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© State of New South Wales (Nurses and Midwives Board) 2007

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Being a Nurse Practitioner

In New South Wales

Information for Registered Nurses who wish to apply for authorisation

to practise as Nurse Practitioners in New South Wales, Australia
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Page no.

Preamble 3
The Regulation of Nurse Practitioners in New South Wales

Section 1. What is a Nurse Practitioner 6

1.1 Definition of a Nurse Practitioner
1.2 National Competency Standards
1.3 Legislation Governing Nurse Practitioners

Section 2. Requirements for Applications 10

2.1 Making an Application
2.2 Selecting the Right Pathway
2.3 Nominating an Area of Practice
2.4 Evidence of Advanced Nursing Practice
2.5 Legal Aspects Relating to Areas of Practice
2.6 Areas of Practice Recognised by the Board

Section 3. Pathway 1 and 2 Applications 16

3.1 List of Requirements for Pathway 1
3.2 List of Requirements for Pathway 2
3.3 Frequently Asked Questions

Section 4. Organising Your Documentation 24

4.1 Example of a Curriculum Vitae
4.2 Package of Evidence Requirements
4.3 Case Study Guidelines

Section 5. Progression of Applications 30

5.1 Assessment of Applications
5.2 Assessment Outcomes
5.3 Schematic Diagram of Application Progression
5.4 Other Matters Related to Authorisation

Section 6. Verification of Advanced Practice 36

6.1 Verification of Advanced Practice Proforma
6.2 Statement of Employment
6.3 Advanced Practice Proforma
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The Regulation of Nurse Practitioners in

New South Wales

The development and authorisation of nurse In 1998 the Minister for Health introduced the
practitioners in New South Wales (NSW) has Nurses Amendment (Nurse Practitioners) Bill into
resulted from the work of many and is ongoing. NSW State Parliament. The Bill described the term
The nurse practitioner project has been in progress “nurse practitioner” as a registered nurse with
since 1991 and the legislation providing for extensive knowledge and skill, operating at an
authorisation has been in effect since 1999. advanced level of practice. The Nurses Amendment
(Nurse Practitioners) Act 1998 was assented to on
In 1992, with the support of the then Minister for
2 November 1998 and commenced in October
Health, a taskforce was established to investigate
1999. Following the amendment to the Nurses and
the viability and role of nurse practitioners in the
Midwives Act 1991 in August 2004, the title
public health system in NSW. From the beginning
midwife practitioner has also been protected by law
the nurse practitioner project incorporated a
and advanced practice midwives may now apply for
consultative process through inter alia inclusion of
authorisation as midwife practitioners.
representatives and nominees from consumer
associations, nursing and medical professionals Initially, the intent of the NSW Government was to
and industrial associations, the NSW Department of develop nurse practitioner positions in rural and
Health and the Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW remote areas of NSW, however this was extended
(previously the Nurses Registration Board). to metropolitan health facilities in September
2002. The first two nurse practitioners in NSW
Following initial discussion, a three-stage working
were authorised in December 2000. At the time of
party was set up to investigate the potential role of
going to print, the Nurses and Midwives Board has
nurse practitioners and possible accreditation
authorised 97 nurse practitioners across the range
processes. During the workshop development it
of broad areas of practice and two midwife
became evident that research regarding the viability
practitioners who, prior to the amendment to the
of the role of nurse practitioners in different contexts
Nurses and Midwives Act in August 2004, were first
across NSW per se was necessary. The research
authorised as nurse practitioners in midwifery. In
incorporated pilot studies across 10 sites in NSW:
2005/2006 two thirds of applicants completed an
Kirketon Road Centre, Matthew Talbot Hostel, Concord
approved Master degree to prepare them for
Repatriation General Hospital/Royal Prince Alfred
professional practitioner practise.
Hospital, Hunter Centre for Health Advancement,
Kable Street General Practice, Shoalhaven In January 2006 the Australian Nursing and
Memorial Hospital, Wallsend Primary Care Service, Midwifery Council (ANMC) published the first edition
Wilcannia Health Service, Urana Multi Purpose of the National Competency Standards for the
Health Service and Wagga Wagga Base Hospital. Nurse Practitioner. The requirements for authorisation
in New South Wales have been reviewed again in
At the end of stage three of the project, the final
order to incorporate these Standards in the
report stated: “the evidence from the research
guidelines for institutions wishing to conduct
conducted by each pilot project and the across-
courses preparing advanced practice nurses for
project research, supported the view that nurse
nurse practitioner practice, and in the information
practitioners were feasible, safe and effective in
published by the Nurses and Midwives Board of
their roles and provided quality health services
New South Wales.
in the range of settings researched…” (NSW
Department of Health Nurse Practitioner As a statutory authority established under the
Project Stage 3, 1995). Nurses and Midwives Act 1991, the Nurses and
Midwives Board has a function to promote and
When agreement was reached that, in the public
maintain professional standards of nursing practice
interest, the title nurse practitioner should be
in New South Wales in the public interest. This
protected, the Nurses and Midwives Board was
document provides information on the authorisation
asked to take responsibility for the authorisation
of nurse practitioners. Registered nurses considering
process and maintenance of standards. The process
applying for authorisation as a nurse practitioner
provided for applicants who completed a Masters
should also refer to the National Competency
course approved for the preparation of nurse
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006).
practitioners to be assessed in relation to their
A copy of this document will be included in the
advanced practice, and for applicants who did not
information provided to inquirers and is available on
complete an approved program for the preparation
the ANMC website
of nurse practitioners to submit a portfolio of
specific evidence in relation to equivalent education
and experience, to progress to an interview.
A review of the process for authorisation was
undertaken in 2002 in accordance with the
recommendations of the Board’s committee.

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Section one defines the role of the nurse practitioner

and refers the reader to the National Competency
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner published by the
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) in
2006 and endorsed by the Nurses and Midwives
Board of New South Wales.

Applicants for nurse practitioner authorisation should

refer to the standards, competencies and performance
indicators when developing their application

The Nurses and Midwives Act 1991 incorporates

provisions which define the term nurse practitioner,
describe the responsibilities of the Nurses and
Midwives Board in relation to entitlement for
authorisation, and also describe approval of
guidelines by the Director-General, NSW Department
of Health.

The Nurses and Midwives Board recognises the

nurse practitioner as an important member of the
health care team. The title ‘nurse practitioner’ is
protected by legislation and only those registered
nurses authorised by the Board may use the title
‘nurse practitioner’.

Copies of the National Competency Standards for the

Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) can be downloaded
from the ANMC website: or
interested persons may contact the Board’s office
to inquire about obtaining printed copies.

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section one: what is a nurse practitioner

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section one: what is a nurse practitioner 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 6

What is a Nurse Practitioner

1.1 Definition of a Nurse 1.2 National Competency

Practitioner (ANMC 2006) Standards
“A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse educated The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council in
and authorised to function autonomously and 2006 has published the first edition of the National
collaboratively in an advanced and extended clinical Competency Standards for the Nurse Practitioner.
role. The nurse practitioner role includes All applicants for authorisation as nurse
assessment and management of clients using practitioners are expected to meet the standards,
nursing knowledge and skills and may include, but the competencies and performance indicators as
is not limited to, the direct referral of patients to endorsed by the Nurses and Midwives Board.
other health care professionals, prescribing A number of the performance indicators, as
medications and ordering diagnostic investigations. identified in the textbox below, are reflective of the
The nurse practitioner role is grounded in the practice of an authorised nurse practitioner, and it
nursing profession’s values, knowledge, theories is not expected that all applicants will be able to
and practise and provides innovative and flexible meet these in an initial application. The panel or
health care delivery that complements other health committee assessing the applicant may identify
care providers. The scope of practice of the nurse other performance indicators that are not relevant
practitioner is determined by the context in which to the applicant’s context of practice.
the nurse practitioner is authorised to practise”. Applicants who have worked as a nurse practitioner
(ANMC 2006) for a period of time may meet these additional
performance indicators. Authorised nurse practitioners
applying for a further period of authorisation should
refer to all of the competency standards,
competencies and performance indicators in
their application.

Performance Indicators
not required for
initial authorisation

Standard 1: Competency 1.4

Performance indicator (d)

Standard 2: Competency 2.3

Performance indicators (d)
and (e).

Standard 3: Competency 3.1

Performance indicator (c)

Competency 3.2
Performance indicator (e)

These performance indicators should be

addressed in an application for continuing

Lesley Salem, Nephrology Nurse Practitioner

John Hunter Hospital

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section one: what is a nurse practitioner

1.3 Legislation Governing Nurse Practitioners

Title Protection
The title nurse practitioner is restricted to registered nurses who are authorised by the Nurses and
Midwives Board under the Nurses and Midwives Act 1991 (s.19A) to practise as nurse practitioners.
Use of the title without authorisation by the Nurses and Midwives Board is an offence under the Act.

‘Holding Out’
Unauthorised persons must not:
(a) claim to be, or hold herself/himself out to be, a nurse practitioner, entitled to practise as a nurse
practitioner, or
(b) take or use any name, initials, word, title, additional symbol or description which, having regard to
the circumstances may:
a. indicate, or
b. is capable of being understood to indicate or
c. lead persons to infer that a person is a nurse practitioner, or entitled to practise
as a nurse practitioner.

Registered nurses working in ‘transition’ positions with the expectation that they will be employed as
a nurse practitioner following authorisation by the Board, must ensure that clients and professional
colleagues are aware that they are not yet authorised as nurse practitioners, or risk prosecution under
the Act.

Prescribing Medications
Under the provisions of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966, the Director-General, NSW
Department of Health may, by means of a written authorisation, authorise a nurse practitioner, or class
of nurse practitioners to possess, use, prescribe or supply any poison or restricted substance. Such
an authority is to be given only if the Director-General approves guidelines in accordance with section
78A of the Nurses and Midwives Act 1991.
In the public sector the Director-General has delegated authority to Area Health Service Chief
Executive Officers to authorise nurse practitioners to prescribe medications from a set formulary.

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Section two describes the requirements for

applications for authorisation. There are two
pathways under which an application may be
assessed. Applicants should refer to this section for
information on making an application and selecting
the pathway most relevant to their circumstances.

Applicants are required to demonstrate 5000 hours

of advanced practice in a nominated broad area of
practice and specify their context of practice. The
areas of practice approved by the Board are included
in this section. Applicants and referees are referred
to the National Competency Standards for the Nurse
Practitioner for a definition of advanced practice
expected of a nurse practitioner. The definition is also
provided in section one of this information booklet.

All applicants must be registered as nurses by the

Nurses and Midwives Board of New South Wales at
the time of application. Authorisation as a nurse
practitioner is dependent upon continuing registration
as a nurse.

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section two: requirements for applications

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section two: requirements for applications 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 10

Requirements for Applications

Applicants who apply under this pathway are

2.1 Making an Application required to demonstrate that they are able to meet
Persons interested in making an application may the National Competency Standards for the Nurse
obtain information and an application form by either Practitioner (ANMC 2006) in their ‘package of
telephoning the Board’s office, or downloading the evidence’ and at a peer review interview.
information from the Board’s website, Clarification on any of the
2.3 Nominating an Area of Practice
Board requirements may be sought from the
Professional Officers of the Board by phoning Applicants for nurse practitioner authorisation are
(02) 9219 0222. Applications, including all required required to nominate a broad area of practice and a
documentation and the required fee, may be mailed context of practice on the application form. An area
to the Board’s office or delivered in person. The fee of practice comprises the professional field of
at the time of going to print is $150AUD, which may practice and range of care provided to specific
be paid by credit card or by cheque drawn on an client groups. The broad area of practice must be
Australian bank. Applicants applying under either chosen from the list approved by the Board, which
of the following pathways are required to provide may be found in this section of the booklet. An
evidence of 5000 hours of advanced clinical area of practice is not described by a narrow
nursing practice experience in the last six (6) years application of limited skills, and may encompass
in their nominated broad area of practice and a number of contexts.
context of practice.
The context of practice is more specific to the
applicant’s application of knowledge and skill, e.g.
2.2 Selecting the Right Pathway broad area of high dependency nursing, context of
There are two pathways for registered nurses who practice – operating theatre nursing.
wish to apply for authorisation as nurse practitioners.
Examples of contexts of practice are listed under
Pathway 1 is for registered nurses who have each broad area of practice. The applicant may
completed a Masters degree approved by the Board choose to nominate a different context of practice
as a course for the preparation of registered nurses from those listed. Contexts of practice are listed
for nurse practitioner practice. Applicants who apply under specific broad areas of practice for historical
under this pathway are considered to have reasons and are not restricted to the broad area of
demonstrated the National Competency Standards practice under which they are listed.
for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) in the
education program conducted by the university.
Applicants applying for authorisation more than five
(5) years after the completion of a recognised
masters course will have their application
considered under pathway 2.

Pathway 2 is for registered nurses who are

working at an advanced practice level, who have not
completed a Masters degree approved by the
Board, but who consider that their advanced level
knowledge and skills obtained through other post-
registration education, professional development
activities and experience, are sufficient to
demonstrate ‘equivalence’. Registered nurses, who
have completed a Masters or higher degree not
approved by the Board as a course for nurse
practitioners, may apply under this pathway.

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section two: requirements for applications

2.4 Evidence of Advanced Nursing
All applicants are required to provide evidence of
5000 hours advanced nursing practice within the
last six (6) years in the broad area of practice and
context of practice nominated on the application
form. This information will assist the Board in the
formulation of the panel or committee who will
assess the application. The evidence of advanced
nursing practice provided by employers, senior
peers and colleagues should reflect the broad area
and context of practice nominated by the applicant.
A proforma for the use of employers and
peers/colleagues is included in Section 6 and may
be photocopied. A minimum of two senior peers or
colleagues must complete Section 6.3 of the
proforma. Additional information regarding this
requirement is included in Section 3, Frequently
Asked Questions.

2.5 Legal Aspects Relating to

Areas of Practice

The Nurses and Midwives Act 1991 provides

for the Board to recognise areas of practice.
Under the related provisions of the Act, nurse
practitioners are not limited to one area of
practice nor prohibited from specific areas of

Nurse practitioners must demonstrate adequate

knowledge, experience, skill, judgement and
care in the practice of nursing. Failure to do so
may lead to allegations of unsatisfactory
professional conduct, or if sufficiently serious,
professional misconduct. Professional
misconduct and unsatisfactory professional
conduct are defined under section 4 of the
Nurses and Midwives Act 1991. The knowledge,
experience and skill etc. will vary depending
on the nature of the conduct under review.

Wendy Waters, Emergency Nurse Practitioner

Yass Hospital

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section two: requirements for applications 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 12

2.6 Areas of Practice Recognised by the Board

The Board has recognised the following areas of practice. Applicants for nurse practitioner authorisation
are required to nominate a broad area of practice and their context of practice on the application form.
Examples of contexts of practice are listed under each broad area. The list is not exhaustive and
applicants may nominate an additional context of practice as relevant to their clinical area and expertise.
Contexts of practice are not restricted to the broad area of practice under which they are listed.

• High Dependency Nursing

Some of the contexts of practice may include:
High dependency nursing, critical care nursing, neurology/neuroscience nursing,
cardiothoracic nursing, cardiovascular nursing, coronary care/cardiology nursing,
perioperative/operating room/anaesthetic nursing, emergency nursing, intensive care
nursing, recovery room nursing, nephrology/renal/renal dialysis nursing, and neonatology.

• Mental Health Nursing

Some of the contexts of practice may include:
Mental health nursing, psychiatric nursing, community mental health nursing, mental health-
forensic nursing, family therapy, child and adolescent psychiatric nursing, and
psychogeriatric nursing.

• Rehabilitation / Habilitation Nursing

Some of the contexts of practice may include:
Rehabilitation nursing, gerontic nursing, developmental disability nursing, spinal injury
nursing, brain injured nursing, continence management, palliative care and hospice nursing.

• Acute and Supportive Nursing (Medical/Surgical)

Some of the contexts of practice may include:
Medical nursing, surgical nursing, thoracic/respiratory nursing, endocrine nursing,
ear/nose/throat nursing, dermatology, orthopaedic nursing, oncology nursing, ophthalmic
nursing, stomal therapy, plastic/burns nursing, gynaecology nursing and infection control.

• Primary Health Care Nursing/Community Health/Family Health

Some of the contexts of practice may include:
Community health nursing, primary health care nursing, rural health nursing, remote
practice nursing, visiting/school nursing, health education, drug and alcohol, criminal justice
nursing, occupational health and safety nursing, HIV/AIDS nursing, sexual health nursing,
family planning, women’s health, child and family health and infection control.

• Older Person Nursing

Some of the contexts of practice may include any of the above specialty areas of practice.

• Paediatric Nursing
Some of the contexts of practice may include any of the above specialty areas of practice.

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Helen Gosby, Emergency Nurse Practitioner, Children’s Hospital at Westmead

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Section three provides information on what is

required in making an application through either of
the two pathways. Applicants should refer to the
relevant pathway when developing their application
documentation. A checklist is enclosed for applicant’s
use and should be included in the submitted
documentation. Please note that a Professional
Officer will review the submitted documentation prior
to arranging a panel or committee to assess the
person’s practice. Where the requirements of the
Board are not clearly met, an applicant may be asked
to provide more information.

Applications submitted to the Board should include

all required documentation and the fee. Partial
submissions are not able to be processed further
until all required documentation has been received.

Information in response to commonly asked

questions about evidence of advanced practice,
international experience, part-time employment and
development of the case study are also included
in this section.

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section three: pathway 1 and 2 applications

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section three: pathway 1 application 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 16

Pathway 1 Application

b. A description of the position/s held that

3.1 List of Requirements for contribute to the advanced practice
Pathway 1 experience. This must identify advanced
This pathway option is for registered nurses who clinical responsibilities and be verified and
have completed a Masters degree approved by the signed by the senior nurse manager of the
Nurses and Midwives Board as a course to prepare employing institution;
applicants for practice as nurse practitioners. c. A minimum of two ‘Verifications of Advanced
Practice’ from senior peers/colleagues who
Pathway 1 applications are assessed by a special are familiar with the applicant’s practice over
committee of the Board that considers the a significant time period (minimum of one
documentary evidence of completion of an year).
approved Masters program for the preparation of
nurse practitioner practice, and the evidence of 4. Evidence of completion of a Masters degree
advanced practice experience submitted. The approved by the Board as a course for the
applicant is notified in writing of the outcome as preparation for practice as nurse practitioners.
soon as possible, usually within one month. The original letter from the university, addressed
to the Board, should be submitted.
Required Documents:
5. Application fee of $150.
1. Completed relevant application form.
This must be completed in full and the
applicant’s signature on the Statutory
Declaration witnessed by a Justice of the Peace
or legal practitioner.
a. The nurse practitioner applicant must
nominate a broad area of practice and a
context of practice under which she/he
wishes to be assessed.

2. Detailed curriculum vitae (CV). A suggested

format may be found in Section 4. The CV
should provide most detail on the experience
of the applicant during the six (6) years
immediately prior to application date.

3. Evidence of 5000 hours of advanced nursing

practice in the relevant area and context of
practice within the last six (6) years.
The evidence should include:
a. Statement of Employment from an employing
senior nurse manager or equivalent health
professional from each institution where the
position contributes to the required hours of
advanced practice;

Amal Helou, Nurse Practitioner Pain Management,

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

NB: All copies of original documents submitted must be correctly certified as true copies of originals
sighted, by a Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner who verifies and signs the copies. The full
name, contact address and phone number of the Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner
certifying documents is required as part of the certification.

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section three: pathway 1 application

Pathway 1 Application Checklist

(To assist applicants in submitting documentation ❑ 7. Statement/s of Employment from each senior
required for an application) nurse manager, or equivalent, for each
employing institution/s are included.

Important Note: This checklist is a guide only. ❑ 8. Verified description/s for each nursing
Documentation provided needs to be appropriately position held at an advanced practice level
verified, and clearly support your advanced within the past six (6) years are included.
nursing practice within the past six (6) years.
❑ 9. A minimum of two original ‘Verifications of
Advanced Practice’ proforma completed and
❑ 1. Application form for authorisation as a nurse signed by senior clinical peers or colleagues
practitioner is completed. All sections must be (medical or nursing) are included.
completed prior to signing the Statutory
Declaration. ❑ 10. All claims made in the application are
substantiated by documentary evidence.
❑ 2. Nominated broad area of practice as listed in
this booklet. ❑ 11. All copies of original documents are certified
by a Justice of the Peace or legal
❑ 3. A Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner has practitioner.
witnessed your signature on the Statutory
Declaration section of the application form. ❑ 12. Application fee of $150 is submitted.

❑ 4. The original letter from the university ❑ 13. A copy of your application documents is
(addressed to the Board) confirming retained by you for your own records.
completion of approved Masters degree
is provided.

❑ 5. Evidence of current registration as a nurse in Please include a copy of this list with your
NSW is included.

❑ 6. A typed, or clearly handwritten, detailed

curriculum vitae is included.

Note: A Professional Officer of the Board will review the application and will contact you if there are
any documents outstanding or that do not meet the Board’s requirements.

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section three: pathway 2 application 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 18

Pathway 2 Application

3. Evidence of 5000 hours of advanced nursing

3.2 List of Requirements practice in the relevant area of practice within
for Pathway 2 the last six (6) years. Additional information
This pathway option is for registered nurses who regarding the evidence required may be found
are working at an advanced practice level but who later in this section under Commonly Asked
have NOT completed a Masters degree course for Questions.
nurse practitioners approved by the Nurses and The evidence should include:
Midwives Board. Applicants applying under this
pathway are required to attend a Peer Review a. Statement of Employment from an employing
Interview. senior nurse manager or equivalent health
professional from each institution where the
Pathway 2 applications are assessed by a peer position contributes to the required hours of
review panel, which interviews the applicant. advanced practice;
Following the interview, the panel will formulate a b. A description of the position/s held that
report on the applicant’s ability to meet the Board contribute to the advanced practice
requirements and the National Competency experience. This must identify advanced
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006). clinical responsibilities and be verified and
The applicant is notified in writing of the Board’s signed by the senior nurse manager of the
outcome as soon as possible, usually within one employing institution;
month. c. A minimum of two ‘Verifications of Advanced
Practice’ from senior peers/colleagues who
Required Documents: are familiar with the applicant’s practice over
a significant time period (a minimum of one
1. Completed relevant application form. year).
This must be completed in full and the 4. Application fee of $150.
applicant’s signature on the Statutory
Declaration witnessed by a Justice of the
Peace or legal practitioner.
a. The nurse practitioner applicant must
nominate a broad area of practice and a
context of practice under which he/she
wishes to be assessed.

2. ‘Package of evidence’. This should include:

a. Detailed curriculum vitae (CV). A suggested

format may be found in Section 4. The CV
should provide most detail on the experience
of the applicant during the previous six (6)
years prior to application date.
b. Supporting documentation that
relates to the CV claims, e.g. educational
awards, professional development activities.
c. Case study. Guidelines for the preparation of
case studies may be found in Section 4.
d. Drug formulary of 7–10 commonly used
drugs from the context of practice and the
cases managed, which could form the basis Andrew Cashin, Nurse Practitioner, Mental Health
for prescribing as a nurse practitioner, if
approved by the Director-General, NSW
Department of Health.

NB: All copies of original documents submitted must be correctly certified as true copies of originals
sighted, by a Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner who verifies and signs the copies. The full
name, contact address and phone number of the Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner
certifying documents is required as part of the certification.

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 19

section three: pathway 2 application

Pathway 2 Application Checklist

(To assist applicants in submitting documentation ❑ 7. Copies of original documents in the ‘package
required for their application) of evidence’ are correctly certified.

Important Note: This checklist is a guide only. ❑ 8. Statement/s of Employment from each senior
Documentation provided needs to be appropriately nurse manager, or equivalent, for each
verified, and clearly support your advanced employing institution/s are included.
nursing practice within the past six (6) years,
for the assessment of a peer review panel. ❑ 9. Verified description/s for each nursing
position held at an advanced practice level
within the past six (6) years are included.
❑ 1. Application form for authorisation as a nurse
practitioner is completed. All sections must be ❑ 10. A minimum of two original ‘Verifications of
completed prior to signing the Statutory Advanced Practice’ proforma completed and
Declaration. signed by senior peers or colleagues
(medical or nursing) are included.
❑ 2. Nominated broad area of practice as listed in
this booklet. ❑ 11. All claims made in the application are
substantiated by documentary evidence.
❑ 3. A Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner has
witnessed your signature on the Statutory ❑ 12. Application fee of $150 is submitted.
Declaration section of the application form.
❑ 13. A copy of your application documents is
❑ 4. Evidence of current registration as a nurse in retained by you for your own records.
NSW has been provided.
Please include a copy of this list with your
❑ 5. A typed, or clearly handwritten, detailed application.
curriculum vitae is included.

❑ 6. A ‘package of evidence’ of supporting

documentation including a drug formulary
and a case study.

Note: A Professional Officer of the Board will review the application and will contact you if there are
any documents outstanding or that do not meet the Board’s requirements.

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Advanced nursing practice must also be supported

3.3 Frequently Asked Questions by a minimum of two senior peers or colleagues
Previous applicants and interested persons have who are familiar with the applicant’s practice and
asked for clarification on the Board’s requirements who have observed the person’s practice for at
for authorisation. The following answers a number least one year. A proforma ‘Verification of Advanced
of questions posed. Other frequently asked Practice’ is included in Section 6 and may be
questions and answers may be found on the photocopied. If the proforma is not used, the
Board’s website. document provided must include all of the
information requested in the proforma. The person
Appropriate persons to provide the providing the verification must sign the form, print
evidence of advanced practice their name, designation and the name of the
Evidence of employment at an advanced level must institution where they are employed. Referees
be verified by the senior nurse manager, or should refer to the National Competency Standards
equivalent, of the employing institution. Advanced for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) when
practice nursing defines a level of nursing practice formulating this document.
that utilises extended and expanded skills,
experience and knowledge in assessment, Advanced practice experience obtained
planning, implementation, diagnosis and evaluation in another country
of the care required. Nurses practising at this level Applicants who have undertaken advanced nursing
are educationally prepared at postgraduate level practice roles in another country with an equivalent
and may work in a specialist or generalist capacity. health system to Australia may provide evidence as
However, the basis of advanced practice is the high outlined above in relation to this experience. The
degree of knowledge, skill and experience that is panel or committee will assess this evidence, in
applied within the nurse-patient/client relationship addition to other evidence in the application.
to achieve optimal outcomes through critical
analysis, problem solving and accurate decision Employment in a less than full-time
making (RCNA 2000, ANMC 2006). A proforma position
‘Statement of Employment’ is included in this Applicants who have not worked full-time for three
booklet and may be photocopied if more than one (3) years during the last six (6) years, but have
employer needs to complete it. The information worked in a 0.5 FTE position over six (6) years at
must include the title of the advanced practice an advanced level may be able to meet the
position held, the number of hours per week advanced clinical practice requirement. The panel
worked while in the position and the dates of or committee will assess dates of employment,
employment in the position. It is the applicant’s hours worked and level of nursing practice in each
responsibility to check that the information on the role.
form is correct prior to submitting the application.
Development of the case study
A description of advanced level clinical
Applicants applying under pathway 2 are required to
responsibilities and duties performed for each
submit a case study that exemplifies their
position contributing to the 5000 hours of advanced
advanced knowledge, skill and evidence based
nursing practice, verified and signed by the
nursing practice in case management and complex
employing nurse manager, or equivalent, must be
problem solving. Information on the development of
included. The statement must indicate roles that
the case study may be found in Section 4.
are more than the average registered nurse
Applicants should refer to the National Competency
position. Senior nurse managers/employers should
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner when
refer to the National Competency Standards for the
developing the case study.
Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) when formulating
this document.

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Bronwyn Cosh, Nurse Practitioner Emergency Department, Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital

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Section four provides suggestions on how to

organise your curriculum vitae and ‘package of
evidence’. Applicants may choose a different
method of presentation from that suggested,
however information should be organised in a clear,
easily negotiated format.

To assist the assessment panel or committee the

pages should be sequentially numbered and
organised so that documents of similar type, e.g.
education completion documents, are together. It
may be helpful to organise the supporting documents
in accordance with your curriculum vitae presentation
using separate sections for easy reference.
If applying via pathway 2, the case study should
be clearly identified.

The application form should be separate from the

‘package of evidence’ and be placed at the front of
the application.

Applicants should provide the original ‘package of

evidence’ and four copies. If the original package
contains certified documents, the copies of this do
not need to be certified again. The copies of the
package should be an exact replication of the original
‘package of evidence’.

Other information in this section provides guidance

for pathway 2 applicants in developing the case
study, and what type of documents should be
included in your ‘package of evidence’. Applicants
may clarify any information by telephoning the
Board’s office and speaking to a Professional Officer.

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section four: organising your documentation

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section four: organising your documentation 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 24

Organising Your Documentation

4.1 Example of a Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Name: Age, gender, marital status and
Address: leisure interests are not necessary
Contact details:
RN Number and expiry date:
Educational / Academic History - Formal Education
Qualification / Award Institution Date study Corroborating
Name of qualification or award received Institution or educational completed documentary
at graduation or completion of course facility attended evidence The location
Advanced Certificate: Central Queensland July 1998 See under tab 4 (in the
‘package if
Critical Care Nursing University evidence’
provided by
Intensive Care Nursing College of Nursing November 1995 See under tab 4 the applicant)
Certificate of
Diploma of Applied Avondale College October 1993 See under tab 3 evidence for
each claim -
Science (Nursing) all claims
Other Relevant Education must be
verified by
Advanced Life Hornsby Ku-ring-gai 2002 See under tab 5 substaining
Support Hospital
Mechanical Ventilation College of Nursing 2002

CPR Assessor Royal North Shore 2001 Education that makes you
Hospital an expert nurse or midwife
Chronological sequence
Child Protection Royal North Shore 2001 from present to past
Training Hospital
Cannulation and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai 2000
Phlebotomy Hospital
Critical Care Hornsby Ku-ring-gai 1999
Education Series Hospital
History of Employment
Position Held Employer Commencement Corroborating
and termination documentary
dates; hrs per week evidence
Clinical Nurse Royal Prince Alfred June 2002 See under tab 6
Specialist Hospital - to
-direct patient care Intensive Therapy Present
Include job descriptions,
-team leader in NUM’s Unit letter of employment
absence with position title, other
Provide additional paragraph explaining correspondence etc
-resource person for advanced clinical duties of positions held
over previous six (6) years
staff within the unit
-ALS instructor
Clinical Nurse St George Hospital January 1999
-direct patient care
-venepuncture education
-member counter
disaster committee

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section four: organising your documentation

Title of Article Name of Journal Date of Page Corroborating
publication Ref. documentary
CV Writing for Australian Journal of April 2006 See under tab 7
Nurses Nursing
The Pyrexic Patient Journal of Critical March 2004
May include correspondence from
Care Nursing editors, abstracts of published
articles, index from journal, etc...
Advanced Journal of British July 2000
Resuscitation Theatre Nurses
Awards / Special Achievements
Award / Details Dates Corroborating
Achievement documentary
Quality Program Northern Sydney April 1, 2006 See under tab 8
Award Health – Quality
Awards Scheme
Recognition of Merit Award – June 2002
outstanding Concord Hospital
Conference Presentations
Title Conference Date of Corroborating
Presentation documentary
Relaxation Pain Interest Group August 2002 See under tab 9
Techniques: Useful May include conference proceedings,
correspondence program, thank you letters etc...
Adjuncts to Analgesia
Post-surgical Pyrexia Critical Care Nurses May 2005 See under tab 45
Professional Affiliations
Membership Organisation Dates Corroborating
Secretary Critical Care Nurses April 2001 to present See under tab 10
of Australia
Member NSW Nurses’ From 1988 to
Association Present

A Justice of the Peace or legal practitioner must correctly certify all copies of original documents submitted
with the CV. Pages should be numbered sequentially.

NB: Any other standard CV format would be acceptable. The above is an example only of a suitable

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The ‘package of evidence’ documentation must

4.2 Package of Evidence include:
Applicants applying under pathway 2 are required to 1. A curriculum vitae that demonstrates that the
develop and submit a ‘package of evidence’ with applicant has the qualifications, advanced
their applications. In the ‘package of evidence’ knowledge and experience to substantiate the
applicants must demonstrate how they have gained application for authorisation as a nurse
the knowledge and skills to practise at an practitioner. Professional experience at an
advanced level within their nominated area/s of advanced level within the previous six (6) years
practice. The ‘package of evidence’ details the should be detailed in the CV.
applicant’s educational achievements, professional
development activities and advanced nursing 2. Supporting documentation. Where an applicant
practice experience, and provides supporting has identified specific educational achievements,
evidence in relation to these. professional activities or conference
presentations/attendance etc. evidence of these
Applicants applying under pathway 1 are not must be supported by objective, verified
required to submit a ‘package of evidence’ however documentation.
are required to submit a detailed curriculum vitae
and evidence of 5000 hours of advanced nursing 3. A case study. This must relate to a case or
practice within the six (6) years prior to the composite of several cases managed by the
application. applicant that demonstrates advanced nursing
practice and addresses the Board’s criteria.
Applicants are advised that the ‘package of Guidelines for the development of case studies
evidence’ must refer to the National Competency are included in this section. The case study
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006), must show that the applicant understands
standards, competencies and performance contemporary Australian practice.
indicators, and how the applicant has demonstrated
these in their professional activities. 4. Evidence of 5000 hours of advanced nursing
practice within the last six (6) years prior to
application, from senior nurse manager/s or
equivalent, and senior peers and colleagues.
Evidence should be supported and verified.
Position descriptions outlining the applicant’s
advanced clinical responsibilities must be
included. A proforma by use of employers and
peers/colleagues is enclosed as an appendix.
This proforma may be photocopied. Additional
information on the evidence required may be
found in Section 3, Frequently Asked Questions.

5. A drug formulary. The ‘package of evidence’

must include a list of 7–10 drugs commonly
used in the applicant’s context/area of practice.
The peer review panel will ask questions about
the applicant’s knowledge of those drugs during
the interview. The applicant should choose drugs
that could form the basis of a formulary for
prescribing as a nurse practitioner, if approved by
the Director-General, NSW Department of Health.

NB: All copies of documents must be correctly certified in accordance with Board requirements

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section four: organising your documentation

2. Commence the written case study with a
4.3 Case Study Guidelines summary of the clinical story of the case and
In developing your case study, select a case which how you came to be involved in the management
exemplifies your advanced nursing practice and of the client. The nurse practitioner is an holistic
which demonstrates your advanced level knowledge carer and you should take into account not only
and skills. The case should be from your physical conditions, but social, psychological,
mainstream casemix, with which you are most environmental and emotional contexts where
familiar. The peer review panel will read your case appropriate.
study prior to the interview and develop questions
about your ability to meet the relevant competency 3. Develop the case discussion, referring to the
standards, competencies and performance National Standards for the Nurse Practitioner
indicators. competencies and performance indicators, and
how you addressed these in caring for the client.
Reference should be made to your ability to meet 4. In developing the case discussion, you need to
the National Competency Standards for the Nurse justify decisions made and include evidence for
Practitioner (ANMC 2006) and how these are the treatment choices, such as pathophysiology
demonstrated in the management of the case. If or psychopathology related to making a
the actual case selected does not allow you to differential diagnosis. References to medication
demonstrate the relevant competencies and choices need to include the rationales for any
performance indicators consistent with your area of options you discarded. Although you are not yet
practice, then you may either modify the case study a nurse practitioner, extensive knowledge of
or incorporate several cases in the development of appropriate medications, doses and rationales
one case study in order to do so. Ensure for use in your context of practice is expected.
confidentiality of the client. You should advise the
panel if it is a composite case. 5. Reflect on your practice. At this point you may
feel you could have done something different or
The case study is a document that should explicate there may be a more appropriate treatment that
your practice through a written description of could have been used at the time, or a recent
clinical decision-making and management of an development in medications you would use now.
actual client/s. 6. Make some conclusive statements on how you
evaluated your care of this client and what the
The method of presentation of the case study may patient outcomes were.
be flexible, and is not mandated by the Board. It is
suggested the case study be between 5,000 - 7. Any additional material referred to in the
8,000 words including references. Less than 3,000 discussion may be attached or referenced.
is probably too few to do justice to your practice. 8. Make a second draft of the document and
More than 10,000 is probably unnecessarily ensure that there are no spelling mistakes or
lengthy. Brief case studies may not assist you to grammatical errors that could be misinterpreted.
articulate your decision-making at an advanced
level and may affect the length of the interview. 9. Once you have completed the second draft (or
You should reference appropriately in the written more) ask a senior peer (or 2) to read through
text and provide a reference list at the end of the the case and provide feedback to you. It may
case study. A helpful reference style is the help to have someone from outside your
American Psychological Association, 5th Edition, specialty area read the case study.
which may be found in many university and hospital 10. It may be helpful to arrange a ‘mock interview’
libraries. Other referencing styles may also be used. with senior peers such as nursing, medical
officers and pharmacists to practise
A helpful way of presenting the case may be: articulating your knowledge of the case
management in an interview situation.
1. Start with an introduction of your context of
practice and professional background.

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Section five provides information on the assessment

of application and related processes. A schematic
diagram identifies how applications are progressed,
via both pathways, from initial application to
completion and, where successful, authorisation. If
applicants are uncertain about how their application
is progressing they may telephone the Board’s office
and speak to a Professional Officer.

Additional information is provided for those

applicants who are registered or authorised as nurse
practitioners in other States or Territories of Australia
or in New Zealand. Those applicants may apply for
authorisation under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992
or the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.

Following authorisation, many nurse practitioners

have other questions in regard to the implementation
of practice as a nurse practitioner. This section
provides information regarding the responsibilities of
a nurse practitioner and where to go for information
on developing a position and guidelines for practice
as well as what is required when applying for a
further period of authorisation.

The Board advises that, with the release of a

statement from Council of Australian Governments
(COAG) regarding national registration by July 2008,
processes after that time may be somewhat changed.

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section five: progression of applications

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Progression of Applications

in-depth inquiry into her/his clinical judgements and

5.1 Assessment of Applications expertise. The panel may also pose questions
The Peer Review Interview relating to the documents in the ‘package of
Following submission of a pathway 2 application, a evidence’ and the applicant’s wider practice.
peer review panel will be convened to assess
whether or not the applicant demonstrates the The applicant will be expected to evaluate the
ability to meet the Board’s requirements for effectiveness of the care described, and to reflect
authorisation. The applicant is notified as soon as on the value of possible alternate therapeutic
possible of the interview date. The progression of strategies based on current evidence where
application, interview and Board decision will take applicable. This information may be included in the
approximately three months. This may be extended case study submitted.
in some circumstances. Applicants are generally
given three or four weeks notice of the interview Applicants should bring a copy of their ‘package of
date and should advise the Professional Officer evidence’ and case study to the interview.
responsible for applications, of any constraints
concerning attendance at an interview within the
two to three months following application. The
interview will take approximately two hours.

Applicants are notified of the names of the panel

members prior to the interview. The Board staff
should be notified as soon as possible of any
perceived conflict of interest in relation to the
composition of the panel. Reasons for the
perceived conflict of interest should be submitted
in writing. The interview may be delayed if a panel
member needs to be replaced.

Members of the peer review panel will assess the

application, ‘package of evidence’ and case study
and determine whether the National Competency
Standards for the Nurse Practitioner have been
addressed in the submission. The panel will
Peer Review
develop questions around the competency Interview Panel
standards, competencies and performance
indicators not obviously addressed in the
submission and applicants will be asked to respond The Peer Review Interview Panel usually
to these during the interview. comprises a nurse academic with a clinical
focus on the broad area of practice nominated
The interview is a means for the applicant to
showcase advanced level knowledge and ability by the applicant; an authorised nurse
to complex problem solve in a specific area of practitioner from the context of practice
practice. Members of the panel will expect the nominated by the applicant (if available); a
applicant to demonstrate the knowledge and senior nurse clinician (or second nurse
reasoning that underlies decisions and actions
practitioner) from the area or context of
described in the case study. The applicant will be
expected to demonstrate in-depth understanding of practice; and a pharmacology expert (who may
case management, evidence based practice and be a pharmacist, medical practitioner or
the underpinning knowledge of advanced lecturer in pharmacology) who is familiar with
pathophysiology and pharmacology relevant to the the nominated area of practice.
area of practice. Questioning will initially focus on
the case study, and this will form the basis of

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section five: progression of applications

Assessment of Masters graduate Applications under the Mutual
applications Recognition Act 1992 and Trans Tasman
Applications under pathway 1 are assessed by a Mutual Recognition Act 1997
special committee of the Board that looks at the Applicants who are currently registered/authorised
applicant’s evidence of completion of an approved to practise as nurse practitioners in another State
Masters degree for nurse practitioner preparation or Territory of Australia or New Zealand may apply
and the evidence of 5000 hours advanced nursing for authorisation to practise as nurse practitioners
practice within the six (6) years prior to the in New South Wales under the Mutual Recognition
application. The committee usually meet in person Act 1992 (Commonwealth) or the Trans Tasman
or by teleconference to discuss the applicant’s Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (Commonwealth).
curriculum vitae, the statements of employment, Applicants must be currently registered as nurses
position descriptions and verifications of advanced in New South Wales at the time of application or
practice from senior peers and colleagues who are must concurrently apply for registration.
familiar with the applicant’s practice.
Applicants will be granted ‘deemed’ authorisation
Applicants applying under this pathway do not need on receipt of the application form and fee of $150,
to submit a case study or substantive which will allow them to practise until substantive
documentation regarding other post-registration authorisation is granted or refused. Subject to the
qualifications. The letter from the university, usual checks required of applications under the
addressed to the Board, provides evidence that the Mutual Recognition Act or Trans Tasman Mutual
applicant has completed an approved Masters Recognition Act, substantive authorisation will
course, which provided teaching and assessment in usually be granted within 30 days, and a certificate
theory and advanced clinical practice using the of authorisation issued.
National Competency Standards for the Nurse
Practitioner (ANMC 2006), or if completed prior to If there are restrictions/conditions on the nurse
2007, which prepared a graduate to meet the practitioner’s practice in the original State, Territory
Board’s assessment criteria. or Country of registration/authorisation, these will
also apply in New South Wales. The applicant’s
Applicants applying under pathway 1 are not area of practice is not recorded and prospective
required to attend an interview if they have employers should be informed by the nurse
completed the approved Masters course within the practitioner of the area/context where they have
previous five (5) years. Applicants applying for demonstrated advanced level knowledge and
authorisation more than five (5) years after the competence.
completion of a recognised masters course will
have their application considered under pathway 2. Application forms and information regarding
Applicants in these circumstances will be assessed application under mutual recognition legislation may
against the National Competency Standards for the be obtained by contacting the Board’s office or from
Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006). the website:

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Applicants who are aggrieved by the Board’s

5.2 Assessment Outcomes decision may appeal to the Nurses and Midwives
Successful Applications Tribunal as provided by section 32 of the Nurses
If successful, applicants are issued a certificate of and Midwives Act 1991.
Authorisation to Practise as a Nurse Practitioner.
Each successful applicant is asked to return Applicants who apply under either the Mutual
her/his current Authority to Practise as a registered Recognition Act 1992 or the Trans Tasman Mutual
nurse so that a new authority, which includes the Recognition Act 1997 and whose applications are
title ‘Nurse Practitioner’, may be issued. The Board refused have right of appeal to the Administrative
will also issue a letter that recognises, in making Appeals Tribunal.
application, the applicant has demonstrated
knowledge and advanced practice in a specific area
and context of practice. For mutual recognition
applications please refer to the previous page.

Unsuccessful Applications
Applicants under either pathway 1 or pathway 2,
who do not meet the Board’s requirements are
advised that the Board intends to refuse the
application and the reasons for this intention.
Applicants who are not satisfied with the
foreshadowed decision may request a hearing
under section 21 of the Nurses and Midwives Act.
These applicants must contact the Board’s office
within 21 days so that the Board may defer making
its decision. Applicants may provide a written
submission and/or request a hearing prior to the
Board making its decision about the application.

Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply. Applicants

will be advised of the requirements of a further
application as the process may be modified in
some instances. It is strongly recommended that
any further application address the issues
identified as needing improvement or clarification in
relation to the previous application. If the new
application is received within three (3) months of
notification of intention to refuse, a further fee is
not required. Should an applicant not meet the
Board’s requirements on three (3) occasions,
evidence of further study to address the issues
and/or knowledge deficits identified by the panel is
required on making a fourth application.

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5.3 Schematic Diagram of Application Progression

Board approves authorisation

(maximum 5 yrs) and notifies applicant

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5.4 Other Matters Related to Applying for continued authorisation

Authorisation as a nurse practitioner
Under the Nurses and Midwives Act 1991, the Board
Responsibilities following authorisation is able to authorise applicants as nurse practitioners
All registered nurses are required to operate within for a maximum period of five (5) years.
approved policies and protocols of employing
institutions. Nurse practitioners may be able to Nurse practitioners applying for continued
initiate diagnostic investigations and make limited authorisation for further periods should submit
referrals, as may other registered nurses with applications within the six months prior to expiry of
adequate knowledge and experience. their current authorisation. Applicants seeking
authorisation for a further period will be required to
It is also important for authorised nurse satisfy the Board that they continue to have the
practitioners to be informed of the legislative qualifications and experience to practise as nurse
provisions in regard to the Nurses and Midwives Act practitioners. Information released recently from
1991 and the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act COAG indicates that national registration may be in
1966. Under Section 17A of the Poisons and place by July 2008. The Board is unable to provide
Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 authority for a nurse information at the time of printing regarding the
practitioner, or class of nurse practitioners, to possible requirements for authorisation or
possess, use, supply or prescribe any poison or continued authorisation of nurse practitioners
restricted substance for the purposes of the beyond that date.
practice of a nurse practitioner’s profession is
subject to a written authority by the Director- The evidence submitted with the application for
General, NSW Department of Health. continued authorisation should include additional
qualifications obtained and professional activities
Registered nurses authorised to practise as nurse and experience completed since the date of prior
practitioners must not posses, use, prescribe or application. Documentation should show continued
supply any poison or restricted substance unless competence and current knowledge to allow the
they are operating within guidelines approved by the practitioner to practise safely in an advanced
Director-General, NSW Department of Health. practice role. An updated CV, statements of
Contravention of approved guidelines by a nurse employment and supporting verifications from peers
practitioner may constitute professional misconduct and colleagues should also be submitted.
or unsatisfactory professional conduct. Applicants for continuing authorisation should
address the National Competency Standards for the
Developing a position as a nurse Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) in their
practitioner documentation.
The development of nurse practitioner positions is
a separate process from the authorisation of nurse
practitioners by the Board. Authorised nurse
practitioners, whether employed in the NSW
Department of Health or elsewhere, can obtain
support and advice in regards to their scope of
practice, guideline development, policy
interpretations or any other assistance from the
Principal Advisor, Nurse Practitioner Service in the
Nursing and Midwifery Office, NSW Department of
Health on (02) 9391 9490.

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 35

section five: progression of applications

Professional Indemnity
There is increasing concern across health professions in relation to potential legal liability for injuries
or losses suffered by patients. Registered nurses applying for authorisation to practise as a nurse
practitioner should carefully consider their likely employment to assess if they should take out
professional indemnity insurance.

Where a nurse practitioner is an employee:

under the legal principle of ‘vicarious liability’ New South Wales law generally accepts that an
employer will be liable for the acts of an employee done in the course of their employment. As such,
the employer will be required to indemnify an employee for such acts.

Where a nurse practitioner is self-employed:

the practitioner will be personally liable for any alleged negligent action where injury or loss occurs to
a patient. The same principles apply where a practitioner operates as a contractor, rather than an
employee. The Nurses and Midwives Board of New South Wales has been advised by the NSW
Department of Health that while nurse practitioners employed in the public health system will be
covered by vicarious liability, nurse practitioners working as contractors in the public sector will be
required to carry a separate personal professional indemnity policy. The Department has further
recommended that nurse practitioners working as contractors in the private sector should also have
personal professional indemnity coverage.

Where applicants are uncertain of their employment status or the level of coverage necessary in their
area of practice, they should contact their employer/contracting organisation or insurer respectively
for advice.

NB: Authorisation to practise as a nurse practitioner will cease should the registration as a nurse
lapse or be cancelled.

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 36

Section six provides the verification of advanced

practice proforma to assist nurses and employers in
providing evidence of 5000 hours practice at an
advanced level.

Advanced practice is defined as a level of nursing

practice that utilises extended and expanded skills,
experience and knowledge in assessment, planning,
implementation, diagnosis and evaluation of the care

The statement of employment and verification of

advanced practice proforma can be pulled out and
copied as required.

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section six: verification of advanced practice

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section six: verification of advanced practice 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 38

Verification of Advanced Practice

role is grounded in the nursing profession’s values,

6.1 Verification of Advanced knowledge, theories and practice and provides
Practice Proforma innovative and flexible health care delivery that
This proforma is provided to assist applicants for complements other health care providers. The
nurse practitioner authorisation, and employers, in scope of practice of the nurse practitioner is
providing evidence of 5000 hours practice at an determined by the context in which the nurse
advanced level in the last six (6) years within the practitioner is authorised to practise. (ANMC
broad area of practice or specialty area of practice 2006)
for which recognition is sought.
Advanced practice is defined as a level of nursing
This is a critical component of the evidentiary practice that utilises extended and expanded skills,
requirements for authorisation as a nurse experience and knowledge in assessment,
practitioner and therefore as much information as planning, implementation, diagnosis and evaluation
possible should be provided. It is expected that of the care required. Nurses practising at this level
more than one senior peer or colleague would be are educationally prepared at postgraduate level
able to verify an applicant’s advanced practice. and may work in a specialist or generalist capacity.
Comments made on Part B should be the honest
opinion of the referee and address how they have However, the basis of advanced practice is the high
observed the applicant in their day-to-day practice degree of knowledge, skill and experience that is
to meet the National Competency Standards for the applied within the nurse-patient/client relationship
Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006) A copy of the to achieve optimal outcomes through critical analysis,
competency standards may be downloaded from problem solving and accurate decision-making.
the ANMC website: (RNCA 2000, ANMC 2006)

These forms may be photocopied to enable Position descriptions, verified by the senior nurse
evidence to be provided by more than one employer manager of the employing institution, indicating
or senior peer/colleague as required. advanced level clinical responsibilities for each
Letters/testimonials of support from senior position included in the claim of 5000 hours of
colleagues may also be included. advanced practice within the last six (6) years
should be attached to Part A.
Part A: must be completed by relevant
employers/senior nurse managers.

Part B: may be completed by employers or senior

health professionals who have relevant nursing,
medical or allied health qualifications and who have
worked closely with the applicant and are therefore
well placed to attest to some or all of these areas
of skill and knowledge over a period of time
(minimum of one year). The person verifying the
role responsibilities should refer to the National
Competency Standards for the Nurse Practitioner
when completing this document.

A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse educated

to function autonomously and collaboratively in an
advanced and extended clinical role. The nurse
practitioner role includes assessment and
management of clients using nursing knowledge
and skills and may include, but is not limited to, the
direct referral of patients to other health care
professionals, prescribing medications, and
ordering diagnostic tests. The nurse practitioner

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This section must be completed in full by a senior nurse manager of the employing
institution. Verified position description/s should be attached to this document.

I CERTIFY THAT _____________________________________________________________

(Insert applicant’s full name)

has worked as a registered nurse in

(name of health service or other organisation)

for the period _______________________ (date) to ________________ (date)

The applicant’s employment included advanced nursing practice as a registered nurse

from (date) _________________________ to (date) ________________ inclusive.

Title of position: ______________________________________________ The position was

full-time/part-time (circle one). This position required the applicant to work _________

hours per week a total of _______________ hours.

Other positions in which this nurse has been employed at an advanced practice level in
this institution in the last six (6) years include:

________________________________ from _______ to _________ hrs p/w ___________

________________________________ from _______ to _________ hrs p/w ___________



(Print Name in Full)

Position and organisation:____________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________

Attached: Position descriptions YES / NO

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section six: advanced practice proforma 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 40

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This section must be completed by a senior peer, or colleague, of the applicant who
has observed the applicant’s practice over a period of at least one year. The referee
may be a senior nurse, medical practitioner, or allied health professional.

The form should be read in conjunction with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery
Council National Competency Standards for the Nurse Practitioner (ANMC 2006*) and
both the rating scale and the comment sections completed. Comments are expected to
be the honest opinion of the referee. The following attributes relate to the definition of
the nurse practitioner (ANMC 2006*) that have been modified to reflect advanced
practice prior to authorisation. Where the referee is unable to comment on an attribute,
then this must be addressed by at least two other senior peers or colleagues. Please
feel free to add additional information. Referees are encouraged to be as specific and
candid as possible, using examples where appropriate.

Applicant’s full
position: _____________________________________________________________________

I verify that I have observed the above applicant to demonstrate knowledge and skills at
an advanced practice level, in the following:
(Circle one answer and complete comments section AND/OR attach relevant documentation)

1. Functions autonomously and collaboratively in an advanced and extended clinical role

Describe the activities that the applicant undertakes within his/her practice.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 42

2. Performs advanced assessment of clients independently and collaboratively

Outline evidence you have seen of the applicant’s competence within a nurse
practitioner scope of practice.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 43

3. Demonstrates evidence based practice in the management of clients

Outline evidence you have seen of the applicant’s knowledge and application of
evidence based practice.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 44

4. Makes appropriate referral of patients to other health care professionals

Outline evidence you have seen of the applicant’s competence within the nurse
practitioner scope of practice.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 45

5. Demonstrates advanced knowledge of appropriate medications, and diagnostic tests

Outline evidence you have seen of the applicant’s competence within the nurse
practitioner scope of practice.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 46

6. Provides appropriate and flexible health care that complements other team members
Comment on the applicant’s contribution as a team member within the workplace.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 47

7. Performs within an advanced scope of practice

Describe the advanced scope of practice that the applicant works in.


Rating (please place a cross X on the scale to indicate opinion):

activities do activities
not reflect reflect expert
expert level level of
of practice practice

1 2 3 4 5

12177 NMB NursePract Brochure 22/3/07 3:19 PM Page 48

8. In relation to the National Competency Standards for the Nurse Practitioner,

standards, competencies and performance indicators, I have also observed:


9. In regard to the applicant’s practice responsibilities, I confirm that their role has
involved a greater percentage of direct client care and related responsibilities than
those related to management (tick one)

❑ YES ❑ NO

Signed: ____________________________________________________________________

(Print Name in Full)

Position and
organisation: _______________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________

(These forms may be photocopied as necessary, or extra copies may be obtained from
the Board’s website:

*Ref. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) National Competency Standards
for the Nurse Practitioner 2006. Copies available on the ANMC website:

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