Using Big Data Analytics To Create A Predictive Model For Joint Strike Fighter

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2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

Using Big Data Analytics to Create a Predictive

Model for Joint Strike Fighter
Ryan Norman, Jason Bolin, Sanket Amin and John Nacker
and Dr. Edward T. Powell Joint Strike Fighter Program Office (JPO)
Big Data and Knowledge Management Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) Arlington, VA
Alexandria, VA;;;

The amount of information needed to acquire knowledge on business infrastructure. To drive the process of implementing
today’s acquisition systems is growing exponentially due to big data analytics, businesses have begun establishing analytics
more complex, higher resolution, software-intensive centers which either take pre-defined business cases and apply
acquisition systems that need to operate in System-of-Systems methods to address them or implement existing knowledge
(SoS), Family-of-Systems (FoS), Joint, and Coalition within the data architecture to create a higher level of
environments. Unfortunately, the tools and methods necessary awareness to business groups or the company at-large. To
to rapidly collect, aggregate, and analyze this information have meet these demands, data storage and computation
not evolved as a whole in conjunction with this increased architectures have become more sophisticated, dozens of
system complexity and, therefore, has made analysis and technologies were developed for large-scale processing (such as
evaluation increasingly deficient and ineffective. The Test Apache Hadoop or GreenPlum), and streaming architectures
Resource Management Center’s (TRMC’s) vision is to build a which allow data to be processed and actioned on in real-time
DoD test and evaluation (T&E) knowledge management (KM) as it is collected have become commonplace. The net result of
and analysis capability that leverages commercial big data these commercial best practices is a solid foundation for the
analysis and cloud computing technologies to improve DoD to transform how it uses data to achieve faster, better,
evaluation quality and reduce decision-making time. An and smarter decisions throughout the acquisition lifecycle.
evaluation revolution, starting with the Joint Strike Fighter
(JSF) program, is underway to ensure the T&E community Big Data, Data Analytics, Knowledge Management, Data
can support the demands of next-generation weapon systems. Management, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Predictive
Maintainance, Department of Defense, Test and Evaluation
The true product of T&E is knowledge ascertained through the
collection of information about a system or item under test. I. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT
However, the T&E community’s ability to provide this
knowledge is hampered by more complex systems, more Embracing big data analytics in the DoD starts with
complex environments, and the need to be more agile in improved knowledge management. Today, acquisition
support of strategic initiatives, such as agile acquisition and the system data is generated and stored in locations across the
3rd Offset Strategy. This increased complexity and need for globe over many years of prototyping, development, testing,
speed cause delayed analysis and problems that go undetected upgrading, and fielding. The result is T&E data that is
during T&E. The primary reason for these shortfalls is currently isolated and compartmentalized with little
antiquated tools and processes that make data hard to locate, discovery or reuse outside of each respective acquisition
aggregate, and convert into knowledge. In short, DoD has not program. Consequently, many programs across the DoD are
evolved its evaluation infrastructure as its weapon systems continually reinventing the wheel or rerunning tests that
have evolved. another program has already performed. This redundancy is
often because program managers and analysts simply do not
Conversely, commercial entities, such as medical observation
know that a similar test was performed within another
and diagnosis, electric power distribution, retail, and industrial
manufacturing, have embraced agility in their methodologies program. They do not know what is already known, or
while modernizing analytics capabilities to keep up with the where to go to access the knowledge. A more systematic
massive influx of data. Raw physical sensors could provide reuse of knowledge across the DoD will result in a
data, higher-quality image or video cameras, radio frequency substantial cost benefit as T&E data collected by one
identification (RFID) devices, faster data collectors, more program is valuable for reuse by another.
detailed point-of-sale information or digitized records, and There are four major functional areas of KM: 1)
ultimately is providing more data to analysts in size and gathering data into the KM system; 2) warehousing the data
complexity than ever before. As more data has become for long periods of time while making it available to users in
available, an interrelated phenomenon is the desire of analysts a timely fashion when they need it; 3) providing analysis
to ask more detailed questions about their consumers and their tools and capabilities, such as big data analytics (BDA), that

978-1-5386-5035-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 3590

can perform computations on large amounts of data in III. TRMC EFFORTS
parallel, yielding products that would normally not be The DoD’s Test Resource Management Center is
derivable on such large data sets; and 4) visualization and charged with overseeing the nation’s T&E ranges and
reporting, whereby both the vast amounts of gathered data as facilities and making investments in technology and
well as the analysis products can be both visualized capabilities that will benefit the entire T&E community. The
intelligibly and reported automatically to the appropriate TRMC envisions a DoD T&E environment where
analyst. Any KM system must also meet system-wide knowledge is readily available and discoverable across an
requirements such as manageability, security, reliability, acquisition program’s entire lifecycle, thus enabling data
redundancy, scalability, usability, etc., while providing easy- analytics to occur. Ideally, analysts, program managers,
to-use setup and configuration tools such that the KM system logisticians, and other decision-makers would have access to
itself can be managed efficiently and without excessive cost. all data associated with an acquisition system, available at
Type Style and Fonts their fingertips from a logically-centralized, permissions-
II. BIG DATA ANALYTICS based, enterprise KM system. The KM system would
include data from the initial conceptual research and
As both the requirements and the systems that meet them development (R&D) work, through all phases of T&E, to
increase in complexity, the amount of data collected in test data gathered while fielded in-theater and operations and
events has mushroomed beyond the capacity of normal maintenance (O&M) records for all acquisition systems.
analytic tools to reduce and analyze more than just a small To ensure the department’s T&E analytic needs are met,
fraction of the data collected. This state of affairs means that TRMC has created a clear vision for transforming the current
there is a tremendous amount of information relevant to the T&E data infrastructure. The TRMC’s vision is to build a
performance and capabilities of the systems under test that is DoD T&E knowledge management and analysis capability
being ignored, making testing costlier and less responsive to that leverages commercial big data analysis and cloud
warfighter needs. Big data analytic techniques are designed computing technologies to improve evaluation quality and
to get at this hidden information and provide it to the reduce decision-making time. To accomplish this, analysts
analysts and program managers. and evaluators need an improved T&E infrastructure flexible
Evaluating all of the data, evaluating one program’s data enough to meet current and future T&E requirements. This
against another program’s data, and looking for unknown infrastructure must rely on a scalable, adaptable universal
unknowns are the primary motivations for bringing the T&E architecture framework to ensure that all future data streams
community into the BDA world. Today, much of the time can be managed and analyzed accurately and efficiently
spent conducting analysis consists of answering specific within a secure and protected multi-level security
questions about small portions of the collected data, rather environment. In addition, in times of limited or uncertain
than taking a broad look at all the collected data to discover DoD budgets, transforming the existing T&E infrastructure
new insights. Specific questions, after all, can be answered must be cost effective with clear benefits on associated
in a reasonable amount of time by querying the data for very investments. To realize this vision, the TRMC identified the
small subsets, then performing a specific analysis on just that need for a Big Data Analytics initiative.
subset. So, while the T&E community is successful today at The BDA Initiative consists of a number of sub-projects,
answering these important specific questions, it is often studies, and other efforts designed to improve the T&E
simply technically impossible to even ask larger, more community’s knowledge management and data analysis
expansive questions. Most analysts are properly focused on capabilities. Lessons learned and capabilities will be
answering the questions raised in the Test and Evaluation captured in the culmination of a DoD-wide architecture
Master Plan (TEMP); however, it is important to ask framework and T&E capability for improved knowledge
additional questions so that problems or issues not management and BDA. The project addresses a variety of
anticipated at the time, known as “unknown unknowns,” can capabilities including (1) high-speed data extraction from the
be detected and acted upon in a timely and cost-effective test articles; (2) use of secure networks and cloud storage to
manner. enhance data sharing capabilities; and (3) use of state-of-the-
Commercial big data capabilities serve as a good starting art KM, data analytics, and big data tools to gain greater
point to modernize T&E capabilities. However, most insights from the data collected.
existing commercial BDA techniques are suited towards As part of the Big Data Initiative, the TRMC established
unstructured or semi-structured data, such as Google two proofs of concept spanning the acquisition lifecycle to
searches or Twitter feeds, which are not relevant to the inform the big data architecture framework. The first proof
mostly highly-structured time series data collected in T&E. of concept, Collected Operational Data Analytics for
To perform their mission more effectively, analysts require Continuous T&E (CODAC-TE), leverages historical data
tools and algorithms that apply big data techniques to the collected in-theater to support continuous system
following areas: anomaly detection, causality detection, improvement while providing valuable knowledge to a next-
trend analysis / failure prediction, regression analysis / generation system's engineering research and development
dataset comparison, and pattern recognition / fault code (ERD) phase. CODAC-TE is exploring two distinct uses of
analysis. Each of these areas can be analyzed separately or big data analytics. First, it is fusing Mine-Resistant
together to give a uniquely comprehensive view of the test Ambush-Protected (MRAP) platform data collected during
article across a large number of tests and versions.

both in-theater and continental U.S. (CONUS) testing. The onboard software and captured, along with associated shorter
use of BDA tools to simultaneously analyze these large time-series data. To limit bias and perform a real-world test
databases is expected to answer customer questions about of the value of big data techniques, the data analyst team was
availability and sustainability. Second, the project is not informed which flights within the dataset experienced
assessing whether large volumes of network data analyzed component failures. The questions posed and techniques
with BDA tools can supplement or replace current methods used by the data analyst team to find the failures and
of evaluating tactical communications effectiveness for discover other anomalies are described in the sections that
programs such as Warfighter Information Network-Tactical follow.
The second proof of concept, the Joint Strike Fighter V. OUTLIERS
Knowledge Management (JSF-KM) project is partnering Datasets must always have an understanding of
with a current acquisition program conducting complex observations which have very different characteristics than
developmental tests (DTs) and operational tests (OTs) at the rest of the dataset. In this early study, only statistics of
multiple locations. The TRMC is utilizing the JSF-KM the time series data per flight were studied. The maximum,
project to ascertain how recent advancements in data mining, minimum, average, and standard deviation were computed
big data analysis, and cloud computing technologies could for each time series, as well as the event number per flight.
apply to T&E datasets and data centers. This effort is The distributions of these statistics are now characteristic of
investigating tools, techniques, resources, policies, and the sample. These distributions were found to be quite
procedures required to implement private cloud technologies varied: some were bell-shaped, some skewed with long tails,
and big data analytics to use data more efficiently and and some bimodal distributions, often with a sharp peak at
effectively in support of the JSF acquisition program. This zero. Even when using only two points, discrepancies were
private cloud utilizes the latest in virtualization technologies, found and eliminated from further analytical transformations.
big data analytics, continuous trend analysis, automated In further work, outliers will be studied for combinations of
regression testing, and tiered-storage with automated variables, using the sparsity metric to compare the amount of
movement between fast / commodity storage based on usage. data expected in a cell of the subspace of that variable set.
Through the usage of technologies such as Platform as a
Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and virtual VI. FLIGHT CLASSIFICATION
desktop infrastructure (VDI), computations and analytics The simplest question asked by an analyst when provided
will be executed within a safe and controlled environment. data from flights is what maneuvers the aircraft performed.
This will allow a properly permissioned user to remotely Some flights don’t leave the ground, while others may land
perform analysis, utilizing virtualized software that is co- briefly and take off again. Others may perform maneuvers
located with the data, removing the latency historically that other flights do not. A simple classification of the data
associated with remote analysis. Techniques, technologies, can provide general answers to these questions in a quick
and lessons learned from this effort are discussed in-depth fashion by focusing on the parameters that indicate
below and will form the foundation for an enterprise T&E movement.
Knowledge Management capability. Here, different parameter sets were studied as input into a
hierarchical clustering algorithm which supports an
interpretation of the aircraft state regarding movement in a k-
The early analysis performed in the current KM system dimensional space of those parameters. This algorithm
focuses on aircraft data for test flights in which a certain allows analysts to tune the number of flight segment types by
non-critical component failure has put stress on inventory. the dissimilarity between data points. A further requirement
To demonstrate the value of big data techniques, exploratory on top of the algorithm is that the time points clustered
techniques were performed to characterize the flights, and a together must be in a contiguous time range, and last longer
targeted method was implemented for predictive than 1 second. The obtained classifications are regions in
maintenance of the aircraft. The exploratory techniques are which the aircraft moves, passing through temporary areas.
intended to support ad-hoc study for analysts, giving a quick Figure 1 plots the parameter set as a function of time for
glance at what each aircraft did during each test, as well as one flight, normalized by the mean and standard deviation of
pointing out potential anomalous flights which can be each parameter separately. The shaded regions highlight
investigated further in the raw data. The predictive each flight segment. The largest are the yellow ‘in-flight’
maintenance framework is intended to support field teams to and red ‘on-ground’ segments. There are smaller segments
give them an indication of when to perform physical for take-off maneuvers. Two of the smaller segments are
inspections, thus saving time, as well as helping to diagnose expanded in Figure 2.
the problem. There is some variability in the approach: either changing
The data set used for this effort consists of approximately the dissimilarity cutoff for assigning clusters or including
42 billion data points collected during 1,400 flights different parameters or parameter transforms from the
consisting of three parts. First, over 150 columns of numeric current flight. Afterward, one can easily profile the rest of
sub-second measured parameters are collected. Second, over the flights in the database and gain a condensed view of what
40 metrics are measured at the end of each flight. Third, a each aircraft was doing. Furthermore, one can characterize
varying set of around 900 events are triggered by the the parameter behavior within each cluster, for example,

Figure 1. Normalized plot for flight classification metrics

Figure 2. Closer look at two smaller clusters in Figure 1

through correlations. One can also investigate the non- case, over 99%) are shown graphically, each node
clustered time portions, as they could be viewed as outliers. representing an event, and a line connecting them
representing a rule. There is a cluster of closely related rules
VII. ASSOCIATIONS around events 484, 485, 486, 495, as there are common rules
Another common question is whether well-known for each of these with each other, as well as with
relations can be derived from parameters in the data. Once combinations of themselves. Events 430 and 431 are
these are known, could unknown relationships be commonly found together, as well as events 480 and 481.
uncovered? A flexible approach can be created using Going further, flights are profiled in terms of how many
association rules by defining a sufficient set of events of times each rule misclassified an event, meaning a case where
interest. Here, event data is studied to understand if the one of the pairs of events occurred, but the other event of the
software-defined events have investigative value. pair did not occur. For high-confidence rules, this indicates
The a priori algorithm for determining the rules possible anomalies that could be investigated in more detail.
computes estimated probabilities for each event occurring in In Figure 4, a heat map reveals the misclassifications.
the dataset, and then binary combinations, triple Note that for some flights, neither of the events in the rule
combinations, etc., until a given threshold on the occurred, as indicated by dark blue. As indicated in dark red,
probabilities prevents more rules. Confidence is calculated one flight with many misclassifications for rules 11 and 13
for each rule, that is, the conditional probability of an event certainly warrants inspection. Further, rules 11 and 13 have
occurring. In Figure 3, rules with high confidence (in this other flights with many misclassifications. Note the flight

with the second-highest set of misclassifications suffered a teams is implemented. This modeling strategy has the
component failure. Ideally, the algorithm can be tuned to benefit of providing predicted probabilities of failure, either
reveal the failure more explicitly. Another point of note is for the flight just performed or for future flights, giving
that there are two flights with misclassifications across engineers a way of triggering a manual inspection only when
several of the rules, 84 and 90. Future work would be to needed. This implementation has the potential of
tune the algorithm to reveal other rules or include more considerably reducing the amount of time spent for
events. inspection and reducing the number of failures in-flight.
Additionally, it can provide a trend for specific parameters
VIII. PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE with the probability, giving possible indicators to the
For these aircraft, a maintenance problem has arisen for a engineering team for whether increasing or decreasing values
specific component whose underlying root cause was not are associated with the failure. This purely data-driven
revealed to the data analyst team. The question at hand is addition to the engineering team’s knowledge could lead to
whether it is possible to know ahead of time which aircraft the underlying cause.
may experience the next failure, enabling field teams to As flights are regularly conducted, there are two choices
know when to make the physical inspection. Addressing the for prediction: a model can predict whether the flight just
concern, a modeling strategy using logistic regression which performed suffered the failure, or the model can predict
can be tuned by a data scientist and inspected by engineering whether the next flight or next few flights will suffer the

Figure 3. Association rule graph for the event data. Nodes correspond to events, and a link indicates a rule. Some nodes are joint events, indicated by
the pipe delimiter.

Figure 4. Heat map of misclassifications for each of the rules. The x-axis is the index for each flight. The y-axis contains the 54 rules found in Figure
3. Dark blue indicates the rule never occurred. Off-color white indicates few misclassifications, while dark red indicates a large number of

failure. This prediction gives two different views with which TABLE I. CAPPED MEAN OF PREDICTED PROBABILITIES FOR THE
the engineers can use to diagnose the failure. A time-to-
failure model was not chosen initially due to the fact that the Aircraft Capped Mean
cause is expected to be sudden and not a symptom of long- Probability
term use. This can, of course, be included in the future as a 02 0.6%
03 1.0%
parallel model.
05 2.9%
The framework implemented included a flexible data 04 4.2%
aggregation for each flight with a variable selection process 10 4.5%
that keeps statistical considerations and the benefits above in 11 5.4%
mind. Thousands of models were generated, and we note 09 8.7%
that those models that did perform the best-contained 08 9.8%
variables which do make sense from an engineering 07 11.4%
perspective. This means the strategy is pointing toward 06 22.0%
01 23.3%
relevant data parameters.
To examine the predictive power of the probability
estimates, the distributions for each flight over aircraft are The final step is to score these models over the unknown
illustrated in Figure 5. They do appear to be distinctive for flights in the hold-out set to determine if the unknown
some aircraft and not others. The aircraft that did not fail do failures can be determined. This determination was left as
indeed have a sharp distribution of small probabilities, future work for the project.
though there are high outliers for aircraft 4 and 5. This IX. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS
suggests that removing those outliers could provide a better
health indicator. Aircraft 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9 do have wide So, what does all of this mean? Data Analysts with no
distributions. Aircraft 10 and 11 peak as sharply as the knowledge of any failures or any expertise with aircraft were
healthy ones; only there is more data for those two. A able to identify problems using commercially-matured big
capped average of the distributions provides complete data techniques. They were also able to build a predictive
differentiation, as in Table 1. model to determine when future problems may occur. The
model has been well-trained on 1,400 flights to predict the
presence of component failures. Out of billions of data

Figure 5. Distributions of the predicted probabilities over the eleven aircraft used in the train / test methodology. Aircraft 2, 3, 4 and 5 were the
only aircraft that did not fail.

points and hundreds of predictors, the model has picked out a Big Data and Knowledge Management. Since joining the
handful of data points, which also happen to make sense TRMC in 2008, Mr. Norman has held several positions
from an engineering perspective. The model as-is identified including Project Manager for the Cyber Operations
roughly 70% of the failures within the dataset. Future work Research and Network Analysis (CORONA) project;
on the model will be to validate it against an additional TRMC’s Senior Engineer for Cyberspace Test Capabilities;
dataset of 3,600 flights to see if the model correctly identifies the Joint Mission Environment Test Capability (JMETC)
additional “unknown” failed components. Once validated, Deputy Program Manager for Systems Engineering; and
the model can be trusted in production to identify component TRMC Lead for Army Range Oversight. Mr. Norman holds
failures and hopefully prevent component failure in-flight. a bachelor of science degree in computer science from the
Georgia Institute of Technology and is a DoD-certified
X. CONCLUSION acquisition professional in the T&E, Information
The Joint Strike Fighter program has embraced the need Technology, and Program Management career fields.
for BDA to ensure the best system is delivered to the JASON BOLIN is a Senior Systems Engineer with
warfighter. By embracing an enterprise approach to KM that KBRWyle supporting the TRMC Initiative for Big Data and
leverages commercially-proven big data analytic Knowledge Management. Before joining KBRWyle in
technologies, the DoD can efficiently and continuously 2013, Mr. Bolin held several positions in the DoD including
improve its knowledge base throughout the lifecycle of Chief of Emerging Technologies at Defense Logistics
today’s complex systems. Using more collective and Agency, Chief Technology Officer at Redstone Test Center,
systematic processes will enable programs to learn from each and Enterprise Software Development Lead at Redstone Test
other's mistakes and take advantage of each other's Center. Mr. Bolin holds a Master’s of Science degree in
achievements. Federating distributed data repositories will Software Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, a
enable execution and automated search scenarios that cannot bachelor of science degree in computer science from the
occur today, enabling analysts and program managers to find Tennessee Technological University and was a DoD-
and reuse data collected within other programs. Historical certified acquisition professional in the T&E, Information
data will be readily available for next-gen systems, ensuring Technology, and Program Management career fields.
lessons are learned, and previous deficiencies are anticipated Dr. EDWARD T. POWELL is a lead architect for the
and mitigated. Problems will be identified earlier in the Test and Training Enabling Architecture. After receiving his
acquisition lifecycle when they are cheaper to fix and a lower Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Princeton University, he worked
risk to both program schedule and our warfighters. for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory performing
Anomalies will be easier to identify, diagnose, and resolve simulation-based analysis. He moved to SAIC (now Leidos)
through a lifetime of readily available data - even if the in 1994 and participated as lead architect in some of the most
anomaly or problem was not noted at the time of the original complex distributed simulation programs in DoD, including
test. Big data analytics can identify anomalies, trends, and the Joint Precision Strike Demonstration (JPSD), the
patterns that a human analyst might miss, enabling the Synthetic Theater of War (STOW), and the Joint Simulation
discovery of “unknown unknowns” which are the greatest System (JSIMS). He then worked in the intelligence
expense and risk to the development of a complex community on architectures for integrating large-scale,
acquisition system. diverse ISR systems. He has been the lead architect for
Moving the T&E community into the Big Data Analytics TENA for fifteen years and is currently working on
arena will take time, effort, commitment, and resources. expanding the applicability of TENA and integrating TENA
However, as tests become more productive and as more with broader DoD-wide Data Management and Big Data
relevant information can be gleaned from the limited tests analysis systems.
performed, the quality of our acquisition decisions—and thus SANKET AMIN and JOHN NACKER are the subject
the support to the warfighter those systems provide—will matter experts for NAVAIR and Joint Strike Fighter
increase dramatically. Big data analytics has the potential to Program Office (JPO) in the area of propulsion system
reinvent the “Evaluation” part of T&E, bringing more diagnostics. Combined, Sanket and John have 20+ years in
insight, better decisions, and better warfighting capability to turbomachinery diagnostics and prognostics with primary
the nation. The BDA Initiative is the start of this process and expertise in vibration-based diagnostics. To further advance
when complete will provide faster, more efficient methods DoD state-of-the-art in this area, Sanket and John are
for ingesting and analyzing large quantities of test data. exploring the application of Big Data and Data Science
Going forward, weapon systems will only grow more techniques to improve earlier detection of turbomachinery
complex; we cannot afford to wait any longer to change how faults to impact JSF readiness, safety, and ownership costs
the T&E community does business. The revolution begins positively. Sanket has earned BS and MS degrees in
now. Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University. John
Nacker has earned BS and MS degrees in Engineering
BIOGRAPHIES Mechanics from the University of Wisconsin and the
RYAN NORMAN serves as both Program Manager for University of Texas, respectively.
the Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA)
Software Development Activity (SDA) and as the Test
Resource Management Center’s (TRMC) Initiative Lead for


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