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CNC0010.1177/0309816814565623Capital & ClassBibliography: The philosophy of internal relations


Capital & Class

Bibliography: The 2015, Vol. 39(1) 147­–153

© The Author(s) 2015

philosophy of internal
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DOI: 10.1177/0309816814565623

Bertell Ollman

This bibliography is divided into three parts: 1) works that deal with or use Marx’s phi-
losophy of internal relations; 2) works that present non-Marxist versions of this philoso-
phy; and 3) criticisms of the philosophy of internal relations. There is no pretension of
having listed all the writers and works that could appear under these headings. Rather,
our aim has been to give readers some idea of the amount, range and quality of the exist-
ing literature on this subject, and to encourage them to explore it further.
Authors who have written a lot on the philosophy of internal relations are repre-
sented here by only one or two of their works. In Part 1, those whose works are par-
ticularly useful also have one star (*), and my personal favourites (which is not to say
I completely agree with them, or they with me) have two stars before their names.
Despite the ‘interdisciplinary’ nature of our subject, I have also listed writers’ academic
disciplines after their names, in order to help readers locate content that may be of
special interest to them.
Another qualification is that some writers who have only flirted with Marx’s philoso-
phy of internal relations (whether they use the label or not), and/or who have been partly
critical of it, have been included in Part 1 if I thought that what they said and the overall
effect of their work contributes to a better understanding of this philosophy. Still, accept-
ing too many such works would scramble my focus and detract from the usefulness of
this bibliography, and this is something I also had to keep in mind. If, in walking this
uneven line, I have left out anyone who believes they should have been included or
included anyone who believes they don’t belong here – and I am sure there are cases of
both – I offer my apologies, and also my assurances that all suggestions for additions and
corrections to what follows will be very much appreciated.
To avoid another possible misunderstanding, let me point out that this bibliogra-
phy is not meant to cover all the important work that has been done on dialectics. A
great deal of material that is well worth reading on this subject has been omitted,
whether because it doesn’t use the internal relations approach, or doesn’t use enough of
it, or doesn’t use it in a way that furthers readers’ understanding of it. Finally, for the

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148 Capital & Class 39(1)

time being, only works in English, including English translations of foreign works, are
The bibliography ends with a brief ‘Pedagogical Appendix’ of works that are particu-
larly useful for teaching dialectics to newcomers.
Readers interested in a quick route into my version of the philosophy of internal rela-
tions, which gives equal weight to Marx’s process of abstraction, should consult the fol-
lowing, in this order:

1.  ‘Putting dialectics to work’, Dance of the Dialectic, ch. 5.

2. ‘Marx’s use of “class”’, Social and Sexual Revolution (or the problem of the elastic meanings
of Marx’s concepts, which brought me to his philosophy of internal relations).
3. ‘How to study class consciousness … and why we should’, Dialectical Investigations (or
how to construct a dialectical subject for dialectical research).

Versions of these and other related pieces also appear on my website, <www.dialectical->.

Marx’s philosophy of internal relations

* Albritton R (Pol. Sci.) Economics Transformed: Discovering the Brilliance of Marx
* Arthur CJ (Phil.) Dialectics of Labour: Marx and His Relation to Hegel (1986); The New
Dialectic and Marx’s Capital (2002).
* Badeen D (Pol. Sci.) A Marxist critique of the ontological foundations of neo-classical
economics. Ph.D. dissertation (2011).
* Baronov D (Soc.) The Jena Chair (forthcoming).
* Basseches M (Psych.) Dialectical Thinking and Adult Development (1984); The devel-
opment of dialectical thinking as an approach to integration. Integral Review 1: 47–63
* Bhaskar R (Phil.) Dialectics: The Pulse of Freedom (2008).
Beamish R (Soc.) Marx’s Method and the Division of Labor (1992).
Best B (Soc.) Marx and the Dynamic of Capital Formation (2010).
* Bloch M (Hist.) The Historian’s Craft (1949).
Bodeman M (Soc.) The fulfillment of field work in Marxist practice. Dialectical
Anthropology 4: 155–61 (1979).
* Bologh R (Soc.) Dialectical Phenomenology: Marx’s Method (1979).
* Brien K (Phil.) Marx, Reason and the Art of Freedom (2005).
Carchedi G (Econ.) Dialectical economics: Basic principles and recent controversies;
and From Okishio to Marx through dialectics, Capital & Class (2009).
Diesing P (Econ.) Hegel’s Dialectical Political Economy (1999).
** Dietzgen J (Worker) The Positive Outcome of Philosophy (1906).
* Dunayevskaya R (Phil.) Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, From Marx to
Mao (2003).
** Engels F, Anti-Dühring (1966 [1878]); Dialectics of Nature (1968 [1883]).

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* Fisk M (Phil.) Dialectics and ontology. In Mepham J, Ruben D (eds.) Issues in Marxist
Philosophy vol. I, pp. 117–44 (1979); Materialism and dialectics. Critique 6 (1980).
* Foster JB (Soc.) The dialectics of nature and Marxist ecology. In Ollman B, Smith T
(eds.) Dialectics for a New Century (2008), Ecological Drift: Capitalism’s War on Earth
Frank AG (Soc.) Functionalism and dialectics. Science & Society 2 (Spring) (1966).
Friedman SR, Rossi D, Dialectical theory and the study of HIV/AIDS and other epi-
demics. Dialectical Anthropology (2011).
* Gould C (Phil.) Marx’s Social Ontology: Individual and Community in Marx’s Theory of
Social Reality (1980).
Harrington M (Pol. Sci.) The Twilight of Capitalism (1977).
* Hartsock N (Pol. Sci.) Money, Sex and Power: Toward a Feminist Historical Materialism
(1985); Marxist feminist dialectics for the 21st century. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.)
Dialectics for the New Century (2008).
** Horvath R, Gibson K (Geog.) Abstraction in Marx’s method. Antipode (1984).
** Harvey D (Geog.) Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference (1997); and Paris:
Capital of Modernity (2003 – perhaps the best book-length example of the use of Marx’s
philosophy of internal relations).
** Israel J (Phil.) The Language of Dialectics and the Dialectics of Language (1979); The
principle of methodological individualism and Marxist epistemology. Acta Sociologica
14(3) (1971).
* Ilyenkov EV (Phil.) Dialectical Logic (1977).
* James CLR, Notes on Dialectics: Hegel, Marx, Lenin (1948).
* Jameson F (Comp. Lit.) Valences of the Dialectic; and Representing Capital: A Reading of
Volume One (2010).
Kleinbach R (Phil.) Marx via Process: Whitehead’s Potential Contribution to Marxian
Social Theory (1983).
** Kosik K (Phil.) Dialectics of the Concrete (1976).
* Kosok M (Phys.) The dynamics of paradox: Phenomenological dialectics of science.
Telos (1970).
Kovel J (Social Phil.) Dialectics as praxis. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.) Dialectics for the
New Century (2008).
Lawson T (Law) Economics and Reality (1997); Lawson T, Reorienting Economics (2003).
* Lebowitz M (Econ.) Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class
(2003); Following Marx: Method, Critique and Crisis (2009).
** Lefebvre H (Soc.) Sociology of Marx (1982); Dialectical Materialism (1940).
* Lenin VI, Philosophical Notebooks (1895–1916).
** Livant B (Psych.) The dialectics of walking on two legs. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.)
Dialectics for the New Century (2008); The hole in Hegel’s bagel. In Ollman B, Smith T
(eds.) Dialectics for the New Century (2008).
** Levins R (Biol.) Dialectics and systems theory. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.) Dialectics
for the New Century (2008); Strategy of abstraction. In Levins R, Lewontin R (eds.)
Biology Under the Influence: Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture and Health (2007).
* Levy H (Math.) A Philosophy for Modern Man (1938); Unpicking the threads: The
process of isolation. The Universe of Science (1933).

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* Lewontin R (Biol.), Levins R (Ecol.) Dialectical Biologist (1987); Levins R (Ecol.)

Biology Under the Influence: Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture and Health (2007).
* Löwy M (Soc.) Dialectics and Revolution (2006); Dialectics and revolution: Trotsky,
Lenin, Lukács. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.) Dialectics for the New Century (2008).
** Lukács G (Phil.) History and Class Consciousness (1967); The Ontology of Social Being,
vols. I–III (1978).
* Mandel E (Econ.) Laws of motion and history of capitalism. In Late Capitalism (1999);
Materialist dialectics. In From Class Society to Communism (1977).
* Tse-Tung M, On contradictions. In Four Essays in Philosophy (1966).
** Marcuse H (Phil.) Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (1964);
The concept of essence. In Negations: Essays in Critical Theory (2009).
Markovic M (Phil.) Dialectical Theory of Meaning (1984).
Marquit I (Phys.) Contradiction in dialectical and formal logic. Science & Society 2
(Summer) (1990); Dialectical motion in continuous and discrete spaces. Science &
Society 42 (Winter) (1978–79).
** Marx K, Preface to the first German edition of Capital, Vol. 1; Afterword to the second
German edition of Capital, Vol. 1; unfinished ‘Introduction’ to A Contribution to the
Critique of Political Economy.
* McNally D (Pol. Sci.) Language, praxis and dialectics. Historical Materialism 12(2)
* Meaney M (Phil.) Capital as Organic Unity: The Role of Hegel’s Science of Logic in
Marx’s Grundrisse (2002).
* Meikle S (Phil.) Essentialism in the Thought of Karl Marx (1985); Dialectics and cogni-
tion. Critique 6 (1976).
* Mészáros I (Phil.) Lukács’ Concept of the Dialectic (1972); The Dialectic of Structure and
History (vol. 2 of Social Structure and Forms of Consciousness, 2011).
Moccia P (Nursing) Theory development and nursing practice: A synopsis of a study of
the theory/practice dialectic. In Moccia P (ed.) New Approaches to Theory Development in
Nursing (1992).
** Nicolaus M (Soc.) Foreword to Marx’s Grundrisse (1973).
Nieciecki D, The Great Famine and the transition from federalism to capitalism: Marxist
dialectics as a new direction in Irish historiography. Masters thesis (2006).
Nowak L (Phil.) The Structure of Idealization (1979).
* O’Donovan M (Arch.) Grasping power: A question of relations and scales. In
O’Donovan M (ed.) The Dynamics of Power (2006).
Oizerman T (Phil.) Epistemological analysis of categories in Lenin’s works. Social
Sciences 6(1) (1975).
** Ollman B (Pol. Sci.) Alienation: Marx’s Conception of Man in Capitalist Society (1976);
and Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method (2003).
Paci E (Phil.) The Function of the Sciences and the Meaning of Man (1972).
* Paolucci P (Soc.) Marx’s Scientific Dialectic (2009); Marx and the Politics of Abstraction
* Pomeroy A (Phil.) Marx and Whitehead: Process, Dialectic and the Critique of Capitalism
Rader M (Phil.) Marx’s Interpretation of History (1979).

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Riegel KF (Psychol.) Dialectical operations: The final period of cognitive development.

Human Development 18 (1973).
Robinson B, Wilson F, Under Cloud Cover: The ‘Processes for Organization Meanings’.
Model, Dialectics and the Battle of Britain (2000).
* Rosdolsky R, The Making of Marx’s Capital (1992).
Russell K (Phil.) Feminist dialectics and Marxist theory. Radical Philosophy Review
10(1) (2007).
Said-Filho A (Econ.) The Value of Marx: The Political Economy for Contemporary
Capitalism (2007).
* Samoff J (Pol. Sci.) Class, class conflict, and the state in Africa. Political Science
Quarterly (Spring) (1982).
* Sartre JP (Phil.) Search for a Method (1960); Critique of Dialectical Reason vols. I and
II (1960).
** Sayer D (Soc.) Violence of Abstraction (1987); Marx’s Method: Ideology, Science and
Critique in ‘Capital’ (1979).
** Sayers S (Phil.) Hegel, Marx and Dialectics, a debate with Richard Norman (1980);
Marxism and the dialectical method: A critique of G. A. Cohen. Radical Philosophy
* Sekine T (Econ.) The Dialectic of Capital, vol. 1 (1986).
* Seve L (Phil.) Dialectics of emergence. In Ollman B, Smith T (eds.) Dialectics for a
New Century (2008).
* Sherman H (Econ.) Dialectics as a method. Insurgent Sociology (Summer) (1976);
Reinventing Marxism (1995).
Smith T (Phil.) Dialectical Social Theory and Its Critics: From Hegel to Analytical Marxism
to Post-Modernism (1992).
** Sohn-Rethel A (Soc.) Intellectual and Manual Labour (1978).
Sztompka P (Soc.) Sociological Dilemmas: Toward a Dialectical Paradigm (1979).
* Sweezy P (Econ.) Marx’s method. In Theory of Capitalist Development (1942).
* Tabak M (Pol. Sci.) Dialectics of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy (forthcoming).
* Tabb B (Econ.) Levels, extensions and vantage points in the interrogation of the finan-
cial crisis (forthcoming).
* Trotsky L, ABC of dialectics. In Defense of Marxism; and Trotsky’s Notebooks 1932–35:
Writings on Lenin, Dialectics and Evolution, ed. by Philip Pomper.
* Vygotsky LS (Psychol.) Thought and Language (1986).
Wallerstein I (Soc.) The Limits of 19th-Century Paradigms: Unthinking Social Science
* Winslow E (Soc. Sci.) Organizational interdependence, uncertainty and economic
analysis. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Economic Society (1989); Atomism and organi-
cism. In Hodgson GM, Samuels WJ, Tool MR (eds.) Elgar Companion to Institutional
and Evolutionary Economics (1994).
* Wurst LA (Arch.) Internalizing class in historical archeology. Historical Archeology
33(1) (1999); A Class All Its Own: Exploration of Class Formation and Conflict (2006).
* Young RM (Hist. of Sci., Psych.) Science is social relations. Radical Science Journal 5
Zeleny J (Phil.) The Logic of Marxism (1980).

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Non-Marxist philosophies of internal relations

Blanshard B, The Nature of Thought, vols. I and II (2004) Internal relations and their
importance in philosophy. Metaphysics (1967).
Boehme J, The Signature of All Things (1969).
Bohm D (Phys.) Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980).
Bookchin M, The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism (1994).
Bradley FA, Appearance and Reality (1916).
Collingwood RG, An Essay on Philosophical Method (2008).
Ewing AC, Idealism: A Critical Survey (1974).
Hegel GWF, The Logic of Hegel; and The Phenomenology of Mind (1807).
Joachim HH, The Nature of Truth (1906).
Leibniz GW, Monadology (1714).
Maturama H, Varela F, The Tree of Knowledge (1992).
Prigogine I, From Being to Becoming (1981).
Scibarra C, Total Freedom (2000).
Spinoza B, Ethics (1677).
Whitehead AN, Concept of Nature (1919), Process and Reality (1979).

Additionally, such earlier thinkers as Heraclitus (Greece), Buddha (India), and Lao Tse

Criticisms of the philosophy of internal relations

Ayers AJ, Internal relations. In Language, Truth and Logic (1952) .
Church RW, Bradley’s Dialectic (1942).
Hampshire S, Thought and Action (1981).
Jordan ZA, The Marxist-Leninist theory of universals. Philosophy and Ideology (1963).
Moore GE, Internal and external relations. Philosophical Studies (1922).
Nagel E, Sovereign reason. In Sovereign Reason and Other Studies in the Philosophy of
Science (1954).
Popper K, What is dialectics? In Conjectures and Refutations (2002).
Rorty R, Relations, internal and external. Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967).
Ruben DH Marxism and Materialism: A Study in the Philosophy of Knowledge (1979).
Russell B, The monistic theory of truth. In Philosophical Essays (1910).
Ryle G, Internal relations. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes
14 (1935).
Strawson PF, Individuals (1990).
Wollheim R, F. H. Bradley, ch. 3 (1969).

Pedagogical appendix; or, Teaching dialectics to

The simplest introductions* to our subject that I know of – which either use the philoso-
phy of internal relations or are compatible with it – are below. Suggestions for additions
or corrections to this list are very welcome.

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Harvey D, The principles of dialectics. In Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference
Mandel E, Materialist dialectics. In From Class Society to Communism: An Introduction to
Communism (1977).
Ollman B, The meaning of dialectics. In Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method
Trotsky L, ABC of dialectics. In Defense of Marxism (1939–40).

* For the very youngest of readers, see the website ‘Dialectics For Kids’, at <home.igc.

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