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ee YA SABES & 2 gustar to lite : Buss tarde. Coo tenon caminar towok = ‘Kono ets! ow cya? conser am Activities iCémo te llamas? What is: your name? correr to ea pa a. Dedinée res? Wheecreyouton? — escasr ——torat canter ‘osing El gusto es mio. Thepleosures mine. estudiar to study | comer toeat Encantado(@). Delighted. bablar totale to speck | pari eae Les presento a... Idliteoinroduce it ogo | escuchar musica sic yeu remter oat — Ce mist em abeanee ferminar to fnsh Sean Atereonck.. -, tame pote at Soyden——Tamfom oink vie wohe E E fe e : cE E ser tobe GSTs = fener ‘hae Stes Changing Verbs at c almorzar (0 ue) to eat nch — £ Appearonce and Persenality cera de ae : conan (ue) foo = emo tte Beat i bay i Oats encontrar (0 ~>ue) f0 find to meet ene E ee mean bene eo : cémico(a) fanny, comical pee Cray 2 © Dia or qué wy E ay a poder (ue) tobe able con oe ey E delgado(@) ‘hin rater (e te) fo preter auién(es) who E ga querer (@—ie)towant FE ee patie Fecordat(@)_ remember E rmoreno(e) dork (har and stn) NOWEF(@ ue) Foret, tcome back i nervioso(@) enous rubio(a) blond serio(@) serious 2 tranquilo(e) calm Jucg iste aa Adriana y Paula se encuentran por la calle Adriana: (Cémo estén tus hijas? ;Cuantos aos ie tienen? Paula: €l producto de a tes edades es 36 y ; fa suma es el mismo que e! nimero de i vas. Adriana: Sé que vivo en e 13. Peo todavia E ‘necesito mas informacién. Paul Si. s ert. Mi hija mayor toca el piano _Cusntos aos tiene cada hie? ey era BELEECHESP ov © Medal Ag | ceo a sete | Ait tat I neh ca \ se Il “ | paperence and Pesoay el es ‘as ned et) wapee) 9 oe em cet tee teow mete eno ‘she ax ao ste onion xref woman sd oe iets) \jEm espaftol! Level 2 Tepes sme ged tn ted tyrone era inte feta tome teoeaea ‘pute veven 2 Etapa preliminar Tell Tine {Qué hora es? hatte? {sey + minutes fr mints ater te how Son ls dace ie Use ewart fora quater oan hour, media fr a out Use menos + minutes x mines before te hut una menos custo. Ur que hora esa clase? Wate the cs? Alas (dos te). Alaura. ‘Regular Present Tense Verbs Tenth reset ese la egret, cop the ant and add the appropri endings fablar comer vir yo ube como io ow bls comes wes sted, tela iba ome re rosolres fatomes comenas—vvimos wesots hate comes is tls els hablan—comen Wen Etapa preliminar Vocabulario Etapa preliminar To tak about where someones going. use i, o ga ‘Stem-Changing Verbs ‘Thestem does change forthe msotrs (4s) cr wosotras (ou) almorzar to ea urch Irregular yo Verbs Some verbs are ony rear in the fest person sng (yo) frm, Etapa preliminar ever 2 — Etapa preliminar Costar se gusta +an inv to tak about what you someone ese esto to, Gusta lays tales en indrectcbjet pronoun (me, te, nos, , es) Use Adjectives to Describe ‘Adjectives debe oun and mach the gender andrurberofhose nouns Adjectives usual flow the noun. Wascineagjectves ten endin-o To make an aden pla, chico ape ad iit ends ith a wow Feminine ajecives cen endin-a, “titans witha consonant La chica guapa es chicas pups 1 Met ajctivesthat end wth-e ores eres ! consonant obo gendes. _Usethe mca famifthe | chin pacente> la chica pacente _adecive describes 2 group wth both genders. ; The Verb tener 1 Tener means to have ‘Tosayhow old someane i) tengo enemas sor hene, \ tienes tenes | tiene enen i | Describe People and Things: Servs. Estar I Ser ad estar bth meen tbe 1 butter uses ae dierent I Soy somes fstoy estamos I eres sis Sis eis Ss sm ed stn ' Seris wed tari used i {tel who the sbjet ior what totelwherethe sbectis | the subject ke orhowthesbjentees. to descibe origin proeson and to describe locaton and basic characteris. fesings that may change, | Anterrogative Words ‘Some quesion are formed by puting «conjugated verb ster the ‘question wor, ch nterogave word as en accent on the appropiate ‘well questions are preceded by an inerted question mer and folbwed bya qusion mak. iEn espaitol! Level 2,

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