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Activity 1: Google browser and Pinterest may be used for collection of columns of newspapers and some
portions of famous judgments

Activity2: Zoom Call or Google Meet may be used to allow direct one to one interaction that can be
moderated by faculty themselves.

Activity 3: Smart Board/ Projector/ LCD/LED Screen in university classroom may be used for screening of
the film followed by discussion/interaction.

Activity 4: Zoom/ Google meet/ may be used for conducting group discussions, debates, extempore,
impromptu and Mock Interviews

Reason for choosing the technology

The above stated technology has been chosen for the reason state below:

 Convenience: all above stated technology/platforms are user friendly and does not require any
special training

 Easy access to technology. Further, the above stated technology is easily accessible from any
place, any time.

 Economical: Majority of the above stated technology required only simple account creation and
does not require any paid subscription.

Achieving learning outcomes

a) To enable students to demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in the
profession of law.

b) To make students work effectively in teams and demonstrate team-building capabilities.

c) To enable students to evaluate the legal, social and economic environments.

d) To make students demonstrate sensitivity towards ethical and moral issues and have ability to
address them in the course of legal profession.

e) To make students demonstrate and improvise their verbal and non-verbal communication
ability through presentations and other PSDA.

Challenges in employing the technology

The above stated use of technology has the following challenges and demerits:

a) One has to make sure that your students have devices like a tablet or smart phone or laptops
that they could use those apps on.

b) One has to ensure good internet connectivity, which is possible in metropolitan cities but may
not be available in other areas where the students are located.

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