Tarun MCQ Questions

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Multiple choice questions SAIM

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Orders that are transacted at best available price are classified as.
 Post order
 Transacted order
 Market order
 Available order
2. The main service functions of the primary market are.
 Origination
 Underwriting
 Distribution
 All of these
3. Which of the following is not a financial investment?
 Purchase of shares
 Purchase of bonds
 Purchase of car
 Purchase of Debentures
4. Which of the Following is a tax saving investment?
 Fixed Deposit
 Shares
5. The fundamental analysis approach has been associated with.
 Uncertainties
 Certainties
 Ratios
 Balance sheet

6. The object of Portfolio is to reduce _____ by diversification.

Submitted By: Tarun Tiwari Submitted To: Dr Radhika Choudhary

Multiple choice questions SAIM

 Return
 Risk
 Uncertainty
 Percentage
7. _______ An instrument of short term borrowing by the Government of
 Commercial Papers
 Certificate of Deposit
 Treasury Bills
 None of the above
8. _____ It helps in deferring the tax payment.
 None of the above
9. _______ Means contribution by those described in the prospectus.
 Directors
 Friends
 Promoter Contribution
 Associates
10. ______ Plays a key role in Promoting the Public issue.
 Advertising agents
 Newspaper
 Magazines
 Hoardings

Submitted By: Tarun Tiwari Submitted To: Dr Radhika Choudhary

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