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Dear Yohan,

My ever dearest Yohan, I wonder what keeps you busy lately. I hope you are successful in
guiding your district during this time of the pandemic. We haven’t talked for a while since this
phenomenon hits your district. I am so proud of you being the youngest first district representative of
the province of Pangasinan. I remember the times when we were together for the campaign period, I
recommend myself to be one of your advisers but you rejected me and told me it a man’s thing. But still,
I am so happy that you won the election. The moment that I grab the opportunity, that was offered to
me here in Sweden, you told me to just marry you and stay home. I’m sorry my love for insisting to grab
the opportunity and thank you for understanding me. I noticed that you have been busy lately, that you
have no time to talk to me at all. I always call you and message you but you kept on ignoring me. I’ve
been missing you a lot to the point that I decided to go partying with my friends. These past few weeks
that I was waiting for your response, I notice that you have been ignoring me, I hope this is not
connected on your offer for me to reject my working opportunity here in Sweden and just to marry you
and stay home.

I feel so much pain, to know that you can ignore me for such a long time. I kept on partying just
to forget the pain. I want to apologize for my past mistakes and in rejecting your offer. I also want to
open up that during those times that you have rejected my calls I meet a Swedish man named Nicolo,
who kept me companied. I am sorry I can’t tell you personally but I already feel in love with Nicolo and
he offers me to marry him, but I can’t accept it because I am still faithfully committed to you. I am again
sorry but now is the only time that I dared to tell you, that my love for you shredded like the petals of
fading roses.

I hope this can also be better for you, as what it can do for me. We grew apart, just like the
distance we have. I feel in love with Nicolo because he supports me to grow more and boost my self-
steam even if I’m a woman. He offered me to marry his but not like your offer, you want me to marry
you and stay at home, Nicolo wants me to marry him and still pursue my life goals. He pushes me to
achieve my goals, he treats me like his princess, not like our relationship he listens to my side of the
story, he introduces me in the equal rights of men and women, in our relationship there is no
supremacy, he treats me fairly as a woman. He never rejects my suggestions and advice. Don’t get me
wrong I have loved you dearly, but like what I said, even love stories in fairytales have an ending, and
this might be the end of our story.

I still hope you be can be more successful in serving your district. I honestly suggest, maybe next
time you can also be fair for women around you. Women are fragile and knowledgeable. Women’s
imagination is creative don’t limit your ideas about women, just because of their gender. Base it on their
knowledge and their heart. I also hope you can find the right girl for you, I wish you treat her well don’t
limit her opportunities, respect her rights, and treat her equally, you don’t know, but maybe she might
be helpful for you to serve your community to be more productive.

Again, my love, this is not goodbye I hope we can still befriend and share ideas to help each
other grow and be more mature.

Yours truly,

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