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[sete avery] [Snot omer] = , [Pineatiowets tour] instructor Assoe-FFOt FOTEY [Ruare70 | ‘Assoc Prof. Mabar Assist. Prof, Maga ‘Subject: Engineering Mechanics (J) Statics (WEPOOOT) G) HiscummeannesiLOesorai babel aaa (2) Novotpagess@- No.of questions 7. Paps no 3/5.5/8. nd 8/8 are empty, {6) This ina lose boo exam {@) Clear systematic answers and soluionsare required In general marks wll uote assigned fr "sigwers and alotions thac require wareasonable (nthe opinion ofthe lnsttoe) effort to decipher. (6) Aselor claritin any question statement at lea Ot (0. Aiempisinall questions () The welt of ach problem is ndicted, ) The exam willbe marked out of 70. Thore are 9 marks bons 4. A) Gonvert 5000 Ibn? w Pa (2 Pa=d No) (8 Marks) B) Compute the magnltude F ofthe force which the earth exerts on the sun, Perform she «calculation frst th Newton and then convert your result to pounds, The mass the earth is ‘mg=59742+10 ky and mass of moon is 38000 times of earth The mean distance between the earth an sun (center to conter) is 143.5«100%m, (4 Marks) Solution (War ba wai Tasee Prot Fanaa Saban gi gh Giak ‘esos Prof. Mahar boa ASood cg fle Aloe ‘ISL Pro Mago BL Foarany. tod te Roms 2. The man exerts a force P of magnitude $0 Ib on ‘he baniles of te wheelbarrow. Knowing thatthe resultant ofthe forces P, Q (the reaction at the Whee!) and W (the weight ofthe wheel barrow) Is the force R= 1041 determine W. (8 Barks) 5. Datermine the projected component ofthe 60 NN force acting along the axis AB of the pipe and Derpendicularto it (12 Mark). Solution (iy) Wik earbr war Basec Fok Poway A Sen gh Bian ‘ase. Pr Maker MAbs ACSo0d ok fl nd Asset Prot. Magda SL Faarany Koto> QE oad 4, The tow truck's front wheels wil be lifted off the {ground ifthe moment of the load W about the rear ante exceeds the moment of the 62001 weight of the truck. Determine the largest W that may be safely applied. (6 Marks) ‘Solution 8) The specialty wrench shown fa the figure is designed for access to the hold-down bolton certain automobile distributors. For the configuration shown where the wrench lies in 2 verti! plane and a ‘horizontal 200-N force is applied at A perpendicular tothe handle, calculat the moment Mo applied tothe ‘ole at 0. For what valu ofthe distance 6 at Which 2 components of Mo Is zera? (6 Marks) ') Replace thls system to a wrench and fad its force, ‘moment, pit, and its intersaetion with x9 plan? (9 Marks) ‘Solution eee Ga) Wao bet win Taxoa Pk awh Subang gh Gidea ASSoe Pt MuberSL Abou AE Sood Gc lind ‘Asis rok eps BL Fatharan: Koto gt Mone 46, ‘The welded tubular frame Is secured to the horizontal plane by 2 ball-and-sodket joint at 4 and reeves support from the loose-ttng ring at 8, Under the ation ofthe 3-KN Toad, rotation about a line from A to is prevented by the ‘able CD, and the frame is stable In the pesition shown, Neglect the welght of th frame compared with the applied load and determine the tension Tin the cable, the reaction arthering and the rezcion components at A (17 Marks) Scution Ta) Witkow bom aihor Tass Pol Fawayh Salam Gh Balan ‘nce. Prof MaberM AbowALSoat gf gn ed ‘ass Pro Maga EbFurany Roto gt ge Some Fa) What is meant by zero force members, mention the three cases for zero internal Forces? (5 Marks) b) Detertine the farce in eah member of the truss and state ifthe mombers are In tension or compression. Set Pr= 100 1, Pye 200 tb, Py= 3001, arb=20 ft. = 30° (9 Marks) (ia Wak oar bn wine Tae Pad Poway A Sabin Ge akan hse Prot Maher Aboud Sod Ag oo gtued ‘Asus Pro Magda HFssrany Kot QR Wot

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