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Chapter 1 | The Good News...

- 04-15-2010, 08:23 PM
My name is Felix Homogratus, and I am the founder of website.

I have been trading forex since 2004.

I have learned a few things over the years, and I will share with you some of these things
throughout these chapters, including the Diamonds Forex Trading System.

So far, everybody who tried the Diamonds Forex Trading System has reported to me that
they are overall profitable.

Please enjoy and profit :-)

P.S. Before reading my chapters, I highly recommend you visit Shoulders Of Giants
section. Trading recommendations from the Giants will most likely save you from a lot of
low probability trades and give you ideas of high probability trades. One Giant is a bank
trader, while the other Giant is a manager of some big forex portfolios. Here is the link
where you can read their market outlook:
Chapter 2 | The Biggest Secret To My Forex Trading Success - 04-15-2010, 08:37
Most of us live in buildings. These buildings have floors, walls, and roofs. In addition to
these floors, walls, and roofs, most buildings also have foundations. We do not see these
foundations, and some of us that do not know a lot about construction may not even
know about the fact that most buildings have foundations. Thus, one could say that the
biggest secret to building a successful house is to lay proper foundation, because without
it, the house won’t stand. Foundation can be called the biggest secret of a house, because
it’s so crucially important and because it cannot be seen by our naked eyes. It’s no
different with building a successful forex trading career. The roof of such career is your
trading strategy. The walls and floor are your money management and trading
psychology. But in addition to all of this, you must also have a foundation, without
which, your forex house will probably fall down, and you will be considered as one of
those 98% of people that failed in forex. My experience suggests that this number is
much higher than 98% by the way.

I started my first business in 1998 at the age of 16. This business was not related to forex,
but it was bringing a very fair profit. I ran this business for a couple of years, and because
I was spending considerably less than I was making, I was able to save some money. In
2000, I invested all my savings into another business with much bigger potential, but by
2002 I managed to lose everything, ending up in a studio apartment with no money to
even pay the rent in few weeks. Then somehow, I was able to get back on my feet, and by
2003, I again lived comfortably and had some savings. Then I again got involved in some
business with a much bigger potential, and by 2004 had no business, no savings, and was
in debt. So for 6 years, from 1998 to 2004, I spent considerable amounts of energy and
time, often times working for more than 60 hours per week, and yet I had no money to
show for it. I was building the walls and roof of a house without foundation, and it kept
falling down.

In 2003, when I was 21 years old, I approached a very interesting and wealthy man, and
asked him for advice. Here is what I told him: “I wish to become a millionaire by the age
of 25, please tell me exactly what I need to do.” He told me: “Do X, Y, and Z, and you
will certainly become a millionaire by the age of 30.” I did not like his answer, so I told
him: “I am not interested in becoming a millionaire by the age of 30, I wish to become a
millionaire by the age of 25, please tell me exactly what I need to do.” He said: “I already
told you to do X, Y, and Z, and you will certainly become a millionaire by the age of 30.”
I thanked him, but did not follow his advice right away. But by 2004, when the business I
was involved in did not work out, and I again ended up with nothing but debt, I decided
to follow this wealthy man’s advice. Somehow, following this man’s advice, I did
become a millionaire within a very short period of approximately 3 years. The three very
specific actions that this man suggested to me are the end of this story. In order to fully
appreciate it, you must hear the story from the very beginning…

In 2002, I was visiting a Canadian consulate in Los Angeles. In that consulate, I saw a
very pleasant-looking man, wearing orange monk robes. I’ve never seen a live monk in
my life before and I was very curious, so I came to him and started talking with him.
From the conversation that unfolded, I discovered that he just came to the United States
with his guru, and in a few days, they were planning to travel to Canada. I ended up
giving this monk a ride to his temple, and he also introduced me to his guru. As I found
out, the famous guru with whom this monk was traveling had Cancer, and this monk was
doing something called pranic healing on this guru, in order to prolong his life. As far as I
understood, this guru was supposed to be dead already, but because of this monk’s no-
touch healing methods, the guru’s Cancer progress was considerably slowed down, so he
was still alive, traveling, and teaching. I became intrigued by the no-touch healing
methods that this monk was using, and thought that he had some special powers, but this
humble monk denied having any special powers, and told me that he learned these
healing techniques from some person by the name of Master Choa Kok Sui, and that
these techniques are being taught all over the world in a seminar-like fashion, and pretty
much anybody who learned the techniques could start doing these miraculous healings.
The monk told me that disciples (students) of Master Choa Kok Sui teach the healing
seminars, and Master Choa Kok Sui himself teaches seminars on clairvoyance,
meditation, and other spiritual topics. He told me to go to, and
check the schedule. So, I ended up taking all kinds of healing classes with Master
Stephen Co, a disciple of Master Choa Kok Sui, and eventually when Master Choa Kok
Sui came to town, I ended up attending his higher courses.

This Master Choa Kok Sui guy was a true miracle worker, and had a following of
hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. He was especially famous for his
instantaneous miraculous healings. Typically, he would have few hundred people in the
room, and he would ask: “Does anybody have a problem that they would like to get
healed?” Then a bunch of people would raise their hands, and he would pick someone.
That person would get up, explain some chronic problem of several years, then Master
Choa Kok Sui would clap his hands several times, and say: “You no longer have a
problem.” And then this person would discover that they are healed, and started thanking
him or crying. And Master Choa Kok Sui would usually say: “The closer your connection
with God, the faster will be the healings that you perform.” CBS news did several stories
on pranic healing, here is one of them.

You say: “Felix, what does this pranic healing have to do with forex and you becoming a
millionaire so quickly?” I answer: “Pranic healing has nothing to do with it, but its
founder Master Choa Kok Sui has a lot to do with it, because he was that wealthy man
who suggested to me the three very specific things I needed to do in order to become a
millionaire. You see, after attending the first seminar by Master Choa Kok Sui, I came up
to him after the seminar to thank him, and we instantly had a connection and became
somewhat friends. I was invited to many of his private dinners and gatherings, and
became a witness of many “interesting” things. One time, Master Choa Kok Sui told a
group of people at one of his seminars to visualize their business for a special blessing. I
visualized my website, which was grossing between $200-$300 per day, and as far as I
remember, within 24 hours after the blessing, the website miraculously grossed around
$3,000. Another time, I was talking to Master Choa Kok Sui about something, he looked
me in the eyes, and my mind went blank and I experienced great bliss in my head. I
completely forgot what I was talking about, and couldn’t remember it for a while, so I
had to cut the conversation short. Then another time, Master Choa Kok Sui, myself, and
three other people were eating a meal in a mall, and I started asking MCKS some
inappropriate questions and making somewhat offensive comments, so I heard him say:
“It looks like somebody does not know how to behave himself.” As soon as I heard that,
my heart was filled with uncontrollable sorrow, and I couldn’t hold my tears, so I ran to
the bathroom. Later I was talking to two people from that table, and I mentioned MCKS’s
comment about me not knowing how to behave myself. Both of these people told me that
they never heard such comment from him to me, so I came to a conclusion that he
projected it as a very powerful telepathic thought, and even though I heard it, nobody else
did. There were many other “weird” things, I experienced around this MCKS guy, but I’ll
end here, and get back to the original point.

You see, this Master Choa Kok Sui guy was a chemical engineer by education, and
before becoming a spiritual leader, he was a very successful and very wealthy
businessman. He once told me and other people: “At one point of my life, I had a choice
of whether to continue in business and become a billionaire, or explore my spiritual side,
and uplift many souls. I chose second.” So when during one dinner I told him: “I wish to
become a millionaire by the age of 25, please tell me exactly what I need to do.” He told
me: “Donate 10% of your income, save 30% of your income, and practice meditation on
prosperity every day for one year, and you will certainly become a millionaire by the age
of 30.” He also said that tithing or giving 10% of your income to charity is the single and
most important law of prosperity. Those who learn this law quickly and start practicing it,
will become wealthy very quickly. I will talk more about saving and meditation on
prosperity in future chapters.
Most houses have foundation, walls, floor, and roof. My successful forex trading
structure also has foundation, walls, floor, and roof. The walls and floor of my forex
structure are money management and trading psychology. The roof is various trading
strategies. Make no mistake about it, in future chapters, I will be sharing with you most
things I know about money management and trading psychology. I will also be sharing
with you most of the successful trading strategies that I know. But the most important
thing that I can teach you is the foundation of my forex trading structure, which is giving
of at least 10% to charity, though since after becoming a millionaire, I have been giving
more than 50%, and I recommend you do the same after you reach the millionaire status.

I once was invited to a large dinner with a famous author Mark Victor Hansen. He and
Jack Canfield started a series of books called Chicken Soup for the Soul, which sold well
over 100 million copies, and became the #2 best seller ever. The only book that sold more
copies was the Holy Bible. I was very surprised to hear from Mark Victor Hansen how
Jack and he were struggling authors, until someone gave them advice to start giving 10%
of their income. They started doing it, got the idea for Chicken Soup for the Soul, and
became successful very quickly. When authors try to find out Mark's secret for success,
he always says that the #1 secret of his success is tithing. Mark Victor Hansen even wrote
a book “Miracle of Tithing”. Just like I say that tithing is the foundation of my forex
success, Mark Victor Hansen says that tithing is the foundation of his success as a best-
selling author. As far as I know, as soon as he became successful, his giving increased to
much more than 10%.

If you ever read the best-selling book about money: “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, where Robert
Kiyosaki shares the things that poor parents do not teach their children, tithing (giving of
10%), is one of those things. Perhaps you should also read about a billionaire Richard
Branson, the owner of Virgin Airlines, just to discover that giving to charity is the
cornerstone of his success as well. Perhaps I should also mention the famous forex
investor George Soros, whose success is also founded on giving. Or how about the
pioneer of high-yield mutual funds Sir John Marks Templeton, who says: “After helping
hundreds of thousands of families with their investments, I have found no better
investment than tithing. I myself have endeavored to donate, for every dollar I spend, ten
dollars to causes that promote prosperity and spirituality.”

I once heard about a wildly successful trader by the name of Gary, who made millions
upon millions, and who helped hundreds if not thousands of ordinary people to retire
through trading. This guy was a hard-core Christian, and once he made a fortune, he
decided to share what he knows about trading with others by giving free seminars in his
city. By the time I found out about him, he started charging some small fee for his
seminars, because more than once he got offended by some people that were attending
his free seminars, and still acted like he owes them something. Since I couldn’t attend a
seminar, I bought a recording of one on CDs. I paid a few hundred dollars for two thick
books and probably 30 or 40 CDs (if not more). The price that I paid for what I got was a
joke. It was by far the most comprehensive turn-key trading course I ever bought. But
what impressed me the most was what this guy said in the middle of his course. It was
something like this: “If you are still broke, it is because you do not give enough. I read
the entire bible, and there is only passage in the entire bible where God makes a promise
and dares you to test him on that promise. It is this passage: Bring the whole tithe into
the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord
Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Then this Gary guy tells people that
giving of 10% (tithing) is the cornerstone of his trading success, and he tries to convince
them that this is the most important thing that they should do in their trading. I will tell
you more about this guy Gary and his course in Chapter 5.

You see, there is a branch of modern psychology, which is called environmental

psychology. And it came to a simple conclusion that every single thing in our
environment has a tendency to program our subconscious mind. Now let’s analyze the #1
thing our environment programs us for by looking at our bodies. First the body of the
father produces sperm. It takes approximately 72 days for a male body to produce sperm.
During this production, the best out of everything is taken from the male body and given
to that sperm (you). Then the sperm ends up in the body of the mother, who gives it the
best of what it got for more than 9 months. Then the baby comes out of mother’s womb,
and it grows by absorbing sunlight and consuming countless of bodies of plants and
animals given to it for free by nature. This environment of unconditional giving that we
grew up in programs every single one of us to unconditional giving. And such
programming is not too difficult to test. Imagine a generous person, and you will
naturally feel sympathy towards him or her. Imagine a greedy person, and you will have a
tendency not to like him or her.

You see, you are already programmed by nature to give regularly and unconditionally,
and every day on this planet adds to that programming. If you don’t give regularly and
unconditionally, you are living against your own belief, and your subconscious will
continue to sabotage you. When you see a nearly-perfect trading opportunity, your
subconscious will tell you: “you don’t deserve this trade, because you are one selfish and
greedy bastard”, and you will get scared and not enter the trade. Or when it’s obviously a
“buy”, your subconscious will trick you into thinking that it’s a “sell”, and you’ll lose
money. Your program says to give regularly and unconditionally, but you don’t do it.
That is disharmony. You may work your butt off and accumulate lots of wealth, but your
health will go, or your family will go. This law of harmony affects your ability to
accumulate wealth, but it also goes much deeper than that. You can become wealthy, but
still live in great disharmony. You cannot change this program of unconditional giving no
matter how hard you try. The only thing you can change is to start giving regularly and
unconditionally. Start with 10% and increase as you feel is appropriate, and your life will
start becoming more harmonious every day. It will spread to your ability to make money,
but it will also spread to all other areas of your life.

In the beginning of 2007, I started taking private yoga lessons. The guy who was teaching
me was really struggling financially. His passion was teaching yoga, but he was
struggling to make enough money for rent and food, so he had to get into the mortgage
business, and was also about to get a job selling shoes. He knew that I make a lot of
money, and he also knew that I run a live forex trading room where I share my exact
entries and exits, and people can make money by copying my trades (I no longer have
such room). He asked me to give him free access to this trading room, so I did, but I also
told him that my secret of great financial success has very little to do with trading, but has
a lot to do with tithing (giving of 10%). I convinced him to start donating 10% from
every dollar he makes before taxes. He started doing this, and after a few months, he
somehow got great ideas, plus few new private students came out of nowhere, plus he
was offered a job at some yoga studio, so to make the long story short, he stopped doing
everything else, and was able to make more money than before just by teaching yoga.
This is an example of harmony that I am talking about, and your harmony may have
nothing to do with forex trading. You may start tithing in hopes to become a successful
forex trader, just to realize that it’s not your true calling, and you will find great success
in that which you are meant to do.

In 2009, I was having a conversation with a friend who owned two physical magazines,
which were at one point very successful but now were barely breaking even. So he had to
dig into his savings account every month, in order to survive, and it made him very
nervous. He knew that I was very wealthy, and he asked me for advice on how he could
make some money, so I told him that he needs to start tithing (giving 10%). He told me
that he is not making money, and only spending his savings, so how could he practice
tithing? I asked him how much money he spends out of his savings every month, and he
told me that it’s approximately $5,000. So I told him to donate 10% from every dollar
that he takes out of his savings account. He asked me to recommend him a charity, so I
recommended While I was still there, he went to their website, and
donated $500, and he said that he’ll donate another $500 next month. After about two
months, he called me, and told me that he couldn’t believe what was happening. He said
that some advertisers showed up out of nowhere, and for the first time in a very long
while, his magazines brought a profit of around $5,000, which paid for his expenses that
month. Plus some people expressed great interest in buying his magazine business, which
he has been trying to sell for a while.

Few years ago, there was a major carry trade unwinding, where the yen gained lots of
strength very quickly. GBP/JPY went down by more than 2,000 pips in less than 36
hours, and eventually went down by a total of around 9,000 pips. The day it happened, I
was long GBP/JPY, and I was supposed to wake up at around 4:45 am, in order to trade
some report at 5:30 am Los Angeles time. At one point, I opened my eyes, and saw that
the clock showed around 4:35 am or so. I decided to wake up, but I felt so tired, so as I
was trying to lift my body out of bed, I spontaneously fell asleep without noticing, and
had a very vivid and real dream of me getting out of bed, coming up to my computer, and
noticing that the time is around 4:50 am, and the actual number for the report that was
supposed to come out at 5:30 am is already posted. It was a mismatch, at which point I
realized that I was dreaming, so I tried to get back into my body, in order to wake up. I
physically opened my eyes, and tried to get out of bed, but then the same thing happened,
I again got out of bed, and walked to my computer, just to realize that I am in a dream. I
again tried to get into my body, and physically wake up, just to experience the exact same
thing. So I thought that perhaps I need to learn some lesson in this dream before I am
allowed to wake up, so I asked to be shown what the lesson was. I instantly saw some
Japanese looking guy, who showed me a chart for GBP/JPY, and I saw a big spike down
on this pair from 240 level to around 219 level. As soon as I saw and remembered this
chart, I was able to wake up, so I came up to my computer, and logged into my live
trading room, where more than 300 people were waiting for me to do a possible trade on
the economic report at 5:30 am. I told everyone that I had a dream that GBP/JPY will
possibly have a huge drop soon, so I am closing my GBP/JPY long position. The
GBP/JPY dropped just few hours later. I believe the reason I was warned like this is
because of my tithing. I simply didn’t deserve to lose that big, and Cosmic Consciousness
did everything to warn me. I received few other similar trading-related dreams and
visions before and after this incident…

In November of 2007, I decided to share my wealth secrets with people. So I rented a

huge party boat that holds 400 people. I paid around $30,000 for this boat for one
evening, and told my subscribers that if they had at least $30,000 in savings, and were
already saving at least $1,500 per month, I could teach them a forex trading system that
would turn them into millionaires in 3 years or less. I did not ask for any money to teach
them, I simply told them to donate between $500 and $1,000 to a charity
that plants trees. So around 200 people made the donations and came to this boat seminar.
During this seminar, I told them about the importance of tithing, and few other things. I
also told them that in addition to tithing they should read certain economic reports every
week, and after a while of doing this, they would have a very good feel of the 8 major
currencies, and they would be able to determine which currency is weakest, which is
strongest, and match the two, in order to make profitable trades. What ended up
happening is that I was out -$30,000 for the boat rental, they were out between $500 to
$1,000 in tax-deductible donations, plus traveling expenses, the charity received more
than $100,000 in donations, and after the seminar I realized that many people were very
disappointed with the information, and some people even turned from liking me into
hating me. They just couldn’t dig the 10% giving thing, which was what I mostly came
there to share with them. I tried to make up for their disappointment, and created and
emailed them a video recording with more detailed instructions on how to read the
economic reports every week, but I still think it was too abstract, and was not able to heal
the wounds of disappointment. I made a major mistake by promising something this big,
but if only they listened, and started giving 10% or more regularly, and started to read the
economic reports weekly that I suggested, my experience with myself and others suggests
that those who had $100,000 at that time would most likely already have over $1,000,000
just 3 years later…that is if they really wanted to have $1,000,000, and had that specific
goal. Please don’t make the same mistake that most of them did. Start giving 10% today,
and you will prosper…

Suggested Action: Make a 6-months tithing experiment. Calculate 10% from your gross
before-tax income, and give it to a charity of your choice every time you get paid. These
10% should be your first payment before anything else. If you are living from your
savings or you can’t calculate your income, start giving 10% of the amount you spend
every month. After 6-months, make a note of how your life improved, and if you are not
impressed with the results, then stop tithing, and join some others in the I-Hate-Scammer-
Felix club.

Most businesses are built around serving people, so if you serve your customers well, you
may still prosper even without tithing, but remember that in forex trading, you serve
nobody, and unless you make an opening of at least 10% in your trading account that will
benefit a charity, your success will be extremely difficult to achieve, because as a rule,
great financial abundance is a result of great service to large number of people. If you do
not give 10%, you may still succeed in forex at the expense of great loss of time and
energy, but this great loss of time and energy may take away great chunks from your
health and from your relationships, and thus your happiness. Remember that you are
programmed to give regularly and unconditionally, and every day that programming
becomes more solidified, if you don’t start living in accordance with this program, you
will be living a broken and disharmonious life.

If you think that you can't afford to give 10%, think of it this way: if you had a business
with a 50/50 partner, and the business only gave a profit of $5,000, but your personal
bills were $3,500, you would still have to pay your partner $2,500 before paying your
bills. Similarly, give 10% of your pay check, even if your bills are higher. Life will work
out without these 10%, it always does :-) Give only to people and charities that you have
no personal relationship with. Helping relatives and friends is good, but it should be done
outside of this initial tithe.

Your Comments: I wish to make the discussion under this chapter about tithing (giving
of 10%). If you already realized this law, and practice this law of giving 10%, please
share your story with as many details as you can.

Chapter 3 | The Holy Grail System That Can Take You From 0 to 1 Million Very
Quickly - 04-22-2010, 06:25 PM
So we continue to build the foundation for our financial fortress, and this chapter is the
continuation of Chapter 2, so please read Chapter 2 before reading this one.

In Chapter 2, the focus of the discussion was on the importance of giving money in order
to succeed as forex traders. In this chapter, we will focus on the discussion of saving
money. After all, if you look all around us, the entire nature is one efficient system of
taking, preserving, and giving back. Look at a first takes in nutrients and water
from the Earth, it stores it in its trunk, and then uses the stored nutrients and water to
grow leaves and bear fruit. Or a bear who eats as much as it can during summer, and uses
all of its preserved fat during winter in order to survive. All of such things in nature
program our subconscious mind to do the same: take, preserve, and give back, and if we
don't do it, we live in disharmony with our own subconscious programming, and this
disharmony makes it hard for us to succeed.

As you may remember, in chapter 2, I talked about 3 things that the very wealthy and
wise man taught me. The second thing was saving 30%. I never used the 30% portion of
the advice, because I found it impractical. After all, how can you save 30% if you barely
have enough money for food and rent? At the same time, why would you save only 30%
if your income is $15,000 per month, and your living expenses are only $3,000 per
month? So basically I just gave the 10%, and saved as much as I could. Yes, I went from
0 to $1 million in less than 3 years, but I was single and very ambitious to get rich, and I
really worked my ass off. You'll understand what I mean by working my ass off as I start
sharing with you in future chapters some of the trading strategies I used. Your ambition is
probably weaker than mine, and most likely you will work a lot less than me, so you'll
still become a millionaire if you really want to, but it will probably take you a bit longer.

In this chapter, I wish to talk about the system of giving and saving money, which I
learned from a very wise man. I learned it in 2007, and the man I learned it from is not
the same man I mentioned in Chapter 2. I call this system the holy grail, because I've
never found a better money management system than this one. By definition, the holy
grail is a forever lost sacred cup, which has miraculous powers. The symbol of a cup is
certainly appropriate to a system that saves money, and I feel that this system indeed has
miraculous powers, because in 2008, I taught it to a friend of mine, who started using it.
At the time, this friend lived in Los Angeles, had a family of 4, and was making only
$4,000 per month. $4,000 is not a whole lot of money if you live in one of the most
expensive cities in the world, having to support 4 people. But still this guy managed to
find a way to give 10%, so $400 from his money every month, and he also found a way
to give some more and save, in accordance with the holy grail system. Now, 2 years later,
his income is at around $30,000 per month, and is growing very steadily. He also has a
lot of money in his savings account, and he is definitely on a sure path to becoming a
millionaire in the next 2 years or even earlier. As his income went up, his giving went up
too, so now he gives almost as much as he was making 2 years ago. Do not
underestimate the power of giving the 10% from your gross income.

You see, when I was about 17 years old, I was attending a high school business class, and
the teacher who taught the class was encouraging everyone to save $20 per day for the
rest of our lives, and if we did that, and invested it into a savings account at some low
rate of 4 or 5%, the teacher was showing us calculations that within 40 years, we would

be able to retire as millionaires. 40 years is a VERY LONG time for me I went from
0 to $1 million in less than 3 years by using the principles that I am teaching you. My
friend who practices the holy grail system will probably go from 0 to $1 million in less
than 4 years, and that's given the fact that now he has a family of 5, and he is the only one
who brings money into the house. So I think that if I say that if you continue to give 10%
from your gross income, and start saving in accordance with the holy grail system, you
probably have a very good shot at becoming a millionaire within 7 years, and I am being
very conservative with this estimate. Whether it takes you 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 years to achieve
this goal, in my opinion such time frame compared with 40 years, estimated by my

professor, qualifies to be called "very quick"

Rule of 1000: The wise man who taught me the holy grail system told me about a certain
rule, which applies to our time and age. It is called the Rule of 1000, and this rule is
simply that the amount of money we make per hour is approximately equal to the amount
in our savings account, divided by 1000. So if one has $100,000 in his savings account,
he will probably be making approximately $100 per hour. This rule only applies to
people who give 10% regularly. I do not know how he came up with this idea, but I
noticed on myself and other people that it really works pretty darn close. And it makes
sense, because our savings account is a big part of our environment, and the more money
we have in it, the bigger we are able to think, and this bigger thinking attracts completely
different money making opportunities than when we have no savings.

So here is how you use the holy grail system. First of all up to $1,000,000, you must
donate 10% of your gross income to a charity of your choice. Above $1,000,000, you
must donate 50% of your gross income to a charity of your choice. This is the way I was
taught this system, and this is the way I am teaching it to you. Since in 2007 I was
already a millionaire, I started donating 50% of my gross income, and I continue to do

The forward donations in this holy grail system are in addition to the 10% before 1
million and 50% after 1 million.

So, take 10 sheets of paper, and divide each sheet into 100 squares.
On the first sheet, write the following: Forward Donation: $100, Goal: $1,000, Each Unit:
On the second sheet: Forward Donation: $250, Goal: $2,500, Each Unit: $25
On the third sheet: Forward Donation: $500, Goal: $5,000, Each Unit: $50
On the fourth sheet: Forward Donation: $1,000, Goal: $10,000, Each Unit: $100
On the fifth page: Forward Donation: $2,500, Goal: $25,000, Each Unit: $250
On the sixth page: Forward Donation: $5,000, Goal: $50,000, Each Unit: $500
On the seventh page: Forward Donation: $10,000, Goal: $100,000, Each Unit: $1,000
On the eighth page: Forward Donation: $25,000, Goal: $250,000, Each Unit: $2,500
On the ninth page: Forward Donation: $50,000, Goal: $500,000, Each Unit: $5,000
On the tenth page: Forward Donation: $100,000, Goal: $1,000,000, Each Unit: $10,000.

Put all of these 10 pages into one binder, starting with page number one and ending with
page number ten. Each page will have 100 squares, and you have 10 pages in the binder,
so you will have 1000 squares total.

If you currently have no money in savings, you start by forward donating $100 to a
charity of your choice. Then your goal is to save $1,000 in units of $10, and fill out the
100 squares on the first page, by writing $10 in each square. Make it a point to save at
least $10 every day. Once you fill out the first page, you will have $1,000 in your
savings. From that $1,000, and nowhere else, take $250, and donate it to a charity of your
choice. You will have $750 left in your savings. Move to the $2,500 sheet with each unit
being $25. Fill out the first 30 units, since you have $750, and 30x25=$750. Then
continue saving and filling out remaining 70 units. Once you have $2,500, take $500
from this amount, and no other place, and donate this $500 to a charity of your choice.
You will have $2,000 left, so go to page three with $5,000 goal, and units of $50. Fill out
the first 40 squares, since 40x$50=$2,000. Continue to save and continue to fill out the
remaining 60 units of $50 each, until you have $5,000. Keep repeating this process, until
you hit the $1,000,000 goal.

Make it a point to go steady and fill out at least 30 or 31 squares per month, depending on
how many days that month has, of course for February it would be 28 or 29. You can fill
them all out in one day, or you can do it one per day, or few every few days, et cetera. If
you are particularly ambitious and you have the ability to put a bit more at the end of the
month, then absolutely and definitely do it. The guy who uses this system and who went
from $4K to now around $30K couldn't fathom how making only $4,000 per month, he
would be able to one day save $500 or $1,000 per day, and be able to do it every single
day. But somehow his income magically increased as he was practicing this system, and
he was able to fill out one square every single day, until he hit the goal of $1,000 per day.
When he hit that, he had to slow down, so he started to put $1,000 a bit less frequently.

Do not try to look at this system logically, and do not think that as you progress
your income will remain the same as it is now. Remember the Rule of 1000 and
remember the amazing principle of giving, which will create harmony in your
subconscious. Simply be ready for the unexpected income opportunities coming into
your life, and take advantage of them when they arise.

If you already have some money in your savings, your first page will be with the amount
above your savings amount, and your tenth page will be whatever it is. So for example,
let’s say you currently have $75,000 in your savings. You start with a page of $100,000
with each unit being $1,000. Your 2nd page will be $250,000, 3rd: $500,000, 4th:
$1,000,000, 5th: $2,500,000, 6th: $5 million, 7th: $10 million, 8th: $25 million, 9th: $50
million, 10th: $100 million. No matter what your savings amount is, make sure to create
10 pages (not more not less), using the same logic of increase. So you start with the first
page of $100,000 with each unit of $1,000. Donate $10,000 from your savings of
$75,000, and you will have $65,000 left, so fill out 65 squares. Work on putting away
money and filling out the remaining 35 squares. Then go to $250,000 page, and continue
the process with forward donation, et cetera.

You may have some savings now, but donating 10% towards the next amount in the holy
grail might be too big of a step for your mind. If such is the case, just keep your current
savings separate from the holy grail system, and start the holy grail with $1,000, keeping
and growing this money separately from what you already have.

Here is the front of my binder with my 10 pages (my wife made this drawing, but you
don’t have to have a drawing on yours)
Here is one of my still empty goal pages in my holy grail system. I actually used lined
paper for my holy grail, and instead of using 10 separate sheets, I used 5 sheets, and
simply used both sides of each sheet. You can of course make yours look much nicer
with paper without lines. When it comes to holy grail, I like to draw the lines by hand. I
feel that it puts more of my energy into it. But if you make it on computer and print it, I
don’t think it will make that much difference in the result. Each square on mine is 1.5
centimeters by 1.5 centimeters. As you get into $1,000 and above per square, you can just
write 1K, 2.5K, 10K, et cetera. If you get into millions, you can write 1M, 2.5M, 10M, et
cetera. You don’t need to write the whole number with many zeroes.
Rule of 10: In addition to the rules of the system described above, you must observe one
simple universal rule as you practice it, which is called Rule of 10. This universal rule
states that what you spend on others must be more than what you spend on yourself and
your family. What does it mean in practical terms? Let’s say that now you are making
about $3,000, donating $300, your family spends around $2,500 per month, and you are
spending the rest of $200 on donations and savings in the holy grail. As your savings
starts growing, your income will start growing, so after a couple of years, you find
yourself with $100,000 in savings, making $20,000 per month. This means that you are
donating $2,000 per month as your 10%, and still spending around $2,500 per month on
your family. The question comes of whether you should move into a bigger house, which
would increase your spending from $2,500 to $5,000. The answer is you definitely
shouldn’t. You must stay in your crappy home and continue to live modestly, until your
income increases to let’s say $51,000 per month. At that point, you will be donating 10%,
so $5,100 per month to charities, and thus you can spend under that amount on yourself.
To spend less on yourself and more on others is your ultimate goal, which holy grail will
help you to achieve, but you don’t have to be paranoid about it. Go ahead, take your
family to a nice restaurant or vacation, go ahead buy yourself a more reliable car. Be
practical. Work towards closing this spending/giving gap and reversing it, but it doesn’t
have to happen overnight. Live comfortably, but don’t overspend without necessity.
Perhaps it becomes necessary for you to move to a better house in a better neighborhood
before this gap is closed. Consider moving from let's say a $1,500/month house to a
$2,500/month house, instead of into a $5,000 one right away. Again, be practical about
this, but as much as possible start working towards equalizing your giving to others with
spending on your family, and eventually reversing it, so that you give to others much
more than you spend on yourself and your family.

Who made up this rule of 10, and why should you follow it? According to this wise man
who taught me the holy grail system, this rule is programmed into the design of our
human body. You see, trees have branches above and below. The branches below are
called roots, and they take in energy from the Earth. The branches above are called
branches, and they give energy back into the Earth by bearing fruits and leaves, which
benefit other beings and the Earth itself. Humans also have branches above and below.
The branches below are our feet with 10 toes, which take in energy from the Earth. The
branches above are our arms and hands with 10 fingers. We use hands to give. The
fingers on our hands are much longer than toes on our feet, so we are meant to give more
to others than we spend on ourselves and our families. When we spend more on ourselves
than on others, we are going against our own design and program, and thus live in
disharmony. As soon as we can get into such harmony, we'll automatically become happy
on all levels, mental, emotional, and physical. It's that simple, and if you study lives of
many saints, this is exactly how they lived, and because of such living enjoyed inner
peace and complete satisfaction in life. We do not need to renounce the world and money
in order to achieve similar results, we simply need to become masters of the energy of
money by overcoming emotions of greed and fear that it comes with, and the only way to
overcome those emotions is through giving.

10 toes and 10 fingers is the reason why this rule is called rule of 10. The 10 toes and 10
fingers also have relationship to the design of the holy grail system. After all, you do it in
multiples of 10 sheets (10 goals) at a time.

Magic of 100: You will notice that every sheet in the holy grail system consists of 100
squares, so you are saving each goal amount in units, divided by 100. This is no accident
either. Such way of saving is based upon 3 important ratios, which heavily affect our
subconscious mind.
First of all, Earth revolves approximately 365 times in one orbit of the Sun, while Earth is
approximately 3.65 times larger than the Moon. The difference is 100 times.
Second of all, the Moon takes 27.32 days to orbit the Earth, and is 0.2732 of Earth’s size.
The difference is 100 times.
Third of all, the Sun is approximately 109.3 times bigger than the moon, while the
circumference of the Moon is 10,930 kilometers. The difference is 100 times.

In addition to all of this, you have to remember that when it comes to forex, in one dollar,

there are 100 pennies, and in one penny, there are 100 pips

The people in our environment have tremendous effect on our subconscious, and what is
to say of Moon, Sun, and other planets? Their relative sizes and ratios not only affect, but
shape our minds. The ratios mentioned above are one of the reasons why our entire holy
grail system consists of goals, that are divided into 100 units each, and saving in such
way is in great harmony with our programming, and thus the results are quite magical.

Written Word: When you think of something, it’s powerful. When you speak it, it’s
even more powerful. When you write it, it’s explosive. When you write it in accordance
with certain cosmic ratios and laws, it’s nuclear. In my childhood, I knew this one
particular guy, who was a bit older than me. When he turned 18, it was time for him to go
to the Russian army, which is mandatory. The guy had perfect health and perfect heart, so
there was no way to get excused from the army. His father didn’t want him to go, and he
didn’t want to go, so they bought a fake medical exam, which showed that this guy had a
heart problem. This way he became excused from the army and never went. 2 years later,
this guy died of a heart attack. Regardless of his perfect heart, it deteriorated based on
what was written in the medical exam. Do not underestimate the power of the written
word and written goals, especially if your goals are written and being worked towards
using sacred cosmic ratios and laws, such as in the holy grail system. But do not get too
excited about these ratios either. Giving is the fuel, if you don’t do it, these ratios won’t
count for almost anything. So 10% of your gross income before you have $1 million in
your holy grail, and 50% of your gross income after you have $1 million in your holy
grail. This is in addition to the forward donations of the holy grail.

No holes: If you leave a bucket hanging outside while it rains, it will become filled with
water and when you wake up in the morning, you can use the water. If the bucket has
even a small hole, you will wake up in the morning, and will find the bucket completely
empty. Your holy grail savings is like this bucket. It must not have any holes. You must
vow not to touch money in your holy grail under no circumstances. If you have an
emergency, borrow money, and repay it later, but don’t use the money from your holy
grail savings. This is your golden goose that will lay the golden eggs. Invest your savings
only into major currencies, gold, and silver. Do not invest it into stocks. Do not invest it
into real estate. Do not open forex trading accounts with it. Stocks are risky. Look at one
of the most liquid stocks AIG. Two years ago, it was trading at around $1,500, now it’s
trading at around $40. Real estate is safer, but it’s not liquid enough. You can use other
money to invest into stocks. You can use other money to invest into real estate. You can
use other money to open forex trading accounts. You can use the profit from investing
your savings to do all of that, but not the actual savings. Do not use leverage when
investing your holy grail savings. It is against natural flow of things, and you will lose
your money. I made many investments in my life. All of them were profitable, except
two. Those two are the only ones where I used 2:1 leverage. You can use leverage on
your trading account, but not on your savings. Do not get greedy. Your job is to take care
of your golden goose, not stick it with steroids, so that it could produce more eggs. If you
stick it with steroids, it will get sicker and smaller, and will not lay eggs at all, until you
stop. Leverage is the steroids that I am talking about. If you do it for too long, it will die.
If you wish, you could sometimes reduce your holy grail savings by donating your
money, but this is the only hole allowed, and even this one is not recommended, except
for the 10% forward donations. The bigger your savings, the bigger will be your income,
and the more you will be able to donate from your income, especially once your
donations go up to 50%. This is much wiser than reducing your savings with your
donations, and thus killing future donations.

Taxes: As you get richer, you will have to pay more in taxes. Accept it as a fact and pay
them. I have one particular friend who made very little money before, and his taxes were
next to nothing. Then he started to become wealthy, and his taxes increased to around
$100,000 per year. Greed took him over, and he said that he must reduce his taxes. The
only way to reduce taxes in most countries is to increase your spending. So this guy
wants to sell his $350,000 comfortable condo, and get into a much bigger debt by buying
a $750,000 house, which he really doesn’t need. All of this in depreciating real estate
market, just to reduce his taxes. He figured that this way, instead of paying $30,000 per
year in mortgage and property taxes, he will pay $65,000 per year in mortgage and
property taxes, and this way will have to pay less to the government in income tax.

When changing your house, you must remember that for the first 5 years, most of the
money you make in mortgage payments on new house will go towards the interest and
not equity, so for a while, you’ll be making payments into thin air. Also remember that
you will right away lose 10% on selling your house in repairs, realtor commissions, and
closing costs in some cases. You will also lose some amount in buying a new house. If
you happen to buy new house first, it can take you many months to sell your old house,
and you will waste lots of money in useless mortgage payments on it.

You see, greed blinds people, so most rational people start making very irrational
decisions. Let’s say you made $300,000 in one year, and your tax-deductible spendings
are $100,000. So you pay 40% tax on $200,000 net income, and you have $120,000 left
over that you could put into savings. This money in your savings will allow you to think
bigger and make more money next year. In addition to that, the difference between your
high income and low spending will provide a cozy feeling of financial security. But let’s
say the same person who made $300,000, increased his tax-deductible spendings to
$200,000. So he has $100,000 left over, and after paying his 40% tax, he has $60,000 left
over in savings. That’s twice less. Many people are bad at math and they treat tax
deduction in the same way as tax credit. They don’t understand that every time you spend
more in order to increase your tax-deductible spendings, you indeed save 40% from your
taxes, but the other 60% goes directly out of your savings. And in addition to this,
because of this stupid greed to pay a tax, people decrease the difference between what
they make and what they spend, thus feeling more nervous, and this nervousness in
addition to decreased savings kills their income. Plus if you say that you are not willing
to pay to the government more than $100,000, that means that your subconscious will
never allow you to make a million, because from a million, you’ll have to pay even more
in taxes. When your tax bill comes, and it’s much higher than last year, celebrate! It
simply means that you made a lot more money! As the biblical saying goes: "Give to
Caesar that which belongs to Caesar".

Real Estate: I was talking to this one guy once, whose net worth was about $60 million.
As he was getting richer, he did not know what to do with his money, so he started
buying houses in different places. His houses indeed increased in value and thus
increased his net worth, but he told me that it was a very bad way to invest, no matter of
the returns. He said that owning all of these houses turned his life into a nightmare. It
wasn’t an investment but a job, even if you use property management companies. He
learned his mistakes and was selling most of his real estate, putting his money into liquid
assets. Remember one thing, everything you buy that’s physical requires maintenance.
And the maintenance is not only physical, but also mental. Every single thing you own
occupies a space in your mind, and your thinking becomes less efficient. This is why I
only own one shirt and one pants, and when I have to wash them, I walk around half-
naked. You do not have to go to that extreme, but you absolutely must eliminate all of the
useless things from your life. Give them away, throw them away, the fewer useless things
you have, the more efficiently your mind will operate, and abundance gets attracted to
efficiency, and avoids all inefficiencies. If you are a pack-rat, or in other terms if you
suffer from compulsive hoarding, it will greatly slow down your financial progress.

But to go back to real estate, it’s not really a form of investment, but a job.

Most of 2005, while I was still learning to trade forex, I was doing real estate. I had a
partner who had over 100 properties all within a 100 miles radius. My job was to do all
the leg work in finding good deals for flipping purposes, and his job was to put up the
money and expertise into each deal. We divided profits 50/50. He was a really good guy,
and I enjoyed his company immensely and learned a lot from him. This guy’s net worth
was well over $10 million, and he called himself a real estate investor, and yet he had to
work on his investments about 60 hours per week, and taking a 2-week vacation was
almost an unthinkable thing for him. At one point of my life, I closely studied the life of
Donald Trump, I read his biography and attended his speech. He is one of the most
successful real estate investors in the world. His life was no different. He was a total
slave of his assets without having anybody whom he could trust to take over his position
and give him some room to breathe. The point I am trying to make here is that you should
keep your holy grail savings in digital assets, not physical. Our ignorant minds think that
physical is safer, but it’s not. Nobody can vandalize your digital savings, but yourself.
Physical assets will enslave you. Real estate can be a profitable job, but not a way to
invest and remain free.

Debt: do not let your debt stop you from putting money into your holy grail savings. You
see in 2004, before I was trading forex successfully, and when I hardly had any money, I
made a deal with a guy whom I knew well and with whom I’ve done a lot of business
before. This guy said that he has a container of remote control golf carts coming. They
were selling on ebay for around $500, and he said that he could sell them to me for
around $200. We agreed that I would sell about 150 of these carts, send him $30,000 for
them, and he would drop ship them to the customers. Since I’ve done hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of business with this guy before, I trusted him and accepted
his proposal. I had two friends that sold things on ebay at that time, so I told them that if
they wished, they could sell the carts for 50% of my profit, but the money would be
collected into my paypal account. So they agreed. We received around $75,000 in
revenue for the golf carts. I sent $30,000 to this guy, gave $22,500 to my friends, and had
about $22,500 of profit left. The only problem is that this guy disappeared and never sent
anything to the people. So here I was with $22,500 of almost the only cash I had, and
$75,000 in debt, owed not to one person but to 150 different people. Of course, I didn’t
ask my partners to return to me the $22,500, because the deal with my provider was my

I knew one simple spiritual law, which says that what you focus on expands. Focusing on
the debt wouldn’t be productive. What I needed to focus on was making money,
donating, and saving money. So I decided that I will assign 20% of my income to
repaying this debt, and will pay it with that money. By assigning a fixed percentage such
as 20% would allow me to pay it without thinking about it all the time. The rest of the
money is mine to give, spend, and save. I did not apply $22,500 to the debt, but kept it.
So what I did is I added 10% in addition to what I owed to every customer for interest
and inconvenience, and I sent them emails, explaining what happened to me. I told them
that I have very little money and I do not know when I will have more, but I also told
them that I have assigned a portion of my income to repaying their debt, and every month
I will be sending them a check. Even if the check were for $1, I would still send it, just to
show that I am here and committed to paying off the debt. Of course many people
moaned, groaned, and threatened me with lawsuits, but I ignored their threats, moaning,
and groaning, I just started sending them checks, which in the beginning were at around
$10. Seeing even such small amounts coming in regularly, all of the people came down
and stopped bothering me. I kept sending them checks every month, and it kept them
calm. Because of regular donating of 10%, and focusing on my savings, I was able to pay
them all back within one year.

Try to do something similar with your debt, if you have any. I know that dealing with
institutions is different. I never had credit card debt on my name, but I know how things
work with it. If I were in big credit card debt, which were choking me, I would stop
paying them all, and would simply start putting away 20% assigned for paying off debt.
As the money would accumulate, I would pay off one card at a time, starting from
smallest. I know that most of them would add huge penalties and interest by that time, but
after you don’t pay them for 6 months or longer, they’ll usually wave it, and settle the
debt for principal or even less. This would ruin your credit history, but who needs it
anyway? You only need it to get credit cards. You don’t even need it to buy real estate.
When buying real estate, you could always find owners who would sell you the house
and finance it, even if your credit history is terrible, as long as you have down payment
and income that can make monthly payments. Basically you don’t need your credit
history, if you are an honest person and even if you need to borrow money for something
else, you could find individuals that will lend it to you. But as soon as you stop making
payments on your credit cards, make sure to keep your money either in offshore bank
account or at home, because these creditors can get a court order and forcefully take
money from your bank account without you knowing it. It happened to one of my friends
in the United States.

Giving: When you start to practice giving 10% from your income, and in addition to that,
giving forward donations for your holy grail system, some people will tell you that you
are doing an unholy thing, because you give with an expectation to get something back.
These people have a point. You see, when you give completely unconditionally without
expecting to get anything back, you get heavenly reward in the form of inner peace and
complete satisfaction. When you give to a charity with intention to get your reward in the
form of money, you are trading in this inner peace and complete satisfaction for a
monetary return of more than 1000% on your giving. When you give to a charity, with
the intention of gaining publicity, your reward is publicity, so no 1000%+ return for you.
When you give to friends and relatives, it is very good, but it shouldn’t count into your
10% or holy grail forward giving, because you have certain responsibilities to help your
friends and relatives anyway, so you are not really giving, but fulfilling your duty.

True unconditional giving is only to people that you don’t know and have no obligations
to, and hopefully you can give in such way that they get the benefit without knowing who
is responsible for it. Keep it as secret as possible. Giving is like trading forex, the more
you do it, the better you become at it. Most people do not have the capacity to start
giving without expecting anything back, but in time, after many months of giving, that
capacity will naturally develop. Do not feel guilty about using your giving merit for
getting 1000%+ return, because as you get richer, you will be helping more people, and
after a while, giving will become your second nature, so you won’t even think about
getting anything back when you do it. I now give 50% of my monthly income, and when
it comes time to give, I just do it to a cause that inspires me, and I do it almost
absentmindedly, in the same way as I would pay 50% to a physical partner. Everything

will come in due time, including “holiness” Just keep giving, regardless of your

Another important point should be made. It’s not so much how much money you give,
but how much good your money does. If you make donations to your church, and the
church buys more land for itself or a new car, this obviously won’t generate as much
merit as if the church fed a thousand genuinely hungry people with your money. When
you give, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your money actually does something
good and doesn’t just get wasted. In spending, you probably usually try to get the biggest
bang for your buck. It should be no different in giving. If making cleft surgeries to
children inspires you, give to, I’ve worked closely with them for a
while, and they are very efficient. If planting trees inspires you, give to
These guys are also extremely efficient. I support some others, but I can’t recommend
them to you, because I know that if they get much more money than I already give them,
they will start wasting it. Some charities, you must keep on a very short leash, because
they get started by people with huge hearts and no business skills, so even if they try hard
to make a difference, they can’t do it efficiently, simply because they lack the business
skill. I am sure there are many more very good and very efficient charities. Consider
attending some of their projects and see how things work, also closely review their books
and how they spend the money. There is nothing wrong with micromanaging a charity to
make sure they spend what you give them on what you think is best.

Do not underestimate the power of giving. It is the fuel of the holy grail system. In
chapter 2, I talked about the miracle healer MCKS. Many times he would heal people by
telling them to give to a cause that bothers them. So one time, one person had blood
cancer, and he told that person to buy blood for the people that needed it, but couldn’t
afford it, so the person started doing it. Within a short time, the blood cancer disappeared
without a trace. Another person had a stroke and was laying in coma with almost no
chance of recovery, so MCKS told the relatives of this person to take this person’s
money, and donate it to a cause that helps people with strokes. After they did it, this
person in coma miraculously recovered. If you have a problem, it will be natural for you
to feel compassion towards people who have the same problem, and donate to that cause.
In most cases, developing such compassion and acting on it through donations is the only
lesson you have to learn from your disease. Once you learn it, the disease will disappear.
Similarly with the disease of poverty and mediocrity, once you go beyond emotions of
fear and greed and stop hoarding, the abundance will start flowing towards you. The
question is how long will it take for you to learn this lesson and open up?

Where to keep your holy grail savings: First of all, pick a currency that you want to
count your money in. It can be USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, NZD, AUD, CAD. If you live in
a country with another currency, still pick one of these major ones, because they are the
most stable ones. You can even count your money in gold or silver. You just have to get
creative on how you express it in each unit. Counting in JPY is not good, because Japan
constantly tries do devalue their currency. You can choose USD as your currency, but it
doesn’t mean that you can’t transfer your money into another currency if you think that it
has higher potential of appreciating. So if the currency of your holy grail is USD, and
your money is in CAD, you simply count the equity. Sometimes the equity in USD may
drop to below of what you have in holy grail, but as soon as it increases by at least one
unit, you fill that unit in. You don’t need to erase numbers in your holy grail sheets, as
your equity drops below. Simply get it back up, and keep writing new units on the sheet
as your savings increases.

As your savings are small, you can keep them in cash, but as they get bigger, you’ll want
to put them in a bank account or at least a safe in some bank. For as long as your holy
grail savings are below $500,000, it will be a bit inconvenient to manage your money, if
you try to keep transferring it between currencies, because many banks will charge you as
much as 500 pips to do each transfer. That’s a loss of 5% on your money right away. Or
if you try to exchange your money in an airport location or a Western Union, you can
lose as much as 10% if not more, just on the exchange. You really have to do research on
how to convert your money into currencies in the cheapest way possible in case you need
to. I know offers such service. Though I never used it, I assume that it
works like this: you transfer a sum in one currency from your bank to Oanda. They
exchange it for perhaps 10 or 20 pips, and transfer it back to your bank in the currency of
your choice. Most major banks will allow you to keep money in other currencies. You
just have to find a way to transfer it from one currency into another without having to pay
5% to the bank. If you are concerned with keeping your money in your country, because
of debt or other issues, or if the banking system in your country is not yet well-developed,
I recommend you open an account with Caye Bank in Belize. You can open it via mail.
The minimum deposit is $25,000, and you can keep your money in most major
currencies, and make transfers between currencies much cheaper than in most other
banks. Plus this bank is very stable and is the official bank of the country. Their website

Once your holy grail savings hit $500,000, I recommend opening a Swiss account with
Julius Baer, which has a minimum opening deposit of 500K CHF. This is the most stable
bank I know of. They are so conservative that when you have an account with them, they
still send you reports of the bank’s financials. Most banks won’t do it, because if you

were to see their financials, you’d probably want to close your account right away
Plus Julius Baer is very aggressive on fees. They’ll transfer your money from one
currency into another cheaply, and their custodian fees are quite standard at around 0.5%,
so if you have $500,000, they will charge you around $2,500 per year for account
maintenance, but you will get a dedicated account rep that will be basically wiping your
ass. If you want to buy gold and take physical possession of it, they will gladly buy it for
you, and put it into a safe in your name, for a fee of course. Basically, once you have
Swiss bank account, it’s an all-in-one financial solution. You can buy stocks from
anywhere in the world, you can do forex transactions, et cetera. The problem is that if
you are US citizen or resident, most Swiss banks won’t open you an account, because the
US government did everything they could to prohibit their citizens or residents to take
their money offshore, because once your money is offshore, your government can’t
control it, and can’t take possession of it, unless they can prove that you are a terrorist. So
if you are a resident or citizen of US, you can contact I
know their website looks like a joke, but I know the owner for a while, and it’s a very
good and legitimate company. What they can do is open you an account with the biggest
bank in Monaco, which is CMB. Monaco is comparable to Switzerland, and this bank
will accept US residents, but only if they come under a roof of a wealth management
company. You will have to pay 0.5% to Alpen Rose, in addition to 0.7% to CMB. The
account will be in your name, but if you want to place orders and do transfers on the
account, you will have to submit it to Alpen Rose, and they will submit it to the bank on
your behalf. The service of Alpen Rose is exceptional, actually even better than in most
Swiss banks.

My advice: At one point of my life, I thought about completely retiring and just
transferring my money into some stable fund, which would grow it for me. So I asked a
friend who knows almost everything there is to know about banking and different funds
to make a recommendation of where I should put my money. I wanted the fund to be as
stable as a bank, and at the same time, I wanted to get good returns on my money. This
guy told me that I am much better off investing on my own, but I insisted that he makes a
recommendation. This guy recommended me some funds, and I reviewed all of them,
coming to a conclusion that indeed investing on my own is much better. But I particularly
liked two of the funds, and figured that I would recommend them to friends who didn’t
know how to invest. One is called Mosaic Fund, which is inside of Pictet Bank in
Switzerland. Pictet is one of the biggest private banks in Switzerland that has been
around since 1805. Mosaic is a billion dollar fund, but surprisingly, the minimum
investment is only $10,000. It has been around since June 1, 1994. While many funds
went bankrupt in 2008, Mosaic only lost -15.5%. In 2006, they gained 13.2%, in 2007
17.4%, and in 2009 11.2%. Click here to download their PDF that I received from my
banking friend. Click here to download excel sheet with Mosaic monthly performance
since inception. Their performance is net gain already after their management fees.

Another fund that I was also impressed with is based in New York. It’s called Optima
Futures Fund. It’s been around since June 14, 1991, and in 2008 while many funds went
bankrupt, this fund managed to gain 1.1%. In 2007, it gained 8.9%, and in 2009, it gained
12.7%. Their 1.1% gain instead of a loss in 2008 is what impressed me the most, because
when it comes to savings, I’d rather see smaller yearly gains with no yearly losses than
the other way around. This is a much smaller fund than Mosaic, with assets of only
around $100 million, but its minimum investment is $250,000. Click here to download
their PDF.

If I knew nothing about investing and banking, and I just started saving by using the holy
grail system, here is what I would do with my money. First I would gain $10,000, and
then I would invest it into Pictet’s Mosaic fund. I would keep my money in this fund, and
keep adding to it, until I was sure that I could safely invest myself with a gain of at least
30% per year by doing paper-investing (simulated investing without real money). In my
opinion, keeping money in Mosaic and safely gaining 10-12% per year on average is
much better than keeping money in a bank account, without knowing what to do with
your money. I am not sure how investing into this fund works, and I am not sure how
they would look at US residents or US citizens as investors, but I think you need to go to
Pictet Bank’s website:, and inquire about these details. If you have
trouble, perhaps you could contact people from, but don’t do
it until you absolutely need to. It’s always better to deal with banks and funds directly,
without a third party, because a third party always wants to get paid. I hope it’s obvious
to you that I have no gain or interest in recommending this fund to you. It’s simply a
recommendation from my heart and experience.

Conclusion: You started reading my material, in hopes of gaining knowledge about forex
trading, and you will, but I continue to talk about principles of money, because I know
that you could care less about forex. The reason you want to trade it is because you want
to get rich quickly. I can teach you a forex trading strategy, and we will be sitting and
looking at the same currency pair at the same time, looking for the same thing, and one of
us will make money, while the other will lose. Even when I was running my live trading
room, where I used to give people clear entry and exit points, so that they could copy all
my trades and thus copy the success of my trading account, even then there were some
people that kept losing money no matter what. Somehow their life circumstances would
unfold in such ways that they would come in during the times when I had my biggest
losers, and they wouldn’t come in during times when I had my biggest winners. Yet there
were others that would somehow magically come in during trading sessions where I
mostly gained, and somehow avoided trading sessions where I mostly lost, and these
people had more gains in their trading accounts than me. You can control many things
in your life, but you have almost no control over the situations your life brings you,
which can be called luck. These situations, will arise whether you trade forex or not, and
my experience suggests that they matter the most when it comes to becoming rich.
Giving 10% and following the holy grail will completely alter you as a person from
inside out. You will literally start living on a completely different wavelength, and your
life circumstances and your luck will change to a point beyond recognition. You try it,

and see

Suggested Action: If you still don’t do it, start donating 10% of your gross income and
start following the holy grail system. Once you hit $1 million, up your donations to 50%.
This holy grail system is a commitment for life. As soon as you complete filling out the
first 10 sheets, and hit your goal on 10th sheet, create 10 more sheets. Please understand
that in this manifested universe, there is no such thing as status quo. As one of my
teachers likes to say: "Everything is either growing or dying". Your finances are no
different. As soon as you stop managing and growing your savings, they will start
decaying, or reducing. I believe in appreciating what has been given to me, and taking
care of things that have been given to me. This is how I look at my money. As long as I
have it, I will keep growing it at a comfortable, non-ambitious pace, without the fear of
losing it. I have nothing to be afraid of, because even if I lose everything, I will remain a
millionaire. I can always call myself this, not because I have more than one million, but
because I have given more than a million to charities. Do the same, and you will be much
richer financially and much happier as a person.

Your Comments: I will be most grateful for your comments about what has been shared
here. Perhaps some of you already have experiences that match what I shared, while
others have experiences that contradict it. Do not underestimate the power of your
comments. If you have something important to say, then say it, because this website gets
visited by millions of unique people every year, and some of them will end up reading
this post and your comments. Perhaps your comment will change the outlook of someone
and really help them to change their life for the better.

Chapter 4 | The Last Piece of The Inner-Wealth Puzzle (it was crucial to my
success) - 04-30-2010, 02:30 AM
The wise man, who gave me the holy grail system, once told me that wisdom is simply an
ability to see things the way they are, while ignorance is inability to see things the way
they are.

There were many apple trees growing in the city that I grew up in, so during my
childhood I picked apples from these trees. Some of the trees bore sweet apples, others
bore sour apples, while others bore bitter apples that were almost impossible to eat. When
I was a kid, I was very ignorant, so I thought that if the trees that bore bitter apples would
get more sunlight and water, their apples would become sweeter, but it never happened.
Regardless of the weather, the trees that bore sweet apples continued to bear sweet
apples, and the trees that bore bitter apples continued to bear bitter apples. The blueprint
of the fruit was inside of the tree, and the only way to change the taste of its fruits was by
changing something in the tree itself.

Many of us ignorantly think that if we get a better job or get involved in a more profitable
business, our bitter struggle around money would get resolved. My experience suggests
that even if we acquire large amounts of money, our bitter struggle around money will
remain; it simply will change from desire to acquire it to fear of losing it, and many times
this fear is even worse than the initial desire.

If we want to change the taste of the fruits that our tree bears, we need to alter things on
the inside, and this is why in this chapter we continue to talk about the inner principles of
money and success.

When I was 21, I shared a living space with a very interesting man, whose name was
Glenn Pennock. This guy Glenn started one of the first web design companies in Europe,
which at one point was valued at $300 million. As Glenn was running this company, he
became inspired to go to India, in order to attend a speech by the Dalai Lama, so he went.
As he was sitting there among tens of thousands of other people, some Buddhist monks
came to Glenn, and told him that Dalai Lama wished to see him. Apparently, certain
Buddhist oracle girl with clairvoyant abilities, pointed Glenn out in the crowd, and told
the Dalai Lama that in Glenn’s past life, he was Atisha, who originally brought Buddhism
into Tibet. Glenn met the Dalai Lama, and was subjected to few different tests in order to
prove or disprove his past life as Atisha, the father of Buddhism in Tibet. He passed all
tests successfully, and was given a name of Tulku Rin Chen Atisha. He instantly became
a very close adviser to the Dalai Lama, and was made head of a certain monastery, so
when he came back to Europe to continue managing his company, he was wearing monk

robes, which of course shocked many of his business associates. After some years in
Buddhism, Glenn became frustrated with the fact that certain sects of Buddhist monks
were constantly killing each other, because of certain differences in beliefs, and Dalai
Lama refused to do anything about it, so Glenn left Buddhism, and went back to
“normal” life.

So I lived with this guy Glenn for a little over 6 months. He had certain spiritual abilities,
which were beyond my understanding. Once in a while Glenn would take out his pointed
crystal, which was very sharp, and had me lay on my stomach. Then he would work on
my spine using this crystal, in order to purify certain nerve channels and open up certain
dormant nerve channels along the spine. One time, as he pressed on one of the nerves
with his crystal, that nerve released certain memory, which Glenn was able to see. He
told me that he saw me standing as a child in front of a house that was being burnt down
by fire. He also said that this experience had something to do with money, and it became
imprinted in my subconscious mind, and has been driving my financial situation ever
since. He asked me to meditate on this.

For a while, I couldn’t remember any experience of me watching a house getting burnt
when I was a kid. No matter how hard I digged in my memory, I just couldn’t find
anything, but after some efforts to remember, I finally did.

You see, one time, when I was a kid, I was walking down a street, and saw a certain
house completely engulfed with fire. I saw that a fireman just pulled out the last person
out of the house, and this person was all in tears, and was trying to get out of fireman’s
grip, in order to run back into the burning house. He kept saying that he had a lot of
money hidden in the house, and he wanted to run back in there, in order to get this
money. I remember being very surprised about this situation, and thought that this man
was crazy for being ready to get burnt and possibly die, in order to save some paper. I
mean, I clearly remember this fire in my mind now, it was crazy fire, there was no way
anybody could possibly run into the house and survive, because the entire house was
completely engulfed in flames.

So as soon as I remembered this experience, I told Glenn about what I remembered, and
he told me that this memory was one of the reasons why I never could keep any money.
As soon as I would accumulate a sum of $30,000-$50,000 in my savings, I would burn it
all on some bad business investment. Glenn told me that this experience of me seeing this
desperate man being ready to die in order to get to his monetary savings, programmed a
belief into my subconscious mind that having significant amounts of money in savings is
dangerous for my life, so as soon as I would accumulate a significant sum, my
subconscious mind would find a way to get rid of it, in order to protect me.

I have a hunch that I am not the only one who has had un-supporting belief about money.
I have a hunch that many people reading this have the same problem, and that’s one of
the reasons why they can’t get rich. Let’s just think for a moment about Hollywood
movies for example. Most of them portray rich people as thieves and murderers. This is
because such movies are fun. Who would want to watch a movie about some wealthy
guy, who leads a simple life of discipline and virtue? That’s too boring. Most of us want
to be good and honest people, and by watching these movies, our subconscious minds get
programmed that it’s impossible to be wealthy and at the same time be good and honest.
We get programmed that in order to become rich, we must become criminals, so our
subconscious mind protects us from “dangerous riches” by keeping us poor and middle-
class. I am not even going to talk about some of the negative things about money that
many of us learn from our parents.

Okay, we identified a possible problem, so let’s now talk about a possible solution… In
Chapter 2, I talked about the very rich miracle-healer, whose name was Master Choa Kok
Sui (MCKS). MCKS told me to do three things, in order for me to become a millionaire.
The third thing was practicing meditation on prosperity for 1 full year. Glenn was a very
good friend of MCKS, and he knew about this meditation on prosperity. Glenn did not
know of any better tool than this one, in order to reprogram my subconscious mind about
money, so he fully supported MCKS’s advice, and told me that he agreed with the fact
that if I were to do this meditation for 1 year, it would most likely completely eradicate
that old non-supportive program from the “financial compartment” of my subconscious
mind, and install this new very supportive program.
You must remember three things when practicing this meditation on prosperity. First
thing is facing North. Second thing is doing semi-squats. Third thing is the actual text. I
recorded a video of myself doing this meditation on prosperity. Please watch it, and after
you finish watching it, continue reading, in order to understand how it works and why we
need to do all of these things.

Facing North
Master Choa Kok Sui was a chemical engineer by trade, and was used to eliminating
superstitions by conducting experiments. Nothing changed when he started to get
involved in spiritual matters. He worked with people who were able to see frequencies
that were beyond most people’s spectrum of vision. These people he called clairvoyants,
and he never considered any of these people special. He believed that clairvoyance is a
skill that could be acquired by doing certain exercises regularly, it’s just certain people
had more talent towards it than others, as is the case with most other skills as well. As far
as I know, he himself had a skill of clairvoyance and so did some of his students. So as
these clairvoyants would look at different directions, such as North, East, West, and
South, they would all see the same colors of energy “blowing” from these directions,
regardless of the locations from where the experiments were done. North emanated bright
red energy, which has the lowest vibration. East emanated bluish-violet energy, which is
of highest vibration. West emanated green energy, and South emanated orange energy. It
should also be noted that when clairvoyants looked at money, they saw very dirty energy
of reddish color.

In chapter 3, I talked about the nameless wise man, who taught me the Holy Grail
System. This nameless wise man has nothing to do with MCKS or Glenn, but he taught
me something important, which I think I should share with you, in order for you to
understand better how the meditation on prosperity really works.

This wise man told me that the energetic structure of the planet Earth and the energetic
structure of a human being are very similar. The crust of the Earth is made out of lava.
The lava is initially bright red, but then as it cools, it becomes black, and eventually takes
on other colors, but the initial color is red. Then as we look above crust of the Earth, we
see green, which is the color of trees and vegetation. The third layer is the atmosphere,
which looks blue. We, humans, like Earth, also have red colored energy center at the
bottom of our spine. It pumps red energy into our body (mostly into our legs), which
allows us to act. Then as we go up, we have green colored energy center in the center of
our chest, where the thymus gland is. It pumps green energy into our body (mostly into
our torso, arms, and hands), which allows us to feel. Then as we go even more up, we
have blue colored energy center in the center of our head, where the pineal gland is. It
pumps blue energy into our head and neck areas, which allows us to think. The
interesting part is that if you combine red light, green light, and blue light in equal
quantities, you get pure white light.
Let’s go back to our discussion about why we should face North. North emanates very
bright and clean red energy, which is associated with physical action, bodily health,
discipline, and of course money, because money is certainly much closer in nature to
action, than to thinking and feeling. So when we face North, while doing this meditation,
we automatically get charged with these vibrations of bright red color, which magnifies
the effect of the meditation.

Yes, you may look goofy when doing these semi-squats, but they are essential to the
meditation on prosperity, because by doing these semi-squats, you are activating the
energy center at the bottom of the spine, which starts pumping more red energy into your
body. This increased quantity of red energy will allow you to become more action-
oriented and disciplined person and will help you attract more money into your life,
which is also of similar vibration and color.

In addition to this, you have to understand something else. We have all met certain
women that keep complaining that they can’t meet a “good guy”. Somehow they keep
meeting these mean and abusive guys all the time, and they just can’t help it. There will
be a crowd of 99 normal and respectful guys and 1 mean and abusive guy, and these
women will pick that one guy. This can also be because of some negative subconscious
programming, but this programming is stored in a different spot than the negative
programming about money. This relationships-related programming is stored in the green
heart center area, which would be accessible through certain nerves in the spine, while
this monetary related negative programming is stored at the bottom of the spine red area,
which would be accessible through completely different nerves of the spine. So by doing
these semi-squats, you are keeping your attention at this appropriate area, related to
money, and reprogramming the appropriate nerves. So in a way these squats allow you to
focus and store the text of this meditation in the appropriate money-related nerve-
compartment of your body.

Text of the meditation

You saw on the video that I am saying the text of this meditation from memory. It wasn’t
always like that. I used to read this text from paper. But after doing it day after day, I
couldn’t help but remember it. It happened naturally. I haven’t done this meditation for
years, but still this text is as fresh in my mind as before. This is what happens when you
say one thing over and over again, day after day for a long period of time, such as one
year. The same thing will happen to you naturally. At first, read it from a paper, but as
you realize that it has become imprinted in your memory, you can “read” it from your


You see, we as human beings are not really built to forget. Even if we manage to remove
a memory of experience from our conscious mind, it still stays stored in the subconscious
memory bank, and can still have major effects on our lives, without us even being aware
of it. It’s like a systems folder in a computer; if you delete files from there, your
computer’s operating system may stop functioning, but if a systems file has a bug, you
can always replace it with a more up-to-date one. The old file with a bug can go into trash
folder, and once in that trash folder, it will still be stored in your computer, but it will no
longer have an effect on the functionality of the operating system, because it has been
replaced with a new file. This is the principle behind meditation on prosperity. It will
push out all the other beliefs about money by becoming the primary belief.

In the video, you should’ve heard me first say the title: “Meditation on Prosperity”, and
then I said: “As taught by Master Choa Kok Sui”. The reason I mentioned this name is
because it’s the name of the person who “designed” this meditation, and I announce it as
a sign of gratitude to him. If you don’t feel inspired to announce his name, since you
don’t know him, you don’t need to do it. He never taught to announce his name anyway.
The reason I put “designed” in quotation marks, is because I knew MCKS quite well, and
most of the time he never really “designed” anything. He would just get it from a Higher
Source, and share it with people. I am convinced that this is exactly how this Meditation
on Prosperity came about. It was not designed by him, but rather given to him.

MCKS always insisted that I say the title “Meditation on Prosperity”, before saying the
actual text of the mediation. The reason for that is because he did experiments, in which I
personally participated, and when the person announced “Meditation on Prosperity”, and
then went on repeating the text, their energy field became significantly stronger than if
the same person just started saying the words of this meditation, without announcing the
title “Meditation on Prosperity” first. Thus I recommend you do the same. First say:
“Meditation on Prosperity”, and then continue with the entire text.

Here are the 10 lines of the text of the meditation. You can either print it, or write it out
by hand, and read it. If you don’t speak English too well, get an accurate translation of
this text, and repeat it in your own language.

Meditation on Prosperity

It is in giving that we receive.

As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly.
This is the Divine Law.
As I give and share generously and abundantly,
My life is blessed with great financial and material prosperity.
Money flows to me easily, constantly, and in great abundance.
Whatever I invest comes back to me many, many times.
My life is blessed with so much abundance, so much prosperity, so much success.
I am blessed with tremendous prosperity,
And I live a life of moderation, discipline, and spirituality.

Suggested Action: In order to replace whatever negative programming you have about
money, practice this meditation on prosperity for a period of 1 year. So if today were
May 6th, 2010, you would start today, and do it every day for 1 year, so your last day of
doing it would be May 5th, 2011. If you happen to skip days during the year, simply keep
track of the skipped days, and add them at the end of the year. So if you started to
practice it on May 6th, 2010, and skipped 11 days during the year, then your last day of
practice will not be May 5th, 2011, but May 16th, 2011 (5th+11 days=16th).

I have usually practiced this meditation every morning upon awakening, but if you forget

to do it in the morning, simply do it later during the day. Later in the day still counts

This meditation is built upon the universal law of giving, which our subconscious mind is
programmed to anyway, and that giving program only gets stronger every day. I
discussed in details how this programming takes place in Chapter 2. Please re-read it if
you don’t remember, and definitely start donating at least 10% of your gross income, in
conjunction with practicing this meditation on prosperity.

It will only take you one to one and a half minutes per day to practice this meditation, so I
highly recommend you do it for the entire year. Based on my own experience, I sincerely
believe that if you do it with conjunction of donating 10% of your gross income, it will
not only improve, but transform your financial situation.

I noticed that whispering this meditation to myself in complete privacy works even better
than saying it with full voice. Perhaps this is because I am a very secretive person by
nature, and I like to do these types of things without other people knowing about it.
Maybe you are a different person, and saying it with full voice will work better for you.
Try both, and stick to the one that feels most natural.

Your Comments: When I used to practice this meditation in the morning, I would
always feel much more at peace with my financial situation, and I also felt much more
inspired to work after the meditation than before it. Please try it, and if you want, post a
comment of whether you experience similar feelings after doing it.

Chapter 5 | Trading Principle That Separates Winners From Losers - 05-07-2010,

04:48 AM
What I am about to teach you is a very simple principle that separates traders that
consistently make money from traders that consistently lose money.

You see, for the last few months, I have been shopping at one particular grocery store. I
went to this store almost every single day, and one of the products that I would buy all
the time was organic bananas. The funny thing about it is that the price of these organic
bananas constantly varied quite a bit. Sometimes they would sell for $0.79/pound, other
times, $0.89/pound, other times $0.99/pound, or $1.09/pound, or $1.19/pound, or
$1.29/pound. Most of the times, their price would be either $0.99 or $1.09. I’ve never
seen them sell cheaper than $0.79/pound, and I’ve never seen them sell more expensively
than $1.29/pound.

Now, most of us know that prices for groceries in Europe are higher than in the United
States. So let’s imagine that a friend would visit me from the UK, and he also constantly
buys bananas in the UK. So he sees that the organic bananas in my local store are selling
at $1.19/pound that day. So he says: “Holy crap! That’s so cheap! In the UK, you would
pay at least $2/pound for them!” Let’s imagine I told this guy: “Well, I have a feeling that
within the next few weeks, their price might drop even further”, and he would reply: “No
way! That is impossible! I’ve never seen them this cheap, and prices of food only go up,
they will never get cheaper than that!” So I tell him: “I’ll bet you $100 that the price on
these bananas will drop to $0.99 before it goes up to $1.39.” And my UK friend would
answer: “I accept this bet!”

Who do you think would win this bet? It’s impossible to say for sure, but it’s certainly
possible to say that I would have much higher chances of winning it. And the only reason
for it is that I have spent much more time shopping in that store for this same product
than my friend. In other words, I placed a bet against my friend as an insider, and
my friend placed a bet against me as an outsider. This is the only principle you need to
know to become a consistently profitable trader. This is what separates traders that at the
end of the year are in the positive from traders that at the end of the year are in the
negative. But that’s not all…

You know that I started trading forex in 2004, but that’s not where my trading experience
began. My trading experience began way before that year. What happened was one day
my high school friend called me and told me that he found some website, which
identified important price levels for several popular stocks, and he would place “buy”
trades at around the low price levels, and “sell” trades at around the high price levels. He
was paper trading based on these prices for a while, and was quite profitable. I became
excited about what he told me, so I right away opened a stock account with Scottrade,
signed up for the service which provided these prices, and started placing trades into the
stock market. Right away, I started making money, but then Scottrade called me, and told
me that the activity I am involved in is considered “day trading”, and in order to continue
with such activity, I must have at least $25,000 in my account. At that time, I couldn’t
afford to put such a sum into my stock trading account, so I stopped trading.

Over the years, I met many people that made a lot of money in the stock market. There
was a guy that I played tennis with. He read a couple of books about stock options, and
started placing trades into the market. He did it for a few months, and was overall so
profitable, that he considered quitting his job. Then I met another guy who lived in
Europe. He learned some very general stock trading system, and when he came to the
United States, he started to trade the US stock market every day that it’s open, and was
supporting himself fully on his trading account. Please note that he never placed a real
trade into the market before actually coming to the US and opening a stock account here.

Then I came to know of another guy, who had a multi-million dollar house in Bel Air,
which is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Los Angeles. He made all of his
money by day trading the stock market. I have many more similar examples.

As I told you previously, I started trading forex in 2004, but most of 2004 and 2005, I
kept losing money, no matter how hard I tried. At the end of 2005, I started to become
profitable, so in 2006, I started the forex website, which is now called Back then, anybody could send me an email and ask me
questions. For many months, I was receiving approximately 100 emails every single day.
Answering these emails was taking at least 2-3 hours of my time every day. I will
probably not exaggerate if I say that I’ve gone through more than 20,000 forex-related
emails during 2006. You’ve probably heard that supposedly 98% of all retail forex
traders lose money. I will be completely honest with you, by reading these emails from
people, I started to wonder where these 2% of profitable traders were. I saw the same
message over and over and over again. “Felix, I’ve been trading forex for more than 1
year. I read a lot of educational material on forex. I am using the strategies that I learned,
but I keep losing. Please help, no matter how hard I try, I simply can’t make money.”

Every single stock day trader I ever met, who got the education that these forex traders
got, who has been trading as regularly as these forex traders were trading, and who has
been doing it for as long of a time as these forex traders were doing it, was consistently
turning a profit. Why is it so? Why is it that so many people I met who traded individual
stocks regularly were wildly profitable, and so many people who traded forex regularly
were such royal losers? The answer is focused speculative liquidity.

Why do people buy and sell stock of the Apple Computers? There is only one reason and
one reason only: to make a profit. If some guy buys 1,000 shares of the Microsoft stock,
will it have direct effect on the stock price of Apple Computers? It definitely will not.
The reason it is easy to make money as day traders in the stock market is because every
individual stock has its own pool of liquidity, and thus its own price, which is completely
unaffected by liquidity or price of another stock. Thus the liquidity is focused. In addition
to it, every single stock share in this focused liquidity pool gets bought or sold for no
other reason but speculative. What you get as a result is a very predictable day-to-day
price action. All you have to do is become an insider of an individual stock by looking at
the price action of the stock regularly, and within a relatively short period of time, you
will be able to place many more winning trades than losing ones. It’s that simple.

You know, there was a famous billionaire by the name of J. Paul Getty. Whenever people
would come up to him and ask him how they could get rich, he would usually have a very
standard answer: “Get up early! Find oil!” A few years ago, I met a guy who for a while
worked for a speculative trading firm in Chicago. And there was this one really old trader
in the firm, who was the most successful trader in the entire firm, and many other traders
in the firm really wanted to find out his secret. But he would usually tell these people that
his “secret” is too simple and too widely known, so he doesn’t wish to share it. But
somehow this guy whom I met and this old trader had a good connection, so the old
trader decided to share with him his “secret”. This very old and seasoned trader looked at
the eyes of this young and inexperienced rookie. The old guy’s gaze was full of
compassion and great wisdom that came from many years of trading experience, and he
said: “My son…my secret is very simple…support, resistance, and proper money

My personal experience suggests that if you use this simple advice on trading individual
stocks, you will certainly become overall profitable. After all, this is what that stock
service, which I initially used with Scottrade was selling me. They were selling simple
support and resistance points, which are obvious by looking at the charts. But if you use
support and resistance on forex, your success will still be highly questionable. The reason
for it is because forex is a highly unpredictable market with highly interrelated and
unfocused liquidity, much of which is not even speculative.

Let’s imagine a guy looking at EUR/USD trading pair. He sees a low price of 1.2850,
which has been tested twice, but the currency failed to go through it, and bounced back.
This is called support. So now the EUR/USD is slowly creeping down to this “support”,
and very slowly goes through it, as if this support never even existed. You would rarely
see such thing happening to an individual stock, because people care about these support
and resistance levels on stocks, so it either holds and price bounces back, or if it’s broken,
the price plummets down much more rapidly than moving up or down to it. This is
because all of the traders are looking at the same price chart, and other stocks with
different price charts have no effect on this particular stock they are trading.

Let’s go back to the EUR/USD example and talk about why this “support” level didn’t
hold. There are 8 major currencies. They are EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, NZD, GBP, CHF,
and JPY. If my math is correct, this makes for 28 currency pair combinations. That means
28 charts with completely different price histories and price actions. All of these 28
charts are directly interrelated, and the price move on one affects the price move on the
other 27. Do you get the difference? In order to know what’s going on with one
individual stock, you have to be aware of that one individual stock with the same price
history and price action, and all the traders that speculate on that stock look at the same
price history and price action, and thus the speculative actions of these traders can be
very predictable. But in order to be aware of what’s going on with EUR/USD from a
technical standpoint, you have to be aware of what’s going on with the other 27 currency

Support and resistance price points are by far the most reliable and most fundamental
factors that one can use to profit in any speculative market. Even when trading the news,
these points are crucially important. These support and resistance points have nothing to
do with any technical indicator, but they are enough to make a fortune on the individual
stocks. In fact, the less focused a person becomes on these points by being more focused
on some technical indicators, the less successful he will become, because he is cluttering
his perspective with less important things. I think this is the essence of that old trader’s

Let’s go back to our EUR/USD “support” example. You see support when looking at
EUR/USD chart, but some other guy who is looking at AUD/USD chart has absolutely
no support. His trade will affect the price of EUR/USD, because when he goes short on
AUD/USD, he is selling Australian Dollars, and buying US dollars, so because he bought
US dollars, his order will also affect EUR/USD, since it’s Euros versus US dollars.

Let’s now imagine that a European Corporation decides to buy an American Corporation
for $1 billion US dollars. In order to complete this purchase, they have to convert their
Euros into US dollars. They call a bank, and ask the bank to do the conversion. The bank
will probably tell them that it will take 1 to 3 days for them to fill this order, in order for
this company to get the best conversion rate. So for the next 1 to 3 days, a bank trader
will be slowly selling Euros and buying US dollars, in order to fill this order. This
banker’s activity will have effect on EUR/USD. There are thousands upon thousands of
very large transactions going on in the forex market every single day. These transactions
are not speculative, so their initiators did not look at the charts, they did not look at the
fundamentals, they simply needed to convert one currency into another for a non-
speculative reason. If the reason is non-speculative, it’s completely unpredictable, and
these transactions constantly affect the day traders in the forex market, who cry that they
lose money. Of course they lose money, because large portions of the price action are
non-speculative, and thus completely unpredictable.

One of the sports I do is skydiving. One time, while I was on the ground, packing my
parachute, I was talking with two other skydivers. One of them was trading silver for
several years, and the other was trading GBP/USD for several years. Both of them had
many winning trades and many losing trades, but the guy who traded silver was overall
very profitable, while the guy who traded GBP/USD was overall in a loss. The silver
trader supported his lifestyle with his trading, while the GBP/USD trader was supporting
his trading with another job. The reason for that is because there is only one chart for
silver, and there are 28 charts for GBP/USD. In fact, a lot more than 28, because we just
counted the major currencies, but every time somebody converts Indian Rupees into US
dollars or Russian rubles into US dollars, those orders affect the EUR/USD, as well as
every single other currency pair out there.

So you ask me: “Felix, can I still be a profitable forex trader?” My answer is you
definitely can be…by picking times of more focused speculative liquidity than usual,
such as at around news times, or by trading price momentum, or by being able to predict
a long term trend based on the interest rate statements or the situation in country’s
economy, and then placing intraday trades in that same direction. I will certainly teach
you everything I know about these things in the future chapters. But no matter how
you day trade the forex market, you will still be going up on an escalator that’s going
down. Your success will be very challenging and not easy, and the percentage of your
winning versus losing trades will be significantly lower than if you traded an isolated
instrument such as an individual stock or an individual metal. Trading the stock indexes
is easier than forex, but it’s still much more difficult than trading individual stocks,
because in an index, you have hundreds of stocks with hundreds of different charts and
traders that affect it.

Just a few months ago, a friend of mine with whom I used to do business and who owed
me some money, contacted me. He wanted to give me back the money that he owed me,
and he also asked whether I could teach him to trade forex. I did not want to confuse him
and get him involved into this “complex and almost impossible to profit” forex market,
so I simply told him to buy the best stock and options trading course that I know of. I
know of quite a few people who retired by following very specific trading strategies from
this course. It is by that guy Gary, whom I mentioned in Chapter 2. If you don’t
remember whom I am talking about, please go back to Chapter 2, and read about this
stock-trading multi-millionaire. So I gave to this friend the phone number of the people
who sell Gary’s courses, which is in the United States. The number is 1-252-985-0189. I
also googled Gary’s information, and found a discussion thread about his course. Here is
the link:
Comments on Has anyone heard of Wall Street Basic Secrets Seminars?
Here is another link with negative comments about his course:
As far as I know, he used to teach his seminars for free. I personally paid $500 for his
two fat books and dozens of CDs (probably 50 if not more). It looks like he no longer
teaches live, and the only way to get info is by watching his seminars online for a lot of
money. Perhaps he retired and sold his materials to some aggressive marketing
company...I don't know...

This friend of mine, to whom I recommended this material, wrote back to me a month
later. I am pasting a portion of his email:
“I have started the Gary Williams course and I have to thank you very much for telling
me about it. I've only started to go through the basic course, which is about 25 hours, but
so far I think it is excellent information. Earning 5-20% realistic returns per month is
amazing and extremely exciting. I only wish I would have started studying his material 5
years ago.”

Please understand that I get no financial benefit for recommending this course to you, but
even though I don’t know you personally, I like to treat you as my friend. So it’s only fair
that I recommend to you the exact same things as I recommend to people who are
actually my friends. But I will be completely honest with you. You really do not need any
course, in order to become a successful trader. You simply need to focus on one isolated
instrument such as an individual stock, which in my opinion is much better than
commodities or metals, since commodities and metals still get traded for hedging
purposes and have quite a bit of industrial non-speculative buying and selling.

So fall in love with one individual stock, and after only a month of trading it, you will
become an “insider” of its price, and will start turning a profit. And to become an
“insider”, you do not need to spend hours on trading it. In one of the future chapters, I
will teach you a very simple trading system, which will take you no more than 10
minutes per day to use, every day you will have a guaranteed trade with equal stop/loss
and take/profit points. You will be able to use this strategy on forex as well, but you will
only be about 55-60% profitable. If you use the same strategy on individual stocks, your
success ratio will be significantly higher.

Suggested Action: I have no specific action to suggest to you through this chapter, other
than to forgive yourself for losing money in forex, if you did. You are not necessarily
stupid, you are not necessarily lazy, you simply chose a bad market to focus on, and after
reading this chapter, you now know why it is so bad. You can probably go to the stock
market with the very same strategies and tools that you used to lose in forex, and you will
become successful.
Keep reading my chapters, keep experimenting with what I teach you, and I don’t see a
reason why you should not become a profitable trader, be it in forex or in another

Your Comments: perhaps you have some comments about this chapter. Perhaps your
experiences agree with mine or contradict it. Post it all for the benefit of other traders.
Just remember what Einstein used to say. It was something like this: “Criticism without
thorough investigation is one ugly form of ignorance.” Our theories and philosophies are
as useless as tits to a bull. What counts are our experiences, and the lessons that come
from those actual experiences.

Chapter 6 | The Outside of My Forex Success Story plus Diamonds Forex Trading
System - 05-13-2010, 09:54 PM
Everything on this planet has both an inside and an outside. In the first few chapters, I
shared with you the inside of my success story. In this chapter, I will share with you the
outside of that story. It’s very important to remember that it’s the inside that gives form
to the outside, and not the other way around. I know that many people will read these
pages, and they will ignore the inside story and only focus on the outside story, and that’s
okay. Such reactions are not only understandable, but absolutely inevitable, given the
nature of things.

Look at these two images of 4-week embryos. One is an embryo of a cat, while the other
is an embryo of a human. Can you guess which one is which?

The whitish image on the left is the embryo of a human, while the orange image on the
right is the embryo of a cat. If we judge these similar-looking embryos by their outside
shape alone, it’s hard to imagine how different they will look few months later. But if we
judge them by their inner genetic code, the eventual outcome will look quite logical and
very understandable.

If you accept the simple fact that for every action, there is a reaction, the concept of
giving will become very logical and understandable. There are all kinds of people that get
wealthy without giving. Some of these people have brilliant minds, so they try to make
money by putting out a lot of their mental energy, and surely they can get rich by getting
back what they’ve put out. Some other people have a lot of charisma, so they try to make
money by putting out a lot of their emotional energy, and surely they also can get rich by
getting back what they’ve put out. Yet there are others that try to make money by putting
out a lot of their physical sweat and time, and they too can get rich by getting back what
they’ve put out. All of these people get money by giving something.

Money is a very focused and very condensed form of mental, emotional, and physical
energies, so when you give your money out to charities, that help real people and produce
real results, the energy of your charitable gift will come back to you many times over. It
will come in the form of “right” thoughts, “right” feelings, and “right” actions, the result
of which will be much greater mental, emotional, and material wealth. There is no doubt
about that. Remember, for every action, there is a reaction, and this law cannot be defied
no matter how hard you try. You simply cannot produce a “right” action such as giving to
a charity, without getting the “right” reaction to your action.

You know, as you practice this law of giving, your life will become much better than it
used to be, on all levels, including your finances. So you will be sharing your story with
others, in hopes of helping them, and there will be certain idealists, that will actually
scold you for your giving. You see, most of these idealists never really gave anything of
much value to charity, but they will scold you for understanding the law of giving. They
will say: “You are a bad person, because you gave with expecting something back!
Shame on you! Yes, you are really rich now, but still shame on you for never truly giving
out of your heart!” I don't know, I used to give, because I was taught that whatever I give
will come back to me many many times. Even while thinking that, the giving always felt
like it came out of my heart. Now, I don't think anything when I give, it became such a
habit, but it still feels like it's coming out of my heart, and it seems to be coming back to
me many many times also.

You see, these people do not understand that the law of giving is like the law of gravity.
It’s a very physical law. If two people jump up, and one screams: “I will fly!”, while the
other screams: “I will fall!”, both of them will fall, because the law of gravity works
regardless of their intention.

The law of giving is much more subtle than the law of gravity, but it works similarly. A
“low” person can feed 100 people, and say: “I want this act of giving to come back to me
many times over”. At the same time, a “high” person can feed 100 people, and say: “I do
not wish to get anything back for this act”. At the same time a “wise” person can feed
100 people, and say nothing. Regardless of what these three types of people say, still 100
hungry people’s lives just became easier, because they just got fed, and all three donors’
lives will certainly also become much easier, because their “right” actions will certainly
be followed by the “right” reactions. Such is the law of giving. Similar to the law of
gravity, it works regardless of your intentions. Whether you give to church, mosque,
synagogue, or charity does not make a difference either. What matters is how your money
gets spent.

The only reason I continue to stress the law of giving so much is because this is the
primary law that I used to become wealthy, and continue to use to maintain my wealth.
As I start talking about the outside of my success story, I don’t want you to lose focus by
forgetting the inside of it. Remember, it’s the inside that defines the outside.

So now I will tell you the outside story of my success.

So, I started trading forex in 2004. Throughout most of 2004 and 2005, I educated myself
by buying all kinds of forex courses, signing up for all kinds of forex services, and

blowing all kinds of forex demo and real accounts. Towards the end of 2005, I
already started making some money in forex, by focusing on GBP/USD and trading for
about 2-3 hours every day, during the beginning of London session, so from about 2 am
to about 4 or 5 am New York Time. The reason I started to succeed is because I started to
become an insider of one currency pair, during the same active time period every day.
Remember the insider concept that I taught you in previous chapter? I mostly traded by
trying to identify the trend and following that trend.

So throughout 2004 and 2005, while buying all kinds of forex courses, and signing up for
all kinds of forex services, I got scammed a lot. One time I bought a series of three e-
books for $150 or something like that. These e-books advertised very high promises, and
unconditional refund policy. After reading them, I realized that their content did not
match the advertising, so I asked for a refund. Their customer service, which was
responsive before I bought the product, started to completely ignore me, so I never got a
refund. I had to file a chargeback with my bank.

Then another time, some guy was promising to teach a way to make a bunch of money by
trading US non-farm payroll. I knew some methods pertaining to it already, but I was
ready to pay for his course, if he could teach me different ways, so I called him, and
explained to him what I know, and asked whether he teaches something different in his
course. He said that he does indeed teach something different, and that if I weren’t
satisfied with the information, I could get a refund. I was very surprised to find in his
material, exactly the same things that I knew, without anything new, so I asked him for a
refund. Again, he started to ignore me, and never gave me my money back. So I again
had to file a chargeback with my bank.

Then I signed up for two signals services, which completely lied about their performance
on their websites. They would actually continue to report false performance, as I was
trading with them. Their trades would lose -20 pips, and you would see on their
performance page a gain of +80 pips. Both of these signals services offered performance-
based money-back guarantee, and since their performance was “positive”, they refused to
give me my money back.
So in January of 2006, I started a website, called, which later was
renamed to On this website, I created pages for every forex
service and every forex broker that I ever used, which was about 20 companies, and I
posted reviews about them. As you can imagine, I really went off on the companies that
scammed me. I created the website in such way that other people could rate and write
reviews on any forex company out there.

In addition to that, I started giving free trading signals, based on GBP/USD moves during
the London session. The concept of giving free signals was a very new one. In fact I was
the only one who was doing it, so somehow it spread like wildfire. I’ll be honest with
you, I still don’t know how it happened and where these people came from, but I started
getting between 50 to 80 new subscribers for my free signals every single day.

Because I was the first forex review website in the world, in trying to include every
single forex service out there, and every service had their own page, Google really liked
my website, so when people would search for a company such as XYZ company, my
website would usually come out first, second, or third.

Most companies search their own company names on Google, in order to see what’s out
there, so when some of the scammers and low-rated services started searching their
company names, and saw my website coming up first with bad reviews written about
them, they became EXTREMELY nervous.

I started getting all kinds of lawsuit threats, and one company went even as far as finding
out my phone number, calling me, and saying that if I didn’t remove their company and
bad reviews about them from my website, they’d “put a bullet in my head”. These were

their exact words. Growing up in a very criminal city, I learned one simple truth:
“Those who threaten rarely kill. Those who kill rarely threaten.” So to make the long
story short, I ignored all threats, and these companies had only one option left, and that’s
to trash my name, in hopes that by trashing my legal name Dmitri Chavkerov, my
spiritual name Felix Homogratus, and my website name
( now), people will take the reviews on my website less seriously.

So, all of a sudden, several hate websites popped up, making all kinds of claims, such as
that I am a Russian mafia, that I am wanted by the FBI, that I am a fraud and a scammer,
that I post all kinds of false scam reviews on my website, and then extort money from
these companies with bad reviews. The ones that pay me get higher ranking, and the ones
that refuse to pay me, remain as scams.

Then these people from scamming and low rated companies would go to the most
popular forums, create many different user names, and start talking among each other.

One user name would ask: “Hey, has anybody heard of Felix Homogratus and/or” Then another name would respond: “This guy is a SCAM! He
convinced my grandmother to give him her retirement money, then he ran away with it.
Now my grandmother is facing foreclosure!” Then third name would comment: “I
completely agree, I myself fell victim to this Felix bastard, I signed up for his website,
and somehow he managed to steal my credit card number, and now I am negative -
$2,000.” Then yet the fourth one would respond: “Yes, I heard that this guy Felix is
indeed a bastard! I heard that he posts bad reviews about many good companies, and then
extorts money from them. Here is a link to a website about him: (and they would give a
link to one of the hate websites created by them).

So obviously all of these forum posts would come from the same person, trying to bring
me down by making up all kinds of fraudulent statements about me.

So very quickly my name became VERY trashed. At the time, there were many positive
forum discussions about my free signals, but these “fake names” would infiltrate every
single discussion and write so many convincing posts seemingly from different user
names, and reference links to all of these hate websites, and other forum posts from other
“fake names”, that even people that trusted me started to doubt my integrity. If you
google my name now, you will still find some of them, but what’s out there now cannot
even compare to what used to be out there in 2006.

In addition to all of these posts, these scammers started to do something else. They
started submitting all kinds of fake complaints about me to the FBI internet crime
division, referencing these forum posts and hate websites as “proof”. At the time, such
complaints could be submitted online, and could be completely anonymous… But I’ll
come back to this topic and its outcome a bit later.

The initial free signals that I started sending out would make money one week, and lose
money another week. Overall, they were about 50/50, and thus I consider them a failure.
My edge at the time was to open and close trades in real time with flexible stop/loss and
take/profit points, and by sending these signals in advance with predetermined limit
orders with fixed stop/loss and take/profit points, I lost that little edge that I had.

At around that time, I stumbled upon a trader whose name was Tom, and who was
trading in a way that I never heard of before. Tom was a student of a retired bank trader,
whose name was Jimmy, and these guys were trading the news! I saw Tom trade a few
times, and I was absolutely fascinated with this method, because it was so predictable!

For example, Tom would wake up for UK Retail Sales announcement. He would read
somewhere that expectation was 0.5%, and he would set these mental “triggers”. For
example, if the number comes out at 0.9% or higher, he would buy GBP/USD. If it comes
out at 0.1% or lower, he would sell GBP/USD. Then he would get these actual numbers
in real time from somewhere, and place trades, based on his triggers.

He would get this number, usually within the first 5 seconds of it being announced, then
he would think for another 10 or 15 seconds, then he would place a trade, and he would
hold this trade anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. And he would make 10-50 pips
every time. He used no stop/losses, and sometimes the trades went against him, but every
single time I saw him trade, the price would come back and yield him a profit.

Nowadays, you see all of this education about news trading. You see many economic
calendars with schedules of reports, expected numbers, and even actual numbers coming
out in almost real time. But a lot has changed since 2006! Back then, you did not have
any of this information. Almost nobody even knew about these news. Most people only
knew about US NonFarm Payroll, and most of them simply avoided it. Traders would see
news spikes all the time, and they would have no idea where they came from.

So as soon as I learned about news trading from Tom, I obviously started doing it on my
own account, and I started to turn a profit right away. I also stopped sending these free
London Session GBP/USD signals, and started sending free news signals. FPA continues
to send out these free news signals, but now they are MUCH harder to trade than in 2006.
Let me explain why…

So in 2006, while manually trading these news reports on my own account, I got a very
interesting idea to partially automate this type of trading, in order to make even more
money. So I partnered with a programmer, and we built an “auto-click” software. This
software was connected to several news feeds, and you could preprogram it before each
news report, and as soon as the report was out, this software would instantly analyze the
actual number data, and either do nothing or click a “buy” button or “sell” button on your
trading platform. So if the number was expected at 0.5%, you could preprogram the
software, where if the number comes out at 0.9% or higher, it would click one button on
your trading platform, and if the number comes out at 0.1% or lower, it would click a
different button on your trading platform. You’ve probably seen those news spikes
happening. Well, this software was getting us into the trade almost every time before the

At around that time, I started a website, which I named, and I

asked all of my free signal subscribers from to join me in this society,
in order to make money on the news in an organized fashion.

I started using this software myself, and I also offered it to my Secret Forex Society
members for $299/month. Hundreds of people bought it right away, and so hundreds of
people started using it on these news reports. At around the same time, two other similar
software applications popped up. They too attracted some subscribers. Most of us started
making a lot of money! But you know how it is in trading…somebody has to pay for
your gains. In most cases, it’s the party on the other side, but in this case, forex brokers
started to pay for it.

You see, the system that most forex brokers used in 2006, and still use is that of a bucket.
They display prices for all kinds of currencies on their platform, but when you click
“buy” and “sell” buttons, your orders don’t get passed through to banks. The orders stay
inside of the broker, and at the end of the month, the losses of traders are the profits of
the forex brokers. So if during the month, losing traders lost $5 million, and winning
traders won $1 million, the profit of the broker is $4 million.
Now put yourself in the shoes of a “bucket broker”. 300 traders with average orders of
500,000 each, open trades before the news spike, and cash in an average of 40 pips each.
You, as a broker, just lost $600,000. If these same traders do 10 such trades in one month,
you just lost $6 million. A loss of $6 million in one month is enough to drive out a large
broker out of business, let alone small ones.

The news of crazy profits from automated spike trading spread like wildfire among
traders. The same news of crazy losses spread like wildfire among “bucket brokers”,
which were most of them. They labeled this activity as “sniping”, and proclaimed it
illegal! I still remember a public letter published by SaxoBank forex broker, where they
announced that “certain members of a big forex group” are participating in “illegal
activity, called sniping”, and that all profits made from this illegal activity will be
confiscated. So what SaxoBank forex broker started doing is at the end of each day, they
would automatically take away all profits from all traders that placed trades at around the
times of important economic reports. Of course, they never reimbursed your losses during
that time period, but if you made a profit, they confiscated it. So of course, I proclaimed
this broker as SCAM, and because of largeness of their name (SaxoBank), a reporter
from Reuters decided to do a story on it.

So these forex brokers turned against us, because many of them were literally facing
bankruptcy, because of this spike trading activity. Back then, NFA provided brokers’
financials publicly, and I constantly looked at those financials. Oanda Corporation had
one of the biggest reserves out of all of them. As far as I remember, they had a reserve in
excess of $10 million for many months. Then within 1 month of spike trading activity, all
of a sudden, their reserve on the NFA website was reported at around $800,000. Don’t
quote me on these numbers, but me and many other traders saw these reports, and we
always assumed that Oanda’s reserve dropped by almost $10 million within one month,
because of this “sniping” that we were doing.

And these numbers are not surprising, because I still remember a subscriber, who used
Oanda and who made around $120,000 in one morning, first by trading CAD
Employment at 7:00 am, and then trading US NonFarm Payroll at 8:30 am. Their account
got closed by Oanda the same day, but to Oanda’s credit, they paid them out every single
penny of these $120,000.

So to make the long story short, when we first started to trade the spikes, most brokers
had normal spreads and gave us perfect fills almost every time. As soon as we drove
some of them to the verge of bankruptcy, they started fighting us by raising spreads
during the news, giving absolutely horrific fills, sometimes 100 pips away from the price
that was displayed on their platform, giving no fills at all, closing our accounts, taking
away our profits, et cetera, et cetera. Plus, because so many people were using these
automated programs to trade the spikes, the spikes became much faster and longer, so
you couldn’t really trade them manually anymore.

My name got even more ruined during that time, because I pissed off some owners of
brokers whom I proclaimed as SCAM for taking away our profits, so they added to the
hate websites lists, fake forum posts, and fake FBI complaints. They also subjected my
websites to many very severe hacker attacks. In addition to these brokers, many regular
traders became pissed off at me, for “ruining it” for them, because “supposedly” I got too
greedy, and started marketing this software to the public. These “pissed off” people are
really funny. The only reason they found out about this opportunity and made A BUNCH
of money while it lasted is because of my marketing, and then these same people go out
and blame me for killing this opportunity for them.

You ask me: “Felix, is sniping dead?” or do you still sell this software? Sniping is not
dead, but it’s a lot more difficult than it used to be. I no longer sell that software. Those
software programs from the past are too primitive for today’s environment. You need
better software, in order to do sniping today.

The way the old software used to work is that you had to be present at each report, in
order to trade it. It would generate clicks, according to your triggers, but you had to
manage the trades yourself and close them yourself. This is a big problem, because in
order to make money with sniping now, you need to cover the big spreads and slippage
that might happen, so you can only trade reports that generate very big surprises in
numbers, and such surprises are rare, so waking up at odd hours and watching reports,
90% of which are too risky to trade on the spike is simply not worth the time.

There is a program that you can use that will not only open, but also close your trades
while you sleep, and the cool thing about it is it’s shareware, so you can use it for one
week of every month absolutely free. I will dedicate one of future chapters to sniping,
and will teach you how to do it with this shareware program.

So let’s go back to those FBI complaints that many scammers filed against me, in an
attempt to bring me and my website down. Apparently, because of the high number of
complaints about the same guy (me), FBI noticed, and they started to investigate. Of
course they ran my name and saw that I am a clean guy with absolutely no criminal
history, but when they went to Google, they not only saw all of these hate websites and
fake forum posts claiming that I am a fraud, but they also saw all kinds of claims by
reputable forex brokers that I am doing some illegal activity, which is called sniping, and
they saw that I am in charge of some group, called Secret Forex Society, which sounds
like a cult. So apparently, FBI felt the need to investigate.

And you probably know how FBI investigates. They assign an agent that goes through all
of your activities, and the activities of people that are closely associated with you, which
at the time was my girlfriend. So all of our emails, phone calls, bank accounts, tax
payments, internet posts, were being closely monitored. They tried very hard to find
something, and they did. You see, my girlfriend married an American guy, in order to get
her US citizenship. It was a business marriage, she found this guy online, then they met
physically, she paid for the lease of his car, in exchange for this marriage, and they
communicated via email and phone sometimes. When they were about to get married, she
asked me whether she can register me online as a minister, so that I could marry them by
signing their marriage certificate, and I of course agreed to help her out.

These “business marriages” happen all over the world, and the governments hate them,
because it’s nearly impossible to prove their “fakeness”, but this particular one was an
easy one to prove. So one day, two federal agents came to our house, and “busted” my
girlfriend. She eventually did 4 months in low security federal prison, playing tennis and
learning Adobe Photoshop (that’s how low security prisons are in the US), then she was
transferred to immigration jail, fought her case for a while with no success, and chose to
be deported. I was untouched, probably because according to our attorney, “business
marriages” are legal in the State of California, where we lived. They are just illegal on the
federal level, so since my girlfriend registered me as a minister in the State of California,
I didn’t really do anything illegal by signing their marriage certificate. But since my
girlfriend applied for federal papers, which is US green card, her act was considered

So, of course, media from all over the world jumped on this story. You know…a
boyfriend who is a minister marries his girlfriend to another guy…sounds like a soap
opera, and media LOVES soap operas. The story was aired on CNN, and printed in many
major newspapers. The story mentioned my legal name, and the scammers who have
been trying to “bust” me for such a long time with no concrete prove, jumped on this
amazing opportunity with so much concrete evidence. Now my status was upgraded from
a forex fraud and financial criminal to an illegal immigrant who traffics drugs and
prostitutes, forcing the more pretty ones to marry, and the less pretty ones to sell their
organs. And of course, forex fraud was my side business to channel the huge earnings
that came from the other illegal industries… Because of this “heavy illegal activity”, I
was said to be put in prison, some probably even claiming that I am facing a death


So in the midst of all this drama and spike trading business becoming more and more
difficult every day, I had to invent a different way to make money in forex, so I did. I
called it after-spike news trading.

You see, I couldn’t help but notice that after every news spike, there is a retracement, and
most of the time, this retracement is followed by a second wave of price movement,
going in the same direction as the initial spike. So I started trading these after-spike
moves, and I started to become very profitable at it. Now, when it comes to making
money, I learn very fast. In addition to making money through spike trading, I couldn’t
help but notice that I am also making a lot of money from marketing this software for
$299/month. After paying all expenses, including my programming partner, I was left
with around 40% of net profits from the sales of this software, which was a lot of money.

So I thought that if I am to trade these “after-spike” moves on my own account, I might

as well start a service that will allow other traders to copy my trades, and I could make a
lot of money by charging them for this service. So, I started a website, called, where I basically had an internet chat room with voice, and I would
meet with people in that chat room before each report, explain to them how we will trade
the “after-spike” of each report, and then after the report would come out, I would
literally call out: “Okay guys, I just bought XYZ pair for XYZ price. I am putting XYZ
take/profit and XYZ stop/loss”, and then when I would close a trade, I would say: “Okay
guys, I just closed my trade, and got XYZ price for it.” So people started subscribing for
this service, started making money by following my trades, started referring their friends,
and the service became wildly successful and profitable for both me as a marketer, and its
clients as traders.

You see, I made a lot of money not only in trading and investing, but also in marketing,
and I have been heavily criticized by some people for my marketing efforts. But you have
to understand something, the only reason I made so much money in selling my products
is because I was a very successful trader, and people that followed me made a lot of
money. Make no mistake about it, in the future chapters, once I teach you a couple
trading systems and you become successful as a trader, I will highly recommend that you
start your own service as well, and I will teach you everything I know about marketing
that service. If your dream is to become a successful trader and start managing large sums
of money, starting your own service and marketing it can be essential to realizing your
dream, because you’ll get your name out there.

So in this Forex Diamonds room, we traded about 50 different economic indicators every
month, so it’s about 10 to 15 per week. We traded most important economic reports from
8 major countries (US, Canada, UK, Euro Zone, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, and New
Zealand). As you can imagine, by reading articles about economic reports from all of
these 8 countries, I started getting hunches on which economy was doing great, and
which economy was not doing so great, so I started to invest my very large savings
account, based on this information, and I started sharing some of my investments with my
Forex Diamonds subscribers, and I even posted a few videos on youtube, calling some
very large long-term moves way ahead of time, and giving explanation of why it will

So I started to become noticed. I still don’t know how, but it happened. Some guy from
South America contacted me, and offered me to trade some fund of over $100 million.
Then some other people came from Canada, and asked me and my partner to manage
$500 million. Then few months later, a guy from Europe came with another $100 million
dollar offer. Then there was another $500 million dollar opportunity that opened up. I
never went through with any of these offers.

In the first $100 million dollar offer, the guy felt really shady, so I never got involved.

In the second $500 million dollar offer, the people seemed extremely legit, and I had
paperwork laying in front of me that needed to be signed. I just had a very bad feeling
about it, so I never signed it. Later, one of the traders stole a bunch of money from this
fund, and now there is a criminal investigation and a lawsuit, involving 107 plaintiffs and
18 defendants. If I signed those papers, I would be among the 18. I am glad I dodged a

bullet on that one. You can read the article about this fund here:
Then the next $100 million dollar offer, we simply couldn’t agree on the terms, and the
last $500 million dollar one, I never got involved with, because I had a personal falling
out with one of the people involved in it.

I was later involved in some more activity of soliciting sums between $10 million and
$100 million, but that activity was quite insignificant and is simply not important enough
to be talked about in this chapter.

Talking about these sums is quite useless. Let’s talk about something more useful, like a

trading system that you could go out and make some money with

So what I wish to teach you is what I call Diamonds Forex Trading System. This is the
trading system that I was using when running the very successful
room. I really don’t mind if you learn it, start making money with it, and then start your
own service, where you will teach it to others. You can assign your own name to it if you
like. Basically, I give you permission to do whatever you want with it. As long as you
prosper, and spread the blessings, I am only happy. You don’t need to give me credit for

teaching it to you

You see, I call the 50 most important economic news reports as diamonds. I’ll be honest
with you, I don’t know much about mining diamonds, but I’ve seen in movies that there
are locations where diamonds are common, and people sift through dirt for days, in order
to find one, but when they find one, it pays for the wasted time of those days when they
did the useless dirt sifting.

So it’s similar with this Diamonds Forex Trading System, you may be sitting in front of
your computer, waiting for a report to come out, and it comes out very close to
expectations, and there is no move. You can go through quite a few of such useless
reports, and thus waste a lot of your time, but when one of the reports comes out
significantly different than expected, there will most likely be a big spike, which you will
obviously miss, because it happens so quickly, but you can use this system to make
money by trading after the spike.

You must use an ECN broker, in order to trade this system. Remember we talked earlier
about many forex brokers being bucket brokers? You cannot use this system on those
bucket brokers, because they will raise their spread at news times, and this increased
spread can stay for several minutes. Or if they don’t raise the spread, you’ll try to put
orders into their system, and for several minutes, you’ll keep getting really bad requotes.

ECN stands for Electronic Communication Network, and these brokers are true brokers
that connect you with the banks, so during the news, they will usually not give you fills
before the spike, but within few seconds of the spike, their spreads will become normal,
and you will be able to open and close trades with them with normal spreads. Examples
of ECN brokers are,,,
There are few others. I recommend you open a demo account with, and
try this system on their demo account.

Do not place a trade with this system, unless the spread is 3 pips or lower. 2 pips or
lower is preferable. You want to watch out for spread, because if it’s too high, you will
give away the edge of this system to your broker.

So, I assume that you don’t really know much about economic indicators. You don’t
know what those 50 most important reports are. If such is the case, then sign up for FPA
free trading signals that get published by Crazy Cat. Here is the link:

So Crazy Cat will tell you which economic events to look for, and what time they are
coming out. He will also give you “triggers” for each report, but these triggers are not
important for this particular trading system.

Come to your computer a little before the time of the report, and open up the official
online clock for New York Time. Here is a link:

About 5 seconds before the report comes out, watch very closely the price for the
currency on your trading platform. The price that you see is the pre-release price. Make a
mental note of what that price is. If you have bad memory, then quickly write that price
down. Don’t worry about watching charts, just look at the price. As soon as the news
comes out, you should see this price starting to move, especially if the actual number is
much more different than expected number.

If you see the price move by 15 pips or more in one direction, within the first 30 seconds
of the report, you will trade this report. This initial move is called “the spike”. Wait for
the spike to complete, it may take 5 to 30 seconds, and then the price will start retracing.
Wait for the retrace to complete, and once it’s complete, and the price reverses and starts
moving in the direction of the spike, place a trade with a 15 pips stop/loss and 25 pips
take/profit. Then simply walk away or watch, and let happen whatever is meant to

I wish I could show you some charts, but I can’t, because you’ll be playing “tick by tick”
price action, which cannot be reflected in a chart. Let me give you an example though.

Let’s say there is an important report coming out, and you are watching your trading
platform at 8:30 am New York Time. You chose to trade EUR/USD. You look at your
trading platform 5 seconds before, and you see a price of 1.2350/1.2352, then all of a
sudden, the price starts moving up. It jumps to 1.2360, then takes a second or two to
breath, then jumps again to 1.2367, so you already know that it’s going to be a trade.
Then the price goes to 1.2374, goes like 74, 75, 76, 75, 74, 73, 74, 73, 72, 74, 72, 70, and
basically very steadily or very suddenly starts coming down.

It keeps coming down, and you let it happen, then let’s say it goes to 1.2362, and goes 62,
61, 62, 63, 64, 63, 64, 62, 64, 65, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, so you basically see that it starts to
turn around, and starting to go up again. So you click your buy button. Once you are in,
place a stop/loss and take/profit points. After this, the price will be playing out quite
unpredictably, going up, down, up again, down again, but since your trade will be in the
direction of the report, more often than not, you will gain.

With this strategy, you don’t really care about what number came out, so you don’t even
have to worry about looking at economic calendar. You simply care about the price,
because price is king. It is price that defines whether economic report matters or not. If
the price goes up right away by 15 pips or more, it means that people care about this
report enough to bring the price up, and most likely these people will bring the price up
again after the first retracement.

If the first retracement goes below the pre-release price, you don’t do this trade. So to go
back to our example, where the EUR/USD price was at 1.2352, and then went up to
1.2374, before starting to retrace, if you see EUR/USD rapidly or slowly going down,
without having clear signs of reversing for a second wave, and if you see it drop below
1.2350, then forget about this trade. The pre-release price is your support, if it gets
decisively broken, then you don’t place a trade. But if it doesn’t get decisively broken,
and you see like 1.2352, 51, 50, 51, 52, 50, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, then it’s reversing right
at that pre-release level, and you should buy.

Hold your trade for a maximum of 45 minutes from the time the report came out. If
neither your stop/loss nor take/profit were hit, then close your trade at whatever price you
see. If your target is not hit in the first 45 minutes, most likely it will not hit. And you
don’t have to believe a word I say, when getting these free news signals from Crazy Cat,
he will send you charts for each report, so you will be able to see the charts for previous
reports, and see what I am talking about…

I never really had these “hard” rules with stop/losses and take/profits when I was running
my Forex Diamonds room. Because I had so much experience with trading the news, I
could just feel what’s happening. Sometimes you get this second wave move, after the
first retracement, and it goes up in your direction by 10 pips, and it just stalls there for a
while, and you just know that it’s not going any further, so you close the entire trade, and
only take 10 pips, or you close half at 10 pips, put the other half at break-even, and see
what happens to the other half. Sometimes I would be right about these “feelings”, and
other times I would be wrong. Sometimes I would be happy that I closed my trade early,
because otherwise it would stop me out, while other times, I would cut a trade short at 10
or 12 pips, and it would right away go up and hit the 25 pips target.

I have traded second waves on hundreds of these reports, so I know that if you approach
this very systematically, and you simply follow the simple rules above, you will certainly
overall profit. As you trade more and more of these reports, you will see many scenarios
that are simply impossible to discuss through writing. You will see that certain currencies
have lower ranges than others, so you will slightly reduce your stop/loss and take/profit
targets. You will also see that certain reports and certain currencies cause much bigger
moves, so you may increase the stop/loss and take/profit points. You will also see
sometimes very strong price point, and your take/profit level is falling right at that price
point or even a bit above, so you will lower your take/profit points to slightly below these
levels. I can talk all day about these scenarios, and all of that talk is useless. Use this
system in the exact way it’s taught, and if you see logical ways of tweaking it to your
advantage, then do it.

Suggested Action: Make it a point to place 10 trades with this system, without tweaking
it in any way. The profits that you see may satisfy you so much that you would rather
keep this system the way it is, without tweaking it in any way. Just be aware of spreads,
and as much as possible use this system on currencies with spreads between 1 and 2 pips,
such as EUR/USD and USD/JPY. If you start trading exotics with this system, or start
using it on bucket brokers, and start paying spreads in excess of 5, 6, 7 pips, then you are
on your own… Don’t be coming back and blaming me that it doesn’t work. You have to
stay with as conservative currencies as possible, that are mostly USD and JPY crosses.
USD/CHF, CAD/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/JPY, NZD/JPY are some of the examples). Crazy
Cat will be suggesting which currency pairs to trade, when sending his signals.

Your Comments: understanding money management and trading psychology is

absolutely crucial in order to succeed in forex, and I will share both of them in future

Chapter 7 | Five Money Management Principles That Can Either Make You Or
Break You - 05-21-2010, 04:10 AM
You know, I was hanging out with this guy once, and he told me a story about the famous
actor Jim Carrey. Apparently Jim Carrey really wanted to be a millionaire, so he wrote a
check to himself for $1 million dollars, carried it in his wallet, and looked at it quite
often. Then he was chosen for a role in a very low budget movie Ace Ventura, which
became a big hit, and Jim Carrey made his first million from starring in that movie.

Later, another person told me a story about a famous movie director Steven Spielberg,
who at one point of his life was a nobody with a film degree from some mediocre college.
Steven had a very specific dream. He wanted to become the most famous movie director
in the world, so after graduating from college, he did not go to find a mediocre job like
most of his friends. Instead, he moved to Los Angeles, and bought a tourist annual pass to
a theme park, called Universal Studios. Every day, he pretended to be a famous movie
director, and would enter the premises of the park with his theme park pass, and would
illegally go off the park premises and walk around places where the movies were being
He met some people, and got some very small jobs here and there. Eventually he was
given a job to direct a movie “Jaws”, which went over its budget and was supposed to be
shut down several times. The only reason it didn’t get shut down was because Steven was
begging with all his heart and all of his resources for extensions. Eventually the movie
was made, became quite popular, and Steven Spielberg’s name became somewhat

In 1994, Steven Spielberg and his friend started their own movie production company,
and remembering his dream, which finally became a reality, Spielberg called this
company: “DreamWorks”.

I do not know whether these stories are true or not. I guess, in order to really find out, you
would have to ask Jim Carrey and Steven Spielberg about them, but I can tell you one
thing for sure…the reason I became a millionaire is because I had a very specific goal to
have $1,000,000 cash in very specific bank account, and eventually it happened.

The first rule of forex money management is to actually have a very specific monetary
goal. If you chose to use the Holy Grail System, which I shared with you in the 3rd
chapter, then you not only have a very specific goal, but it’s also divided into many
completely manageable segments. After all, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a

You know, one time I was visiting Texas, and was talking there with a guy whose name
was Keith Cunningham. At one point of his life, this guy’s net worth was in excess of
$100 million. Then somehow he ended up completely bankrupt. He took several years
off, and did some soul searching, studied all kinds of spiritual books and disciplines, and
after a while got back into business, again made many millions, but this time he was able

to keep them

Some of you may have read a famous best selling book, called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by
Robert Kiyosaki. Keith Cunningham was Kiyosaki’s mentor, and many ideas that
Kiyosaki shared in his book came from Keith. In fact, Keith Cunningham owns many car
washing businesses, and when Kiyosaki published his book and printed few thousand
copies, he did not know how to sell them, so he asked Keith to sell the book at his car
washes, so that people could read it, while waiting for their car being washed. Eventually
this “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book became very popular, and now you can find it in many
book stores all over the world.

So, while talking to Keith, I learned a very important money principle that I never heard
before from anybody else. Keith told me this: “The process of money making should be
very boring. The more boring it is, the more successful you will become.” He said:
“Most people are looking for excitement in their money making ventures. Excitement is
good, but it should be looked for in other areas of your life. If you look for excitement in
making money, you will most likely get into a lot of trouble, and your path to
accumulating and keeping wealth will be very difficult.”
In Chapter 6, I taught you Diamonds Trading System. When I had my Forex Diamonds
live trading room, I always taught people to risk no more than 2.5% of their trading
account on each trade. Such amounts are very small and very boring, but with such
amounts, you can make adequate trading decisions, without being afraid that if your trade
fails, you will lose too much.

I have experimented with many different percentages, and risking 5% feels like already
too much. 2.5% is the percentage that's most comfortable for me.

The second rule of forex money management is that the money you make or lose on
each trade must be boring…

One time I was walking on third street promenade in Santa Monica, California. If you
ever happen to walk down the same promenade, you will notice many street artists
performing there. Some people put on some acrobatic or dancing acts, and usually such
acts attract crowds that watch them. After each act, the artists pass around a hat, and try
to collect money for their act. Some people give these artists a dollar or two, while most
others simply leave without paying them anything. Overall, these artists hardly make any

One time, while I was walking, I saw this black guy doing something. There was a very
small crowd of people that was watching his act…perhaps 20 or 30 people. In most cases,
upon finishing, this guy would be very lucky to collect $5 from these people, because
most of them would simply leave, but he did something I’ve never seen anybody else do

As soon as he finished his act, he announced: “Folks! I just got out of prison, and I need
$20! I do not need a penny more, just twenty dollars. Please help me!” Almost every
single person took a dollar or two, and he started walking around, and announcing:
“Okay, I got two dollars, three dollars, ten dollars, fifteen dollars, twenty dollars!” I
personally was going to give him a buck, but he never got to me! He collected his $20,
thanked everyone, and left. There were more people willing to give him money, but as
soon as he reached the goal, he honored his word, and did not take another dollar.

The third rule of forex money management is that you must have a cash-out goal.

People that have a cash-out goal will certainly reach that goal quicker than people that do
not have such goal.

My cash-out goal is very simple. As soon as I double my trading account, I withdraw half
of the profits, and try to double the account again. So if I had a $10,000 account, I would
have a goal to grow it to $20,000. As soon as I would get to that goal, I would withdraw
half of the profits, so $5,000, and $15,000 would remain in the account. Then I would
double that account again to $30,000, again withdraw half of the profits, so $7,500, so the
account would be at $22,500, at which point, I would try to double it again.
If you practice giving of 10% or more, you can donate the share from the money that you
withdraw from your trading account. You don’t have to worry about the accumulated
gains, until you actually cash them out. That’s at least how I do it.

A person with such withdrawal plan will be running circles all day around another
person who does not do any withdrawals, and simply tries to grow his account. It’s a
psychological thing.

I know many people nowadays are trying to trade using automated forex robots. The
reason I know this is because 25% of our entire website traffic is from pages where we do
live tests of forex robots. Here is a link for it:

I personally do not use forex robots, but I can say with certainty that any robot will
eventually blow your account. It may happen in a month, it may happen in a year, or it
may happen in 5 years, but eventually it will happen. But this does not mean that you
can’t make a bunch of money with it!

If I were to use forex robots to trade my account, here is a money management plan that I
would use. Let’s say I had $10,000 on my account. I would first double it to $20,000, and
as soon as it happened, I would withdraw $10,000, this way I got my money back. Then I
would keep doubling this no risk $10,000 account, and keep withdrawing half. So $10K
to $20K, withdraw $5K, then $15K to $30K, withdraw $7.5K, $30K to $60K, withdraw
$15K, $45K to $90K, withdraw $22.5K, et cetera…

Eventually every robot will blow the account. Yes, sometimes the robot will blow your
account, before you can get your investment back, other times it will blow your account
on the second double-run, so you simply got your money back, and made nothing, yet
some other times, it will double your account several times before blowing up. I don’t
know almost anything about the forex robots business, but going from a purely logical
standpoint, I think it’s a viable business model, if you have proper money management
system in place.

But let’s go back to real trading, without robots, and real money management…

Albert Einstein is known for a very famous quote. It is this: “The most powerful force
in the universe is compound interest.”

We can certainly apply this most powerful force to trading forex. There are two ways you
can grow your money in forex trading. The first is called linear money management. The
second is called geometric money management.

What’s the difference between them?

Example of linear money management

Let's say you have a system that gives you 60% winners and 40% losers. Let’s say you
have a $10,000 account, and you decide to use this trading system to trade EUR/USD.
Let’s say your stop/loss is 50 pips, and your take/profit is 50 pips. Let’s say your risk is
2.5% on each trade. So you put 50,000 on each trade. This way each pip is equal to $5, so
if you win, your account goes up by $5x50=$250, and if you lose, your account goes
down by $5x50=-$250. You decide to put 50,000 on each trade, until you double the
account. So until your account is doubled to $20,000, you will be putting 50,000 on each
trade, and be either making $250 or losing -$250. This is an example of linear money

Example of geometric money management

Let’s say you have a $10,000 account, and you again decide to use the same 60/40
trading system to trade EUR/USD. Let’s say your stop/loss is 50 pips, and your
take/profit is 50 pips. Let’s say your risk is 2.5% on each trade. So you put 50,000 on
each trade. This way each pip is equal to $5, so if you win, your account goes up by
$5x50=$250, and if you lose, your account goes down by $5x50=-$250. This time you do
something different. Instead of putting 50,000 on each trade, you put 5 times of your
actual balance on each trade.

So let’s say you begin with $10,000. On the first trade, you put 10,000x5=50,000, so each
pip is $5. Let’s say that you lose the first trade. Your account goes down to $9,750. On
the next trade you put 9,750x5=48,750, so each pip is $4.875. Let’s say that you win the
second trade. Your account goes up to $9,993.75. So on the next trade, you again
multiply 9,993.75 by 5, and you get 49,968.75, so you put 49,969 on your next trade. And
you keep doing the same thing over and over again. This is an example of geometric
money management.

After seeing this last example, some people would say: “The linear money management
seems more logical, because if you lost 1 trade, and then won 1 trade, you would still
have $10,000 left, but with geometric money management, you only have $9,993.75 left.
This is correct, but only if 50% of your trades are winners, and the other 50% of your
trades are losers. However, such scenario is highly unlikely in the real world.

Most of the time, you will either have more losers than winners, or more winners than
losers. In both cases, the geometric money management will work much better.

Look at the picture below. The picture assumes that your risk is 2.5% on each trade, and
that you have 60% winning trades, and 40% losing trades, with the exact same take/profit
and stop/loss points. The left column is geometric money management. The right column
is linear money management. As you can see, we doubled our account from $10,000 to
$20,000 on trade #138 when using geometric money management. However, with linear
money management, we doubled the same account on trade #194.
Let's say that your trading system gives approximately 65 trades per quarter, so with
geometric money management, it would take you around 6 months and 8 days to double
the account, while with linear money management, it would take you around 9 months to
double the account. The difference is VERY big, especially if you allow it to accumulate
for a period of several years.

As you saw, with 60% gain, and 40% loss, the difference between geometric and linear
money management systems is quite big. But it becomes even more impressive if you
reverse the numbers.
Look at the picture below. The picture assumes that your risk is 2.5% on each trade, and
that you have 40% winning trades, and 60% losing trades, with the exact same take/profit
and stop/loss points. The left column is geometric money management. The right column
is linear money management. As you can see, with linear money management, we
completely wiped out our account on trade #196. But with geometric money management
system, after trade #196, we still have $3,459.44 on our account.

Depending on your leverage, with linear money management system, you wouldn’t be
able to even get to trade#196, because you wouldn’t have enough margin on your
account, in order to be able to afford a 50,000 trade, which we need, in order to stay
consistent with the linear system. But with geometric money management system, you
could pretty much go on trading forever, and if your trading system ever reversed, you
would be able to build your account back up.

I know that most forex brokers do not allow you to have custom trade sizes. Most of them
want you to trade in multiples of 10,000 or 100,000. is the exception to this
rule. Their spreads are very low, and they allow custom order sizes.
If you decide to use the Diamonds Trading System, which I taught you in the previous
chapter, Oanda Corporation will not work for you, because they raise their spread during
news times, and keep the spread raised for a while. So if you use MB Trading with the
Diamonds Trading System, you can still use geometric money management system, but
you will have to approximate everything to lot sizes in multiples of 10,000, which will
still work, but will be less effective.

So the fourth rule of forex money management is to use geometric money

management system. This way, if your system is overall profitable, you will double your
account much quicker. If your system is overall not profitable, it will take you much
longer to wipe out your account.

Let’s now talk about the simple law of mathematical distribution.

I have read many forex forum posts in my life, and I have seen certain people get
frustrated with their trading system, after it brings them several losers in a row. As soon
as it happens, some of them start tweaking it, or throw it away altogether, because they
think that it doesn’t work. Perhaps it has happened to you as well.

Let’s go back to the trading system for EUR/USD that gives 60% winners and 40%
losers. This system gives us 65 trades per quarter, its losses are 50 pips, its gains are 50
pips, and it brings on average 60% winning trades and 40% losing trades. Let’s say that
you use this system for around 4 years, so after 4 years, you have 1,000 trades. 600 of
them are winners, and 400 of them are losers. The question is how many losers in a row
will you have with this system over the 4-year period?

As far as my knowledge of math goes, if you have a system where the odds that you’ll
lose are 40%, and you want to find out how many losers in a row you will have over a
period of 1,000 trades, here is what you need to do:

Let’s say you want to find out the number of times you will have 8 losers in a row. So
you bring 0.40 to the power of 8, and you multiply that by 1000. The number you get is
0.655, which approximates to 1. So you can expect that over this period of 4 years and
1000 trades, you will have 8 losing trades in a row, at least once.

If you do the same for 7, you get approximately 2. So in these 1000 trades, you can
expect to have 7 losers in a row twice.

If you do the same for 6, you get approximately 4, so you will have 6 losers in a row
approximately 4 times.

If you do the same for 5, you get 10. For 4, you get 26. So over these 4 year period, you
will have 26 times four losers in a row! That’s approximately once every 2 months.

You see, when people have a lot of winners in a row, they quickly forget it, but when
they have a lot of losers in a row, they panic, and throw away or alter a perfectly good

trading system. Please remember that it’s a two way street

So the fifth rule of forex money management is not to abandon your trading system
when you have 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or even 10 losers in a row. It’s all part of the game. In the
next chapter I will be talking about trading psychology, and will teach you a method,
which will help you handle losers with relative peace and calm.

Suggested Action: If you are already trading, try to apply some of the money
management principles I shared in this chapter to your trading.

Your Comments: If you have something to say, please say it, but watch this video
before you do. Keep watching it until you see the image of a fat cat. I will be referring to
this image in the next chapter, so it's important for me that you see it.

Chapter 8 | Forex Babies, Fat Cat, Plus Other Cures For Forex Psychos Like You
And Me - 06-04-2010, 09:28 AM
I used to run a lot when I was younger. One time, before I was about to go to another city
in order to run a marathon, some chubby guy with a bunch of new age ideas asked me
whether I have a goal for that marathon. I told him that I want to run it under 3 hours and
30 minutes. He asked me whether I could win the marathon with such time. I told him
that I couldn’t, because most people that win marathons usually finish them under 2
hours and 30 minutes.

This guy went on giving me a new age pep talk that I don’t believe in myself, and if I
really believed in myself, and wanted to get first place, I would be able to. I told him that
in order to win a marathon, I would have to train a lot harder, which I am not willing to
do. This guy told me that it’s not really about training, but about believing, and if I truly
believed in myself, I would be able to get that first place in the marathon that I was going
to in a few days.

I don’t know why, but this chubby guy with a bunch of new age ideas really pissed me
off. What I wanted to tell him is this: “Why don’t you believe in yourself, go win that
marathon, and come back and teach me how I can believe in myself…you f*cking out-of-
shape ignorant new age flake.” But I never said that, because I did not want to hurt the
guy, plus if I did say that, he would probably respond that he could go out there and win
it, but he just chooses not to. Typical endless new age bullsh*t…

Yes, I can be harsh with words and thoughts, but I am equally harsh on myself as I am on
others. We all have fire and water inside of us. At the same time, we all have weeds and
flowers inside of us. With fire we can burn weeds, and with water we can nourish
I’ve seen some of those people that finish marathons under 2 hours and 30 minutes, and
they all have something in common. They are all lean and mean running machines…

Trading is no different. If you want to become a successful forex trader, you have to
become a lean and mean forex trading machine.

Start making forex babies

The two primary powers in the Universe are focus and power. Look at your own body.
How was it created? Your father provided focused blueprint through his sperm, and your
mother provided power to that blueprint, by growing it in her womb for around 9 months.

Now imagine if there was this particular “new age” woman that really believed in herself,
and she said: “I want a baby, but the reason other mothers have to carry their babies in
the womb for 9 months is because they don’t believe that they could do it faster. I believe
that I only need 2 months to produce a baby, and because I believe that, it will happen!”

So this woman gets pregnant, and she is very disappointed, because after 2 months, she
doesn’t have a ready baby. So she says: “I really did everything right! I believed in
myself, but it was the wrong sperm. I simply got pregnant from the wrong guy, let me
abort this baby, and give it another try.”

So she goes and does an abortion, and gets pregnant from another guy, who seems a bit
more “new age” and more believing in himself than the previous guy, but the same thing
happens. So the woman keeps doing the same thing over and over again.

If you met such woman, would you think that she is a bit psycho or what?

Giving 10% is excellent, setting goals is excellent, practicing meditation on prosperity is

excellent, but all of those things are only meant to help you in becoming a lean and mean
trading machine. Even a farmer who throws a bunch of seeds into the ground and gets a
crop needs to have a practical systematic approach of collecting that crop and preserving

So let’s talk about making some forex babies. In Chapter 6, I taught a forex trading
system, which is called Diamonds Forex Trading System. That’s a blueprint for a forex
baby. What you need to do next is become a mother to that baby and give it some power.
You need to use this system on at least 50 economic indicators, and you need to a keep a
journal, where you will track your progress.

Take a note in the journal how much time you spent on watching each economic report,
which one gave no trade, which gave a winning trade, and which gave a losing trade, and
how much you won or lost. You need to trade with consistent amount of money, so that
the monetary results of each trade are consistent. You can either use linear money
management approach or exponential money management approach, which I talked about
in Chapter 7.

So after completing these 50 trading attempts, you will have your first forex baby.
Review what you’ve got, and see whether you like it or not. The cool thing about forex
babies is that you can create most of them in 2 months or less, and you don’t need to raise
them for the next 20 years. If you don’t like your forex baby, simply learn what you can
from it, and throw it away.

This is how I did it, and there are hundreds of people who witnessed me waking up at odd
hours, trading the economic reports, and keeping a public performance journal of the

I’ve produced more than 10 babies with the diamonds forex trading system, meaning that
I have traded more than 500 economic indicators with it. Because I was actually
participating in the forex game, and wasn’t just reading how to trade and waiting on the
sidelines, I also got many other trading ideas, simply from being in the game. Some of
these ideas, I still use.

I hope you understand now what I mean by forex babies. Most people fail in forex
because they are bad mothers to their forex babies. In order to become a good mother to
your forex baby, you must be patient, and place at least 50 trades to create that baby.

Most traders take someone else’s forex sperm, place a few trades with it, get frustrated,
and abort their forex baby that didn’t even get a chance to form yet. They are like those
psycho women that we just discussed.

Many people like to read and think, but very few are actually willing to act in a consistent
and focused fashion…

Start making forex babies

Some of you will think that it’s a typo. After all, why the Cure#1 has the same name as
Cure#2? Let me explain…

You probably have read some material on trading psychology. If you didn’t, I am sure
you eventually will.

Most of these trading psychology books try to address the same problem. It is this: “Most
traders do not know how to deal with trading losses.”

What approach do most trading psychology books take? They try to give you a pep talk
on how it’s okay to lose…and that you should look at the winner in the same way as a
loser… They try to teach you not to take it personally, et cetera, et cetera.

I think that most of these books are written by similar chubby runners that gave me a new
age pep talk before I ran the marathon. I really hope that I am wrong…

Let’s think about the rest of the world. What do people do? They work, they get paid,
they work, they get paid, they work, they get paid. What did your parents do? They
worked, they got paid, they worked, they got paid, they worked, they got paid.

You certainly got that genetic programming from your parents that’s in your blood. In
addition to that, you constantly get fed with belief systems of other human beings.

Haven’t you heard of an experiment that was done by BBC some years ago? BBC wanted
to find out if we as humans are connected, so what they did is they created a collage of
several hundred human faces. A special BBC team flew from UK to Australia, and they
started to come up to random strangers on the street, and showing them this collage,
asking them to identify human faces in the collage. The average number of faces that the
person could identify on the collage was 7 or 8.

Then the BBC aired this collage on a TV program, which was exclusively shown in the
UK, to make sure that nobody in Australia sees this program. On this TV program, they
identified each face in the collage, in front of hundreds of thousands TV viewers. That
same day, the special team in Australia again started coming up to random strangers, but
this time these strangers were able to identify on average 40 faces in the same collage.

Similar experiments were done in several universities in the United States, where two
similar isolated groups of people were taken. The first group of people is given a
crossword to solve, and the group gets certain results. Then the answers to this same
crossword get published to a major newspaper, and few days later, the second isolated
group gets the same crossword, and their results are significantly higher than the first
group’s results.

So basically, we are all connected, and most of us are in the mentality of work, get paid,
work, get paid, work, get paid. We simply can’t go against such mentality as forex
traders, because our individual will is simply not strong enough. We need to go along
with such mentality. I wouldn’t take too seriously those trading psychology books that
teach you to reprogram yourself…I don’t think the authors really understand what they
are going against…

You say: “Felix, how can I do such thing? How can I work, get paid, work, get paid,
work, get paid in forex? All forex traders work, and sometimes they get paid, while other
times they don’t get paid, while other times they even lose money.”

Your forex baby holds the keys to unlocking this psychological mystery.

Who says that you need to get paid after every trade? You can get paid after every forex
baby, or 50 trades.

A person who works for $10 per hour does not come up to his or her employer, asking to
get paid in multiples of $10 every hour. They are promised to get paid every two weeks
or once per month. So they wait for that payment.

So you wait for your payment also…not after every trade, but after a batch of 50 trades,
or one forex baby. It’s quite simple. And you don’t even need to get paid from every
forex baby, you can get paid every time you double your account, as I described in
Chapter 7.

Do you remember in Chapter 7, I promised to teach you a method which will help you
handle losers with relative peace and calm?

Well…that’s what I meant to teach you. You don’t even need to consider that you have a
loser until you place 50 trades. Don’t even look at each trade as something of substance.
The batch of 50 trades, or one baby is the only thing that counts. And if you lose money
on such batch, consider that you got screwed by your employer, so find another trading
strategy, and create another batch of 50. You keep doing it, and eventually you will find
an employer that pays you consistently and predictably every 50 trades.

Respect the damn scalper…

In Chapter 2, I shared with you very important money principle that was taught to me by
someone named Master Choa Kok Sui.

I learned many more things from this guy Master Choa Kok Sui, but most of them were
not directly related to trading and investing.

However, as far as I know, Master Choa Kok Sui invested into the stock market, and
some other investment mechanisms, and he was pretty successful at it.

When people would come up to him and ask him how they could become successful in
investing into the stock market, he would usually reply very simply: “You have to make
sure the guy on top of you makes money also…”

Think about this simple but genius concept… If you look at the stock market historically,
it is a very profitable mechanism with a very consistent up-trend. Many people lose
money on it, because of greed. They buy, they hold, the spike-down comes, they panic
and they sell. The reason they don’t sell earlier is because they are afraid that if they do,
and the stock goes up even more, they’ll feel like they’ve missed out on something.

But what if you thought differently? What if you thought like this: “I want to sell my
stock now, because I made some profit, and the price is still cheap enough, so the person
who buys this stock from me, also has room to make money…”

Doesn’t such attitude completely eliminates greed, and gets you into a space of loving
and giving? Don’t you think that with such attitude, you would be making many more
rational trading and investment decisions?

As forex traders, we always try to squeeze out the maximum profit from every trade, and
we pay a very heavy price for that greed, because often our take/profit point doesn’t get
reached by a few pips, and we turn a winning position into a break-even position or a
losing one.

When we see that we exited too early, we get pissed off, and tell ourselves that we should
put take/profit point even higher, and when that time comes, we do. But what about the
other guy? If you bought EUR/USD for 1.1900, and you sold it for 1.1950, there is some
guy on the other side who bought it from you for 1.1950. Perhaps it’s some bank that’s
simply filling an order, or perhaps it’s your own broker, or perhaps it’s another trader like

When you wake up in the morning and see the price at 1.2050, don’t be pissed off that
you missed out on 100 extra pips…be happy that the other guy that bought your position
for 1.1950 got a really good deal on it, and hopefully made even more money than you.

I know that as day traders, we often barely have enough profit room for ourselves, so we
can’t exactly give away 20 or 30 pips, but if we only thought about the damn scalper,
who is looking to make 5 to 10 pips on his trade, and if we only imagined that this scalper
is buying or shorting our position, we could certainly leave some room for him to make

Put your take/profit 5 to 10 pips below of what you normally would…and when you
come back and see that you took your profit too early, and the currency moved in your
direction another 50 or 100 pips, simply smile and say: “That damn scalper! He again
made a lot more money than me…”

Dealing with insomnia…

Forex is a very exciting and very dirty business. I have met quite a few people that
actively trade forex, and some of them developed insomnia. When I say actively trading
forex, I mean trading 4, 5, or 6 hours per day, every day. I knew this one full-time trader,
who went to sleep usually at around 23:00, with a plan to wake up at around 7:00 in the
morning. Most of the time, it would take him 3 or 4 hours to fall asleep. So instead of the
planned 8 hours, he would only get 4 or 5 hours.

Sleep is crucially important to our health. When we don’t get enough of it, many aspects
of our lives suffer, including the ability to stay calm and making rational decisions, which
we not only need in forex trading, but also in dealing with family, friends, and other

When trading forex, we not only get excited, but our energy field also gets contaminated
by our own low emotions of greed and fear. In addition to that, our energy field gets
contaminated by greed and fear of other traders that are trading the same currency pair as
we do.

You must remember the CBS video I posted in Chapter 2, where many miraculous
healings were shown from “waves of hands”. I have seen how the Master Choa Kok Sui
guy healed many people. Sometimes he would also wave his hands, but many other
times, he would ask the person what their problem was, and the person usually would
point out some chronic problem, so Master Choa Kok Sui would whisper to himself: “By
the power of God! In the name of my teacher Padmasambhava Mei Ling! May the
problem that this person just described be completely healed now!”, and he would clap
his hands three times. Most of the time the person would get healed, if not fully, then

What most people don’t know is that after every such healing, MCKS would usually get
very contaminated from the energy of the person on whom he did the healing. He used
different techniques in trying to reduce the contamination to a minimum, but he could
never eliminate it.

He had to come up with techniques on purifying his energy field as much as possible.
The best thing that worked for him was a swim in the ocean or sea, but the problem was
that he traveled a lot, so he couldn’t access the ocean or sea most of the time.

So what MCKS started doing is taking regular warm baths with approximately 1.5
pounds of salt and 12 to 15 drops of essential lavender oil. He would soak in such bath
for 20 minutes, and such bath would greatly purify his energy field.

So I told that active trader who was going to bed at 23:00 and had trouble falling asleep
to take a 20-minute bath with 1.5 pounds of salt and 15 drops of essential lavender oil.
The very first time he tried it, he fell asleep within 20 minutes. As far as I know, he
started taking such baths regularly.

When I used to trade very actively, I often took such baths once per day, and sometimes
twice per day. Nowadays, I practice white bamboo meditation for approximately 2 hours
per day, 5 days per week (I mentioned this meditation in the final chapter). This
meditation is very purifying, but even with that meditation, I still take such lavender
baths usually at least once per week, and sometimes two or three times per week.

You know how sometimes when it rains, and you can’t see anything through your car
windshield, and then you put on your wipers, and all of a sudden you can see everything
really clearly? You will have a similar feeling after such 20-minute bath.

Some traders stop trading, because they simply feel like crap all the time, and they don’t
know why. If they only learned how to regularly purify their energetic field through such
baths with salt and lavender oil, it would solve that “feeling like crap” problem, and if
they were to take it before going to bed, the sleep quality would be much better.
You really need to experience it, in order to understand what I am talking about…

The fat cat dilemma…

Do you remember I told you to watch the video in Chapter 7, and keep watching it until
you see the image of fat cat? Well, if you didn’t, go to Chapter 7 right now, and see that


Do you know that part of Lord’s Prayer: “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil”? I rephrased it to: “lead us not into perversion, but deliver us from evil.” And this
expression occupies a very special space in my mind.

As some of you already know from reading my previous chapters, I used to be in the real
estate business before I got into forex. I used to buy foreclosures, fix them up, and resell
them for a profit. I worked very closely with an Italian guy who was a contractor. I
trusted the guy completely. I would just tell him to get into the house with his team, fix it
as quickly as they could, and I would pay them for materials and their time. I simply
knew that he would do a good job, and not overcharge me.

So one time, while I was already not in real estate, and trading forex, I was hanging out
with this Italian guy, and he asked me to explain to him what I was doing. So I told him
that I trade forex, and I explained to him more or less how it works. When I tell most
people about forex, most of them say: “please teach me!”, because most of them don’t
understand how long it takes to learn this business, and how much practice it takes to
succeed in it. They think it’s easy money.

But this Italian guy had a reaction to my forex story that I’ve never seen from anybody
before. He looked at me with a look as if he were ashamed of me, and said with his heavy
Italian accent: “When I lived in Italy, I wanted to cook for people the most delicious food
in town, and that’s why I opened my own restaurant, and that’s why it became successful.
When I came to the United States, I wanted to make the best pizza for people. I made a
big feast, and invited everyone I knew. Few hundred people came, and after they tried my
food, my catering business became successful. Right now, I fix and build houses for
people, and I try to do it in the cheapest and highest quality way possible, and this is why
I am very successful. Who do you serve in your forex business?”

This Italian guy had a very good point, and I did not know how to respond to his
question. At that time, I was already donating 10% of my income, but I didn’t really want
to mention it, because he was trying to make a little bit different point, so I just explained
to him that I serve nobody in my business, I just take away money from less competent
people, and this is the truth…

As it is, most of us are leading lives of perversion, a life of fat cats. We are perverted
mentally. We are perverted emotionally. And we are perverted physically.
Many of us get into the forex trading business, in order to become even bigger and fatter
cats. We want a bigger house, more expensive car, more expensive restaurants, and
whatever little useful service we are doing through our jobs and businesses, we want to
eliminate that from our lives also, by replacing that job or business with a forex account...

We, as people, have to remember one simple truth. We live in a very loving and very
caring Spiritual Environment. This Environment has many personal and impersonal
aspects. Those who focus on personal aspects of this Environment call it God, while
others who focus on impersonal aspects of this Environment call it The Universe.

This God or Universe will keep us living in struggle, poverty, and suffering for one
simple reason. That reason is that struggle, poverty, and suffering destroys our bodies,
but keeps our souls healthy. What’s even worse than struggle, poverty, and suffering is
material perversion…the fat cat mentality…because this fat cat mentality is ruining our

This is why, unless we become channels for giving and unless we learn not to pervert
ourselves even further with material possessions, our path of accumulating wealth will
always be a very steep uphill battle. It will be a battle against God or Universe, where Its
job is to protect our soul from lust and gold and our job is to ruin it with those two things.

I want to be happy, you want to be happy…we all want to be happy. We all think that we
need nicer house, nicer food, and nicer material possessions in order to be happy. And to
top it all off, we don’t want to work for it. We want to press buttons on the computer,
instead of serving people in real ways. That’s why most of us are in forex, right?

All of us will die one day, and before that moment of death, our lives will flash inside of
our minds, and I sincerely doubt that either you or I will remember that house, or that car,
or those clothes, or the food we ate, or the large forex account we traded. The only things
we will remember are the people who served us, and the people whom we served. And
the only thing that we will regret is not spending more time with those people and not
serving them well enough.

This moment of truth during the death of every single person on this planet is proof that
the only way for us to be happy is to think about ourselves less, and think about others
more. This is why I continue to stress that neither you nor I can spiritually afford to
become an even fatter and bigger cat. None of us can spiritually afford to continue having
a bank account or forex account that will act like a bowl of stagnated and spoiled milk.
Our bank and forex accounts must become channels for charitable work, period, no

Suggested Action: In Russia, we have a saying that every true man is supposed to
accomplish three things in life. He must plant a tree, build a house, and raise a son.

In my opinion, every true forex trader is supposed to also accomplish three things in life.
Give birth to at least 10 forex babies from two different fathers, take at least one lavender
bath with salt before sleep, and donate at least $1 million dollars to charities.

I have done all of those three things, and I continue to do them. Now it’s your turn

Your Comments: I look forward to your comments, but before you leave them, please

listen to this song, which my friends and I created not only for you, but for us

OLD Chapter 9: The Club... (Deadline: August 10th, 2010) - Today, 09:47 AM
I like to learn from people, whether they are dead people or not-so-dead people.

A great inventor and painter Leonardo DaVinci used to notice that when he works in very
small and clean rooms, he can concentrate a lot better than when working in big rooms or
messy rooms. I noticed a similar thing. I noticed that when I am in a very tight and clean
space, I make better forex trading decisions.

This is why when I traded the news actively and had a permanent place of residence, I
made myself a very tight space in the corner of a room by using Chinese dividers. Most
of the time, all I had there was table, chair, and two computers. When I got into that
space, my level of concentration always skyrocketed.

Now, my wife and I travel all the time. We stay in different places few days or few weeks

at a time, so carrying Chinese dividers all over is not exactly convenient

Another thing that Leonardo DaVinci said is this: “Most people are like animals. They
eat, drink, sleep, piss, sh*t, and procreate. After they die, all they leave behind is their
sh*t, their corpse, and their offspring, which follows its parents’ example.” Perhaps
these weren’t his exact words, but this is approximately how I remember it.

I know that the reason why most people are reading these pages is because they want to
get rich quickly. But that’s not the real reason. The real reason is because they want to
live a happier life.

Based on my own experience and experience of some other people, happiness does not
come from great material wealth. Happiness comes from great spiritual wealth. We gain
material wealth by helping ourselves. We get spiritual wealth by helping those that are
truly in need. Both are important…

This is why I want to help you become a millionaire. Do you remember in Chapter 3, I
shared with you my definition of a millionaire? A millionaire is a person who has given
one million or more to charities. How do you start on such a lofty goal? You start by
giving 10% of your gross income, and as you become wealthier, you keep increasing that
I know that some people started practicing giving of 10%, while others do not think that
it’s all that important. And those others are right. It really isn’t that important. History is
full of people who have served humanity in many great ways, and many of these people
did not give 10% of their gross income to charity. I think it’s important for us to follow
our hearts, and not do anything that doesn’t feel right…

Throughout these chapters, I have already given you a complete blueprint that you could
use to become a very profitable and successful forex trader.

You have the Diamonds Forex Trading system, which I shared with you in Chapter 6. So
far, I’ve read several comments from people that started using this system, and all people
say that so far they are overall profitable. That may not be the case for everyone right
away, but if you are patient enough to trade 50 reports with this strategy, I think you will
be very happy with the results.

You also have the essential rules of money management, which I shared with you in
Chapter 7 and equally essential psychological cures, which I shared with you in Chapter

With these three things, you’ve really gotten everything you need to be a successful forex

In addition to that, I’ve made some very specific promises in other chapters, which I
haven’t fulfilled yet. They were the following:

1. In Chapter 6, I promised to teach you to trade news spikes while you sleep, by using a
shareware program.

2. In Chapter 6, I promised to teach you a complete marketing system that you could use
to start your own successful forex trading service. This way you not only make money on
your own forex trading account, but you also make money from subscriptions that people
pay you to follow your trades. This will also expose you to some people with money, so
that you could get some big bucks to manage.

3. In Chapter 7, I briefly described and shared with you recent performance of Van’ka-
Durak Forex Trading System, and promised to teach it to you.

4. In Chapter 7, I also briefly described and shared with you recent performance of Pure
Magic Forex Trading System, and also promised to teach it to you.

5. In the Final Chapter, I promised to teach you a 4-minute excerpt from my 2-hour white
bamboo meditation practice, which should help you to greatly increase your trading
intuition by tuning your consciousness into the plasmic field.

6. In Chapter 1, I promised to teach you everything I know about forex trading and forex
investing. Such promise will probably unfold into many smaller and more specific
promises, and thus many more chapters.

I plan to write many more chapters and through those chapters fulfill all of those
promises, but most of these chapters will only be accessible to members of The Club.

How do you join The Club? You join it by making a very serious lifetime commitment.
This commitment will not be made to me, but rather to yourself. I simply want to receive
a notarized written original of this commitment.

I am the first member of The Club, and below is my notarized commitment. If you want
to join The Club, you must mail me an identical commitment of your own.
Some of you may get confused by the part that says: "benefit people whom I don't know
personally". The purpose of this clause is to make sure that the 10% does not go to our
friends or relatives, because helping friends and relatives is an obligation, not exactly
charity, and true giving is when it's done without any obligation. So friends and relatives
should be helped from the other 90%.

On the other hand, if I live in a village, where I see many people in need every day, and I
give to a charity that will help them, I would make sure to ask that the owner of the
charity keeps the donation anonymous, to make sure that people get helped, but they
don't know where the money came from. This way nobody knows, and nobody expects
anything. Of course such donation would count into the 10%.

Remember that this commitment is not to me but to yourself, so your own conscience is
the judge. So don't cling to words of this commitment with your mind, rather understand
their true meaning with your heart, and do what feels right in your heart...

If I live in a city where there are 100 homeless people, and I give to a charity that feeds
them, and one day I stop by and have a conversation with a bunch of these homeless
people, then my mind could say: "Oh, you talked to 10 homeless people, so you know
them personally now, so because of your commitment, you can't give to that charity
anymore", but my heart would say: "This is ridiculous, of course you can give to that
same know the true meaning of that clause in the commitment...of course
you can continue helping these people..."

Or if you use your 10% to buy a bunch of food, and invite a bunch of underprivileged
children in your neighborhood for dinner...your mind will say: "but I know these kids
personally...I am violating my commitment", and your heart will say: "don't be
ridiculous, of course you are not violating anything...good job...keep doing what you are

Or one day, your heart may become open to give your 10% to a dog shelter or cat shelter,
or plant some trees with this money, and your mind will say: "you can't do that, because
your commitment only talks about people", and your heart will say: "don't be ridiculous,
dogs, cats, and trees are people too..." So you'll give to those causes, and won't be

violating anything

Giving less than 10% is violating the commitment, giving from these 10% to a friend or
relative whom you feel obligated to help is violating the commitment...give to them from
your other money. Your conscience and your heart will know when you are truly
violating the commitment and when you are not...

The reason we need this commitment, is because if we don't have it, our minds will
be constantly tricking us into the less important things, such as spending on
ourselves, and tricking us out of the more important things, such as unconditional
giving to strangers in need...

Words are extremely limiting instruments. They are like fingers that are pointing at the
moon. Once you see the moon, you don't need to cling to the fingers or be paranoid about

The purpose of this commitment is not to enslave our minds, but rather to set our
hearts free. When our hearts are big enough to give to people whom we don't know
personally, the love generated from these actions will also spill over into our families and
personal friendships.

Gross income is before taxes, but in most countries if you give to qualified charities, your
donations are tax-deductible. So if you make $10,000, donate $1,000, and your tax is
40%, what will happen is your country will allow you to subtract the $1,000 from
$10,000, so you have $9,000 left, and you will have to pay 40% on the $9,000, instead of
the $10,000.

So write by hand the exact same text as I did, put your name, signature, and date. Go to
a notary and get the document notarized. The notarization doesn't have to be in English.
You can notarize it in the language of your own country. Then attach your picture, and
mail me the complete notarized original of the commitment to:

Felix Homogratus
1626 N. Wilcox Ave.#241
Hollywood, CA 90028

Make sure to include your email address in your letter, so that I could send you via
email your username and password to The Club. Make sure you write your email address
very clearly.

Also, by reading these chapters, you more or less found out a lot about myself. I would
greatly appreciate it if you could write me a letter and tell me as much as you can about
yourself. You can write the letter in either English or Russian. I will very carefully read
every letter from the beginning to the end, no matter how long they are. But such letters
are optional.

WARNING: Please understand that this lifetime commitment might be the most
important financial commitment you will ever make. It’s a double-edge sword, and it has
a very negative downside to it. If you make such commitment, and you stop giving the
promised 10%, you will be breaking a very serious contract with yourself, and breach of
such contract will probably put you in a much worse financial situation than you are now.
I think that for most people, it’s better not to make such commitment, because like I said,
the repercussions of breaking it will be serious.

Those people who will make such commitment with the sole purpose of joining The Club
will probably be greatly disappointed, because the most important things that I had to
teach about forex, I already taught. That which I will be teaching in The Club is not as
important as what I already taught in these public chapters.
As FPA subscriber Andy put it: I think you should put a disclaimer for people that do
decide to join the club. That there are no guarantees that these people will become
successful Forex traders and become millionaires, but will be bound by the
committment for the rest of their lives to give 10%. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but
I think they need to be aware of this situation, since you are not guaranteeing anything
with this club membership.

Suggested Action: Ten percent of your income, to people you don't know, for the rest of
your life, is a lot of money!!! I highly recommend you sleep on this decision for at least
3 nights.

By forming this club, I am not looking for any followers. I am simply looking for like-
minded philanthropic individuals to share trading and investment ideas with. Every
member of the club will have his/her own section where they can write and share
whatever they wish. I will have my own such section, and it will simply be one of many.

Every club has a golden thread of common interest that connects people. The golden
thread of this club is the uniform commitment form in English with the exact same
words that you saw on my commitment form.

I look forward to seeing some of you in The Club. As for others, I hope that these
chapters were worth your time. Please take care of your True Self.

Deadline: If you wish to join the Club, your form must be notarized on or before August
10th, 2010.

UPDATED: Chapter 9 | The Blue Fire Protocol (It Will Help Develop Trading
Intuition) - 06-25-2010, 04:40 PM
In 1978, the US government, under CIA and US military approval, started a project under
a code name: “Stargate”. The purpose of this project was to investigate the reality and
potential military applications of “remote viewing”, which is an ability to predict the
future and an ability to “see” events, sites, and information from great distance. You can
read more about this Stargate Project here: Stargate Project - Wikipedia, the free

The person who was put in charge of this program was US Army Captain Frederick
“Skip” Atwater. He was one of the remote viewers. Here is his picture:
The #1 remote viewer in the program was Joseph McMoneagle. Here is his picture:

The program “Stargate” was discontinued in 1995, but Joe McMoneagle continues to
work for the US government as a subcontractor.

But let’s go back a bit back in history.

From 1915 to 1995, there lived a guy by the name of Robert Monroe. He died in 1995,
which was the same year the US government discontinued this “Stargate” project. One of
the reasons why the project was discontinued the same year Monroe died was because
Robert Monroe was the driving force behind this Stargate Project. He was the one who
was providing training to Skip Atwater, Joe McMoneagle, and some other remote

In fact, Joe McMoneagle eventually married Rob Monroe’s daughter, and Skip Atwater
became the CEO of Rob Monroe’s Institute after his death.

You see, Robert Monroe was an ordinary person and very successful businessman. He
made a lot of money in advertising and was also one of the founders of Jefferson Cable
Corporation, which was the first cable company to cover central Virginia.

When Rob Monroe was 40 years old, a very weird thing started happening to him. When
going to sleep, his body would fall asleep, while his consciousness would stay awake, so
he would experience strong vibrations, and end up outside of his physical body as a
ghost. At first this thing really freaked him out, but eventually he got used to it, and
started going places while out-of-his-body. Robert Monroe wrote several books about it,
and was the guy who popularized the experience, which is now known as OBE (out-of-
body experience).

Here is an old 10-minute TV interview, where Robert Monroe tells his story.
After these out of body experiences, Robert Monroe naturally became interested in
exploring human consciousness. He founded a non-profit organization The Monroe
Institute. This Monroe Institute was the organization that trained the remote viewers in
the Stargate project.

The Monroe Institute has done lots of research into sound technology. By allowing their
subjects to listen to different sound waves, they would observe the brain activity of the
subjects, and eventually develop waves that put their subjects into desired states of
altered consciousness.

They called this technology HemiSync and organized different sound waves into groups,
and started assigning these groups different Focus Levels.

For example Focus 10 is called mind-awake, body-asleep. When listening to these sound
waves, a person’s body has a tendency to fall asleep, while their mind stays awake, and
creates an opportunity for a possible OBE (out of body experience).

Focus 15 is called “beyond time”. When people listen to these sound waves, they lose
track of time. For example, an hour may have passed, while you think that only a few
minutes or seconds passed. Or only few minutes passed, but you feel like you’ve been
“somewhere” for hours. In addition to it, when people get into Focus 15, they start
remembering many things from their childhood. And if the person goes beyond those
childhood memories, “other memories” arise. Robert Monroe and most other people
think that these are memories of past lives.

When you get into Focus 21, you go into a world where you start meeting people that
recently died, but are still “stuck on Earth”. Several experiments were done at the Monroe
Institute, where information was received from these “dead people”, and later research
was done to verify their identity and their actual death.

When you get into Focus 27, you meet dead people that have passed from Earth and are
now at the “waiting zone”.

When you get into Focuses of 35 between 49, you start exploring the mystery of other
energy systems within the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Monroe Institute gives 6-day public programs where participants are allowed to use
the sound waves to go from Focus 10 to eventually Focus 49. Everybody must start with
what they call “Gateway Voyage”, then once you graduate that, you can take few other
programs, then as you graduate let’s say Exploration 27, you are allowed to take
Starlines, which takes you between Focuses of 35 and 49. They build up your
consciousness very slowly, and this is a non-profit organization that’s not driven by
money, so they don’t allow non-qualified people to take higher programs.

I have personally taken some of their programs, and cannot begin to describe the miracles
that occurred there.
There was once this Buddhist monk taking the Gateway Voyage program, and he said:
“This is amazing! With your technology, you get people into states of consciousness that
a monk in Buddhism can only achieve after 10 or 15 years of complete renunciation and
regular daily meditation.”

As far as I know, the Monroe Institute actually has Focus levels that go above 100, but
they only allow the public access to Focus 49 and not much higher. The reason for that is
because they consider other Focus levels as too dangerous for the unprepared.

There was actually a big scandal some time ago, while Robert Monroe was still alive,
because a worker for the institute stole some higher sound wave technology, and
organized one of those “New Age” courses, where people would be able to experience
“altered” states of consciousness. During this course, one of the participants couldn’t be
brought back to life. He was just laying there for many hours, and nobody could wake
him up.

The guy who stole the technology panicked, and called Robert Monroe, asking for help.
Robert Monroe came to the “crime scene”, and with some effort was able to bring the
person back into normal consciousness, so that he could wake up. The thief returned the
stolen technology with sincere apologies.

The Monroe Institute has a website, and you can read about
their programs there. But if you’ve never been at the institute, you only have one program
option, and that’s Gateway Voyage. Only after you graduate from Gateway Voyage, will
you have options for other institute programs.

I have seen and experienced many things in life of spiritual nature, and I can tell you that
the Monroe Institute is probably one of the biggest Spiritual Jewels in the world
today. People come out of those programs completely transformed, with many fears
completely eliminated, and transformed not by some spiritual philosophy, but by real
spiritual experiences of their own.

You say: “Felix, what does this have to do with making money in forex?”

Let me continue with my story, and you will understand…

Skip Atwater left the Stargate Project in 1987, and started working for the Monroe
Institute, and eventually became its CEO. As you can imagine, retiring from the army,
and working for a non-profit organization will not exactly make you rich, but he used his
remote viewing skills to invest into the stock market, and became a millionaire.

After the Stargate Project was over, Joe McMoneagle was hired by a special police unit
in Japan, in order to help them locate missing children. Joe would go into his altered
states of consciousness, and start describing to the police where the child currently is. He
would describe the landscape, et cetera. Then the police would try to figure out where
that could be, and go out there. Joe’s success rate was at around 60%, which means that
in 60% of the cases, the missing child would be found.

In addition to that, Joe McMoneagle wrote a book, called “The Ultimate Time Machine”.
I personally read this book and it’s fascinating. Joe posts there many experiments that he
did together with Robert Monroe. For example, Robert Monroe would write a question
on a piece of paper, and assign a number to it, such as 1564.

Then he would ask Joe: “please tell me what I need to know about target 1564”, and Joe
would go into altered state of consciousness, without any idea what the question is, and
he would start perceiving and seeing things and describing them to Robert Monroe, who
would record what Joe is saying.

In that book, there are many readings about human future, about life on other planets,
about the past, such as how the pyramids were built, or how human race came to be.

Last time I saw Joe McMoneagle was in 2007. And Joe’s stories are even crazier than
mine. One of the first things he started talking about was a new pet in his house.
Apparently some interdimensional lizard took residence in his house. As far as I
understood it had a size of a cat. This lizard walked through walls, appeared and
disappeared at will. It played with Joe’s cat, and both Joe and his wife saw it all the time
with their physical eyes.

Then Joe would say as if it’s not important: “and by the way, everybody thinks that US
dollar is going to sh*t, but according to some of my remote viewings, the UK pound will
go to sh*t in the next couple of years.” At that time UK pound was the strongest
currency. When I met Joe, GBP/USD was at around 2.07 and GBP/JPY was at around
245. And surely, within the next two years, GBP went to sh*t as Joe predicted, and
GBP/USD hit a bottom of around 1.35, while GBP/JPY hit a bottom of around 120.

Do you remember in Chapter 2, I briefly mentioned the Yacht Seminar that I organized in
November of 2007? It was a fund raising event, and many attendants hated it, one guy
saying that he felt like he was at some “witch convention”.

Well, Captain Skip Atwater, who was in charge of the Stargate Project, who is the CEO
of Monroe Institute, and who became a millionaire through investments made by his
“psychic powers” actually spoke at this Yacht Seminar. And another guy, who used to
work for NASA and the department of defense, and who is now running a fund traded by
remote viewers also attended and spoke at this event. This other guy’s name is Marty
Rosenblatt. Here is a 1-minute video excerpt of some of the things these two guys said at
the Yacht Event.

Let me explain to you how Marty Rosenblatt uses remote viewing to manage his fund.

He has a website with a database of more than 1,000 picture pairs. A picture pair gets
assigned to a remote viewer. One picture is “buy”, while the other picture is “sell”. The
remote viewer does not know which one is which, and does not see the pictures. He only
gets the number of the pair.

Then Marty asks this remote viewer a simple question: “Describe the picture from this
pair that you are looking at tomorrow.” The remote viewer makes a description of the
picture. Then Marty takes this description, looks at both of those pictures, and tries to
figure out which picture the remote viewer described.

Then after he identifies the picture, he looks whether “buy” or “sell” was assigned to that
picture. So he either buys or sells, and sets the same stop/loss and take/profit targets.

The next day, the trade closes for either profit or loss, and he takes the picture, which
would yield a profit, and sends it to a remote viewer to look at it.

So basically the remote viewer is certain that tomorrow he’ll see a picture, which yielded
a profitable trade, so he tries to “remote view” that picture today. He’ll never physically
see the picture that actually lost money.

Let me give you an example. One time, I was doing a test remote viewing for Marty
Rosenblatt. Here is what I wrote in my remote viewing description: “water, man with
raised hand, freedom, looks like Monroe Institute insignia…” Marty Rosenblatt opened
two of his pictures. One of them was a picture of a snake, and the other was a picture of
Statute of Liberty. Which one do you think my description matched better? Of course
picture of statute of Liberty, because it’s surrounded by water, signifies freedom, and the
woman has her right arm raised. The insignia of Monroe Institute portrays a man with his
left arm raised, which is very similar.

Marty Rosenblatt told me that this is one of the clearest remote viewings anyone has ever
done for him, and asked me more than once to join the team of his remote viewers to
trade the fund, but I refused, because remote viewing takes too much mental and
emotional energy, plus there are too many other factors involved.

For example, Skip Atwater was also there when I did this remote viewing with snake and
statute of liberty, and he scolded Marty. He told him: “you should never put images of
snakes in your database, because most people are afraid of snakes, and because of this
fear, they will always see the other image.”

Similarly if the person is afraid of success, he will keep seeing the other picture that
always brings a loss. In addition to it, my experience suggests that future is never certain.
It simply takes into consideration all the facts that are available in the plasmic field, and
gives out the most likely scenario, but there is such a thing as free will and future changes
all the time. That’s what I mean by “other factors involved.”

So basically, this remote viewing day trading that Marty Rosenblatt does is successful.
They have 60% winners and 40% losers, so overall their fund is profitable. But similar
results can be reached in trading by following very simple logical strategies. Remote
viewing takes too much mental and emotional energy, and it’s very time consuming to
prepare your consciousness in order to actually do an effective viewing.

The way Skip Atwater became a millionaire was much simpler. There was this TV
program that he liked watching every night. Watching this program became a habit, and
he had the option of turning on “running stock quotes” at the bottom of this program.
This way even though he is watching the TV program, and consciously is not looking at
the quotes, his subconscious mind is very much aware of what’s going on with the

So Skip promised himself to watch this program every day, for the next few years. This
way, it’s a certainty that few years from now, he will be watching the same program with
the same stock quotes running at the bottom. He made an intention for his subconscious
mind to “notify him” of any profitable investment opportunities. So for example, if XYZ
stock is at $40 per share today, and it’s $120 per share one year from now, his
subconscious mind will send him information from the future into the present, and he
would invest in that stock.

So once in a while he would have these certain intuitive hunches of when to buy certain
stocks and when to sell them, and he followed those intuitive hunches and that’s how he
became a millionaire through investing into stocks.

This is a much easier way to do it than the day trading remote viewing that Marty is
doing with his group.

So let me ask you a simple question. Can you do something similar to what Skip did?
Probably not, because your intuition is not as developed, and you do not know how to
trust it as much as he does.

This is why I wish to teach you something called “The Blue Fire Protocol”.

This protocol was taught to me by the “wise man”, whom I mentioned in “the Final
Chapter | Bags And Boxes Of Venomous Snakes”. Please read that chapter before
proceeding with learning The Blue Fire Protocol.

Do you remember in the Final Chapter I talked about the blue energy center behind the
forehead, which is located at around the same area where the pineal gland is? When that
energy center is active, a clairvoyant can literally see “blue fire” burning inside of
person’s head. That “blue fire” is the center of what we call intuition.

This blue fire has direct relationship with the physical pineal gland. Here is what
Wikipedia Encyclopedia says: “The human pineal gland grows in size until about 1-2
years of age, remaining stable thereafter, although its weight increases gradually from
puberty onwards. Calcification of pineal gland is typical in adults.”

This perhaps explains why children are a lot more intuitive than adults.
If your pineal gland is calcified, there is almost no blue fire, and almost no intuition. We
must start decalcifying the pineal gland.

The best way I know to start decalcifying the pineal gland is by regularly looking directly
at the Sun during the first 30 minutes of Sunrise, and during the last 30 minutes of

In fact, there is a guy I know, whose name is Hira Ratan Manek (HRM). Here is his

HRM owns a website, where he teaches Sun Gazing. Many

people cured incurable diseases through simply Sun Gazing.

I invited this HRM guy to speak at the Yacht Seminar in 2007, along with Skip and
Marty, but he couldn’t come, because he had other conflicting plans during the day of the

The fascinating thing about HRM is that he has been doing Sun gazing for so long that
his body learned how to live on Sun light and water, without any in-take of food.
Between 2000-2001, HRM went through 411 days of fasting. He only did sun gazing and
drank water. This fast was observed by a team of 21 doctors in India, and was led by
doctor Sudhir Shah, the acting President of the Indian Medical Association. Dr Shah later
won an award for his synopsis of this experiment.
According to HRM, one of the things the doctors observed was that he had a pineal gland

that was significantly larger than most people’s, and it wasn’t calcified
This proves that decalcification and reactivation of pineal gland can be done through
looking at the Sun, but only during the first 30 minutes of Sunrise and last 30 minutes of
Sunset, otherwise according to HRM, the Sun is too strong, and can damage our eyes.

Many of us live in places obstructed by buildings and mountains, so we cannot see the
Sunrises and Sunsets. In addition to that, often times the weather is bad, so we again
cannot see the Sun. Plus trying to catch the first 30 minutes of Sunrise and last 30
minutes of Sunset can be quite inconvenient time-wise.

There is another way to start restoring our pineal glands, and that’s through gazing at the
flame of a burning candle. It’s not nearly as effective as the Sun, but it’s still effective,
especially if it’s done regularly. Gazing for 4-minutes at a burning candle flame is part of
my 2-hour white bamboo meditation practice that I mentioned in the Final Chapter.

Do you remember we talked about plasma and the plasmic field in the Final Chapter?
Few years ago, I read on a NASA website that both Sun light and flame of a candle have
very high concentration of plasma. So gazing at the burning candle regularly will actually
start attuning your consciousness to the plasmic field.

So here is how The Blue Fire Protocol should be practiced.

1. Face the direction where the Sun rises. Sit in a lotus position with your left leg on top
of your right leg. Interlace your fingers, so that the left thumb is on top of your right
thumb. Here is a picture of a person in such position:
2. Put a candle in front of you and light it.
3. Close your eyes, breath in for a count of 10, hold your breath for a count of 40.
4. Breath out, do 3 recovery breaths.
5. Breath in for a count of 15, hold your breath for a count of 60.
6. Breath out, do 3 recovery breaths.
7. Breath in for a count of 20, hold your breath for a count of 80.
8. Breath out, do 3 recovery breaths.
9. Breath in for a count of 25, hold your breath for a count of 100.
10. Breath out, and do as many recovery breaths as you like.
11. Open your eyes and gaze without blinking at the burning candle for 4 minutes, while
doing normal breathing.

The Blue Fire Protocol should be practiced 5 days per week (no more). One session of
Blue Fire Protocol constitutes of 100 practices (20 weeks). This protocol builds on
regular practice, which generates momentum. If you skip one day of the Blue Fire
Protocol, you must add one more week to the practice.

So if in 20 weeks, instead of 100 practices, you did only 97, because in one week you did
only 4 practices, and in another week you did only 3 practices, then you must do 3 more
weeks of 5 practices each, in order to complete the session.

After one complete 20-week session of the Blue Fire Protocol, you will have some
improvement in your intuition. If you like what you see, you can do one more session of
this protocol. As long as the results of the Blue Fire Protocol satisfy you, continue
practicing it, one session after another.

Here is a video of me practicing The Blue Fire Protocol.

Click to view
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As you can see, I am using a guitar metronome set at 60 beats per minute, in order to
keep track of the number of seconds I keep my breath, and I also use countdown clock, in
order to track 4-minutes of gazing at the candle flame. You do not need to use the
metronome, you can simply use a clock, in order to time the breath holds.

You already understand why we gaze at the candle for 4-minutes. Let me explain to you
why we do some of the other things in the Blue Fire Protocol.

Lotus Position
When you sit in lotus position with your left leg on top of your right leg and with your
fingers interlaced in a way that your left thumb is on top of your right thumb, you create
an energetic circuit in your body, where the right hemisphere of your brain becomes
dominant over the left hemisphere of your brain. Please remember that intuition is a
right-brained activity.

When I practice white bamboo meditation, I sit in lotus position for more than 1 hour.
You see, our blood carries life force. When we sit in lotus position for prolonged periods
of time, the legs become numb, and the blood life force withdraws from the legs and goes
up into the torso and into the head. As a result, the body and the head become much
hotter. I feel this "hotness" all the time during my meditation, and you will too. In white
bamboo, we use this increased life force in the head and the body, in order to activate the
crystal skull, the baby blue cross, and the golden pyramid. I discussed those figures in the
Final Chapter. Without lotus position, many states of consciousness are much more
difficult to achieve.

If you cannot sit in lotus position, this means that you do not have flexibility in either
your hips or your knees. If you don’t have enough flexibility in those areas, it means that
the energetic vortexes in your hips and knees are congested.

We use our legs to move us forward physically. If our legs are congested in the hips or
knees, it has adverse effect on our consciousness. We become less focused, less
disciplined, more lazy, and we develop a tendency to procrastinate.

Find on the internet stretches that will allow you to eventually get into lotus position.
Once you open up your hips and knees, and can sit in full lotus for at least 10 minutes,
only then start practicing the Blue Fire Protocol.

Breathing and Holding of Breath

Human body is like a safe with 4 combination rollers. Each roller starts with zero and
goes up to infinity. If the combination to a safe is 24-4-17-9, and you miss one number,
the safe won’t open. Breathing in is the first roller. Holding the breath is the second
roller. Breathing out is the third roller. Holding the breath without air is the fourth roller.
So when you breath-in for a count of 10 and hold for a count of 40, the combination for
that particular breathing pattern is 10-40-0-0. The two zeroes are at the end, because we
are not using the breathing out roller and the holding of breath without air roller.

Certain mysteries of human consciousness can be unlocked by certain combinations of

breath. A teacher can say: “do 10-6-12-4” breathing combination for 20 breaths, then do
“15-11-20-10” breathing combination for 30 more breaths, then do XYZ combination for
XYZ more breaths. Repeat the process upon awakening XYZ days per week for XYZ
number of Sun cycles (years), and you will unlock XYZ mystery.

The breathing pattern in the Blue Fire Protocol is one of the combinations for unlocking
certain intuitive patterns of our consciousness. The White Bamboo Meditation is
basically a breathing pattern as well, except the breathing pattern of Blue Fire Protocol
takes only few minutes to complete, while the breathing pattern of White Bamboo
meditation protocol takes around 2 hours to complete.

From purely physiological stand-point, the breathing in and the holding of breath in the
Blue Fire Protocol, will activate your heart energy center and relax your brain.

Our lungs are located in the area of our heart energy center, so when we breath in and
hold the breath in our lungs for extended periods of time, the heart energy center becomes
activated. Intuition requires certain level of sensitivity, and this sensitivity becomes
possible from activated heart.

When holding your breath during the Blue Fire Protocol, you will notice your mind
panicking, and throwing up a bunch of negative thoughts that will make it more difficult
for you to continue with the breath-hold. It will be a war between many of your negative
thoughts and your will to continue holding the breath. This breath hold (especially the 20-
80-0-0 and 25-100-0-0) will be acting as fire that will be burning certain energetic
patterns in your body that generate panicking and negative thoughts. After a while of
practicing this protocol, you will notice your mind has much fewer negative thoughts.

When holding your breath, please remember that current human record of breath-hold for
men is 11 minutes and 35 seconds, and for women 8 minutes and 23 seconds.

Holding your breath for 80 or 100 seconds will not kill you. The biggest oxygen eater is
your brain activity, so as you hold your breath, make the intention of relaxing your brain.
This relaxation that comes as a cause of breath-hold is also extremely important for you
to become more intuitive.

Not Blinking
While gazing at the candle, make an intention not to blink for the entire 4-minutes. I
learned not to blink, and you can too. We can relax our brain through the activity of our
eyes. If we are able to gaze at the flame of a candle without blinking for 4-minutes, it
means that our brain reached a certain level of relaxation, which is very important for

I practice the Blue Fire Protocol upon awakening, before doing my White Bamboo
Meditation. It’s kind of a warm-up for me. I recommend you do it upon awakening as
well, because it is good to relax your brain and activate your heart right upon awakening,
and this protocol will certainly do both. Your entire day will unfold completely
differently when your brain is relaxed and your heart is open.

In addition to that, you will notice that after holding your breath, sometimes you breath
out, and the air smells toxic. This protocol is very purifying, and very good for your

Suggested Action: Practice the Blue Fire Protocol for at least one session, and I believe
you will notice great improvement in your trading.
You know, the wise man who gave me this protocol is more than 1,800 years old. I talk
about it in the Final Chapter.

In the 19th century, this wise man communicated with an astronomer whose name was
Swami Sri Yukteswar, and gave him certain astronomical concepts. In 1894, Sri
Yukteswar wrote a book about some of these astronomical concepts, and called it The
Holy Science. Here is a Wikipedia link about the book: The Holy Science - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia

In the translation of this book to English, it states: the Sun “takes some star for its dual
and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth – a celestial phenomenon which
causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac.”

This movement of the Sun greatly affects our consciousness, and breaks our
consciousness activity into 4 periods. The first period lasts 1,200 years, the second 2,400
years, the third 3,600 years, and the fourth 4,800 years. If you add these numbers, you get
12,000 years. There are two such cycles in the 24,000 cycle, one ascending, and one

According to Sri Yukteswar, the year 1699 started the second 2,400-year ascending
cycle. There is a big difference in human consciousness before 1699 and after 1699. We
are currently ascending, and this cycle will continue for a very long time, so every new
day is “brighter”.

There is a former attorney from India, whose name is Swami Satyeswarananda. Between
1976 and 1982, he actually lived with the same wise man that’s teaching me for more
than 6 years. He describes some of his experiences here: Mahamuni Babaji

This attorney wrote a biography on Sri Yukteswar (the guy who wrote Holy Science in
1894). According to this biography, several universities recently confirmed and accepted
this 24,000-year cycle.

In addition to these four stages of consciousness of 1200/2400/3600/4800, there are also

4 seasons that last 6,000 years each. We are on the very brink of one season’s end, and
the beginning of new season. The 6,000 season that’s about to end is equivalent to winter,
and the new season that will soon start is equivalent to spring. The transition from one
season into another will be bumpy, but the end result of our consciousness shift will be

So the true suggested action is to continue to enjoy life. The world as we know it will

eventually end, but only to offer a beginning to a much “Sunnier” new world

Your Comments: after posting The Final Chapter, to my sincere surprise many people
left posts asking about the white bamboo meditation. I wish to post an answer to those
people’s questions:
“The wise man told me that I can teach the White Bamboo meditation to 7 groups of 7
people, so 49 people total. In addition to that, I can refer to these 49 people 10 more
groups of 25, so 250 more people, so that these 49 could teach the other 250. So
altogether, including me, it would be 300 people that I am personally responsible for.
Obviously once you learn the White Bamboo Meditation, it’s yours, and you can do
whatever your heart tells you to do with it, and teach whomever your heart is open to
teach. Whoever you teach will be mixing their energies with you not me.

It takes 100 weeks to just learn this practice, and that’s assuming that you practice it 5
days per week, without skipping a day. For every skipped day, one week is added to those
100 weeks. The practice starts with approximately 4 minutes, and builds over the 100-
week period to approximately 2-hours.

Currently I am already teaching 7 people, but every single one of them is a friend. One of
these friends is a very famous spiritual leader in Russia. He writes books, gets
interviewed by newspapers, TV programs, radio shows, et cetera. Millions of people
know him. After I started teaching him this practice, he compared me to a lit candle
that’s hiding under a table. He asked me why I refuse to teach this practice to the
masses. I answered to him that if I taught this practice to the masses, I would very
quickly get sick and die.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you talk to somebody, and after the conversation
you feel inspired? But then you talk to another person, and feel like crap? This is
because we are energetic beings and constantly exchange energies with one another. As
you are reading these words right now, there is an energetic exchange that’s happening
between us, but the exchange is very little.

Let’s say I practice White Bamboo Meditation that has many very specific breathing
patterns. Let’s say you learn this meditation from me, and do the exact same breathing
patterns. The energetic exchange that happens is very strong. You literally swim in my
energy, and I swim in your energy. It’s similar to an energetic exchange of two people
having sex.

I’ll give you an example. One of the guys whom I started teaching White Bamboo did not
have very good health. He had some big problems with his lungs, and at one point of his
life got chemotherapy. In addition to that, as far as I know, he used to smoke, drink, and
use drugs. The very first day, he started practicing White Bamboo, I collapsed with very
high fever and severe cough. For about 10 days, I felt like crap, had high temperature,
coughed very strongly, and was throwing up, sometimes with food, other times with just
mucus. After a while, I recovered, but the cough persisted for longer than a month. This
happened, because we started swimming in each other’s energy through this practice,
and he reported that his health and life greatly improved.

Some of you will ask why I started teaching someone who is so sick. It’s quite simple,
God opened my heart towards it. Plus, he could easily sit in lotus position for at least 4-
minutes, which is one of the requirements for starting white bamboo. I told him that if he
starts, he must go all the way, meaning learn the practice from the beginning to the end.
He made such commitment, and his word means a lot to him.

So for those who asked to learn White Bamboo from me, I don’t mind teaching you, and I
still have quite a few spaces. I don’t charge any money, and work with people one-on-
one only.

First complete one 20-week session of the Blue Fire Protocol. This will show that you
can sit in lotus position and have sufficient will and discipline to start practicing White

Then mail me your picture in proper lotus position with a letter acknowledging the
completion of one 20-week session of the Blue Fire Protocol and explanation of why you
want to learn White Bamboo meditation. Include your email address on the letter.

You can mail me such letter to:

Felix Homogratus
1626 N. Wilcox Ave.#241
Hollywood, CA 90028

That’s all I have to say about that

Update Monday, July 12th, 2010

After writing this chapter, I asked both Skip Atwater and Marty Rosenblatt to read it, and
tell me if I made any mistakes.

Corrections from Skip

According to Skip, the story about some guy stealing their technology and organizing a
course where one of the participants couldn’t be brought back to life is false. Skip said
that there was no such case.

In addition to that, Skip said that claims about Monroe Institute having focus levels above
49 is nonsense. He said that the highest focus level is 49, and it’s being shared with the
public in their program Starlines.

Please forgive me about these two mistakes. I heard both of these stories from other
people while attending the Monroe Institute workshops, but I guess these two stories are
nothing but urban legends.

Feedback from Marty

After reading this chapter, Marty Rosenblatt wrote me the following email:

“Hey Felix - I finally had time (after a World Cup Webinar) to take a quick look at
Chapter 9 and what you wrote about the way I do the ARV investing. Frankly, I did not
like it very much because it missed a key point that ARV is, in fact, an excellent way to
increase one's consciousness and realization that we are indeed strongly connected to
every thing - all that is. I do agree that ARV is currently not the way to invest, if money is
the primary objective. Time will tell if I will be able to put together an approach where
strong success rates of well over 60% (my objective is 80%) are combined with spiritual
growth/transformation. Gotta go, my grandson - sleep over - is calling me :-) - Marty”

In addition to that, I got the following chart from Marty, reflecting the statistics of his
remote viewing club.

As you can see his club was at around 60% twice. At approximately 180 trades, he had
around 108 winners and around 72 losers, so 60% Winners to Losers ratio. Then at
around 410 trades, he had around 245 winners and 165 losers, again around 60% Winners
to Losers ratio. (please remember that they make equal amount on a winner as they lose
on a loser).

As you can see, they just hit 1,000 trades mark, and have around 530 winners and 470
losers, so overall 53% win to loss ratio.

If this type of thing is of interest to you, Skip and Marty offer a program through the
Monroe Institute, where they teach people how to use remote viewing skills for
investment purposes. Here is the link:
About the Intuitive Investing Workshop | Intuitive Investing Workshop

Question from Kamuta

If you read responses from people to this chapter, you will find one from Kamuta, where
he says that he used his intuitive abilities to trade a forex demo account, and he made a
profit in excess of $10 million, but when he tried using his intuitive abilities to trade an
account with real money, he started losing money. Kamuta asked me to share my opinion
of why such thing happens? After all, the prices on most forex demo accounts are exactly
the same as prices on most forex real accounts.

In order to answer this question, we must dive into some of the mysteries of the human

According to the wise man, human beings are creatures that can think, feel, and act. Our
thoughts have some control over our feelings and our feelings have some control over our

Just imagine that you are driving on a street, and somebody cuts you off. You might
become angry, and this anger may cause you to yell and honk. On the other hand, if you
experience anger, and then think that this guy is simply having a bad day, this thought
can change the feeling of anger into a feeling of compassion.

But this is not so important…

What’s important is that we as humans have access to three different pools of

consciousness. First pool of consciousness can be called “Survival Body”. Second pool of
consciousness can be called “White Body”. Third pool of consciousness can be called
“Super Body”.

The Survival Body

The primary program of the “Survival Body” is Survive! Its center for thoughts is located
at our throat area. Its center for feelings is located in our solar plexus area. Its center for
actions is located in our sexual area.

I think we all have experienced a knot in our throat when we felt jealous of somebody. I
also think we all have experienced a pressure in our solar plexus when we felt angry at
somebody. And most likely we all have experienced a funny feeling in our sexual area in
times of fear. Some people even piss their pants when they are scared.

When the energy center at the throat area is in-balance, our analytical mind works very
well, which allows us to think and express ourselves very clearly and logically.

When this energy center is out-of-balance, we develop a desire to control situations,

things, and people around us. We also become scared of losing such control.

When the energy center at the solar plexus area is in-balance, we naturally become very
respectful towards other beings’ space, and when other beings’ space gets unjustly
violated, we have the courage to speak and act against it.

When the energy center at the solar plexus area is out-of-balance, we develop a desire to
violate space of other beings. In addition to that, we develop fear of not being liked by
other people, so we turn into cowards that are afraid to act and voice our own opinions.

When the energy center at the sexual area is in-balance, our instincts to survive and
procreate work very naturally.

When the energy center at the sexual area is out-of-balance, we develop very unnatural
ambitions of paranoid self-preservation. We become greedy and develop all kinds of
survival-based paranoid fears, such as a fear of being homeless, a fear to become
handicapped, a fear of being killed, et cetera. This paranoid greed and unjustified fears
often push us to perform wicked actions, and in turn these wicked actions make us feel
bad, undeserving, and guilty.

White Bamboo is broken down into 5 parts. First part consists of physical and breathing
exercises, and its purpose is to bring the Survival Body into balance.

The White Body

The primary program of the “White Body” is Serve! Its center for thoughts is located at
the pineal gland area (inside of head), and this center emanates blue light. Its center for
feelings is located at the thymus gland area (inside of chest), and this center emanates
green light. Its center for actions is located at the 29th vertebrae of the spine, and this
center emanates red light. When you combine blue, green, and red light, you get pure
white light. This is why it’s called the “White Body”. See image below:
The “White Body” is a bit more complex than the “Survival Body”. But let me mention
just a couple of things about it.

The blue light is responsible for our ability to access the plasmic field. Access to this
plasmic field is what we call intuition. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the
calcification of the pineal gland causes deactivation of this energy center, and vice versa.

The green light at the thymus gland area is responsible for our feeling of compassion. The
more activated this center is, the more compassionate the person is. This energetic center
is also directly inter-related with the thymus gland itself. Here is what Wikipedia
Encyclopedia says about thymus: “Involution of the thymus has been linked to loss of
immune function in the elderly, susceptibility to infection and to cancer.”

The Super Body

The primary program of the “Super Body” is Let Go! Its center for thoughts is located on
top of the head in the form of the “crystal skull”. Its center for feelings is located in the
center of the head in the form of the “baby blue cross”. Its center for actions is located in
the stomach area in the form of the “golden pyramid”.

I am not going to talk about the “super body” in this chapter, because I talked in great
detail about it in the Final Chapter.

The “survival body”, the “white body”, and the “super body” are very heavily inter-
connected. They are not really “bodies”, but I call them that for a lack of a better word.

Let me give you just two examples of their inter-connectedness…

The sexual energy of the survival body carries the red energy of the white body up the
spine to the center with the blue energy. The red energy and the blue energy combine at
the pineal gland center, and from this combination a different energy is born of magenta
color. This energy of magenta color has the highest vibration of all other energies, and it
travels up to the “crystal skull” area.

Let’s say the sexual center of your survival body is out-of-balance, so you are led on a
path of perversion and you decide to have anal sex with a male or a female. Anus is
directly connected to the red energy of the white body, while penis is directly connected
to the sexual energy of the survival body.

During the very unnatural act of anal sex, the sexual energy of the “giver” becomes
greatly disturbed, and the red “kundalini” energy of the “receiver” becomes greatly
disturbed, so in both of their bodies, the red-blue flow and the production of the “highest
vibration” magenta energy become compromised. Disturbance of this flow causes many
physical, emotional, and mental problems.

For the most part, females naturally have more blue energy and less red energy in their
bodies, and males naturally have more red energy and less blue energy in their bodies. So
when the energetic flow mentioned above is disturbed, females become lazier and males
become more hyper. In both cases, it becomes much more difficult to stay focused.
(Please note that there are some exceptions to this rule. Some males have more blue than
red, and some females have more red than blue).

I hope you can see through this example the inter-connectedness of the “survival body”,
“the white body”, and “the super body”.

On March 20th, 2009, I was doing the white bamboo meditation on top of a “Meditation
Mount” in Ojai, California. The website of this Mount is

In the 5th part (last 20 minutes) of white bamboo meditation, there are two different
breathing techniques that we do. One is designed to activate the center between the
eyebrows. The center between the eyebrows looks like a golden ring with a baby blue
field inside of it, and in the center of this baby blue field there is a star of magenta color.

The golden ring is directly connected to the golden pyramid, the baby blue field is
directly connected to the baby blue cross, and the magenta star is directly connected to
the crystal skull. So by simply focusing on the center between the eyebrows, one can
activate and harmonize all three of those figures in the body.

But in addition to this breath, there is also a different breath in the 5th part of white
bamboo, which focuses on the center of the baby blue cross.

So, while practicing 5th part of white bamboo, I was doing a particular breathing pattern
and was vibrating the center of the baby blue cross in a particular way. All of a sudden,
my consciousness entered the center of the cross, and I experienced a sensation of great
emptiness. The only thing I could perceive in this emptiness was a small ball of darker
blue color. This ball was suspended in the area where the pineal gland is supposed to be.

I entered this ball with my consciousness, and all of a sudden this “emptiness” changed
into vast black space with many lights and stars in it. I could travel with my
consciousness into any star, any planet, and any being on that planet. I could experience
what they experience without disturbing them and without them knowing my presence.

Before this experience, I was always puzzled on how it was possible for ancient yogis of
India to come up with maps of the Universe that only now our science is verifying with
modern technology. After this experience, it made sense to me…you can know many
things about the outside world by simply entering the inside world…

I hope you can see through this example that even though the baby blue cross belongs to
the “super body”, somehow it’s connected to the “blue center”, which belongs to the
“white body”.

Going Back to Kamuta’s Question

So now that we have some form of foundation established, let’s go back to the question
by Kamuta, and try to figure out why he easily made more than $10 million on his forex
demo account by using his intuition, but as soon as he tried to do it on the real forex
account, his intuition “turned its back” on him.

Even though we have established the inter-connectedness between the “survival body”,
the “white body”, and the “super body”, it’s important to remember that these “bodies”
are still very different “pools of consciousness”. Three rivers may all be flowing into the
same lake, but they are still three very separate and very different rivers.

Money belongs to the survival river of consciousness. Intuition belongs to a very

different river.

The minute you develop desire for acquiring more money, your consciousness shifts into
the “survival body”, and your thoughts no longer come from the “blue fire center” in the
head, but they come from the analytical mind at the throat center.

Let’s go back to the Skip Atwater case study. What was he doing? He established his
focus to receive winning stock trading advice from the plasmic field, but even though he
established this focus and was staying in that focus daily, he wasn’t looking for stock
trading opportunities. He was open to them, but he wasn’t looking for them.

It is one thing to receive intuitive information unexpectedly, and it’s a completely

different thing to be looking for intuitive information with an expectation.

Marty Rosenblatt, on the other hand, has a very different situation. He has a fund, where
every remote viewer for the fund is invested in it. Whether they like it or not, but they all
have a desire to make money with the fund, and every remote viewing they do has an
expectation for result attached to it. This automatically shifts the consciousness of the
remote viewers into their survival bodies, and because the information no longer comes
from the plasmic field, they are barely making it.

More On Blue Fire Protocol

So when you sit in the lotus position while practicing the blue fire protocol, you end up
sitting right on the 29th vertebrae, plus through lotus you end up creating a very
particular energetic pattern in your body, so the red kundalini energy center becomes

As I talked earlier in this chapter, as you hold the breath, the green energy center in your
chest also becomes activated.

As you look at the candle, the blue energy center at your pineal gland becomes activated
as well.

So through the regular practice of the blue fire protocol, you little-by-little shift your
consciousness from the survival body into the white body, and thus are creating a very
favorable environment for receiving information from the plasmic field.

Most of you will feel very different right after the practice of Blue Fire Protocol. Well,

that’s what it feels like when some of your consciousness is in the “White Body”

My Personal Plasmic Field Examples

I wish to share with you 6 personal examples of receiving information from the plasmic
field, so that you more or less know what to expect.

At one point of my life, I was attending a course at the Monroe Institute, which is called
Lifeline. While listening to their sound waves, I had a vision of a very short man. This
man and I were walking around a house with many rooms, and he was sharing different
things with me. At that time, GBP/JPY was at around 240.00. At one point, this short
man told me that there is a 90% chance that GBP/JPY will drop to around 190, a 70%
chance that it will drop to around 170, a 50% chance that it will drop to around 150, and
20% chance that it will drop to around 120.

After I came back from the Monroe Institute, my heart became open to sharing these
predictions with a friend of mine who manages a forex hedge fund. This friend of mine
had a partner in the fund. This partner is the grandson of the president of Coca Cola

These guys went short on GBP/JPY at around 240 with a significant amount of capital.
At one point, while the GBP/JPY already hit the rock bottom and bounced back to around
135, this friend asked me whether they should continue to hold the position. I
recommended that they exit this position, so they did.
Overall, these guys made a lot of money on this position, and this friend of mine wanted
to thank me for the advice, so he invited me to spend some time with him at a resort in
Oregon. I accepted his invitation, so he asked me whether I would like to be picked up by
a private jet or whether I prefer for him to buy me regular airplane tickets. I told him that
I prefer the option that would be cheapest for him, so he bought me regular airplane
tickets. I will continue this story in the example#3…

Do you remember how the guide predicted that there was 20% chance of GBP/JPY
hitting 120? A plasmic field percentage of 20% simply means that there is a 20% more
chance of something occurring than not occurring. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you throw a coin, and with each throw you have a 50/50 chance of it being
either heads or tails. Let’s say you get information from the plasmic field guide who will
tell you that there is 20% chance of heads being hit next. This does not mean that it’s
20% chance heads, and 80% chance tails. This simply means that there is a 20% higher
chance of it being heads than tails… I hope it’s clear…

At one point of my life, I was holding a long position on GBP/JPY. I was sleeping, and
had an alarm set up to wake me up at around 5:00 am Los Angeles Time, in order to trade
an economic report out of US, which was coming out at 5:30 am LA Time.

I ended up waking up before the alarm went off, but I was extremely tired. Regardless of
this tiredness, I still got out of bed, and went to my computer. I opened an economic
calendar, and saw that the actual number for the report was already there. I looked at the
clock on my computer, and saw that it was before 5:30 am.

This mismatch of information told me that I accidentally slipped out of my physical body
and was in the astral world. So I went back to my body, and tried to wake up again. The
same thing happened. Because I was so tired, as I was trying to lift my body out of bed, I
again slipped out of my body. I tried to wake up again and again with absolutely no luck.
Inside I even felt a feeling of desperation that quite possibly I will never be able to wake
up in my physical body again…

Then I thought to myself that perhaps I must receive a message from someone in the
astral world, and that’s why I am not being allowed to leave it.

As soon as I thought that, a short Asian-looking guy appeared with a chart of GBP/JPY. I
saw the chart dropping very rapidly from around 240s to around 218.

Once I saw the chart, I internally thanked this guide, and was able to wake up in my
physical body.

Upon awakening, I went to my Diamonds Trading room (at that time I was running service, but I no longer run it). I exited all of my GBP/JPY long
positions, and told around 300 people that were in my Diamonds rooms that they should
exit all GBP/JPY long positions, because I had a dream that it would go down. I urged
them not to Short GBP/JPY, because it would be too risky, but I asked them to terminate
all Long GBP/JPY positions.

Within a matter of hours, GBP/JPY started dropping like a rock, and within a period of
approximately 36 hours, it dropped by around 2,500 pips. This was the move that started
the meltdown of the carry trades. It was the very first major move.

I think some of the people that were in the Diamonds room at the time remember that
8:30 am New York Time US release, and they can testify to me telling them about some
dream and urging them to exit all GBP/JPY long positions.

Our forum member Sir Pipsalot acted very smart on that move. He made a bunch of
money on the GBP/JPY short, and then he called me and asked me where the bottom was
of this move in my vision. I told him that it was at around 218, so he went long at around
that level, and made money by riding this pair up. Eventually GBP/JPY fully recovered
from this drop and hit 240s again.

At one point of my life, I was visiting Big Island, Hawaii. One morning, I woke up with a
very loud noise in my ears, as if someone was talking on the radio. Just imagine having a
radio, tuning it to a talk station, turning up its volume, and plugging it into the electricity.
You would go from complete silence, into this really loud voice of someone talking,

This is exactly what I experienced. Imagine waking up and hearing this sudden super
loud talk, then slowly turning down the volume to zero, until you hear nothing.

In addition to this noise, I saw gold price chart. On this chart, I saw gold dropping from
around 850 to around 650, and then going up to around 1,600.

I came out of my room, and was hanging out with my friend who trades futures. He told
me about certain global crisis, where all countries were bringing down their interest rates
simultaneously, and all that. I told him that it’s very interesting information, because I
just had a vision that gold would drop to around 650 and then go up to around 1,600. He
said that considering the uncertainty in the world, gold has only one way to go and it’s
up, it couldn’t possibly go down, given the circumstances.

I watched gold drop to around 651, and I watched it go up from that level on.

Now, let’s go back to the story of my forex hedge fund friend who invited me to a resort
in Oregon, after I gave him a very successful GBP/JPY prediction.

While we were sitting in the hot Jacuzzi tub on our room’s balcony, he asked me what
kind of financial instruments I was currently holding. My heart became open to sharing
with him my vision about gold, so I did. As far as I remember, at that time, gold was
already at around 870 or 900, or something like that.

At one point of my life, while still holding gold, I was sitting in front of a fireplace in my
friend’s house Tarmo Urb. Do you remember the guy whose song I shared with you in
the Final Chapter? Also do you remember the song from Chapter 7 about the angel and
the money concept? Well, Tarmo Urb is the guy who sings both of those songs.

So while I was hanging around his house, I was looking at the fire in his fireplace. I was
in a completely absent-minded state, simply looking at the fire in his fireplace. Seemingly
out of nowhere a vision and the sense of knowing came to me that I should liquidate my
gold and buy New Zealand dollars instead.

The next day, I looked at the charts, and saw that gold was at around 920 or 940, or
something like that, and NZD/USD was at around 40-some-cents.

So I sold gold and bought with most of my money New Zealand dollars. I thought
whether I should tell my forex hedge-fund friend about my move, but my heart was
closed towards telling him, so I said nothing to him.

Eventually, I found out that this friend lost a lot of money on gold. Apparently he thought
that as soon as gold breaks 1,000, it would very quickly hit 1,600, so as soon as gold
broke 1,000, he overleveraged, and bought gold options.

As you remember, gold made a sudden move down after breaking 1,000, and stayed
under 1,000 for a while. So this guy lost a lot of money.

On the morning of November 6th, 2009, I was having a very clear dream, which is very
rare for me. I normally don’t remember having dreams when I wake up.

In this dream, I was one of the passengers in the airplane. Then either me or someone else
on the airplane (I don’t remember already) took out a shotgun, and shot a hole through
the top of the airplane.

Because of this hole in the ceiling, the airplane started losing altitude very rapidly, but it
had a very soft and safe landing on the water, so all of the passengers survived.

When I woke up from this dream, I realized that it was the first Friday of the month, and
the time was around 5:10 am Los Angeles Time. This means that at 5:30 am, the US
Non-Farm Payroll was supposed to be released.

I wasn’t planning to trade it, but since I was already awake, I turned on my computer,
loaded my trading account, and ended up trading the EUR/JPY on this report.
EUR/JPY went down on this report, and I ended up losing money on my first trade, but
then as the day unfolded and I observed the price was consolidating at around 133.30, I
remembered my dream about the airplane having a safe landing and all passengers
(people who were buying) being safe, so I placed a “Long” trade at around 133.35 with a
stop/loss at around 132.90, and a take/profit at around 133.90. I ended up making a profit
on this trade, and the profit was significantly bigger than my initial loss.

Call it simply a coincidence or information from the plasmic field that came through my

One week ago, on July 5th, 2010, I was walking on the strip of hotels in Las Vegas. As I
entered the hotel, which is called New York New York, I saw a big display of different
sports events, and I saw that there was a football (soccer) semi-finals match listed there
between Germany and Spain.

To be quite honest, I am not a big soccer fan. I like this sport and I used to play this sport,
but I don’t really follow it. I knew that there was FIFA world cup going on this year, but I
had no idea about the teams or results.

So when I saw the semi-finals match between Germany and Spain displayed there, I
naturally wondered, what were the other two teams in the semi-finals. I asked some guy
there, and he told me that it was Holland and Uruguay.

As I said, I don’t really follow soccer, but I know from some of my past experiences that
German team is very good, so I thought to myself that most likely Germany would win
this World Cup. I even thought to myself that if it happens, I would write an email to our

German FPA member Dietmar, and congratulate him

So after seeing this sports display, I decided to go and shoot some basketballs in the New
York New York arcade. So I went, and shot some basketballs.

As I was leaving this arcade, and standing on an escalator coming down, seemingly out
of nowhere I had this vision of four soccer teams in the semi-finals. All of them were flat
except one. That one was Spain, and I saw a golden ball with red stripes above that team.

I was very surprised by this vision, and thought to myself: “Wow! It looks like Spain will
win this one!”

I had a few $20 dollar bills in my pocket, so I took out one, and made a bet in the same
hotel that Spain will win the World Cup. If I won, the bet paid me $44, so I would get my
$20 back, and I would also get $24 of profit.

The reason I made this bet was because I wanted to concretize the vision with an action,
and thus show gratitude for the information that came to me.
Obviously such bet was extremely risky, and was more for fun than making money.

It’s always important to remember that information that comes from the plasmic field is
not guaranteed. It is simply high probability.

As most of you probably already know, Spain did win the World Cup, and I did win $24

with my bet Here is a picture of the $20 ticket that I bought.

My Personal Financial Recommendation

My friend who trades futures, and whom I mentioned earlier in this chapter likes to say
something that I really like. He says: “The best investment one can make is into their
own consciousness.” I fully agree with this guy, and not only because it’s our
consciousness that’s responsible for the way we live in this life, but also because our
consciousness is the only thing that stays with us after we die.

But regardless of this recommendation, I still think it’s very important to stay practical.

Please do not underestimate the power of the Diamonds trading system that I shared with
you in Chapter 6. So far, every person who tried this system has reported that they are
overall profitable with it. If you traded at least 20 reports with this system, and you
overall lost money, please post your statistics for everyone to see. Until then, I can’t help
but assume that everyone who is using the Diamonds trading system is overall making
money with it.

Here are some statistics that FPA member from Sweden kajsa posted. It’s post #74 in
Chapter 6. Here is what it says:

The Final Chapter | Bags and Boxes of Venomous Snakes - 05-24-2010, 12:15 AM
Today is May 25th, 2010, and I feel that it’s a good day for writing the final chapter for
my forex course. Make no mistake about it, I will be writing a lot more chapters, but this
chapter will always stay at the bottom and remain the final chapter.

During the second half of 2008 and first half of 2009, I did not really follow the forex
market and its fundamentals. In fact, during large portions of that time period, I was
homeless, living under a tree. And yet, in August of 2008, I woke up with a very loud
sound in my ears and a knowing that gold would fall to 650 and eventually go up to
above 1,500. That morning, I shared this experience with a friend of mine who traded
futures. He told me that there is some big economic crisis that’s happening globally,
(which I had no clue about), and that gold is at 850, and it can’t possibly drop from that
level, because during such crisis, gold usually gains.

Nevertheless, I kept watching and buying gold, saw that it dropped to around 651, and
then watched it rise. Then some months later, in the beginning of 2009, I was sitting in
my friend’s house, absent-mindedly looking at the fire in his fireplace. Seemingly out of
nowhere, a very strong sense of knowing came that I should liquidate all of my gold
positions, and transfer everything into New Zealand dollars.

I looked at the chart of NZD/USD, and saw that it’s at a level of 40-some-cents, so I sold
my gold for around 920 or 940, or something like that, and shifted everything into New
Zealand Dollars. Eventually, I sold these New Zealand dollars at around 0.70 cents.

The purpose of this chapter is three-fold. First of all, through this chapter, I wish to
share with you the mystical part of my life. Second of all, through this chapter, I wish to
open up your mind towards the possibility of making profitable forex investments not
only through technical and fundamental research, but also through direct psychic
perceptions. Third of all, remember in Chapter 3, I talked about the holy grail system and
the wise man who gave it to me? Well, on May 14th, 2010, the wise man made a
suggestion that I mail you a gift in the form of a “venomous snake”. I liked that

suggestion very much, and will tell you all about it in this chapter

In January of 2008, the wise man presented to me a very intriguing theory. He said that
we as humans have access to two types of consciousness. One is called individual
consciousness, and the other is called Cosmic Consciousness. The difference between the
two is that individual consciousness has only partial awareness, and Cosmic
Consciousness has complete awareness of everything.

Because of its incomplete awareness, our individual consciousness inspires in us

thoughts, feelings, and actions that give us only partial satisfaction. Partial satisfaction is
what we call suffering. Cosmic Consciousness, on the other hand, with its complete
awareness of everything, can inspire in us thoughts, feelings, and actions that will give us
complete satisfaction. Complete satisfaction is what we call happiness.

Then this wise man asked me if I would like to attune my will to the “Voice” of Cosmic
Consciousness. I answered yes. He said that he could teach me a meditation practice,
which would achieve such task, and asked me if I wished to learn it. I again answered
yes. From that point on, he started teaching me a meditation practice, which he calls
“White Bamboo”. The practice starts with around 4 minutes and slowly builds up to 2
hours, over a period of 100 weeks. So I’ve been doing this practice ever since.

In September of 2008, this wise man presented me with another interesting theory. He
told me that most humans live in rapidly decaying structures, which has very adverse
effect on their mental, emotional, and physical health. This wise man prefers to hang
around in natural caves and under trees, because these things are living. But most human
structures, on the other hand, are made out of dead parts of trees, chemicals, and
processed stones, and most of them completely fall apart within 100 years or less. So by
spending most of our time in these rapidly decaying structures, we are literally living in
whirlpools of dying energies, which keep us in very unnatural and depressed
psychological states.

So this man made a suggestion that I try living in nature, and sleeping under trees. I think
the primary purpose of this suggestion was to eliminate a fear inside of me, which was a
fear of being homeless. I know many people in modern society have this fear, and I was
no exception. So the only way to eliminate this fear is to actually become homeless, and
see that it’s a very possible way of living, often times even more fulfilling than being


So I moved everything out of my house into storage, found a very nice spot in the
mountains near natural hot springs and a small river, and lived like that for 7 months. One
thing I learned is that even the most reputable sleeping bag manufacturers lie about the
suggested temperatures on their products. Many nights, I slept in temperatures of -5 to
-10 Celsius, and usually had to use two sleeping bags with such recommended
temperatures, by putting one into another. If I were to follow recommendations, and use

only one, I would freeze to death

Most of my friends thought that I went mad, because I became homeless. In addition to
that, some of them started doubting my mental health, because after sharing with them
the things that this wise man taught me, they would usually ask me about the identity of
this wise man and where I met him, but I told them that I never met him, and that he
communicates with me telepathically. So some of them thought that I am simply a guy
with a very wild sense of imagination, while others thought that I developed some mild
form of schizophrenia.

One of such persons who had trouble believing my “wise man stories” was a man, who at
the time was more of an acquaintance than a friend. This person’s name was Mikhail
Morgulis, and he was a quite famous Russian author and political figure. He was friends
with many important political figures, such as kings and presidents, and at the time was
an advisor to Hillary Clinton about questions concerning Russia and Ukraine.

In addition to all of these things, Mikhail Morgulis is the host and owner of a Russian TV
program, called Spiritual Diplomacy, which according to him gets watched by over 10
million viewers. On this program, he usually meets with very famous people, such as
politicians and actors, and he questions them about their faith in God, and they talk about
all kinds of spiritual topics.

So one day, this Morgulis guy received a phone call in his house, and the person on the
other line happened to be the wise man that has been teaching me telepathically. After
this phone call, many more miracles happened to Morgulis. He was so shaken by some of
them, that he decided to invite me to participate on his TV program: “Spiritual
Diplomacy”. At the time, I was visiting the Big Island, Hawaii, so Morgulis came to visit
me for a few days, and recorded four 30-minute programs there.

Here is a 4-minute excerpt from one of the programs, where Morgulis discusses the
phone call that he received from this wise man.

After watching this short video, you probably got intrigued by how this wise man was
able to heat up Morgulis’s phone, and how this wise man knew seemingly everything
about Morgulis’s life. You see, this wise man is a regular human being like you and I.
The only difference is that you and I were born in 20th century, and he was born in the
very beginning of 3rd century. You and I are less than 100 years old, while he is more
than 1,800 years old. I know that these claims will sound like a magical fairy tale to most,
but if you keep reading this chapter in a very focused manner, you’ll fully understand the
scientific dynamics behind all of these claims.

Having been meditating in accordance with the system that this wise man taught me, I
had some experiences that certainly convinced me beyond any doubt that there is such a
thing as Cosmic Consciousness or God, and that God can be an impersonal or abstract
concept, but God can also be a Real all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful Being, with
Whom we can have a very personal connection with. All of us are living inside of God’s
Consciousness, and every single one of us has a unique purpose.

You see, one time my Consciousness became one with a completely still field. Inside of
this field, there were countless universes. Our seemingly infinite universe was just one of
them. The interesting thing about this still field is that I cannot say that it was infinite and
I cannot say that it was finite neither. This field simply did not have quantitative aspects
to it. It only had qualitative aspects of complete peace, love, stillness, et cetera. This field
was a real and alive being.

You see, such concept is impossible to grasp without actually experiencing it. Everything
on this planet has both quantitative aspect and qualitative aspect to it, but what I
experienced completely lacked quantitative aspect. It was neither finite nor infinite. Mind
and understanding become completely useless in trying to grasp something that has no
quantitative aspects to it. The only thing that remains useful is the heart, because you can
feel it and you can love it. After this experience, I truly grasped why God can’t be
understood but can only be loved and felt. I don’t say that what I experienced was God,

but it was certainly an aspect of it

After this experience, I returned to the normal waking consciousness, and almost threw
up. I felt every particle around me and inside of me, moving like crazy. A seemingly still
object was simply an illusion of a bunch of moving particles. You know how sometimes
you would move a very thin rod up and down very rapidly, and you see this illusion that
forms from this rapid movement? So I, myself, and everything around me seemed like
that. I actually felt a sense of panic, because it seemed like everything around me was in
crazy motion, and nothing could give me the peace and feeling of “home” that I just
experienced few moments ago. I understood that this peace and “at home” feeling
couldn’t be found anywhere on this planet, except in the depth of our own consciousness.

So let’s dive deeper into our human physiology, in order to understand how one can
attune his or her will to the “Voice” of God. In discovering the answer to this question,
we will also discover logical explanations of what happened on that phone call.

You see, according to what the wise man taught me, in the early development of the
human baby, its “body” is divided into 52 segments. As doctors observe this
development, they notice that 33 of these segments form 33 vertebrates of the human
spine, 4 of them form the skull, and the remaining 15 segments atrophy. According to the
wise man, these last 15 segments do not atrophy, but change their vibration and become
invisible to the human eye. What actually happens with these 15 segments is they form
another skull on top of our physical head. This other invisible skull on top of our head
looks transparent as a crystal, but when fully activated, it looks purple.

In the center of our physical head, we have something called pituitary gland. This
particular gland is responsible for many things. Some of them are human growth, blood
pressure, sex organ functions, breast milk production, pregnancy and child birth, water
and temperature regulation, plus much more. According to this wise man, right where this
pituitary gland is, there is a very tiny energetic center of baby blue color. When fully
activated, it shoots out baby blue rays in 6 directions (up, down, forward, back, right,
left). When still, this object looks like a cross, but when in full spin, it looks like a
diamond or flying saucer.

In our stomach area, we yet have another object, which looks like a pyramid of golden
color. The base of the pyramid has 4 points. One is in the spot of the spine, directly
behind our belly button, the other is at 29th vertebrae, which becomes the very bottom
vertebrae when we sit, the other two points are located in the areas of the kidneys. The
apex of this pyramid falls at around 3 finger widths below the navel. The most potent part
of this pyramid is at around 3 finger widths below the navel, and 2 to 3 finger widths
inside of it. This is an important point in Chinese medicine, and is called Dantian.

So if one wanted to shift the attunement of his/her will from individual consciousness to
God’s Cosmic Consciousness, three things would need to happen. The person would need
to have a very strong intention to do it, the person would need to have a very intense
feeling of gratitude towards God, and the person would need to have sufficient level of
concentrated awareness.

Through activation of the golden pyramid inside of our stomach, one’s intentions will
become much more powerful. Through activation of the baby blue cross in the center of
the head, gratitude towards God will become one’s dominant emotion. Through
activation of the purple crystal skull on top of our head, one will develop a state of
concentrated awareness.

Let’s first talk about the golden pyramid, inside of our stomach. Haven’t you noticed that
certain people naturally have much stronger intentions than other people? One person can
set an intention to achieve something, and seemingly out-of-nowhere he or she attracts
everything in order to achieve his or her goal, while another person will struggle for
much longer period, in order to achieve the same goal? Do you remember in chapter 4, I
talked about people that can see energies. Well, if a truly clairvoyant person looked at
these two people, they would see that the person who naturally has much more powerful
intentions has much more golden light inside of their stomach, and the person of weaker
intentions has less of that light.

Because I’ve been practicing my white bamboo meditation practice for several years, and
part of this practice is the activation of the golden pyramid, my intentions have become
much stronger. For example, one time, I was praying for this guy Morgulis, and I wrote
him an email, saying that I did XYZ prayer for him, and mentioned the time the prayer
was done. He was quite shocked, because at that exact same time, he was getting a
massage, and he felt a certain blowing of very cold energy around him, then he breathed
this energy inside, and his body became so hot, that the massage therapist that was
working on him burnt her hand. Here is a 2-minute excerpt from the program, where he
shares this story.

You see, at one point of my life, I was attending this martial arts seminar. There was this
guy, who used to belong to a very elite unit of the Russian special forces (spetsnaz). This
guy was showing off “his powers of intention” to certain volunteers. He had a stick, and
he would tap the volunteer very lightly with that stick. As soon as the volunteer would be
tapped, he would collapse on the ground, often times, completely out of breath and
choking. People were really amazed. So I came up as one of the volunteers, and asked
him to bring me down.

This guy tapped me with the stick right at the point of 3 finger widths below my navel,
and I felt a surge of his energy entering through that point. So I took this energy and
channeled it through my feet into the earth. The spetsnaz guy was very surprised that I
didn’t collapse, so he tapped me again, and I again felt even more intense wave of energy
entering my body from him, and I again channeled it down through my feet. This guy
was again surprised that I didn’t collapse, so he started hitting me harder and harder, but
none of those strikes helped. He was hitting me with the stick with so much precision,
that I felt that if he hits me few more times, my skin would split, because it became very
irritated, so I pretended to be brought down, and left the “experiment”.

You see, this guy had a golden pyramid that was very activated, so the power of his
intentions was very strong. He was hitting the volunteers right at the apex of their weak
golden pyramids with the intention to bring them down, and had such strong energetic
effect on his targets, that these people would collapse choking, and then they would need
some time to recover their strength.

Here, I found a video for you, where another Russian special forces guy demonstrates the
power of his intention. Towards the end of the video, you will see how a soldier is
walking, and this guy simply sets an intention to bring him down, and the soldier falls
down without a touch. Then some American marine in the crowd skeptically thinks that
the Russians are just role playing, and it’s all fake, but then this special forces guy brings
down the skeptic as well.

I know of a guy that lives in Arizona, and this guy used to travel to Egypt all the time. He
had a friend who was a guide to the Egyptian pyramids. This guide told him that there
was this particular chamber in one of the pyramids, where tourists could crawl into, and
this chamber used to be opened for tourists, but then funny things happened there. These
tourists would come out of that chamber with bites of poisonous scorpions and snakes,
and nobody could find these “attackers”. Those tourists would report that they watched
many movies about Egypt, and at the time of entering this chamber by themselves in the
dark, they were afraid that somebody would bite them in the darkness. So it actually

You see, the pyramids in Egypt and in other parts of the world were built with a purpose.
As soon as people enter them, their own golden pyramids inside of their bodies become
more active, and their intentions become stronger. Different parts of the pyramids have
different levels of potency, so this particular chamber had such intense effect on its
visitors that even seemingly ordinary people were manifesting their mental fears into
reality. So this guide said that this particular chamber had to be shut down. I don’t know
whether this story is fiction or truth, but it makes sense to me.

You see, the golden pyramid inside of our body is meant to be activated in equal
proportions with the baby blue cross and the crystal skull. This way, in addition to the
strong intention to contact God, the person also develops immense gratitude towards
God, and a state of wisdom that comes from the concentrated awareness. But strong
intention is power, so one can use this power for many more things than just contacting

I was talking to this guy once, who used to work for the Soviet KGB, and he told me that
in 1950, when China conquered Tibet, the Soviets came in together with the Chinese, and
took possession of all the secret spiritual books and manuscripts that they could find.
Then they “cherry-picked” these writings for the things that they felt were useful, and
started “experimenting” with it. These soldiers are some of the results of their

Let’s now talk about the baby blue cross in the center of our heads. According to the wise
man, this is where the emotion of gratitude comes from. Many of us are very unhappy
most of the time, but have you ever noticed that as soon as you become grateful, this
emotion instantly dissolves all unhappiness? The only problem with it is we can’t
concentrate on gratitude most of the time, so we are unhappy most of the time. But the
more active this baby blue center becomes, the more grateful we will be feeling naturally,
without even intending it.

In terms of the crystal skull, it works like this… When it’s fully activated, the person
receives the ability to see into the true nature of things. So a person with fully activated
crystal skull could focus on a book, and he would instantly know the essence of that
book. Or would focus on a person, and instantly know everything about that person.

One time, while I was homeless, I was sitting in the hot springs, and there was this bald
guy that came to sit next to me. I instantly knew that he speaks Russian, so I started
talking to him, and he answered that he is from Kiev, Ukraine. Then I instantly knew that
he belongs to this one particular spiritual movement, called Hari Krishna. I asked him
whether he was Hari Krishna, and he again with very big surprise answered yes. Then I
asked his first name, and he gave me his first name, and I instantly knew his last name, so
I asked whether his last name was this and that. The guy was very shocked, because his
last name was very uncommon. The reason I knew these things is because my crystal
skull is partially activated. It’s very partial though, so such things don’t happen too often.

So when this wise man called Morgulis, he actually didn’t call him via physical phone.
Because this wise man has a very activated golden pyramid, his intention is very strong,
so he simply intended to talk to Morgulis via phone, so his phone rang, and they started
talking. Then Morgulis was going to hang up, and this wise man made the intention to
heat up his phone, so it happened. Because this wise man’s crystal skull is very activated,
he knew everything about Morgulis, since he was focused on him, so he gave him all of
the personal details about his life, and at the end, he knew his favorite song, so he simply
made the intention, and the song started playing in Morgulis’s phone. Really simple stuff,
if you think about it…

Now I told you that this wise man is over 1,800 years old. You wonder how is it
possible? As far as I know, when he was about 75, and he felt that his physical body will
die soon, he did a certain ritual with the intention of producing a new body, and out of
this golden pyramid came out a brand new body, that was not subject to physiological
decay any longer. So he simply burnt his old body.

He called himself a “witness” during that telephone call, simply because he doesn’t really
make decisions in his life. God makes decisions for him, so he simply goes through life,
witnessing it…

As the saying goes: “There are many ways to skin a cat.” In the East, people use a lot of
inner work to contact God. They meditate through concentration on certain important
points of the body, and as a result they are able to establish the contact with God.
Obviously, as their inner state changes, their outer character also changes.

In the West, people use a lot of outer work to contact God. They try to change their
character by doing good deeds and being good people, and as a result their inner
energetic state changes as well. For example, when a person does fasting, their golden
pyramid gets activated automatically, without them even knowing about it, so their power
of intention slowly but surely becomes stronger and stronger, and if that intention is to
contact God, it eventually happens. Similarly, when a person concentrates on being
grateful to God, their baby blue cross in the center of their head becomes activated, and
slowly but surely gratitude becomes their natural state. Or a seemingly ignorant person
will have so much faith and love for God, so they pray day after day, and this
concentration on God and prayer automatically activates their crystal skull, and they
become very wise.

You see, in Chapter 4, I talked about the three primary energies in our bodies. They are
blue, green, and red. When you combine the red energy with blue one in equal
proportions, you get purple color, which you can use to activate the crystal skull. When
you combine the green energy with blue one in equal proportions, you get baby blue
colored energy, which you can use to activate the cross inside of your head. When you
combine the red color with green one in equal proportions, you get golden color energy,
which you can use to activate your pyramid. And of course, when you combine blue,

green, and red colors in equal proportions, you get white color. Look at this image
After all, God’s decisions come with complete awareness and consideration of every
living being out there…so what can be more compassionate towards all living beings
than the burning desire to shift one’s attunement of will from individual consciousness to
Cosmic Consciousness?

You ask me: “What do any of these things have to do with making money in forex?”

You see, NASA used to think that 99.99% of the Universe is emptiness or void, but not
so long ago, they discovered the fifth element, which they called plasma. So now they
think that 99.99% of the Universe consists of this plasma. Much scientific progress was
possible, because of the discovery of this element.

You see, every human thought and every human feeling has a form, and they all get
stored in this plasmic field. So all of the bank orders, all of thoughts, feelings, and
intentions of traders get stored in this field. You simply can’t escape from it. This field is
like an internet search engine, that can generate high probability results based on all of
the information that’s stored in it and of course the results also depend on the request of
the receiver.

I do not know how to access the information in this field at will, but I know a technique,
which is part of my white bamboo practice, and which I do 4 minutes per day. Through
this technique, one will be able to partially open their consciousness to this plasmic field,
and once in a while receive high probability investment information from it. The people
that are very generous and giving will be receiving profitable information. The people
that are very greedy and fearful will be receiving unprofitable information. After all, what
the search engine puts out fully depends on what you type into it, right?

You need to know some of the information in this chapter, in order to later understand the
technique of accessing the plasmic field. This is one of the reasons I shared it.
Some of you may be wondering about telepathy, and how it works. It’s actually very
simple. You know how sometimes you sit next to a person and talk to them? Don’t you
notice that you feel very differently around different people? So it’s similar with
telepathy. The sender of a message must possess the ability to produce highly
concentrated thoughts, so he intends on sending that thought to a person of his choice.
Then when this person of their choice receives a thought, there is a feeling that’s
connected to it, and based on this feeling, the person knows who this thought came from.

So in order for telepathy to work, the sender must generate strong signal, and the receiver
must have sensitivity, in order to accept this signal. So what happens with this wise man,
is I would be doing something, often times thinking about something, then this very
strong thought would come out of nowhere, my heart would explode with this very
unique feeling of immense joy, and I know that I just got a message from this wise man.
So it takes me only a moment to get a message that can literally take pages to express.

So let’s now talk about the “venomous snake” that I wish to mail you as a gift. Do
you remember the story that I told you about how I became homeless, moved under a
tree, and put all of my possessions into storage? Well, a few weeks ago, I decided to
empty this storage, so I thought that I’d donate most things from it to a charity, which is
called Good Will. But the wise man came to me on May 14th, and suggested that I mail
all of my materials of educational nature to the FPA subscribers. I liked that suggestion

very much

I would not exaggerate if I told you that I have about 1,500 to 2,000 educational items in
the forms of CDs and books. In addition to that, Crazy Cat is storing another 700
educational items of mine in his house. So I estimate that the total number of items that
will be mailed is around 2,000 to 2,500. I’ve never really liked to read or listen to fiction.
I’ve always read some kind of “how to” materials, or spiritual materials, or self-
improvement materials, or “making money” materials, or people’s biographies.

I already dropped off all of my stuff in this mail shop, and made a deal with the owner
that he would randomly mail out all these things to you. Once he is done, Crazy Cat will
finish it off with his stuff. The way it will work is you can send an email with your name
and mailing address to In the subject, include your name, and
in the body, include your name and address. Since it’s a gift, I will obviously cover the
postage of it. So you don’t have to pay for anything. Once I run out of items, I will
simply remove this offer.

And so you know, once this gift is mailed, all of your addresses will be permanently

deleted, so don’t worry, I won’t sell your information to some marketers

Should be fun…
There is only one rule.
When I used to run my paid live forex trading service, I used to send “surprise”
educational gifts to some of my subscribers. So some of these people were touched by the
gifts, and mailed me gifts from themselves. I don’t want the same thing to happen with
this mailing. The return address of this mailing will be the address of this mail shop, so

please don’t mail anything back to it

Also, please don’t send any letters to this email address, because I don’t plan on
checking it. The person who will check it will be the mailing guy, for the sole purpose of
getting the mailing addresses.

In the beginning of this chapter, I symbolically called this gift a “venomous snake”. The
reason I called it that, is because some of the books and CDs I will send to you are very
good, while others are complete crap (venomous snakes). Some came from the minds of
relatively wise people, while others came from the minds of relatively foolish people. I
have no idea what you will receive, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that just
because it comes as a gift from me, I actually endorse it… I really don’t. What you will
receive is completely random.

I feel it would be appropriate to end this chapter with a song. I have this friend who
writes really deep and beautiful songs. Many of his songs are out there, but some are not.
So one time, I cornered him in a house that I was staying in, gave him my guitar, and
asked him to sing. While he sang, I recorded him. Here is one of those songs.

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