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1.What is recruitment? What steps are involved?

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm.

Step 1. Getting Approval to Search 

Step 2. Appointing the Search Committee

 Step 3. Developing Search Plan

 Step 4. Advertising the Position

 Step 5. Processing Applications

 Step 6. Certifying the Applicant Pool

 Step 7. Narrowing the Applicant Pool

 Step 8. Interviewing the Finalists

 Step 9. Getting Approval to Hire

 Step 10. Preparing the Letter of Offer

2. What are the prerequisites to effective recruitment?

Eliminate Delays
Delays in your hiring process make you unproductive and will definitely lead to the loss of suitable candidates. Often the longest
delays occur between decisive selection events such as the screening of resumes or between interviews. Monitor the parts of
your recruitment process that contain these delays and try to eliminate them or minimize them whether through technology.

Pinpoint Exact Requirements  

Many organizations these days don’t define exactly what they’re looking for in a candidate. A vision of the skills and
competencies required to fulfill the requirements of specific position is needed in order for the recruitment process to be
effective. If this is not the case then candidates and jobs will be mismatched. Furthermore, since job specifics and requirements
change every while, it's important to review competencies periodically to verify that they are still valid. 

3. What factors affect recruitment?

External factors internal factors

1. supply and demand 1. Recruitment policy

2. labour market 2. Human resource planning
3. image/good will 3. Size of the firm
4. political-social-legal environment 4. Cost of recruitment
5. unemployment rate 5.growth and expansion
6. competitors

4. What are the two general sources of recruitment?

1. Advertising: There is a trend toward more selective recruitment in advertising. This can be effected in at least two ways.

First, advertisements can be placed in media read only by particular groups. Secondly, more information about the company, the

job, and the job specification can be included in the ad to permit some self-screening.

2. Employment Agencies: Additional screening can be affected through the utilization of employment agencies, both public

and private. Today, in contrast to their former unsavoury reputation, the public employment agencies in several States are well-

regarded, particularly in the fields of unskilled semi-skilled and skilled operative jobs. In the technical and professional areas,

however, the private agencies appear to be doing most of the work. Many private agencies tend to specialize in a particular type of

worker and job, such as sales, office, executive or engineer.

5. What is selection? Why is it a necessary task?

Selection - Also called a decision, one of the three basic logic structures in computer programming. The other two logic structures
are sequence and loop. In a selection structure, a question is asked, and depending on the answer, the program takes one of two
courses of action, after which the program moves on to the next event.

6.What benefits are derived from proper selection?

1. Reception of applications or preliminary screening

2. Application bank that gives a detail about the applicant's background and life history
3. A well conducted interview to explore the applicant's background
4. The physical examination
5. Psychological testing that gives an objective look at a candidates suitability for that job
6. A reference check
7. Final Selection approved by the manager
8. Communication of the decision to the candidate

7. What are the steps in selection process?

Preliminary interview

Selection test

Employment interview

Reference and background analysis

Physical examination

Job offer

Employment contract

8. How may interviews be classified?

There are three types of interviews that managers use in the work setting, selection, appraisal, and exit interviews.
The appraisal interview is a discussion following the performance appraisal. It is a conversation between the
supervisor and the employee where they discuss the ratings and any actions that need to be taken. Then there is
the exit interview when a employee leaves a company..

9. What are the means used in selecting managers?

The selection of managers for international assignments has frequently been based on an inventory of personal characteristics and
technical competence of the manager. Unfortunately, many of these managers have not been successful during their expatriation

1. Have company executives share their expectations with your managers.

2. Allow your employees to start evaluating their supervisors using a 360-degree evaluation.

3. Hold managers accountable and responsible for retention.

4. Have HR train managers on reward and recognition.

5. Provide the support and tools to help managers do their job.

6. Start measuring turnover and applying the cost to the bottom line.

7. Conduct post exit interviews finding out the real reason for the employee’s departure. 

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