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Vasudevan M V

August 25, 2020

(1) Two spin half fermions interact via the potential
V (r ) = b~S1 .~S2 . The contribution to the potential in triplet or
singlet state is [SET]
(1) Two spin half fermions interact via the potential
V (r ) = b~S1 .~S2 . The contribution to the potential in triplet or
singlet state is [SET]
2h i
~S1 .~S2 = ~ S(S + 1) − S1 (S1 + 1) − S2 (S2 + 1) (1)
b~2 h 3 3i 3b~2
Singlet, S = 0 ⇒ V (r ) = 0− − =− (2)
2 4 4 4
b~2 h 3 3 i b~2
Triplet, S = 1 ⇒ V (r ) = 1− − = (3)
2 4 4 4
(2) An electron in 2 P 1 state of hydrogen atom can make electric
dipole transition to [SET]
(a) 2 P3/2 (b)2 D5/2 (c)2 F3/2 (d)2 S1/2
(2) An electron in 2 P 1 state of hydrogen atom can make electric
dipole transition to [SET]
(a) 2 P3/2 (b)2 D5/2 (c)2 F3/2 (d)2 S1/2

∆L = ±1, ∆S = 0, ∆J = 0, ±1 J = 0 9 J = 0 (4)
2 2
P1/2 −→ S1/2 ⇒ Allowed (5)
(3) One hundred cards are each numbered from 1 to 100 the prob.
that randomly selected card has digit 5 is [SET]
(3) One hundred cards are each numbered from 1 to 100 the prob.
that randomly selected card has digit 5 is [SET]

Prob. = (6)
(4) Comprared to hydrogen, He+ has ground state radius? [a-Bohr
(a)a/2 (b) a (c) a/4 (d) a
(4) Comprared to hydrogen, He+ has ground state radius? [a-Bohr
(a)a/2 (b) a (c) a/4 (d) a

h2 0 a
r= 2
⇒ rHe + = (7)
πmZe 2
(5) The distribution whose mean and variance are equal is [SET]
(a) B.D (b) P.D (c) normal (d) chi-square
(5) The distribution whose mean and variance are equal is [SET]
(a) B.D (b) P.D (c) normal (d) chi-square
(6) The state of a hydrogen atom electron is given by

1 h i
Ψ= √ ψ100 + 3ψ211 − ψ210 − ψ21,−1 (8)
Average value of Lz is?
(6) The state of a hydrogen atom electron is given by

1 h i
Ψ= √ ψ100 + 3ψ211 − ψ210 − ψ21,−1 (9)
Average value of Lz is?

hΨ| |Ψi = 1 (10)

hLz i = ml ~ (11)
16 9 1 1 8
hLz i = × 0~ + ×1×~+ × 0~ + × −~ = ~ (12)
27 27 27 27 27
(7) Consider an ensemble of 4000 identical 1-D boxes each of
which are infinite potential wells of width L. Each box has an
identical particle ψ = N sin3 . Where N is the normalization
constant. About how many of these systems will give energy
9π 2 ~2
(a)400 (b) 800 (c) 500 (d) 1000
(7) Consider an ensemble of 4000 identical 1-D boxes each of
which are infinite potential wells of width L. Each box has an
identical particle ψ = N sin3 . Where N is the normalization
constant. About how many of these systems will give energy
9π 2 ~2
(a)400 (b) 800 (c) 500 (d) 1000

4 sin3 x = 3 sin(x) − sin(3x) (13)

h3  πx  1  3πx i
ψ = N sin − sin (14)
4 L r4 L
2  nπx 
φn = sin (15)
h3rL r
1 L i
ψ=N φ1 − φ3 (16)
4 2 4 2
r r
ψ = 3N φ1 − N φ3 (17)
32 32

2L N 2L L 1
hψ|ψi = 9N + =1⇒N =√ (18)
32 32 32 10
3 1
ψ = √ φ1 − √ φ3 (19)
10 10
1 1
P(n = 3) = ⇒ 4000 × = 400 (20)
10 10
(8) The energy of excited state of He atom (1s 1 2s 1 ) is ? [SET]
(a) Same in singlet and triplet (b) higher in singlet
(c) Higher in triplet (d) No triplet state exist
(8) The energy of excited state of He atom (1s 1 2s 1 ) is ? [SET]
(a) Same in singlet and triplet (b) higher in singlet
(c) Higher in triplet (d) No triplet state exist

1s 1 2s 1 ⇒ L = 0, S = 1, 0, J = 1, 0 (21)
3 1
S1 , S0 (22)

Triplet has lower energy or higher energy for singlet

(9) A molecule can exist in any one of two states S1 and S2 with
prob. 0.7 and 0.3 rept. Prob. that out of 10 molecules, 7 are in S1
state is ?
(9) A molecule can exist in any one of two states S1 and S2 with
prob. 0.7 and 0.3 rept. Prob. that out of 10 molecules, 7 are in S1
state is ?

C (n.r )p r q n−r = × (0.7)7 × (0.3)3 (23)
7! × 3!
(10) On the basis of Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity the
ground state of Sm3+ with the configuration ...4f 5 5s 2 5p 6 is
(10) On the basis of Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity the
ground state of Sm3+ with the configuration ...4f 5 5s 2 5p 6 is


D −e ≈ (24)
De (A) > De (B) (25)
νe (A) > νe (B) (26)
(12) Spin-orbital coupling of 2p state of hydrogen leads to the
formatio of following number of substates
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1
(12) Spin-orbital coupling of 2p state of hydrogen leads to the
formatio of following number of substates
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1

L = 1, S = , J = 3/2, 1/2 ⇒ 2 States (27)
(13) For a 2-D rigid rotor confined to x − y plane, the energy eigen
states are given by Ψn (φ) = √ e inφ ; n = 0, ±1 ± 2 ± 3, ...and φ

is the planar angle. The electric dipole transition selection rule is
given by?
(a) ∆n = 0, ±1 (b) ∆n = 0, +1 (c) ∆n = ±1 (d) ∆n = 0, −1
(13) For a 2-D rigid rotor confined to x − y plane, the energy eigen
states are given by Ψn (φ) = √ e inφ ; n = 0, ±1 ± 2 ± 3, ...and φ

is the planar angle. The electric dipole transition selection rule is
given by?
(a) ∆n = 0, ±1 (b) ∆n = 0, +1 (c) ∆n = ±1 (d) ∆n = 0, −1
Dipole operator for charge q is Ô = qx = qR cos φ. Transition
matrix element isR

hΨm | Ô |Ψn i ⇒ 0 e i(n−m)φ cos( φdφ =

R 2π i(n−m)φ e + e
h −iφ i 6= 0 if m − n ± 1 = 0
0 e 2
dφ = .
= 0 if m − n ± 1 6= 0
The selection rule is ∆n = ±1.
(14) Pure vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecules occur
(a) Molecule has centre of symmetry
(b) It exhibit change in polarizability
(c) It has permanent dipole moment
(d) It has no magnetic moment
(14) Pure vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecules occur
(a) Molecule has centre of symmetry
(b) It exhibit change in polarizability
(c) It has permanent dipole moment
(d) It has no magnetic moment
Permanent dipole momet⇒ Hetero nuclear⇒ Ans:C
(15) The number of zeeman lines for 2 D3/2 −→ 2 P3/2 transition
(15) The number of zeeman lines for 2 D3/2 −→ 2 P3/2 transition
(16) Which of the following transition is not possible?

(a) 2 F5/2 −→ 2 D5/2 (28)

(b) 2 D3/2 −→ 2 P1/2 (29)
2 2
(c) D3/2 −→ S1/2 (30)
2 2
(d) P1/2 −→ S1/2 (31)
(16) Which of the following transition is not possible?

∆S = 0, ∆L = ±1 ∆J = 0, ±1, J = 0 9 J = 0 (32)
2 2
(a) F5/2 −→ D5/2 (33)
2 2
(b) D3/2 −→ P1/2 (34)
(c) 2 D3/2 −→ 2 S1/2 ⇒ X (35)
2 2
(d) P1/2 −→ S1/2 (36)
(17) A coin is loaded such that the heads occur twice frequent
than tail. A second coin is usual unbiased one. Find the prob. that
simultaneous throw of both gives two tails?
(17) A coin is loaded such that the heads occur twice frequent
than tail. A second coin is usual unbiased one. Find the prob. that
simultaneous throw of both gives two tails?

Biased ⇒ P(H) = 2P(T )(37)

P(H) + P(T ) = 1 = 2P(T ) + P(T ) = 3P(T ) = 1 ⇒ P(T ) = (38)
1 1 1
P(TI TII ) = × = (39)
3 2 6
(18) How many normal modes of vibrations does water molecule
(18) How many normal modes of vibrations does water molecule
For linear 3N-5 and for non-linear 3N-6 modes of vibrations.
Non-linear water has 3 × 3 − 6 = 3 modes of vibrations.
(19) Consider a system of spin-half particles. Suppose that
B~ ~ c
H =A+ S1 .S2 + (S1z + S2z )
~2 ~
Ground state is given by [Oregon]
(19) Consider a system of spin-half particles. Suppose that
B~ ~ c
H =A+ S1 .S2 + (S1z + S2z )
~2 ~
Ground state is given by [Oregon]

Bh i
E =A+ S(S + 1) − S1 (S1 + 1) − S2 (S2 + 1) + c(ms1 + ms2 )(40)
For g.s ⇒ S = 0, Ms = ms1 + ms2 = 0(41)
1 1
ms1 = ± ms2 = ∓ (42)
2 2
Bh 3 3i 3B
Eg .s = A + 0− − + C (0) = A − (43)
2 4 4 4
(20) The energies of n=1,2,3,4 levels of hydrogen atom are given.
Assume electron is in intially 4p state. Mark all possible allowed
electric dipole transition
(20) The energies of n=1,2,3,4 levels of hydrogen atom are given.
Assume electron is in intially 4p state. Mark all possible allowed
electric dipole transition
(21) Hydrogen atom has energy E = − 2 with degeracy 2n2 . Let
at temp. T the ratio of prob. of electron being in level 2 to that in
P2 R
level 1 is = 0.01. Find
(21) Hydrogen atom has energy E = − 2 with degeracy 2n2 . Let
at temp. T the ratio of prob. of electron being in level 2 to that in
P2 R
level 1 is = 0.01. Find

P2 8 × e 4KT 3R 1
= R = 4e − 4KT = (44)
P1 2 × e KT 100
R 4
= ln(400) (45)
KT 3
(22) Consider three particles each of which may be found wither in
spin up or spin down state. What is the prob. that any two of
these can have same spin [oregon]
(22) Consider three particles each of which may be found wither in
spin up or spin down state. What is the prob. that any two of
these can have same spin [oregon]
Two configuratios with all three having same spin.
6 3
P(any two have same spin)= =
8 4
(23) Suppose someone offers you an amount of $150 for each ”6”
that turn up on 30 rolls. What is the expected amount you gain
(23) Suppose someone offers you an amount of $150 for each ”6”
that turn up on 30 rolls. What is the expected amount you gain

Mean = np = 30 × =5 (46)
Average amount = 150 × 5 = $750 (47)
(24) In presence of L-S coupling the 2p3d state of carbon atoms
forms different terms states. Among the possible radiative dipole
transitions to the ground state of configuration 2p 2 , the lowest
energy one is [Nebraska]
(24) In presence of L-S coupling the 2p3d state of carbon atoms
forms different terms states. Among the possible radiative dipole
transitions to the ground state of configuration 2p 2 , the lowest
energy one is [Nebraska]

2p3d ⇒ L = 3, 2, 1 S = 1, 0 J =? (48)
3 3 3 1 1 1
F4,3,2 , D3,2,1 , P2,1,0 , F3 , D2 , P1 (49)
∆L = ±1, ∆S = 0, ∆J = 0, ±1 J = 0 9 J = 0 (50)
2 3
2p ⇒ P0 (51)
3 3
Lowest energy ⇒ D1 −→ P0 (52)

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