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2 Using Member Query

Member query is a facility where several results for speci c members can be viewed at the same time from a single dialog.
It is also a place from where many of the member attributes such as the property de nition, speci cations (releases, truss,
cable, etc.) and beta angle can be changed for input purposes.

Note: The Beam Cursor tool is active when the Beam Results page is selected.

1. Double-click a member in the View window.

Tip: Alternately, if you have selected a member you can then select Tools > Query > Member.

For this example, double-click on member 4.

The Beam dialog opens.

In the Modeling mode, you can actively edit members using this dialog. In the Post-Processing mode, the member
data is presented for review only.

Note: The tabs in the member query dialog re ect the properties of the member along with any analysis and design
results available. Changing the model will void any results and thus remove these tabs until another analysis is

2. Select the Shear Bending tab.

Here you can review shear and bending diagrams for the member for a selected load case. A table presents the shear
and bending a speci c locations along the member length. The slider control can be used to review the values at

3. Select the De ection tab.

Here, a similar diagram of the member de ection is shown for the selected load case. A table displays the de ection
values at speci c points along the member length.

4. Select the Concrete Design tab.

Note: This tab is only available for concrete members which have been designed using the concrete design
command and after a successful analysis has been performed.

5. (Optional) Click Print

The query results for the current dialog tab are printed using the report output settings. Refer to T.2 Creating
Customized Reports for details on the report settings.

6. Click Close.

To review the member query results of another beam, the Beam dialog must be closed. Repeat this procedure for another
member to query it.

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