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Worksheet 6

1.(a) - (i) - China
(b) - (iii) - tea,chai,chini
(c) - (iii) - century
• According to the Chinese legend, there was an
emperor who always boiled water before drinking it.
one day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the
pot fell into the water, the leaves gave the water an
aromatic flavour they were tea leaves.
• The people of Coorg are possibly of Greek and Arabic
descent. As one of the story goes, a part of
Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and
settled there when return became impractical.They
married amongst the locals and their culture is
apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and the
religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu
• Bread making is still popular in Goa because the
mixers,the moulders, and those who bake the loaves
are still there along with the age-old, time - tested
3. Pranjol: Pranjol was the son of the tea plantation
manager in Assam. He seldom initiated a
conversation,he only commented and gave replies when
asked a question. Though he was born and brought up on
a plantation, he had less interest in the tea garden. He had
more interest in reading detective books than in watching
the landscape.
4.Excited about spending his vacations on a tea estate,
Rajvir had read up a lot on tea.He found out that over
eighty crore cups of tea were taken every day throughout
the world.No one really knew who discovered tea but there
were many legends.A Chinese legend attributes the
discovery of tea to an emperor who always boiled water
before drinking it.One day a few leaves of a plant fell into
the water,giving it a unique aroma and that was how tea
discovered. An Indian legend attributes the discovery of
tea to Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic. Rajvir
also learned that tea was first drunk in China as far back
as 2700 BCE. Words such as chai and chini have come
from Chinese. Tea was introduced in Europe only in
sixteenth century and was drunk more as a medicine than
a beverage. The second - flush or sprouting period, which
lasts from May to July, yields the best tea.

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