.1 RioTintoX 1971 4.50 3280 1872 6.92 19.61 5711.7 RavenR Prf♦ 130.00 - 146.00 101.50 9.23 - 20.5 TribalGrp 54.50 0.38 188.00 53.50 3.30 -9.27 5139.6
BcoSant 338.00 -4.25 569.35 335.57 10.84 8.82 402.7 RPC 772.00 - 787.00 490.00 2.00 39.57 584.8
Schroder 2802 -27.00 3441 2493 2.78 17.20 162.3 Troy Res A$ 0.23 -0.02 0.77 0.21 - -0.48 408.5 RavenR Wrt 26.00 -0.50 35.00 25.00 - - 0.4 Vp♦ 768.00 -1.50 816.00 582.85 2.15 15.49 9.1
BnkGeorgia 1866 -14.00 2345 1609 2.40 9.18 39.3 Smith DS 378.90 2.50 423.70 300.89 3.01 27.53 2776.0
..N/V 2139 -4.00 2629 1916 3.65 13.13 9.5 VedantaRs 311.30 -8.70 695.06 304.30 13.37 -0.62 634.8 Safestre 348.90 -5.90 370.00 223.50 2.14 7.17 127.7 Watermn♦ 89.00 0.50 91.52 53.10 1.57 20.23 18.6
BankIre € 0.34 0.00 0.39 0.07 - 15.61 15816.1 Smiths 950.00 -36.50 1243 916.50 4.26 15.39 1906.1
SVG Cap 485.90 0.90 535.00 416.00 - 12.13 219.2 Savills 887.00 -0.50 991.46 592.00 1.24 20.73 67.5 Wolseley 3815 -34.00 4398 3509 2.23 30.92 417.5
BkNvaS C$X 57.26 -0.26 67.72 52.60 4.81 10.03 787.8
TullettPre 354.20 -11.30 415.90 244.80 4.76 7.56 335.8 SmurfKap € 23.43 0.08 30.31 17.13 2.62 18.07 244.9 Oil & Gas
BarclaysX♦ 218.00 -3.95 289.90 215.40 2.98 0.73 59328.2 Vesuvius 330.00 -1.10 530.00 323.60 4.89 9.29 106.3 Aminex 1.43 -0.13 2.92 1.40 - -16.76 11123.6 SchroderRE 58.50 -0.25 63.00 56.10 4.24 7.16 275.4 Tech - Hardware
WlkrCrip♦ 52.00 - 55.00 37.50 3.27 30.93 10.8 Smart(J)♦ 103.00 - 114.80 87.50 2.87 15.98 21.0
CanImp C$X 93.52 -1.29 102.90 83.10 4.69 10.33 882.2 BGX 975.60 -9.60 1301.62 780.55 1.96 -18.84 8880.3 ARM Hldgs 1087 -7.00 1332.5 811.50 0.70 48.18 2587.8
HSBCX 510.80 -0.80 674.57 478.35 6.56 10.07 21130.4 Food & Beverages Industrial Transportation BPX♦ 350.95 0.50 499.25 252.55 7.67 -12.82 29934.2 StModwen 410.50 0.50 499.40 363.17 1.12 3.87 149.0 CSR 899.50 0.50 900.00 550.00 1.02 25.43 2323.5
LlydsBkgX 72.04 1.37 89.35 70.25 2.08 42.96 150274.5 AngloEst 532.75 7.25 683.10 508.00 0.56 -41.60 5.0 BBA Aviat 173.40 3.30 259.11 165.20 4.27 14.39 3682.5 Cadogan 8.38 -0.38 13.25 8.25 - -0.51 47.1 U and I 222.00 -0.75 293.00 205.00 2.66 10.48 17.5 Laird 363.80 0.40 413.30 289.10 3.44 17.70 203.6
RylBkC C$X 74.34 -0.21 81.53 68.05 4.23 10.85 928.2 AscBrFdX♦ 3436 -78.00 3606 2705.75 0.99 48.15 612.3 Braemar♦ 430.00 -5.00 513.86 390.00 6.05 20.48 0.3 CairnEng 142.60 2.60 210.00 135.20 - -2.33 1372.7 UNITE Gp 647.50 -9.00 706.00 432.80 1.73 5.22 310.6 Pace 430.70 1.10 520.80 316.34 1.01 12.33 435.6
RBSX 292.60 2.30 414.00 287.60 - -13.12 10945.9 Barr(AG) 525.00 -1.50 699.36 513.00 2.31 19.94 28.0 Clarkson 2400 -61.00 2855 1835 2.50 49.47 26.8 Cape 247.75 2.25 275.75 177.00 5.65 13.63 30.4 Urban&C 285.00 - 288.00 234.50 0.53 9.28 681.0 SpirentCM 68.00 -0.25 98.75 65.75 3.63 75.30 189.6
StandChX 509.20 -6.50 1166 505.00 10.07 11.90 9931.8 Britvic♦ 687.50 -13.50 788.00 632.00 3.04 17.08 452.7 Eurotunnl € 11.64 -0.07 14.57 10.01 1.52 58.39 734.5 EnQuest 20.50 - 61.00 19.25 - -1.79 1083.2
Fisher J 1050 -5.00 1442 894.50 2.10 13.60 13.6
Retailers Tech - Software & Services
..7.375%Pf 107.25 - 128.00 104.50 6.88 - 108.5 C&C €♦ 3.58 -0.03 4.08 3.16 3.24 -13.28 58.9 ExxonMb $X 76.33 0.70 95.18 66.55 3.72 16.10 10070.3 AA 274.40 -2.70 434.50 254.80 - -164.21 327.1
..8.25%Pf 119.75 -0.13 141.00 116.50 6.89 - 9.5 CarrsGroup 163.75 -3.88 178.50 136.00 2.12 12.66 32.7 Flybe Grp 92.75 -0.50 113.04 52.00 - 30.92 1875.6 GenelEgy 210.50 3.50 742.00 195.50 - -2.58 1287.4 Anite 125.75 - 129.75 69.25 1.51 39.36 4191.0
Goldenpt 28.75 -2.75 267.00 27.25 - -0.10 5.2 AO World 162.00 2.50 240.00 118.60 - -70.19 814.3 AVEVA 2210 -5.00 2350 1183.9 1.38 49.98 50.5
TntoDom C$X 54.07 0.29 56.48 47.75 3.77 12.58 1483.5 Coca-Cola H 1470 -18.00 1638 1051 3.44 23.35 581.9 GeoPark $ 2.80 -0.01 6.20 2.70 - -1.50 5.0 AshleyL 27.25 -0.25 36.00 25.00 7.34 10.60 58.4
VirginMoney 400.00 4.00 472.90 278.00 - -1000.00 892.6 Cranswk♦ 1845 - 1850 1280 1.84 21.81 46.0 OceanWil♦ 780.00 -2.50 1055 722.00 5.13 71.70 0.8 GrnDnGas 255.00 -1.25 416.00 240.00 - 20.72 0.3 Computcnt 830.00 -9.00 847.30 651.67 2.38 9.03 54.7
RoyalMail♦ 452.40 -7.40 532.50 388.60 4.64 15.74 2468.8 Brown N♦ 325.00 -19.00 400.00 286.03 4.38 21.87 390.6 DRS Data 12.00 - 14.90 11.25 - -5.06 8.8
Westpc A$X♦ 31.41 -0.64 40.07 29.10 8.05 13.48 6945.5 Dairy Cr 624.50 -10.50 656.50 437.90 3.47 45.15 251.3 GulfKeyst 18.25 - 71.00 15.00 - -0.87 2988.9 Caffyns♦ 535.00 -12.50 665.00 501.00 3.79 1.56 0.3
Devro 275.50 -6.50 328.00 264.54 3.19 49.22 26.1 UK Mail♦ 291.88 - 569.00 285.00 7.47 19.34 0.3 HellenPet € 3.95 - 5.65 3.35 - -16.83 213.5 Elecdata 65.00 - 75.00 62.25 3.08 21.62 1.8
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) Card Factor 365.90 1.40 401.50 250.00 1.86 21.30 84.3 MicroFoc 1516 185.00 1524 1016.51 2.05 37.29 2037.1
Glanbia € 16.84 -0.91 19.59 12.00 0.64 31.56 11.9 Insurance Hunting 303.80 3.30 677.00 290.50 6.50 -19.10 578.7 Dairy Fm $ 5.92 -0.01 9.77 5.76 3.75 17.79 188.3
Ferrexpo 22.00 -1.25 83.00 21.75 19.08 2.26 487.1 NCC Grp 276.50 -3.75 300.00 192.25 1.32 35.25 86.1
Grncore♦ 327.50 3.90 359.40 262.80 1.73 23.34 587.5 Admiral 1608 -11.00 1672 1208 2.87 15.32 728.3 ImpOil C$X 41.01 0.28 55.37 39.86 1.18 20.33 238.5 Debenhm♦ 78.00 0.35 96.80 68.00 4.36 10.61 3495.2
IntFerMet# 0.90 0.06 4.50 0.76 - -0.55 562.4 RM 165.00 -4.25 185.00 137.50 2.42 10.38 127.3
HiltonFd 546.75 2.75 546.00 375.00 2.43 21.80 923.6 Amlin 661.50 0.50 664.00 433.10 4.08 14.42 594.1 IE Hldgs 79.00 -0.50 173.00 67.00 - -2.70 110.7 Dignity 2303 -106.00 2643 1729 0.87 -26.47 86.3
Mondi 1316 -28.00 1614.36 985.50 2.26 17.06 2220.7
Kerry € 75.66 -0.25 77.25 55.42 0.76 25.93 34.5 JKX 27.50 - 39.40 10.23 - -0.73 0.4 Sage 592.00 -11.50 625.50 363.39 2.10 32.89 3098.0
Vale BRLX 12.57 0.49 27.89 11.25 18.45 -5.55 5917.0 AvivaX 497.20 -3.80 578.68 428.40 3.64 13.01 6428.6 DixonsCar 476.60 -9.60 490.80 398.90 - 22.48 3097.6 SDL 442.25 -5.00 472.00 315.00 0.57 42.00 26.8
Nestle SFrX 73.75 0.05 77.00 64.55 3.04 16.02 5011.2 Beazley 388.60 1.00 402.08 253.61 2.42 13.52 456.6 Nostrum 369.50 -5.20 670.00 333.40 4.77 51.51 20.9 Dunelm 965.00 -7.00 1023 800.00 2.12 20.41 48.9 Telecity 1220 -3.00 1250 940.00 1.11 96.93 447.5
Chemicals PremFds 36.00 -0.75 47.79 29.50 - -1.41 818.0 Chesnar 327.75 -10.00 367.81 310.00 5.61 12.85 67.6 OphirEgy 90.00 0.75 171.20 78.00 - -2.08 1926.9 Findel 195.00 2.00 255.00 162.00 - -28.17 26.1
PureCircle 395.00 -5.00 590.00 352.24 - 250.79 29.2 PremOil 57.15 -0.10 191.40 53.65 - -0.61 4761.3 TriadGp 34.50 - 43.00 9.25 - 12.05 3.9
Alent 502.50 - 502.50 315.20 1.82 23.35 1684.4 DirectLine 405.00 -0.50 415.80 299.96 3.56 12.69 3935.9 Halfords 347.30 1.90 563.51 343.15 4.20 10.42 448.9
Bayer €X 114.70 1.10 146.45 106.80 2.00 24.93 2235.0 REA 260.00 5.00 375.00 244.00 2.96 54.47 0.5 Eccles prf♦ 134.50 0.25 146.00 124.50 6.41 - 15.2 RylDShlAX♦ 1522 -19.00 2239.5 1486.5 8.25 92.00 7735.2 Inchcape 743.50 -12.50 906.65 673.50 2.70 20.01 595.4 Telecommunications
Carclo 134.50 -5.25 169.75 87.00 2.04 44.95 34.0 SABMillX 4035 -7.50 4090 2773 1.84 33.43 3487.8 Hansard 114.50 -1.75 123.24 80.00 7.42 10.56 47.6 ..B♦ 1533.5 -18.00 2315 1492 8.19 92.69 6737.5 JDSportsF♦ 1029 -9.00 1081 439.86 0.69 23.70 125.2 BTX 469.15 1.95 502.60 385.60 2.43 17.68 19550.1
Croda 2983 19.00 3150 2496 2.20 23.23 253.0 StckSpirit 124.00 13.75 255.10 97.75 1.43 18.56 720.6 Hiscox 1039 7.00 1055 686.00 2.26 12.75 184.5 Schlmbrg $X♦ 72.02 -0.10 95.13 66.57 2.64 27.19 3414.7 Lookers 168.00 -3.10 185.30 124.50 1.69 13.71 1087.5 Inmarsat 1112 -5.00 1140 758.50 2.90 24.22 1973.2
Elemntis 236.30 -0.30 324.10 206.70 2.24 10.27 545.4 Tate&Lyl♦ 591.00 -8.50 682.50 492.20 4.74 61.33 913.0 JardineL 890.00 - 1112 836.00 3.25 17.40 115.2 SEPLAT 76.50 2.50 169.00 66.00 12.76 7.73 156.7 Marks&Sp♦ 474.80 -7.70 600.00 440.10 3.79 18.19 4616.4 KCOM Gp 98.25 -1.50 101.00 78.50 5.47 39.35 412.6
Syngent SFrX 378.80 12.70 435.20 280.00 2.94 25.24 619.5 TongtHu R 91.72 -1.38 172.92 90.72 4.56 10.75 199.3 Lancashire■ 606.50 -13.50 772.90 506.00 1.47 8.53 643.6 Soco Int 139.00 9.25 317.80 117.00 7.01 -12.00 409.4 MossBros 101.00 -0.75 112.00 77.50 5.20 22.71 8.2 TalkTalk♦ 226.00 -3.00 415.10 210.10 6.11 42.54 999.2
Synthomer 314.10 -3.40 364.10 211.00 2.48 21.19 214.2 Unilever 2792 -22.00 3087 2450 2.95 23.27 1989.6 Leg&Gen 263.20 -0.40 296.02 229.95 4.27 15.33 10248.6 TrnCan C$X 44.73 0.93 59.50 40.58 4.63 18.69 1400.4 Next♦ 7500 -230.00 8175 6310 2.00 17.67 449.8 TelePlus♦ 1085 11.00 1291 725.50 3.69 26.45 164.4
Victrex 1800 -5.00 2202.55 1606 2.51 18.19 326.3 ..NV € 39.40 -0.22 42.98 30.34 2.88 23.68 16.9 NovaeGp 850.00 -11.50 914.39 516.50 2.92 11.15 94.6 Tullow 177.10 -0.10 456.90 153.50 2.38 -1.64 5957.1 Ocado 335.80 -23.40 478.50 309.50 - 294.30 4622.1
Old Mut 174.20 -21.20 20590 169.80 4.99 12.10 29562.9 Pendragn 44.75 -2.00 47.00 29.50 2.01 7.84 3982.5 Tobacco
Construction & Materials Health Care Equip & Services Pharmaceuticals & Biotech BrAmTobX 3694 -44.00 3931.5 3231.5 4.01 17.15 3116.8
Bioquell 139.50 -0.25 155.50 80.00 2.37 139.22 2.5 PermTSB € 4.52 0.07 6.30 0.05 - -5.60 179.8 BTG 621.00 9.50 835.87 504.00 - 52.17 287.8 Photo-Me 151.25 -4.25 163.00 131.50 3.23 21.76 252.3
Alumasc 177.50 - 221.83 117.00 2.99 11.99 40.5 Saga 200.20 -0.30 225.10 143.75 2.05 16.31 331.1 ImpTobX 3442 -40.00 3665 2680 3.72 17.23 2250.8
ConstMed 971.00 -21.00 1048 800.50 1.87 96.54 12.1 PhoenixGrp 912.50 -1.50 935.00 765.00 5.85 19.19 291.4 CathayIn 17.00 - 28.29 16.00 - -17.69 102.8
Boot(H) 230.00 6.00 245.00 182.25 2.43 14.07 2.9 SuperGroup 1616 -11.00 1690.08 750.00 - 28.96 122.9
GNStre kr 121.90 -0.60 158.50 113.70 0.75 24.48 689.6 PrudntlX 1488 -30.00 1761.5 1045.99 2.48 15.15 6042.6 Dechra 991.50 -5.50 1068 778.00 1.59 45.09 49.8 Travel & Leisure
ClarkeT 83.13 1.75 91.00 54.50 3.73 - 65.8 TescoX 150.55 -2.45 252.52 149.85 0.77 -2.17 33640.4
UDGHlthC♦ 551.50 10.00 559.75 366.00 1.33 15.60 369.8 RSA Ins 426.00 -3.20 528.00 390.50 0.47 65.62 3119.7 Genus 1449 7.00 1535 1210 1.26 22.33 49.4 888 Hldg 181.00 -1.25 185.75 131.00 2.81 24.09 354.3
CRH 1918 -23.00 2478.5 1402 2.31 35.89 1216.9
SagicFin 58.00 1.50 68.00 53.00 4.55 4.64 2.0
GalfrdT 1437 -22.00 1824 1152.52 4.18 12.96 108.6 GlaxoSmhX♦ 1314 -2.00 1645 1227.5 6.09 6.51 6468.0 Support Services AirPrtnr 417.00 -7.63 470.00 246.20 5.29 14.61 2.9
House, Leisure & Pers Goods StJmsPl 971.50 -11.50 1031 744.83 2.40 28.91 888.0 HikmaPhm 2088 -10.00 2617 1849.38 0.67 27.03 164.2 113.00 1.20 119.90 70.40 3.16 312.15 2970.7
Keller 815.00 7.00 1105 780.50 3.09 25.73 294.7 Acal 278.00 2.00 334.75 215.50 2.73 26.11 64.4
AGARmst 184.50 - 213.00 78.44 - -39.95 36.7 Stan Life 388.90 -2.50 505.68 372.28 4.70 28.71 3646.1 Oxfd Bio 5.94 -0.05 13.38 4.60 - -15.19 1987.6 Cineworld 559.50 0.50 599.00 381.50 2.41 18.74 295.9
KierGp 1298 -6.00 1779 1253 4.52 32.45 105.1 Aggreko 962.00 6.50 1724.15 866.00 2.82 12.74 683.6
BarrttDev 599.00 -6.00 673.50 411.60 1.99 13.44 2497.7 RichterG $ 18.60 -0.24 19.22 12.20 0.64 24.00 0.0 CompassX 1125 -9.00 1223.36 963.00 2.40 21.84 2166.1
Kingsp € 24.50 -0.56 26.07 12.86 0.65 31.73 25.3
Bellway♦ 2569 -30.00 2647.3 1686 2.37 11.13 202.6
Media APR Engy 172.50 1.50 407.44 49.98 1.98 -0.30 19.7
LowBonr 68.00 -0.50 76.00 46.00 3.97 17.51 74.4 4imprint 1298 21.00 1351.85 775.00 1.58 29.77 1.7 ShireX 4327 -57.00 5870 4305 0.35 12.77 1318.5 AshtdGp 1101 -19.00 1231 838.00 1.39 15.56 2452.8 EntInns 102.70 -0.90 139.60 94.65 - 17.20 406.4
Berkeley 3557 1.00 3690 2264 5.06 11.80 463.7 VecturGp 172.00 -4.10 187.50 127.00 - 106.44 175.9 FirstGrp 103.30 -0.80 129.90 88.65 - 18.66 2079.8
Marshlls 326.30 -1.20 379.80 212.79 1.84 26.60 498.7 ChimeCm 364.50 -0.25 366.00 239.00 2.30 128.25 139.6 AtknsWS♦ 1567 2.00 1633 1225 2.33 16.10 130.8
BovisHme 972.50 -6.50 1206 750.00 3.60 11.93 268.6 Fuller A♦ 1116 -12.00 1250 905.00 1.41 22.13 4.2
MorgSdl 755.00 1.00 865.00 573.10 3.58 -22.09 2.8 Creston♦ 126.00 - 163.00 108.00 3.33 16.37 17.4 Real Estate Babcock♦ 1000.00 -9.00 1152.76 868.50 2.36 18.66 949.2
Cairn Homes € 1.17 0.00 1.20 1.00 - - 2165.3 Go-Ahead 2570 8.00 2758 2269 3.33 21.50 86.8
Norcros♦ 208.00 0.50 227.60 150.00 2.69 14.65 19.8 DlyMailA♦ 675.50 -1.50 989.50 647.50 3.02 9.19 493.8 Berendsen 1040 - 1161 946.50 2.88 20.43 197.4
CrestNic 528.00 -5.50 598.50 342.00 2.71 11.81 370.6 Harworth Gr 12.25 - 14.00 7.26 - 2.96 252.6 GreeneKg 922.50 -5.50 985.00 712.00 3.12 22.72 779.7
StGobn €X 38.72 -0.12 44.84 31.83 1.57 26.44 1975.9 HaynesPb 106.50 - 169.35 103.00 7.04 -2.00 5.5 Brammer 155.00 -0.25 420.50 148.00 6.90 21.63 311.0
GamesWk 593.50 -13.50 620.00 487.25 8.76 15.51 2.3 REITs IrishCtl € 5.30 - 5.50 2.93 1.95 14.81 4.1
Tyman 262.00 2.50 342.00 230.00 3.05 38.00 8.5 ITE Grp 152.75 -0.75 204.75 125.00 4.84 12.21 166.9 Bunzl♦ 1860 -12.00 1969 1665 1.91 27.25 374.1
Gleeson♦ 535.00 - 538.10 345.02 1.42 23.27 25.2 Assura 56.25 - 64.00 49.63 3.47 10.19 1027.8 Ladbrokes 114.60 -1.90 147.00 92.85 7.77 -43.87 3459.2
ITV 264.20 0.70 281.90 200.10 1.78 20.19 8585.8 Capita 1183 5.00 1336 1000.5 2.47 32.07 1412.9
Electronic & Electrical Equip Headlam♦ 500.50 -5.00 550.00 404.00 3.50 16.64 70.6 BigYellw♦ 780.00 -13.00 838.50 558.00 2.78 9.28 123.4 Carillion 301.80 0.70 371.40 293.20 5.88 24.12 1114.1 MandarO $ 1.50 - 1.78 1.44 4.43 19.64 173.4
McBride 148.25 1.00 176.00 74.00 - -386.07 100.8 JohnstnP 40.38 2.88 174.00 35.00 - -84.29 2873.1
Dialight 442.25 -27.75 850.00 398.00 3.39 23.66 73.3 BritLand 796.50 -2.50 891.50 719.00 3.50 5.80 2238.3 Comnsis 41.00 -2.00 63.00 40.50 4.88 -5.63 92.8 Marstons 166.40 -2.50 177.00 135.80 4.03 -35.23 1855.8
McCarthy&S 233.50 3.25 240.75 180.00 - 19.57 292.6 News Corp A $ 13.67 0.17 17.55 12.16 0.73 -74.92 1118.2
e2v Tech♦ 231.50 0.25 268.00 167.50 2.20 21.05 163.0 Cap&Reg 68.50 -1.00 71.50 49.00 1.39 4.17 125.4 ConnectGp 161.00 -1.50 175.00 128.02 5.90 17.86 38.1 Natl Exp 318.40 -7.00 333.96 216.30 3.23 19.73 568.1
Persimn 1938 -5.00 2156 1423.36 - 13.46 891.6 NewsCpB $ 14.01 0.19 17.11 12.24 0.71 -76.76 383.2
Halma 854.50 -3.50 874.00 642.50 1.40 30.32 660.8 Countrywd 418.20 -0.70 608.00 375.00 3.59 20.83 822.3 DCC 5835 -5.00 6060 3294 1.45 38.01 198.5 PPHE Htl 624.00 1.50 688.00 429.00 2.84 9.51 2.5
Philips € 24.10 -0.14 28.00 20.48 - 36.94 3592.5 Pearson 737.00 -6.50 1517.42 731.50 6.92 31.57 4667.1
MorganAd 247.90 1.60 375.84 224.85 4.40 42.89 420.8 DrwntLdn 3631 -38.00 3891 2800 1.09 5.03 142.4 DeLaRue♦ 466.75 -0.25 606.00 414.75 5.36 12.03 201.0 Restaurt 647.00 -2.50 748.70 614.53 2.38 23.11 496.0
PZCusns 280.40 -25.40 376.90 280.40 2.80 22.54 733.6 Quarto 225.00 - 239.00 146.82 3.68 8.74 2.0
OxfordIn 673.50 20.50 1114 502.62 1.93 -78.62 74.1 Gt Portld♦ 837.00 -9.00 892.50 676.46 1.08 4.55 387.4 Diploma♦ 751.00 16.00 916.50 600.29 2.32 23.12 506.6 Sportech 57.00 - 72.00 50.25 - -1.36 0.9
ReckittBX 6189 22.00 6450 4895 2.25 26.30 1499.6 RELX NV € 15.23 -0.14 16.75 12.03 2.58 25.23 2674.3
Renishaw 1900 8.00 2672.9 1800 2.23 11.34 35.1 Green Reit € 1.56 -0.05 1.70 1.21 - - 77.0 Elctrcmp♦ 230.70 -0.60 263.10 167.55 5.09 24.28 280.5 Stagech 298.00 -6.70 437.90 228.00 3.52 12.94 3097.0
Redrow 449.40 -1.10 504.50 254.50 0.89 10.13 275.2 RELX PLCX 1157 -13.00 1232 988.50 2.25 26.57 2230.5
Spectris 1746 56.00 2420 1608 2.66 16.17 227.8 Hammersn 594.50 -3.50 708.00 569.50 3.43 6.87 1904.8 EnergyAst 504.00 4.00 640.00 392.25 - 17.23 36.4 ThomasCook 115.70 -2.70 162.20 97.65 - -29.87 5227.4
TaylorWm 196.40 1.10 207.40 121.85 0.79 15.46 10886.5 STV Grp 439.00 4.00 494.00 338.00 1.82 13.41 24.5
TT Elect 150.25 1.75 164.00 96.00 3.66 -76.93 39.9 Hansteen 113.50 -2.00 128.95 101.50 4.41 5.60 866.1 Essentra 855.00 11.00 1069 714.00 2.14 30.60 337.4 TUI 1173 52.00 1294.78 996.74 - 20.94 1446.6
TedBaker 3421 34.00 3650 1882.48 1.18 40.46 12.3 ThmReut C$X♦ 52.70 0.03 55.92 44.37 3.45 15.39 221.2
XP Power 1450 -10.00 1750 1370 4.28 14.41 8.1 HIBERNIA 1.38 0.00 1.45 1.06 - - 715.7 Experian 1174 -4.00 1264 1001 2.24 25.90 1302.3 Whitbrd♦ 4466 -13.00 5475 4278 1.84 21.64 973.5
UTV Med 177.50 0.50 204.00 137.00 4.08 31.74 21.8
Industrial Engineering WPPX Highcrft 987.50 -2.50 1090 820.00 3.65 18.09 0.4 Grafton 704.50 2.00 868.00 613.00 1.53 18.26 247.2 Willim H 367.20 -2.70 432.10 312.10 3.32 18.34 6760.2
Financial General 1501 5.00 1616 1271 2.54 15.51 3194.6
INTU 308.30 -2.00 376.50 306.80 4.44 16.12 1899.6
3i♦■ 476.00 -11.20 571.50 413.70 1.70 7.60 1732.9 Bodycote 534.00 -3.50 797.59 489.90 2.70 17.09 282.1 HarvyNah 87.63 0.13 107.00 66.32 4.06 12.71 11.3 Utilities
Castings♦ 469.00 4.00 488.00 360.00 2.84 13.74 8.3
Mining LandSecs♦ 1186 -12.00 1363 1112 2.71 4.49 2090.8 Hays 141.90 0.20 173.70 134.20 1.88 19.41 2432.3
AberAsM 292.90 -5.30 509.64 288.80 6.15 12.90 5060.3 LondonMtrc♦ 159.00 -0.40 173.20 144.20 4.40 6.44 653.8 Centrica 211.50 5.40 300.70 200.87 6.38 -21.28 23830.4
Fenner 143.25 3.75 237.00 124.50 8.38 695.39 519.5 Acacia 183.20 -5.30 318.90 154.50 1.50 51.13 901.6 Homesve♦ 406.70 -6.30 447.84 320.70 3.05 23.24 170.1
BrewDlph 289.10 1.40 361.00 247.70 3.42 43.94 197.7 McKaySec♦ 261.00 -4.00 279.75 219.68 3.33 4.55 18.0 DeeVally♦ 1455 -20.00 1484 1135 4.30 18.97 0.4
Goodwin 1979.5 24.50 3040 1901.24 2.14 11.46 0.2 AngloAmer 318.65 -1.05 1277.59 277.60 17.13 -0.92 21192.7 HowdenJny 517.00 -4.50 538.50 381.70 1.62 22.01 873.0
Canaccord 220.00 -15.00 460.00 201.50 4.48 -8.20 0.2 MucklGp♦ 507.75 -7.25 530.00 428.00 4.04 5.70 4.5 Drax 220.30 -3.90 571.00 213.40 5.40 5.16 1311.9
Hill&Sm♦ 750.00 14.00 762.00 565.00 2.40 29.11 58.0 AngloPacif♦ 56.50 2.75 106.50 49.00 14.96 -2.26 812.8 Intserve 535.50 5.00 878.50 487.20 4.30 14.55 64.6
CtyLonInv 333.25 -1.25 380.37 310.00 7.20 12.80 15.5 PrimyHth 103.50 -1.00 113.50 87.94 4.77 11.61 335.9 Natl GridX♦ 911.00 -2.40 954.00 806.40 4.71 15.88 5022.4
IMI 897.00 -3.50 1454.55 859.50 4.19 13.86 778.9 AnGoldA R 108.00 11.70 149.99 71.59 - -23.32 4512.2 Intertek 2708 -54.00 2949 2141 1.81 22.99 554.7
CloseBrs 1341 -4.00 1857.39 1331 3.77 11.51 188.9 Redefine 50.15 -1.60 59.90 49.20 6.38 4.96 3590.7 Pennon 834.00 -4.00 925.00 711.90 3.77 28.83 731.3
MelroseInd 285.50 1.40 314.78 242.70 2.91 44.67 1669.1 Antofagasta 446.00 -0.60 811.50 422.80 3.06 28.97 2252.6 Latchways 1100 - 1105 705.01 3.60 29.05 0.4
DBAG € 27.23 -0.90 34.50 24.23 1.44 10.42 37.2 SEGRO 428.30 -5.50 466.70 360.70 3.53 4.00 1267.4 UtdUtils 936.00 -8.50 1045 816.50 4.03 22.81 2367.5
Renold 55.25 0.25 86.00 50.75 - 21.62 11.8 ..5%Pf♦ 0.60 - 0.60 0.60833.33 - - Lavendon 135.25 0.25 211.50 130.00 3.40 14.26 26.8
Hargr Lans 1445 1.00 1533 909.00 1.57 43.69 516.9

52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence PolarCap 375.50 -4.00 489.75 335.00 7.06 14.78 56.7 Symphny 6.38 - 11.22 6.01 - -17.86 37.7 Egdon Res 7.38 - 20.00 6.24 - -3.65 59.8 LXB Retail 94.00 0.25 149.00 77.00 - - 47.4 Tech - Hardware
Cohort 407.50 -7.00 432.04 230.00 1.08 29.66 12.6 Share 28.00 - 40.75 26.50 2.21 297.87 8.0 EuropaOil 3.00 - 9.72 2.65 - -3.49 166.0 NewRiver 345.00 -7.00 362.00 283.25 3.77 9.16 336.1 AminoTech 108.00 0.25 171.00 103.00 4.63 9.62 34.0
ShoreCap 425.00 - 431.50 400.00 2.35 14.72 70.0
Insurance FalkldO&G 7.05 0.40 45.00 6.25 - -15.19 1638.4 Palace Cap♦ 357.50 -7.50 405.00 312.00 3.64 6.16 22.3 IQE 20.50 1.25 27.00 16.98 - 85.06 514.1
Banks STM Group 60.50 -2.50 73.00 18.70 - 32.56 63.7 Gable 17.25 - 60.00 16.00 - -2.51 45.5 GETECH♦ 28.00 - 65.00 26.00 7.93 5.09 3.0 PnthrSec 367.50 - 402.00 300.00 3.27 16.23 0.5
BCB Hldgs 7.50 - 11.60 3.25 - -0.69 5.6 WH Ireland 100.50 - 130.00 79.00 1.99 38.67 2.0 Helios 201.00 - 210.00 120.00 0.75 26.10 0.8 Infrastrata 1.75 - 5.90 1.32 - -1.53 40.0 PSPI 41.50 - 42.90 23.50 - -8.65 0.1 Tech - Software & Services
STB 3300 -50.00 3425 2701 2.06 23.98 2.0 Media Iofina 9.88 -0.15 43.50 8.50 - -3.41 307.6 SiriusRE € 0.52 0.00 0.54 0.38 3.14 8.11 2058.4 Blinkx 21.25 0.25 40.50 14.75 - -1.46 244.0
Food & Beverages Ithaca Engy 29.00 -1.00 76.25 26.25 - 20.38 2449.8 SumGermny € 0.97 - 0.99 0.65 3.16 16.43 4.1 BondInt 102.00 - 148.25 83.00 2.16 18.99 29.0
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) FinsbryFd 113.50 -0.50 118.50 56.00 1.39 20.30 18.9 Avesco 227.50 - 252.00 103.00 2.64 15.85 22.5
Brady 46.25 - 110.13 33.60 4.00 -36.33 54.2
Cello Gp 87.00 - 106.70 79.00 2.99 81.23 63.8 KBC Adv 135.50 - 144.50 77.00 0.74 34.36 47.9 TaliesinPr 2245 -5.00 2545 1928.75 - 8.13 3.3
CropperJ♦ 630.00 - 718.00 390.00 1.35 29.01 0.2 Nichols 1423 -25.00 1496.81 834.56 1.57 24.64 12.0 Datatec 232.50 -2.50 370.00 220.00 2.24 10.94 0.0
M&Csaatc 333.00 -0.25 395.00 280.25 1.88 -45.59 21.2 Max 0.16 - 1.35 0.08 - -0.08 634.1
RealGdFd 54.00 -0.75 59.40 25.50 - 39.10 19.0 Retailers DDD 2.00 -0.13 4.50 1.25 - -2.07 40.8
Chemicals MissionMk 42.75 0.75 50.00 39.00 2.34 9.48 14.2 PetrelRes 3.25 - 5.56 2.00 - -1.59 2.7
Wynnstay 585.00 -5.00 607.50 474.52 1.74 16.48 10.5 Petroceltic 40.50 1.38 140.25 38.00 - -0.54 163.9 ASOS 3345 -45.00 4259 2146 - 75.34 405.8 Eckoh 51.50 - 56.00 35.89 0.72 75.51 219.4
Scapa 205.75 0.75 225.25 122.55 0.73 41.52 333.0 Next15Cm♦ 260.00 -2.00 278.25 147.00 1.06 168.18 194.6
PetroNeft 2.35 - 5.45 2.27 - -3.46 532.6 Koovs 28.50 - 163.50 27.72 - -0.98 2.8 EgSoltns 64.50 - 79.00 61.00 - -44.76 3.0
Health Care Equip & Services YouGov♦ 150.50 -1.00 156.00 101.50 0.53 48.80 5.0
Construction & Materials Plexus♦ 172.25 -1.75 245.00 148.00 0.66 27.95 60.2 Majestic 326.00 2.00 480.00 273.25 1.29 24.96 403.0 Iomart 256.75 -8.25 310.00 159.93 0.97 30.05 19.6
Advnc Med 169.00 -6.25 187.29 118.00 0.41 26.39 169.2 StanlGib 89.00 -2.00 313.36 87.00 5.62 -39.87 20.5
Abbey 1172.5 72.50 1161 833.35 0.73 7.11 0.4
AVO 5.25 -0.13 16.90 3.75 - -6.65 1900.6
Mining Rockhop 26.50 - 83.00 24.00 - -5.18 2762.2 K3BusTc♦ 369.00 -2.50 377.00 205.00 0.34 34.54 18.5
AccsysTch 66.63 1.63 81.50 56.00 - -42.63 2.8 Amara 7.95 0.01 20.00 6.80 - -4.70 229.5 Sound Oil 13.75 -0.13 26.73 8.75 - -8.72 1033.1 Support Services OMG 47.75 0.50 49.00 30.50 1.05 137.61 19.1
CareTech 234.00 - 262.15 190.00 3.42 11.04 19.3
Aukett 6.88 - 8.50 5.50 3.05 9.02 8.7 AMC 10.13 0.33 44.58 5.50 - 10.08 3112.5 TowerRes 0.10 - 0.75 0.08 - -0.43 1582.7 Progility 1.38 - 8.25 1.25 - 5.64 19.6
CircleHldgs 35.50 - 69.00 32.00 - -10.33 1.5 AndSyks 330.00 5.00 355.00 270.00 7.21 14.18 2.7
BotswanaD 0.83 -0.05 2.50 0.63 - -5.03 35.0 TrinityE 4.13 0.13 37.00 2.92 - -0.05 205.5 Pub Tech 127.50 - 208.00 114.00 - -3.93 3.0
Electronic & Electrical Equip ImmunDiag 247.50 5.00 343.00 216.40 1.21 56.83 18.0 Augean 54.25 - 62.00 37.65 0.92 10.94 91.0
SciSys 69.50 - 95.51 38.50 2.32 -60.70 1.5
SphereMed 10.50 - 23.50 8.30 - -1.34 6.5 CentAsiaM 146.00 -13.00 198.00 135.16 8.49 15.02 49.1 UnJackOil 0.15 - 0.30 0.14 - -5.77 4000.0 Begbies 42.50 1.00 51.08 38.50 5.18 -33.73 38.5
CeresPow 7.80 0.0210.08 5.90 - -5.85 34.4 WANdisco 82.50 3.00 545.00 75.07 - -0.90 18.2
Tristel♦ 142.00 -0.50 145.00 67.10 1.30 27.13 104.7 Connema 1.30 - 2.80 0.25 - -3.69 25.0 VictorOil 39.13 1.38 89.05 34.49 - -1.24 316.9 Christie 126.50 - 162.00 118.00 1.78 11.04 5.0
Densitrn 10.75 - 11.00 3.50 - 370.69 42.5
C'royG&NR 0.35 - 1.10 0.28 - -6.25 1307.0 VolgaGas 34.00 -3.00 90.00 31.50 9.35 8.26 10.8
ElektronT 6.13 - 8.70 4.00 - 9.25 5.0 House, Leisure & Pers Goods
Empres 89.00 -5.00 106.90 38.13 0.79 10.74 261.1 Telecommunications
GrekaDrill 5.45 -0.05 13.90 5.07 - -5.25 186.6 Hargreaves 284.00 5.00 709.00 275.00 9.40 4.42 13.7
FlowGp 16.50 0.13 49.00 9.75 - -3.43 258.7
Airea 17.75 - 23.00 11.55 3.38 13.72 0.5 Herencia 0.07 - 0.30 0.06 - -0.74 500.0
Pharmaceuticals & Biotech AltNetwks 447.50 -6.00 545.00 405.00 3.24 24.16 272.1
LPA 96.00 - 101.00 58.00 1.61 84.81 50.2 Abcam 584.50 2.00 621.00 420.00 1.35 31.47 303.6 Impellam 790.00 12.50 859.60 500.00 0.79 12.90 4.3 Peoples Op 104.50 -1.50 147.60 100.00 - -46.14 5.5
Churchll 675.00 - 705.00 502.00 2.39 20.94 5.7 HighldGld 53.50 1.25 59.75 17.73 8.49 -8.84 46.7 ISG 122.00 -2.50 355.00 119.50 4.02 -3.67 163.3
ThorpeFW 240.00 - 250.70 130.00 1.38 23.74 12.9 AllcePharm 48.50 - 63.00 32.00 2.06 15.54 267.0
Zytronic 419.00 - 425.00 252.00 2.39 20.49 40.0
gamingrealm 24.38 0.13 36.89 20.00 - -5.21 0.3 KarelianDd 0.90 - 1.85 0.80 - -30.00 104.7 JhnsnSrv 91.00 -1.00 95.41 59.00 1.87 62.07 47.1 Travel & Leisure
Mulberry 928.75 -6.00 969.00 725.00 - -638.76 3.5 OracleC 2.45 -0.18 3.20 0.25 - -15.71 399.6 Epistem 117.50 - 339.00 110.00 - -3.90 1.8
JourneyGp 168.50 0.50 187.50 120.00 1.76 13.38 5.0 32Red PLC 114.50 -1.25 115.75 35.25 2.10 41.46 251.9
e-Thera 24.75 0.25 49.40 20.25 - -8.00 93.4
Financial General Portmern 957.50 2.50 980.00 860.20 2.77 15.67 1.5 ShantaGold 4.75 0.13 11.45 4.00 - -9.79 215.0 LonSec 2100 - 2400 1800 2.95 21.95 0.2 CastleStIn 31.13 0.75 41.25 17.00 - 5.55 103.4
TelfordHms♦ 389.50 -14.50 495.00 337.00 2.85 8.12 181.4 SierraRut 19.25 - 32.00 16.06 - -16.58 0.3 GW Phrms 438.25 -18.50 708.55 310.00 - -24.23 219.0
Ambrian 4.88 - 12.05 4.50 - -1.27 288.7 Matchtech♦ 531.75 -3.25 587.80 483.85 3.81 17.98 4.6 Celtic 73.00 - 79.00 70.75 - -17.16 0.6
WalkerGb 210.50 -3.50 244.85 178.00 1.10 23.41 36.5 Sirius Min 16.50 -0.25 29.50 6.40 - -32.80 4992.7 HtchChMd 2810 -5.00 2896.6 1140.15 - 162.62 2.4
Arbuthnot 1538.5 -16.50 1650 1281 1.75 21.13 2.9 NewmkSec 2.88 -0.05 4.93 1.86 2.61 6.73 557.9 ..6%CvPf 65.00 - 80.00 35.00 4.98 - 0.5
Stratex 1.20 - 2.65 1.00 - -2.48 842.7 ImmuPhar 29.75 3.75 65.00 19.10 - -10.01 115.8
Aurora 9.13 - 11.25 8.00 - -0.93 0.4 Industrial Engineering NWF 182.50 1.00 192.94 120.00 2.79 14.33 14.6 ..Cv Pf 135.00 - 150.00 120.00 - - 0.4
ZincOx 0.65 -0.03 18.00 0.53 - -0.05 1217.3 ReNeuron 2.63 -0.25 6.50 2.26 - -5.46 1454.2
BP Marsh 153.50 -1.00 159.00 126.00 1.79 6.82 14.0 Paysafe 370.75 6.50 378.00 335.20 - 56.71 2312.3 Dalata 367.50 - 370.00 111.15 - 198.11 112.1
600 Grp 13.63 0.50 20.00 11.35 - 9.82 112.1 Sareum 0.19 - 0.65 0.18 - -2.92 4725.0
BrooksMac 1902 2.00 1985 1301 1.52 27.91 0.9 Oil & Gas PennaCns 287.50 -1.00 292.00 28.30 1.22 16.71 8.0 Dart 552.50 -2.00 557.50 267.50 0.54 8.74 426.8
Molins 77.00 2.00 96.80 66.10 7.14 -18.78 21.6 SinclairIS 40.50 -0.25 61.33 31.50 - -15.53 72.0
Camellia 8987 -259.00 9992 8579.64 1.40 304.94 0.7 Petards 13.25 0.13 14.65 9.75 - 10.53 117.8 GoalsSocc 168.50 1.00 242.00 127.00 1.19 11.81 32.2
MS Intl♦ 215.00 -5.00 227.50 116.00 3.72 26.23 2.2 AlkneEng 35.75 - 38.50 19.50 0.84 -22.41 12.1 Vernalis 70.00 - 88.29 44.45 - -105.26 314.9
Fairpoint 150.50 -1.50 195.00 105.66 4.25 21.65 198.9 RedhallGp 6.50 - 15.50 5.00 - -0.26 225.0 MinoanGp 7.13 - 13.50 6.00 - -11.29 142.2
Pres Tech 191.50 4.00 484.00 140.00 4.39 11.61 4.0 AmeriRes 23.00 0.75 48.00 19.50 - -35.55 747.8
Leeds 36.00 - 43.79 30.00 - 9.43 8.0
TP Group 2.63 - 6.75 2.25 - -2.49 836.8 AndesEnrg 23.88 0.50 40.15 16.50 - -17.59 50.6
Real Estate Renew 388.25 -4.25 401.25 237.00 1.29 22.50 15.3 PeelHtls 103.00 -0.50 110.00 77.00 1.46 20.30 10.0
MattioliWds 641.50 -1.50 650.00 435.00 1.46 32.73 5.1 Conygar 175.50 - 195.00 163.50 1.00 8.95 4.6 Restore 296.50 5.50 316.00 232.00 0.81 54.14 101.3
Miton 28.00 - 31.00 18.50 2.14 9.73 3.6 Industrial General
BahamasP 1.34 - 3.10 1.11 - -5.73 980.8 Utilities
BorSthnPet 1.48 0.05 7.18 1.35 - -2.98 909.7 FltchKng 50.50 - 65.00 41.11 5.94 7.03 1.0 SafeCharge 248.00 - 297.00 235.01 2.15 27.02 105.1
Numis♦ 265.75 -2.25 278.00 196.09 3.95 20.18 14.8 ModernWtr 8.25 - 22.50 7.75 - -0.38 21.6
Powerflte 92.00 0.50 100.98 49.00 1.16 29.62 2197.6 Circle Oil 3.63 0.13 13.95 3.28 - -0.53 739.2 InlandHms 73.75 0.63 77.00 54.00 0.81 5.36 183.0 Servoca 28.25 -1.75 34.75 16.65 - 21.02 171.0
Park Grp 85.50 - 97.97 52.00 2.81 17.00 10.7 SeaEnergy 3.50 -0.38 30.40 3.04 - -0.37 62.0
RM2 40.00 - 73.00 36.50 - -4.03 248.3 ClontarfEn 0.20 -0.03 1.00 0.13 - -4.17 1201.4 Lok'nStor♦ 352.50 -5.00 374.00 230.00 2.08 46.13 28.1 Utilityws♦ 137.25 -3.75 288.25 115.00 3.28 9.43 146.1

Investment Companies
Conventional (Ex Private Equity) 52 Week Dis(-) EdinDragn♦ 231.50 0.50 311.00 212.50 0.95 259.8 -10.9 JPM Clavr 603.50 -2.50 645.18 550.50 3.40 625.2 -3.5 SchdrUKMd 474.50 3.00 504.50 418.50 1.79 526.1 -9.8 VCTs 52 Week Dis(-) Marwyn Val 213.50 - 251.93 199.07 - - -
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm ..CULS 103.25 -0.13 107.89 102.00 - - - JPMGIConv♦ 91.00 -0.75 106.00 90.00 6.18 94.4 -3.6 ScotAmer♦ 254.75 -2.25 276.50 230.44 4.14 242.2 5.2 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm TerraCat 106.00 - 110.89 90.00 - - -
3i Infra♦ 172.80 0.40 189.56 163.40 4.50 - - Edin Inv 715.00 -7.00 737.00 620.00 3.34 696.9 2.6 JPM GEI 83.50 -1.13 124.67 83.25 5.87 90.2 -7.4 Scottish In 587.00 -4.00 670.00 552.50 2.04 657.6 -10.7 AlbionDev 69.00 - 70.89 66.00 7.25 73.9 -6.6
AbnAsianIn 148.50 -3.50 207.75 142.50 5.52 165.9 -10.5 Edin WWd 456.25 -3.25 502.44 382.00 0.44 487.0 -6.3 JPM I&C Uni 350.50 -0.50 370.00 342.00 - 356.0 -1.5 ScottMort 270.40 -1.70 283.40 226.20 1.08 263.3 2.7 Albion Ent 91.50 - 91.90 85.50 5.46 101.1 -9.5 ISDX
AbnAsian 736.00 - 953.50 653.77 1.36 825.8 -10.9 EP Global 225.00 -1.00 262.10 212.05 1.47 231.1 -2.6 JPM Inc&Gr♦ 105.38 - 115.85 102.00 4.27 110.3 -4.5 ScottOrtll♦ 725.50 -16.00 898.50 660.00 1.59 828.6 -12.4 AlbionTech 74.00 - 78.49 72.50 6.76 75.4 -1.9
Estabmt♦ 167.50 - 187.00 138.00 2.93 198.9 -15.8 JPM Ind 477.50 -1.25 605.50 443.00 - 535.9 -10.9 SecTstScot♦ 127.75 -0.75 148.00 120.50 4.07 134.5 -5.0 52 Week Vol
AbnJapInv 483.00 - 571.00 422.11 0.54 519.9 -7.1 AlbionVCT♦ 66.50 - 67.90 63.00 7.52 72.7 -8.5
Euro Ast 1092.5 -10.00 1160 945.00 4.83 1080.5 1.1 JPM JpSm 257.00 -0.13 261.75 199.00 - 287.7 -10.7 Seneca I&G♦ 143.50 - 150.00 134.00 4.00 144.1 -0.4 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld P/E 000s
AbnLatAmIn 46.50 -0.50 73.00 43.35 9.14 52.7 -11.8 ArtemisVCT♦■ 60.00 -12.00 74.00 59.23 6.67 78.3 -23.4
EuroInvT 716.75 -1.50 849.00 667.00 1.95 749.5 -4.4 JPM Jap♦ 289.75 -0.38 307.95 220.00 0.97 315.4 -8.1 Shires Inc 211.75 0.75 261.00 209.33 5.79 231.3 -8.5 ArsenalFC 1567000 - 1600000 1430000 - 48.64 0.0
..Sub 0.05 -0.10 0.61 0.10 - - - ..VCT 2♦ 96.50 - 99.00 91.00 6.74 100.6 -4.1
F&C Cp&I♦ 256.63 -4.50 277.00 241.00 3.90 257.4 -0.3 JPM Mid 1070 -3.00 1075 743.58 1.92 1060.6 0.9 StdLf Eqt♦ 451.75 -2.75 471.46 384.44 3.19 450.3 0.3 ShephdNm 1195 5.00 1232 1000.00 2.18 24.51 11.8
AbnNewDn 145.00 -1.00 205.23 136.00 2.48 165.8 -12.5 ..VCT 3♦ 101.00 - 103.49 94.00 7.43 105.1 -3.9
F&CGblSmlr 989.50 4.50 1028.92 864.00 0.98 966.6 2.4 JPM O'seas♦ 1024 -5.00 1159 930.00 1.46 1075.8 -4.8 StdLf Sml 375.50 -3.50 380.50 267.00 1.23 378.0 -0.7 Thwaites 118.50 - 131.00 102.00 3.76 7.14 15.0
AbnNewThai 356.00 -3.75 489.88 324.00 2.30 419.3 -15.1 ..VCT 4♦ 94.00 - 95.19 88.25 3.19 97.4 -3.5
AbnSmlCo 213.50 - 229.00 177.00 3.04 246.9 -13.5 F&CMgdG 150.00 -0.75 158.00 136.11 - 149.1 0.6 JPMRussian 307.13 -1.63 391.00 223.25 4.23 363.4 -15.5 StrategicEq 224.50 - 241.50 175.75 0.35 210.7 6.5 ..VCT 5♦ 81.25 - 82.49 72.00 4.92 87.1 -6.7
Abn UK 297.50 -1.75 334.75 281.83 3.43 310.7 -4.2 F&CMgdI♦ 116.50 - 130.00 112.10 4.25 115.0 1.3 JPMSnrSec 84.00 - 98.05 83.25 7.32 89.5 -6.1 Temp Bar♦ 1027 -9.00 1235.01 1020 4.56 1090.4 -5.8 BSC VCT♦ 86.00 -2.00 91.00 82.00 6.40 99.1 -13.2
Abf Gd Inc 200.25 -2.38 212.00 156.00 3.67 217.6 -8.0 FidAsian 240.25 -1.75 285.50 195.50 0.46 263.0 -8.7 JPM Smlr♦ 902.00 -5.00 929.20 584.17 1.06 1031.3 -12.5 TempEmerg 400.50 -4.50 607.78 370.00 2.06 461.1 -13.1 ..VCT2 56.00 - 59.00 51.98 8.04 60.6 -7.6 Guide to FT Share Service
Abf Sml 1169 -3.00 1235 1015 2.12 1255.1 -6.9 FidChiSpS 135.40 -0.10 179.78 105.06 0.96 159.9 -15.3 JPM US Sml 179.50 -0.75 193.75 155.25 - 182.3 -1.5 TRIG 96.75 -0.25 109.00 96.75 6.28 - - Crown Place 29.00 - 30.50 27.75 8.62 30.5 -4.9
AcenciADbt $ 1.47 -0.02 1.80 1.46 4.14 1.6 -8.1 Fid Euro 168.30 -0.70 187.50 153.00 1.84 178.7 -5.8 JupUSSmCo 590.25 2.75 704.03 572.50 - 675.9 -12.7 ThreadUKSel 167.00 - 180.00 156.00 2.60 185.5 -10.0 FrsightSol 102.50 - 106.00 95.00 5.85 109.6 -6.5
AdvDvpMk 390.13 -6.13 483.00 350.00 - 445.1 -12.4 Fid Jap 83.75 0.63 88.25 68.79 - 96.6 -13.3 KeystoneInv♦■ 1781 -36.00 1900 1720.95 2.84 1898.9 -6.2 TREurGth 610.00 -0.75 661.00 493.00 1.07 675.2 -9.7 Inc&GthVCT 95.50 1.00 104.00 88.25 18.85 106.6 -10.4
Alliance♦■ 496.00 -2.30 531.50 437.00 2.00 551.5 -10.1 Fid Spec♦ 199.00 1.38 217.00 164.80 2.16 - - Law Deb 475.50 -1.75 545.50 452.50 3.30 455.5 4.4 TroyInc&G 71.25 -0.63 74.71 63.75 3.23 70.2 1.5 KingsAYVCT 18.50 - 19.00 17.25 5.41 19.9 -7.0 For queries about the FT Share Service pages e-mail
AllianzTech 639.50 -8.50 650.00 507.00 - 667.6 -4.2 FinsG&I 570.00 -8.00 609.36 513.00 2.05 571.8 -0.3 LinTrain £ 567.50 -2.50 585.00 370.00 1.13 414.0 37.1 UtilicoEmg♦ 165.00 -1.50 173.75 119.11 3.70 181.6 -9.1 Maven I&G 67.25 - 75.00 59.50 8.77 62.5 7.6
AltAstsOps 42.00 - 47.00 37.50 - 46.9 -10.4 FstPacfic H HK$ 4.90 -0.17 8.10 4.56 4.13 - - Ln&StLaw 349.50 -4.50 384.00 331.51 4.06 363.2 -3.8 UtilEmSubs 9.00 0.63 14.00 7.29 - - - MavenVCT2 49.25 - 64.00 45.00 8.12 50.3 -2.1 All data is as of close of the previous business day. Company classifications
Art Alpha 246.88 -2.13 295.94 245.00 1.32 307.8 -19.8 For & Col 435.70 -4.30 467.90 395.60 2.16 471.9 -7.7 Lowland 1313 -5.00 1440 1230 2.89 1335.6 -1.7 UIL Inv♦ 110.00 - 126.00 105.00 6.82 147.6 -25.5 MavenVCT4 85.50 - 88.39 80.00 5.85 97.8 -12.6 are based on the ICB system used by FTSE (see FTSE
..Sub 18.25 - 34.04 17.00 6.58 - - Geiger 12.00 - 24.50 11.00 - 14.3 -16.1 M&GHighInc 156.00 -1.00 179.95 145.00 2.95 166.8 -6.5 ValAndInc♦ 248.00 -4.75 264.99 228.50 3.63 305.6 -18.8 MavenVCT5 36.00 - 37.00 32.00 6.94 39.3 -8.4 100 constituent stocks are shown in bold.
AsianToRt 189.00 -2.00 224.00 163.25 1.72 205.2 -7.9 GenEmer 446.00 -2.00 575.00 391.70 - 500.9 -11.0 Majedie 270.00 -1.00 283.00 227.03 2.78 266.3 1.4 Witan♦ 768.50 -10.50 850.00 676.78 2.04 764.7 0.5 Nthn 2 VCT 73.00 - 88.00 67.25 7.53 76.8 -4.9 Closing prices are shown in pence unless otherwise indicated. Highs & lows
Aurora 154.50 - 162.23 144.00 2.49 163.3 -5.4 GFIS 14.00 - 21.80 12.00 - 41.6 -66.3 Man&Lon 247.50 1.50 259.28 219.00 1.41 301.4 -17.9 WitanPac 223.00 -0.75 274.75 203.03 2.04 257.0 -13.2 Nthn 3 VCT 95.50 - 104.00 86.50 5.76 100.5 -5.0 are based on intra-day trading over a rolling 52 week period. Price/earnings
Axiom 101.50 - 103.00 100.00 - - - GRIT 6.38 - 25.11 4.00 - - - MCGlobPort 176.00 -0.50 195.00 155.00 2.33 174.0 1.1 WorldTst 246.63 -2.25 285.25 231.00 1.40 286.7 -14.0 NthnVent♦ 76.00 - 85.36 74.00 7.89 79.7 -4.6 ratios (PER) are based on latest annual reports and accounts and are updated
BG Japan 471.50 -1.50 493.25 358.25 - 455.3 3.6 GoldenPros 18.50 - 34.00 17.00 - 20.6 -10.2 MCurPac♦ 257.50 -2.50 336.00 236.73 2.91 294.2 -12.5 WwideHlth♦ 1833 -2.00 2108.5 1590.25 0.68 1936.2 -5.3 ProVenGI 75.50 - 81.25 75.00 5.96 78.7 -4.1 with interim figures. PER is calculated using the company’s diluted earnings
BG Shin 437.00 1.38 438.00 284.50 - 430.1 1.6 Hansa 800.00 -4.25 986.85 740.50 2.00 1105.3 -27.6 MercantIT 1780 -2.00 1796 1390.39 2.42 1951.8 -8.8 ProVenVCT 91.50 - 97.89 89.50 5.46 99.8 -8.3 from continuing operations. Yields are based on closing price and on dividends
Conventional - Private Equity 52 Week Dis(-)
BSRT 16.25 -0.75 34.00 15.00 - 39.6 -59.0 ..A 770.00 -2.50 930.00 747.25 - 1105.3 -30.3 MrchTst 420.25 -4.75 500.00 406.22 5.69 440.7 -4.6 UnicornAIM 144.00 - 144.79 122.00 4.17 162.1 -11.2 paid in the last financial year and updated with interim figures. Yields are
Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
Bankers 622.50 -8.50 674.50 548.00 2.43 617.2 0.9 Hend Alt 220.50 -0.75 250.00 215.00 1.36 274.8 -19.8 Mid Wynd 339.00 -0.50 352.50 295.43 1.14 328.9 3.1 shown in net terms; dividends on UK companies are net of 10% tax, non-UK
Hen Div♦ 90.25 -0.25 95.50 87.50 5.65 87.1 3.6 MitonUKMic 57.00 - 57.50 50.00 - - - AbnPvtEq 88.25 0.25 96.00 82.00 2.54 124.7 -29.2 Ordinary Income Shares 52 Week HR
BrngEmEu 460.25 0.25 607.70 432.00 4.13 543.9 -15.4 companies are gross of tax. Highs & lows, yields and PER are adjusted to reflect
HenEuroF 1021 -20.00 1148.5 925.91 2.30 1021.6 -0.1 MitonWw 158.00 - 164.65 154.83 - 172.9 -8.6 Altamir € 10.84 -0.01 11.82 9.60 4.53 17.1 -36.6 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
BH Global 1260 -13.00 1343.6 1215 - 1345.0 -6.3 capital changes where appropriate.
HenEuro 885.00 -6.00 957.00 773.33 2.03 867.3 2.0 MMP 3.13 - 4.58 3.00 - - - Dun Ent 331.00 -4.00 378.00 305.00 1.42 511.0 -35.2 JPM I&C 88.25 -1.25 106.00 82.00 7.54 -17.5 -1.5
..EUR € 12.00 - 14.00 11.80 - - - Trading volumes are end of day aggregated totals, rounded to the nearest
HenFarEs 280.88 0.88 362.00 238.25 6.59 276.2 1.7 Monks 419.00 -1.70 458.90 370.07 0.94 462.0 -9.3 Electra 3618 8.00 3750 2715 1.05 3907.7 -7.4 JupiterDv&G 3.50 - 5.40 3.00 21.14 8.2 -39.3
..USD $ 12.61 -0.03 13.35 11.90 - 13.2 -4.5 1,000 shares.
HendGlob♦ 368.00 -0.38 416.81 334.86 2.72 406.4 -9.4 MontanSm♦ 546.00 -4.00 554.00 429.86 1.37 621.4 -12.1 ElectraPrf 152.00 - 152.75 147.00 - 148.6 2.3 M&GHI&Gt 55.00 - 65.50 52.00 - -19.6 -9.6
BH Macro 2008 -1.00 2191 1990 - 2135.0 -5.9
HenHigh 180.75 1.25 195.25 165.90 4.81 174.0 3.9 Mur Inc 664.00 1.00 793.58 637.04 4.71 713.4 -6.9 F&C PvtEq 232.50 -2.50 235.50 210.00 4.66 291.8 -20.3 Rghts&Icp 4750 - 4950 3800 - -89.8 -8.6 Net asset value per share (NAV) and split analytics are provided only as a
..EUR € 19.40 -0.05 21.10 19.23 - 20.6 -5.8
HenInt Inc 118.50 -1.00 137.69 106.92 3.76 118.3 0.2 Mur Int 814.50 -6.00 1070 784.00 5.52 825.2 -1.3 GraphEnt 570.50 - 615.94 552.00 1.75 701.1 -18.6 guide. Discounts and premiums are calculated using the latest cum fair net
..USD $ 19.23 0.04 21.10 19.10 - 20.5 -6.2 Income Shares 52 Week HR
Hen Opp 899.50 7.25 1059.1 755.00 1.39 976.3 -7.9 ..B 725.00 - 1181.25 627.00 - 825.3 -12.2 HVPE 883.00 3.00 899.46 802.05 - 1098.1 -19.6 asset value estimate and closing price. Discounts, premiums, gross redemption
BiotechGth 700.00 -5.00 898.92 582.73 - 742.6 -5.7 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
HenSmlr 694.00 -3.00 698.00 526.00 1.66 727.5 -4.6 NB DDIF $ 1.15 0.00 1.21 1.00 - - - HgCapital 1098 13.00 1169 1035 2.91 1290.8 -14.9 yield (GRY), and hurdle rate (HR) to share price (SP) and HR to wipe out (WO)
BlckRCom 54.00 -0.50 94.14 51.13 11.14 55.1 -2.0 JPM In&Gr♦ 97.88 - 100.50 92.50 4.60 -78.3 9.4
Herald 746.50 7.00 750.00 631.00 - 879.1 -15.1 NewCtyEgy 11.75 - 23.20 10.00 - 17.1 -31.3 JPM Pvt Eq $ 0.97 -0.01 1.07 0.81 - 1.3 -25.4 are displayed as a percentage, NAV and terminal asset value per share (TAV)
BlckREmEur 202.50 1.50 240.00 164.58 - 222.4 -8.9 M&GHghIc 53.50 -0.50 63.00 50.60 - -19.6 -7.7
HICL Infra♦ 150.40 0.20 161.40 147.40 4.89 137.2 9.6 ..Sub 0.13 - 0.15 0.06 - - - JZ Capital 392.00 - 480.00 387.00 - 623.4 -37.1 in pence.
BlckRFrnt 99.00 -1.50 118.50 95.25 4.20 107.6 -8.0 Rghts&I 1320 - 1350 925.00 2.73 - 26.2
Impax Env. 159.00 1.50 167.75 139.00 0.88 172.9 -8.0 NewCityHY 57.25 0.25 65.25 52.00 7.53 56.0 2.2 Mithras 146.50 - 151.91 126.50 0.68 166.8 -12.2
BlckRGtEur♦ 248.75 1.75 264.50 217.43 1.95 253.2 -1.8
Ind IT 384.00 - 390.00 280.00 1.30 390.2 -1.6 NewIndia 302.50 1.75 371.30 263.00 - 326.9 -7.5 NB PE Ptnr $ 10.79 - 12.20 10.70 - - - Capital Shares 52 Week HR X FT Global 500 company
..Sub 9.88 - 25.63 8.75 - - -
Intl PP 138.40 0.90 140.59 130.00 4.55 127.8 8.3 New Star IT 72.50 - 78.00 65.45 - 111.7 -35.1 Nthn Invs 580.00 - 695.00 419.00 2.93 553.6 4.8 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% ♦ trading ex-dividend
BlckR I&G 185.38 -0.63 193.00 170.99 3.07 186.1 -0.4
InvAsTr 175.75 0.25 213.58 147.00 1.96 195.3 -10.0 NorthAmer 802.00 -13.00 906.45 729.50 3.80 906.9 -11.6 Pantheon 1335 12.00 1395 1220 - 1619.6 -17.6 JPM Inc&Gr 9.00 -0.38 15.19 8.00 4.8 -2.3 3.1 ■ trading ex-capital distribution
BlckRIncStr 136.50 -0.25 141.00 124.44 4.93 134.5 1.5
Inv Inc♦ 276.38 -3.38 305.00 265.50 3.67 296.5 -6.8 NthAtSml 2217.5 - 2228 1760 - 2671.1 -17.0 PantheonR 1232.5 5.00 1300 1170 - 1619.0 -23.9 M&GHghIc 2.40 - 5.30 1.70 15.8 14.7 - # price at time of suspension from trading
BlckRckLat 291.75 3.88 413.66 262.11 6.61 319.9 -8.8
InvPerp 72.13 - 79.00 68.40 6.93 70.4 2.5 Oryx Int 647.50 - 654.88 400.00 - 690.6 -6.2 PrincssPE €♦ 7.74 -0.13 8.15 6.90 7.13 9.2 -15.9
BlckRckNrAm♦ 110.38 0.13 124.50 101.00 3.62 123.3 -10.5 Zero Dividend Preference Shares 52 Week HR The prices listed are indicative and believed accurate at the time of publication.
IPST BalR 116.25 -0.75 123.00 115.11 - 115.2 0.9 PacAsset 186.75 -0.50 226.15 156.25 1.39 186.4 0.2 Riverstone 790.00 -5.00 1114 779.50 - 1076.3 -26.6
BlckRSmlr 957.00 - 983.00 740.50 1.52 1040.2 -8.0 Price +/-Chg High Low SP WO TAV 0% No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
IPST Gbl Eq 158.00 -1.50 172.00 147.00 2.91 153.5 2.9 PacHorzn 167.75 -1.75 223.77 142.50 0.83 189.9 -11.7 StdLfEuPv 207.00 2.50 223.50 198.00 2.42 281.6 -26.5
BlckRThrmt 349.13 -2.13 352.00 258.68 1.26 392.3 -11.0 Abf Gd Inc 153.25 - 153.73 146.25 -49.7 - 159.7 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept
BlckRWld 185.25 0.75 336.91 175.23 11.34 206.0 -10.1 IPST Mngd 102.75 - 104.00 101.00 - 103.2 -0.4 Perp I&G♦ 407.00 -1.20 431.00 378.20 3.05 402.7 1.1 Conventional - Property ICs 52 Week Dis(-)
EcofinWatr 155.75 - 156.35 152.67 -81.0 -95.3 160.7 responsibility and will not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance on
Bluecrest A 194.00 1.10 200.00 185.00 - 202.9 -4.4 IPST UK Eq 170.00 -1.00 174.39 150.36 3.62 165.9 2.5 PerAsset♦ 34480 -125.00 36313.1 33000 1.62 34650. -0.5 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
JPM I&C 175.50 -0.13 176.50 170.41 -21.5 - 192.1 or use of the information.
Brit Emp♦ 451.00 -4.30 557.08 440.10 2.33 522.5 -13.7 InvPpUK 390.63 2.38 395.06 302.44 4.39 408.4 -4.4 6 Direct Property JupiterDv&G 114.75 - 116.50 106.70 -5.4 - 128.4
Brunner♦ 545.00 3.00 584.12 503.70 2.20 598.1 -8.9 Invs Cap A 93.00 - 102.00 88.00 4.88 96.3 -3.4 PolarFins 103.88 0.88 112.84 94.00 2.98 109.7 -5.3 The FT Share Service is a paid-for-print listing service and may not be fully
AXA Propty 52.25 -0.13 53.25 41.50 - - - JZ Capital 363.50 - 364.50 352.00 - - 369.8
Calednia♦ 2335 -14.00 2517.66 2110 2.17 2784.0 -16.1 Invs Cap B 91.50 - 103.00 88.00 3.75 96.3 -5.0 ..Sub 4.88 - 9.50 4.00 - - - representative of all LSE-listed companies. This service is available to all listed
CustdnREIT♦ 107.50 - 110.50 104.00 5.12 - - M&GHghIc 116.88 - 117.50 112.25 -22.4 -98.6 122.8
CanGen C$♦ 18.00 -0.46 22.00 17.08 3.03 24.8 -27.4 Invs CapU 363.50 - 404.95 347.00 1.88 385.3 -5.7 PolarHealth 174.50 -1.00 187.50 162.00 2.03 177.4 -1.6 companies, subject to the Editor’s discretion. For new sales enquiries please
F&CComPrp♦ 130.50 -1.30 149.00 130.41 4.60 132.5 -1.5 UILFn16 189.25 - 189.90 182.50 - - -
Cap Gear 3275 -5.00 3575 3152.28 0.49 3278.7 -0.1 JLaingInf 117.10 - 128.60 113.99 5.66 105.8 10.7 PolarTech 620.00 -5.00 647.00 487.40 - 626.3 -1.0 email or call 020 7873 4012.
F&CUKRealE♦ 100.00 -1.25 105.50 92.50 5.00 97.9 2.1 UILFn18 144.25 - 146.50 136.00 - - -
City Merch 183.25 -0.25 194.00 179.00 5.46 180.1 1.7 JPM Amer 273.00 -3.20 296.14 238.90 1.19 287.2 -4.9 ProspJap $ 1.02 -0.02 1.09 0.90 - 1.3 -21.5
InvistaERET# 0.30 0.05 1.50 0.03 - 1.8 -83.3 UILFn20 124.00 0.13 125.25 107.50 - - -
CityNatRs 85.13 -0.38 108.25 75.00 6.58 94.0 -9.4 JPM Asn 212.63 -1.00 268.92 182.00 1.03 237.3 -10.4 QatarInvF $ 1.25 0.01 1.49 1.09 2.71 1.3 -3.8
Longbow 105.00 -0.50 106.75 101.25 5.71 - -
City Lon 378.00 -4.40 418.35 359.00 4.01 374.1 1.0 JPM Brazil 37.75 -0.75 62.80 32.25 2.25 42.3 -10.8 RIT Cap 1609 -11.00 1640 1376 1.85 1549.1 3.9
PictonProp 70.75 -0.25 74.75 63.51 4.45 72.1 -1.9 Investment Companies - AIM Data provided by Morningstar
DexionAb 183.13 - 191.00 174.00 - 192.1 -4.7 JPM China♦ 163.00 -2.00 233.96 136.30 0.98 197.4 -17.4 RobecoNV € 30.38 - - - - - -
SLIPropInc 82.50 -0.50 90.25 77.00 5.63 80.6 2.4
..EUR € 2.59 0.05 2.65 2.40 - - - JPMElct MC 100.00 - 101.99 97.01 0.35 99.4 0.6 RolincoNV € 28.32 - - - - - - 52 Week Dis(-)
UKComPrp 80.60 -0.10 94.00 80.20 4.57 85.0 -5.2
..USD $ 3.90 0.06 3.89 3.70 - - - ..MG♦ 605.00 -5.00 635.00 563.10 1.12 610.7 -0.9 Ruffer Inv 212.75 -1.00 226.00 206.50 - 208.9 1.8 Price +/-Chg High Low Yld NAV or Pm
DiverseInc 93.50 0.25 97.50 78.00 2.51 92.1 1.5 ..MI♦ 100.50 -1.00 110.00 92.00 3.78 102.9 -2.3 SchdrAsiaP 261.00 -1.50 321.50 226.25 1.05 291.7 -10.5 Property Securities
AdFrntMkt 50.50 -0.63 61.10 48.20 - 54.6 -7.5
JPM Emrg 540.50 -3.50 674.65 486.00 1.02 606.3 -10.9 Schdr Inc 255.63 -1.38 348.25 243.50 3.95 266.2 -4.0 SchdrGlbRe♦ 120.00 -0.50 132.98 111.90 1.81 130.1 -7.8
Dun Inc 223.00 -2.50 273.00 217.50 5.04 241.7 -7.7 CrysAmber 172.00 - 173.96 140.50 0.3 158.6 8.4
JPM EurGth 237.00 3.00 263.00 212.00 3.04 252.9 -6.3 SchdrJap 155.25 0.25 165.00 122.75 1.16 163.3 -4.9 TR Prop♦ 288.40 -0.70 325.00 273.00 2.67 314.2 -8.2
Dun Sml 204.00 0.50 229.00 173.50 2.57 238.8 -14.6 GLI Finance♦ 38.25 1.88 65.00 32.00 13.1 - -
JPM EurInc♦ 130.00 -3.00 147.50 115.50 3.65 132.4 -1.8 SchdrOrient 176.50 -2.00 215.25 154.00 4.39 178.0 -0.8
99.50 -
0.25 158.90 113.10 5.88
106.80 99.48 -
- -
JPM EuSm 275.50 -2.50 278.60 192.00 1.16 296.1 -7.0 SchdrUK 152.50 -0.50 174.00 145.00 3.11 171.0 -10.8
IndiaCap 59.00 0.50 69.40 52.00 - 70.6 -16.4
Infra India 18.50 - 21.99 11.00 - 47.3 -60.9
MMP 3.13 - 4.58 3.00 - - -
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 29


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Acc 83.69 88.85 -0.13 4.10 Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Performance (USD) Classe (EUR) € 9791.00 - 139.00 0.93 Cavendish Technology Fund B Class 292.50 - -5.30 0.02 CF Eclectica Agriculture A GBP Acc ♦ 102.53 - -0.56 0.00 Index US P-Acc £ 1.27 - -0.01 1.60 Greater China - USD $ 10.37 - -0.05 0.00

ACPI Global UCITS Funds Plc (IRL) Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Inc 53.99 57.32 -0.09 4.18 Cavendish Technology Fund A Class 277.90 - -5.00 0.00 CF Eclectica Agriculture A USD Acc ♦ $ 1.55 - 0.00 0.00 Index World A-Acc £ 1.41 - -0.02 1.77 Greater China - GBP £ 4.32 - -0.06 0.00
Artemis UK Growth R Acc 453.51 480.34 -4.00 0.54 Braemar Group PCC Limited (GSY) Cavendish UK Balanced Income Fund B Class 134.60 - -0.70 4.90 CF Eclectica Agriculture C EUR Acc ♦ € 1.47 - -0.01 0.33 Index World P-Acc £ 1.15 - -0.01 1.88 Selected Asian P'folio $ 45.05 45.06 -0.31 0.00
ACPI Emerging Mkts FI UCITS Fund USD A $ 108.18 - 0.16 0.00 Artemis UK Smaller Cos R Acc 1151.59 1240.96 -3.00 0.48 Cavendish UK Balanced Income A Class 128.00 - -0.70 5.16 CF Eclectica Agriculture C GBP Acc ♦ 106.43 - -0.58 0.39 Japan £ 2.78 - -0.02 0.00
UK Agricultural Class A £ 1.27 - 0.01 0.00
ACPI Global Credit UCITS Funds USD A $ 13.97 - -0.01 0.00 Artemis UK Special Sits R Acc 517.83 550.70 0.85 1.63 Cavendish UK Select Fund B Class 142.00 - -0.90 2.28 CF Eclectica Agriculture C USD Acc ♦ $ 1.60 - 0.00 0.40 Japan Smaller Companies £ 2.04 - -0.02 0.00 Hargreaves Lansdown Fd Mgrs (1100)F (UK)
UK Agricultural Class B £ 1.39 - -0.02 0.00 PO Box 55736, 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf London E14 1BT
ACPI Global Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 152.17 - 0.01 0.00 Artemis US Abs Ret I Acc 108.57 - -0.51 0.00 Cavendish UK Select Fund A Class 141.90 - -0.90 1.38 MoneyBuilder Asset Allocator £ 1.17 - -0.01 0.64
Student Accom Class B £ 0.55 - -0.17 0.00 Fleming Financial Trust Investment Fund Limited (NZ) Enquiries 0117 90090000
Q ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 9.87 - -0.01 - Artemis US Equity I Acc 114.51 - -2.36 0.28 MoneyBuilder Balanced £ 0.50 - 0.00 3.99 Incorporated in New Zealand, Reg No 5141841
Registered address: Level 5, 3 City Road, Graftn, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand Authorised Inv Funds
ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A3 $ 84.36 - -0.09 0.00 Artemis US Select I Acc 116.54 - -2.57 0.12 Cedar Rock Capital Limited (IRL) Money Builder Dividend £ 2.54 - -0.03 4.34 Hargreaves Lansdown Funds
ACPI International Bond UCITS Fund USD A $ 17.82 - 0.04 0.00 Artemis US Select I Inc 104.09 - -2.29 - MoneyBuilder Growth £ 0.74 - 0.00 2.40 Unit Trust
Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc $ 368.06 - 9.24 0.00 Other International Funds
Artemis US Smlr Cos I Acc 118.29 - -2.37 0.00 MoneyBuilder Growth ISA £ 0.74 - -0.01 2.56 HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust A Acc 267.33 281.39 -2.13 0.52
Fleming FT Investment Fund
Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc £ 383.87 - 13.04 0.00
Artemis US Ex Alpha I Acc 122.70 - -2.65 0.14 MoneyBuilder Income £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.21 Fleming Fund £ 4.68 4.68 -0.01 - HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust M Acc 267.33 281.40 -2.15 0.42
Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc € 362.78 - 14.70 0.00 EdenTree Investment Management Ltd (UK)
Regulated PO Box 3733, Swindon, SN4 4BG, 0800 358 3010 MoneyBuilder Income -Gross £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.21 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Acc 163.86 172.42 -0.85 3.83
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Retail $ 13.91 - -0.04 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) Multi Asset Adventurous A-Acc £ 1.30 - -0.01 0.44 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Acc 163.88 172.42 -0.85 1.79
Artisan Partners Global Funds PLC (IRL) Foord Asset Mgt (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY)
Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Amity UK Cls A Inc 210.70 - -1.60 1.46
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Retail € 10.49 - -0.04 0.00 Beaux Lane House, Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds Plc (IRL)
Multi Asset Alloc Adventurous A-Acc £ 3.66 - -0.01 3.07 Regulated HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Inc 98.25 103.38 -0.51 3.91
Tel: 44 (0) 207 766 7130 Authorised Inv Funds Regulated Amity UK Cls B Inc 211.10 - -1.60 2.25 Foord International Trust $ 34.67 - -0.08 0.00
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Retail £ 10.62 - -0.03 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund Multi Asset Alloc Strategic A-Acc £ 1.16 - -0.01 0.35 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Inc 98.24 103.37 -0.51 1.81
FCA Recognised Schwab USD Liquid Assets Fd $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.01
Artisan Partners Global Funds plc The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 1 ♦ F Higher Income Cls A Inc 120.60 - -0.40 4.98
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Institutional $ 10.00 - - - 100.00 - 0.00 0.52 HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust A Acc 182.80 192.25 -1.22 1.10
Multi Asset Alloc Def - Gross A £ 1.11 - -0.01 0.34
Artisan Emerging Markets I USD Acc $ 6.73 - -0.01 0.00 Higher Income Cls B Inc 124.30 - -0.40 4.90
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Institutional € 10.00 - - - The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 2 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.35
Multi Asset Alloc Def - Net A £ 1.11 - 0.00 0.36
Foord Asset Mgmt (Singapore) Pte. Ltd (SGP) HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust M Acc 182.81 192.26 -1.22 0.71
Artisan Global Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 14.45 - -0.10 0.00 Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd UK Equity Growth Cls A Inc 238.60 - -1.50 0.59 Regulated
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Institutional £ 10.00 - - - The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 3 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.38 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Inc 108.14 113.66 -0.41 2.25
Other International Funds Multi Asset Alloc Growth A £ 1.18 - -0.01 0.03 Foord Global Equity Fund Class B $ 12.51 - -0.07 0.00
Artisan Global Opportunities I USD Acc $ 12.37 - -0.08 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 4 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.46 UK Equity Growth Cls B Inc 244.60 - -1.50 1.20
ACPI Horizon UCITS Fund $ 12.91 - -0.03 0.00 CAM-GTF Limited $ 281155.32 281155.32 1747.59 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Inc 108.13 113.64 -0.40 1.04
Multi Asset Defensive £ 1.22 - 0.00 0.28
Artisan Global Value Fund Class I USD Acc $ 15.80 - -0.05 0.00 The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 5 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.34 Amity Balanced For Charities A Inc 106.00 - -0.40 6.09
CAM GTi Limited $ 649.70 - 30.41 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Acc 146.69 154.18 -0.55 2.22
Multi Asset Defensive - Gross £ 1.22 - 0.00 0.27
Artisan US Value Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 10.58 - -0.03 0.00 Amity European Fund Cls A Inc 196.00 - -1.80 1.23 Franklin Templeton International Services Sarl (IRL)
Abbey Life Assurance Company Limited (UK) Raffles-Asia Investment Company $ 1.55 1.55 -0.11 5.55 JPMorgan House - International Financial Services Centre,Dublin 1, Ireland HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Acc 146.70 154.18 -0.55 1.03
Multi Asset Growth £ 1.34 - -0.01 0.26
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8AL 0845 9600 900 Amity European Fund Cls B Inc 198.70 - -1.80 2.09 Other International Funds
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) MultiManager Balanced £ 1.09 - 0.00 0.56 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Acc 167.36 172.53 -0.07 1.80
additional fund prices can be found @ Franklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities Fund Plc
Ashmore Sicav (LUX) Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Amity Global Equity Inc for Charities A Inc 99.81 - -0.99 3.99
Insurances Multi Asset Open Growth A-Acc £ 0.46 - 0.00 0.54 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Acc 167.34 172.51 -0.08 0.89
2 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp CHFSFr 17.44 - 0.51 8.01
Life Funds Amity International Cls A Inc 197.80 - -1.60 1.38
FCA Recognised CBF Church of England Funds HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Inc 139.06 143.36 -0.06 1.82
Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Acc £ 1.21 - -0.01 1.02 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp EUR € 12.27 - 0.36 7.13
Prop. Acc. Ser 2 1566.10 1648.50 -0.60 - Investment Inc 1343.25 1358.11 -7.03 3.78 Amity International Cls B Inc 200.10 - -1.50 2.25
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Debt Fund $ 92.45 - 0.28 8.42 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Inc 139.05 143.34 -0.06 0.91
Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Inc £ 0.29 - 0.00 2.52 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp GBP £ 10.18 - 0.25 6.96
Selective Acc. Ser 2 1569.90 1652.50 -3.70 - Investment Acc 2756.07 2786.55 -14.43 - Amity Sterling Bond Fund A Inc 105.50 - 0.00 5.17
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Frontier Equity Fund $ 141.63 - 0.18 0.97 HL Multi Manager Emerging Markets A Acc 84.33 86.92 -1.16 0.33
Multi Asset Strategic £ 1.51 - -0.01 0.31 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp SGD S$ 22.43 - 0.51 6.17
American Ser. 4 1712.90 1803.10 -4.60 - Global Equity Inc 152.57 154.25 -1.15 4.31 Amity Sterling Bond Fund B Inc 114.00 - 0.00 5.16
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Total Return Fund $ 79.04 - 0.27 6.05 HL Multi-Manager European A Acc 102.67 105.83 -1.10 0.74
Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP (IRL) Open World A-Acc £ 1.19 - -0.01 -0.62 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp USD $ 17.18 - 0.35 6.99
Custodian Ser. 4 492.20 518.10 -0.70 - Global Equity Acc 224.59 227.08 -1.71 -
Ashmore SICAV Global Small Cap Equity Fund $ 123.38 - -0.27 0.00 Regulated HL Multi-Manager UK Growth A Acc 103.55 106.75 -0.25 1.24
Multi Asset Income A Gross Acc £ 1.56 - 0.00 3.45
Equity Ser. 4 547.60 576.50 -1.60 - UK Equity Inc 147.50 148.98 -1.49 4.05 Cheyne Convertibles Absolute Return Fund € 1352.47 - -4.95 0.00 Edinburgh Partners Limited (IRL)
Ashmore SICAV Local Currency Fund $ 81.05 - 0.25 0.32
Multi Asset Income A Gross Inc £ 1.08 - 0.00 4.90 Frontier Capital (Bermuda) Limited
European Ser 4 563.40 593.00 -3.80 - 27-31 Melville Street, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH2 4DJ +353 1 434 5143
EM Mkts Corp.Debt USD F $ 87.71 - -0.09 8.49 UK Equity Acc 220.09 222.30 -2.23 - Cheyne Global Credit Fund € 118.04 - -0.07 0.00
Dealing - Fax only - +353 1 434 5230 Other International
Multi Asset Income A Net Acc £ 1.47 - 0.00 3.46 Haussmann
Fixed Int. Ser. 4 894.40 941.50 -1.00 - Fixed Interest Inc 162.33 162.98 0.42 3.96 Cheyne European Mid Cap Fund € 1147.19 - -3.42 0.00 FCA Recognised
EM Mkts Loc.Ccy Bd USD F $ 75.38 - 0.27 4.38 Commercial Property-GBP Class £ 71.42 - -0.53 - Other International Funds
Edinburgh Partners Opportunities Fund PLC Multi Asset Income A Net Inc £ 1.08 - 0.00 4.89
Intl Ser. 4 432.50 455.20 -4.10 - Fixed Interest Acc 497.38 499.37 1.27 - Haussmann Cls A $ 2707.71 - 23.04 0.00
Global Real Estate-GBP C Class £ 45.26 - -0.50 -
European Opportunities I EUR € 2.48 - -0.01 2.20 South East Asia £ 7.76 - -0.05 0.12
Japan Ser 4 367.50 386.80 -3.00 - Property Fund Inc 133.46 137.93 0.16 6.51 Haussmann Cls C € 2370.05 - 20.06 0.00
Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP European Opportunities I GBP £ 1.78 - -0.02 2.47 Special Situations £ 30.41 - -0.10 0.78
Man. Ser. 4 1635.50 1721.60 -8.50 - Property Fund Acc 234.22 242.07 2.73 - Other International Funds Haussmann Cls D SFr 1254.52 - 10.27 0.00
Cheyne European Event Driven Fund € 137.91 - -3.22 0.00 European Opportunities I USD $ 2.73 - 0.02 2.05 Sterling Core Plus Red Dur £ 10.10 - -0.02 -
Money Ser. 4 524.40 552.00 0.00 -
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund £ 160.92 - 7.23 0.00 European Opportunities A EUR € 2.42 - -0.01 1.53 Strategic Bond £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.83
Prop. Ser. 4 1111.80 1170.30 -0.30 -
CCLA Fund Managers Ltd (UK) Heartwood Wealth Management Limited (IRL)
Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund III £ 111.98 - 0.56 0.00 Global Opportunities I USD $ 1.61 - 0.00 2.09 Strategic Bond Gross £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.83
Custodian Ser 5 472.60 497.50 -0.70 - Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Regulated
Aspect Capital Ltd (UK) Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Global Opportunities I GBP £ 1.06 - -0.02 1.94 Target 2015 £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.39 Heartwood Caut Multi Asset B Acc 138.23 - -0.49 0.00
Cheyne Real Estate Debt Fund Class A1 £ 130.82 - 0.23 0.00
International Ser 5 415.20 437.10 -4.00 - COIF Charity Funds (UK)
Other International Funds
Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund - December 2017 Class $ 182.18 - 10.16 0.00 Global Opportunities I EUR € 1.52 - -0.01 1.98 Target 2020 £ 0.56 - 0.00 0.52 Fundsmith LLP (1200)F (UK)
Managed Ser 5 1570.40 1653.00 -8.20 - Aspect Diversified USD $ 439.48 - 5.55 0.00 Investment Inc 1217.02 1230.48 -29.02 3.62
PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW 0330 123 1815
Global Opportunities A GBP £ 0.99 - -0.02 1.47 Target 2025 £ 1.30 - -0.01 0.32
Money Ser 5 513.40 540.50 0.00 - Investment Acc 11719.74 11849.37 -279.42 -
Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund 2020 $ 103.39 - 0.01 -, Henderson Global Investors (UK)
Aspect Diversified EUR € 264.16 - 3.33 -
Pan European Opportunities I EUR € 1.50 - 0.00 - Target 2030 £ 1.40 - -0.01 0.40 Authorised Inv Funds PO Box 9023, Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Enquiries: 0800 832 832
Property Ser 5 1067.50 1123.70 -0.30 - Aspect Diversified GBP £ 135.11 - 1.71 0.00 Ethical Invest Inc 187.18 189.25 -4.80 3.73
Fundsmith Equity T Acc 222.54 - -2.92 1.15
UK Select £ 2.42 - -0.03 0.86 Authorised Inv Funds
Pension Funds Ethical Invest Acc 240.97 243.64 -6.19 - Cohen & Steers SICAV (LUX)
Aspect Diversified CHF SFr 126.44 - 1.59 0.00 Fundsmith Equity T Inc 210.17 - -2.76 1.16
American 1923.80 2025.10 -34.30 - Regulated UK Growth £ 3.55 - -0.04 0.00 Asia Pacific Capital Growth A Acc 685.20 - -5.30 0.17
Aspect Diversified Trends USD $ 128.50 - -0.34 0.00 Global Equity Inc 142.60 144.18 -4.40 4.41
European Real Estate Securities € 23.7391 - -0.0575 1.54 Asian Dividend Income Inc 80.83 85.30 -1.11 7.23
Equity 4799.90 5052.50 -15.40 - UK Smaller Companies £ 2.14 - 0.00 0.18
Aspect Diversified Trends EUR € 128.76 - -0.35 0.00 Global Equity Acc 211.57 213.91 -6.54 -
Europ.RealEstate Sec. IX € 31.7809 - -0.0769 0.00 GAM Limited (2300)F (UK) Cautious Managed A Acc 234.30 - -0.50 3.28
European 1133.00 1192.60 -10.10 - WealthBuilder A Acc £ 1.01 - -0.01 0.48
Aspect Diversified Trends GBP £ 133.47 - -0.33 0.00 Fixed Interest Inc 133.70 134.23 -1.07 4.14 GAM Sterling Management Limited
Gbl Listed Infrastructure I $ 9.7638 - 0.0747 - Fidelity PathFinder Cautious Managed A Inc 144.90 - -0.30 3.34
Fixed Int. 1644.30 1730.80 -3.70 - 20 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY. 0800 919 927
Fixed Interest Acc 766.58 769.66 -6.15 -
Gbl Listed Infrastructure IX $ 9.7638 - 0.0747 - Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - -0.01 - Internet:
International 917.00 965.30 -10.60 - China Opportunities A Acc 831.70 - -10.90 0.40
Property Inc 114.67 118.52 0.08 5.79 EFG Hermes Authorised Inv Funds
Atlantas Sicav (LUX) Gbl RealEstate Sec. I $ 10.7190 - -0.0422 1.42
DIFC, The Gate Building, West Wing Level 6, PO BOX 30727, Dubai UAE
Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Emerging Markets Opportunities A Acc 135.80 - -1.60 0.80
Japan 386.50 406.80 -4.00 - GAM Funds OEIC
Regulated Property Acc 248.62 256.95 2.77 -
Gbl RealEstate Sec. IX $ 12.6771 - -0.0499 0.00 Contact: Telephone + 971 4 363 4029 Email Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 -
Managed 4231.70 4454.40 -27.80 - GAM Global Diversified Acc 3761.91 - -27.72 0.00 European Growth A Acc 168.10 - -1.50 0.54
American Dynamic $ 3511.95 - -35.19 0.00 Local Authorities Property Fd (LAMIT) (UK) Other International Funds
Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - -0.01 -
Property 2885.10 3037.00 -1.10 - Property 274.76 295.14 2.73 4.81 The EFG-Hermes Egypt Fund $ 29.93 - - 0.00 GAM North American Gwth Acc 3142.29 - -52.46 0.00 European Selected Opportunities A Acc 1253.00 - -12.00 0.67
American One $ 3246.85 - -12.61 0.00

Security 1476.40 1554.10 -0.10 - Consistent Unit Tst Mgt Co Ltd (1200)F (UK) Middle East & Developing Africa Fund (Final) $ 19.81 - - 0.00
Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.07
Asset Management
- -0.01 -
GAM UK Diversified Acc 1699.59 - 0.93 1.14 European Special Situations A Acc 94.66 - -0.29 1.05

Asset Manageme
Bond Global € 1406.50 - -28.90 0.00
PO BOX 10117, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9JB Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.16 - -0.02 -
Selective 2003.70 2109.20 -5.50 - Saudi Arabia Equity Fund SR 13.18 - -0.06 0.00 Fixed Interest Monthly Income A Inc 21.76 22.83 -0.01 5.33
Eurocroissance € 916.19 - -18.94 0.00 CG Asset Management Limited (IRL) Dealing & Client Services 0845 0264281
Northern Trust, George's Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, Rep of Ireland Authorised Inv Funds Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - -0.01 -
Formerly Hill Samuel Life Assurance Ltd GAM Limited (IRL) Global Care Growth A Inc 197.20 - -3.00 0.00
Far East $ 685.08 - -10.35 0.00
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 00 353 1 434 5098 Consistent UT Inc 52.62 53.25 -0.34 4.72 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 - FCA Recognised
FCA Recognised Global Equity Income A Inc 48.12 - -0.52 3.78
Managed Ser A (Life) 1557.50 1648.20 -7.70 - Electric & General (1000)F (UK) GAM Fund Management Ltd
Consistent UT Acc 122.63 124.10 -0.81 4.57 Fidelity PathFinder Focused 2 Acc (Clean) £ 1.11 - 0.00 -
Capital Gearing Portfolio Fund Plc £ 26930.14 26930.14 27.88 0.62 Stuart House St.John's Street Peterborough PE1 5DD Georges Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 + 353 1 6093927 Global Growth Fund 2037.64 2129.87 -40.28 0.00
Managed Ser A (Pensions) 1038.40 1093.00 -6.30 - Atlantis Investment Management Ltd (IRL) Orders & Enquiries: 0845 850 0255
CG Portfolio Fund Plc Practical Investment Inc 200.81 206.14 -0.46 3.98 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - -0.01 - GAM Star Fund Plc
2nd Floor, 13 St Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AL Authorised Inv Funds Global Technology A Acc 973.30 - -18.30 0.00
Formerly Target Life Assurance Ltd, Tel: 0207 877 3377 Real Return Cls A £ 166.16 166.16 -0.47 1.76 Practical Investment Acc 980.63 1006.65 -2.22 3.87 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.11 - -0.01 - GAM Star Asia-Pacific Eqty USD Acc F $ 11.83 - -0.02 0.00
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Authorised Corporate Director - Carvetian Capital Management Multi-Manager Absolute Return A Acc 133.40 - -0.30 0.39
Managed (Life) 1581.80 1665.00 -9.40 - Dollar Fund Cls D £ 129.09 129.09 -0.79 1.65 Electric&General Net Income A 145.40 - -2.40 1.97 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.14 - -0.01 - GAM Star Asian Eqty USD Ord Acc F $ 13.09 - -0.10 0.00
Atlantis China Fund $ 6.44 - 0.00 0.00 Multi-Manager Active A Acc ▲ 170.90 - -1.30 0.00
Managed Growth (Life) 497.20 523.30 -2.90 - Capital Value Fund Cls V £ 130.59 130.59 0.11 0.27 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.00 - GAM Star Balanced GBP Acc £ 10.41 - -0.04 0.00
Atlantis China Healthcare Fund $ 2.03 - 0.00 0.00 Multi-Manager Distribution A Inc 125.80 - -0.50 3.33
Managed (Pensions) 6231.00 6558.90 -37.70 - Ennismore Smaller Cos Plc (IRL) Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 - GAM Star Cap.Appr.US Eqty USD Inc F $ 16.97 - -0.13 0.00
Atlantis Japan Opportunities Fund $ 2.49 - -0.02 0.00 Multi-Manager Diversified A Acc 77.46 - -0.16 2.86
5 Kensington Church St, London W8 4LD 020 7368 4220 GAM Star Cat Bond USD Acc $ 12.70 - 0.00 0.00
Managed Growth (Pensions) 607.60 639.60 -4.40 - Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - -0.01 -
Atlantis Asian Fund $ 6.18 - 0.02 0.00 FCA Recognised Multi-Manager Global Select Acc 175.10 - -1.20 0.00
additional fund prices can be found on our website Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.04 - -0.01 - GAM Star Cautious GBP Acc £ 10.44 - -0.04 0.00
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV £ 100.49 - -0.10 0.00 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Acc 151.10 - -0.70 2.21
Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.03 - -0.01 - GAM Star China Equity USD Acc F $ 22.94 - -0.23 0.00
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV € 139.11 - 0.47 0.00 Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Inc 138.70 - -0.70 2.24
Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management (LUX)

AXIOM Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.11 - -0.01 - GAM Star Cont European Eqty GBP Acc F £ 3.61 - -0.04 0.00
Multi-Manager Managed A Acc 223.10 - -1.60 0.42
FCA Recognised
Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Income (clean) £ 1.01 - 0.00 3.97 GAM Star Cred Opportunities GBP Acc £ 12.37 - -0.01 4.57
ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS Canada Life Investments (UK) Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Eur I € 11.20 - 0.00 0.00 Ennismore European Smlr Cos Hedge Fd Multi-Manager Managed A Inc 219.10 - -1.50 0.41
1-6 Lombard Street, EC3V 9JU. Dealing 0345 606 6180 Other International Funds Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.01 - -0.01 4.95 GAM Star Defensive GBP Acc £ 10.89 - -0.03 0.00
Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Usd A $ 10.02 - 0.00 0.00 Sterling Bond Acc 197.79 206.67 0.94 2.85
Authorised Inv Funds NAV € 485.30 - 14.53 0.00 GAM Star Discretionary FX USD Acc F $ 12.93 - 0.04 0.00
Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 3.56
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Eur € 10.62 - -0.04 0.00 Sterling Bond Inc 61.32 64.06 0.29 2.89
Asia Pacific B Acc 750.72 - -5.71 1.12
Axiom Alternative Investments (FRA) GAM Star Dynamic Gbl Bd USD Acc H $ 9.80 - 0.05 0.00
Algebris Investments (IRL) Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 gross £ 1.03 - 0.00 4.46
Strategic Bond A Inc 125.80 - 0.00 5.22
1 Conduit Street - 4th floor - London W1S 2XA Balanced B Acc 145.80 - -1.00 1.47 Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Usd $ 10.41 - 0.00 0.00
Regulated Tel: +44 330 822 0374 Equinox Fund Mgmt (Guernsey) Limited (GSY) Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - -0.01 4.43 GAM Star Emerg. Market Rates USD Acc F $ 11.44 - 0.01 0.00
Algebris Financial Credit Fund - Class I EUR € 132.49 - -0.75 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Spanish Value € 245.56 - 1.50 0.00 UK & Irish Smaller Companies A Acc 534.10 - 1.60 0.00
Regulated Corporate Bond B Inc 205.77 - -0.31 4.03 Regulated
Fidelity PathFinder Income 3 Income (clean) £ 1.03 - 0.00 4.07 GAM Star European Eqty USD Acc F $ 23.65 - 0.04 0.00
Algebris Financial Income Fund - Class I EUR € 118.71 - -0.69 0.00 Axiom Contingent Capital € 1030.86 - -1.11 - Crediinvest SICAV International Value € 213.86 - 1.01 0.00 Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund Limited $ 118.76 - -1.14 0.00 UK Absolute Return A Acc 150.70 - -0.20 0.00
European B Acc 249.40 - -2.56 1.57
Institutional OEIC Funds GAM Star Flexible Gbl Port GBP Ac £ 12.54 - -0.06 0.00
Algebris Financial Equity Fund - Class B EUR € 97.93 - -1.47 - Axiom Contingent Capital £ 1035.24 - -1.12 - Crediinvest SICAV Big Cap Value € 15.65 - 0.10 0.00 UK Alpha A Acc ♦ 113.30 - -0.50 1.86
Global Bond B Inc 91.36 - -0.39 2.96 America £ 3.95 - -0.05 0.52 GAM Star GAMCO US Equity Acc F $ 12.89 - -0.07 0.00
Algebris Asset Allocation Fund - Class B EUR € 100.00 - -0.16 - Axiom Equity $ 877.21 - -5.75 - Crediinvest SICAV US American Value $ 17.96 - -0.14 0.00 Euronova Asset Management UK LLP (CYM) UK Equity Income & Growth A Inc 590.10 - -1.70 3.90
Global Equity B Acc 582.14 - -4.52 1.10 Emerging Markets £ 3.04 - -0.05 0.81
Regulated GAM Star Global Rates USD Acc F $ 12.26 - -0.08 0.00
Axiom Equity € 920.54 - -5.78 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Sustainability € 15.49 - -0.15 0.00 UK Index A Acc 479.60 - -2.90 2.90
Global Equity Income B Inc 118.12 - -0.92 3.91 Europe £ 4.02 - -0.05 1.55
Smaller Cos Cls One Shares (Est) € 36.08 - -0.02 0.00 GAM Star Global Selector USD Acc F $ 12.91 - 0.09 0.00
Axiom Obligataire $ 1784.97 - -1.70 0.00 UK Property A Acc 193.08 203.24 0.05 4.04
Alken Asset Management (LUX) Global High Yield Bond B Inc 92.24 - -0.40 5.02 Fidelity Pre-Retirement Bond Fund £ 118.30 - -0.30 3.01
Smaller Cos Cls Two Shares (Est) € 25.15 - -0.02 0.00 GAM Star Japan Eqty USD Acc F $ 13.41 - -0.02 0.00
61 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2GB Axiom Obligataire € 1782.10 - -1.63 0.00 UK Property A Inc 97.68 102.81 0.03 4.16
Global Infrastructure B Acc 106.46 - 0.42 0.94 Daiwa SB Investments (UK) Ltd (LUX) Global Focus £ 2.79 - -0.03 1.61 Smaller Cos Cls Three Shares (Est) € 12.67 - -0.01 0.00 GAM Star Keynes Quant Strat USD Acc F $ 11.65 - -0.06 0.00
5 King William Street, London EC4N 7DA UK Tracker A Acc 213.50 - -1.30 2.99
Regulated Axiom Obligataire £ 1794.04 - -1.65 0.00 Global Resource B Acc 68.14 - 0.45 0.89 Index Linked Bond £ 2.62 - -0.01 0.72 0207 597 7000 Smaller Cos Cls Four Shares (Est) € 16.28 - -0.01 0.00 GAM Star Local EM Rates and FX USD Acc $ 10.63 - 0.00 0.00
Alken European Opportunities € 212.01 - -1.64 0.00 Regulated US Growth A Acc 779.00 - -16.10 0.00
Japan B Acc 50.55 - -0.43 0.93 Index Linked Bond Gross £ 3.17 - -0.01 0.71 GAM Star North of South EM Equity Acc F $ 9.82 - -0.03 0.00
Alken European Opportunities £ 122.47 - -1.48 0.00 DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active I JPY ¥ 12388.06 12388.06 -116.11 0.00
BLME Asset Management (LUX) Portfolio III B Acc 107.35 - -0.36 2.32 Index-Linked Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 12.38 - -0.02 0.72 GAM Star Technology USD Acc F $ 15.61 - -0.25 0.00
Alken Absolute Return € 144.83 - -1.15 0.00 BLME Sharia'a Umbrella Fund SICAV SIF DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active I GBP £ 123.02 123.02 -1.17 0.00
Portfolio IV B Acc 109.12 - -0.50 2.36 Japan £ 2.05 - -0.01 0.78
Regulated GAM Star US All Cap Eqty USD Acc F $ 13.38 - -0.13 0.00
Alken Absolute Return £ 117.58 - -0.93 0.00 DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active A EUR € 118.10 124.01 -1.12 0.00
Income Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1135.48 - -0.08 0.00 Portfolio V B Acc 108.19 - -0.63 1.56 Long Bond £ 0.51 - 0.00 2.85 GAM Star Worldwide Eqty USD Acc F $ 3073.29 - 6.62 0.00
Alken Small Cap € 191.00 - -0.25 0.00 Portfolio VI B Acc 106.26 - -0.75 1.60
Income Fund - Share Class G Acc £ 1076.27 - -0.01 0.00 Long Bond Gross £ 0.83 - 0.00 2.79

Gl Sukuk Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1225.60 - 0.36 0.00 Portfolio VII B Acc 102.30 - -0.83 1.58 DAVIS Funds SICAV (LUX)
Long Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.30 - -0.01 2.84
Regulated GYS Investment Management Ltd (GSY)
North American B Acc 822.47 - -8.46 0.74 Eurobank Fund Management Company (Luxembourg) S.A.
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share class B Acc £ 1094.00 1094.00 0.33 0.00 Davis Value A $ 40.30 - -0.33 0.00 Regulated
Pacific (Ex Japan) £ 3.37 - -0.03 1.94 Regulated Hermes Investment Funds Plc (IRL)
Taurus Emerging Fund Ltd $ 178.98 182.64 4.40 0.00 Hermes Investment Management Limited, 1 Portsoken Street, London E1 8HZ +44 (0) 207 680 2121
Strategic Return B Acc 97.24 - -0.19 0.00 (LF) Absolute Return € 1.32 - 0.00 0.00 Pan European £ 2.59 - -0.03 2.04
Davis Global A $ 28.70 - -0.06 0.00 FCA Recognised
Total Return B Acc 99.38 - -0.30 2.97 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond £ 10.49 - -0.02 3.54
Bank of America Cap Mgmt (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) (LF) Eq Emerging Europe € 0.69 - 0.01 0.00 Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class F Acc £ £ 1.00 1.00 -0.01 -
Regulated UK Equity B Acc 108.84 - -0.99 1.68 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Gross £ 10.68 - -0.01 3.54 Generali International Limited
(LF) Eq Flexi Style Greece € 0.94 - -0.05 0.00 Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class R Acc € € 1.98 1.98 -0.02 -
Global Liquidity USD $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.29 Discretionary Unit Fund Mngrs (1000)F (UK) PO Box 613, Generali House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernesy, GY1 4PA 01481 714108
UK Equity & Bond Income B Inc 234.14 - -1.40 5.04 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8JR 020 7 415 4130 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Inc £ 9.86 - -0.02 3.54
Allianz Global Investors GmbH(1200) F (LUX) (LF) Eq Mena Fund € 12.58 - -0.12 0.00 International Insurances Hermes Active UK Inflation Fund Class F Acc £ 1.29 1.29 0.00 0.00
FCA Recognised Authorised Inv Funds
UK Equity Income B Inc 419.29 - -2.94 4.97 (LF) Greek Government Bond € 17.96 - -0.05 - Reduced Duration UK Corp Bond Gross Inc £ 9.88 - -0.01 3.54 Global Multi-Strategy Managed $ 4.82 5.19 0.02 0.00 Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.50 1.50 -0.02 0.00
Allianz Best Styles Global Equity £ 105.37 105.37 -1.11 - Disc Inc 1588.98 1697.29 3.25 0.00
Barclays Investment Funds (CI) Ltd (JER) UK Government Bond B Inc 47.34 - -0.03 1.97 Select Emerging Markets Equities £ 1.12 - -0.01 1.64 UK Multi-Strategy Managed £ 4.92 5.30 0.07 0.00
(LF) Greek Corporate Bond € 12.06 - -0.01 - Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.31 3.31 -0.02 0.00
Allianz Global Fundamental Strategy £ 105.14 105.14 -0.19 - 39/41 Broad Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RR Channel Islands 01534 812800 Do Accum 5987.44 6395.56 12.26 0.00
FCA Recognised (LF) FOF Dynamic Fixed Inc € 11.71 - -0.05 0.00 Select European Eqts £ 1.73 - 0.01 1.88 EU Multi-Strategy Managed € 3.10 3.34 0.04 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class F Acc £ 1.13 1.13 0.00 0.00
Allianz Global Small Cap Equity £ 109.14 109.14 -1.66 - Bond Funds
Capita Asset Services (UK) (LF) FOF Real Estate € 16.49 - -0.14 0.00 Select Global Equities £ 2.97 - -0.03 1.10 Global Bond USD $ 3.45 3.72 0.00 0.00 Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class R Acc € 2.89 2.89 0.00 0.00
Sterling Bond F £ 0.45 - -0.01 3.30 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH
South East Asia £ 3.43 - -0.02 2.05 Hermes Global Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.49 1.49 -0.02 0.00
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 922 0044
Amundi Funds (LUX)
Authorised Inv Funds Sterling Core Plus Bond Gr Accum £ 2.08 - 0.00 3.39 Genesis Asset Managers LLP Hermes Global Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.97 3.97 -0.04 0.00
5 Allee Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg + 44 (0)20 7074 9332
Baring Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) CF Heartwood Cautious B Acc X 126.57 - -0.32 0.16 Other International Funds Sterling Core Plus Bond Inc £ 1.35 - 0.00 3.50 Hermes Global ESG Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.15 1.15 -0.02 0.00
Dealing and Enquiries 020 7214 1004

Asset Management
FCA Recognised CF Heartwood Cautious Income B Inc X 108.95 - -0.28 2.43 Emerging Mkts NAV £ 4.99 - -0.07 0.00
Fund Information: UK £ 3.54 - -0.03 2.22 Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class F Acc £ 1.04 1.04 -0.01 0.00
Bd. Euro Corporate AE Class - R - EUR € 18.53 - -0.02 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
CF Heartwood Growth B Acc X 141.20 - -1.16 0.67 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds (IRL) UK Aggreg Bond Gr Accum £ 1.82 - 0.00 4.57 Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class R Acc € 2.75 2.75 0.00 0.00
Bd. Global AU Class - R - USD $ 25.58 - 0.07 0.00 Multi Asset A Acc ... C 154.00 - -0.80 1.50 6 Duke Street,St.James,London SW1Y 6BN
CF Heartwood Balanced Income B Inc X 110.11 - -0.47 2.97
UK Aggregate Bond Inc £ 1.22 - -0.01 3.14
Guardian (UK)
Multi Asset A Inc ... C 146.90 - -0.70 1.27 020 3713 7664 Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class F Acc £ £ 0.98 0.98 -0.02 -
Eq. Emerging Europe AE Class - R - EUR € 26.83 - -0.24 0.00 FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited (1200)F (UK) Ballam Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 4JZ 01253 733 151
CF Heartwood Balanced B Acc X 123.07 - -0.68 0.31 FCA Recognised
Charity Fund 130, Tonbridge Rd, Tonbridge TN11 9DZ UK Corporate Bond £ 1.23 - 0.00 3.93 Insurances Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class R Acc € € 1.96 1.96 -0.02 -
Eq. Emerging World AU Class - R - USD $ 79.95 - -0.05 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc - Global Bond Fund
Enquiries 020 7214 1763 CF Heartwood Defensive Multi Asset Fund B Accumulation 108.75 - -0.20 0.00 Callfree: Private Clients 0800 414161 Guardian Assurance
EUR Accumulating Class € 11.64 - -0.13 0.00 UK Corporate Bond - Gross £ 2.27 - 0.00 3.80 Hermes Multi Asset Inflation Fund Class F GBP Acc £ 0.99 0.99 0.00 0.00
Eq. Greater China AU Class - R - USD $ 551.35 - -4.95 0.00 Targeted Return Fund Acc 144.20 145.00 -0.50 3.14 Broker Dealings: 0800 414 181
CF Richmond Core X 171.96 - -2.55 0.00 Equity S-GH Class B £ 11.77 - -0.08 -
EUR Accumulating Class (H) € 9.18 - 0.01 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds UK Gilt Bond £ 1.29 - 0.00 1.94 Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund Class F Acc Hed £ 1.02 1.02 0.00 0.00
Eq. Latin America AU Class - R - USD $ 321.16 - 6.01 0.00 Targeted Return Fund Inc 110.80 111.40 -0.40 3.20 CF Seneca Diversified Growth A ACC 215.77 - -0.92 1.44 Unit Trust Managed Fund Bond £ 23.20 24.17 -0.13 -
EUR Distributing Class € 11.16 - -0.12 3.09 UK Gilt Gross £ 2.05 - 0.00 1.91 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Acc £ 1.28 1.28 -0.02 0.00
Gl. Macro Bds & Curr Low Vol AHG - GBP £ 98.71 - -0.04 0.00 Cash Accum Units 186.41 186.41 0.00 0.00
CF Seneca Diversified Growth B ACC 127.69 - -0.55 2.43 Choices Wth-Pfts Lg-tm 320.90 337.80 0.00 -
EUR Distributing Class (H) € 8.80 - 0.01 3.37 UK Long Corp Bond £ 1.38 - 0.00 4.32 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Dis £ 1.24 1.24 -0.02 1.29
Cash Fund £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.15 Choices Wth-Pfts St-tm 271.70 286.10 0.00 -
Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) CF Seneca Diversified Growth N ACC 126.42 - -0.54 2.10
UK Long Corp Bond - Gross £ 2.49 - -0.01 4.16
GBP Distributing Class £ 9.86 - -0.11 3.26 Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class R Acc € 3.14 3.14 -0.03 0.00
The Antares European Fund Limited Northern Trust, George Court 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 Rep of Ireland 020 7214 1004 Gross Accum Cash £ 1.28 1.28 0.00 0.00
CF Seneca Diversified Income A INC 87.09 - -0.25 5.60 Choices Managed 610.91 643.07 -4.23 -
Other International FCA Recognised GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 8.88 - 0.01 3.34 UK Long Corporate Bond Fund - Gross Income £ 11.07 - -0.03 4.30 Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class F Acc £ 1.36 1.36 -0.01 0.00
MoneyBuilder Cash ISA £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.14 Choices Equity 668.10 703.26 -3.82 -
ASEAN Frontiers A GBP Inc £ 105.27 - -0.84 0.59 CF Seneca Diversified Income B INC 103.35 - -0.28 5.65 Retail Share Classes
AEF Ltd Usd $ 673.40 - 3.50 - USD Accumulating Class $ 9.25 - 0.01 0.00 Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class R Acc € 3.23 3.23 -0.02 0.00
MoneyBuilder Global £ 2.58 2.58 -0.03 0.20 Emerging Markets - retail £ 1.21 - -0.02 0.07 Freedom With Pfts Long-Tm 220.10 231.70 0.00 -
Asia Growth A GBP Inc H £ 43.34 - -0.40 0.00 CF Seneca Diversified Income N INC 102.34 - -0.29 5.65
AEF Ltd Eur € 676.17 - 3.34 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-Global Stock Fund Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class F Acc £ 1.66 1.66 -0.02 0.00
OEIC Funds {*}CAR - Net income reinvested
Investment Adviser - DSM Capital Partners Freedom With Pfts Short-Tm 197.80 208.20 0.00 -
Australia A GBP Inc £ 67.35 - -0.10 1.95 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 15.65 - -0.08 0.00
American £ 26.86 - -0.38 0.00 Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class R Acc € 5.05 5.05 -0.02 0.00
The Westchester X $ 27.69 - -0.35 0.00
Baring China Bond Fund $ 9.83 - -0.01 0.00 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 16.95 - -0.30 0.00 Freedom Managed 356.38 375.14 -2.00 -
Arisaig Partners American Special Sits £ 11.51 - -0.17 0.00 Hermes US All Cap Equity Class F Stg £ Acc £ 0.99 0.99 -0.02 -
The Westchester Class 1 GBP Acc £ 19.78 - -0.38 0.00 FIL Fund Management (LUX) Freedom Equity 393.76 414.48 -1.81 -
Other International Funds Baring Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund $ 9.23 - -0.01 0.00 GBP Distributing Share class £ 12.37 - -0.21 0.83
Asia Pacific Ops W-Acc £ 1.04 - -0.01 0.42 2a, rur Albert Borschette, BP 2175, L-1021, Luxembourg Hermes US All Cap Equity Class R € Acc € 1.96 1.96 -0.03 -
Arisaig Africa Consumer Fund Limited $ 13.51 - 0.02 0.00 The Westchester Class 2 GBP Acc £ 19.82 - -0.39 0.00
Baring European Opportunities Fund Class A EUR Acc € 13.81 - -0.06 0.00 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 21.32 - -0.37 0.00 Phone: 800 22 089, 800 22 088 Corp Pens Mananged 215.67 215.67 -1.49 -
Investment Adviser - Morant Wright Management Limited Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Accumulation £ 1.06 - 0.00 1.43 Regulated Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.60 1.60 -0.03 0.00
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited $ 62.35 - -0.65 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-International Stock Fund Corp Pens Equity 218.13 218.13 -1.25 -
Baring Global Mining Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 3.34 - 0.01 0.65 CF Morant Wright Japan A X 274.71 - -2.37 0.00 Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Income £ 0.99 - -0.01 3.52 China Consumer A-GBP £ 14.40 - -0.18 0.00 Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.45 3.45 -0.06 0.00
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS € 11.86 - -0.11 0.00 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 13.37 - -0.07 0.00 Corp Pens Fixed Interest 299.48 299.48 -0.31 -
Dynamic Emerging Markets A GBP Acc F £ 8.50 - -0.07 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan A Inc X 270.65 - -2.33 0.00 China Consumer £ 1.45 - -0.01 0.08 China Focus A-GBP £ 4.19 - -0.04 0.71
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS STG £ 10.93 - -0.14 0.00 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 14.28 - -0.25 0.00 Corp Pens Index Linked 334.16 334.16 -2.94 -
Eastern Europe A GBP Inc £ 39.55 - 0.13 1.72 CF Morant Wright Japan B X 292.32 - -2.52 0.51
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-U.S. Stock Fund Emerging Asia £ 1.13 - -0.01 0.14 Global Financial Services A-GBP £ 0.44 - -0.01 0.11 Hermes Property Unit Trust (UK)
Arisaig Latin America Consumer Fund $ 20.70 - 0.29 0.00 Corp Pens Deposit 191.01 191.01 0.00 -
Emerging Mkt Debt LC A GBP Hedged Inc £ 7.04 - -0.07 6.56 CF Morant Wright Japan B Inc X 275.66 - -2.37 0.53 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 17.88 - -0.15 0.00 Emerg Eur, Mid East & Africa H £ 1.25 - -0.05 0.97 Global Health Care A-GBP £ 0.55 - -0.01 0.00
Emerging Opportunities A GBP Inc H £ 17.83 - -0.15 0.00 Corp Pens Protector 363.90 363.90 -0.64 - Property £ 5.78 6.15 0.03 4.14
CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC A X 280.90 - -2.46 2.08 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 18.32 - -0.37 0.00 Enhanced Income - Acc £ 1.87 - -0.02 6.45 Global Industrials A-GBP £ 0.63 - 0.00 0.00
Glb Emerging Markets A GBP Inc H £ 18.27 - -0.33 0.00 Corp Pens UK Index Tracker £ 1.89 1.89 0.00 -
CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC B X 291.32 - -2.54 2.07 GBP Distributing Share Class £ 11.67 - -0.23 0.57 Enhanced Income - Inc £ 1.19 - -0.01 7.18 Global Inflation-Linked Bd A-GBP-Hdg £ 1.16 - 0.00 0.56
Guardian Linked Life Assurance Ltd
Glb Resources A GBP Inc H £ 10.41 - 0.05 0.37 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund A Inc X 244.18 - -2.14 2.12 Hermes UK Residential Real Estate (UK)
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 21.05 - -0.42 0.00 European - Inc £ 1.40 - -0.01 0.77 Global Real Asset Securities £ 1.35 - 0.00 0.00
Managed Acc £ 17.78 18.71 -0.16 - Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
High Yield Bond A GBP Hedged Inc H £ 6.15 - -0.01 7.10 CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund B Inc X 253.32 - -2.21 2.11 European £ 15.90 - -0.20 1.16 Global Technology A-GBP £ 0.27 - 0.00 0.00 VISTA UK Residential Real Estate £ 1.02 1.06 0.03 -
Equity Acc £ 31.91 33.59 -0.31 -
Hong Kong China A GBP Inc £ 572.80 - -7.41 0.59
European Opportunities £ 3.77 - -0.03 0.24 Global Telecomms A-GBP £ 0.28 - 0.00 1.17
Fixed Interest Acc £ 17.14 18.05 -0.08 -
Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) India Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 13.57 - 0.07 0.00
Cavendish Asset Management Limited (1200)F (UK) Extra Income £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.29 India Focus A-GBP £ 4.12 - -0.07 0.00
International Acc £ 13.19 13.88 -0.14 - Impax Asset Management (IRL)
57 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LD 0800 092 2051 Chelsea House, Westgate, London W5 1DR
Latin America A USD Inc H $ 25.79 - -0.32 0.23 Norfolk House, 31 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JR
Authorised Inv Funds Extra Income - Gross £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.29 Latin America A-GBP £ 1.33 - 0.02 0.65
IFA Enquiries 020 8810 8041 Admin/Dealing 0870 870 7502 International S-NA Acc £ 6.78 7.13 -0.07 -
MENA A GBP Inc F * £ 11.64 - -0.15 0.66 FCA Recognised
Artemis Capital R ACC 1254.01 1324.88 -12.53 1.24 Authorised Inv Funds Global Dividend - Acc £ 1.58 - -0.02 3.08
International S-PA Acc £ 4.09 4.31 -0.04 - Env Mkts (Ire) Stl A £ 2.19 - -0.04 0.00
Artemis European Growth R Acc 240.83 254.14 -2.39 1.19 Cavendish Opportunities Fund B Class 1045.00 - -7.00 1.66
Global Dividend - Inc £ 1.39 - -0.02 3.27 Findlay Park Funds Plc (IRL)
Dragon Capital Group International S-EU Acc £ 3.30 3.47 -0.04 - Env Mkts (Ire) Euro A € 2.08 - -0.03 0.00
Artemis European Opps R Acc 74.24 78.34 -0.79 0.82 Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Cavendish Opportunities Fund A Class 1039.00 - -8.00 0.82 30 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 020 7968 4900
c/o 1901 Me Linh Point, 2 Ngo Duc Ke, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Global Focus £ 13.10 - -0.15 0.00
Regulated FCA Recognised Managed S-PR Acc £ 6.75 7.11 -0.07 - Env Mkts (Ire) USD A $ 1.74 - -0.01 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund C Acc 1088.00xd - -7.00 1.48 Fund information, dealing and administration:
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Acc 78.62 - -0.59 - Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Acc £ 11.82 - -0.03 4.86
China A-Share A GBP Inc £ 5.70 - 0.14 0.00 Other International Funds American Fund USD Class $ 80.53 - -0.77 0.00 Fixed Interest S-IL Acc £ 6.48 6.82 -0.03 -
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Dist 78.62 - -0.60 - Cavendish Worldwide Fund B Class 294.30 - -3.20 0.70
Vietnam Enterprise Inv. (VEIL) NAV $ 3.56 - 0.01 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Inc £ 9.78 - -0.02 5.53 American Fund GBP Hedged £ 43.91 - -0.41 0.00 Deposit Accum £ 4.44 4.67 0.00 -
Cavendish Worldwide Fund A Class 293.80 - -3.20 0.00 INDIA VALUE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (INVIL)
Artemis Global Energy R Acc 20.56 21.81 0.01 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Net Acc £ 11.38 - -0.03 4.92
Vietnam Growth Fund (VGF) NAV $ 23.09 - 0.08 0.00 American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 53.08 - -0.98 - Guardian Pensions Management Ltd
Barings (Luxembourg) (LUX)
Artemis Global Growth R Acc 179.07 188.93 -2.46 0.81 Cavendish Worldwide Fund C Acc 301.90xd - -3.30 0.62 Other International Funds
FCA Recognised Vietnam Property Fund (VPF) NAV $ 0.81 - 0.00 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Net Inc £ 9.78 - -0.02 5.53 Latin American Fund USD Class $ 11.39 - 0.14 0.00 Pens. Managed Acc. £ 23.08 24.29 -0.15 -
Cavendish AIM Fund B Class 161.30 - -0.10 0.71 NAV £ 7.71 - -0.01 0.00
Artemis Global Income R Acc 94.06 99.34 -0.92 4.09 Russia A GBP Inc F £ 24.73 - -0.18 0.00 Global Property - Acc £ 1.46 - -0.01 1.31 Pens. Equity Acc. £ 33.65 35.42 -0.19 -
Latin American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 7.51 - 0.03 -
Artemis Global Income R Inc 75.74 79.99 -0.74 4.26 Cavendish AIM Fund A Class 157.10 - -0.20 0.00
Global Property W Inc £ 1.19 - -0.01 3.06
DSM Capital Partners Funds (LUX)
Artemis Global select R Acc 71.03 74.95 -0.89 0.00 BlackRock (JER) Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund B Class 151.10 - -1.60 1.74 Global Special Sits £ 25.72 - -0.31 0.00
Intrinsic Value Investors (IVI) LLP (IRL)
HPB Assurance Ltd 1 Hat & Mitre Court, 88 St John Street, London EC1M 4EL +44 (0)20 7566 1210
Regulated Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund A Class 151.20 - -1.60 0.77 Regulated
Artemis High Income R Inc 77.54 82.61 -0.09 5.83 Index Emerging Markets P-Acc £ 0.93 - -0.01 2.70 Anglo Intl House, Bank Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LN 01638 563490 FCA Recognised
BlackRock UK Property £ 41.21 - 0.17 3.37 Global Growth I2 Acc € 136.68 - -2.56 0.00 International Insurances
Artemis Income R Inc 200.13 212.15 -0.65 4.22 Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund C Acc 157.90 - -1.60 1.71 IVI European Fund EUR € 17.86 - -0.08 0.00
Index Europe ex UK P-Acc £ 1.01 - -0.01 2.43
Blackrock UK Long Lease £ 1071.52 - 0.97 0.00 Global Growth I1 Eur € 102.22 - -1.91 - Holiday Property Bond Ser 1 £ 0.50 - 0.01 0.00
Artemis Income R Acc 341.29 361.79 -1.11 4.10 Cavendish European Fund B Class 140.20 - -1.70 1.12 IVI European Fund GBP £ 17.49 - -0.16 1.02
Index Japan P-Acc £ 1.13 - 0.00 1.53
BLK Intl Gold & General $ 3.87 4.09 0.06 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 2 £ 0.60 - 0.01 0.00
Artemis Monthly Dist R Inc 62.07 65.86 -0.35 4.61 Cavendish European Fund A Class 139.10 - -1.70 0.30
Index Pacific ex Japan P-Acc £ 0.99 - -0.01 3.98
Cavendish Japan Fund B Class 158.80 - -1.60 0.73 Eclectica Asset Management (UK)
Artemis Pan-Euro Abs Ret GBP 113.06 - -0.68 - 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Index UK A-Acc £ 0.82 - 0.00 2.86
BONHOTE Hamon Investment Group
Artemis Strategic Assets R Acc 72.43 76.69 -0.01 0.00 Cavendish Japan Fund A Class 158.00 - -1.60 0.00 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 608 0941
Other International Funds Index UK P-Acc £ 0.99 - -0.01 3.10 Other International Funds
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Acc 83.61 88.76 -0.13 4.04 Cavendish North American Fund B Class 191.50 - -2.60 0.51 Asian Market Leaders - USD $ 24.20 - -0.06 0.00
Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Arbitrage (USD) Classe (EUR) € 6695.00 - -30.00 2.26 Authorised Inv Funds Index US A-Acc £ 1.64 - -0.02 1.40
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Inc 53.78 57.10 -0.09 4.12 Cavendish North American Fund A Class 186.20 - -2.50 0.00 CF Eclectica Agriculture A EUR Acc ♦ € 1.42 - 0.00 0.00 Asian Market Leaders - GBP £ 12.46 - -0.15 0.00
30 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 241.31 - -3.02 0.75 Emerging Mkts Acc 129.60 - -2.10 0.80 Ethical Equity B Acc £ 2.00 - -0.01 2.11 Tactical Alpha (USD) PA $ 14.89 - -0.01 0.00 Emerging Markets Eq.A1 $ 10.07 - -0.06 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Acc ¥ 1161.92 - -11.62 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Ord Inc £ 113.57 - -0.07 3.34

Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 230.58 - -2.89 0.75 Emerging Mkts Inc 55.75 - -0.89 0.80 High Yield Bond B Acc £ 2.41 - -0.01 5.18 Technology PA € 13.38 - -0.17 0.00 European Concentrated A1 € 17.06 - -0.21 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield B YEN Acc ¥ 1024.56 - -10.22 - Wealthy Nat Bd USD Ord Inc $ 110.54 - -0.04 3.32

Global Targeted Rets (No Trail) Acc 113.67 - -0.08 0.83 Emrg Eur Eq Acc 129.60 - 0.00 2.80 High Yield Bond B Inc £ 0.96 - -0.01 5.30 Technology PA $ 20.27 - -0.26 0.00 European Core Eq A1 € 31.15 - -0.45 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Dist ¥ 1137.82 - -11.37 2.08 New Capital Alternative Strategies
All Weather Fd USD Cls $ 117.78 - 0.27 0.00
High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 173.88 - -1.42 3.27 Emrg Eur Eq Inc 30.80 - -0.01 2.76 Investment Grade Bond B Acc 159.52 - -0.31 1.50 Wld Gold Expertise PAF SFr 8.85 - 0.07 0.00 European Res.A1 € 31.95 - -0.44 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Sterling Acc Hedged £ 14.15 - -0.12 0.00
All Weather Fd EUR Cls € 105.81 - 0.21 0.00
High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 127.84 - -1.05 3.35 Emrg Mkts Inc Acc... C 45.23xd - -0.67 5.46 Investment Grade Bond B Inc £ 1.16 - -0.01 3.58 Wld Gold Expertise PA € 7.06 - 0.05 0.00 European Smaller Companies A1 € 51.62 - -0.56 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Euro Acc Hedged € 14.11 - -0.12 0.00
All Weather Fd GBP Cls £ 114.00 - 0.29 0.00
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Acc 217.39 - -1.67 5.21 Emrg Mkts Inc Inc... C 39.46xd - -0.58 5.62 Sterling Corporate Bond B Acc £ 0.74 - 0.00 3.38 Wld Gold Expertise PA $ 9.42 - 0.07 0.00 European Value A1 € 36.06 - -0.47 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Yen Acc Unhedged ¥ 1441.00 - -12.37 0.00
Invesco Fund Managers Ltd (UK)
Tactical Opps USD Cls $ 146.06 - 1.75 0.00
Perptual Park, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1HH High Yield Fund (No Trail) Inc 160.22 - -1.23 5.35 Europe Acc 1049.00 - -12.00 1.48 Sterling Corporate Bond B Inc £ 0.32 - 0.00 3.45 LO Selection Global Conc.A1 $ 36.19 - -0.27 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Dollar Acc Hedged $ 14.06 - -0.12 0.00
Dealing: 0800 085 8571 Balanced (CHF) PA F SFr 107.01 - -0.46 0.00 Tactical Opps EUR Cls € 122.26 - 1.38 0.00
Hong Kong & China (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 183.65 - -2.46 1.24 Europe Inc 60.37 - -0.69 1.48 Strategic Bond B Acc £ 1.12 - 0.00 2.75 Global Credit Fund $ 10.33 - 0.04 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Swiss Franc Acc HedgedSFr 13.98 - -0.12 0.00
Investor Services: 0800 085 8677
Balanced (EUR) PA F € 125.08 - -0.55 0.00 Tactical Opps GBP Cls £ 137.50 - 1.64 0.00 Income & Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 220.67 - -1.42 4.03 Eur Dynamic exUK Acc 159.80 - -2.30 0.82 Strategic Bond B Inc £ 1.17 - 0.00 2.79 Global Energy Fund A1 $ 11.96 - 0.14 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Conservative (CHF) PA F SFr 103.44 - -0.29 0.00
INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds Income & Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 174.69 - -1.12 4.15 Eur Dynamic exUK £ hdg Acc 185.30 - -1.70 0.71 UK Equity B Acc £ 2.55 - -0.02 2.35 Global Equity A1 $ 44.73 - -0.28 0.00
Conservative (EUR) PA F € 114.03 - -0.28 0.00
Asian Acc ♦ F 419.18 - -2.85 0.92 Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 172.44 - -0.59 3.12 Eur Dynamic exUK Inc 73.38 - -1.05 0.82 UK Equity Absolute Return B Acc £ 1.23 - -0.01 0.00 Global Equity A1 € 25.89 - -0.31 0.00
Global Allocation (GBP) PA F £ 10.03 - -0.06 0.00
Asian Inc ♦ F 374.44 - -2.55 0.93 Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 126.25 - -0.43 3.19 Eur Smaller Cos Acc 503.80xd - -7.40 0.03 UK Equity Income B Acc £ 2.12 - -0.01 4.70 Global High Yield Fund $ 24.03 - -0.03 0.00
Growth (CHF) PA F SFr 111.73 - -0.63 0.00
Asian Equity Income Acc ♦ F 54.21 - -0.47 4.69 Japan (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 146.91 - -0.74 0.78 Eur Smaller Cos Inc 65.51xd - -0.96 0.02 UK Equity Income B Inc £ 1.64 - -0.01 4.83 Global High Yield Fund € 15.98 - -0.11 0.00
Growth (EUR) PA F € 135.31 - -0.80 0.00
Asian Equity Income Inc ♦ F 45.07 - -0.39 4.82 Japanese Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 165.94 - -1.05 0.00 Fusion Balanced Acc 54.67 - -0.25 0.47 UK Opportunities B Acc £ 1.74 - -0.01 2.28 Global Multi-Asset A1 $ 14.90 - -0.04 0.00
Vantage 1500 (EUR) MA € 10.20 - -0.01 0.00
Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (LUX)
Balanced Risk 6 Acc 51.26 - -0.05 0.00 Latin American (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 96.55 - 0.21 1.85 Fusion Balanced Inc 55.06 - -0.26 0.47 UK Smaller Companies B Acc £ 2.92 - -0.02 1.45 Global Res.A1 $ 25.37 - -0.17 0.00 6b Route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg Luxembourg (352) 34 64 61 Northwest Investment Management (HK) Ltd
Vantage 3000 (EUR) MA € 10.32 - -0.01 0.00 11th Floor, Kinwick Centre, 32, Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong +852 9084 4373
Balanced Risk 8 Acc 52.32 - -0.07 0.00 Latin American (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 86.71 - 0.19 1.88 Fusion Conservative Acc 54.08 - -0.26 0.65 Global Total Return A1 € 17.64 - -0.11 0.00
PrivilEdge FCA Recognised Other International Funds
Balanced Risk 10 Acc 53.31 - -0.09 0.13 Managed Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 191.14 - -1.10 1.23 Fusion Conservative Inc 54.02 - -0.26 0.67 Kames Capital Investment Portfolios ICVC (UK) Inflation-Adjusted Bond A1 $ 13.83 - 0.00 0.00 US Advantage A F $ 58.76 - -0.55 0.00 Northwest $ class $ 2382.42 - 14.15 0.00
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9SA
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.CNH PA CNH 102.82 - -0.02 0.00
Asset Management
set Management
Childrens Acc ♦ F 386.19 - 0.43 1.79 Managed Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 175.78 - -1.01 1.24 Fusion Growth Acc 56.02 - -0.39 0.48
0800 45 44 22 Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH CHF PA SFr 9.68 - -0.04 0.00
Japan Equity A1 $ 10.19 - -0.10 0.00 Asian Equity A F $ 40.32 - -0.11 0.00 Northwest Warrant $ class $ 1969.35 - -444.40 0.00
Corporate Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 207.58 - -0.16 3.50 Managed Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F
Asset Management 188.40 - -1.16 2.96 Fusion Growth Inc 56.02 - -0.39 0.48 Authorised Funds
Property Income B Acc
Asset Management 119.08 - -0.09 4.53
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH EUR PA € 9.77 - -0.04 0.00
Latin American Equity Fd A1 $ 11.49 - 0.15 0.00 Asian Property A F $ 17.37 - -0.10 0.00

Corporate Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 88.20 - -0.07 3.59 Managed Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 153.97 - -0.95 3.02 Fusion Growth + Acc 58.38 - -0.52 0.48 Limited Maturity A1 $ 14.00 - 0.00 0.00 Asian Property AX F £ 10.64 - -0.09 0.54
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.USD PA $ 9.84 - -0.04 0.00
Corporate Bond Acc ♦ F 184.68 - -0.14 3.51 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 169.52 - -0.41 4.83 Fusion Growth + Inc 58.39 - -0.52 0.48 Property Income B Inc 110.42 - -0.07 4.67 Prudent Wealth Fd A1 $ 14.78 - -0.03 0.00
Jenn. US Eq.Opp. USD PA $ 9.38 - -0.08 0.00 Diversified Alpha Plus A F € 29.56 - 0.07 0.00

Corporate Bond Inc ♦ F 88.09 - -0.07 3.59 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 106.39 - -0.25 4.93 Fusion Income Acc...C 53.66xd - -0.14 2.37 Research Bond A1 $ 16.52 - 0.02 0.00 Emerg Europ, Mid-East & Africa Eq A F € 65.30 - -0.49 0.00
Neubrg.Berman US Core PA $ 13.83 - -0.12 0.00
Distribution Acc ♦ F 107.79 - -0.43 4.47 Pacific (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 177.39 - -1.19 0.87 Fusion Income Inc...C 50.70xd - -0.14 2.41 Kames Capital VCIC (IRL) UK Equity A1 £ 7.82 - -0.09 0.00 Emerging Markets Debt A F $ 75.30 - 0.26 0.00
Sands US Growth PA € 14.47 - -0.19 0.00
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland +35 3162 24493
Distribution Acc (Gross) ♦ F 123.48 - -0.49 4.45 Pacific (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 166.88 - -1.12 0.95 Global Allocation Acc 53.11xd - -0.21 0.91 US Conc.Growth A1 $ 15.39 - -0.16 0.00 Emerging Markets Domestic Debt AX F £ 10.20 - -0.08 5.50
FCA Recognised Sands US Growth PA $ 17.48 - -0.23 0.00
Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd
Distribution Inc ♦ F 62.62 - -0.25 4.56 Tactical Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 140.41 - -0.08 1.31 Global Allocation Inc 52.30xd - -0.20 0.91 Absolute Return Bond B GBP Acc 1081.19 - -0.41 - US Government Bond A1 $ 17.05 - 0.01 0.00 Emerging Markets Equity A F $ 32.41 - -0.21 0.00 Other International Funds
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA € 16.05 - -0.22 0.00
Distribution Inc (Gross) ♦ F 62.63 - -0.25 4.56 Tactical Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 119.03 - -0.06 1.32 Global Bond exUK Acc 251.60 - 0.00 0.73 Eq Market Neutral B Acc 1018.11 - -1.46 - Value A1 $ 21.74 - -0.15 0.00 Euro Bond A F € 15.73 - 0.01 0.00 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund R 9.26 - 0.28 0.00
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA $ 13.12 - -0.07 0.00
Emerging European Acc ♦ F 32.62 - -0.04 2.84 UK Focus (No Trail) Acc F 159.32 - 0.21 2.38 Global Bond exUK Inc 197.90 - 0.00 0.73 Eq Market Neutral Plus B Acc 1025.97 - -3.65 - Euro Corporate Bond AX F £ 21.57 - -0.08 1.52

Emerging European Inc ♦ F 29.74 - -0.04 2.91 UK Focus (No Trail) Inc F 134.06 - 0.18 2.43 Global Bond Opport. Acc 48.77 - -0.04 2.89 High Yield Global Bond A GBP Inc 517.17 - -0.74 3.64 MMIP Investment Management Limited (GSY) Euro Strategic Bond A F € 43.44 - -0.04 0.00 Oasis Global Mgmt Co (Ireland) Ltd (IRL)
Lothbury Property Trust (UK)
Regulated Regulated
European Equity Acc ♦ F 822.43 - -4.37 1.52 UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 388.56 - -3.58 3.60 Global Bond Opport. Inc 47.63xd - -0.04 2.96 High Yield Global Bond B GBP Inc 1074.43 - -1.52 4.14 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TQ +44(0) 20 3551 4900 European Currencies High Yield Bd A F € 21.61 - -0.06 0.00
Multi-Manager Investment Programmes PCC Limited Oasis Global Investment (Ireland) Plc
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
European Equity Inc ♦ F 686.23 - -3.65 1.54 UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 242.01 - -2.23 3.69 Global Eq Income £ hdg Acc... C 67.68xd - -0.41 3.19 Investment Grade Global Bd A GBP Inc 555.26 - -0.08 2.36 European Equity Alpha A F € 42.70 - -0.16 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Short Term Income Fund $ 0.99 - 0.00 0.79
European Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser € 2579.25 2589.39 212.70 0.00
Lothbury Property Trust GBP £ 1787.34 1916.91 11.71 3.22
European Equity Income Acc ♦ F 71.27 - -0.52 3.47 UK Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 139.70 - 0.21 2.40 Global Eq Income £ hdg Inc ... C 48.45xd - -0.29 3.26 Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Acc 1168.60 - -14.08 - Japanese Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser ¥ 361904.00 363123.00 28252.00 0.00 European Property A F € 35.52 - 0.02 0.00 Oasis Global Equity $ 27.02 - -0.04 0.23
European Equity Income Inc ♦ F 54.18 - -0.40 3.55 UK Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 114.31 - 0.17 2.45 Global Eq Income Acc... C 70.61xd - -0.73 3.20 Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Inc 1113.93 - -13.43 - MMIP - US EQUITY CLASS A 01 June 07 Series $ 1135.99 1139.27 -48.31 0.00 Eurozone Equity Alpha A F € 11.55 - -0.04 0.00 Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) plc

European High Income Acc ♦ F 79.78 - -0.38 3.49 UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 287.54 - -1.48 1.26 Global Eq Income Inc ... C 61.17xd - -0.63 3.26 Strategic Global Bond A GBP Inc 1091.38 - -0.76 0.71 Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund $ 27.54 - -0.05 0.00
Pacific Basin Fd Cl A Initial Ser $ 2142.33 2154.57 139.28 0.00 Global Bond A F $ 38.37 - 0.02 0.00

European High Income Inc ♦ F 57.83 - -0.28 3.55 UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 265.26 - -1.37 1.28 Global Equity Acc 1000.00 - -14.00 0.15 Strategic Global Bond B GBP Inc 619.16 - -0.42 1.21 Oasis Crescent Variable Balanced Fund £ 10.21 - -0.01 0.59
UK Equity Fd Cl A Series 01 £ 2356.72 2380.35 78.79 0.00 Global Brands A F $ 98.47 - -0.85 0.00

European Opportunities Inc ♦ F 84.36 - -0.44 1.13 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 726.94 - -6.23 3.50 Global Equity Inc 74.35 - -1.00 0.14 OasisCresGl Income Class A $ 10.82 - 0.02 2.40
Diversified Absolute Rtn Fd USD Cl AF2 $ 1591.09 - 14.69 0.00 Global Convertible Bond A F $ 42.18 - -0.15 0.00

European Opportunities Acc ♦ F 87.27 - -0.46 1.12 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 535.60 - -4.58 3.58 Global Financials Acc 718.80 - -7.90 0.87 OasisCresGl LowBal D ($) Dist $ 11.60 - -0.01 0.00
Kleinwort Benson Bank (UK) Diversified Absolute Return Stlg Cell AF2 £ 1611.67 - 15.03 0.00 Global Property A F $ 27.43 - -0.10 0.00

European Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 191.80 - -1.08 0.23 US Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 221.24 - -2.58 0.11 Global Financials Inc 40.88 - -0.45 0.88 14 St. George Street, Mayfair, London W1S1FE M & G Securities (1200)F (UK) OasisCresGl Med Eq Bal A ($) Dist $ 11.81 - -0.01 0.32
Indian Equity A F $ 33.48 - 0.17 0.00
Dealing and enquiries: 0800 024 2400 PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
Global Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 130.80 - -0.60 1.17 Global High Yield Bd Mth Inc C 35.31xd - -0.06 7.02 Authorised Inv Funds Oasis Crescent Gbl Property Eqty $ 9.36 - 0.01 2.07 Enq: 0800 390 390, Dealing: 0800 328 3196 Latin American Equity A F $ 37.03 - -0.47 0.00
Manek Investment Mgmt Ltd (1000)F (UK)
Unit Trust Manager/ACD - Host Capital Authorised Inv Funds
Global Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 80.54 - -0.37 1.18 Global High Yield Bd Acc C 93.85xd - -0.16 6.93 P.O.Box 100, Swindon SN1 1WR 0844 800 9401 Short Maturity Euro Bond A F € 20.39 - 0.00 0.00
HC KB Capital Growth A Acc 167.11 - -1.37 1.36 Charifund Inc 1397.31 - -2.19 4.95 Authorised Inv Funds
Global Bond Acc ♦ F 122.89 - -0.56 1.17 Global High Yield Bd Inc C 35.46xd - -0.06 7.02 US Dollar Liquidity A F $ 13.03 - 0.00 0.00
HC KB Capital Growth A Inc 156.48 - -1.28 1.38 Charifund Acc 19286.35 - -30.28 4.80 Growth Fd Acc 51.55 54.72 -0.42 0.00
Global Bond Inc ♦ F 80.49 - -0.37 1.18 Global Property Secs Acc 57.39 - -0.50 0.59 US Growth A F $ 69.12 - -0.71 0.00
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Inc 107.33 - -0.56 3.06 M&G Corporate Bond A Acc 62.76 - -0.03 3.16
Glbl Distribution Acc 52.53 - -0.17 4.93 Global Property Secs Inc 49.53 - -0.43 0.58 US Growth AH F € 48.41 - 0.46 0.00
HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Acc 159.46 - -0.84 3.69 M&G Corporate Bond A Inc 39.42 - -0.01 3.16 LNG Capital (CYM)
Glbl Distribution Acc (Gross) 53.24 - -0.17 4.92 Income Acc ... C 48.90xd - 0.02 6.58 Kingsbury House, 15-17 King St, London SW1Y 6QU US Growth AX F £ 46.11 - -0.06 0.00
Invesco (LUX) HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Acc 129.23 - -0.40 0.81 M&G Dividend A Inc 59.84 - -0.27 4.55
Glbl Distribution Inc 49.77 - -0.17 4.94 Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00852 3191 8282 Income Inc ... C 45.25xd - 0.02 6.67, Tel: 0207 839 3456
US Property A F $ 67.25 - -0.24 0.00 Odey Asset Management LLP (UK)
FCA Recognised HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Inc 122.82 - -0.38 0.81 M&G Dividend A Acc 599.41 - -2.74 4.39 Regulated
Glbl Distribution Inc (Gross) 49.78 - -0.16 4.94 Japan Acc 295.90 - -4.10 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH
Invesco Management SA LNG Europa Credit Fund EUR (Est) € 1196.70 - 65.31 - Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 300 2106
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Acc 122.47 - -0.32 3.44 M&G Episode Growth X Inc 50.84xd - -0.35 1.80
Global Emerging Markets Acc ♦ F 228.87 - -2.83 0.99 Invesco Active Multi-Sector Credit Fund A € 2.88 - 0.00 0.00 Japan Inc 71.24 - -0.98 0.00 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
LNG Europa Credit Fund GBP (Est) £ 1196.70 - 56.94 - Morgens Waterfall Inc
HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Inc 108.71 - -0.28 3.44 M&G Episode Income A Acc 135.11xd - -0.98 3.60
Multi-Asset Inc Mth Inc ... C 63.01xd - -0.18 3.65 Other International Funds Authorised Inv Funds
Global Emerging Markets Inc ♦ F 206.39 - -2.55 1.00 Invesco Asia Balanced A dist $ 13.79 - -0.01 3.72 LNG Europa Credit Fund USD $ 1183.45 - -15.60 -
M&G Episode Income A Inc 112.39xd - -0.81 3.67 Phaeton Intl (BVI) Ltd (Est) $ 410.91 - -1.49 0.00 CF Odey Continental European GBP R Acc 704.15 - -8.85 0.19
Global Equity (acc) ♦ F 460.62 - -3.57 0.64 Invesco Asia Consumer Demand Fund A income $ 12.27 - -0.01 0.24 Multi-Asset Inc Acc... C 84.16xd - -0.24 3.64
Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Limited (1000)F (JER) M&G Extra Income A Inc 706.61xd - -5.14 4.61 CF Odey Opus GBP R Inc 3667.70 - -54.94 0.00
Global Equity (inc) ♦ F 417.57 - -3.24 0.64 Invesco Asia Infrastructure (A) $ 12.04 - -0.03 0.78 Multi-Asset Inc Inc... C 63.18xd - -0.18 3.73
PO Box 311, 11-12 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8ZU 01534 845555 Marlborough Fd Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK)
M&G Extra Income A Acc 5829.67xd - -42.37 4.47 CF Odey Absolute Return GBP R 320.63 - -6.04 0.00
Global Equity Income Acc ♦ F 117.68 - -1.12 3.60 Invesco Asia Opportunities Equity A $ 99.58 - -0.07 0.00 Multi-Asset Macro Acc 64.95 - -0.11 0.00 Other International Funds Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP 0808 145 2500
Lloydstrust Gilt £ 12.2400 - -0.0300 2.39 M&G Global Basics A Inc 600.59 - -7.33 0.62 CF Odey Portfolio Fund GBP R Inc 145.16 - -1.14 0.07
Global Equity Income Inc ♦ F 95.58 - -0.90 3.70 Invesco Balanced Risk Allocation Fund A € 14.52 - -0.03 0.00 Multi-Asset Macro Inc 64.95 - -0.12 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds
Lloyds Investment Funds Limited M&G Global Basics A Acc 912.61 - -11.14 0.57
Gbl Financial Capital Acc 87.95 - -0.30 4.28 Invesco Emerging Europe Equity Fund A $ 7.59 - 0.03 0.00 Multi-Manager Growth Acc 719.70 - -2.90 0.46 Balanced 155.15 164.05 -1.39 0.05
Euro High Income € 1.6160 - -0.0010 2.85 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Acc 181.72 - -1.66 3.37
Gbl Financial Capital Inc 74.01 - -0.25 4.41 Multi-Manager Growth Inc 671.60 - -2.80 0.46
Odey Asset Management LLP (CYM)
Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt A Inc $ 6.66 - -0.08 6.93 Bond Income 49.65 52.54 0.03 4.93
European £ 7.3620 - -0.0450 1.26 Regulated
M&G Global Dividend Fund A Inc 143.41 - -1.31 3.44
Gbl Financial Cap Acc Gross 92.08 - -0.30 4.78 Invesco Emerging Mkt Quant.Eq. A $ 8.78 - -0.08 0.00 Natural Resources Acc 310.70 - 1.20 0.13 Cash 50.04 50.04 0.00 0.32 Natixis International Funds (Lux) I SICAV (LUX) OEI Mac Inc GBP A £ 344.31 - -17.86 0.00
High Income £ 0.8618xd - -0.0014 5.00 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 178.27 - 0.53 0.95 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
Gbl Financial Cap Inc Gross 74.21 - -0.25 4.96 Invesco Energy A $ 16.96 - 0.15 0.00 Natural Resources Inc 22.00 - 0.08 0.13 Cautious Inc 82.16 86.80 -0.40 1.32 OEI Mac Inc GBP B £ 189.70 - -8.02 0.00
International £ 3.8840 - -0.0420 1.17 FCA Recognised
M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 172.22 - 0.50 0.96
Global Opportunities Acc ♦ F 92.21 - -1.00 0.47 Invesco Euro Corporate Bond Fund (A) € 17.05 - -0.01 0.00 Portfolio Acc 198.80 - -1.20 0.69 Defensive A Inc 117.22 117.22 -0.13 0.27 Harris Global Equity R/A (USD) $ 259.31 259.31 -0.73 0.00 OEI MAC Inc USD $ 1838.08 - -95.34 0.00
North American £ 15.3200 - -0.2700 0.11 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Acc 104.80xd - -0.56 1.31
Global Smaller Cos Acc ♦ F 1651.10 - -20.70 0.20 Invesco Euro Inflation Linked Bond A € 15.70 - 0.00 0.00 Sterling Corporate Bond Acc 82.96xd - -0.09 2.32 Emerging Markets 216.06 216.06 -2.53 1.76 Harris US Equity Fund R/A (USD) $ 207.52 207.52 -1.28 0.00 Odey European Inc EUR € 807.22 - -35.55 0.00
Sterling Bond £ 1.4680 - -0.0030 3.60 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Inc 72.61xd - -0.38 1.31
Global Smaller Cos Inc ♦ F 1576.60 - -19.77 0.20 Invesco Euro Reserve A € 322.71 - 0.00 0.00 Sterling Corporate Bond Inc 51.86xd - -0.05 2.34 ETF Global Growth A 148.62 148.62 -1.09 0.00 Harris Concentrated US Equity R/A (USD) $ 158.70 158.70 -1.04 0.00 Odey European Inc GBP A £ 310.09 - -13.62 0.00
UK £ 6.3300 - 0.0010 1.70 M&G Global High Yield Bond X Inc 48.04xd - -0.05 4.63
Global Targeted Rets Acc 56.24 - -0.04 0.29 Invesco Euro Bond A € 7.15 - 0.00 0.00 Strategic Bond Acc 68.33xd - -0.06 3.19 ETF Commodity A 65.41 65.41 -0.57 0.00 Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha R/A (USD) $ 109.86 109.86 0.06 - Odey European Inc GBP B £ 175.96 - -7.73 0.00
Lloyds Gilt Fund Limited
M&G Global High Yield Bond X Acc 113.67xd - -0.13 4.62
High Income Acc ♦ F 812.83 - -6.68 3.28 Invesco European Growth Equity A € 24.61 - -0.02 0.00 Strategic Bond Inc 56.72xd - -0.05 3.21 Lloyds Gilt Fund Quarterly Share £ 1.2740 - -0.0030 1.87 European Multi-Cap 286.20 286.20 -2.62 0.29 Odey European Inc USD $ 371.78 - -16.41 0.00
M&G Managed Growth X Inc 73.78xd - -0.87 0.59
High Income Inc ♦ F 448.38 - -3.69 3.36 Invesco Global Absolute Return Fund A Class € 11.66 - -0.05 0.00 UK Active Index + E Acc 273.50 - -1.60 3.14 Monthly Share £ 1.2240xd - -0.0030 1.87 Extra Income 78.26 82.82 -0.51 4.43 Giano Capital EUR Inc € 4456.59 - 3.33 0.00
Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I plc (IRL)
M&G Optimal Income A Inc 141.77 - -0.10 2.64
High Yield Fund Acc 104.86 - -0.81 5.22 Invesco Global Bond A Inc $ 5.53 - 0.00 0.75 UK Active Index + E Inc 51.58 - -0.30 3.14 Lloyds Money Fund Limited Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA +44 (0)20 3216 9000
Far East Growth A Inc 155.83 155.83 -1.53 2.42
Sterling Class £ 52.6140 - 0.0000 0.14 M&G Optimal Income A Acc 187.29 - -0.13 2.64 Regulated
High Yield Fund Acc (Gross) 122.45 - -0.94 5.19 Invesco Global Conservative Fund 90 (EUR) A € 11.90 - -0.02 0.00 UK Dynamic Acc 158.20 - -1.40 1.49 Global 178.67 188.23 -1.27 0.00
Lloyds Multi Strategy Fund Limited Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (USD) $ 12.35 12.35 0.05 1.21 Odey Asset Management LLP (IRL)
M&G Recovery GBP A Inc 112.55 - -0.55 0.78
High Yield Fund Inc 41.49 - -0.31 5.36 Invesco Global Equity Income Fund A $ 58.27 - -0.19 0.00 UK Dynamic Inc 129.40 - -1.10 1.50 Global Bond Inc 135.99 143.90 -0.34 3.20 FCA Recognised
Conservative Strategy £ 1.0970 - -0.0020 1.97 Loomis Sayles High Income R/D (USD) $ 8.24 8.24 0.00 14.98
M&G Recovery GBP A Acc 252.73 - -1.23 0.78 Odey Pan European EUR R € 343.19 - -1.06 0.00
High Yield Fund Inc (Gross) 41.55 - -0.32 5.36 Invesco Global Inc Real Estate Sec A dist $ 9.02 - -0.03 2.23 UK Eq & Bond Inc Acc ... C 139.30xd - -0.70 3.41 High Yield Fixed Interest 73.23 77.70 -0.25 5.67
Growth Strategy £ 1.4690 - -0.0090 1.32 Loomis Sayles Multisector Income R/D (GBP) $ 12.08 12.08 0.01 5.77
M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Inc 72.87xd - -0.03 3.01 Odey Absolute Return Focus Fund $ 100.00 - - -
Hong Kong & China Acc ♦ F 462.90 - -6.22 0.74 Invesco Global Inv Grd Corp Bond A Dist $ 11.81 - 0.00 3.03 UK Eq & Bond Inc Inc ... C 81.06xd - -0.43 3.48 Multi Cap Income A Inc 157.38 157.38 -1.30 4.47
Aggressive Strategy £ 1.7880 - -0.0230 0.00
M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Acc 105.18xd - -0.05 2.99 Odey Allegra European EUR O € 260.31 - -1.62 0.00
Income & Growth Acc ♦ F 937.00 - -6.04 4.05 Invesco Global Leisure A $ 36.82 - -0.62 0.00 UK Higher Inc Acc ... C 890.00 - -8.00 4.21 Nano-Cap Growth A Acc 103.8183 113.8000 -0.2231 0.00
Global USD Growth Strategy $ 1.3860 - -0.0070 0.00 Natixis International Funds (UK)
M&G Global Leaders GBP A Inc 189.04 - -2.45 1.34 Odey Allegra International EUR O € 175.86 - -1.39 0.00
Income & Growth Inc ♦ F 406.52 - -2.62 4.17 Invesco Global Smaller Comp Eq Fd A $ 57.00 - -0.26 0.00 UK Higher Inc Inc ... C 517.20 - -4.70 4.34 Dealing Daily Special Situations A Acc 1192.11 1261.49 -2.17 0.37 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
M&G Global Leaders GBP A Acc 445.23 - -5.76 1.33 Authorised Funds Odey Allegra Developed Markets USD I $ 131.69 - -0.87 0.00
Income Acc ♦ F 3136.87 - -10.86 3.13 Invesco Global Structured Equity A $ 46.45 - -0.44 0.73 UK Managed Equity Acc 64.19xd - -0.40 2.20 UK Multi-Cap Growth A Inc 240.57 254.57 -2.44 0.66
M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Acc 111.54 - -0.01 0.15 H2O MultiReturns Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.39 - -0.02 1.40 Odey European Focus Fund € 17.46 - -0.10 0.49
Income Inc ♦ F 1744.55 - -6.04 3.20 Invesco Global Total Ret.(EUR) Bond Fund A € 13.21 - -0.02 0.00 UK Managed Equity Inc 53.73xd - -0.33 2.24 UK Micro Cap Growth A 476.65 504.39 0.50 0.00
M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Inc 109.94 - -0.01 0.15 Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.03 - -0.01 0.00 Odey Atlas Fund GBP I S £ 1.15 - 0.00 0.00
Japan Acc ♦ F 309.05 - -1.56 0.31 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals A $ 3.56 - 0.02 0.00 UK Smaller Cos Acc 392.40xd - 3.90 0.27 US Multi-Cap Income 317.72 317.72 -5.86 0.64
Loomis Sayles Strategic Income N/D (GBP) £ 0.94 - 0.00 4.06 Odey Giano European Fund EUR R € 121.53 - -0.42 0.00
Japanese Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 65.12 - -0.41 0.00 Invesco Greater China Equity A $ 43.86 - -0.23 0.00 UK Smaller Cos Inc 75.98xd - 0.74 0.27 MFM - Third Party Funds
M & G Securities Ltd (UK) Junior Oils 59.62 63.09 0.58 0.00 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/D (GBP) £ 0.90 - 0.00 4.14 Odey Naver Fund EUR I € 126.33 - -1.12 0.00
Latin America Acc ♦ F 99.81 - 0.21 1.14 Invesco India Equity A $ 49.88 - 0.69 0.00 UK Strategic Eq Inc Acc ... C 148.20xd - -0.80 3.82
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders N/A (GBP) £ 1.48 - -0.03 0.25
Junior Gold C Acc 18.51 18.51 0.04 0.00 Odey Odyssey USD I $ 142.66 - -0.56 0.00
Latin America Inc ♦ F 83.08 - 0.17 1.16 Invesco Japanese Equity Adv Fd A ¥ 3826.00 - -37.00 0.00 UK Strategic Eq Inc Inc ... C 95.87xd - -0.50 3.91
Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A (LUX) Charibond 123.11xd - -0.05 5.25
MFM Artorius Fund 160.41 160.41 -1.23 0.17 Seeyond Factor Plus Europe Ex U.K Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 0.98 - -0.01 - Odey Orion Fund EUR I € 118.56 - -0.52 0.00
Managed Growth Acc ♦ F 157.59 - -0.91 0.71 Invesco Japanese Value Eq Fd A ¥ 1279.00 - -15.00 0.00 UK Strategic Gth Acc 111.40 - -1.20 1.18 (Accum Units) 3644.76xd - -1.38 5.25
Regulated MFM Bowland 163.92 177.21 2.57 0.00 Seeyond Factor Plus U.K Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 0.98 - -0.01 - Odey Swan Fund EUR I € 95.61 - -0.69 0.00
Managed Growth Inc ♦ F 131.20 - -0.75 0.71 Invesco Latin American Equity A $ 5.79 - 0.07 0.00 UK Strategic Gth Inc 103.90 - -1.20 1.20
Lombard Odier Funds NAACIF 72.98xd - -0.21 4.80
MFM Hathaway Inc 104.99 109.94 -1.95 1.91 Odey European Absolute Return GBP S £ 98.75 - -0.32 0.00
Managed Income Acc ♦ F 157.15 - -0.97 2.97 Invesco Nippon Small/Mid Cap Equity A ¥ 1007.00 - -10.00 0.00 US Acc 714.00 - -13.10 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (EUR) PA € 11.97 - 0.00 0.00 (Accum Units) 6541.43xd - -18.81 4.67
Managed Income Inc ♦ F 95.77 - -0.59 3.02 US Inc 98.82 - -1.78 0.00 MFM SGWM Managed A Acc 125.74 125.74 -0.83 0.15 NatWest (2230)F (UK)
Invesco Pan European Equity A EUR Cap NAV € 18.95 - -0.02 0.00 Absolute Ret Bond (USD) PA $ 17.60 - 0.00 0.00 M&G Property Portfolio A Acc 134.76 141.85 0.01 3.42 PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ**
Money Acc ♦ F US Equity Income Acc ... C 119.90xd - -1.70 2.17 MFM Techinvest Special Situations Acc 141.26 141.26 -0.70 0.01 Enquiries: 0800 085 5588 Odey Wealth Management (CI) Ltd (IRL)
90.19 - 0.00 0.21 Invesco Pan European High Income Fd A € 13.79 - -0.03 2.38 All Roads (CHF) PA SFr 17.30 - -0.04 0.00 Property Portfolio A 123.63 130.13 0.01 3.49
Authorised Inv Funds
Money Acc (Gross) ♦ F US Equity Income £ hdg Inc ... C 98.37xd - -0.69 2.24 MFM Techinvest Technology Acc 348.35 348.35 -8.60 0.00
95.32 - 0.00 0.21 Invesco Pan European Small Cap Equity A € 23.29 - -0.06 0.00 All Roads (USD) PA $ 11.03 - -0.03 0.00 Property Portfolio X 123.63 123.63 0.01 3.49 FCA Recognised
Series 1(Minimum initial investment 16375,000)
Monthly Income Plus Acc ♦ F US Equity Income Inc ... C 101.70xd - -1.50 2.19 MFM UK Primary Opportunities A Inc 322.47 322.47 -0.99 1.37 Odey Opportunity EUR I € 222.33 - -1.83 0.00
293.80 - -0.71 4.84 Invesco Pan European Structured Equity A € 17.29 - -0.13 0.00 All Roads (GBP) PA £ 11.27 - -0.02 0.00 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.10 - -0.02 2.83
Slater Investments Ltd - Investment Adviser
Monthly Income Plus Acc (Gross) ♦ F 345.72 - -0.83 4.82 Invesco UK Eqty Income A £ 31.37 - -0.11 0.00 US Select Acc 111.70 - -1.90 0.00 All Roads (EUR) PA € 11.17 - -0.03 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 18.95 - -0.07 0.41
M & G (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) MFM Slater Growth 417.84 443.33 -1.57 0.11
Monthly Income Plus Inc ♦ F 107.90 - -0.26 4.95 Invesco UK Investment Grade Bond A £ 0.98 - 0.00 2.90 US Select Inc 110.30 - -1.90 0.00 Alpha Japan (EUR) PA F € 11.76 - -0.13 0.00 Regulated Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 15.80 - -0.15 0.00 Omnia Fund Ltd
The M&G Offshore Fund Range MFM Slater Income A Inc 160.02 160.02 -1.66 3.83
Other International Funds
Monthly Income Plus Inc (Gross) ♦ F 108.04 - -0.26 4.94 Invesco US Structured Equity A $ 20.90 - -0.18 0.00 US Smaller Cos Acc 373.40xd - -7.20 0.00 Alpha Japan (CHF) PA F SFr 14.67 - -0.16 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 13.87 - -0.21 0.00
Corporate Bond 1312.37 1352.96 -0.34 3.17 MFM Slater Recovery 180.12 191.11 -3.31 0.23 Estimated NAV $ 855.62 - 16.81 0.00
Pacific Acc ♦ F 955.86 - -6.42 0.38 Invesco US Value Eq Fd A $ 30.78 - -0.19 0.00 US Smaller Cos Inc 97.84xd - -1.90 0.00 Alpha Japan (JPY) PA F ¥ 1398.00 - -15.00 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 9.83 - -0.08 0.00
Global Basics 2222.78 2291.52 -27.01 0.31
Pacific Inc ♦ F 874.71 - -5.88 0.38 Invesco USD Reserve A $ 87.02 - 0.00 0.00 Alpha Japan (USD) PA F $ 16.85 - -0.19 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 21.07 - -0.23 0.68
Global Leaders 3283.79 3420.62 -42.54 1.11 Marlborough International Management Limited (GSY)
Tactical Bond Acc ♦ F 68.58 - -0.04 0.81 JPMorgan Charity Funds (UK) Alternative Beta PA F SFr 114.17 - -0.52 0.00 Tudor House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, CI, GY1 1DB +44 1481 71520 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.91 - -0.06 2.55
Global High Yield Bond 944.49 973.71 -0.99 4.58
60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP 020 7742 9175 FCA Recognised
Tactical Bond Inc ♦ F 59.46 - -0.03 0.82 Alternative Beta PA F € 77.18 - -0.34 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.41 - -0.04 3.93
Invesco Global Asset Management Ltd (IRL) Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Global Macro Bond Fund 10901.77 11238.94 -56.90 1.30
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00 852 2842 7200 Marlborough North American Fund Ltd £ 30.92 31.23 -0.92 0.00
Tactical Bond Acc (Gross) ♦ F 71.15 - -0.04 0.81 UK Equity Fund for Charities I...C £ 2.749653 2.761254 1.709239 3.59 Alternative Beta PA F $ 115.48 - -0.53 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.81 - 0.03 3.08
FCA Recognised North American Dividend Fund 154.06 160.48 -1.69 2.16 Marlborough Tiger Fund Ltd F £ 25.14 26.79 -0.95 0.00
Tactical Bond Inc (Gross) ♦ F 59.51 - -0.03 0.82 Bond Fund for Charities £ 1.345617 1.351744 0.305203 3.56 Commodities (CHF) PA SFr 4.94 - 0.01 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.68 - -0.14 0.56
Invesco Stlg Bd A QD F £ 2.59 - 0.00 3.30 Optimal Income Fund 140.48 144.83 -0.10 2.63
UK Focus Acc F 193.58 - 0.26 1.83 Commodities (EUR) PA € 5.01 - 0.01 0.00 Series 2 (Investment Management customers only) Optima Fund Management
Invesco Asian Equity A $ 6.12 - -0.02 0.53 Recovery Fund Limited 'A' Participating Shares 9744.59 10150.61 -47.14 0.44
Marwyn Asset Management Limited (CYM) United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.10 - -0.02 3.33 Other International Funds
UK Focus Inc F 161.21 - 0.22 1.86 Commodities (USD) PA $ 5.19 - 0.01 0.00
Invesco ASEAN Equity A $ 87.08 - -0.04 0.45 Recovery Fund Limited 'I' Participating Shares 9767.67 9866.33 -46.65 1.27 Regulated Cuttyhunk Fund II Limited $ 1489.07 - -4.76 0.00
UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.15 - -0.07 1.75
UK Growth Acc ♦ F 527.96 - 0.79 1.87 Convertible Bd P A € 17.46 - -0.06 0.00 Marwyn Value Investors £ 458.79 - -5.08 0.00
Invesco Bond A $ 26.82 - 0.07 2.22 Strategic Corporate Bond Fund 132.31 137.82 -0.05 3.02 JENOP Global Healthcare Fund Ltd $ 14.98 - 0.33 0.00
Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 16.48 - -0.16 0.62
UK Growth Inc ♦ F 334.96 - 0.50 1.90 Convertible Bd Asia PA F SFr 13.58 - -0.03 0.00
Invesco Continental Eurp Small Cap Eqty A $ 198.00 - 0.04 0.00 UK Select 1459.83 1520.66 -4.21 1.16 OPTIKA Fund Limited - Cl A $ 101.47 - -0.10 -
US Spec Equity Fund £ 14.47 - -0.21 0.15
UK Smaller Cos Equity Acc ♦ F 882.85 - -4.56 0.77 Convertible Bd Asia PA F € 14.50 - -0.03 0.00
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity A $ 34.61 - -0.20 0.00 McInroy & Wood Portfolios Limited (UK) Optima Fd NAV $ 90.17 - 0.01 0.00
Japan Specialist Fund X £ 10.42 - -0.08 0.51
UK Smaller Cos Equity Inc ♦ F 676.07 - -3.50 0.78 Convertible Bd Asia PA F $ 14.62 - -0.02 0.00 Easter Alderston, Haddington, EH41 3SF 01620 825867
Invesco Emerging Markets Bond A $ 20.61 - 0.02 4.73 Optima Discretionary Macro Fund Limited $ 87.21 - -1.06 0.00
GAM Authorised Inv Funds Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 20.86 - -0.22 1.37
UK Strategic Income Acc ♦ F 182.94 - -1.57 3.50, Emerg. Consumer (CHF) PA SFr 11.36 - -0.05 0.00
Invesco Continental European Equity A € 8.68 - -0.04 0.19 Balanced Fund Personal Class Units 3854.60xd - -30.40 1.92 The Dorset Energy Fd Ltd NAV $ 27.90 - 0.17 0.00
Regulated UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 11.09 - -0.07 2.55
UK Strategic Income Inc ♦ F 134.78 - -1.15 3.59 Emerg. Consumer (EUR) PA € 11.51 - -0.05 0.00
Invesco Gilt A £ 15.03 - 0.00 1.40 Income Fund Personal Class Units 2350.90 - -13.20 2.92 Platinum Fd Ltd $ 86.20 - -0.87 0.00
JB BF ABS-EUR B € 104.84 - 0.00 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.19 - -0.05 3.85
US Equity Acc ♦ F 531.09 - -6.22 0.00 Emerg. Consumer (USD) PA $ 11.49 - -0.05 0.00
Invesco Global Small Cap Equity A NAV $ 118.74 - -0.74 0.00 Emerging Markets Fund Personal Class Units 1548.40 - -13.80 2.53 Platinum Fd Ltd EUR € 16.74 - -0.18 0.00
Invesco Perpetual Funds (No Trail) JB BF Abs Ret Def-EUR B € 109.36 - -0.04 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.97 - 0.02 3.08
Invesco Global High Income A NAV $ 11.89 - 0.00 5.46 Emerg.Eq. Risk Par.(EUR) PA € 7.44 - -0.06 0.00
Smaller Companies Fund Personal Class Units 3617.70 - -28.00 1.71 Platinum Japan Fd Ltd $ 53.74 - -0.25 0.00
Asian (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 175.73 - -1.20 1.47 JB BF Abs Ret EM-USD B $ 113.95 - 0.08 0.00 MFS Investment Funds (LUX) Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.25 - -0.14 0.78
Invesco Gbl R/Est Secs A GBP F F £ 7.67 - -0.10 0.89 Emerg. Eq. Risk Par.(USD) PA $ 5.70 - 0.00 0.00
FCA Recognised The initial charge you will pay will depend on the amount you invest Optima Partners Global Fd $ 14.24 - 0.00 0.00
Asian (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 158.08 - -1.07 1.49 JB BF Abs Ret-EUR B € 127.99 - -0.10 0.00
Invesco Global Health Care A $ 125.88 - -1.67 0.00 Emerg. Loc.Cur.&Bds DH (CHF) PASFr 7.83 - -0.01 0.00 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. € 102.37 - -1.44 - **Address and Telephone number for series 1 only
Meridian Fund Managers Ltd Optima Partners Focus Fund A $ 15.88 - 0.03 0.00
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 111.02 - -0.95 4.67 JB BF Abs Ret Pl-EUR B € 126.64 - -0.14 0.00
Invesco Global Select Equity A $ 12.91 - -0.02 0.00 Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA SFr 8.25 - -0.03 0.00 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 99.35 - -1.84 - Other International Funds
Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Inc 92.32 - -0.79 4.80 JB BF EM Corporate-USD B $ 106.78 - -0.08 0.00
Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA € 10.97 - -0.07 0.00 Global Gold & Resources Fund $ 179.68 - 10.63 -
Invesco Jap Eqty Core A $ 1.80 - 0.00 0.00 Blend.Research U.S.Core Eq.Fd. ¥ 10383.00 - -156.00 -
Balanced Risk 6 No Trail Acc 104.45 - -0.11 0.16 JB BF EM Infl Link-USD B $ 80.74 - 0.34 0.00 Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd
Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA $ 8.35 - 0.01 0.00 Global Energy & Resources Fund $ 33.88 - 1.76 - Other International Funds
Invesco Japanese Equity A $ 18.92 - -0.04 0.00 Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 99.07 - -0.56 -
Balanced Risk 8 No Trail Acc 106.59 - -0.14 0.43 JB BF EM Inv Grade-USD B $ 97.75 - 0.04 0.00
Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA SFr 15.42 - -0.04 0.00 NAV (Fully Diluted) £ 6.57 - -0.06 0.00
Invesco Korean Equity A $ 30.26 - -0.09 0.00 Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Euro € 108.96 - -1.31 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 No Trail Acc 108.62 - -0.18 0.59 JB Emerging (EUR)-EUR B € 331.74 - 0.82 0.00
Invesco PRC Equity A $ 51.06 - -0.52 0.00 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA € 12.27 - -0.02 0.00 Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 92.55 - -1.52 0.00 Ministry of Justice Common Investment Funds (UK)
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 164.38 - -0.12 3.76 JB Emerging (USD)-USD B $ 405.94 - 1.81 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Invesco Pacific Equity A $ 46.64 - -0.02 0.19 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA £ 10.84 - -0.03 0.00 Em.Mk.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 91.22 - -0.33 0.00 New Capital Fund Management Ltd (IRL)
OTP Asset Management Romania SAI SA ((ROM))
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 116.44 - -0.09 3.84 JB BF Local EM-USD B $ 247.41 - 0.83 0.00 The Equity Idx Tracker Fd Inc 1296.00 1296.00 -8.00 2.86
Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA $ 17.42 - -0.04 0.00 Leconfield House, Curzon Street, London, W1J 5JB
Invesco Global Technology A $ 16.24 - -0.27 0.00 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Euro € 279.31 - -4.58 0.00 Distribution Units Other International Funds
Distribution (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 165.44 - -0.65 4.46 JB BF Total Ret-EUR B € 97.21 - -0.07 0.00 FCA Recognised
Invesco UK Eqty A £ 7.80 - 0.01 1.37 Euro Credit Bd PA F € 12.88 - -0.01 0.00 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterl.UK T £ 168.77 - -3.51 0.00 New Capital UCITS Funds OTP Comodisro RON 16.85 - 0.00 -
Distribution (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 109.41 - -0.44 4.55 JB EF Abs Ret Eur-EUR B € 120.55 - -0.16 0.00
Euro Government Fdt PA € 12.56 - -0.02 0.00 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterling £ 255.47 - -5.33 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Inst Inc $ 92.64 - -0.07 3.25 OTP Obligatiuni RON 14.26 - 0.00 -
Emerging European (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 67.88 - -0.09 3.40
Mirabaud Asset Management (LUX)
JB EF Euro Value-EUR B € 174.50 - 0.56 0.00
Euro Inflation-Lk Fdt PA € 12.02 - 0.00 0.00, Asia Pac Bd USD Ord Inc $ 94.41 - -0.07 2.52 OTP Avantisro RON 8.50 - -0.02 -
Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.US $ 193.87 - -1.53 0.00
Emerging European (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 59.99 - -0.08 3.51 JB EF Japan-JPY B ¥ 17480.00 - -169.00 0.00 Regulated
Euro Resp.Corp. Fdt PA € 18.13 - -0.03 0.00 Gb.Eq.Hdg Fd.Euro IRE T € 181.49 - -2.12 0.00 Asia Pac Eq EUR Ord Inc € 84.50 - -0.62 3.37 OTP Euro Bond € 12.40 - 0.00 -
European Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 145.27 - -0.77 2.07 JB EF Luxury B-EUR B € 218.10 - -2.43 0.00 Mir. Conv. Bds Eur A EUR € 137.62 - -0.34 0.00
Europe High Conviction PA € 11.79 - -0.08 0.00 Gb.Eq.Euro Hdg Fd. € 257.19 - -3.01 0.00 Asia Pac Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 87.64 - -0.67 3.81 OTP Dollar Bond $ 10.59 - 0.00 -
European Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 120.40 - -0.64 2.11 JB Ms EF Special Val. EUR/A € 135.25 - -1.00 1.10 Mir. Conv. Bds Glb A USD $ 115.35 - -0.45 0.00
Eurozone Small&Mid Caps PA € 54.58 - -0.39 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Euro € 281.63 - -4.34 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Ord Inc $ 88.14 - -0.68 3.19 OTP Premium Return RON 1072.93 - -0.41 -
European Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 146.88 - -1.07 3.46 JB Strategy Balanced-CHF/B SFr 148.38 - -0.79 0.00 Mir. - Eq Asia ex Jap A $ 171.21 - -0.41 0.00
Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd EUR PA € 10.70 - -0.08 0.00 Gb.Eq. Fd Euro IRE T € 178.19 - -2.74 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Acc $ 93.57 - -0.72 0.00
Mir. - Eq Glb Emrg Mkt A USD $ 86.60 - -0.41 0.00
European Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 111.70 - -0.81 3.55 Invest AD JB Strategy Balanced-EUR € 153.69 - -0.85 0.00
Client services: +971 2 692 6101 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd USD PA $ 10.74 - -0.07 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterling UK T £ 205.77 - -4.08 0.00 Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Inc $ 98.53 - -0.76 3.91
European High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 164.43 - -0.78 3.48 JB Strategy Balanced-USD/B $ 128.37 - -0.51 0.00 Mir. - Eq Global Focus A USD $ 102.43 - -0.63 0.00
Other International Funds Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt PA € 10.48 - -0.05 0.00 Dyn Europ Eq EUR Ord Inc € 176.76 - -0.65 1.29
Gb.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 308.61 - -2.14 0.00 Mir. -Eq Spain A € 25.83 - -0.08 0.00
European High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 119.18 - -0.57 3.54 Invest AD - Iraq Opportunity Fund $ 60.60 - 1.17 0.00 JB Strategy Growth-CHF/B SFr 91.02 - -0.66 0.00
Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt.(CHF) PA SFr 22.75 - -0.05 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 203.41 - -4.04 0.00 Dyn Europ Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 187.76 - -0.70 1.64
European Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 182.78 - -0.95 1.65 JB Strategy Growth-EUR € 114.65 - -0.87 0.00 Mir. - Eq Swiss Sm/Mid A SFr 329.46 - -2.70 0.00
Invest AD - Emerging Africa Fund $ 902.15 - -1.95 0.00
Gbl.Gvt.Fdt.SH (CHF) PA SFr 26.47 - -0.04 0.00 Gb.Val.Ex-Jap.Fd.USD $ 116.79 - -0.82 0.00 Dyn Europ Eq USD Ord Inc $ 176.32 - -0.69 1.21
European Opportunities (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 170.87 - -0.89 1.68 JB Strategy Inc-CHF/B SFr 118.62 - -0.40 0.00 Mir. - Glb High Yield Bds A $ 107.62 - -0.10 -
Invest AD - GCC Focus Fund $ 1394.86 - 0.89 0.00
Gbl.5B Fdmt (EUR) PA € 11.78 - -0.06 0.00 Gb.Val.Ex-Japan Fd.Yen ¥ 14021.00 - -195.00 0.00 China Equity EUR Ord Acc € 132.94 - -0.96 0.00
European Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 235.64 - -1.33 0.74 JB Strategy Inc-EUR/B € 158.92 - -0.50 0.00 Mir. - Glb Eq High Income A USD $ 98.89 - -0.47 0.00 Permal Investment Mgmt Svcs Ltd
Gbl.5B Fdmt (CHF) PA SFr 10.44 - -0.02 0.00 Gb.Val.Fd. Euro € 131.23 - -2.18 0.00 China Equity GBP Ord Acc £ 139.06 - -1.05 0.00
Global Balanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 156.38 - -1.21 2.03 JB Strategy Inc-USD/B $ 145.47 - -0.26 0.00 Mir. - Glb Inv Grade Bds A € 100.67 - -0.15 -
Other International Funds
Gbl.5B Fdmt SH (USD) PA $ 10.89 - -0.03 0.00 Gb.Val.Fd.Sterling £ 115.45 - -2.43 0.00 China Equity USD Ord Acc $ 135.32 - -1.04 0.00
Global Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 138.12 - -0.63 1.42 Mir. - Glb Strat. Bd A USD $ 104.21 - -0.06 0.00 Offshore Fund Class A US $ Shares
Generation Global (CHF) PA F SFr 13.72 - -0.19 0.00 Gb.Val.Fd.USD $ 103.69 - -0.85 0.00 China Equity USD Inst Acc $ 139.12 - -1.07 0.00 Investment Holdings N.V. $ 5487.68 - 49.80 0.00
Global Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 124.87 - -0.57 1.43
Generation Global (EUR) PA F € 20.86 - -0.33 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Euro € 103.54 - -1.55 - Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Inc £ 111.10 - -0.22 3.61 Macro Holdings Ltd $ 4192.02 - 66.31 0.00
Glbl Distribution Acc (No Trail) 105.87 - -0.34 3.89 MW Japan Fund Plc (IRL)
Generation Global (USD) PA F $ 15.59 - -0.11 0.00 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterl £ 100.49 - -1.95 - FCA Recognised Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Inst Acc $ 122.72 - -0.24 0.00 Fixed Income Holdings N.V. $ 364.13 - -1.93 -
Glbl Distribution Inc (No Trail) 100.33 - -0.32 3.97
JPMorgan Asset Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Global Energy (USD) PA F $ 6.10 - 0.07 0.00 MW Japan Fund PLC A $ 25.32 - 0.03 - Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Acc £ 176.92 - -0.39 0.00
Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.USD $ 100.20 - -0.65 - Permal Absolute Return Fund $ 163.59 - 0.48 0.00
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 150.07 - -1.85 1.59 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP
Golden Age (CHF) PA F SFr 21.35 - -0.16 0.00 MW Japan Fund PLC B $ 25.53 - 0.04 - Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Ord Acc Asset Management$ 166.04 - -0.33 0.00
Asset Management Brokerline: 0800 727 770, Clients: 0800 20 40 20 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Yen ¥ 9541.00 - -128.00 -
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 139.44 - -1.72 1.61

Global Equity (No Trail) acc ♦ F 203.41 - -1.57 1.18

Authorised Inv Funds
JPM Retail OEIC (A class unless stated)
Kames Capital ICVC
Asset Management
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SA
(UK) Golden Age (EUR) PA

Golden Age (USD) PA F

€ 14.53

$ 20.16

-0.11 0.00

-0.16 0.00
Asset Management MW Japan Fund PLC C $ 98.35 - -0.85 - Global Val.Cr.Fd EUR Ord Acc

Swiss Select Equity Inst Acc

€ 154.61

SFr 114.18

-0.30 0.00

-0.95 0.00
0800 45 44 22 MFS Meridian Funds SICAV (LUX)
Global Equity (No Trail) inc ♦ F 188.20 - -1.45 1.20 America Equity Acc 61.46xd - -1.11 0.00
Authorised Funds Sh.T- Money Mkt EUR PA € 112.28 - 0.00 0.00 Regulated Morant Wright Funds (Ireland) PLC (IRL) Swiss Select Equity Ord Acc SFr 112.90 - -0.94 0.00
Global Equity Income (No Trail ) Acc ♦ F 243.53 - -2.30 3.59 America Equity Inc 61.46xd - -1.11 0.00
Diversified Income B Acc 111.57 - -0.55 0.00 Absolute Return A1 € 19.80 - -0.10 0.00 FCA Recognised
Sh.T- Money Mkt CHF PA SFr 128.55 - 0.00 0.00 US Growth USD Ord Acc $ 211.25 - -2.85 0.00
Global Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 197.80 - -1.86 3.69 Asia Acc 115.20 - -1.20 0.33 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Acc Hedged € 11.68 - 0.07 -
Diversified Income B Inc 101.70 - -0.50 0.00 Asia ex-Japan A1 $ 22.17 - -0.16 0.00
Sh.T- Money Mkt GBP PA £ 10.28 - 0.00 0.00 US Growth EUR Ord Acc € 201.99 - -2.65 0.00
Global ex UK Core Equity Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 172.14 - -2.14 1.55 Asia Inc 63.95 - -0.62 0.32 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Dist Hedged € 11.17 - -0.11 - Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA (LUX)
Diversified Growth B Acc £ 1.39 - -0.01 3.37 Bond A1 $ 10.37 - 0.02 0.00
Sh.T- Money Mkt USD PA $ 10.31 - 0.00 0.00 US Growth GBP Ord Acc £ 212.48 - -2.88 0.00
Cautious Managed Rt Acc 67.75xd - -0.18 0.38 15, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg
Global ex UK Enhanced Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 199.37 - -2.46 2.04 Ethical Cautious Managed B Acc £ 1.22 - -0.01 2.29 Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Acc Hedged £ 11.60 - -0.11 0.00
China Equity Fd A1 $ 9.30 - 0.00 0.00 Tel: 0041 58 323 3000
Sw.Fr.Bd(For) PA SFr 23.68 - -0.05 0.00 US Growth USD Inst Acc $ 195.10 - -2.63 0.00
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Acc 179.31 - -0.59 4.27 Cautious Managed Rt Inc 59.60xd - -0.15 0.38 Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Dist Hedged £ 11.27 - -0.11 - FCA Recognised
Ethical Cautious Managed B Inc £ 1.16 - 0.00 2.33 Continental European Eqty A1 € 17.15 - -0.28 0.00
Sw.Fr.Credit Bd(For) PA SFr 13.58 - -0.02 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Inst Inc € 108.78 - -0.05 3.77
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Inc 150.91 - -0.50 4.40 Diversified Real Ret Acc 50.21 - -0.05 1.07 Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Acc Hedged $ 11.27 - -0.11 0.00 Pictet-Absl Rtn Fix Inc-HI EUR € 106.91 - 0.12 0.00
Ethical Corporate Bond B Acc £ 1.70 - -0.01 3.68 Emer Mkts Debt Lo Curr Fd A1 $ 10.82 - 0.00 0.00
Tactical Alpha (CHF) PA SFr 10.05 - 0.00 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Inst Inc £ 113.02 - -0.05 3.61
Global Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 237.38 - -2.57 1.02 Diversified Real Ret Inc 48.77 - -0.06 1.09 Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Dist Hedged $ 11.30 - -0.11 2.09 Pictet-Absl Rtn Glo Div-I EUR F € 123.74 - -0.49 0.00
Ethical Corporate Bond B Inc £ 0.99 - 0.00 3.75 Emerging Markets Debt A1 $ 32.86 - 0.07 0.00
Tactical Alpha (EUR) PA € 10.35 - 0.00 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Ord Inc € 108.00 - -0.04 3.53

Asset Management
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 31


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Pictet-Agriculture-I EUR F € 184.12 - -1.24 0.00 Unconstrained Bond - Inst Acc $ 11.89 - -0.01 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Inst 160.80 - -0.80 - Fixed Interest Fund A Class 120.80xd - -0.10 3.11 EGV - Acc Z 269.60 - -1.80 0.82 Mastertrust A Inc X F 362.74 - -0.47 0.07 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A USD $ 170.38 - -0.82 0.00

Pictet-Asian Equities Ex Japan-I USD F $ 200.30 - -0.76 0.00 US High Yield Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 27.07 - -0.03 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Ret 257.60 - -1.60 - Global Gold and Resources Fund A Class 129.50 - -0.10 0.00 Continental UK Growth B Inc 411.85 - -0.19 0.56
Royal Bank of Scotland (2230)F (UK)
Pictet-Asian Local Currency Debt-I USD F $ 150.90 - 0.05 0.00
PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ 0800 917 7072
Authorised Inv Funds
Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc X 183.90 - -1.20 - MM Endurance Balanced Fund A Class 211.20 - -0.80 1.19 CGV Acc S 111.80 - -0.80 0.06 Mastertrust B Inc X F 325.17 - -0.42 0.91 Money Market
CGV Acc X 110.50 - -0.80 0.00
Pictet-Biotech-I USD F

Pictet-Brazil Index I USD

$ 818.82

$ 38.61

-14.05 0.00

1.87 0.00
Series 5 (Minumum Initial Investment £75,000)
United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.15 - -0.02 2.82
Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Inst

Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Ret





MM Global Investment Fund A Class

North American Fund A Class



-9.00 1.83

-29.00 0.00 CGV Inc A 111.40 - -0.70 -

Outstanding British Cos A Acc X F

Outstanding British Cos B Acc X F



-1.30 0.66

-1.35 1.42
Trusts and
Pictet-CHF Bonds I CHF SFr 507.02 - -0.81 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 18.96 - -0.07 0.42 Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Inst 158.30 - -1.20 - Oriental Growth Fund A Class 146.00 - -1.40 1.01 CGV Inc B 111.40 - -0.70 - UK Smaller Cos A Inc X F 437.35 - -0.99 0.35 Bank Accounts Gross
Pictet-China Index I USD $ 104.92 - -0.68 0.00 Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 23.33 - -0.23 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds UK Equity Growth Fund A Class 407.50 - -1.60 0.66 UK Smaller Cos B Inc X F 427.56 - -0.96 1.22 Gross Net AER Int Cr
Max 70% Shs Acc Ret 166.20 - -0.70 -
Pictet-Clean Energy-I USD F $ 77.69 - -0.46 0.00 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 14.88 - -0.12 0.00 UK Equity Income Fund A Class 218.80 - -1.40 4.68 The Hartford International Funds (IRL) UK Income A Acc X F 265.21 - -0.51 3.88
Platinum Capital Management Ltd Max 70% Shs Inc Ret 140.00 - -0.60 - Regulated CCLA Investment Management Ltd
Pictet-Digital Communication-I USD F $ 261.45 - -2.72 0.00 Other International Funds US Spec Equity Fund £ 18.74 - -0.28 0.00 UK Income A Inc X F 237.93 - -0.45 3.97
Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index (GBP) £ 1588.82 - -13.72 0.00 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Platinum All Star Fund - A (Est) $ 117.46 - - - Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 37.17 - -0.39 0.70 Investments Inc Acc Ret 155.40 - -0.10 -
Pictet-Eastern Europe-I EUR F € 261.06 - -1.16 0.00 UK Income B Acc X F 281.70 - -0.53 3.86 CBF Church of England Deposit Fund 0.50 - 0.50 Qtr
Smith & Williamson Fd Admin Ltd (1200)F (UK)
UK Corporate Bond £ 1578.07 - -1.50 0.00
Platinum Global Dividend Fund - A (Est) $ 57.25 - - - UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.69 - -0.07 2.55 Investments Inc Inc Ret 102.60 - -0.10 - 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 0141 222 1150
Pictet-Em Lcl Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 154.16 - 1.02 0.00 UK Income B Inc X F 252.84 - -0.48 3.95
Authorised Inv Funds Gilt £ 1590.11 - -0.39 0.00 CCLA Fund Managers Ltd
Platinum Maverick Enhanced Fund Limited (Est) $ 96.39 - - 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.38 - -0.05 3.93 Equity Inc Inc Inst 244.20 - -1.10 -
Pictet-Emerging Markets-I USD F $ 455.30 - -0.91 0.00 S&W Deucalion Fd (OEIC) 2085.00 - -41.00 0.27 Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Global Eq (Ex Japan) Index Fund ¥ 1.37 - -0.01 0.00
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.31 - -0.15 0.52 Equity Inc Inc Ret 209.40 - -0.90 - COIF Charities Deposit Fund 0.45 - 0.45 Qtr
Pictet-Emerging Markets Index-I USD F $ 206.49 - -0.04 0.00 S & W Magnum 372.60 393.80 -3.00 1.91 Value Partners Hong Kong Limited (IRL)
Global Eq (ex Japan) Class HJ4 ¥ 1.42 - -0.01 0.00
Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.66 - 0.03 3.08 Equity Inc Acc Inst 147.50 - -0.60 -,
Pictet-Emerging Corporate Bonds I USD $ 105.79 - -0.15 0.00 S & W Marathon Trust 183.60 194.20 -0.90 1.73 Global Eq (ex Japan) Class JP5 ¥ 1.55 - -0.02 0.00 Regulated
Series 6 (Investment Management Customers Only) N&P UK Gwth Inc Ret 165.00 - -0.80 -
Pictet-Emerging Markets High Dividend I USD $ 90.01 - -0.09 0.00 Charity Value and Income Fund Acc 138.30 139.30 -0.70 4.52 Value Partners Asia ex-Japan Equity Fund $ 8.61 - -0.05 -
United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 14.94 - -0.02 3.33 Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Inst 88.36 - -0.60 -
Global Eq Ex Japan Index Fund (Hedge) ¥ 1.42 - -0.02 0.00
Data Provided by
Pictet-Emerging Markets Sust Eq I USD $ 80.90 - -0.21 0.00 Charity Value and Income Fund Inc 93.16 93.78 -0.42 4.64 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund USD Z Unhedged $ 11.14 - -0.06 0.00
UK Specialist Equity £ 19.15 - -0.07 1.75 Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index ¥ 1.35 - 0.00 0.00
Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Ret 164.10 - -1.10 -
Pictet-Environmental Megatrend Sel I EUR € 160.20 - -2.34 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund CHF HedgedSFr 11.68 - -0.06 0.00
Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 24.12 - -0.24 0.62 Gbl Govt Bond (ex Japan) Class JP4 ¥ 1.32 - 0.00 0.00
UK Growth Acc Inst 288.70 - -1.60 -
Pictet-EUR Bonds-I F € 556.51 - -0.81 0.00
Polar Capital Funds Plc (IRL)
Japan Specialist Fund X £ 15.64 - -0.13 0.51 Standard Life Wealth (JER) Japan Equity Index Fund ¥ 1.06 - -0.01 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund EUR Hedged € 11.80 - -0.06 0.00
Regulated UK Growth Acc Ret 334.50 - -1.80 -
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds Ex Fin i EUR € 142.85 - -0.18 0.00 PO Box 189, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9RU 01534 709130
Japan Equity Class JP3 ¥ 1.29 - -0.01 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Hedged £ 12.07 - -0.06 0.00
Asian Financials I USD $ 273.31 273.31 -0.03 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 19.59 - -0.29 0.15 UK Growth Inc Ret 220.40 - -1.20 - FCA Recognised
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-I F € 199.37 - -0.22 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Unhedged £ 12.60 - -0.06 0.00
Standard Life Offshore Strategy Fund Limited
Biotechnology I USD $ 17.69 17.69 -0.31 0.00 Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 36.80 - -0.39 1.37 Managed OEIC
Pictet-EUR Government Bonds I EUR € 158.38 - -0.28 0.00 Bridge Fund £ 1.6130 - -0.0155 1.99 Value Partners Classic Equity USD Hedged $ 13.71 - -0.07 0.00
Pictet-EUR High Yield-I F € 242.33 - -0.47 0.00
European Income Acc EUR € 11.49 11.49 -0.09 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.82 - -0.06 2.55 Glob Em Shs Port Acc Ret 149.40 - -1.00 -
Diversified Assets Fund £ 1.1771 - -0.0040 2.85
The National Investor (TNI)
Max 70% Shs Port Acc Ret 254.60 - -1.40 - Value Partners Greater China Equity Fund $ 8.52 - -0.05 -
European Ex UK Inc EUR Acc € 9.81 9.81 -0.10 - UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.19 - -0.04 3.85 Data as shown is for information purposes only. No
Other International Funds
Pictet-EUR Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F € 136.86 - -0.01 0.00 Global Equity Fund £ 1.8855 - -0.0259 1.04 Value Partners Health Care Fund RMB Class Z UnhedgedCNH 9.92 - -0.03 -
Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.95 - 0.02 3.08 Max 70% Shs Port Acc X 182.90 - -0.90 -
TNI Blue Chip UAE Fund * AED 9.28 - -0.06 0.00
offer is made by Morningstar or this publication.
Financial Opps I USD $ 12.29 - 0.01 2.13
Pictet-EUR Short Term HY I EUR € 119.64 - -0.09 0.00 Global Balanced Fund - Income Units £ 1.3390 - -0.0127 1.88 Value Partners Health Care Fund HKD Class A UnhedgedHK$ 9.35 - -0.06 -
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.40 - -0.09 0.75 Max 70% Shs Port Acc S 147.90 - -0.80 - TNI Funds Ltd (BMU)
GEM Growth I USD $ 8.22 - -0.04 0.00
Pictet-EUR Sov.Sht.Mon.Mkt EUR I € 102.97 - 0.00 0.00 Global Balanced Fund - Accumulations Units £ 1.5542 - -0.0146 1.85 Value Partners Health Care Fund USD Class A Unhedged $ 9.38 - -0.07 -
Address and telephone number for Series 5 only Investment Port Acc Ret 232.40 - -0.20 - MENA Hedge Fund $ 905.00 - -40.66 0.00
GEM Income I USD $ 9.15 - -0.01 0.00
Pictet-Euroland Index IS EUR € 131.59 - -1.09 0.00 Global Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.9875 - -0.0004 5.09 TNI Funds Plc (Ireland)
Investment Port Acc X 164.70 - -0.10 -
Global Alpha I USD $ 12.73 12.73 -0.02 0.00 MENA UCITS Fund * $ 1064.84 - -23.83 0.00
Pictet-Europe Index-I EUR F € 169.10 - -0.72 0.00 Sterling Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.8470 - -0.0011 4.18
Royal London Unit Managers Ltd. (1200) F (UK) Max 50% Shs Port Acc Ret 243.90 - -0.90 - Veritas Asset Management LLP (IRL)
Pictet-European Equity Selection-I EUR F € 625.44 - -1.87 0.00
Global Convertible I USD

Global Insurance I GBP

$ 11.37 11.37 -0.01 0.00

£ 4.10 - -0.09 0.00

5th Floor, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 03456 057777
Authorised Inv Funds
Max 50% Shs Port Inc Ret 217.20 - -0.80 -
UK Equity Fund £ 1.9051 - -0.0125 2.72 HSSI Ltd, 1 Grand Canal Sq, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland
Veritas Funds Plc
Guide to Data
Pictet-European Sust Eq-I EUR F € 243.57 - -1.55 0.00
Max 50% Shs Port Acc X 176.50 - -0.70 -
Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited (UK)
Royal London Sustainable Diversified A Inc £ 1.55 - -0.01 2.01
Global Technology I USD $ 23.73 - -0.35 0.00 Exchange Building, St Johns Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UP
Pictet-Global Bds Fundamental I USD $ 116.63 - 0.50 0.00 +353 1 635 6799 The fund prices quoted on these pages are supplied by
Royal London Sustainable World A Inc 170.70 - -2.40 0.81 Max 50% Shs Port Acc S 147.80 - -0.60 - Authorised Funds
Healthcare Blue Chip Fund I USD Acc $ 10.50 10.50 -0.09 0.00 FCA Recognised the operator of the relevant fund. Details of funds
Pictet-Global Bonds-I EUR € 164.10 - -0.47 0.00 TM New Court Fund A 2011 Inc £ 12.80 - -0.06 0.00 Institutional published on these pages, including prices, are for the
Royal London Corporate Bond Mth Income 88.87 93.54 -0.11 4.16 Max 100% Shs Port Acc Ret 279.30 - -2.50 -
Healthcare Opps I USD $ 38.16 - -0.29 0.00 purpose of information only and should only be used
Pictet-Global Emerging Currencies-I USD F $ 96.00 - 0.26 0.00 TM New Court Fund - A 2014 Acc £ 12.83 - -0.06 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund A USD H $ 309.24 - -0.04 0.43
Royal London European Growth Trust 109.00 114.70 -1.30 0.41 Max 100% Shs Port Acc X 200.50 - -1.80 - as a guide. The Financial Times Limited makes no
Income Opportunities B2 I GBP Acc £ 1.71 1.71 -0.01 0.00 representation as to their accuracy or completeness
Pictet-Global Emerging Debt-I USD F $ 355.33 - 0.56 0.00 TM New Court Equity Growth Fund - Inc £ 12.87 - -0.06 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund A GBP H £ 376.63 - -3.03 0.24
Royal London Sustainable Leaders A Inc 456.40 - -6.00 0.80 Max 100% Shs Port Acc S 146.20 - -1.30 - and they should not be relied upon when making an
Japan Alpha I JPY ¥ 213.63 213.63 -2.20 0.00 investment decision.
Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection-I USD F $ 221.43 - -1.42 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund A EUR H € 319.79 - -1.34 0.21
Royal London UK Growth Trust 472.80 497.70 -5.00 1.44 Enhanced Inc Inc Ins 208.50 - -0.90 - Stenham Asset Management Inc
Japan I JPY ¥ 2123.02 - -29.16 0.00
Pictet-Greater China-I USD F $ 442.87 - -2.08 0.00 Veritas China Fund A USD $ 142.25 - -0.52 0.36 The sale of interests in the funds listed on these pages
Royal London UK Income With Growth Trust 220.80 232.50 -1.60 4.40 Enhanced Inc Inc Ret 196.70 - -0.90 - may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law and
North American I USD $ 17.80 17.80 -0.12 0.00 Other International Funds
Pictet-Health-I USD $ 266.34 - -2.70 0.00 Veritas China Fund A GBP £ 147.32 - -0.54 0.37 the funds will not necessarily be available to persons
Royal London US Growth Trust 151.80 159.70 -2.90 0.00 Enhanced Inc Inc X 167.30 - -0.80 -
UK Absolute Equity I GBP £ 12.86 12.86 -0.22 0.00 Stenham Asia USD $ 130.04 - 6.40 - in all jurisdictions in which the publication circulates.
Pictet-High Dividend Sel I EUR F € 153.27 - -1.12 0.00 Additional Funds Available Veritas China Fund A EUR € 140.84 - -0.50 0.37 Persons in any doubt should take appropriate
Enhanced Inc Acc Inst 156.20 - -0.70 -
Stenham Credit Opportunities A Class USD $ 102.06 - -0.68 0.00 professional advice. Data collated by Morningstar. For
Pictet-India Index I USD $ 90.39 - -1.44 0.00 Please see for details Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D USD $ 113.26 - -0.48 4.11
Managed Investments OEIC other queries contact +44
Stenham Equity UCITS USD $ 139.94 - -2.96 0.00
Pictet-Indian Equities-I USD F $ 426.23 - 1.74 0.00 Polar Capital LLP (CYM) Max 30% Shs Port Acc Ret 154.80 - -0.40 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D EUR € 200.39 - -1.34 3.91 (0)207 873 4211.
Ruffer LLP (1000)F (UK) Stenham Growth USD $ 214.90 - 3.75 - Toscafund Asset Management LLP (UK)
Pictet-Japan Index-I JPY F ¥ 16265.89 - -155.16 0.00 Max 30% Shs Port Acc X 154.50 - -0.40 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D GBP £ 144.91 - -1.66 4.08 The fund prices published in this edition along with
ALVA Convertible A USD $ 128.85 - 0.86 0.00 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH additional information are also available on the
Stenham Healthcare USD $ 180.64 - 0.66 0.00 Authorised Funds
Pictet-Japanese Equities Opp-I JPY F ¥ 9846.84 - -105.76 0.00 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 601 9610 Max 30% Shs Port Acc S 148.40 - -0.40 - Veritas Global Focus Fund D USD $ 25.67 - -0.15 0.64 Financial Times website, The
European Conviction A EUR € 140.86 - 1.11 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Stenham Managed Fund USD $ 113.66 - 1.13 - Aptus Global Financials B Acc £ 3.10 - -0.03 4.53 funds published on these pages are grouped together
Pictet-Japanese Equity Selection-I JPY F ¥ 14619.60 - -177.80 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc Ret 153.10 - -0.30 - Veritas Global Focus Fund D EUR € 23.60 - -0.20 0.61 by fund management company.
European Forager A EUR € 174.98 - 0.29 0.00 Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Stenham Macro UCITS USD $ 102.74 - -0.10 - Aptus Global Financials B Inc £ 2.75 - -0.02 4.53
Pictet-LATAM Index I USD $ 49.72 - 1.31 0.00 CF Ruffer Investment Funds Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc X 153.20 - -0.20 - Veritas Global Focus Fund D GBP £ 28.69 - -0.38 0.63 Prices are in pence unless otherwise indicated. The
Stenham Multi Strategy USD $ 116.22 - -0.84 - change, if shown, is the change on the previously
Pictet-LATAM Lc Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 108.10 - 0.77 0.00 CF Ruffer Gold Fund C Acc 80.13 - 0.46 0.00 Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc S 147.10 - -0.30 - Veritas Global Focus Fund A GBP £ 27.71 - -0.36 0.36
Polunin Capital Partners Ltd quoted figure (not all funds update prices daily). Those
Stenham Quadrant USD A $ 394.26 - -1.46 - Toscafund Asset Management LLP (CYM)
Pictet-Pacific Ex Japan Index-I USD F $ 319.81 - -1.38 0.00 Other International Funds CF Ruffer Gold Fund O Acc 79.31 - 0.45 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Acc Ret 267.20 - -0.90 - Veritas Global Focus Fund A EUR € 13.76 - -0.11 0.35 designated $ with no prefix refer to US dollars. Yield percentage figures (in Tuesday to Saturday papers)
Stenham Trading Inc USD $ 114.29 - -0.38 -
Pictet-Premium Brands-I EUR F € 153.48 - -2.15 0.00 Emerging Markets Active $ 40.93 - -0.92 - Equity & General C Acc 375.32 - -7.05 0.06 Max 60% Shs Port Inc Ret 211.40 - -0.80 - Regulated Veritas Global Focus Fund A USD $ 24.78 - -0.14 0.37 allow for buying expenses. Prices of certain older
Stenham Universal USD $ 431.83 - -0.28 - insurance linked plans might be subject to capital
Pictet-Quality Global Equities I USD $ 133.13 - -0.32 0.00 Luxcellence Em Mkts Tech $ 942.92 - 18.53 0.00 Equity & General C Inc 346.16 - -6.51 0.06 Max 60% Shs Port Inc X 163.70 - -0.60 - Tosca A USD (Est) $ 302.50 - 5.17 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund C GBP £ 30.08 - -0.40 0.00 gains tax on sales.
Stenham Universal II USD $ 160.04 - -0.18 0.00 Tosca Mid Cap GBP £ 259.26 - 0.54 0.00
Pictet-Russia Index I USD $ 46.94 - 0.60 0.00 Polunin Developing Countries $ 703.33 709.31 -3.22 0.00 Equity & General O Inc 344.76 - -6.50 0.00 Max 60% Shs Port Inc S 145.00 - -0.50 - Veritas Global Focus Fund C EUR € 24.86 - -0.20 0.00 Guide to pricing of Authorised Investment Funds:
Polunin Discovery - Frontier Markets $ 1351.61 - -7.40 0.00 Equity & General O Acc 371.57 - -7.01 0.00 Managed Investments OEIC 2 Tosca Opportunity B USD $ 357.47 - 5.56 0.00 (compiled with the assistance of the IMA. The
Pictet-Russian Equities-I USD F $ 41.41 - 0.41 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund C USD $ 26.97 - -0.15 0.00
Investment Management Association, 65 Kingsway,
Investments Inc Port Inc Ret 163.70 - -0.10 - Stratton Street Capital (CI) Limited (GSY) London WC2B 6TD.
Pictet-Security-I USD F $ 201.50 - -1.76 0.00 Polunin Small Cap $ 1376.37 1393.57 12.39 0.00 European C Acc 504.48 - -0.30 0.26 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A GBP £ 138.88 - -1.59 4.09
Regulated Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 0898.)
Investments Inc Port Inc X 148.30 - -0.10 -
Pictet-Select-Callisto I EUR € 106.43 - -0.21 0.00 European O Acc 499.48 - -0.34 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A EUR € 194.68 - -1.30 3.91
Japan Synthetic Warrant Yen Class ¥ 1772.84 - -37.12 0.00
£ Gov Bond Inc Inst (gross) 178.20 - -0.10 - OEIC: Open-Ended Investment Company. Similar to a
Pictet-Small Cap Europe-I EUR F € 1139.04 - -3.69 0.00 Private Fund Mgrs (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Japanese Fund C Acc 186.30 - -4.36 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A USD $ 109.00 - -0.45 4.11 unit trust but using a company rather than a trust
Japan Synthetic Warrant GBP Hedged Class £ 198.78 - 36.88 0.00
Regulated £ Gov Bond Inc Inst 146.30 - -0.10 - structure.
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-I € 140.47 - 0.00 0.00 Japanese Fund O Acc X 184.20 - -4.32 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C GBP £ 166.90 - -1.92 -
Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Class $ 18.75 - -0.43 0.00
Monument Growth 08/12/2015 £ 494.04 499.59 -1.81 1.01 £ Gov Bond Acc Inst 147.80 - 0.00 - Different share classes are issued to reflect a different
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt JPY I USD ¥ 101525.05 - 0.96 0.00 Pacific C Acc 301.04 - -5.77 0.55 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C EUR € 233.86 - -1.56 -
Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Hedged Class $ 197.94 - 36.59 0.00 currency, charging structure or type of holder.
Strat Bond Inc Inst (gross) 181.90 - -0.20 -
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-ICHF SFr 124.26 - -0.03 0.00 Pacific O Acc 297.74 - -5.74 0.25 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C USD $ 130.16 - -0.54 -
Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls A A$ 120.72 - -0.60 3.82 TreeTop Asset Management S.A. (LUX) Selling price: Also called bid price. The price at which
Prusik Investment Management LLP (IRL) Strat Bond Inc Inst 150.10 - -0.20 - Regulated units in a unit trust are sold by investors.
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-IUSD $ 135.22 - 0.00 0.00 Total Return C Acc 391.05 - -6.12 1.37 Veritas Global Real Return Fund A USD $ 20.14 - -0.22 0.30
Enquiries - 0207 493 1331 Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls B A$ 122.48 - -0.60 3.57
Strat Bond Acc Inst 151.30 - -0.10 - TreeTop Convertible Sicav
Pictet-Timber-I USD F $ 148.04 - -1.48 0.00 Regulated Total Return C Inc 270.95 - -4.24 1.38 Veritas Global Real Return Fund A GBP £ 11.29 - -0.12 0.32 Buying price: Also called offer price. The price at
Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls A SFr 117.48 - -0.58 3.88 International A € 301.32 - -3.61 0.00
Prusik Asian Equity Income B Dist $ 156.45 - -0.05 3.83 Managed Investments OEIC 3 which units in a unit trust are bought by investors.
Pictet Total Ret-Agora I EUR € 115.70 - 0.04 0.00 Total Return O Inc 268.11 - -4.21 1.38 Veritas Global Real Return Fund A EUR € 11.89 - -0.13 0.12 Includes manager’s initial charge.
Div Inc Port Inc Ret 172.40 - -0.70 - Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls B SFr 117.20 - -0.58 3.64 International B $ 386.05 - -4.71 0.00
Prusik Asia A $ 192.32 - -1.38 0.00 Retail
Pictet Total Ret-Corto Europe I EUR € 136.89 - -0.43 0.00 Total Return O Acc 387.12 - -6.09 1.36 Single price: Based on a mid-market valuation of the
Corp Bond Acc Inst (gross) 213.70 - -0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls A CNH 127.43 - -0.16 3.33 International C £ 130.15 - -1.59 0.00
Prusik Asian Smaller Cos A $ 136.45 - -0.95 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund B USD $ 215.99 - -0.03 0.00 underlying investments. The buying and selling price
Pictet Total Ret-Divers Alpha I EUR € 105.05 - -0.08 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls B CNH 127.09 - -0.16 3.10 for shares of an OEIC and units of a single priced unit
Corp Bond Inc Inst 142.50 - -0.10 - International D € 279.68 - -3.33 2.94
Veritas Asian Fund B GBP £ 277.70 - -2.25 0.00 trust are the same.
Pictet Total Ret-Kosmos I EUR € 109.21 - 0.01 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund Euro Cls B € 118.96 - -0.58 3.64 TreeTop Global Sicav
Corp Bond Acc Inst 145.10 - -0.10 -
Purisima Investment Fds (UK) (1200)F (UK) Veritas Asian Fund B EUR € 235.77 - -0.97 0.00 Treatment of manager’s periodic capital charge:
Pictet Total Ret-Mandarin I USD $ 114.74 - -0.02 0.00 Multi-Manager OEIC Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls B £ 121.04 - -0.60 3.42 Global Opp.A € 140.53 - -0.94 0.00
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH The letter C denotes that the trust deducts all or part
Veritas China Fund B GBP £ 142.80 - -0.52 0.00
Pictet-US Equity Selection-I USD $ 189.67 - -2.01 0.00 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 922 0044 Bal Intl Track Acc Ret 261.10 - -1.70 - Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls B S$ 120.25 - -0.59 3.38 Global Opp.B $ 138.48 - -0.47 0.00 of the manager’s/operator’s periodic charge from
Authorised Inv Funds Veritas China Fund B EUR € 163.91 - 1.09 0.00 capital, contact the manager/operator for full details
Pictet-US High Yield-I USD F $ 144.08 - -0.04 0.00 Bond Mthly Inc Acc Ret 143.50 - -0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls B $ 120.38 - -0.59 3.19 Global Opp.C £ 174.88 - -2.70 0.00 of the effect of this course of action.
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Veritas Global Focus Fund B USD $ 17.90 - -0.10 0.00
Pictet-USA Index-I USD F $ 180.87 - -1.41 0.00 Bond Mthly Inc Inc Ret 91.88 - -0.05 - Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls B ¥ 13253.84 - -64.92 0.00 Sequoia Equity A € 143.64 - -1.07 0.00 Exit Charges: The letter E denotes that an exit charge
Global Total Fd PCG A 165.87 - -2.37 0.35 S W Mitchell Capital LLP (CYM)
Veritas Global Focus Fund B GBP £ 21.18 - -0.28 0.00 may be made when you sell units, contact the
Pictet-USD Government Bonds-I F $ 635.22 - 1.13 0.00 Regulated Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls A $ 166.06 - -0.82 3.43 Sequoia Equity B $ 146.92 - -0.77 0.00
Global Total Fd PCG B 164.37 - -2.35 0.13 manager/operator for full details.
S W Mitchell European Fund Class A EUR € 334.37 - 23.63 - Veritas Global Focus Fund B EUR € 16.39 - -0.14 0.00
Pictet-USD Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F $ 129.65 - 0.13 0.00 Global Total Fd PCG INT 162.21 - -2.32 0.00 Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls A £ 161.42 - -0.80 3.66 Sequoia Equity C £ 165.96 - -3.00 0.00
Time: Some funds give information about the timing of
S W Mitchell Small Cap European Fund Class A EUR € 233.97 - 4.05 - 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB 0845 605 4400 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B GBP £ 127.74 - -1.47 4.11
Pictet-USD Sov.ST.Mon.Mkt-I $ 102.62 - 0.00 0.00 price quotes. The time shown alongside the fund
Authorised Inv Funds Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls A S$ 159.37 - -0.78 3.62
Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B EUR € 178.63 - -1.20 3.93 manager’s/operator’s name is the valuation point for
The Charlemagne Fund EUR € 323.41 - -9.82 - Santander Premium Fund (OEIC)
Pictet-Water-I EUR F € 280.47 - -2.91 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls A ¥ 19625.69 - -96.44 0.00 their unit trusts/OEICs, unless another time is
Purisima Investment Fds (CI) Ltd (JER)
indicated by the symbol alongside the individual unit
A Shares Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B USD $ 108.04 - -0.46 4.13
Regulated trust/OEIC name.
Renminbi Bond Fund EUR Cls A € 109.46 - -0.54 3.88
PCG B X 169.38 - -1.01 0.00 Europe (ex-UK) 273.50 - -2.50 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B USD $ 19.54 - -0.22 0.00
Pimco Fds: Global Investors Series Plc (IRL)
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (IRL)
The symbols are as follows: ✠ 0001 to 1100 hours; ♦
Regulated Japan Equities 155.20 - -0.60 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B GBP £ 11.08 - -0.12 0.00
PIMCO Europe Ltd,11 Baker Street,London W1U 3AH PCG C X 167.02 - -1.01 0.00 1101 to 1400 hours; ▲1401 to 1700 hours; # 1701 to SWMC European Fund B EUR € 15326.27 - -59.32 0.00 midnight. Daily dealing prices are set on the basis of
Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 490.10 - -2.80 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B EUR € 12.71 - -0.14 0.00
Dealing: +44 20 3640 1000 the valuation point, a short period of time may elapse
SWMC UK Fund B £ 11832.36 - -117.26 0.00
Sterling Bonds 264.90 - -0.10 - Troy Asset Mgt Ltd (UK) before prices become available. Historic pricing: The
PIMCO Funds: +44 (0)20 3640 1407
Putnam Investments (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH letter H denotes that the managers/operators will
FCA Recognised Regulated SWMC Small Cap European Fund B EUR € 13471.51 - -39.89 0.00 normally deal on the price set at the most recent
UK Equities 265.30 - -1.80 - Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 608 0950 Veritas Asset Management LLP valuation. The prices shown are the latest available
Capital Securities Inst Acc $ 15.05 - -0.02 0.00 Putnam New Flag Euro High Yield Plc - E € 1018.07 - -1.59 4.27 SWMC Emerging European Fund B EUR € 9097.23 - -21.46 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
US Equities 264.60 - -4.10 - before publication and may not be the current dealing
ACD Capita Financial Mgrs Other International Funds
Commodity Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 5.77 - 0.00 0.00 levels because of an intervening portfolio revaluation
B Shares E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited (GSY) Trojan Investment Funds
Real Return Asian Fund USD € 282.95 - -0.90 0.00 or a switch to a forward pricing basis. The
Credit Absolute Return Fund Inst Acc $ 11.01 - 0.01 0.00 Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 489.40 - -2.80 - Regulated managers/operators must deal at a forward price on
Rathbone Unit Trust Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Spectrum Fund 'O' Acc ♦ 161.74 - -1.27 0.27
Nippon Growth Fund Limited ¥ 106153.00 - 29.00 0.00 Real Return Asian Fund GBP £ 302.30 - -0.89 0.00 request, and may move to forward pricing at any time.
Diversified Income - Inst Acc $ 19.22 - 0.05 0.00 PO Box 9948, Chelmsford, CM99 2AG
Spectrum Fund 'O' Inc ♦ 157.65 - -1.24 0.28 Forward pricing: The letter F denotes that that
Order Desk: 0845 300 2101, Enquiries: 0207 399 0399 Real Return Asian Fund EUR $ 298.49 - -0.89 0.00 managers/operators deal at the price to be set at the
Diversified Income Durat Hdg Fund Inst Acc $ 11.23 - 0.01 0.00 Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd JPY ¥ 93700.00 - -1641.00 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Saracen Fund Managers Ltd (1000)F (UK) Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Acc 96.93 - -0.41 - next valuation.
Emerging Asia Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 9.58 - 0.02 0.00 Blue Chip Income Inc 150.22 155.15 -1.36 4.19 19 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd USD $ 927.88 - -15.71 0.00
Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Inc 96.49 - -0.41 - Investors can be given no definite price in advance of
Dealing: 00 353 1 603 9921
Emerging Local Bond - Inst Acc $ 10.73 - 0.03 0.00 Blue Chip Income Acc 223.95 231.06 -2.03 4.06 Waverton Investment Funds Plc (1600)F (IRL) the purchase or sale being carried out. The prices
Saracen Investment Funds ICVC (OEIC) Enq. 0131 202 9100 Trojan Fund O Acc ♦ 257.81 - -1.99 0.44
RobecoSAM (LUX) appearing in the newspaper are the most recent
Emerging Markets Bond - Inst Acc $ 37.85 - 0.10 0.00 Ethical Bond Inc 90.42 92.38 -0.07 4.69 Authorised Inv Funds E.I. Sturdza Funds PLC (IRL) provided by the managers/operators. Scheme
Tel. +41 44 653 10 10 Trojan Fund O Inc ♦ 213.88 - -1.65 0.44 FCA Recognised
Saracen Growth Fd Alpha Acc £ 3.65 - -0.01 0.98 Regulated particulars, prospectus, key features and reports: The
Emerging Markets Corp.Bd Fund Inst Acc F $ 12.61 - 0.00 0.00 Ethical Bond Acc 172.95 176.32 -0.13 5.16 Regulated Waverton Asia Pacific A USD $ 17.28 - -0.08 5.27
Trojan Global Equity O Acc 218.57 - -3.06 0.89 most recent particulars and documents may be
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Class EUR) € 1111.22 - -5.56 0.00
RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/A £ 11.09 - -0.14 1.69 Saracen Growth Fd Beta Acc £ 5.84 - -0.01 1.46 obtained free of charge from fund
Emerging Markets Short-Term Local Currency Fund $ 11.69 - 0.02 0.00 Global Opportunities Acc 139.90 144.40 -2.59 0.11 Waverton Global Bond Fund Cls A $ 8.76 - -0.02 5.41
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Institutional Class EUR) € 1308.80 - -6.53 0.00 Trojan Global Equity O Inc 186.18 - -2.61 0.89 managers/operators. * Indicates funds which do not
RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/N € 11.62 - -0.10 0.00 Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Acc £ 1.12 - 0.00 3.03 price on Fridays.
Euro Bond - Inst Acc € 22.76 - -0.05 0.00 Income Inc 837.84 867.12 -7.32 4.09 Waverton Global Equity Fund A GBP £ 13.33 - -0.12 0.58
Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class A shares ¥ 102760.00 - -514.00 0.00 Trojan Income O Acc ♦ 272.36 - -2.45 3.70
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/A £ 119.34 - -1.41 1.42 Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Dist £ 1.04 - -0.01 2.76 Charges for this advertising service are based on the
Euro Credit - Inst Acc € 14.75 - -0.02 0.00 Income Acc 1303.74 1347.56 -11.38 3.97 Waverton UK Fund A GBP £ 13.07 - -0.08 1.83
Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class B Acc shares ¥ 86167.00 - -431.00 0.00 Trojan Income O Inc ♦ 172.52 - -1.56 3.82 number of lines published and the classification of the
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/N € 142.28 - -1.05 0.00 Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Acc # £ 1.39 - -0.01 3.39
Euro Income Bond - Inst Acc F € 12.97 - -0.02 0.00 Multi Asset Enhanced Growth Acc 121.14 - -0.89 0.00 Waverton Equity Fund A GBP £ 14.53 - -0.17 0.19 fund. Please contact or
Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class C Dis shares ¥ 82212.00 - 968.00 0.00 call +44 (0)20 7873 3132 for further information.
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/Na € 98.18 - -0.73 - Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Dist # £ 1.23 - 0.00 2.79
Asset Management
Euro Long Average Duration - Inst Acc € 21.57 - -0.13 0.00 Multi Asset Strategic Growth inc 147.79 - -0.77 1.13 Waverton Sterling Bond Fund A GBP £ 9.48 - 0.00 5.31
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Class D Institutional JPY) ¥ 55785.00 - -279.00 0.00 UBS Asset Management (UK)
Euro Low Duration Fund Inst Acc € 11.28 - -0.01 0.00 Multi Asset Strategic Growth acc 156.40 - -0.82 1.12
RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/A

RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/N

£ 76.16

€ 157.26

-1.30 1.30

-2.00 0.00
Saracen UK Income Fund - Acc

Saracen UK Income Fund - Dist






Strategic China Panda Fund USD $ 2248.03 - -3.23 0.00 Asset Management
21 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AH
Client Services 0800 587 2113, Client Dealing 0800 587 2112
Asset Management
Euro Real Return - Inst Acc € 13.52 - -0.01 0.00 Multi Asset Total Return inc 125.61 - -0.36 1.83 WA Fixed Income Fund Plc (IRL)
. Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged EURO € 2194.73 - -2.44 0.00
RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/B € 180.16 - -2.31 0.00 Regulated
Euro Short-Term Inst Acc € 12.27 - 0.00 0.00 Multi Asset Total Return acc 138.47 - -0.40 1.79 For Save & Prosper please see Countrywide Assured Authorised Inv Funds
Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged Sterling £ 2223.37 - -2.55 0.00 OEIC European Multi-Sector € 116.71 - -0.44 0.00
RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/N € 155.46 - -2.00 0.00
Euro Ultra Long Duration - Inst Acc € 28.28 - -0.27 0.00 Recovery Inc 421.42 437.42 -2.42 2.62
Strategic Euro Bond Accumulating Class CHFSFr 984.50 - 0.49 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Eqty B Acc £ 1.25 - -0.01 1.73
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/B € 176.47 - -2.39 0.00
Global Advantage - Inst Acc $ 12.04 - 0.04 0.00 Recovery Acc 509.23 528.02 -2.93 2.57 Schroder Property Managers (Jersey) Ltd
Strategic Euro Bond Institutional Class EUR € 1011.06 - 0.73 0.00 Global Optimal B Acc £ 0.97 - -0.01 0.64
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/N € 164.42 - -2.23 0.00 Other International Funds
Global Advantage Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 8.50 - 0.04 0.00 Strategic Bond I-Class Acc 124.66 125.36 -0.23 3.93
Indirect Real Estate SIRE £ 133.22 139.31 0.83 2.34 Strategic Euro Bond Fund Accumulating Class Shares € 1133.64 - 0.81 0.00 UBS UK Opportunities Fund B Acc £ 0.83 - 0.00 3.09
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/Na £ 103.61 - -1.86 -
Global Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.88 - -0.01 0.00 Strategic Bond I-Class Inc 109.34 110.03 -0.21 3.88
Strategic Euro Bond Fund Distributing Class Shares € 1023.08 - 0.74 1.33 US Equity B Acc £ 1.47 - -0.02 0.28
RobecoSAM S.Water/A £ 165.18 - -1.82 1.21
Global Bond Ex-US - Inst Acc $ 19.53 - -0.04 0.00
Strategic European Smaller Companies Fund EUR Class € 992.20 - -5.77 - UBS S&P 500 Index C Acc £ 0.53 - -0.01 1.08
RobecoSAM S.Water/N € 164.56 - -1.09 0.00 Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Ltd (UK)
Global High Yield Bond - Inst Acc $ 19.73 - -0.02 0.00
Scottish Friendly Hse, 16 Blythswood Sq, Glasgow G2 4HJ 0141 275 5000 Strategic Global Bond RMB Acc $ 1053.27 - -3.48 0.00 UBS Targeted Return B Acc £ 1.25 - 0.00 0.81
Global Investment Grade Credit - Inst Income $ 12.13 - 0.01 3.65 Authorised Inv Funds Yuki International Limited (IRL)
Strategic Global Bond USD Acc $ 1043.02 - -0.21 0.00 UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund 51.35 - -0.04 3.26 Tel +44-20-7269-0207
Managed Growth ♦ 238.80 - -1.30 0.00
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc € € 11.70 - -0.05 0.00 Regulated
Strategic US Momentum and Value Fund $ 773.36 - -6.56 0.00 UBS Multi Asset Income B Inc (net) £ 0.49 - 0.01 3.61
UK Growth ♦ 261.40 - -1.80 0.00 Yuki Mizuho Umbrella Fund
Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc $ $ 16.59 - 0.01 0.00
Strategic US Momentum & Value Fund USD I Class $ 513.54 - -4.35 0.00 UBS UK Equity Income B Inc Net £ 0.36 - 0.00 4.85 Yuki Mizuho Japan Dynamic Growth ¥ 6892.00 - -112.00 0.00
Global Multi-Asset - Inst Acc $ 14.39 - -0.06 0.00
Robeco Asset Management (LUX) Strategic US Momentum and Value EUR Hedged Class EUR € 539.82 - -4.59 0.00 Corporate Bond UK Plus B Inc Net £ 0.52 - 0.00 4.00 Yuki Mizuho Japan Large Cap ¥ 777.62 - -0.38 0.00
Global Real Return - Inst Acc $ 17.94 - -0.05 0.00 Coolsingel 120, 3011 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands. SIA (SIA Funds AG) (LUX)
Regulated Strategic US Momentum and Value CHF Hedged Class CHFSFr 536.98 - -4.64 0.00 UBS Global Allocation (UK) B Acc £ 1.06 - 0.00 1.42 Yuki Japan Low Price ¥ 26771.00 - -340.00 0.00
Income Fund Inst Acc $ 12.36 - 0.00 0.00
FCA Recognised LTIF Classic € 329.62 - -3.12 0.00 UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income C Inc £ 0.45 - 0.00 10.94 Yuki Japan Value Select ¥ 12511.00 - -173.00 0.00
Inflation Strategy Fund Inst Acc $ 8.71 - -0.02 0.00 Asia-Pacific Equities (EUR) € 130.12 - -0.82 0.00 LTIF Natural Resources € 69.08 - 0.37 0.00 UBS US Growth Fund B Acc £ 1.53 - -0.04 0.00 YMR Umbrella Fund
Taube Hodson Stonex Ptnrs UT (1200)F (UK)
Low Average Duration - Inst Acc $ 14.79 - 0.00 0.00 Chinese Equities (EUR) € 74.12 - -1.12 0.00 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT
Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) LTIF Stability A ACCU € 162.05 - -0.46 0.00 UBS Emerging Markets Equity Income B Inc £ 0.33 - -0.01 6.60 YMR N Growth ¥ 17157.00 - -194.00 0.00
PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS Em.Mkts Inst Acc $ 8.09 - 0.05 0.00 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB, 0845 6000 181 Admin: 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT
Em Stars Equities (EUR) € 166.95 - -0.59 0.00 Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund
Authorised Funds Dealing & Enquiries: 0870 870 8433
PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS Gl.Dev.Inst Acc $ 10.74 - -0.02 0.00 Emerging Markets Equities (EUR) € 140.36 - -1.24 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund JPY Class ¥ 23450.00 - -371.00 0.00
Santander Atlas Range SIA (SIA Funds AG) (CH) THS Growth & Value Funds Unicapital Investments (LUX)
PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS US Inst Acc $ 12.11 - -0.09 0.00 Flex-o-Rente (EUR) € 109.47 - 0.01 0.00 Santander Atlas Inc Port Acc Inst 286.60 - -1.10 - Other International Fds Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund USD Hedged Class $ 931.72 - -15.14 -
Socially Resp.Emerg.Mkts Bd Fd Inst Acc F $ 12.53 - 0.00 0.00 Glob.Consumer Trends Equities (EUR) € 156.76 - -2.28 0.00 Santander Atlas Inc Port Inc Inst 220.40 - -0.80 - LTIF Stability Growth SFr 190.40 - -8.70 - Investments III € 5.03 - -22.38 -
IGV - Inc A 315.80 - -2.00 2.42
StocksPLUS{TM} - Inst Acc $ 23.03 - -0.18 0.00 High Yield Bonds (EUR) € 123.17 - -0.64 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Ret 147.90 - -0.50 - LTIF Stability Inc Plus SFr 163.50 - -13.40 5.80 Investments IV - European Private Eq. € 247.75 260.13 -44.58 - Zadig Gestion (Memnon Fund) (LUX)
IGV - Inc B 314.90 - -1.90 1.60
FCA Recognised
Total Return Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.16 - 0.02 0.00 Lux -O- Rente (EUR) € 140.58 - 0.04 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Inc Ret 102.00 - -0.30 - Investments IV - Global Private Eq. € 366.42 384.74 -49.81 -
IGV - Acc X 385.40 - -2.40 1.89 Memnon European Fund I GBP £ 112.46 - -0.85 0.00
UK Corporate Bond - Inst Acc £ 17.26 - -0.07 0.00 New World Financials (EUR) € 52.56 - -0.78 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Inst 162.60 - -0.50 - Smith & Williamson Investment Management (1200)F (UK) IGV - Acc Y 413.50 - -2.60 2.38
25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 020 7131 8100
UK Long Term Corp. Bnd Inst-Inst Acc £ 19.18 - -0.13 0.00 US Premium Equities (EUR) € 180.90 - -1.94 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Ret 179.80 - -0.80 - Unicorn Asset Management Ltd (UK) IGV - Acc Z 382.80 - -2.40 1.61
Authorised Inv Funds PO Box 10602, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9PD 0845 026 4287 Zebedee Capital Partners LLP (CYM)
UK Low Duration - Inst Acc £ 14.07 - -0.01 0.00 US Premium Equities (USD) $ 202.19 - -2.20 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Inc Ret 128.70 - -0.60 - European Authorised Inv Funds Regulated
UK Real Return - Inst Acc £ 22.74 - -0.23 0.00 European Equity Fund A Class 500.40 - -5.70 0.73
Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Inst 163.30 - -0.80 - EGV - Acc S 269.60 - -1.80 0.00 UK Growth A Inc 410.51 - -0.19 0.00 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A EURO Shares € 169.78 - -0.96 0.00
UK Sterling Long Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 21.71 - -0.23 0.00 Far Eastern Income and Growth Fund A Class 413.80 - -3.70 3.14
Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Ret 189.40 - -1.00 - Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class B USD Shares $ 197.30 - -1.19 0.00
32 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 11 December 2015


Capital markets
Trading Room

Why sparks are flying over

IEX’s exchange application
Securitisation of bad loans set to rise
The sparks have been but Citadel and Hudson Moody’s sees increase as through securitisation. There are large that it has rated three bank securitisa-
€211.3bn companies are less reliant on retail
flying since IEX applied River Trading were critical. volumes of NPLs across peripheral tion deals in Spain that have 20-30 per deposits to fund their loans.
to become a US equity The IEX order router EU banks deleverage and Europe: the Bank of Spain estimates cent exposure to re-performing loans. The estimated “Private equity groups come in differ-
value of
exchange in September, seems to generate the credit quality improves that there were €211.3bn of restruc- Legacy loans have been a major restructured loan ent guises — they’re looking for some
writes Larry Tabb. greatest amount of heat, tured loan portfolios in Spain at the end theme in UK securitisation markets. portfolios in Spain kind of real estate exposure and this
The Securities and mostly because the IEX of 2013. Last month buyout group Cerberus at the end of 2013 may come in different forms,” said
Exchange Commission has router — a separate, THOMAS HALE “Originators will likely securitise re- bought a £13bn mortgage portfolio from Annabel Schaafsma, a managing direc-
received more than 30 special-purpose broker — The securitisation of previously “bad” performing loans, for which borrowers the UK government that was formerly £13 bn
tor at Moody’s. “There is a potential for
comment letters on it, doesn’t go over the speed loans across Europe is set to rise next are now making payments following owned by troubled lender Northern securitisation to be an exit strategy, but
Value of the
including one by yours bump, giving brokers year as the continent’s banks continue delinquency,” Moody’s said. The rating Rock. There are market expectations mortgage portfolio there are other options open to them.”
truly. To put it into context, that use it a head start on to deleverage and credit quality agency added that these kind of deals that at least some of the purchased port- that Cerberus last There are still uncertainties over the
there was only one letter orders routed out of IEX. improves, according to Moody’s. could emerge in Spain and Italy, follow- folio of loans will eventually be sold into month bought from use of securitisation as a strategy for
submitted when BATS The speed bump Non-performing loans (NPLs), where ing its recent creation of four bad banks. securitisation markets. the UK government investors and banks holding large port-
Global Markets applied essentially forces brokers borrowers have stopped making pay- Securitisation is a process in which The potential role for new, non-bank folios of re-performing loans across
in 2008, and three for to use the IEX router once ments, have crippled European balance loans, ranging from mortgages to credit players to securitise is a ray of hope for Europe.
Direct Edge in 2009. they have committed to sheets since the financial crisis, with card debt, are packaged into a special Europe’s securitisation industry, which “In the UK, you have a very high
While many comment IEX; otherwise, their governments forming so-called bad vehicle and sold on to investors as bond- has been floundering since the financial degree of transparency around house
notes are complimentary, unfilled orders take an banks in Spain, Ireland and, most like products. crisis. Small lenders, such as Kensington price valuations,” said Peter Keller,
others have been anything extra 350 microseconds to recently, Italy, to tackle the problem. The securitisation of some re- mortgages, which is owned by Black- managing director in European struc-
but. Why the interest and be received and rerouted. Now that growing numbers of those performing loans has already taken stone, have been active in UK securitisa- tured credit at Citi. “I’m not sure to what
passion? I will summarise. Rival exchanges trapped loans are “re-performing”, they can fea- place in Europe, albeit not for recently tion markets to fund the mortgages they extent that will be possible in other EU
Brokers may not be in a low-revenue capture sibly be sold into capital markets traded portfolios of NPLs. Moody’s says originate — especially as many such jurisdictions,” he added.
particularly happy with battle for years should
IEX, given it is expensive. salivate at the new entrant
IEX charges nine mils both that can capture 18 mils
to take and to provide
liquidity, generating 18 mils
per trade. But the order
router puts other Capital markets. Mortgage-backed lending
(18 cents per 100 shares) exchanges on an uneven

Covered bonds march beyond Europe

per trade. Regulated footing because they are
exchanges charge a net required by regulation to
of one or two mils (under reroute orders to the
a maker-taker model in venue with the best price.
which the taker is charged If orders leaving IEX don’t
a maximum of 30 mils and go over the same speed
the maker typically is bump, it has an advantage
credited with 28 or 29 over other exchanges. Asset class with Prussian roots Top nations for covered
mils). That said, brokers Other exchanges have seems better able to expand its bond issuance
tend to be net takers, so delays but understanding 2015 year-to-date ($bn)
these latencies and access reach than the historic state was
times is critical for traders
in a fragmented market. European
The more consistent the
data feed, the easier it can Prussia, for all its military might,
Germany 35.4
determine its odds of scarcely expanded beyond continental
accessing a quote. If there Europe. The same has mostly held true
is a 350-microsecond gap for one of its enduring financial legacies. France 26.3
between the time a price is Covered bonds, developed in the 18th
posted and the trader can century by the kingdom’s financiers,
The Securities and see it, it is that much enjoy a venerable reputation for safety. Spain 22.2
Exchange Commission harder to understand the The bonds, an overwhelmingly Euro-
has received more than
30 letters concerning dynamics of trading pean phenomenon, are backed by mort- Sweden 21.1
IEX’s bid to become against that quote. gages, and provide investors with
a US equity exchange A few years ago Nasdaq recourse to both the assets and the issu-
tried to implement a ing bank. UK 16.9
the IEX pricing model five-millisecond pause for But there are signs this staid emblem
actually may not be so bad. its PSX exchange and was of Teutonic caution is set for a much
Many negative rebuffed by the SEC. more global future.
comments target IEX’s so- How the speed bump is Banks in South Korea and Singapore Non-European
called “speed bump” and deployed and to whom this year launched covered bonds for
how it interferes with SEC is the crux of most the first time. Markets are developing in Canada 30.6
rules surrounding “order commenters’ displeasure. Poland, Romania and Turkey, while
protection”. IEX employs a If the bump was evenly South Africa’s Reserve Bank recently
350-microsecond speed deployed, and all order discussed introducing the products over Australia 11.2
bump for all orders going flow, data and routers the next two to three years. Australia
in and out of its trading traversed it consistently, launched a covered bond structure sev- Singapore 0.999
platform. IEX says this it would greatly reduce the eral years ago, and Canada has a thriving
enables it to better price negative comments. market.
South Korea 0.995
hidden orders and The real reasons the IEX “The brand of covered bonds is going
dissuade very fast traders application has been given increasingly global,” says Joost Beau-
from taking advantage of so much focus are the mont, an analyst at ABN Amro. “There New Zealand 0.884
tiny delays, or latencies. substantive issues: the are more and more countries looking at
Eliminating a speed speed bump, router and this structure and there are good rea-
arbitrage should upset maybe the threat of sons for this.”
Source: Dealogic
fast traders but, given IEX upsetting exchanges’ data. The strongest case for the asset class is
operates under a more Given IEX’s pending rooted in much more recent financial
selective regulatory exchange application and history. During the financial and euro- The Battle of on customer deposits,” he said at a con- ported by the government agencies Fan- tors and other bond investors, should
licence, a full licence would the industry’s passions, zone crises, when many markets for Valmy in 1792 ference in November, adding that a nie Mae and Freddie Mac, covered the bank fail.
allow more high frequency- this ruling will be one bank funding seized up, European lend- saw the French dependence on short-term funding bonds offer an alternative. “It’s not necessarily that covered
type traders to access its to follow. ers were still able to issue covered halt the mighty sources has “severely constrained” the “Securitisation implicitly guaranteed bonds are a bad thing, but it should be
market. Market makers bonds. Prussian army. provision of longer-term financing. by a government agency is going to be reflected in the price of other types of
are split on this. Virtu Larry Tabb is chief So a healthy covered-bond market Covered bonds “The new mortgage-backed covered- more difficult to adapt in countries with funding,” says Mr Beaumont.
Financial submitted a executive and founder has attractions for banks and their regu- were developed bond structure can help change this,” he a lower sovereign credit rating than the “If you issue covered bonds, there’s
complimentary comment of Tabb Group lators, potentially helping to diversify in the 18th added. US,” points out Mr Mierau. less of your balance sheet for other cred-
funding sources, for instance in Asian century by the While the asset class is yet to crack the In Europe, covered bonds benefit itors.”
Off-exchange US equity trading economies where many banks rely on kingdom’s US, where securitisation is the domi- from a different form of support; the Asset encumbrance affects the imple-
Average daily volumes for trading venues (m) retail deposits. financiers nant method of funding mortgage lend- ECB is buying billions of euros worth of mentation of new covered bond legal
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Covered bonds can also address risks Photo 12/UIG/Getty Images
ing, dollar-denominated covered bonds covered bonds each month as part of its structures. In Australia, which intro-
associated with so-called “maturity have risen this year: issuance so far in asset purchase programme. duced covered bonds several years ago,
UBS transformation” — where short-term 2015 is $19bn, according to ABN Amro, Moreover, European capital require- the cover pool is capped at 8 per cent of
IEX bank borrowing is “transformed” into more than twice the amount issued at ments for covered bonds are much the bank’s assets in Australia.
Oct 15 long-term loans to its customers. Unse- this stage in 2014. lower than for other asset classes, such Still, other regulatory factors may
Deutsche Bank Sep 15 cured bank debt, another crucial source “You have more diversity in terms of as securitisations. favour covered bonds, in particular the
of funding for banks, often comes with more issuers across more currencies. It’s Subtle differences in legal regimes in push to make banks increase their
Citadel shorter maturities than covered bonds. not just a European product any more,” different jurisdictions may slow the capacity to absorb losses from bad
KCG Funding diversification away from says Kristion Mierau, head of covered spread of covered bonds, however. One loans.
short-term borrowing is relevant in Tur- bonds at Pimco. issue is so-called asset encumbrance. New rules governing the process by
Market total key, according to Brian Hoey, a senior For developing banking sectors that Because covered-bond investors have which problems at failing banks are
corporate trust banker for BNY Mellon. are looking to diversify their funding recourse to pools of mortgage assets, resolved have changed the risk profile of
Source: Tabb Group
“Traditionally, the funding base of sources but are unable to replicate the these assets are not available to reim- senior unsecured debt, but left the sta-
Turkish banks has been heavily reliant US model, where securitisations sup- burse other creditors, including deposi- tus of covered bonds untouched.

Commodities Exchanges

Opec oil production gathers pace in November China to streamline IPOs in effort to ease logjam
ANJLI RAVAL year lows at below $40 a barrel, led Opec which they believe is contributing to the GABRIEL WILDAU — SHANGHAI as the fate of stock sales worth billions plan approved in November 2013, but
to do away with even the pretence of oil price weakness. rests with low-paid bureaucrats. At least progress has been slow.
China will eliminate approval require-
Oil production from Opec countries maintaining an output ceiling. A slowdown in production growth three CSRC officials involved in IPO The move would eliminate an impor-
ments for initial public offerings within
accelerated in November as an increase Saudi Arabia, the group’s de facto outside the cartel has prompted Opec to approvals have been arrested this year. tant tool that regulators have used to
two years as it seeks to ease the logjam
in Iraqi output offset a decline from leader and largest producer, has said raise the demand forecast for the “The flaws and shortcoming of the influence market sentiment. A com-
that has led to multiyear equity fund-
Saudi Arabia, contributing to a steep that it will not cut its own output with- group’s crude for 2016 to 30.8m b/d. approval system have gradually plete relinquishing of government con-
raising queues.
drop in prices. out contributions from others. The This is an increase of 1.5m b/d over the revealed themselves,” the CSRC said on trol over the flow of listings could lead to
kingdom continued to pump about estimated level for 2015. Streamlining the IPO process is seen as Wednesday, adding that the move to a a flood of new offerings.
The producer group’s monthly oil 10.1m b/d last month. Non-Opec supply growth for 2015 was crucial to improving capital allocation registration system would encourage Chinese investors often complain that
market report yesterday showed that Its output hit a record 10.6m b/d ear- revised lower by 310,000 b/d since the by allowing promising young companies the “formation of the market’s self- IPOs siphon demand away from existing
output increased to 31.7m barrels a day lier this year and has surpassed the 2014 initial forecast and stands at 1m b/d. A to raise capital more easily. China’s discipline mechanism”. But the agency shares.
last month, up from 31.5m b/d the previ- average of 9.7m b/d for much of 2015. downward revision of 200,000 b/d was bourses are still largely populated by also cautioned that the transition could The CSRC suspended IPOs entirely
ous month, according to secondary The cartel’s November increase was made for 2016. state-owned companies whose political not occur all at once. during the summer stock market rout
sources which track member output. led by output from Iraq, which has hit “This has been mainly due to the connections helped them to navigate Under the registration system, the before restarting approvals last month.
The data indicate that Opec continues record levels in recent months. impact of low oil prices and declining the listing process. CSRC would devolve authority to the A previous freeze beginning in late 2012
to produce far more than its former pro- Iraqi production rose to 4.3m b/d in investments in the oil industry,” the About 674 companies were awaiting Shanghai and Shenzhen stock lasted more than a year.
duction target of 30m b/d, which it November from 4.1m b/d the month group said. IPO approval as of earlier this month, exchanges, which would focus on When the CSRC lifted the suspension
abandoned last week after a meeting of before as it pumps hard to raise funds to Despite slower growth, total non- according to a list published by the enforcing disclosure requirements but last month, it said 28 companies would
ministers in Vienna. fight Isis and support its economy. Opec supply was higher in the third China Securities Regulatory Commis- would not interfere with pricing and be allowed to proceed with their offer-
A disagreement over which members Saudi Arabia’s Opec rivals, including quarter than initially forecast. This sion, which handles the process. timing of IPOs. Top Communist party ings before the end of 2015. Since then,
should bear the brunt of production Iran and Venezuela, have called on the takes the 2015 estimate to 57.5m b/d, an The agency’s approval authority has leaders pledged to shift to approval reg- 11 companies have raised Rmb4.2bn
cuts to bolster prices, close to seven- kingdom to pull back on its production, upward revision of 300,000 b/d. also created incentives for corruption, istration as part of a landmark reform ($652m) in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Friday 11 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 33


Global overview
TRADING POST Markets update
US and European stocks toil as S&P 500 index
Change on day 0.14%

crude hovers around $40 a barrel

There is less than a week to go before 2040
the Federal Reserve is expected to 2020
raise interest rates. Capital Economics Nov 2015 Dec
says there are five reasons why
investors should not fret that lift-off Dollar gains ground, euro Treasury yield was up 1bp to 2.22 per US equities Weakness in Europe
will badly hurt the global economy. cent, though equivalent maturity Bunds spilled into the North American
The first point, argues Andrew dips 0.6% and renminbi were off 3bp to 0.57 per cent, reflecting session. US stocks were slightly higher
Kenningham, CapEco’s senior global nears four-year low as base the caution in eurozone equities. but traded with little conviction ahead
economist, is that, assuming inflation Australia’s 10-year bond yield rose of next week’s Fed meeting.
remains low, any tightening by the Fed metals show their soft side 3bp to 2.85 per cent after data showed
would occur only if the US economy with copper declining 0.3% the economy added 71,400 jobs in FTSE 100 index
continues to do well. November while the unemployment Change on day 0.63%
“A steady US recovery should, in FT REPORTERS rate fell to 5.8 per cent, a 19-month low. 6400
turn, help many other economies by The Australian dollar was trading at
sustaining demand for their exports US and European equity gauges strug- US$0.7300, up 0.9 per cent. 6300
and supporting confidence.” gled for traction after a poor Asian per- The robust reading caught out econo- 6200
Second, prospects for emerging formance, as the global oil price bench- mists, who had forecast 10,000 jobs to 6100
market economies are better than mark hovered around $40 a barrel. be shed last month and for the unem- Nov 2015 Dec
many think. Data suggest China will The dollar was firmer and higher ployment rate to tick back up to 6 per
escape a hard landing and EMs are not Treasury yields indicated no great rush cent. It topped even October’s surpris- UK equities The FTSE 100 closed 0.6
as vulnerable to tighter US policy as in for fixed income “havens”, however. ingly strong report, lengthening the per cent lower, marking a fourth day of
the past — a result of stronger balance The S&P 500 was 0.3 per cent higher odds of a rate cut any time soon. losses for the index. Leisure retailer
sheets and floating exchange rates. at 2,053.26, snapping three days of The reduced chance of another easing Sports Direct lost 11 per cent after
EMs “may now be more exposed to declines that left the benchmark index of monetary policy, alongside fretting earnings that disappointed.
a slowdown in China and to weaker just a shade in negative territory for the over resources groups, hit the Sydney
commodity prices, [but] we think the year, after a six-year bull run. stock market, pushing the S&P/ASX Eurofirst 300 index
news on both is likely to improve next That decline for the US benchmark 200 down 0.8 per cent. The move was in
Change on day 0.18%
year”, says Mr Kenningham. has pressured global stock markets, but keeping with the regional performance, 1550
Next, monetary conditions globally the mood was fairly calm for much of where Japan’s Nikkei 225 fell 1.3 per
will remain very accommodative. The the session yesterday. cent, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng and 1500
Lucas Jackson/Reuters
Fed will tighten slowly, the Bank of Gains for miner Glencore, after it said mainland China’s Shanghai Composite 1450
England likewise, while the central that it would cut debt further, contrib- Running on empty: both lost 0.5 per cent.
banks of China, Japan and the uted to a small bounce in the sector, US stocks are down for the year after more falls in the oil price Concerns about the pace of growth in
Nov 2015 Dec
eurozone could ease further. underpinning broader market senti- while John Authers notes the renminbi is weakening again China saw the renminbi fall to 6.4363
Fourth, the dollar’s strength might ment, and helping the Eurofirst 300 end per US dollar, near a four-year low. European equities Stocks traded with
hurt US exporters but it is helping the session flat at 1,430.06. The Swiss franc was 0.6 per cent little direction, weighed by shares in oil
competitor nations sell to the world’s A relapsing euro helped Germany’s dividends and jobs, partially counter- per down 0.3 per cent to $4,580 a tonne weaker versus the dollar at SFr0.9892 companies. Seadrill’s stock fell 2.8 per
biggest economy. Dax index close 0.1 per cent higher acting the economic benefit of consum- as the US dollar, in which most global after the Swiss National Bank left inter- cent while Royal Dutch Shell saw a
Finally, investors are relaxed. “The while weakness in retailers and insurers ers facing falling energy costs and busi- commodity benchmarks are denomi- est rates unchanged but stressed that it decline of 1.2 per cent.
rate hikes which we think are likely in left the UK FTSE 100 down 0.6 per cent. nesses enjoying cheaper inputs. nated, gained ground. thought the franc was still too strong.
the coming months have been largely Investor confidence has been hit of Worries that the sovereign wealth The euro dipped 0.6 per cent to Sterling was down 0.3 per cent to
priced in,” adds Mr Kenningham. late by weakness in commodities, nota- funds of commodity-exporting nations $1.0944 and the dollar index was up 0.5 $1.5176 after the Bank of England also Nikkei 225 index
bly oil. The price of Brent crude this are having to raise cash by trimming per cent to 97.84 as the common cur- stood pat on policy. (’000) Change on day 1.32%
20.0 week hit $39.57 a barrel, its cheapest investment portfolios also weighed on rency’s recent rebound, following disap- South Africa’s rand was at a record
since February 2009 after the latest the market mood. pointment at the ECB’s latest easing, low of 15.21 per dollar after President
Probability of the Fed rate Opec meeting failed to agree a produc- Unfortunately for equity bulls, the oil appeared to fade. Jacob Zuma dismissed his finance min-
hike in December tion cut that could help reduce a global price failed to hold early gains yesterday The buck’s strength came as the mar- ister late on Wednesday in a move 19.0
Per cent
crude glut. and Brent crude was down 1.3 per cent ket still expects the Federal Reserve to expected to exacerbate the country’s
80 With other industrial commodities, to $39.58 a barrel, while the US WTI con- lift interest rates for the first time since economic woes. Pretoria’s sovereign Nov 2015 Dec
60 such as copper, flirting with multiyear tract slid 1.1 per cent to $36.75, the vic- the financial crisis next week. bonds are getting whacked, forcing Asian equities Overnight falls on Wall
40 lows, investors are fretting that the sec- tim of ample US inventories. Shares in The policy-sensitive two-year Treas- yields sharply higher. Street cast a pall across the region
20 tor is signalling slowing global demand. many energy companies shed initial ury yield was up 1 basis point at 0.93 per Reporting by Jamie Chisholm in London, leaving greater China stocks lower and
Jan 2015 Dec Resources groups are responding to session advances in response. cent, only a few basis points shy of its Anna Nicolaou in New York and Jennifer pushing Tokyo down 1.3 per cent.
Source: Bloomberg
lower prices by slashing investment, Base metals were also soft, with cop- highest since April 2010. The 10-year Thompson in Hong Kong

Old Mutual slumped with the rand, which

Share price (pence) crashed to a record low after President Trading Directory
240 Jacob Zuma fired finance minister
220 Nhlanhla Nene.
200 Old Mutual sank 10.9 per cent to
180 174.2p and Investec, which was trading
160 ex a 10.5p dividend, was down 11.1 per
Dec 2015 Dec
London 2014
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
cent to 469.9p.
RBC raised concerns about the EU’s
Tobacco group BAT falls Day's forthcoming Solvency II rules and how
on broker downgrade Indices
FTSE 100
they will factor in exchange controls in
South Africa.
and bid talk twist FTSE 250
FTSE 350
The result will be to cap capital
surpluses and, while dividends should
FTSE All-Share 3362.26 -19.31 be unaffected, investors are likely to
FTSE All-Share Yield 3.82 -
focus first on Old Mutual’s capital
FTSE 100 Futures 6098.00 -37.50
coverage ratio, which will be towards
Bryce Elder 10 yr Gilt Yield
20yr Gilt All-Share Ratio
the lower end of its peer group, said
the broker.
RBC also argued that it looks
A broker downgrade and fresh twist packaging legislation in Canada and premature to hope for an Old Mutual
to long-running bid talk put British South Africa. break-up. Listing its UK business is
American Tobacco among the Loss of pricing power and customer “at least three years away”, given
fallers yesterday. down-trading might reduce tobacco the work required on regulatory
Traders speculating about a BAT offer industry profit by 15 per cent in the five changes and integrating acquisitions,
for Imperial Tobacco latched on to news years after plain packaging is it said.
that UBS had ceased coverage of the introduced, it forecast. Testing specialist Intertek faded
tobacco sector “due to a reallocation of BAT lost 1.2 per cent to £36.94 and 2 per cent to £27.08 after Citigroup
research resources”. Imperial faded 1.1 per cent to £34.42 in downgraded to “sell”.
UBS is joint house broker to BAT, its a weak wider market. The FTSE 100 Dollar strength against emerging
lead analyst Nik Oliver having been slipped 0.6 per cent, down 38.63 points market currencies has been a bigger
poached from Merrill Lynch in June. to 6,088.05. support to Intertek’s earnings than
Advisers to BAT were rumoured in Sports Direct tumbled 11 per cent investors appreciate, meaning the
November to have secured funding to to 592p on interim results showing that underlying business might not be as
support a potential takeover offer for its international division continued resilient as they think, Citi said.
Imperial, a deal analysts caution would to struggle. International Personal Finance lost
face huge financial and regulatory Commodity trader Glencore was 4.7 per cent to 322.5p after the doorstep
challenges. Neither company has pushed higher by 7 per cent to 88.9p lender warned of potential regulatory
responded to the speculation. after it pledged deeper debt cuts by the changes in Slovakia, expected to
Separately, Goldman Sachs advised end of 2016. account for about 14 per cent of its
selling BAT on the threat of plain South African financial stocks 2015 group earnings.

cent, citing lower margin third-party or 56 cents a share in the third quarter,
engineering, procurement and compared with a profit of $6.8m or 14
construction (EPC) sales. cents a share in the year ago period.
The Tempe, Arizona-based company Chipotle shares increased 5 per cent
noted that the guidance did not reflect to $577.51 as chief executive Steve Ells
the sale of its minority interest in the apologised to customers in an NBC
Stateline project. The company also did interview and pledged new food-safety
not provide much commentary on 2017, practices.
Wall Street when a key US tax credit for rooftop Mr Ells arrived a day after health
First Solar tumbles on panel systems is set to expire.
The news prompted analysts at
officials said that the 80 students in
Boston who fell ill were believed to have
less than shiny forecast Needham to downgrade the stock from been made sick by the norovirus linked
“buy” to “hold”. to a Chipotle restaurant.
Three other banks trimmed their These findings suggested that the
price target on the stock. illnesses in Boston were not tied to a
Men’s Wearhouse shares fell more larger E.coli outbreak that affected
Mamta Badkar than 20 per cent to $14.64, after the customers of the Mexican restaurant
retailer warned that it could miss its chain in nine US states.
full-year profit guidance if weak sales Shares in Australian software group
Investor enthusiasm dimmed on shares continued at Jos A Bank. Atlassian jumped 29 per cent to $27.13
in First Solar after the US solar panel The California-based retailer, which in their New York trading debut.
group issued a disappointing 2016 gross acquired Jos A Bank last year, said that Materials and utilities were the only
margin forecast and received an analyst comparable sales at the brand fell 35.1 major sectors on the benchmark S&P
downgrade. per cent in the current quarter through 500 that were in the red.
Shares fell more than 10 per cent to the first week of December. That At midday, the S&P 500 had climbed
$52.62 and were the biggest decliner on compared with average same-store 0.3 per cent to 2,053.99, the Dow Jones
the S&P 500, after the company said sales that were up 5.5 per cent across its Industrial Average gained 0.4 per cent to
late on Wednesday that it expected other brands. 17,565.29 and the Nasdaq Composite
gross margins in the range of 16-18 per The retailer swung to a loss of $27.2m rose 0.4 per cent to 5,041.80.
34 ★ Friday 11 December 2015

INSIGHT Analysis. Currencies

Enfeebled renminbi puts stability in peril
Weaker performance raises Falling feeling
questions over outlook for
International backers US and global economies
Against the dollar (Rmb per $)
Dec 8
Chinese renminbi
Onshore - offshore spread
will struggle with Mrs ROGER BLITZ
PBoC weakens renminbi
reference rate to its lowest
level in four years 0.00
Wong’s trading style
6.20 6.20
While investors are focused elsewhere, Nov 30
the biggest threat to market stability Renminbi wins reserve -0.02
loiters. China’s renminbi is weakening. 6.25 currency status after IMF 6.25
Nothing shocked investors in 2015 as agrees to include the

e’ve told Sid, sought average Joes from much as the August devaluation of the currency in its Special -0.04
Bloggs to Sixpack, and followed the invest- renminbi. It was enough to halt the dol- Oct 30 Drawing Rights basket
ing adventures of Mrs Watanabe around lar bull run and scupper the Federal 6.30 6.30
Biggest one-day renminbi
the world. Archetypal retail investors Reserve’s rate rise hopes. gain, pointing to PBoC -0.06
serve the same purpose for market Now, as investors anticipate the US intervention to shore up
observers as pollsters’ voter stereotypes for politicians. So central bank will finally tighten policy 6.35 five-year plan 6.35
meet Mrs Wong, China’s contribution to the genre and the next week, the renminbi is losing steam. -0.08
force behind its stock market gyrations. While not as dramatic as the August fall, Aug 11
This has been the year when the wild swings of Shanghai it has drifted 1.8 per cent weaker against People’s Bank of China
and Shenzhen became too significant for any investor, the dollar over the past six weeks. 6.40 changes exchange rate Nov 6.40 -0.10
anywhere, to ignore. With the biggest index providers lay- The direction of China’s currency policy, triggering sharp China FX reserves fall
ing out their approaches to including mainland stocks in looms large over global markets all in renminbi and sending by $87bn, third biggest
the coming years, international investors have to start because it begs big questions: does ren- shockwaves through markets monthly fall -0.12
6.45 6.45
paying attention to Mrs Wong now, whether they like her minbi weakness reflect badly on the
investing style or not. state of the Chinese economy? If so, will Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Even after the summer turmoil when Shanghai and it darken the outlook for commodity 2015 2015
FT graphic Sources: Thomson Reuters Datastream
Shenzhen lost a combined 45 per cent of their capitalisa- markets and miners, with repercussions
tion over three months, the two together still represent for global and US economic prospects?
the second-biggest market in the world. Mrs Wong and her “On a relative basis, the depreciation
friends are responsible for about 80 per cent of China’s is fast,” says Nomura’s Craig Chan, Asian As investors Owens, investment director at GAM in August that contributed to market Since August’s China devaluation
daily trading, although holding roughly only a quarter in foreign exchange strategist. International. anxiety about the country’s slowdown. shock, the market has been more taken
capitalisation terms. Just 2 per cent of the overall market is Catching investors off guard may well anticipate The silent fall in the renminbi con- The forex reserves data were followed up with the country’s successful cam-
held by foreigners. be the timing, given recent reassurances the US trasts with all the noise around the dol- by trade data showing significant paign to gain reserve currency status by
Charles Li, head of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and a out of Beijing. Most forex strategists are lar. The market looks priced in for next import and export falls, and the PBoC’s joining the International Monetary
former China investment banker, offered a description of guiding investors to expect a fall by the central week’s Fed meeting to push rates higher reference rate shift. Fund’s Special Drawing Rights basket.
the Chinese retail trader at an industry conference earlier end of 2016 to about Rmb6.70-Rmb6.80 bank will for the first time in nearly a decade. As the Swiss National Bank in January Market worries about the renminbi
this month. “You can be Mrs Wong, selling vegetables in but it has started a lot sooner than they Last week’s febrile market reaction to anticipated ECB monetary easing by largely subsided during September and
the morning, and when the market opens you can go into a expected. Another step lower yesterday tighten the European Central Bank’s milder abandoning its peg, so the PBoC is read- October when the currency strength-
room and sit down and do took the currency to Rmb6.44, just policy, the than expected monetary easing may ying for a Fed rise, says Marc Chandler ened against the dollar.
your trades like a Goldman below the August 11 nadir. have driven the euro higher against its at Brown Brothers Harriman. “It is Luis Costa at Citigroup says the
Sachs guy trading on Wall
‘Most clients What really shifts the renminbi is renminbi transatlantic partner but the US dollar anticipating the big move,” he says. August market shock should still make
Street,” he said. still aren’t ready China’s central bank, the People’s Bank is losing remains heavily backed by many. This week’s alarms contribute to pres- the PBoC wary about allowing the ren-
Across much of the world it of China, which every day sets a refer- Dollar strength thereby drags the ren- sure on commodity currencies, more so minbi to devalue rapidly. “The ren-
is common, over time, for
for the whiplash ence rate for the onshore rate allowing steam minbi along for the ride against China’s since the data revealed how China is minbi is still very expensive. The capital
retail investors to leave the of modern the currency to trade 2 per cent either big trading partners. This comes amid saturating the market with its excess of outflow story hasn’t quite stabilised. It’s
market by entrusting more of side of it. This week, the PBoC relaxed three developments this week in Beijing oil, aluminium and steel as it unwinds clear the action at SDR was not enough
their money to professionals.
markets’ the rate to its lowest level in four years, that suggest further weakening of the its stockpiles. It is not the first time the to offset potential capital outflows.”
Mr Li does not see that change and the renminbi duly reached its low- renminbi looms. China’s forex reserves market has taken its eye off the China When, as expected, the Fed raises
coming any time soon. est end-of-day rate since August 2011. in November fell by more than $87bn — story. The country’s slowdown has rates next week, the market may be bet-
“It’s not possible to put that back in the bottle. They are “I’m a little bit surprised that they the third highest monthly drop on driven commodity prices down all year, ter advised to watch what happens in
used to doing it themselves and it is hard to sell them insti- have let it go quite this far,” says Adrian record, only just below the $94bn drop but the market caught on late. Beijing rather than Washington.
tutional products,” he says.
He has reason to know: retail investors still account for
about 20 per cent of Hong Kong’s trading volume, com-
pared with 2 per cent in New York, and can be as senti- Commodities
ment-driven as Mrs Wong, aided like her by trading plat-
forms and smartphone apps.
If Mrs Wong is not going to cede ground gracefully, inter-
national investors will have to come to terms with her
Miners’ bond prices
style. Staring in disbelief at screens of stocks that trade
limit-up for days and hover at ridiculous valuations
climb back from lows
will not help investors faced with the gradual opening of
the markets.
MSCI signalled this year it could include mainland DAN MCCRUM AND NEIL HUME demonstrate its ability to
stocks in some form from 2017 while rival FTSE Russell raise capital, according to
offered two new emerging markets indices with a 5 per Bond prices for mining com- people familiar with the
cent weighting of mainland listings, from zero previously. panies rebounded from new situation.
“Most clients still aren’t ready for the whiplash of main- lows yesterday as Glencore Anglo American euro debt
land markets,” says one senior Hong Kong broker. “They announced fresh measures maturing in 2020 traded at a
still find it hard to figure out a market based on momen- to cut its outstanding debt 9 per cent yield yesterday, a
tum, not valuation.” pile in the face of tumbling small recovery from the 9.4
Underlining the need to get to grips with mainland prices for ores and metals. per cent high hit the day
stocks is the fact that targets for A-share indices are hard to The bounce provided some before. The debt has fallen in
come by from international banks. Most instead focus on respite after prices for debt value by more than a fifth
indices such as the MSCI China, which is based on H shares issued by Anglo American since it was issued at a 3.6 per
and other Chinese listings outside the mainland. and Vale reached fresh lows cent coupon in May.
Some A-share analysts have begun to focus on valua- on Wednesday, as investors Anglo has $5bn of loan
tions based on discounted cash flows rather than on price- assessed the ability of mining debt and $15bn of bonds out-
earnings ratios. The rationale is that in a momentum- and resource companies to standing, almost $11bn of
driven market, the only way to find value is to take a long- weather a protracted slump. which must be refinanced in
term view on the underlying business. All sectors, except With the gap between the next five years. The com-
financials and energy, are still trading above 20 times p/e. onshore and offshore ren- pany on Tuesday announced
The expectation is for some earnings growth in China minbi prices widening, and the suspension of its divi-
next year, helped by added liquidity from rate cuts and prices for copper and iron dend for 18 months and
other monetary easing. ore hitting multiyear lows, plans to shed two-thirds of its
None of this is likely to excite, or particularly interest the state of Chinese demand operations as it attempts to
Mrs Wong, focused as she is on hot tips and short-term for raw materials remains a restructure.
pops. But at some point international money will join Mrs principal concern. Analysts at Morgan
Wong and that date is moving closer. “When Mrs Wong “There is a lot of fear in the Stanley said: “Anglo cannot
meets BlackRock, there will be sparks,” warns Mr Li. “Its market this is not a bottom tap the debt market at any-
about Chinese liquidity meeting international liquidity.” for commodity prices,” said where near a sustainable rate
Investors do not need to move wholesale into the main- Wen Li, analyst at Credit- given its earnings power.”
land, but it will pay them to start looking more closely now. Sights. Plans to raise $4bn from
He also pointed to other asset disposals and cut the fears hitting debt prices: number of mining assets
some mutual funds will be from 55 to 20 were “a critical
forced to sell bonds which step”.
lose an investment-grade Other miners have also
credit rating; if miners can- been hit in recent weeks by a
not raise sufficient equity fall in prices for copper and
More comment and data on they may be forced to raise iron ore. Yields on five-year
debt secured against assets, debt from Freeport-McMo-
reducing the value of existing Ran, the largest listed copper
Y Fast FT Our global economies, headed unsecured debt. miner, rebounded from a
team gives you market- by Brazil, Russia, India “At some point that is recent high of 13.1 per cent to
moving news and views, and China. going to be economical,” Mr an 11.5 per cent yield on
24 hours a day, five days Li said. Wednesday, following the
a week. Bonds maturing in 2020 suspension of its dividend.
Y Podcast The Hard
Y Alphaville Our Currency podcast takes a issued by Glencore, the The yield on five-year US
irreverent financial blog. look at what is driving miner and trading house, dollar debt for Vale hit 8.8
Join Paul Murphy and the global currency bounced from 80 to 84 cents per cent on Wednesday,
Bryce Elder for the daily market. on the dollar yesterday fol- before recovering slightly
Markets Live session at lowing comments by the later in the day.
Y Lex Video Analysis company at an investor day, The Brazilian miner has
and opinion from the although prices were still $23bn of debt and loans out-
Y beyondbrics News and team on the hot issues down on the week. standing, and has been
comment from more affecting companies and The company is consider- placed at risk of a credit rat-
than 40 emerging markets. ing a bond issue early next ing downgrade following an
year to test the market and environmental disaster.

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