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One day in the first month of school, the class of 3A was a

beehive of activity. ​It was the cleaning competition day! ​That
is​ ​was​ ​the​ one of ​the​ school's rules which applies for all
classes ​that​ ​and it​ must be ​done​ ​held​ ​on​ alternate​ly​ ​weeks​.
All students of 3A were very excited to start.

Some of the girls were sweeping the floor and tables

while the boys were hard at work cleaning the windows and
whiteboard. As a class monitress, Marry was eager to do her
best to have the class clean and shiny. She wanted the floor
spick and span in no time, so she hauled a pail of water by

Marry was engrossed in her job and she did not notice
where she was heading. “Look out!” Nita exclaimed
suddenly. Immediately Marry backed into the stool on which
Mike was standing to clean the windows! ​Unfortunately,
S​s​he ​did​ ​was​ not ​to be​ cautious until poor Mike toppled off
the stool and landed on the ground.

All ​of their​ friends rushed to rescue​d​ Mike. He was

groaning in great pain because of his arm ​being​ twisted
hideously. They were shocked to see Mike’s arm. When their
teacher, Ms Kav ​wanted to go​ ​came​ to check the class, she
found out what was going on. She immediately called for an
ambulance and Mike was whisked to the hospital. Marry was
really apologetic that Mike’s arm ​had​ ​was​ fractured. She
promised to be more cautious in future.

There are very few grammatical mistakes. However, you
wrote well. You need to practice to keep the same tense
throughout your writing and use more adverbs so the flow of
your writing turns out nice.

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