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Duration –03 hrs MM – 70

General Instructions:
 Question paper consists of 26 questions.
 All questions are compulsory
 01 Mark question must be answered in 20-30 words.
 03 Marks question must be answered in 40-70 words.
 05 Marks question must be answered in 100-150 words.

Q.1 Give two benefits of a healthy lifestyle. 1

Q2. What are the health related components of physical fitness? 1

Q3. Define Physical Education. 1

Q4. What do you mean by Adapted Physical Education? 1

Q5. Who founded Modern Olympic Games? 1

Q6. What do the words Citius, Altius and Fortius mean? 1

Q7. What are Asanas ? Name any two Asanas. 1

Q8. What do you understand by the term ‘Doping’? 1

Q9. What is the full form of WADA? 1

Q10. Define the term ‘Measurement’. 1

Q11. Write a short note on Ectomorph body type. 1

Q12. Define the term ‘Physical Fitness’. Write briefly on the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3

Q13. What is the meaning of Wellness and its importance in our life? 3

Q14. Explain any three principles of adapted physical education. 3

Q15. Write short note on Indian Olympic Association (IOA). 3

Q16. How yoga is useful in treating Obesity and Diabetes? 3

Q17. Explain in detail Body Mass Index (BMI) and the procedure to calculate BMI. 3

Q18. Explain the different types of Doping. 3

Q19. What are the importance of test and measurement in sports? 3

Q20. Describe in detail the factors that influence physical fitness and wellness. 5

Q21. Explain in detail the career options in physical education. 5

Q22. List the major National Sports Awards and explain about any one National Sports Award. 5

Q23. Briefly describe the eight elements of yoga. 5

Q24. What are the harmful effects of taking performance enhancing substances? 5

Q25. Describe in detail the Somato types and the physical traits of each type. 5

Q26. Explain in brief about: 5

(a) Ancient Olympic Games
(b) Modern Olympic Games

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