Timelin Eof Biology: Assignment # 1

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Assignment # 1

General Education 5
(Science, Technology, and Society)

Answer no.1
e of 1632-


Zacharias Janssen
Robert Hooke Antonie van Carl Linnaeus Matthias Jakob
Robert Hooke FRS was an
Leeuwenhoek He is known as the
He is associated with Schleiden
English scientist and A largely self- "father of modern
the invention of the first taught man in taxonomy" a German botanist
architect, a polymath,
optical telescope science, he is and co-founder of cell
recently called "England's
and/or the first truly commonly known theory, along with
Leonardo", who, using a
compound microscope. Theodor Schwann and
microscope, was the first as "the Father of
Microbiology", Rudolf Virchow.
to visualize a

1838 1810- 1831- 1823- 1809-

1882 1902 1913 1882

Theodor Schwann
Theodor Schwann Rudolf Virchow Alfred Russel Charles Darwin
Cell theory He is known as "the
was a German Wallace His proposition that
Schleiden and Schwann physician and father of modern
He is best known for all species of life
proposed cell theory. physiologist. His pathology" and as
independently have descended
most significant the founder of social
conceiving the theory over time from
contribution to medicine, and to his
of evolution through common ancestors
biology is colleagues, the
natural selection; his is now widely
considered to be "Pope of medicine".
paper on the subject accepted, and
the extension of cell was jointly published considered a
theory to animals. with some of Charles foundational
Darwin's writings in concept in science.
Answer no.2

Contributions by Mayans (Mayan Civilization) to the World of Science and Technology

1.The Mayans Mayans formalized their langu

developed an into a codified writing system
(often called hieroglyphics)
advanced language Their glyphs were used much l
those of Ancient Egypt, to
and writing system represent words, sounds, and
syllables through the use of
as well as books pictures and other symbols.

2. The Mayan's Amazingly the Mayans were able

develop their own concept of 'zero
developed the least 100 years earlier than in Indi
about 350 AD. Frankly, this is
concept of zero incredible given that the continent
America were held back from the
independently world' not just because of their
geographical isolation but also by
relatively recent occupation of t
lands relative to 'old world'

3. The Mayans Chocolate, was developed very ea

on in Mayan culture.
invented Chocolate

4. The Mayans were The Mayans and other Mesoamer

societies managed to devise their o
the first to vulcanize process around 1600 BC. They ap
to have been able to make a form
rubber elastic from normal latex by blend
it with other vegetative substanc

The Mayans are famed for thei

5. Mayan astronomy development, and accuracy, of th
astronomical observations and
predictions. They made very care
recordings and objective conclusi
about those heavenly bodies eas
seen by the human eye.
1. Calendar The Inca used their calendar to m
religious festivals as well as th
seasons so they could plant their c
at the correct time of the year. Th
studied the sun and the stars to
calculate their calendar.

2. Quipus A quipu was a series of strings w

knots. The number of knots, the siz
the knots, and the distance betwe
knots conveyed meaning to the In
sort of like writing. Only special
trained officials knew how to us

3. Roads The Incas built a large system of r

that went throughout their empire.
roads were usually paved with sto
Stone steps were often built into s
areas in the mountains.
The main purpose for the roads w
for communication, moving arm
troops, and to transport goods.
Commoners were not allowed to tr
on the roads.

4. Stone Buildings The Inca were able to create stur

stone buildings. Without the use
iron tools they were able to shape l
stones and have them fit togethe
without the use of mortar. By fitt
the stones closely as well as oth
architectural techniques, the Inca w
able to create large stone buildings
survived for hundreds of years des
the many earthquakes that occur

5. Irrigation System These systems were primarily used

the irrigation of the agricultura
terraces and for bringing fresh
drinking water from fountains an
clear mountain streams to the In
Contributions by Incas (Inca Civilization) to the World of Science and Technology

Contributions by ancient Indians to the World of Science and Technology

1. The Idea of Zero Little needs to be written about t

mathematical digit ‘zero’, one of
most important inventions of all ti
Mathematician Aryabhata was the
person to create a symbol for zero
it was through his efforts that
mathematical operations like addi
and subtraction started using the d
zero. The concept of zero and it
integration into the place-value sys
also enabled one to write numbers
matter how large, by using only t

2. The Decimal India gave the ingenious method

expressing all numbers by means
System ten symbols – the decimal system
this system, each symbol received
value of position as well as an abso
value. Due to the simplicity of th
decimal notation, which facilitat
calculation, this system made the u
of arithmetic in practical inventio
much faster and easier.

Indians, as early as 500 BCE, ha

3. Numeral devised a system of different symb
for every number from one to nin
Notations This notation system was adopted
the Arabs who called it the hind
numerals. Centuries later, this nota
system was adopted by the weste
world who called them the Arab
numerals as it reached them throu
the Arab traders.

4. Fibbonacci The Fibonacci numbers and the

sequence first appear in Indian
Numbers mathematics as mātrāmeru, mentio
by Pingala in connection with th
Sanskrit tradition of prosody. Later
the methods for the formation of th
numbers were given by
mathematicians Virahanka, Gopa
and Hemacandra , much before t
Italian mathematician Fibonacc
introduced the fascinating sequenc
Western European mathematics

5. Binary Numbers Binary numbers is the basic langu

in which computer programs ar
written. Binary basically refers to a
of two numbers, 1 and 0, the
combinations of which are called
and bytes.
Excavations at Harappans sites ha
6. Ruler yielded rulers or linear measures m
from ivory and shell. Marked out
Measurements minute subdivisions with amazin
accuracy, the calibrations correspo
closely with the hasta increments o
3/8 inches, traditionally used in t
ancient architecture of South Ind
The first iron-cased rockets wer
7. Iron-Cased developed in the 1780s by Tipu Su
of Mysore who successfully used t
Rockets rockets against the larger forces of
British East India Company during
Anglo-Mysore Wars. He crafted l
iron tubes, filled them with gunpow
and fastened them to bamboo pole
create the predecessor of the mod
The first cataract surgery is said
8. Cataract Surgery have been performed by the ancie
Indian physician Sushruta, way ba
in 6th century BCE. To remove t
cataract from the eyes, he used
curved needle, Jabamukhi Salaka
loosen the lens and push the catar
out of the field of vision.
A pioneering steel alloy matrix
9. Wootz Steel developed in India, Wootz steel i
crucible steel characterized by a
pattern of bands that was known in
ancient world by many differen
names such as Ukku, Hindwani a
Seric Iron.
Considered one of the most
10. Seamless Metal remarkable feats in metallurgy, t
first seamless celestial globe was m
Globe in Kashmir by Ali Kashmiri ibn
Luqman in the reign of the Empe
Akbar. In a major feat in metallur
Mughal metallurgists pioneered t
method of lost-wax casting to ma
twenty other globe masterpieces in
reign of the Mughal Empire.
Contributions by ancient Chinese to the World of Science and Technology

There was a time when ancestors used

1. Paper Making bamboo, stones, wood, and animal
bones as writing materials which were
cumbersome, and expensive thing to
do .Cai Lun for invented Paper in
105 AD.

Chinese used Gunpowder to make

2. Fireworks these firework materials. The history
dates back to some 2000 years and the
story behind this quite interesting. The
invention of fireworks was a beautiful
accident when a Chinese cook
happened to mix charcoal, sulfur,
saltpeter to see an explosion. There are
so many theories around this and the
historians also give credits to India, Li
Tian (Chinese monk), Song dynasty
(960-1279), and others
It is said that during the rule of Han
3. Blast Furnace Dynasty of China (1st century AD)
there was the usage of extant blast
furnaces. In 31AD an Engineer by
name Du Shi enhanced it and applied
the power of waterwheels to piston
bellows to produce cast iron.

Around 2000 years ago, Chinese

4. Porcelain developed this ceramic material called
Porcelain which then spread to other
Easter Asian Countries, Europe, and to
the rest of the world.

5. Seismograph The first seismograph had a container

with eight dragons and a metal ball
placed below.

It is said that Chinese have been

6. Tea cultivating tea from centuries. By the
18th century, Europeans had
developed the quench for Chinese tea
and they have loved it so much that
they started exporting it from China by
spending thousands of pounds of

In 9th Century Chinese alchemist

7. Gun Powder found this in search for an elixir of
immortality, China didn’t anticipate
that it will be used to develop guns
and cannons.

Contributions by the Middle East Countries to the World of Science and Technology
A Muslim scientist named Ibn al-
1. Theory of light Haytham, known for his empirical
proof of the intromission theory of

Mathematics during the Golden Age

2. Mathematics of Islam, especially during the 9th
and 10th centuries, was built on
Greek mathematics (Euclid,
Archimedes, Apollonius) and Indian
mathematics (Aryabhata,
Brahmagupta). Important progress
was made, such as the full
development of the decimal place-
value system to include decimal
fractions, the first systematised study
of algebra (named for The
Compendious Book on Calculation by
Completion and Balancing by scholar
Al-Khwarizmi), and advances in
geometry and trigonometry.

The Canon of Medicine is an

3. Medicine encyclopedia of medicine in five
books compiled by Persian Muslim
physician-philosopher Avicenna and
completed in 1025.
Contributions by the Egyptian (Africa) to the World of Science and Technology

The lunar calendar was used for their

1. Calendar religious festivals and rituals, but for
their daily lives, the ancient Egyptians
used a solar calendar which contained
365 days per year. Each year was
comprised of three, four-month
seasons, which were named after
significant events related to their
agrarian lifestyle.

2. Metallurgy The iron tools helped a lot in

manufacturing ivory goods and digging
out gold reserves.

3. Lebombo Bone Lebombo Bone is an ancient

mathematical artifact

4. Egyptian Pyramid Egyptian pyramids are one of the

defining architectural achievements of
the ancient world.

Answer no.3
How did Society shaped science and how did
science shaped society?
Science had a major impact on society, and their impact is
growing, by making life easier, science has given man the chance to
pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and
justice; to create cultures; and to improve human conditions.
Science influences society through its knowledge and world
view. Scientific knowledge and the procedures used
by scientists influence the way many individuals in society think
about themselves, others, and the environment. The effect
of science on society is neither entirely beneficial nor entirely

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