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Learning activity 2 – Who would I like to be?

Jhon Emmanuel Castillo Avella – I.D. 1000520641

Reference: SENA

Think about your future. What plans do you have in mind? How do you want
your life to be in the future? Write a composition about your future in which
you answer the following questions:

 Where would you like to live?

 What would you like to study?

 Where would you like to work?

 Would you like to get married and have a family? Why / why not?

 What hobbies and free time activities would you like to do?

 What places would you like to visit when you go on holidays?

My dreams in the future

I would like to live in Seoul (South Korea), because it has an incredible

architecture, beautiful landscapes and a lot of trees with pink leaves. But,
during my old age, I would like to live in quiet cities in Latin America. For
example Montevideo or Colonia in Uruguay, because these cities are perfect
for the old people.

Actually, I’m studying pharmaceutical chemistry at El Bosque University

and I’m taking some virtual courses at SENA. After I finish these studies, I
would like to continue my academic training. I want to learn some
languages like English, Chinese and Portuguese. By learning these
languages, I could study a pharmacy specialization at international
universities in the US, China or Brazil.

I would like to work for NARS Cosmetics. Pharmacists can work in

cosmetics manufacturing and I would like to be a worker in it. Also I would
like to work at an investigation lab, because I would like to contribute to
scientific discoveries.

I’m 18 years old. For this reason, I don’t think I would like to get married or
have a family. Actually I would like to be alone and free. In ten or more
years, I could consider the possibility of a get married or have a family.

Actually, I don’t have much time for my studies. But in the future, I would
like to practice yoga. I’m very interest in relaxation exercises. Also, I would
like to practice some extreme sports like skydiving.

I would like to visit a lot of places. I want to visit NY, Washington D.C. and
Miami in the US. However I would like to visit a places in Europe like Rome,
London and Paris. Places in Latin America like Sao Paulo, Mexico City and
Buenos Aires, and places in Asia like Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai and Hanoi.

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