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1° Watch the video.

2° Write the lesson in your notebooks.

Monday , 22nd June 2020

Be going to vs Will

 To make decisions that are made at the time of speaking

 To state a fact about the future
 To make a promise ,an offer or a threat
 To make a prediction
 With words like I think , I guess , I hope , probably , possibly

Be going to

 A future event that has been planned before the time of speaking
 To make a future prediction based on facts / evidence

Complete the sentences using be going to or will.

1. Philipp _____________15 next Wednesday. (to be)

2. They ____________a new computer.  (to get)
3. I think my mother _____________this CD.  (to like)
4. Paul's sister _____________a baby.  (to have)
5. They _____________at about 4 in the afternoon.  (to arrive)
6. Just a moment. I _____________you with the bags.  (to help)
7. In 2020 people _____________more hybrid cars.  (to buy)
8. Marvin _____________a party next week.  (to throw)
9. We _____________to Venice in June.  (to fly)
10. Look at the clouds! It _____________soon.  (to rain)
First Session online ( 1ra sesión en vivo)
 Solve the worksheets ( resolver las fichas interactivas durante la sesión)
ng_to_ny13035sr resolver-tomar foto
o_vs._Will_-_1_an26755vt resolver-tomar foto
%E2%80%98%C2%B7_Be_going_to_kh36475rp resolver-tomar foto
Second Session online ( 2da sesión en vivo)
 Solve the worksheets ( resolver las fichas interactivas durante la sesión)
o_vs._Will_-_2_pq26756qp resolver-tomar foto
OING_TO_yr38700po resolver-tomar foto
ll_vs_going_to)_fl37686ku resolver-tomar foto

Third Session online ( 3ra sesión en vivo) resolver-tomar foto resolver-tomar foto

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