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Write an essay on the following topic: What is more important for students to develop at

school :cooperation or competition? In your essay, give at least two arguments to support your
opinion.You should write at least 220 words. Please count the number of words and write the
word countin the space below the essay.

Being a student in a school is a very important part of your lifetime, because you are
learning new, useful things there that you will need in the future. One of the main things
that students need to develop while in school is - competition. Although, students should
not forget how to cooperate with others as well. So why it is so important that students
envolve cooperation and competition in school?

To start with, students need to develop competition in school, because only by

competing with others – you can become the best version of yourself. You will always be
surrounded by someone, who is better than you, who knows more than you and does better
in school than you, so how do you become as successful as them? You compete with them.
You do not look - up exactly to them, but you try to be better. That is how you become the
best version of yourself – by competing with the best of the best and eventually becoming
one of them. Secondly, competition between students is very important, because it helps
you develop the desire to fulfill your dreams, especially if someone else has the same
destination as you do. Having a wish to achieve something valid in your life keeps you
motivated to do it, but when you recognize someone else fighting for the same dream – you
need to start competing with them. As you develop adrenaline, because of the willingness
to attain your dream, you also gain a lot more desire to reach your goal. Thirdly, competition
can increase the enjoyment of life. When you start competing with others and become the
best version of you with your best traits, you equally become very successful in your life,
with very high self – esteem, so you feel like you can achieve and do everything. You feel
happy with yourself, with everything you have achieved and you for sure do not stop here
and still push yourself to the limits to reach even more. Developing competition while you
are still in school is very important, because you bring to life the best version of yourself,
you also develop a strong desire to fulfill your dreams and you feel happy and enjoy your

Furthermore, students should not forget developing cooperation as well, because

you need to learn to work not only by yourself, but with everyone as well, so the unity of
the group could lead to something great. Sometimes one person can not create a
masterpiece without getting some help from others, so cooperating with others in order to
succeed is very important. What is more, it is no secret when you are working in the group
you improve your skills. You acquire calmness, improve your understanding and listening
skills, learn to be tolerant and accept different opinion and these traits are very handy in the
future. Another benefit of developing cooperation is that the work done is more efficient
and in its best form. For example, while doing a project a team discuss together, analyse
their thoughts and ideas and find the perfect compromise. They also do it in an immensely
short time, so the work is more advantegous and profitable. Thus, blooming cooperation
skills is very useful, because working in the team and being very united can lead to an
amazing masterpiece, you can also improve your skills like increase tolerance,
understanding of different position and the work is faster done and more efficient.
All in all, developing competition in school is almost a must, because while
competing with others you become the best version of yourself, you also gain a very strong
desire to reach your goals and, as a result, you become happy with yourself and your
achievements and you enjoy your life fully. The importance of blooming competition is as
importan as developing cooperation with other. Cooperation unites a team and helps to
create a total masterpiece, you also exceed your skills like tolerance, acceptance of a
different opinion and the work done, while a team is successfully cooperating, is faster done
and more efficient and profitable.

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