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Clients needs and wants

Care About​: The amount of money it would take to install. The time that it would save them and
customer satisfaction it could help them gain.

Needs​: An efficient sanitization system for grocery store conveyor belts.

Wants​: A sanitization system that doesn’t require as much work as it currently does.

What did you find that people have in common?

They all believe that the invention will provide a positive benefit to the checkouts and their
safety. They think that it would be appreciated by customers as the extra step and will
1. Save time
2. Keep things cleaner
3. Save labor
4. Be appreciated by customers

What did you find that was different?

Some of the people surveyed were worried about possible issues in over complication and
unnecessary bulk around the registers. The prices ballparked between 200-300 for installation
dn all fees per register but one person needed more information on the price of manufacturing
and more detailed plans to offer a price.

What was surprising?

The feedback admired the creativity and ingenuity of our idea and saw a desirable market. The
worries and success of the product relied on how long worries about germs and future
outbreaks will last. It is likely that our product will ride a wave of systems to prevent future

Problems We May Need to Solve

● Contact time of disinfectant to kill Covid-19
● Drying conveyor belt after sanitization
● Refilling disinfectant tank (if needed)

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