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Name: Al-Rafi Ahmed

ID# 1331145630
Section: 30

Survey Questionnaire:

The following questionnaire contains questions about a research paper on “Photography as a Career in Bangladesh”.

The findings from this survey will only be used for academic purposes. I would appreciate your honest answer to all

these questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation to the betterment of this analysis.

General subject information:

Gender: (a) Male Age: (a) 16-25 (b) 26-40

(b) Female (c) Above 40

Survey Questions (Please circle the best answer):

1. Would you consider photography as your profession?

(a) Yes, Photography is my passion.

(b) Yes, Here I can show my creativity.

(c) No, not interested in photography.

(d) No, Too expensive for me.

2. How often do you hire a professional photographer for your family or any kind of event?

(a) Yes, I hire professional photographer for my family Regularly.

(b) Yes, I hire professional photographer for picnics, wedding events.

(c) No, I don’t hire professional photographer very often

(d) No, I don’t hire professional photographer at all.

3. How society treats Photographers?

(a) They are well treated.

(b) They are treated OK.

(c) They are not treated well.

(d) Nobody cares.

4. How you look photography as?

(a) Hobby.

(b) Profession.

(c) Passion.

(d) Interest.

5. Is there a potential market for photographers in Bangladesh?

(a) Yes, photographers can apply for photo journalism.

(b) Yes, photographers can apply for wedding photography.

(c) Yes, photographers can apply for National Geography.

(d) No, as a conservative society there is no potential market for photographers in Bangladesh.

(e) No, many families are not comfortable with unknown photographers in their wedding.

6. Do a person utilize the opportunity to learn proper photography in Bangladesh?

(a) Yes , people have enough opportunity when it comes to learn photography in Bangladesh

(b) Yes, people can take online courses to learn Photography.

(c) No, there is not enough opportunity for a person to learn proper Photography in Bangladesh.

(d) No, most family wouldn’t allow their children to learn Photography.
7. From where people face most problem to choose photography as a career?

(a) Family.

(b) Society.

(c) Friends.

(d) Relatives.

8. Is it possible for a person to spend enough time with the family by doing photography than any other job?

(a) Yes , a person can spend enough time with the family by doing Photography just as much they could with other

(b) Yes, Professional photographers can actually spend more time with family then other jobs.

(c) No, Professional Photography takes a lot of time, so it’s hard to spend time with family as they might have to
spend months away from home.

(d) No, photo journalism can take a lot of time which will impact on family time.

9. Where from a person can learn photography?

(a) Family.

(b) Photography institution.

(c) Clubs/communities.

(d) By themselves.

10. Would you encourage your relatives or friend to take photography as a

line of business?

(a) Yes , I respect their choice of profession.

(b) Yes, Photography is a good choice for a profession.

(c) No, it’s not appropriate for a person to take Photography as a line of business in Bangladesh.

(d) No, the society would not take it in a positive way.

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