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Clinical Nutrition (2003) 22(5): 429–435

r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Genetics and nutrition

Division of Clinical Nutrition, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, yInstitute of Human Nutrition, School of Medicine, University of
Southampton, UK (Correspondence to: CP, Division of Clinical Nutrition, Geneva University Hospital, 24 Micheli-du-Crest,1211Geneva)

Abstract*The understanding of the role of nutrients on DNA stability, repair and on the di¡erent gene expression pro-
cesses recently became more prominent in nutritional science. Nutrients and the genomics interact at two levels. Nutri-
ents can induce gene expression thereby altering individual phenotype. Conversely single nucleotide polymorphisms, in
a range of genes important in in£ammation and lipid metabolism, alter the bioactivity of important metabolic pathways
and mediators and in£uence the ability of nutrients to interact with them.
The study on single e¡ects of nutrients on the individual’s phenotype as well as the serial analyses of gene expression
patterns in response to speci¢c nutrients will help us to understand how metabolic homeostasis is maintained. Consid-
ering that there is wide variation in the ability of nutritional factors to modulate the expression of detrimental or protective
proteins at an individual level, the concept of diet-medication could be developed in the light of a better understanding of
nutrient^gene interactions. In this way, ‘good responders’and ‘poor responders’ to diet therapy can be identi¢ed. Further-
more, as several vitamins participate in DNA protection and genomic stabilisation, diet-linked therapies could become
part of cancer prevention and other treatments with relevant consequences for human health.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: nutrient; genetics; DNA; regulation; large numbers of individuals in order to obtain sufficient
stabilisation power to understand what effect, if any, a nutrient may
be having. A closer understanding of how genotype
influences the response to nutrients may permit efficacy
of nutrients to be measured with greater precision than
Introduction is presently the case.
This review gives an overview of the role of genetics in
The unravelling of the secrets of the human genome nutritional science. The bi-directional interactions be-
has provided new opportunities for understanding how tween nutrients and the genome, referred to above, are
mankind responds to the environment in health and discussed.
disease. It also focuses on the nutrient-specific regulation of
The functioning of living organisms depends on the gene expression. A few representative examples of
environmental availability of nutrients. One of the effects or regulations have been selected rather than an
adaptation pathways is the nutrient-dependent regula- exhaustive list. The nutrient–gene interactions, the
tion of the genome machinery. Although the nutrients nutrient-specific regulation of gene expression and the
can, in this way, influence the development of a related technological approaches are overviewed
particular phenotype, the opposite mechanism has also (Fig. 1).
to be considered, i.e. the response to a specific nutrient
as determined by the individual’s genotype. The
nutrient–gene interaction is therefore complex and
bi-directional. Gene–nutrients interactions
It is well known that not all individuals respond to
nutrient therapy in the same way and with the same The human genome contains approximately 2.9 billions
intensity. For any nutrient used in dietary therapy of nucleotides or 30,000 genes (1), part of which
individuals, may be ‘good’, ‘poor’ or ‘non-responders’. involved in metabolic regulations. The link between
In the past, this phenomenon has created problems in environment and genes has to be considered as bi-
understanding the responses to nutrients and foods used directional, with the pressure of the environment, e.g.
in population-based intervention studies. The great food availability, on gene expression, as well as the
variability in the responses of subjects in nutritional response to those nutrients depending on the genetic
intervention studies has necessitated the recruitment of background of the organism.



SNP - association studies

Gene isolation - targeted disruption


mRNA cDNA - microarrays


Nutrients translation



Fig. 1

The advantage of this plasticity is mainly the Vitamins, DNA stability and gene expression
adaptation of the organism to extreme conditions, such
as starvation. The consecutive disadvantage is that A number of vitamins participate in DNA protection
an extreme condition, as nutrient abundance, can and genomic stabilisation. Therefore, it can be imagined
induce a pathology for particular genotypes. An that dietary deficiencies might lead to an increase in
example of a gene regulated by the nutritional status DNA damages and subsequent cellular dysfunction, as
of the cell is asparagine synthetase (AS), which encodes in ageing and cancer (5).
the enzyme catalysing the glutamine- and ATP-depen- Carotenoids, the vitamin A precursors, have anti-
dent conversion of aspartic acid to asparagine. AS gene oxidant properties through quenching free-radical or O2
expression is triggered by amino acids depletion in the and therefore lower DNA damage. The antioxidant
extracellular environment and there is a consecutive potential of carotenoids has been demonstrated in vitro
increase in mRNA levels resulting both from an by different approaches (6). In human, the protective
elevation in the rate of transcription and in mRNA effect of carotenoids at the cellular level on DNA
stability (2). Similarly, but through a different mechan- oxidative damage is now clearly established and plasma
ism, the transcription of the human amino acid carotenoid concentration were shown to correlate
transporter gene 2 (ATA2) is induced by amino acid negatively with oxidative damage to lymphocytes
deprivation (3). In case of specific nutrient excessive (7–9). Epidemiological studies however yielded contra-
intake, the organism has also to adapt its metabolic dictory results on the potentially protective effect of
machinery. It is now well known that lipid- and carotenoids on carcinogenic processes. Some showed a
carbohydrate-rich diets are linked to obesity, non- protective effect of consumption of carotenoids against
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. cancer (10, 11) and others reported no effect (12) or even
In this situation, the organism try to keep cholesterol a consecutive increased incidence of respiratory cancers
levels within a narrow concentration range by (13, 14). Although the protective effect of carotenoids
transcription control mechanisms. Thus, excess on DNA seems now established, the eventual benefit of
cholesterol can be converted into oxysterols, which carotenoid supplementation is still controversial.
modulate the activity of a number of transcription A direct effect of carotenoids on gene expression has
factors, in order to limit accumulation of excess of been well studied for few genes, as the one coding for a
cholesterol (4). gap junction protein connexin 43, whose expression was
Therefore, if nutrients modulate the gene-expression reported to be increased by carotenoids, in human
profile, the interdependence between genes and diet has fibroblasts (15). An induction of expression of haem
to be considered. oxygenase-1 gene, coding for a microsomal enzyme

involved in haem catabolism, by b-carotene in UV- Vitamin C has also been shown to modulate the
irradiated fibroblasts was also described (16). The expression of several genes. It was recently reported, by
biological roles of the active form of vitamin A, retinoic a cDNA microarray approach, that ascorbate supple-
acid, are better characterised. Concerning the effect of mentation can differentially modulate the expression of
retinoic acid on gene expression, the list of known genes as fra-1, glutathione S-tranferase Pi, Mut L
regulated genes is fastly growing. Among the regulated homologue-1 (MLH1) and p73 (26). As MLH1 is
genes are those directly involved in retinoic acid involved in DNA-repair processes, and is up-regulation
catabolism, as cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) by vitamin C, it could perhaps explain the anti-
types I and II, proto-oncogenes, as c-fos and c-myc, and carcinogenic role of vitamin C.
growth factors, as tumor growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) Vitamin D, (1,25(OH)2D3), exerts in vitro an anti-
and interleukin 6 (IL-6) (17). oxidant activity, and stabilises the chromosomal struc-
Vitamin B12 and folate are essential for DNA ture. A few studies have documented vitamin D as an
metabolism (18). Folic acid is necessary for the antioxidant in vivo (27). Therefore in human, the
conversion of deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) question of vitamin D supplementation for adults is
to deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP). In case of still debated. As vitamin D is potentially toxic, possible
folic acid deficiency, dUMP accumulates and uracil is adverse effects have to be taken into account when
incorporated into DNA instead of thymine. There is thinking on dietary supplementation. It seems however
now evidence that an excessive incorporation of uracil that in adult, the actual recommended daily allowance
into DNA may result in DNA and chromosomal breaks. (RDAs) of vitamin D should be increased to have an
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also necessary for the effective role on osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, hyper-
synthesis of methionine and S-adénosyl-methionine, tension and possibly cancer (28, 29). There is an
required for the maintenance of the DNA conformation extensive and still rapidly growing list of genes whose
and methylation patterns (19). Although the blood expression is up- or down-regulated by 1,25(OH)2D3.
levels of folate and vitamin B12 preventing anaemia are The effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 in regard to tumour growth
defined, the efficiency of those concentrations for inhibition has also been proposed to be mediated by an
minimising chromosome damage is unknown. There is effect on the expression of genes involved in tumorigen-
also increasing evidence that single nucleotide poly- esis, as bcl-2 (30) and proto-oncogenes c-fos and c-myc
morphisms (SNP) might affect the activity of the (31, 32). Using targeted gene inactivation in mice, a
proteins required for the absorption, transport and study reported that vitamin D was also a regulator of
metabolism of theses vitamin (20). Therefore the renin gene expression (33). Through cDNA microarray
necessary intakes of vitamin B12 and folate for a analysis, changes in expression levels of numerous gene
genome protective effect could be different for different were observed in osteoblastic cells treated with
genotypes. 1,25(OH)2D3 (34). The authors explored the changes
Very few studies have explored the role of vitamin associated to Ca2+ influx mediated by 1,25(OH)2D3 at
B12 on gene expression. In mammalian cell cultures, an different time after treatment and their analysis revealed
inductive effect of vitamin B12 on methionine synthase variations in gene expression, as protein kinases,
enzyme was demonstrated, with a proposed post- phosphatases, cell adhesion molecules and genes in
transcriptional regulation of expression (21). An inter- Ca2+ signalling pathways.
esting study, using a cDNA microarray approach Vitamin E is a lipid peroxyl radical scavenger
explored the effects of variations in extracellular folates reducing chromosomal damage. It was also suggested
on the gene expression pattern, in human carcinoma to increase the removal rate of damaged DNA (35).
cells (22). The authors reported that the expression of 8 There is controversy concerning the possibly beneficial
genes responded to folate levels variations, 3 of them effects of nutritional complements of vitamin E for
being up-regulated (Brain expressed HHCPA78 homolg, cancer, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, Alz-
Calmegin, insulin-induced protein 1) and 5 down- heimer and Parkinson diseases (36, 37). It is therefore
regulated (H-cadherin, keratin type 1 cytoskeleton 14, unclear if dietary supplements of vitamin E are
cyclin D3, gravin, interferon inducible protein 1-8U). beneficial.
In vitro, vitamin C has been demonstrated to have The vitamin E family components, as a and b-
strong antioxidant properties and decrease the level of tocopherol, regulate cellular functions by mechanisms
DNA oxidative damage (23). In vivo, the intra- and unrelated with the antioxidant function. In some studies,
extracellular levels of ascorbate correspond to those differential effects of a- and b-tocopherol were observed
showing an antioxidant effect in vitro (24). However, it (38). Modulatory effects on proto-oncogene c-jun
has not been assessed in human if the consumption of expression have been described in human breast cancer
ascorbate supplements could be beneficial in terms of cells (39). Vitamin E was also shown to play a role in the
genomic stabilisation. Therefore consumption of ascor- regulation of heat shock protein synthesis in human
bate supplements seems not justified (24, 25). Never- fibroblasts (40). Vitamin E down-regulates interleukin 4
theless, there is no evidence that vitamin C (IL-4) expression at the mRNA and protein levels in
supplementation can be harmful. human peripheral blood T cells, in a dose-dependent

manner (41). The transcriptional regulation by vitamin recruitment of transcriptional coactivators occurs. This
E family members of genes as collagenase (42) and results in an increase in gene transcription (48).
a-tropomyosin (38) has also been demonstrated. Three PPAR isoforms encoded by different genes are
In conclusion, the definition of the role of vitamins in characterised, namely PPAR type a, d and g.
maintenance of genomic integrity is essential as well as PPARa is an important lipid sensor and regulator of
the establishment of RDAs in regard to this function (18). cellular energy metabolism. It was shown to be a critical
player in the regulation of cellular uptake and
b-oxidation of FA. PPARa triggers the expression of
Nutrient-specific regulation of gene expression two proteins that transport fatty acids across the cell
membrane: the fatty acid transport protein (FATP)
Amino acids, fatty acids and carbohydrates can exert a and fatty acid translocase (FAT) (49), suggesting a role
variety of actions by controlling the expression of genes in cellular uptake and lipid homeostasis. Activation of
involved in different biological systems. PPARa also directly up regulates transcription of long
chain fatty acid acyl-CoA synthase (50) and of various
Amino acid regulation of gene expression enzymes of the peroxysomal b-oxidation pathways, as
acyl-CoA-oxidase (51), acyl-CoA hydratase and dehy-
Amino acids can play the role of nutritional signals in drogenase (52), and keto-acyl-CoA thiolase (53).
the modulation of expression of particular genes. In PPARg plays a unique role among PPAR family
fact, recent studies have shown that cells can detect members as a regulator of adipocyte differentiation.
variations in amino acid levels and respond by mechan- PPARg controls the expression of numerous genes
isms as control of transcription, mRNA stabilisation as involved in lipid metabolism, as fatty acid-binding
well as by up- or down regulation of translation protein and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (54,
initiation (43). 55), as well as acyl-CoA synthase and lipoprotein lipase
The regulation of the expression of C/EBP homo- (50, 56). PPARg also regulates genes that control
logous protein (CHOP) by amino acids has been cellular energy homeostasis. It has been shown to
explored. CHOP is a ubiquitously expressed gene increase the expression of the mitochondrial uncoupling
encoding a small nuclear protein related to the proteins (UCP), UCP-1, UCP-2, and UCP-3 in brown
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) family of adipose tissue, in vitro and in vivo (57). PPARg has also
transcription factors. The induction of CHOP was been associated with genes affecting insulin action, as
demonstrated to be activated by agents that adversely TNFa (58), and leptin (59). To date, no PPARd-specific
affected the function of the endoplasmic reticulum (44). gene targets have been identified.
In human cell lines, leucine restriction was shown to lead
to enhancement of CHOP mRNA and protein in a dose-
dependant manner (45). Carbohydrate regulation of gene expression
Varga et al. (46) have also demonstrated in human The question of the carbohydrates regulation of gene
cells that amino acid l-tryptophan in supraphysiologic expression has only recently been addressed and the
concentrations was a powerful inducer of collagenase most studied pathway is the one involving glucose.
gene expression at a transcriptional level. The increase in It is now well documented that a high glucose
collagenase mRNA levels was reversible, time- and concentration induces the transcription of several genes
l-tryptophan dose-dependent. of the glycolytic and lipogenic pathways. In yeast,
However, the molecular mechanisms and mediators glucose has been shown to turn on processes involved in
involved in the gene-expression control by amino acid its own utilisation, and off those involving other carbon
are not yet fully understood. sources (60). In mammals, the effect of dietary glucose
on gene expression are tricky to study because they
involve hormones like insulin or glucagon, whose
Fatty acid regulation of gene expression
secretion varies with a high glucose intake.
Fatty acids (FA) are involved in the regulation of Studies on glucose regulation have been performed
biological processes through modulation of gene in vitro in different types of cultured cells, for various
expression. In response to variations in FA concentra- potential target enzymes: l-pyruvate kinase in hepato-
tion, the expression of target genes can be turned on or cytes and pancreatic b-cells (61, 62), lipogenic
off. In particular, peroxisome proliferator-activated enzymes like acetyl-CoA carboxylase in pancreatic b-
receptors (PPAR) have been shown to be involved in cells, adipocytes (63, 64), fatty acid synthase in
the FA control of gene expression by (47). The PPARs hepatocytes and adipocytes (64, 65). In all these
are ligand-dependent transcription factors acting by studies, a high glucose concentration was shown to
binding to specific peroxisome proliferator response increase the transcription of the target enzymes. How-
elements (PPREs) in enhancer sites of regulated genes. ever, in hepa-tocytes and adipocytes, the stimulation of
When binding of an agonist, the PPAR conformation is gene expression was at least partially dependent on
modified so that a binding cleft is created and the insulin (66).

In conclusion, although numerous studies have now polymorphism (SNP), which is a base change in the
demonstrated the role of nutrients in the regulation of DNA sequence, occurring approximately once every
some of the processes of gene expression, our under- 1.9 kb in human genome (70). Genetic SNP databases
standing remains scarce. are now in development, making possible the screening
for individuals variations.
Association studies represent one way of investigating
Technological approaches nutrient–gene interactions. A candidate-gene approach
has to be chosen for such exploration, meaning that
One way of exploring the nutrient–gene interaction is to polymorphisms within a gene of interest are tested for
determine how a specific nutrient modulates the expres- family or population-based associations in response to
sion of target genes, without considering a particular different dietary intakes.
genetic background. The opposite approach is to Frequent polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes
analyse the inter-individual variability to nutrient have been linked to pathologies as neural tube defect and
response, by the study of gene polymorphisms. An homocystinemia (71, 72). Genes of the lipid metabolism
animal-based complementary strategy is to modify the pathways, as the Apolipoprotein AI, AIV, B, C-III, E,
expression of a single gene involved in a particular lipoprotein lipase, cholesterol-ester transferin protein,
metabolic pathway, and look at the consequences in lecithin-cholesterol acyltranserase and LDL receptor gene
terms of nutrient-response. clusters have been studied for an association to dietary
intakes response. However, discrepancies were observed
DNA microarrays among the different studies (73). The main difficulty in
Through DNA microarrays strategy, a global approach association studies is to have large and homogenous
and the comprehension of the effect of a specific sample groups. Association studies, as opposed to
stimulus on a gene or on gene families are possible. microarray approach, first require a hypothesis concern-
Using microarrays, it will hopefully be possible to ing the putative role of a gene possibly involved in
understand what are the targets of specific nutrients and metabolic pathways, then looking for sequence variants
which of them are regulated in extreme conditions. The and finally testing their possible association.
arrays of nucleotide sequences can be constituted of
genes of the entire human genome or of a family of Targeted gene inactivation, from mouse to human
genes of interest. The first step is the deposition of spots Targeted gene inactivation, or gene knockout, is another
of purified nucleotide sequences generally on a glass approach to explore the biological role of a candidate
surface but sometimes on nylon substrates. Then, the gene in vivo and study the consequences of a gene
slide is hybridised with fluorescent-labelled RNA or disruption on metabolic processes or diet response. The
cDNA. If the RNA or cDNA molecule has a sequence most common technique for knocking out a gene is
complementary to a given spot it will hybridise to that homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells,
spot on the array and be detectable by its fluorescence, which are then micro-injected into embryos and reim-
and the emitted light captured by a detector. The planted into a foster mother, and production of animals
differential gene expression pattern is interpreted as the with defects in expression of the specific gene (74).
different signal ratios from the fluorescent dyes. Once For example, dietary cholesterol absorption efficiency
the results are obtained, they can be compared with has been shown to be regulated by multiple genetic
other microarray data in a cluster analysis. This builds a factors (75). A gene knockout approach has been used
study of comparative gene expression patterns (67, 68). to explore the role of some genes involved in cholesterol
To our knowledge, this type of large-scale nutritional metabolism. Knockout of the pancreatic cholesterol
study has not yet been performed in human. In esterase showed that this enzyme mediates intestinal
mammalian, a recent report tested the modulation of absorption of cholesteryl esters and is not determinant
intestinal gene expression by dietary zinc status (69). for the absorption of unesterified cholesterol (76).
The authors succeeded in demonstrating changes in Knockouts for the acylCoA cholesterol acyltransferase
mRNA abundance of genes as zinc transporter-2 or (77) have also been generated and helped for the
metallothionein 1, produced by a zinc deficency. understanding of the cholesterol absorption pathways.
The main difficulty related to this approach, excluding Although the generation of knockout animals is an
the price is that the number of modulated candidate extremely important tool, the main problem is that not
genes can be impressively high making the biological all the phenotypes will be comparable to those of human
interpretation tricky. subjects.

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Submission date: 15 April 2003 Accepted: 15 April 2003

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