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Case Study

Design, Construction, and Performance of Continuously

Reinforced Concrete Pavement Reinforced with GFRP Bars:
Case Study
Brahim Benmokrane1; Abdoulaye Sanni Bakouregui2; Hamdy M. Mohamed3; Denis Thébeau4;
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and Omar I. Abdelkarim5

Abstract: The application of deicing salt on roads during the winter is one of the main reasons for steel corrosion in reinforced-concrete
pavements in cold-weather regions such as Canada and the Northern United States. Steel corrosion creates internal stresses in the concrete
that cause the concrete to burst. This reduces the service life of pavements and increases maintenance costs. This study presents a long-
term field test of a continuously reinforced-concrete pavement (CRCP) reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars lo-
cated on Highway 40 West (Montreal, Quebec). The design procedures, construction details, performance, and monitoring results for
a 306-m-long section of GFRP-CRCP are presented. Three different types of fiber-optic sensors were used to monitor the pavement be-
havior and to evaluate the long-term performance of this type of CRCP. The field inspection ran for 6 years after the time of construction,
and the data covering 30 months were analyzed. The concrete crack width, concrete crack spacing and rate, concrete temperature, concrete
strain, and GFRP-bar strain behavior were recorded and investigated. The GFRP-CRCP and a 94-m-long stretch of steel-CRCP on that
highway were compared in terms of crack width, spacing, and rate. Site inspection showed that neither type of pavement exceeded the
crack-width limit of 1.0 mm set by the available design standard for pavement structures. The crack rate of the CRCP reinforced with
GFRP bars was generally lower than that with steel bars. Moreover, the field test results after 6 years under actual service conditions
revealed that GFRP-CRCP provides very competitive performance in comparison to steel-CRCP. Lastly, design equations were devel-
oped and proposed to determine the longitudinal-reinforcement ratio for the GFRP-CRCP based on the available design standard.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0001064. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Continuously reinforced-concrete pavement; Concrete pavement; GFRP bars; Long-term study; Field test.

Introduction that is usually used for high-traffic and heavily loaded roadways.
CRCP is constructed without any transverse contraction joints,
A nation’s roadway network plays a vital role in its socioeconomic but with longitudinal reinforcement distributed along the pavement
development, ensuring safe transportation for people and goods. rather than only at the joints, as in jointed plain-concrete pavements.
The two main types of roadway pavements are rigid (concrete) Therefore, CRCP controls the transverse crack widths caused by con-
and flexible (asphalt). A rigid pavement usually consists of a con- crete volumetric changes. CRCP was used for the first time on Co-
crete liner, a crushed-aggregate base, and a subbase. A continu- lumbia Pike in Arlington, Virginia, about 100 years ago (Roesler
ously reinforced-concrete pavement (CRCP) is a rigid pavement et al. 2016). It was built for the first time in Canada in 2000 in the
Province of Quebec (Thébeau and Davidson 2006).
1 Although CRCP yields a longer life span than jointed plain-
Professor of Civil Engineering and Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in
Advanced Composite Materials for Civil Structures, and Senior NSERC In- concrete pavements by maintaining its smoothness for at least
dustrial Research Chair in FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, 20–30 years (Roesler et al. 2016), steel corrosion remains a
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada major problem, which reduces its service life and increases mainte-
J1K 2R1 (corresponding author). Email: Brahim.Benmokrane@ nance costs (Kim et al. 2000; Choi and Chen 2005). Several studies have examined the relationship between surface cracks and steel
Ph.D. Student, Univ. of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1K corrosion (e.g., Vidal et al. 2004; Micheal et al. 2014). Others
2R1. ORCID: Email: abdoulaye have presented analytical models to evaluate steel corrosion
Research Associate/Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of
based on measuring the widths of surface cracks (Bossio et al.
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1K 2R1. E-mail: Hamdy 2017). The main reason for steel corrosion in CRCP pavements is the application of deicing salt after snowfalls during the winter
Professional Engineer, Ministry of Transportation of Quebec, Mon- season. For example, more than 800,000 tons of deicing salt are
treal, QC, Canada H2Z 1W7. Email: used each year on the roadway network in the Province of Quebec,
Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Sher- which makes corrosion of steel reinforcement a serious problem
brooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1K 2R1. ORCID: (Perreault et al. 2012). Steel corrosion creates internal stresses in
-0003-2464-4153. Email:
the concrete, which damages the concrete surrounding the steel re-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 23, 2019; approved
on May 20, 2020; published online on July 30, 2020. Discussion period inforcement, leading to punchout. This shortens the CRCP’s life
open until December 30, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted and increases maintenance costs. CRCP might yield better perfor-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites mance and achieve a much longer service life with minimal main-
for Construction, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268. tenance if steel corrosion could be prevented.

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J. Compos. Constr., 2020, 24(5): 05020004

There are, however, other issues affecting CRCP life span: width and spacing. The finite-element study presented by Walton
premature deterioration due to concrete shrinkage, fatigue, and and Bradberry (2005) showed that GFRP-CRCP had performance
the demands of traffic on the roadway. In addition, studies have similar to or better than steel-CRCP.
shown that the concrete crack width increases linearly with de-
creasing average pavement temperature (McCullough and Treybig
1966). Therefore, cracks are wider during the winter, which allows Research Significance
deicing salts to penetrate the CRCP.
Several studies have been conducted on steel-CRCP (e.g., One of the solutions to preventing corrosion of steel reinforcement
Choi and Chen 2005; Kohler and Roesler 2005; Ha et al. 2012; and to limiting concrete cracking in CRCP is replacing the steel
Jung et al. 2012). The main factors affecting the behavior and effi- bars with GFRP bars. To the authors’ best knowledge, no long-term
ciency of the CRCP pavement with steel reinforcement are aggre- field tests have yet been conducted on CRCP with GFRP bars
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gate interlocking, frictional resistance between the subgrade and (GFRP-CRCP). This study presents a long-term field test on a
the concrete layer, thickness of the concrete layer, concrete and busy highway in the City of Montreal (Highway 40 West), which
rebar characteristics, pavement foundation type, and traffic loads is known to receive heavy snowfalls. The field test ran for 30
(Choi et al. 2011; Choi and Chen 2015). The thermal stresses months, followed by visual inspections every 6 months for perfor-
that occur in the concrete depend on the thermal properties of the mance assessment. The total period of investigation was approxi-
concrete, concrete curing, environmental conditions, and the di- mately 6 years, from September 2013 to September 2019. The
mensions and geometry of the structure (McCullough and Treybig field-test results in terms of concrete crack width, crack spacing
1966; Zollinger et al. 1994; Kim et al. 2000; Huang 2003; Choi and rate, concrete temperature, concrete strains, and GFRP-bar
et al. 2011; Zhang and Liu 2012). An increase in temperature strains were monitored and analyzed. Based on these results, design
causes the concrete to expand, whereas a decrease in temperature equations were developed and proposed to optimize the GFRP
causes the concrete to shrink. In the case of CRCP, transverse cracks longitudinal-reinforcement ratio for CRCP with GFRP bars.
are mostly caused by the combination of cyclic stresses of heavy traf-
fic and stresses due to thermal gradient, moisture gradient, and drying
shrinkage in confinement conditions (Huang 2003; Al-Qadi and CRCP Field Test
Elseifi 2006). The confinement was created by anchoring the slab
ends, the steel or GFRP reinforcement, and the friction between
the base of the pavement and the foundation soil. Project Description
The fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite provides an excel- The test section is part of the Highway 40 West rehabilitation
lent alternative to steel because of its noncorroding characteristics project between Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge and St-Charles Boulevard in
along with its very high strength-to-weight ratio (ACI 2015). the municipalities of Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie-d’Urfé,
Recently, glass-FRP (GFRP) bars have been used in several infra- Beaconsfield, and Kirkland. The average number of vehicles per
structure field applications such as bridges, overpasses, water tanks, day on this highway exceeds 125,000 with approximately 10%
and parking garages (Benmokrane et al. 2006, 2007; Mohamed and consisting of heavy trucks. Furthermore, Highway 40 experiences
Benmokrane 2014; Ahmed et al. 2014, 2017). Very few studies— severe annual environmental conditions with temperatures varying
and they have been limited—have been conducted on GFRP-CRCP from −40°C to 35°C, an annual snowfall of more than 3.0 m, more
(Choi and Chen 2003, 2005 2015; Walton and Bradberry 2005; Eisa than 40 annual freezing-and-thawing cycles, and an annual precip-
et al. 2006; Thebeau et al. 2008; Liu and Lin 2012). So far, shrink- itation of 1.0 m. The MTQ engineers provided the statistics of ve-
age and the thermal properties of the concrete and FRP bars have hicles and environmental conditions. The highway consists of three
been found to be the most influential factors affecting the behavior 3.7-m wide lanes [right lane (RL), center lane (CL), and left lane
of GFRP-CRCP. Thébeau and Davidson (2006) presented the de- (LL)]. The total length of the CRCP is 9.0 km, reinforced with gal-
sign, construction, and performance of the first CRCPs reinforced vanized steel except for the investigated section, which was rein-
with steel bars constructed in Quebec in the 2000s by the Ministry forced with GFRP bars. The investigated CRCP was 400-m long
of Transportation of Quebec (MTQ). They suggested using GFRP and 315-mm thick, consisting of 94 m of steel-CRCP followed
bars instead of steel bars for future CRCP to avoid steel corrosion by 306 m of GFRP-CRCP. The GFRP-CRCP was instrumented
due to the harsh environmental conditions in Quebec. Eisa et al. with three different types of fiber-optic sensors to monitor and evaluate
(2006) studied the stress levels and displacements of GFRP-CRCP the performance of the GFRP-CRCP during the investigation period.
using finite-element parametric analyses. They revealed that using
GFRP bars reduced the stress in reinforcing bars, but increased
CRCP displacement. In addition, the crack pattern was affected CRCP Reinforcement, Configuration,
by the area of reinforcement. Based on the properties of the tested and Material Properties
GFRP and steel bars, Liu and Lin (2012) concluded the applicabil- The design of the investigated GFRP-CRCP was based on a prelim-
ity of using GFRP bars instead of steel bars in CRCP in terms of inary field examination presented by Benmokrane et al. (2008)
crack width, crack spacing, and bar stress. Choi and Chen (2003, in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation of Quebec
2005) numerically investigated the behavior of GFRP-CRCP com- (MTQ). Benmokrane et al. (2008) tested 15 sections of GFRP-CRCP
pared to that of steel-CRCP. They found that the relatively low 22 m in length with different reinforcement ratios (from 0.77% to
modulus of elasticity of the FRP bars compared to the steel was re- 1.57%), different bar sizes and spacings, one or two layers of rein-
sponsible for reducing stresses in the concrete section. Choi and forcement, and two slab thicknesses (280 and 350 mm). They used
Chen (2015) presented field observations for the U.S.’s first the equations by Vetter (1993), AASHTO (1972), and United States
GFRP-CRCP test section in Martinsburg, West Virginia, for a Department of Transportation (USDT 1996) and the slab-on-ground
short term of 28 days. They also conducted finite-element analyses equation in ACI 440.1R-06 (ACI 2006) to determine the required re-
to confirm the design. They reported that the crack width and spac- inforcement ratio for the GFRP-CRCP. Hence, they extended the
ing of the GFRP-CRCP were larger than that of the steel-CRCP. range of the investigated reinforcement ratios below and above the
The finite element introduced a conservative prediction of crack required reinforcement ratio of 1.2%. Crack width, crack spacing,

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concrete temperature, concrete strain, and bar strain were monitored Fiber-Optic Sensors
over a period of 24 months. Based on the preliminary study results,
A total of 36 fiber-optic sensors were used to measure the
design recommendations were prepared in a discussion with MTQ
GFRP-bar strains, concrete strains, and concrete temperature.
engineers in order to prepare the design of the GFRP-CRCP for
Twenty-nine fiber-optic strain gauges (FOS model), as shown in
the current field-test study dealing with slab thickness, reinforcement
Figs. 4(a and b), were attached to six No. 8 longitudinal GFRP
ratio, and bar size and spacing to comply with AASHTO (1993) re-
bars (6 FOS on each bar) distributed, as shown in Fig. 3. All the
quirements. The longitudinal-reinforcement ratio of the steel section,
fiber-optic strain gauges attached to the longitudinal bars were
based on AASHTO (1993), was 0.73%. The value of 0.93% was
located by GPS coordinates. Four fiber-optic strain gauges were
chosen as the longitudinal-reinforcement ratio for the GFRP-CRCP
embedded in the concrete slab at different heights to measure
section considering that the modulus of the elasticity of GFRP bars
the concrete strains [see Fig. 4(c)]. Three thermocouples were em-
is lower than that of steel bars.
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bedded in the concrete slab to measure the concrete temperature

The CRCP rested on a base made of MG-20 with a thickness of
[see Fig. 4(d)]. Thermocouples TB-C1 and TB-C2 were placed at
165 mm and a subgrade made of densified MG-112 with a thick-
approximately 55 and 100 mm from the ground, while Thermocou-
ness of 750 mm, where MG-20 and MG-112 are granular mate-
ple TB-C3 was placed at the same height as the longitudinal
rials (crushed stone) with an aggregate size range of 0–0.75 in.
reinforcement in the slab. Fig. 5 illustrates the placement of the
(0–19.1 mm) and 0–4 in. (0–101.6 mm), respectively. The GFRP
fiber-optic sensors in the CRCP pavement. A data-acquisition sys-
longitudinal and transverse reinforcement was No. 8 (25-mm diam-
tem with two multichannel data loggers was used to collect the sen-
eter) at 173-mm spacing and No. 6 (19-mm diameter) at 500-mm
sor readings. The scanning time of the reading channels was at an
spacing, respectively. The longitudinal and transverse steel rein-
interval of 150 ms.
forcement was 20 M at 125-m spacing and 15 M at 600-mm spac-
ing, respectively. Fig. 1 shows the pavement structure of the CRCP
test sections. Figs. 2(a)–2(d) show the steel reinforcement details.
The transverse reinforcement formed an angle of 30° with respect Field-Test Results and Discussion
to the transverse line. The design of the tested sections complies
with the requirements of the Ministry of Transportation of Quebec
Crack Width and Distribution
standard, volume VII (2011). Table 1 presents the reinforcement
configurations for the steel- and GFRP-CRCP. Table 2 presents Crack mapping was carried out by the MTQ’s pavement laboratory
the material properties of the GFRP and steel bars. directorate. Surveys were conducted periodically during the
Concrete Type IIIA was used for the CRCP pavement and shutdowns of Highway 40 West in the evening. Before opening
the jointed plain-concrete pavement (JPCP) doweled slabs of the the highway to traffic, uniformly distributed microcracks due to
shoulders, as per the requirements of the MTQ standard, volume shrinkage and ambient temperature variations were noted in the
VII (2011). The concrete was placed in the test sections on the steel-CRCP and GFRP-CRCP. The highway was opened to traffic
nights of September 25–26, 2013. Moving in the westerly direc- in December 2013 (see Fig. 6). During the period from October
tion, the right lane and center lane slabs were placed together. 2013 to November 2014 (13 months), the crack width in the
The left lane slab and the shoulders were placed soon after. Once steel-CRCP ranged from 0.15 to 0.80 mm, while it ranged from
the concrete finishing had been completed, the longitudinal shrink- 0.15 to 0.60 mm in the GFRP-CRCP. These measured crack widths
age joints were cut 5 m apart with a saw. Figs. 2(e and f) show the were lower than the crack limit of 1.0 mm in the AASHTO (1993)
concrete placement of the slabs. The compressive strength ( f ′c ) of standard.
concrete cylinders of the CRCP pavement and shoulders were 43.7 Figs. 7(a and b) present typical crack mapping of the
and 44.5 MPa, respectively, as determined by testing several stan- GFRP-CRCP and steel-CRCP, respectively, along a 25-m section
dard cylinders at 28 days under compression as per ASTM in May 28, 2014, and July 23, 2014. The main difference in the
C39 (2012). final crack patterns was the number and spacing of the transverse
cracks along the CRCP. In general, in the steel-CRCP, several
well-distributed transverse cracks were formed with a greater
total number of cracks and a narrower average crack spacing com-
pared to the GFRP-CRCP. The average crack spacing for the three
lanes in the steel-CRCP ranged from 1.02 to 2.04 m; the standard
deviation ranged from 0.81 to 1.67 m. On the other hand, in the
GFRP-CRCP, the very close transverse cracks formed groups of
cracks. The average crack spacing between these groups was rela-
tively wide compared to that of the steel-CRCP, ranging from 1.18
to 3.55 m with standard deviation ranging from 1.24 to 2.49 m. The
average standard deviation of the GFRP-CRCP was greater than
that of the steel-CRCP, which is another indication, along with
the crack mapping, that the crack spacing in the GFRP-CRCP
was wider than in the steel-CRCP. This result is quite normal be-
cause the standard deviation increases when the cracks or groups
of cracks are spaced further apart.
Figs. 8 (a and b) provide the histograms of crack spacing in the
right lane (RL) of the steel-CRCP and GFRP-CRCP, respectively,
on March 30, 2016 (29 months after the time of construction). As
can be seen, the histograms follow the Weibull distribution right
Fig. 1. Pavement structure of CRCP test sections on Highway 40 West,
tail, which is commonly used to characterize the probability of
Montreal (all dimensions are in millimeters).
crack distribution in CRCP (Selezneva et al. 2003; Al-Qadi and

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 2. Construction of the CRCP: (a) handling GFRP rebars; (b) overview of the GFRP bars in longitudinal and transverse directions; (c) chairs
under GFRP bars; (d) positioning the fibre-optic sensors (FOS); (e) concrete casting; and (f) GFRP-CRCP after concrete casting. (Images by
Hamdy M. Mohamed.)

Table 1. Reinforcement details and the spacing of the transverse reinforcement. In fact, at the
Details GFRP-CRCP Steel-CRCP same longitudinal-reinforcement ratio, the greater the bar diame-
ter, the lower the bar anchoring. This was one of the reasons for
Concrete slab thickness 315 mm 315 mm
the widely spaced groups of transverse cracks in the
Type of reinforcement GFRP Galvanized steel
Longitudinal-reinforcement 0.93% #8 (25 mm) 0.73% 20 M GFRP-CRCP (Nam et al. 2003; Transtec Group 2004).
ratio @ 173 mm @ 125 mm The modulus of elasticity of the GFRP bars was much lower
Transverse reinforcement #6 (19 mm) 15 M @ 600 mm than that of the steel bars, which also explains the widely spaced
@ 500 mm at 30° at 30° cracks in the GFRP-CRCP bars (Choi and Chen 2015).
AASHTO (1993) recommends a crack spacing between 1.1 and
2.44 m to minimize the potential for punchout or spalling. Table 3
Elseifi 2006). The GFRP-CRCP had a higher crack spacing than the shows the distribution of crack spacing on March 30, 2016. The
steel-CRCP (up to 5.7 m). Several parameters influenced the crack majority of crack spacings were lower than the recommendations
spacing in the steel-CRCP and GFRP-CRCP. These include longitu- in AASHTO (1993). Nevertheless, the two types of the CRCP
dinal and transverse reinforcement ratios, bar diameter, (steel and GFRP) had very similar behavior with respect to the per-
bar-to-concrete bond, concrete type, concreting and concrete con- centage of cracks per lane. No punchout degradation was noted in
ditions, and environmental conditions (Nanni 1993; Gilbert and either the steel-CRCP or GFRP-CRCP.
Ranzi 2010). In the GFRP-CRCP, the very close transverse Fig. 9 illustrates the crack rate of the CRCPs for 29 months,
cracks formed groups of cracks, which were, in turn, widely which was calculated as the sum of the crack lengths in the consid-
spaced because of the size of the longitudinal reinforcement ered section divided by the total area of the considered section

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Table 2. Material properties of the GFRP and steel rebars
Bar Nominal diameter Cross-sectional area (by Nominal cross-sectional areaa Modulus of elasticity Tensile strength Yield stress
type (mm) immersion tests) (mm2) (mm2) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
GFRP 19 302 285.0 52.5 1,110 N.A.
25 546 506.7 52.5 800 —
Steel 15 — 200 200 540 400
20 — 300 — — —
The strength and modulus were calculated based on this area.
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Fig. 3. Distribution of fiber-optic strain gauges on the GFRP bars.

(m/m2). Generally, the GFRP-CRCP had a lower crack rate than the ambient temperature ranging from −28°C to +7°C and the concrete
steel-CRCP because the cracks in this section were widely spaced temperature ranging from −18°C to +3°C. The relatively constant
groups of very close cracks. The crack rate in both the steel-CRCP temperature of the ground, along with the thermal inertia in the slab
and GFRP-CRCP increased sharply in the first 4 months. Then, thickness, might account for the delayed effects of air–temperature
the slope significantly dropped for the next 11 months. After that, variations on the concrete slab.
the crack rate remained almost constant until the end of the field read- Figs. 11(a and b) illustrate, respectively, the temperature var-
ings. In general, the center lane (CL) had the highest crack rate dur- iation in the concrete thickness of the GFRP-CRCP over a period
ing the test period because it carried the most traffic of the three lanes. of 24 h in winter and spring of 2014. The concrete temperature
The left lane had the lowest crack rate because it is generally used varied nonlinearly in the concrete thickness during the day within
only for passing. a range of 0.5°C–3.0°C and 0.25°C–3.25°C, respectively. The
concrete temperature variation in the thickness was highest in
the hour before sunset in the winter and the hour after sunrise
CRCP Temperature Behavior in the spring. During the winter, the middle surface was hotter
Figs. 10(a–c), respectively, illustrate the change in concrete temper- during the day, while the bottom was hotter at night. During the
ature in the GFRP-CRCP during a period in autumn 2013, winter spring, the top surface was hotter during the day, while the bottom
2014, and spring 2014, compared to the ambient temperature was usually hotter at night. This variation in concrete temperature
taken from the Environment Canada website (Environment and in the thickness during the winter and spring explains the crack
Natural Resources 2014). Fig. 10(a) shows the temperature varia- occurrence because of the difference between the concrete and
tion for 2 weeks after placing the CRCP concrete, and Figs. 10(b ambient temperatures.
and c) show the temperature variation for about 4 weeks in winter
and spring 2014, respectively. The concrete temperature was con-
Concrete Strain Behavior
siderably higher than the ambient temperature for the first hours
after concrete placement because of the heat of hydration. After Figs. 12(a and b) illustrate the concrete strains over a period of
that, the concrete temperature gradually decreased over time. Dur- 2 weeks during winter 2014 and spring 2014, respectively. The var-
ing the three seasons, a peak shift occurred among the temperatures iation in concrete temperature is also presented in these figures.
of the three thermocouples and between the temperatures of the The temperature peaks in the concrete were in phase with the
thermocouples and the ambient temperature. The thermocouple peaks of its strains for the periods considered. Therefore, a decrease
variation curves followed a sinusoidal profile of the ambient tem- in the concrete temperature resulted in an increase in the compres-
perature. During autumn 2013 and spring 2014, the concrete sive strains. In addition, the concrete strains in the DB-C3 gauge,
temperature was generally higher than the ambient temperature which was placed at the same level as the longitudinal reinforcement,
by 1°C–13°C. Temperature peaks were more frequent during were almost always higher than the readings of the other gauge,
spring 2014. During winter 2014, the concrete temperatures which were placed close to the ground. The concrete strains ranged
were between the peaks of the ambient temperature, with the from −25 µɛ to −245 µɛ and −30 µɛ to +45 µɛ during these 2 weeks

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(a) (e)
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Fig. 4. Fibre-optic sensors (FOS) and data-acquisition system: (a and b) FOS as received to measure concrete strain and temperature, respectively;
(c and d) installation of FOS for concrete strain and temperature measurement, respectively; and (e) data-acquisition system. (Images by Hamdy
M. Mohamed.)

in the winter and spring, respectively. Fig. 13(a) illustrates the con- Proposed Method for Determining the Reinforcement
crete strain during the whole entire field test. The concrete strain Ratio of the GFRP-CRCP
ranged from −255 µɛ to +160 µɛ. The tensile strain exceeded the
tensile-strain capacity of the concrete. The high compressive strains AASHTO (1993) is the most common guide for designing
occurred during the winter, while the high tensile strains occurred steel-CRCP. The AASHTO (1993) procedure uses considerations
during the spring. Note that the friction between the concrete slab similar to the design of hollow concrete slabs, which are based on
and its base reduced the expansion and contraction of the concrete a desired range of crack width and crack spacing as well as a limit
slab due to the ambient temperature, thereby reducing the concrete for steel stresses. Compared to the jointed plain-concrete pavement,
tensile and compressive strains. CRCP can be thinner under similar loading and climatic conditions
(e.g., the State of Illinois allows a 20% reduction in slab thickness,
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 2001). The reason is that the con-
GFRP-Bar Strain Behavior tinuous reinforcement in the CRCP maintains closed cracks, leading
Figs. 12(c and d) illustrate the strains in GFRP bar 2 during 2 to a higher load-transfer coefficient. CRCP thickness is commonly
weeks in winter and spring 2014, respectively. The variation between 178 and 330 mm, depending on the traffic and environmen-
in concrete temperature is also presented in these figures. During tal conditions (Roesler et al. 2016). It has been considered that a steel-
the winter and spring, the increase in the concrete temperature reinforcement ratio of between 0.7% and 0.85% would have adequate
was accompanied by a decrease in the GFRP-bar compressive crack widths (Roesler et al. 2016). The design of the steel-CRCP, ac-
strains. The GFRP strains ranged from −110 µɛ to −295 µɛ cording to AASHTO (1993), was based on the following criteria:
and −140 µɛ to +15 µɛ during these 2 weeks, respectively. - Crack spacing is limited to between 1.1 and 2.4 m to reduce the
Fig. 13(b) illustrates the GFRP bar 2 strain during the entire risk of punchout.
field test. The GFRP strain ranged from −320 µɛ to +2,050 µɛ - Crack width is limited to less than 1.0 mm to reduce the risk of
for this bar. These readings of GFRP-bar strains were considered penetration water or spalling of the pavement.
in developing the GFRP-CRCP design equation for the rein- - Stresses in the steel bars are limited to less than 75% of the yield
forcement stress limit. strength to avoid bar yielding.

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Huang (2003) provided design equations based on the AASHTO
(1993) method to determine the longitudinal-reinforcement ratio
(P) as a function of crack spacing, as per Eqs. (1) and (2) for the min-
imum and maximum crack spacing, respectively; crack width as per
Eq. (3); steel stresses as per Eq. (4)
ft αs 0.25
(a) 1.062 1 + 1+ (1 + 0.04φ)0.476
6.894 2αc
Pmax,steel =   −1
σ w 1.13
1.294 X min
1+ (1 + 1,000Z)0.389
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ft αs 0.25
1.062 1 + 1+ (1 + 0.04φ)0.476
6.894 2αc
(b) Pmin1,steel =   −1
σ w 1.13
1.294 X max 1 +
Fig. 5. Distribution of FOS in the concrete slab: (a) concrete strain (1 + 1,000Z)0.389
gauge; and (b) thermocouples (all dimensions are in millimeters). (2)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 6. Highway 40 West (Montreal): (a) highway open to traffic in December 2013; (b) September 2019; (c) crack mapping after 6 months from
opening; and (d) close view for the cracks: September 2019. (Images by Hamdy M. Mohamed.)



Fig. 7. Crack mapping: (a) GFRP-CRCP; and (b) steel-CRCP.

© ASCE 05020004-7 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2020, 24(5): 05020004

0.358 1 + (1 + 0.04φ)0.484
Pmin2,steel =   −1 (3)
σ w 1.079
(0.04 CW ) 0.220
 0.155  1.493
1.8 DTD + 32 ft
50.834 1 + 1+
100 6.894
Pmin3,steel =  1.146 −1
(145 σ s )0.365 1 + (1 + 1,000Z)0.18
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where P = required longitudinal reinforcement (%); ft = concrete

(a) indirect tensile strength (%); αs = steel coefficient of thermal ex-
pansion (°C−1); αc = concrete coefficient of thermal expansion
(°C−1); φ = reinforcement-bar diameter (mm); X min = minimum


Fig. 8. Crack-spacing frequency in the right lane in March 2016:

(a) steel-CRCP; and (b) GFRP-CRCP. (a)

Table 3. Range distribution of crack spacing on March 30, 2016

Lane 0.1–1.1 m 1.1–2.44 m >2.44 m
RL-steel 58.1% 29.6% 12.3%
CL-steel 66.3% 24.4% 9.3%
LL-steel 58.4% 29.9% 11.7%
RL-GFRP 63.5% 17.6% 18.9%
CL-GFRP 70.5% 12.8% 16.7%
LL-GFRP 41.3% 21.7% 37.0%



Fig. 10. Concrete and ambient temperature for (a) 2 weeks in autumn
Fig. 9. Crack rate of the CRCPs over 29 months. 2013; (b) a month in winter 2014; and (c) a month in spring 2014.

© ASCE 05020004-8 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2020, 24(5): 05020004

crack spacing (m) (taken as 1.1 m); X max = maximum crack where γc = concrete density (N/mm3); D = thickness of the slab
spacing (m) (taken as 2.4 m); σw = wheel–load stress (MPa); (mm); L′ = distance from the longitudinal joint to the free edge of
Z = concrete shrinkage at 28 days (mm/mm); CW = crack width the slab (m) (i.e., for two- or three-lane highways L′ is the lane
(mm); DTD = difference between the average temperature after width; and fa = average coefficient of friction between the slab
slab concreting and the mean daily minimum winter temperature and the foundation of the pavement.
(°C); and σs = longitudinal steel stress limit of 75% of the yield This paper proposes a method for calculating the longitudinal-
stress (MPa). reinforcement ratio of GFRP-CRCP. It is based on the AASHTO
Eqs. (1)–(4) yielded longitudinal-reinforcement values of (1993) method for steel-CRCP, considering the properties of
0.80%, 0.48%, 0.71%, and 0.71%, respectively. So, the required the GFRP bars instead of steel bars. Choi and Chen (2005) re-
longitudinal reinforcement for the steel-CRCP is between Pmin of ported that, given the same reinforcement ratio, GFRP-CRCP
0.48% and Pmax of 0.80%. AASHTO (1993) does not make any had wider cracks and greater crack spacing than steel-CRCP
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particular recommendation for the transverse-reinforcement ratio. due to the low modulus of elasticity of GFRP bars. Therefore,
Huang (2003) proposed Eq. (5) to determine the required transverse a coefficient was proposed to compensate the effect of the low
reinforcement modulus of the elasticity of GFRP bars versus steel bars on
crack width and spacing. Eqs. (1)–(4) were modified to adapt
γ c D L′ fa the AASHTO (1993) requirements in calculating the reinforce-
Atr,steel = (5)
2 σs ment ratio for GFRP-CRCP.



Fig. 11. Gradient temperature in the slab cross section: (a) during a day in winter 2014; and (b) during a day in spring 2014.

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Eqs. (6)–(9) were proposed for the design of GFRP-CRCP. width, concrete temperature, concrete strain, and bar strain in order
Eqs. (1)–(3) for the crack spacing and crack-width criteria have to meet the required criteria in AASHTO (1993). This coefficient is
been modified by implementing a coefficient of (200/EGFRP)0.15, 1.22 for the GFRP-bar type used. Eq. (9) (bar-stress criterion) is
where EGFRP = modulus of elasticity of GFRP bars in GPa, to similar to Eq. (4), but with the GFRP properties, since its denom-
take into account the difference in stiffness between steel and inator already takes into account the bar properties. For this last cri-
GFRP bars [Eqs. (6)–(8)]. The 200 in the coefficient is the modulus terion, the stress in the GFRP bars was limited to 35% of the
of elasticity of the steel reinforcement. This coefficient was deter- guaranteed minimum tensile strength to avoid large crack widths.
mined from a regression analysis of approximately 3 million read- Table 4 summarizes the design data for the GFRP-CRCP as well
ings of the field-test results over 29 months for the concrete crack as the data for the steel-CRCP, as a reference
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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 12. Strain behavior: concrete strain and temperature for a period of 2 weeks in (a) winter 2014; and (b) spring 2014; GFRP-bar strains for a
period of 2 weeks in (c) winter 2014; and (d) spring 2014.

(a) (b)

Fig. 13. Strain behavior during the field-test period: (a) concrete strain; and (b) GFRP-bar strains.

© ASCE 05020004-10 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2020, 24(5): 05020004

 ⎛ 1.457   ⎞
ft αGFRP 0.25
  1.062 1 + 1+ (1 + 0.04φ) 0.476
200 0.15 ⎜
⎜ 6.894 2αc ⎟

Pmax,GFRP = ⎜   − 1⎟ (6)
EGFRP ⎝ σ 1.13 ⎠
1.294 X min 1 +
0.217 w
(1 + 1,000Z) 0.389

⎛  1.457   ⎞
f αGFRP 0.25
 0.15 ⎜1.062 1 + t 1+ (1 + 0.04φ)0.476 ⎟
200 ⎜ 6.894 2αc ⎟
Pmin1,GFRP = ⎜   − 1⎟ (7)
EGFRP ⎝ σ 1.13 ⎠
1.294 X max 1 +
0.217 w
(1 + 1,000Z) 0.389
Downloaded from by "University of California, Santa Barbara" on 08/01/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

⎛  1.435 ⎞
 0.15 ⎜0.358 1 + t (1 + 0.04φ)0.484 ⎟
200 ⎜ 6.894 ⎟
Pmin2,GFRP = ⎜   − 1⎟ (8)
EGFRP ⎝ σw 1.079 ⎠
(0.04 CW ) 0.22

1.8 DTD + 32 0.155 ft
50.834 1 + 1+
100 6.894 (9)
Pmin3,GFRP =   −1
σ w 1.146
(145 σ GFRP )0.365 1 + (1 + 1,000Z)0.18

Table 4. Design data for the GFRP-CRCP and steel-CRCP pavement laboratory directorate to investigate the performance of
Description GFRP-CRCP Steel-CRCP
the GFRP-CRCP after 6 years under actual service conditions.
The team from the University of Sherbrooke and MTQ’s pave-
Coefficient of thermal expansion of the 15 × 10 9.0 × 10−6 ment laboratory directorate checked the crack mapping, crack
bars, α (°C−1) width, and the general performance of the GFRP-CRCP section.
Coefficient of thermal expansion of the 9.54 × 10−6 9.54 × 10−6
The observed crack mapping was compared to that recorded in
concrete, αc (°C−1)
Bar diameter, φ (mm) 25 20 February 2016. The comparison indicated that no significant
Concrete shrinkage at 28 days, Z (mm/mm) 0.00036 0.00036 new cracks need to be reported. In addition, the measured maxi-
Wheel–load stress, σw (MPa) 1.07 1.07 mum crack widths were comparable to that measured before. The
Concrete tensile strength, ft (MPa) 4.0 4.0 team confirmed that no major cracks or any signs of deterioration
Maximum crack spacing, X max (m) 9.4 2.44 were found during the inspection. Moreover, they indicated that
Minimum crack spacing, X min (m) 0.10 0.98 the field test results after 6 years under actual service conditions
Crack width, CW (mm) 1.0 0.80 revealed that the GFRP-CRCP performed very competitively
Design temperature drop, DTD (°C) 42.22 42.22 compared to the steel-CRCP. Fig. 6 shows a close overview
Reinforcement allowable stress, σ (MPa) 280.0 360.6 for the cracks in the GFRP-CRCP section during September
2019 visit.
where EGFRP = modulus of elasticity of the GFRP bars (GPa); and
σGFRP = longitudinal GFRP stress limit of 35% of the guaranteed
minimum tensile strength (MPa). Summary and Conclusions
The crack spacing for the GFRP-CRCP ranged from 0.1 to 9.4 m
with an average of 1.77 m. The crack width of the GFRP-CRCP wThis paper presented a long-term field test comparing
ranged from 0.15 to 0.60 mm, although a maximum opening of GFRP-CRCP to steel-CRCP over 6 years. The total length of
1.0 mm was considered for the design equations. The maximum ten- the CRCP studied was 400 m on Highway 40 West (Montreal,
sile strain in the #6 GFRP bars was +2,296 µɛ, which represents a ten- Quebec), of which 306 m was GFRP-CRCP and 94 m was
sile stress of 120 MPa. An allowable stress of 35% of the guaranteed steel-CRCP. The average number of vehicles per day for this is
minimum tensile strength of the GFRP bars was proposed based on approximately 125,000, heavy trucks accounting for 10% of the
the field-test readings. From these data, Eqs. (6)–(9) returned percent- traffic. In addition, the highway is exposed to severe annual envi-
ages of longitudinal GFRP reinforcement of 2.7%, 0.23%, 0.83%, and ronmental conditions with temperatures varying from −40°C to
0.88%, respectively. So, the required amount of GFRP reinforcement 35°C, an annual snowfall of more than 3.0 m, more than 40 an-
should be between Pmin of 0.88% and Pmax of 2.7%. The nual freezing-and-thawing cycles, and an annual precipitation of
GFRP-reinforcement percentage used in the field test was 0.93%, 1.0 m. The longitudinal-reinforcement ratios used for the
which is within the required range. GFRP-CRCP and steel-CRCP were 0.93% and 0.73%, respec-
tively. The concrete crack width, concrete crack spacing and
rate, concrete temperature, concrete strain, and GFRP strain
Performance of GFRP-CRCP after 6 Years were examined, with the following results:
1. Environmental conditions and traffic demand greatly influ-
The latest site investigation was conducted in September 2019. enced the cracking behavior of the steel-CRCP and
The visit was again carried out in collaboration with the MTQ’s GFRP-CRCP.

© ASCE 05020004-11 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2020, 24(5): 05020004

2. The crack width of the steel-CRCP varied from 0.15 to 0.80 mm, ft = concrete indirect tensile strength (MPa);
while it varied from 0.15 to 0.60 mm for the GFRP-CRCP. L′ = distance from the longitudinal joint to the free edge of the
3. The crack width in both the GFRP-CRCP and steel-CRCP did slab (m) (i.e., for two- or three-lane highways L′ is the
not exceed the limit of 1.0 mm in AASHTO (1993). lane width);
4. The crack distribution in the steel-CRCP was largely uniform, P = required longitudinal reinforcement (%);
with groups of cracks in some locations. Pmax = maximum required longitudinal reinforcement (%);
5. The crack distribution in the GFRP-CRCP consisted of several Pmin = minimum required longitudinal reinforcement (%);
relatively widely spaced groups of cracks. X max = maximum crack spacing (m) (taken as 2.4 m);
6. The concrete temperature varied nonlinearly in the slab thick- X min = minimum crack spacing (m) (taken as 1.1 m);
ness within a range of 0.25°C–3.25°C. Z = concrete shrinkage at 28 days (mm/mm);
7. The lane with the most traffic—the center lane—had the high- αc = concrete coefficient of thermal expansion (°C−1);
Downloaded from by "University of California, Santa Barbara" on 08/01/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

est crack rate during the test period. αs = steel coefficient of thermal expansion (°C−1);
8. New equations were proposed for GFRP-CRCP design based γc = concrete density (N/mm3);
on AASHTO guidelines; however, more data are needed to σGFRP = longitudinal GFRP stress limit of 35% of the guaranteed
validate these equations. minimum tensile strength (MPa);
9. The field test results after 6 years under actual service condi- σs = longitudinal steel stress limit of 75% of the yield stress
tions revealed that the GFRP-CRCP performed competitively (MPa);
compared to the steel-CRCP. σw = wheel–load stress (MPa); and
10. Lastly, this successful field test demonstrated the effectiveness φ = reinforcement-bar diameter (mm).
of GFRP bars in CRCP over 6 years of observation under ac-
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