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McHargue, Zaira Gem M.

12 – STEM C

1. PROBE — means to uncovering information through critical investigation.
2. PONDER — means reflecting or thinking over or about something silently.
3. RANDOM — means picking or choosing something in general form without
any standards or rules to follow.

 STUDY – In order to be able to have a better future you must study hard.
 SCRUTINIZE – My work was carefully scrutinized by my professor.
 INSPECT – The victim was inspected by the police.
 INVESTIGATE – The prosecutor needs to investigate the suspect for the
murder case.
 MIXED – The ingredients for the cake was mixed well by Ana.
 HAPHAZARD – Yoshabel is baking cookies in a haphazardly way but still
tastes so good.
 PRECISE – Doctors should have a precise decision and procedures while
performing a surgery.
 CONSIDER – You should consider her advice, it can help you in a good
 MEDITATE – Yosh went off to meditate on a better idea on her research.
 REFLECT – You should reflect on your past mistakes.
 CONTEMPLATE – I decided to contemplate my feelings for him.
 UNPLANNED – The party was unplanned yet turned out to be a memorable
 DISORDERLY – You should fix your work, it shouldn’t be in a disorderly
 ILLOGIC – It is illogical to think that things would change in their own.
 PROBE – The prosecutor probe for evidence against the suspect.
 PONDER – I always ponder about why life is unfair.
 RANDOM – The teacher will pick a student during recitation randomly.


Inquiry and Research may have some things in common but they are totally
different in terms of its objectives. An inquiry is a question, a request for
information, or even a process to obtain a specific answer to your question while
research is an investigation of a certain topics that corresponds with set of
protocols and procedures.
The objective of inquiry is to answer a specific question that could be done
in an informal manner and less complicated than a research while research is an
investigation or a probe that should be done in a formal manner with set of
protocols and methods. Research is explaining or elaborating the answer from your
inquiry with much critical thinking and digging deeper the context. In inquiry, the
answer the you got is just an answer that can stop your confusion, without anything
to prove. While research is finding, experimenting, gathering set of information,
and proving its claim and could be a help for other people because creating a
research should benefit other people after you prove something that can be used in
the future.
In a simpler way, we can say that Inquiry is part of Research but research
isn’t part of an inquiry. Inquiry is simply looking for answers with or without
validations while research needs to prove its claim in a formal and complex way.


1. Differences and similarities 90%

between Inquiry and Research.
2. Behaviour of people practicing 80%
inquiry and research.
3. Reasons behind people’s 95%
inquisitive attitudes.
4. Research as an inductive thinking. 90%

5. Lower-order and higher-order 75%

thinking strategies.

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