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Good morning, 

SPED Teachers, please use this as a guide when using your school's SPED
Google calendar. 

1. Call the parent and set up the meeting at least two weeks in advance. Explain that
it is strongly encouraged for our IEP meetings to be via Google meets this year. Make
sure you have the parents' correct email address.  
2. Explain to the parent that the email invitation will have a video link and a phone
number. They can choose either one.
3. Create the Google meet and don't forget to add the parent. Please add a one
sentence description of the meeting (right below where you add participants).
4. Once the Google meet is created and sent to all parties, click on the event in your
Google calendar.
5. There will be a pencil button toward the top right (see attached picture). Click on it.
6. On the next screen, you will see a "more actions" button on the top right (see
attached picture). Click on it.
7. Copy the meeting to your school's SPED calendar and click save.
8. Now you will see the meeting you created and the meeting will also be shared on
your school's SPED calendar. This prevents you from creating two different events. 

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