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Signers of the Environmentalists' Open Letter

John Adams Natural Resources Defense Council, 1970

David Alberswerth Northern Plains Resource Council, 1976; National Wildlife Federation, 1982
George Alderson Sierra Club, 1965; Friends of the Earth, 1969
W. Dale Allen Princeton Earth Day, 1970; Trust for Public Land, 1981
Richard Ayres Natural Resources Defense Council, 1970
Debby Baldwin Environmental Action, 1974; Rider's Alliance, New York
Susan M. Baldwin Wellesley College Sun Day, 1978; Clamshell Alliance, 1979
Dennis Bass Environmental Action, 1972; Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1981
Roger Beers Natural Resources Defense Council, 1973
F. Kaid Benfield Natural Resources Defense Council, 1981
Charles Bering Environmental Action, 1975; Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Kenneth Berlin National Audubon Society, 1981
Brent Blackwelder Friends of the Earth, 1970; Environmental Policy Center, 1972
Barbara Davis Blum Friends of the River, 1974; U.S. EPA, 1977
Ken Bounds Seattle Parks and Recreation Dept.; Washington State Park and Recreation Comm.
Beki Glyde Brandborg Environmental Action, 1979
Ty Braswell Chapel Hill Sun Day, 1978; Solar Lobby, 1978
Hooper Brooks Concord Consv'n Comm., Mass., 1973; Brookline Consv'n Comm., Mass., 1974
Kitty Brown Greenpeace, 1976
Mindy Cameron Action Group for the Environment North of Trenton, N.J., 1992
Elizabeth Campbell Solicitor's Honors Program, US Dept of the Interior
Christine Carlson Trust for Public Land, 1985; National Park Service, 1985
Lisa Cashdan Sierra Club, 1975; Trust for Public Land, 1976
Richard A. Cellarius, Ph.D. Sierra Club, 1949; University of Michigan Earth Day, 1970
Tom Chalkley Environmental Action, 1976
Edward A. Clark Professor, Microbiology, U. of Washington; Abacus Bioscience, 2020
Charles Clusen University of Michigan Earth Day, 1970; Sierra Club, 1971
George Coling Ecology Center of Ann Arbor, 1970; Urban Environment Conference, 1975
Jim Conroy Environmental Action, 1972
Steve Cotton National Earth Day, 1970
Kevin Coyle U.S. Dept of Interior, 1972; American Rivers, 1986
Diane Curran Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg public interest lawfirm, 1981
Sheila D. David Nat'al Academies Science, 1976; Heinz Ctr Science, Economics and Env't, 1997
Randall Denker Florida Dept of Environmental Regulation, 1978
William C. Dickinson Natural Resources Examiner, U.S. Bureau of the Budget, 1969
Jim Dougherty U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1975; Sierra Club, 1983
Charlene Dougherty Environmental Defense Fund, 1973; National Audubon Society, 1981
Jack Doyle Environmental Policy Center, 1974; Friends of the Earth, 1989
Bruce Driver Conservation Foundation, 1970
Steve Durrant, FASLA Minneapolis Earth Day, 1970
Ronald Eber San Fernando Valley State Earth Day, 1970; Sierra Club, 1971
Steven Elkinton National Park Service, 1978
Richard W. Emory, Jr. Maryland Dept of Natural Resources, 1979
Robert Engelman Society of Environmental Journalists, 1990
Brock Evans Sierra Club, 1967
Mickey Fearn California State Parks, 1970; Washington Wildlife & Recreation Comm., 1990
Ed Fendley Climate Negotiator, U.S. Foreign Service, 1988
Jed Feuer Fund for Animals, 1968
Tom Fox Green Guerillas, N.Y., 1976; Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 1979
Dee Frankfourth Alaska Center for the Environment, 1975; Alaska Coalition, 1977
Maradel Krummel
Gale Oregon Environmental Council, 1968; Sustainable Bainbridge, Wash., 2007
Andrew Garling National Earth Day, 1970
Charlie Garlow Allied Mountaineers to End the Nukes (AMEN), 1978
Daphne Gemmill New Haven Earth Day, 1970; Political Action for Clean Air, N.Y., 1973
Dr. Morgan Gopnik Environmental Action, 1986, Ocean Conservancy, 2005
Fred Gordon Students for Environmental Action, Va., 1972; New River Alliance, 1978
Steven Haft National Earth Day, 1970
Peter Harnik Environmental Action, 1970; Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, 1985
Margie Harris Ecology Center of Ann Arbor, 1973
Denis Hayes National Earth Day, 1970
Robert Herbst Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources, 1971; U.S. Dept. of Interior, 1977
Maureen Hinkle Environmental Defense Fund, 1972; Nation Audubon Society, 1981
Eric Hirst Energy Policy Analyst, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1970
Doann Houghton-Alico Northern Virginia Conservation Council, 1969; Environmental Action, 1973
Kathleen Hughes Environmental Action, 1983; Bill Moyers Journal, 2008
Ken Hughes Dubuque Iowa Earth Day, 1970; Indiana Public Interest Research Group, 1973
John R. Hunting League of Conservation Voters, 1984
Nancy C. Jacques National Earth Day 1990; Colorado River Alliance, 1993
T. Destry Jarvis National Parks Conservation Association, 1972
Rick Johnson Sierra Club, 1982; Idaho Conservation League, 1984
Sarah Juon Oneida County Clean Waters Action, Wis.
Linda Keenan Defenders of Wildlife, 1982
Peter L. Kelley Adriondack Mountain Club, 1973; League of Conservation Voters, 1993
Kevin Knobloch Appalachian Mountain Club, 1994;
Charles Komanoff New Rochelle (NY) Earth Day, 1970; Council on Economic Priorities, 1971
Ann Krumboltz Environmental Action, 1980; Union of Concerned Scientists, 1985
Ruth Lampi Center for Renewable Resources, 1979; Environmental Task Force, 1988
Jessica Landman Natural Resources Defense Council, 1986
Keith E. Laughlin Council on Environmental Quality, 1993; Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, 2001
Steve Leitman Florida Defenders of the Environment, 1977
Cathy Lerza Berkeley Earth Day, 1970; Environmental Action, 1972
John D. Leshy Natural Resources Defense Council, 1972; U.S. Dept of Interior, 1977
Lara Levison Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1985
Laura Loomis National Parks Conservation Association, 1976
Sam Love National Earth Day, 1970; Environmental Action, 1971
Anne Lusk Stowe, Vt., Recreation Path, 1981
Diane MacEachern Sierra Club, 1984; author, The Hellraisers Guide to Community Organizing
Joseph Manko Regional Counsel, U.S. EPA Region III, 1973; environmental attorney, 1975
Michael D. Mann Environmental Action, 1975; Federation of American Scientists, 1976
Janet Marinelli Environmental Action, 1979; Brooklyn Botanical Garden, 1989
Theodore Mastroianni New York City Earth Day, 1970; Atlanta Parks Commissioner, 1975
Bill Mauk National Earth Day, 1970
J. Davitt McAteer Appalachian Res. and Defense Fund, 1970; Ctr for Study of Resp'sive Law, 1971
Mike McCabe National Earth Day, 1980; former deputy administrator, U.S. EPA
Robert McCarthy Sierra Club, 1977; Solid Waste Director, Middlesex County, N.J., 1981
J. Michael McCloskey Sierra Club, 1961
Ed McMahon Scenic America, 1985; The Conservation Fund, 1990
Roger Mellem Save French Pete Valley, Ore., 1969
Grant Merritt Save Lake Superior Association, 1967; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 1971
Marc Messing Friends of the Earth, 1969; Environmental Policy Center, 1972
Walt Mintkeski Oregon Sierra Club, 1978
Joan Moody Baltimore Earth Day, 1970
April Moore National Earth Day, 1980; Climate Action Alliance of Shenandoah Valley
Rick Morgan Environmental Action, 1973; D.C. Public Service Commission, 2003
Pat Munoz American Rivers, 1978; River Network, 1993
Dick Munson Environmental Action, 1975; Solar Lobby, 1978
Elliott Negin Public Citizen, 1983; Natural Resources Defense Council, 1999
Judy Nelson Environmental Action, 1971
Bonnie Nevel Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, 1988
Chris Nichols Director of Programs, Groundswell
Edward M. Norton National Earth Day, 1970
Annette Osso Environmental Action Foundation, 1976; Virginia Sustainable Building Network
Ronald B. Outen, Ph.D. Natural Resources Defense Council, 1973; U.S. EPA, 1978
Patrick Parenteau National Wildlife Federation, 1976
Carol Parker National Earth Day, 1970; Friends of the Earth, 1972
Kristin Pauly Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 1991
Steven Payne Umpqua Wilderness Defenders, Ore., 1975; Wilderness Society, 1976
Tom Plumb Environmental Action, 1970
Rafe Pomerance Urban Environment Conference, 1972
Walt Pomeroy Albion College Earth Day, 1970; Mich. Student Env'l Confederation, 1970
Carl Pope Sierra Club, 1973
Jonathan Puth Environmental Action, 1983
Marsha Ramsay Baltimore Earth Day, 1970
Cindy Rank West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, 1979
Cary Ridder Environmental Policy Center, 1977
Marie Ridder Environmental Policy Center, 1972
Gail Robinson Environmental Action, 1977
Walt Robinson Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State Univ.
Martin Rosen Nature Conservancy, 1970; Trust for Public Land, 1973
Laura Henze Russell Connetquot High School Earth Day, 1970; Environmental Action, 1974
Carl Safina National Audubon Society, 1979
Maurice Sampson Eastern Pennsylvania Director, Clean Water Action/Fund
Helen Sandalls Environmental Action Foundation, 1978; Arizona Clean Air Coalition, 1981
Andrew Sansom, Ph.D. National Student Recreation and Park Soc., 1969; Texas Nature Conservancy, 1982
Eric Schaeffer U.S. EPA, 1990
Jan Schaeffer National Earth Day, 1970
S. Jacob Scherr Natural Resources Defense Council, 1975
Dru Schmidt-Perkins Environmental Action Foundation, 1986; Clean Water Action, 1988
Peter Scholes Wilderness Society Alaska Representative, 1976
Lisa C. Schwartz First National Let Them Eat Cake Sale, 1983; Greenpeace, 1984
Doug Scott Sierra Club, 1964
Robert Searns Sierra Club, 1973
Stan Senner Friends of the Earth, 1973
Jay Sherman Iowa Public Interest Research Group, 1974; Common Cause, 1982
Betsy Shure Gross National Association for Olmsted Parks, 1979
Simon Sidamon-Eristoff Trust for Public Land, 1988
Scott Sklar National Center for Appropriate Technology, 1980; Solar Lobby, 1983
Robert B. Smythe Sierra Club, 1968; North Carolina ECOS, 1970
Gary Soucie Friends of the Earth, 1969; Coalition Against the SST, 1970
Gus Speth Natural Resources Defense Council, 1970
Peter R. Stein Long Beach Recycling Coalition, NY, 1970; Trust for Public Land, 1975
Lee Stephenson Environmental Action, 1974
Tom Stokes Environment! New York City, 1969
Sam Stokes Smithsonian Institution Office of Environmental Programs, 1974
Edward Strohbehn Natural Resources Defense Council, 1970
Betsy Taylor Kudzu Alliance, 1977; Nuclear Information and Resource Service, 1978
Bron Taylor Sierra Club, 1973; Professor, Environmental and Social Ethics, U. of Florida
Liz Tennant Environmental Action Foundation, 1977; Seattle Audubon Society, 1982
Tupper West Thomas New York City Earth Day, 1970; Administrator, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1980
Ron Tipton Wilderness Society, 1978
Erma Tranter Friends of the Parks, Chicago, 1977
Mike Troutman Environmental Action, 1975
Joanna D. Underwood Council on Economic Priorities, 1969; INFORM, 1976
Dr. Isabel Wade Sierra Club, 1977; Friends of the Urban Forest, S.F., 1981
Joe Walicki Wilderness Society, Northwest Representative, 1972
Justin Ward Natural Resources Defense Council, 1983
Ginger PattersonWebster San Francisco Earth Day, 1970
Suzanne Wells U.S. EPA, 1983
Lucky Wentworth National Earth Day, 1970; Union of Concerned Scientists, 2002
Carol Werner Environmental Action, 1986; Energy and Environment Study Institute, 1987
Jack Werner Appropriate Community Technology Fair/Conference (ACT '79), 1977
Larry Williams Trails Club of Oregon, 1957; Oregon Environmental Council, 1968
Kathleen Wilson American Wind Energy Association, 1979

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