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English for Maintenance

Copa Airlines

Program Development Proposal


Suggested Course of Action

Planning phase:

Needs assessment. The assessment of the target audience has already been
performed so as to set the grounds where to build thereon.

Aims. We have already carried out a meeting to clearly define program goals for the
maintenance candidates to join this program, as well as direct audience goals from
the professional and technical point of view.

Curriculum design. In this part of the process, raw data about learning needs will be
interpreted in order to produce an integrated series of teaching-learning
experiences, whose ultimate aim is to lead the learners to a particular state of
knowledge of the language. The following features apply to the course to be
designed: Tailor made; ESP approach; Student centered; Exposure to the language;
Dynamic and comprehensive approach; User-friendly; Age-appropriate; Job specific.

Syllabus design will include main lexical areas required by the effective performance
of aircraft maintenance activity as well as technical and professional lexical areas that
are of interest for the customer to reflect a logical progression of the subject matter.

Material design will begin with selection of specific areas of interest and it will be
developed to be of authentic value and purpose. Although language structure will
be addressed as a need, focus will be on massive exposure to technical content and
vocabulary and the development of the ability to identify and to extract meaningful
information should be the focus, as well as effective communication through written
production of appropriate utterances. Specific material for the lessons as well as its
rationale will be developed and provided by me.


Implementation phase:

Teacher training. ESP teacher training can be achieved through formal education
and also through first-hand experience and exposure to aircraft maintenance
operations. Compared to other domains for which language is taught, and because
of the complexity and broad range of fields addressed in aeronautical operations,
aircraft maintenance English trainer training requires commitment to a continuous
learning process on the part of the trainer, the training provider and the client
institution. No purely theoretical curriculum will provide the trainer with the sort of
first-hand experience required to conduct effective specific purpose language
teaching with sufficient face validity.

The following aspects should be considered in this process: Exposure to aviation

environment, flight operations, airlines and staff, aircraft systems, airport
environment, ground operations, meteorology and environmental hazards,
navigation and charts, safety, in-flight incidents and emergency situations, aviation
language continuum, phraseology and plain language, regulatory environment and
civil aviation authorities, resources, practical training activities, developing and
delivering communicative language lessons from raw data, group management in
communicative language teaching, adapting lesson plans and content to meet
specific needs, observing and working in tandem with experienced trainers, general
practical trainer training exercises, specific linguistic awareness, analyzing language
functions in aviation, identifying language objectives and proficiency criteria in
aviation English, criteria for content-based language training in ESP, safety-critical
nature of language in aviation, social and personal impacts of aviation English
training, blended learning and student monitoring, blended learning curriculum
design, means of student monitoring and benchmark, entry, progress, exit and
proficiency testing.


Coordination of the teaching activity will cover planning and monitoring of course
related matters, supporting the teacher to implementing appropriate teaching
methods. Course reports will be jointly prepared as required. Selection of available
resources will be considered if appropriate: virtual platform, virtual meeting tools
(Skype or other), etc.


Planning - (This will only take place once. The same curriculum can be re applied to following
generations with the obvious adjustment of material.)
Charge for this phase will be 2,500 U$S (two thousand five hundred dollars)

Implementation - Charge for this phase will be 1,500 U$S (one thousand five hundred dollars)
per month during the course (6 months).


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