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CSI Meeting 1-24-11

Our new treasurer is Carrie Grady. Thanks Carrie for being willing to step in!

Program Orientation
Wed Feb 9, 3-6 pm.
Katrina will be organizing our part of orientation, will be in contact with CSI members to plan
Jessica, Josh, Katrina, Jaclyn, and Carrie will all be there to help
Details will be ironed out at our next meeting

Professional Development
Counselor Self Care –
Jim Wilwerding is still willing
I suggested a weekday at 2 or 2:30 or a Monday or Thursday at 6:30, Feb or March
Jim said Monday eve would be best, Thursday would be okay too.
Jessica will contact, suggesting Monday Feb 21, or 28 th, if neither works, will look at some time in March.

Will need to:

Reserve Space
Gift card thank you
Figure out mileage reimbursement

Ethics – Davis-Gage is willing to present. Will do self-care presentation first, then do ethics if still time in the year

Monday Funday, try to do something on a reoccurring Monday eve once a month (ie 2 nd Monday of month)
Will discuss at future meetings.

Food Drive
Starts now, will end Friday Feb 25th.
Jessica will send out info to listservs announcing the dates
Josh will count items morning of March 28 th, and Josh and Jaclyn will deliver to NE Iowa Food Bank

Need update from Kasey, table to next meeting.

Upcoming Stuff
Date: Saturday March 5
Location: Montage was already booked so we will be at the CU, 320 E 4th St in Waterloo. Party room is
downstairs next to bar.
Time: 6:00pm
Contact: Joe or Steve, 319-274-8888
 Capacity is 55, so we will possibly need to request new initiates only bring 1 guest, perhaps current CSI
members bring no guests….will depend on numbers
 Will be a limited menu of 3 items, but we get to choose the 3 from the menu. Appetizer if people want
one will be limited to house salad or lobster bisque.
 We will need to get back to CU with name of who is coming and their menu choice , they will make up
place cards with that info that people will pick up when they arrive and put by their chosen seat
Still need to:
Invitation Letters: Davis-Gage will do
Get a speaker – CSI list of national speakers? Stephanie Germann? Kathy Heidican? Other ideas?
Get list of names of new initiates, make & print programs – Jaclyn will organize
Email invitation to all CSI members – Jaclyn will create
Certificates received from CSI headquarters
Get RSVP info to CU – need to have this info to CU at least 1 week before March 5

Local Dues
Due in Feb, $5.
Carrie will collect.
Consider using dues to start new account at Veridian?
Carrie will call to Veridian to find out what they need from us to start an account. Will discuss with Davis-Gage
before moving forward with account.

Next Meeting – Monday, Feb 7th, 6:30pm, SAB 301

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